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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestaltspelterapeutiese riglyne vir die hantering van die kind wat verlies ervaar: 'n pastorale perspektief

Hoffmann, Sherene Faye 30 November 2005 (has links)
In Gestalplaytherapy there is a need for guidelines with a pastoral perspective for the child that is experiencing loss. This research is undertaken to set Gestaltplaytherapeutic guidelines with a pastoral perspective for the therapeutic intervention of the primary school child who is experiencing loss due to the death of a loved one. The study consulted relevant literature and compared the literature study with experience acquired in practice. The impact of the loss that the child is experiencing has an influence on the child as a whole. The researcher has found that the Christian child's experience of loss due to the death of a loved one is influenced greatly by the child's spiritual experience. For this reason it is necessary that Gestaltplaytherapy includes a pastoral approach within the therapeutic setting when working with a child experiencing loss due to the death of a loved one. / In Gestaltspelterapie is daar 'n leemte aan riglyne vanuit 'n pastorale perspektief wat die kind wat verlies ervaar kan begelei. Hierdie navorsing het ten doel om Gestalspelterapeutiese riglyne met 'n pastorale perspektief daar te stel vir die hantering van die laerskoolkind wat verlies ervaar as gevolg van die dood van 'n geliefde. Die studie ondersoek die kind se geestelike belewing van verlies deur middel van navorsing in relevante literatuur en vergelyk dit met praktiese ervaring wat opgedoen is in die praktyk. Die impak van die verlies wat die laerskoolkind ervaar as gevolg van die dood van 'n geliefde raak sy totale menswees. Die navorser het waargeneem dat die Christenkind se ervaring en verwerking van die dood van 'n geliefde ook deur sy geestelike belewing beinvloed word. Daarom is dit nodig dat die kind wat verlies ervaar ook op die pastorale vlak binne die Gestaltspelterapeutiese opset hanteer word. / Social work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Manlike identiteit: `n begeleidingsraamwerk vir vaders en hul seuns / Male identity : a guiding framework for fathers and their sons

Grobler, Hermanus Bosman 30 November 2006 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This study is aimed at the development of a guiding framework for fathers and their adolescent sons by focusing on male identity as the main binding factor in the relationship between father a and son. The establishment, as well as the confusion regarding male identity, have been stated as starting point and problem statement of the study. The need regarding the way in which the father and son can be guided within this dynamic relationship in order to establish male identity, has been stated as motivation for the study. The need regarding the guidance of fathers and their sons was thus the primary aim with the research question, namely what the most applicable factors in a guiding framework should be that would guide fathers and their sons in order to support the formation of male identity within the sons. The research methodology that has been followed, was from a Gestalt perspective as meta theoretical assumption from which qualitative, explorative and descriptive strategies were followed. The qualitative strategy consisted of an auto-ethnography and semi-structured interviews. The trustworthiness of the research has been strengthened by a quantitative component of the research by utilizing questionnaires, after which data was collected and analysed. A purposive sample was drawn that included respondents from the Drakenstein municipal area in the Boland district. Categories that were identified from data from the semi-structured interviews, as well as indicators from the questionnaires, have been integrated, from which propositions were constructed. Six themes and resulting guiding strategies were presented in the form of a guiding framework. / Hierdie studie is gerig op die ontwikkeling van 'n begeleidingsraamwerk vir vaders en hulle adolessente seuns deur te fokus op manlike identiteit as die samebindende faktor in die verhouding tussen vader en seun. Die vestiging, asook die verwarring ten opsigte van manlike identiteit, is as vertrekpunt en probleemstelling vir die studie gestel. Die behoefte ten opsigte van die manier waarop vader en seun binne hierdie dinamiese verhouding begelei kan word ten einde manlike identiteit te vestig, is as motivering vir die studie gestel. Die behoefte aan begeleiding vir vaders en huile seuns was dus die primere doel met 'n navorsingsvraag, naamlik wat die mees toepaslike faktore sal wees wat in 'n begeleidingsraamwerk aan vaders en hulle seuns leiding sal bied ten einde die vorming van manlike identiteit by die seuns te ondersteun. Die navorsingsmetodologie wat gevolg is, was vanuit die Gestaltperspekief as metateoretiese aanname waaruit kwalitatiewe, verkennende en beskrywende strategies gevolg is. Die kwalitatiewe strategie het bestaan uit 'n outoetnografie en semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude. Die vertrouenswaardigheid van die navorsing is deur 'n kwantitatiewe komponent van die navorsing versterk deur vraelyste te benut waarna data ingesamel en geanaliseer is. 'n Doelgerigte steekproef is getrek, wat respondente ingesluit het uit die Drakenstein munisipale gebied in die Boland distrik. Kategoriee wat vanuit die data van die semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude geidentifiseer is, asook indikatore vanuit die vraelyste, is geintegreer waaruit proposisies saamgestel is. Ses temas en voortspruitende begeleidingstrategiee is aangebied in die vorm van 'n begeleidingsraamwerk. / Social Work / D.Diac. (Spelterapie)

Sensoriese stimulasie van die laerskoolkind met disleksie

Swart, Elsie Susanna Elizabeth 30 November 2005 (has links)
Dyslexia is a difficulty in learning to read and write, with many implications for the children because of emotional and behavioral problems. The suspicion that they might experience problems with sensory integration as well, is confirmed in the literature. The purpose of sensory stimulation in Gestalt playtherapy is to raise the level of awareness of themselves and in this research, playtherapy was done with three primary school children with dyslexia. Information was further obtained through a literature study, semi-structured interviews and observations. It was clear that the sensory stimulation was part of the therapeutic sessions and led to thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. The qualitative characteristics which the sensations had for the children were observed and confirmed by the literature. Conclusions and recommendations were made according to the objectives of the study and this research made an important contribution to understanding the sensory awareness of children with dyslexia. Opsomming Disleksie is `n leergeremdheid met baie implikasies vir die kinders en wat kan lei tot emosionele en gedragsprobleme omdat hulle nie altyd aanvaar word deur hul portuurgroep nie. Die vermoede dat kinders met disleksie ook probleme ondervind met sensoriese integrasie, is in die literatuur bevestig. In hierdie navorsing is Gestaltspelterapie gedoen met drie laerskool kinders met disleksie om die kinders se bewussynsvlak van hulself te verhoog. Inligting is verder ingesamel deur `n literatuurstudie, waarneming en semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met kundiges en ouers. Die kwalitatiewe kenmerke wat die sensasies vir die kinders gehad het is waargeneem en dit was duidelik dat die sensoriese stimulasie wat deel van die spelterapiesessies was, aanleiding gegee het tot voorgrondse gedagtes, gevoelens en gedrag. Hierdie waarnemings is in die literatuur bevestig en gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings is volgens die doelwitte gemaak. Gevolglik het hierdie navorsing `n belangrike bydrae gelewer om die sensoriese belewenis van kinders met disleksie beter te verstaan. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Spelterapie)

The impact of the Namibian judiciary system on the child witness

Theron, Veronica Rose 08 1900 (has links)
In this study focus is placed on the Impact of the Namibian judiciary system on the sexually-abused child witness and recommendations were made to criminal justice professionals. A literature study was undertaken to establish a grounded theoretical perspective. A single case study was done to evaluate how the Gestalt Play Therapy Process can be applied to mitigate some of the negative effects the judicial system has on the child witness. An empirical study was done and a qualitative approach was utilised. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with children, their parents and criminal justice professionals. Major findings of this study are that the Namibian criminal justice system leads to further traumatization of the sexually-abused child witness and that the Gestalt Play Therapy approach can be applied to make the court proceedings less traumatic and even therapeutic for the child witness. Recommendations were formulated for criminal justice professionals / In hierdie verhandeling is gefokus op die impak van die Namibiese regstelsel op die seksueel-misbruikte kindergetuie en daar word aanbevelings gedoen aan professionele persone in die kriminele regstelsel. 'n Literatuurstudie is gedoen om 'n grondige toeretiese perspektief daar te stel. 'n Enkele gevallestudie is uitgevoer om te evalueer hoe die Gestalt Spelterapieproses toegepas kan word om die hofverrigtinge vir die kind minder traumaties te maak. 'n Empiriese studie is gedoen en 'n kwalitatiewe benadering is gebruik. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is gevoer met kinders, hulle ouers en professionele persone wat met seksueel-misbruikte kindergetuies werk. In die studie is bevind dat die Namibiese regstelsel addisionele trauma veroorsaak vir die kindergetuie en dat die Getaltspelterapiebenadering gebruik kan word om die hofervaring minder traumaties en selfs terapeuties te kan maak vir die kindergetuie. Aanbevelings is gedoen aan professionele persone wat met kindergetuies werk. / Social work / M.Diac. (Play Therapy)

The utilisation of the memory box as a medium in gestalt play therapy with AIDS orphans in middle childhood

Gough, Faye Margaret 30 November 2006 (has links)
This study aimed to test the efficacy of the memory box as a medium in Gestalt Therapy, specifically within a therapeutic group with AIDS orphans in the middle childhood phase of development. The aim was to explore and describe the utilisation of the memory box, as a medium for telling one's story, within the safety of the Gestalt play therapy group. It was felt that the increased self-awareness fostered by belonging to a supportive group could enhance self-concept. The research included qualitative and quantitative data. Theoretical and the meta-theoretical assumptions affecting children, in the middle childhood phase, orphaned through HIV/AIDS, were reviewed. The group sessions were described and the data obtained from the pre and post-test was graphically illustrated. The information was then compared to ascertain whether the objectives had been met. Results show that the memory box, used in Gestalt play therapy groups, with AIDS orphans was effective. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Play Therapy)

Verlies in die lewe van die 7-11 jarige kind in die enkelouergesin : `n pastorale perspektief.

Deppe, Ilse Liesl 28 February 2005 (has links)
The research deals with the losses the 7-11 year old child in die single parent family may experience. The research has been conducted from a practical theological (pastoral) perspective. The goal of the study was to investigate and elaborate upon the various losses the child may experience on a physical, cognitive, social, spiritual and an emotional level. In order to complement and verify the literature study, empirical methods of research were utilised. Focus groups were conducted within the framework of Gestalt Play Therapy. Parent interviews were used as an additional method of research. It became apparent, as a result of the literature and empirical studies, that the loss of a parent (whether by divorce/ abandonment/unmarried status/ death) affects the child on all levels of his/her development. Guidelines for the support of such a child are suggested. / Die navorsing handel oor die verlies(e) wat die 7-11 jarige kind in die enkelouergesin mag beleef. Die navorsing geskied vanuit 'n prakties-teologiese (pastorale) perspektief. Die doel van die studie was om die verliese wat die kind op fisiese, kognitiewe, emosionele, sosiale en geestelike vlak mag ervaar, te ondersoek en omskryf. Om die literatuurstudie aan te vul en te verifieer, al dan nie, is daar van empiriese navorsing gebruik gemaak. Fokusgroepe het plaasgevind binne 'n gestalt spelterapeutiese raamwerk. Oueronderhoude was as nog 'n wyse van ondersoek gebruik. Vanuit die literatuurstudie en empiriese navorsing het dit duidelik geword dat die verlies aan 'n ouer (vanwee egskeiding/ verlating/ongetroude status/ sterfte) die kind op al die vlakke van sy/haar ontwikkeling beinvloed. Riglyne tot ondersteuning aan hierdie kind is voorgestel. / Social work / M.Diac. (Youth Work)

Analogue drawing based on gestalt theory as coping skill for a self-injuring adolescent girl: a case study

Page, Mariana 11 1900 (has links)
This research intended to explore and describe a self-injuring adolescent girl‘s experiences of using graphic symbolic analogue drawings as an alternative coping skill for emotional expression and a creative adjustment with regard to her problems. This study investigated concepts/themes from literature, regarding the phenomenon of self-injuring in adolescents; and explored theoretical aspects of the use of art/analogue drawing as part of a Gestalt therapeutic process. Data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews before and after the therapeutic drawing interventions, by observation and feedback from the participant. Data was analysed and interpreted against the background of the participant‘s problems, focusing on themes described in literature and experiential moments of awareness/reframing. Conclusions and recommendations are made; indicating shortcomings as well. This research may contribute to the knowledge base with regard to drawing techniques as alternative therapeutic intervention and also the value thereof for finding of immediate emotional release for patients. / Hierdie navorsing het beoog om ‗n selfbeserende adolessente meisie se ervaring van die gebruik van grafiese, simboliese analogiese-tekeninge as hanteringsvaardigheid vir uitdrukking van emosionele probleme en alternatiewe kreatiewe aanpassingstegniek te ondersoek en te beskryf. Die studie het konsepte/temas oor die fenomeen van selfbeserende gedrag by adolessente in die literatuur; asook teoretiese aspekte in die gebruik van kuns/analogiese-tekeninge as deel van ‗n Gestaltterapeutiese proses ondersoek. Data is versamel by wyse van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude voor en na die tekenintervensies, deur observasies en ook terugvoer vanaf die deelnemer. Data is geanaliseer en geïnterpreteer teen die agtergrond van die deelnemer se persoonlike probleme met die fokus op temas in die literatuur en momente van eksperiële bewuswording en herformulering. Gevolgtrekkinge en aanbevelings is gemaak; insluitend tekortkominge in die studie. Die navorsing mag bydra tot die bestaande kennisbasis met betrekking tot teken-tegnieke as alternatiewe intervensies en ook die waarde daarvan vir onmiddellike emosionele verligting vir pasiënte. / Social Science / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

An investigation into the future orientation of indigent culturally diverse urban adolescents

Shelley, Debra Lorna 11 1900 (has links)
South Africa is currently experiencing rapid social change with socio-economic deprivation, influencing the future orientation of adolescents. Research indicates that a lack of future expectations affects present behaviour−diminishing the possibility of socialisation and productivity in adulthood. The objective of this study is to assess the future perceptions of indigent adolescents. The Gestalt paradigm provided the framework for defining the study. This empirical study uses a mixed methodology design combining both the quantitative and the qualitative approaches. A crosssectional survey provided the groundwork in terms of ascertaining the degree of awareness in respect of the future orientation of indigent, urban adolescents whilst a qualitative, semi-structured, one-on-one interview provided an in-depth contextualisation of the problem. The empirical study demonstrated that, although socio-economic deprivations and pervasive social issues do influence the future orientation of adolescents in South Africa, these influences have not eradicated the indigent adolescents’ motivational striving toward a positive and productive future. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Verkenning van buffer- en risikofaktore wat ’n rol speel in die ontwikkeling van gehoorgestremde kleuters / Exploring the risk and protective factors that contribute to the development of hearing-impaired toddlers

Roux, Marike 02 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Die doel van die studie is om buffer- en risikofaktore te verken wat ‟n rol in die ontwikkeling van gehoorgestremde kleuters kan speel. Gehoorgestremde kleuters presenteer met ‟n gehoorverlies, wat hul van normaalhorende kleuters onderskei. Tog beskik alle kleuters oor primêre behoeftes. Lewenskwaliteit word verbeter deur behoeftevervulling, wat die ontwikkelingsproses beïnvloed. Hierdie behoeftes word vervul deur die kleuter, asook faktore vanuit die omgewing. ‟n Literatuurstudie is onderneem as teoretiese raamwerk, wat teorieë omtrent die omgewing en behoeftes, buffer- en risikofaktore en kleuterontwikkeling insluit. Data is vanuit ‟n kwalitatiewe benadering ingesamel deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude en ekokaarte saamgestel deur ouers van gehoorgestremde kleuters. Kontrolering en integrering van data het deur triangulering geskied. Buffer- en risikofaktore binne kleuters self, die gesin en die breër gemeenskap is verken. Die studie is verkennend en beskrywend, en toegepaste navorsing is gebruik. So is gevolgtrekkinge en aanbevelings gemaak om toepaslike ondersteuning aan ouers van gehoorgestremde kleuters te bewerkstellig. / The aim of the study is to explore the protective and risk factors that may contribute to the development of hearing-impaired toddlers. Hearing impaired toddlers present with a hearing loss, which distinguish them from toddlers with normal hearing. However, all toddlers have primary needs. Quality of life is improved by the fulfilment of needs, which influences the developmental process. These needs are fulfilled by the toddler, as well as by factors from the environment. A literature study was conducted as theoretical framework. This included theories regarding the environment and needs, protective and risk factors, and toddler development. In this qualitative study, data collection was conducted by semi-structured interviews and the compilation of ecomaps by parents of hearing impaired toddlers. Triangulation was used to verify and integrate data. Protective and risk factors were explored within the toddler, the family and the wider community. This study is exploratory and descriptive and applied research was used. In this way conclusions and recommendations were made to provide appropriate support to parents of hearing impaired toddlers. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Spelterapie)

Gestaltterapia e experiência religiosa: relação e cura

Otaviano Bezerra Santana Filho 11 June 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo pesquisar sobre o fenômeno religioso e a fé como dimensão da alteridade, assim como pesquisar possíveis relações com a Gestaltterapia do diálogo e cura. A pesquisa foi de natureza bibliográfica numa perspectiva fenomenológica e existencial que teve como fundamento as obras de Martin Buber da Filosofia do Diálogo e seu existencialismo religioso da eterna relação entre Eu-Tu, o Eu-Isso e o Tu eterno. Somado a este, também se problematizou a visão de Rudolf Otto do numinoso e outros autores como Mircea Eliade, teóricos da Gestaltterapia, Heidegger, Viktor Frankl, entre outros. Nossos resultados e discussões foram apresentados a partir de três dimensões. A primeira foi focalizar o fenômeno religioso em íntima relação com a noção da experiência de alteridade. O segundo passo consistiu em pesquisar sobre uma possível aproximação entre o pensamento da Gestaltterapia e a experiência religiosa. Por fim, se pretendeu compreender a Gestaltterapia e a espiritualidade como espaço de encontro do diálogo e cura.

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