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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fossil åkermarks synlighet i LIDAR : fossil åkermarks visuella potential iförhållande till vanliga typer av marktäcket / Fossil field visibility in LIDAR : the visual potential of Fossil arable land in relation to common types of ground cover.

Gustafsson, Emmy, Olsson, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
Uppmärksamheten och intresset för LIDAR data har blivit stort under 2000-talet. Som en väletablerad fjärranalysmetod uppvisar den resultat att studera och den kritisk frågan är ”Hur bra är egentligen resultatet att studera?”. I flera tidigare publiceringar infinner sig ofta en okritisk och positiv inställning till tekniken. Fördelaktiga resultat framhävs istället för helhets kritiska granskningar. Tidigt i processen finns det en rad olika aspekter, som kan utgöra störningsmoment. Hur inskanningen av LIDAR gemoförs, samt efterbehandlingens process. Den valda fornlämningstypen fossil åkermark, kan bli problematisk. Den fossila åkermarkens komplexa systemen kan med felaktiga visualisering döljas. Att kombinera höjdmodeller utifrån Hillshade och Slope förhindrar att den fossila åkermarkens system döljs. En annan aspekt att ta i beräkning är vegetationen. I vår frågeställning vill vi undersöka hur vanliga marktyper påverkar synligheten. Vi valde att utgå från Naturvårdsverkets marktäckesdata och har där tittat på tre olika marktyper. Granskog (utanför våtmark), Ädellövskog (utanför våtmark) och Temporärt ej skog (utanför våtmark). Av de tre marktyperna uppvisar Temporärt ej skog (utanför våtmark) svårigheter i samband med visualiseringen, kvalitén för markytan i höjdmodellaren skiftar avsevärt. Granskog (utanför våtmark) har möjligheter, däremot kan resultaten vara skiftande. Ädellövskog (utanför våtmark) har enklast material att tolka, med tydliga lämningar som tidigare inte vart registrerade hos FMIS. / The attention and interest in LIDAR data has grown considerably during the 2000s. As a well-established distance analysis method, it presents results to study and the critical question is "How good is the result to study?". I several previous publications there often is an uncritical and positive attitude to the technology. Beneficial results are emphasized instead of critical reviews of the whole technology. Early in the process, there are several different aspects, which can be disruptive moments. How the scan of LIDAR is organized, as well as the post-treatment process. The chosen ancient type of fossil arable land can be problematic. The complex systems of the fossil farmland can be hidden with incorrect visualization. Combining altitude models based on Hillshade and Slope prevents the fossil farmland system from being concealed. Another aspect to consider is vegetation. In our question we want to investigate how common types of vegetation affect visibility. We chose to use the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's ground cover data and have looked at three different vegetation types. Spruce forest (outside wetland), Nobel deciduous forest (outside wetland) and Temporary non forest (outside wetland). Of the three vegetation types, Temporary non forest (outside wetland) presents difficulties in visualization, the quality of the ground surface in the height model varies considerably. Spruce forest (outside wetlands) has opportunities, however the results can be varied. Noble deciduous forest (outside wetland) has the simplest material for interpreting, with remains that have not previously been registered with FMIS.

Ecnomic value of water for Agriculture, Hydropower and Domestic Use : A case study of the Lunsemfwa catchment, Zambia

Phiri, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
The Lunsemfwa river catchment is of paramount importance to the Zambian economy, particularly with regards to energy, agricultural and water for domestic, as well as wildlife. Water shortages during dry spells in the area present a huge problem for the various stakeholders in the basin. As the impact of climate variability increases in the basin, water resources managers in the basin are increasing challenged to efficiently allocate decreasing reserves of water resources against increasing levels of demand. This paper attempts to highlight the value of water resources to the earlier mentioned sectors; hydropower, agriculture and households, in order to inform allocation decisions in the Lunsemfwa catchment area of Zambia. The paper uses the SDDP method to investigate the average cost of electricity production, coupled with market electricity prices to ascertain the value of a unit of electricity given reservoir outflow levels. The PF method was used to evaluate the marginal value of water is agriculture, while the value of water for domestic consumers was evaluated using the Contingent Valuation method, particularly the willingness to pay, which essentially uses market prices to represent the consumers’ willingness to pay. A value of US$93/MWh is attached to hydropower produced here, while the marginal value of water in agriculture is estimated to be US$0.068/m3. The willingness to pay for connection to piped water is approximately US$34.13, while the monthly value is US$6.9. The Gross Financial Value (GFV) generated from hydropower, agriculture and domestic water supply is US$24,174,000, US$ 262,083,045.91 and $7,140,000.00 respectively.

Ingaröåsens lämplighet för återinfiltration av vatten från sjön Återvallsträsk, Värmdö kommun

Pegestam, Ebba January 2020 (has links)
Grundvatten är ett hett ämne i dagens samhälle, speciellt då grundvattenbristen är mer förekommande vid varma och torra somrar. Det är nog många som minns sommaren 2018 där det mättes rekord i temperatur och soltimmar, men även i låga grundvattennivåer.  De rådande klimatförändringarna medför mer extrema väder där samhället, inklusive kommunerna, behöver anpassa sig och öka beredskapen. Värmdö kommun är en av dessa kommuner, som vill se över dricksvattentillgångarna och säkra dricksvattnet för en kommande klimatförändring och befolkningsökning. Kommunen ligger i Stockholm skärgård där många från Stockholm har sina fritidsboenden, men nu ökar även permanenta boende för varje år. För att säkra dricksvattenförsörjningen, inte endast inför klimatförändringar, utan även för större befolkning behöver de tänka ut ett alternativ för att öka dricksvattenresurserna om det skulle behövas.  Ett alternativ är att pumpa upp vatten från sjön Återvallsträsk på Ingarö, och låta det infiltrera i Ingaröåsen genom infiltrationsbassänger. Kommunen använder sig redan av Ingaröåsen för dricksvattenanvändningen genom tre brunnar belägna vid Fladen, Rosenmalm och Fågelvik, men alternativet är att utöka åsens resurser för ett större grundvattenmagasin. Ingaröåsen är en rullstensås som består av sorterat och rundat material vilket lämpar sig bra åt dräneringsalternativ då vattnet lätt infiltrerar marken utan att det stannar kvar i porerna.  Kandidatarbetets syfte är att, utifrån kemiska analyser och kornstorleksanalys, samt litteraturstudier, undersöka om Ingaröåsen som är placerad i närheten av Återvallsträsk lämpar sig för en återinfiltration av ytvatten från sjön Återvallsträsk. Studien undersöker även om kvaliteten på sjön lämpar sig för att återinfiltreras. Kandidatarbetet är en del av ett större arbete som Geoveta utför. Geoveta är ett konsultbolag som inriktar sig på miljö-och geovetenskapsfrågor och problem kopplade till det. Litteraturstudien gjordes för att ta fram information om åsens uppbyggnad, tillkomst, problem kopplade till åsen som deponier och täkter. Fältarbetet innebar att åsen inventerades, jord och vattenprover togs för både kemisk analys och mekanisk torrsiktning för att analysera jordartens uppbyggnad.  Materialet i Ingaröåsen består främst av sand och då mest mellan- och finsand med ensgraderat och sorterat material. Kemiska analysen på jordmaterialet påvisade att kvaliteten var god utan några anmärkningar. Sjön Återvallsträsket har visat sig ha goda möjligheter för en konstgjord infiltration, men analyserna visade på förhöjda halter av bakterier och organiskt material vilket inte är så lämpligt för dricksvattenanvändning.  Slutsatsen är att Ingaröåsen lämpar sig för infiltration av ytvatten i och med dess goda kvalitet och att de bör återanvända den gamla infiltrationsanläggningen som redan finns vid Rosenmalm. Dels eftersom det är störst jorddjup där och dels att grundvattnet flödar neråt mot fladen därifrån. Återvallsträsk behöver analyseras vidare och sedan utredas om bakteriehalterna är för höga eller om det går att åtgärda innan det infiltreras i åsen. Den förhöjda halten av organiskt material bör gå att åtgärdas genom luftning av vattnet i bassängerna. / The question about groundwater in today’s society is a controversial subject where the current climate change leads to more extreme weather and the society has to increase the readiness to it.  Värmdö kommun has taken action to this and has given Geoveta the work to determine if it is possible to re-infiltrate water from the lake Återvallsträsk into the esker on Ingarö. This bachelor’s work is a small project within the larger one and aiming to investigate if the esker on Ingarö is suitable for re-infiltration from the lake Återvallsträsk. This work includes a literature study in order to get information about the structure of the esker and origin and problems linked to it used for landfills and gravel pits. It also includes a field study where soil and water samples were taken to be analyzed in a chemistry lab and for dry sieving to see what the samples contains and how the particle size distribution is formed. The material in the esker contains mostly sand and some gravel and the quality turned out fine. The quality in the lake turned out to not be so good, containing elevated levels of bacteria and organic material.  The conclusion is that the esker is suited for re-infiltration of lake water, but the lake needs to be continuously tested again and further analyzed and determine if the elevated levels of organic material and bacteria can be reduced.

China's Social Credit System and Pro-Environmental Behaviour

Small, Michael January 2019 (has links)
Climate change is an enormous challenge which, if not addressed will have detrimental impacts across the globe. This problem is largely produced by human behaviour. Therefore, strategies aimed at influencing behaviour are necessary in addressing this issue. Governments are currently utilising informational campaigns, rewards, penalties, nudging and structural changes to influence pro-environmental behaviour. Although these methods are creating change, it is far from sufficient to address the massive and urgent issue of climate change. Therefore, alternative strategies should be considered. As such, this thesis aims to explore the effectiveness and the extent to which the Social Credit System, as it is being developed in China, can be considered an alternative strategy for producing pro-environmental behaviour. A framework to analyse and describe the SCS was developed by executing a literature review of key environmental behaviour models and intervention strategies aimed at producing pro-environmental behaviour. It concludes that the Social Credit System utilises a variety of methods similar to the behaviour models and interventions reviewed in this thesis, especially as far as rewards and punishments are concerned. However, surveillance stands out as a distinct means of intervention that is not utilised outside China to produce pro-environmental behaviour. The discussion suggests that this aspect of the system might be effective in contributing to address the challenge of climate change due to its coercive nature.

Consumer Behaviour in Collaborative Consumption : A study of sustainable consumption behavioural change on the online sharing platforms for products

He, Lei January 2020 (has links)
The urgency for a drastic reduction in greenhouse gas emission is emphasised in the new Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in order to maintain the security and sustainable development of humanity. As proposed in the report, changing individual consumption behaviour can considerably alleviate the environmental impact of consumption and emissions. However, transforming individual to sustainable consumption behaviour has proven over time to be a challenging task involving all aspects of the society and industry. Sharing practice is a form of collaborative consumption proven to be applicable in fulfilling user needs with minimised environmental impact and material consumption as well as creating a sustainable consumption behaviour. A case study is conducted on the online peer-to-peer stuff sharing platform to discover what challenges users to perform sharing practice, what influences the participation in sharing practice, and what strategy a platform can have to stimulate the participation in sharing practice. The method of this thesis is a qualitative content analysis of the user reviews from the online stuff sharing platform, and the approach is inspired by grounded theory. The findings of the thesis present the difficulties of platform users in sharing practice, i.e. information transparency, arrangement, quality, security, and user knowledge. Also, the findings state the factors underlying identified difficulties, namely social presence, competence in sharing practice, and platform responsibility. The study concludes with strategies that can be applied for optimising sharing practice and platform. Besides, the initiative of the platform is highlighted to create transformation toward sustainable consumption behaviour. Otherwise, the development of sharing practice can be jeopardised. Besides, further research is necessary to establish a holistic outlook of sharing practice and facilitating the transformation toward sustainable consumption.

Smart Grids and Turkey: An Overview of the Current Power System and Smart Grid Development

Keskin, Müge January 2021 (has links)
Successful integration of the smart grids is crucial for ensuring the efficiency, resiliency, and sustainability of future power systems. With a 46.53% increase in total primary energy supply between 2008 and 2018 (IEA, 2020a), Turkey has the fastest-growing energy market within OECD countries (Erdin and Ozkaya, 2019).Though, Turkey’s current electrical grid faces many challenges; such as high loss rates from the transmission and distribution lines (Damar, 2016; Düzgün, 2018; IBRD/The World Bank, 2016; TEİAŞ, 2019), frequent power outages (Guner and Ozdemir, 2011; Öztürk, 2017; Yanılmaz, 2016) and several incidents of large-scale blackouts (OECD/IEA, 2016; Project Group Turkey, 2015). Smart grid technologies can address Turkey’s power system’s challenges with a holistic approach, as the smart grid does not have a strict definition yet but has distinctive characteristics. This paper provides an overview of Turkey’s current electric power system’s challenges while analyzing Turkey’s progress up to the present day towards the smart grid transition. Also, in order to summarize fundamental smart grid technologies globally, a smart grid framework was designed. Founded upon the framework; Turkey’s previous actions for its power system development were assessed from the smart grid perspective, and further steps were proposed to accomplish a successful smart grid transition. Country-specific remarks regarding the electrical grid were highlighted, such as the risk of terrorism, high seismic activity in the region, and emerging nuclear power in the country. As a result, it is concluded that Turkey has initiated the process towards the smart grid transition not only to achieve a “smart grid ideal” but mainly to meet its growing energy demands. Furthermore, it is also concluded that if the smart grid technologies’ scope could be extended throughout the country, Turkey would overcome the challenges with its power system in short to medium-term.

Nederbördsintensitet och andra faktorer som påverkar skyfallsskador / Rainfall intensity and other flood damage affecting factors

Blumenthal, Barbara January 2018 (has links)
I Sverige inträffar många skyfall och intensiva regn under sommarmånaderna. Det finns inga uppenbara geografiska mönster, vilket är en skillnad gentemot älv- eller sjööversvämningar där det vanligtvis är känt vilka områden som kan komma att översvämmas vid en viss vattennivå eller ett visst vattenflöde. För individer och samhällsaktörer innebär en skyfallshändelse i många fall en stor överraskning då skyfall utvecklas snabbt och dagens meteorologiska prognossystem i stort inte lyckas att prognosticera extrema regn korrekt med avseende på mängd, tid och plats. Vädervarningar kommer med kort varsel eller uteblir helt. Konsekvenserna av intensiv nederbörd och skyfall är främst översvämningar och erosionsskador på byggnader och infrastruktur, men även störningar och avbrott i olika samhällsfunktioner som kan påverka samhället och individer utanför det drabbade området. I denna avhandling har 15 år av försäkringsskadedata använts för att undersöka samband mellan nederbördsintensitet och skyfallsskador. Även påverkan av andra faktorer som topografi, bebyggelse och socioekonomiska aspekter har undersökts. Resultaten visar att regnintensitet under ett 60 minuters intervall i kombination med korta perioder av extrem intensitet, tillsammans med topografiska faktorer spelar en betydande roll vid uppkomsten av skador.

Applying a Strategic Sustainable Development Lens to Supplier Network Collaboration

Gren, Kristina, Lotfalian, Ashkan, Ahmadi, Hassibullah January 2020 (has links)
A company cannot be more sustainable than its supply chain. Given their complexity and the need for collaborative, strategic action for sustainability across supplier networks this research takes a systems perspective to answer, “How can a Strategic Sustainable Development (SSD) lens support supplier network collaboration towards sustainability?”.The application of the SSD lens includes mapping barriers and enablers to collaboration for sustainability found in literature and a case company along with the Five-Level Model (5LM) to which we add complex adaptive system elements. Based on this a thematic analysis of the barriers and enablers is performed paper presents results of the 5LM and thematic analysis, finding that taking an SSD perspective shows interconnections across the multiple enablers and barriers to collaboration. The challenges encountered during 5LM along with the results implications for the Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) academic field and practitioners are discussed. We conclude that the variety and complexity of barriers and enablers for collaboration make it important to approach sustainability strategically across the supplier network. The SSD perspective supports collaboration for sustainability by providing an opportunity to examine it from a systems perspective and to formulate prescriptive considerations for the case company and guiding questions for SSCM practitioners.

Flood Warnings in a Risk Management Context : A Case of Swedish Municipalities

Persson, Erik January 2015 (has links)
As a result of the United Nations’ International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (1990-2000), and recent high profile disasters, disaster risk reduction has climbed high on the international political agenda. There has been a paradigm shift from reacting to disasters towards preparing for and mitigating effects of disasters. Among the measures that have been highlighted on the disaster risk reduction agenda are early warning systems. In a Swedish context, there are needs for early warnings for various flood risk types. Municipalities carry big responsibilities for managing flood risks, and early warnings have a potential to facilitate decision-making and ultimately reduce flood losses. The aim of this thesis is to describe how a variety of flood warning signals are used in the risk management process of Swedish municipalities, how they can contribute to the flood risk reducing process, and which factors influence the success of this. The thesis is based on two papers. Paper I is based on interviews with three respondents from Swedish municipalities that have invested in and established local early warning systems. The paper shows that the possible effects from a local early warning system are not only reduced flood losses but also potential spinoff, the occurrence of which is dependent on the well-being of the organisation and its risk management processes. Paper II is based on interviews with 23 respondents at 18 Swedish municipalities, who have responsibilities related to flood risk management, and one respondent who works at SMHI with hydrological warning. The paper shows that municipalities can use a variety of complementary flood warning signals to facilitate decision-making for a proactive flood response. This is however not systematically the case, and is dependent on available resources. The theoretical contribution of this thesis is a development of existing conceptual models of early warning systems with respect to risk management and system contexts, and the use of complementary warning signals. / Following the United Nations’ International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (1990-2000), and recent high profile disasters, disaster risk reduction has climbed high on the international political agenda. Among the measures that have been highlighted are early warning systems – for Swedish municipalities who are responsible for managing flood risks, early warnings have a potential to facilitate decision-making and ultimately reduce flood losses. This licentiate thesis, based on two articles, aims to describe how a variety of flood warning signals are used in the risk management process of Swedish municipalities, how they can contribute to the flood risk reducing process, and which factors influence the success of this. The articles show that the possible effects from a local early warning system are not only reduced flood losses but also potential spin-off benefits, the occurrence of which is dependent on factors such as organisational culture and the functioning of the wider risk management system, and that municipalities can use a variety of complementary flood warning signals to facilitate decision-making for a proactive flood response which, however, is not systematically the case as benefits are dependent on available resources.

Översilningsytors potential att rena lakvatten från PFAS

Larsson, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Poly- and perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs) is a group of more than 5000 different substances, of which all consist of a fluorinated carbon chain resulting in a strong bond. Most of these substances are shown to be persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic for both humans and the environment. Furthermore, PFASs are used in a variety of products such as coatings of textiles, firefighting foam and food packaging, which all pose as potential sources of PFASs in the environment. Present studies have found leachate to be one of the largest sources of PFASs in the environment. Therefore, research on possible removal techniques for PFASs in leachate is required. This study focuses on overland flow areas and their potential to remediate PFASs in leachate. The occurrence of PFASs in incoming and outgoing water was examined at four waste facilities in Sweden, as well as the concentrations in soil and plants upstream and downstream. Water samples were collected once a day for five days. Plant and soil samples were collected once, distributing the samples over the upstream and downstream area and investigating possible mechanisms for PFAS uptake as well as the spatial variation of PFAS uptake.  The samples were then analyzed by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography - Tandem Mass Spectrometer (UPLC-MS/MS) at a commercial laboratory (Eurofins). The analysis showed a significant increase in the concentration of PFAS11 in the leachate after the overland flow area at one of the facilities. At the other three facilities, the analysis presented no significant changes in PFAS11 concentrations. Concentrations of all 11 PFASs were detected in the leachate at three out of four facilities. PFCAs were the dominating group. Furthermore, all 11 PFASs were detected in the majority of the soil samples, where PFOS was the dominating substance due to its relatively long carbon chain and high distribution coefficient. Plant samples from the facilities had high concentrations of PFBA, PFPeA, PFHxA and 6:2 FTS, which may be explained by their short carbon chain and hydrophilic features. This study also showed a significant variation in emissions of PFASs between the facilities. However, relatively high emissions of PFBA, PFPeA, PFHxA, PFHpA and PFOA were detected at all facilities. An estimation of overland flow areas as a removal technique for PFASs in leachate, by harvesting the plant biomass, showed a potential removal of 0,03-0,3 %, which does not motivate an expansion of the current overland flow areas at these facilities. / Poly- och perfluorerade alkylsubstanser (PFAS) är en grupp på över 5000 olikaämnen. Gemensamt för alla PFAS är att de består av en fluorerad kolkedja, vilket ger upphov till en mycket stark bindning. Alla dessa ämnen är mer eller mindre persistenta, bioackumulerande och toxiska för människor och miljön. De når miljön från flera olika källor, så som exempelvis impregnering i textilprodukter, brandsläckningsskum och livsmedelsförpackningar. Studier har visat att lakvatten kan vara en av de största källorna till PFAS i miljön idag, vilket motiverar en undersökning av reningsmöjligheter för PFAS i lakvatten. I denna studie har översilningsytors potential som reningsmetod för PFAS i lakvatten undersökts. Provtagning har skett vid fyra avfallsanläggningar i Sverige, där inkommande samt utgående vatten vid översilningsytan har provtagits. Vattenproverna togs som ett samlingsprov över fem dagar. Även växt- och jordprov har tagits som samlingsprov vid inlopp respektive utlopp vid ytan vid ett tillfälle, för att undersöka var och hur avskiljningen av PFAS sker.  Proverna har sedan analyserats med Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography - Tandem Mass Spectrometer (UPLC-MS/MS) vid ett kommersiellt laboratorium (Eurofins). Resultatet av denna analys visade på en tydlig ökning av PFAS11 i lakvattnet efter översilningsytorna vid en av anläggningarna. Vid de tre resterande anläggningarna detekterades ingen tydlig skillnad. Vid tre av fyra avfallsanläggningar detekterades halter av samtliga 11 PFAS i lakvattnet, där PFCA-ämnen var den dominerande gruppen. I majoriteten av jordproverna från anläggningarna hittades halter av samtliga 11 PFAS. Samtliga jordprov domineras av PFOS. Detta förklaras av dess långa kolkedja och höga Kd-värde (fördelningskoefficient), vilket gör att PFOS ackumuleras i jord. Analysen av växtprov från anläggningarna visar på höga halter PFBA, PFPeA, PFHxA och 6:2 FTS, vilket kan förklaras av deras korta kolkedja, vilket gör dem mer hydrofila och därmed mer mobila i växter. I studien visades även att stora variationer i utsläppta mängder PFAS finns mellan olika avfallsanläggningar. Ett relativt högt massflöde av PFBA, PFPeA, PFHxA, PFHpA och PFOA kunde dock ses vid samtliga anläggningar. En uppskattning av översilningsytornas potential att rena lakvatten från PFAS genom skörd av biomassa visar på en potentiell avskiljning på 0,03-0,3 %, vilket ej motiverar en uppskalning av anläggningarnas översilningsytor.

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