Spelling suggestions: "subject:"grocery stores"" "subject:"rocery stores""
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Sjuk Marknadsföring : En kvalitativ forskning om hur en pandemi påverkar livsmedelsbutiker / Sick Marketing : A qualitative study about how a pandemic affect grocery storesAdolfsson, Martin, Bolin, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur livsmedelsföretag hanterar sin marknadsföring samt undersöka vilken påverkan som sker på kundernas köpbeteende under en pandemi. Vidare vill undersöka vilka som tar beslut om åtgärder och förändringar under en pandemi. Studien kommer att bidra till att uppfylla ett enligt oss outforskat område inom marknadsföring kring hur livsmedelsföretag agerar på beslut från myndigheter vid en pandemi. Forskningsfrågor: - Hur anpassar livsmedelsbutiker marknadsföringen vid en pandemi? - Hur påverkar en pandemi kundernas köpbeteende? - Vilka beslutfattare styr livsmedelsbutikernas agerande vid en pandemi? / The purpose of this research is to study how grocery stores handle their marketing and to investigate the impact on customers buying behavior during a pandemic. Furthermore, we want to investigate who decides on actions and changes during a pandemic. The study will help to fulfill an unexplored area of marketing in our view of how grocery stores act on government decisions in a pandemic. Research questions: - How do grocery stores adapt their marketing to a pandemic? - How does a pandemic affect customer buying behavior? - Which decision-makers control the behavior of grocery stores in the event of a pandemic?
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Konsumentuppfattning av livsmedelsbutikers sponsringsaktivitet / Consumers’ awareness about grocery stores sponsorship activitiesSundström, Lisa, Mårtensson, Tim January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie är en del av ett examinerade moment i form av ett examensarbete för två studenter vid Högskolan Dalarna. Där den ena har studerat Detaljhandelsprogrammet och den andra studerat Sport Management. Arbetet sammanfogar de båda programmen via fokus på effekten av livsmedelsbutiker marknadsföringsaktiviteter i form av sponsring gentemot deras kunder. Sponsring beskrivs som en form av associationsmarknadsföring där ett företagen kan betala för kommersiella rättigheter, exempelvis en person, företag eller evenemang. I denna studie fokuserar vi på livsmedelsbutiker som använder sig av idrottsföreningar för att skapa medvetenhet om varumärket genom att sponsra lokala idrottsaktiviteter. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på vilken inverkan dessa aktiviteter har på konsumenternas attityd. Vi vill undersöka hur väl livsmedelsbutikerna lyckats med sin sponsring genom att, via enkäter, fråga konsumenterna hur de upplever sponsringen hos livsmedelsbutiken där de handlar. Studien bygger på enkäter som delats ut till konsumenter utanför tre olika livsmedelsbutiker i Dalarna. Vid totalt fyra tillfällen uppgick antalet respondenter till sammanlagt 90 stycken med varierande ålder, civilstånd, idrottsintresse med mera. Resultatet visar att merparten av respondenterna inte besöker butiken på grund av sponsringsaktiviteten, men att de generellt sett har en positiv attityd mot det. Vi visar även skillnader i attityden mellan olika grupper med avseende på individers koppling till idrott, antal barn och ålder. Slutligen ser vi att kännedomen kring sponsringen är hög. / This study is an examination in the form of a bachelor dissertation by two students at Dalarna University. One of them has studied the retail program and the other one has studied the sport management program. This study merges the two programs by focusing on the effect that grocery stores’ marketing activities in the form of sports sponsorship has on their customers. Sponsorship is described as a form of association marketing where a company can pay for commercial rights, such as a person, company, or event. In this study we focus on grocery stores that utilize sport associations to create brand awareness by sponsoring local sport activities. The purpose of this study is to investigate the consumers attitude towards their local grocery stores from a sponsorship perspective. We want to examine how well the grocery stores have succeeded with their sponsorship by asking customers about their attitude and how they experience the sponsorship of the grocery store where they shop. The study is based on surveys that were distributed outside three different grocery stores in Dalarna. The number of respondents during these four occasions amounted to a total of 90, all with varying age, marital state, sports interest and so forth. The result shows that most of the respondent’s go to the specific grocery store because of the sponsorship activities, but that they generally perceive it as something positive. It also showed differences in perceived attitude depending on the degree of sports interest, number of children and age.
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I denna matbutik håller vi avstånd till varandra : En studie om och isåfall hur covid-19 pandemin har påverkat föräldrars upplevelse av matbutiker / In this grocery store we keep our distance from each other : A study on if and how the covid-19 pandemic has affected parents' experience of grocery storesSandström, Alexander, Azar, Omar January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka om och isåfall hur upplevelsen av matbutiker har förändrats hos föräldrar under covid-19 pandemin. Studiens frågeställningar är följande Hur ser föräldrarnas upplevelse av matbutiker ut? Finns det processer som har förändrat upplevelsen för föräldrar till matbutiker och isåfall vilka? Studien har tagit utgångspunkt i teorierna den socio rumsliga dialektiker, individnivån av den sociala nivå indelningen i samhället och även den kulturgeografiska förklaringen till varför människor konsumerar. De metoderna som använts i studien är kvantitativ enkätstudie och kvalitativ intervjustudie. Denna metod av datainsamling för att kunna besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar. I resultatet presenteras i diagram, tabeller, citat, korsdiagram under olika teman utifrån respondenternas svar. Resultaten har presenterats på detta sätt för att hjälpa läsaren att se de resultat som studien ger. Avslutningsvis har slutsatserna i studien varit att en del föräldrar har upplevt en förändring i matbutiker och andra inte har inte upplevt det. Det har även visats att de processer som förändrats föräldrars upplevelse bygger på de sociorumsliga dialektiker och den individnivån som finns i samhället. / The purpose of this essay was to investigate if and how the experience of grocery stores has changed for parents during the covid-19 pandemic. The study's main questions are as followsWhat does parents' experience of grocery stores look like?Are there processes that have changed the experience for parents of grocery stores and if so, which ones?The study has been based on the theories of the socio-spatial dialects, the individual level of the social levels in society and also the cultural-geographical explanation of why people consume. The methods used in the study are quantitative questionnaire study and qualitative interview study. This method of data collection was chosen to be able to answer the study'spurpose and questions. The results are presented in diagrams, tables, quotes, cross-diagramsunder different themes based on the respondents' answers. The results have been presented in this way to help the reader see the results of the study. The conclusions of the study have been that some parents have experienced a change in grocery stores while others have not experienced that. It has also been shown that the processes that have changed parents' experience are based on the socio-spatial dialects and the individual level that exists insociety.
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Click & collect: En studie kring COVID-19 och dess påverkan i fysiska butiker : En kvalitativ studie angående hur COVID-19 har påverkat fysiska butiker och dess click & collectDahl, Sebastian, Hamajalal, Daniar January 2021 (has links)
Due to COVID-19 the authors of the following study aim to examine how COVID-19 has affected society by studying its impact on grocery stores. The following study is based on a case study design where a total of four respondents have participated. All respondents are store managers and they have all been interviewed regarding questions that emphasise COVID-19 and its effect on their business, as well as how click & collect has played a role during COVID-19. The following study has used a qualitative research strategy with intentions to generate qualitative interviews that will underpin the result of the study. In order to answer the thesis, an issue was formulated that reads as follows: How and why has restrictions in physical stores during COVID-19 affected store managers in grocery stores and their sales through click & collect? In order to answer the issue that the study has presented, the study has been delimited to stores that are based in Stockholm. Furthermore it shall be said that the respondents who have participated in the study did so with the intention to remain anonymous. The conclusion of the study showed that click & collect has had an impact on grocery stores during COVID-19 due to the fact that store purchases have increased through the shopping channel. Furthermore the study presented that a new state of normality due to COVID-19 has occurred which benefits sales through click & collect. Finally the study has also shown that a synergy between the grocery stores physical and digital sales channels have occurred which benefits click & collect.
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Livsmedelsbutikers frukt- och grönsakssvinn : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om orsaker och åtgärder till matsvinn i livsmedelsbutiker / Grocery stores fruit and vegetable waste : A qualitative interview study on the causes and measures for food waste in grocery storesNorling, Alfred January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ungefär en tredjedel av all mat som produceras från alla delar i leveranskedjan slängs, trots att 870 miljoner av värdens invånare svälter. Samtidigt orsakar matsvinn omfattande växthusgasutsläpp och kostar samhället stora summor pengar. Olika länders aktörer behöver stå i framkant och tänka miljösmart för att minimera matsvinnet i hela produktionsledet. Svenska livsmedelsbutiker är därmed en del av denna kedja som behöver minska sitt matsvinn. En faktor som kan orsaka matsvinn i livsmedelsbutiker vad gäller frukt och grönsaker är konsumenters attityder, kompetens och beteenden. Utöver detta kan det också finnas andra orsaker, vilket i sin tur kommer att påverka vilka åtgärder som bör vidtas från exempelvis en livsmedelsföreståndares sida. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka hur livsmedelsföreståndare för frukt- och grönsakssortimentet i svenska livsmedelsbutiker resonerar kring hur butikens frukt- och grönsakssvinn kan uppstå samt minskas. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes med fem livsmedelsföreståndare från svenska livsmedelsbutiker med större karaktär, det vill säga butiker som hanterar större volymer livsmedel och har större antal kunder, snarare än en liten lokalbutik. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Konsumenternas kvalitetskrav, okunskap om vad en dålig vara egentligen är, samt klämmande och petande på frukt och grönsaker orsakade matsvinn i butiken. Butikens krav och rutiner orsakade även svinn såsom felaktig temperatur vid transport och inom butiken, hyllpåfyllnadskrav, sortimentskrav och kampanjer. Åtgärder som butiker kan vidta för att minska matsvinnet är bättre rensvarvshantering och prisreducering, inspektion av butikens lager, att skänka svinn till välgörenhetsdonationer, samt återanvända svinnet till matlagning som säljs till kunder och butikspersonal. Slutsats: Alla orsaker och åtgärder som lyfts i studien är ett samspel med faktorer som behöver vara välfungerande. Är en aspekt ur funktion kan ett obefogat ökat matsvinn förekomma. Studiens resultat har visat att det inte endast är konsumenten som behöver förändra sitt beteende, utan även livsmedelsbutiken och dess samspel med konsumenters förväntningar på bra råvaror. / Background: About a third of everything produced from all parts of the supply chain is thrown away, despite the fact that 870 million of the host's inhabitants are starving. At the same time, food waste causes extensive greenhouse gas emissions and costs society large sums of money. Actors from different countries need to be at the forefront and think environmentally smart in order to minimize food waste throughout the production phase. Swedish grocery stores are thus part of this chain that needs to reduce their food waste. One factor that can cause food waste in grocery stores in terms of fruits and vegetables is consumers' attitudes, skills and behaviors. In addition to this, there may also be other reasons, which in turn will affect what measures should be taken by, for example, a food manager. Objective: The purpose was to investigate how food managers for the fruit and vegetable assortment in Swedish grocery stores reason about how the store's fruit and vegetable waste can be reduced. Method: A qualitative interview study was conducted with five food managers from Swedish grocery stores with a larger character, namely stores that handle larger volumes of food and have a larger number of customers, rather than a small local store. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Results: Consumers' quality demands, ignorance of what a bad product really is, as well as squeezing and poking at fruits and vegetables causes food waste in the store. The store's requirements and routines also caused losses such as incorrect temperature during transport and within the store, shelf filling requirements, assortment requirements and promotions. Measures that stores can take to reduce food waste are cleaning away fruits and vegetables about to go bad, price reduction, inspection of the store's stock, donating waste to charity donations, and reusing the waste for cooking that is sold to customers and store staff. Conclusion: All causes and measures highlighted in the study are an interplay of factors that need to be well-functioning. If an aspect is out of order, there may be an unjustified increase in food waste. The results of the study have shown that it is not only the consumer who needs to change their behavior, but also the grocery store and its interaction with consumers' expectations of good raw materials.
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Methodology for the digitalization of advertisement at the point of sale for gross margin increase in the traditional retail tradeCheng-Fong, Luis, Cruzalegui, Ana, Rojas, Jose, Raymundo, Carlos 01 January 2019 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / Retail trade modernization in Peru has displaced the traditional retailer as the first option when it comes to shopping. Supermarkets have grown 45% during the last four years and the new convenience stores gather all competitive advantages required by the sector. Industry has adapted to the new Peruvian in order to cover the needs generated by a digital age offering solutions that give timely information, comfort and modernity when acquiring a new product. In 2017, 414,000 grocery stores were counted in Peru, which were forced to adapt and improve their services. This research project aims to come up with a solution to bring the grocery stores into the twenty-first century, and thus, to increase their gross margin and ensure their continuity. A methodology connecting the requirements of the grocery stores that invest the most in the city of Lima to the needs of the mass consumption companies by means of a platform that digitalizes ads at the point of sale driven by digital advertising is presented here. Currently, the product benefits 40 grocery stores in the city with a new customer service channel that allows to increase their sales by 20%.
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Managing Financial Uncertainty: Swedish Grocers : A qualitative study of the impact of uncertainty on manager's financial decision-making process within Swedish grocery stores.Wohlin, Matilda, Jacobson, Maja January 2023 (has links)
Background: Grocery stores in the retail industry, which are forms of Small and medium-sized enterprises, are particularly vulnerable to changes in the economic environment. This thesis examines how grocery store managers handle their financial management decision-making process in response to uncertainty. 2022 has been a year of unprecedented uncertainty with unforeseen events that affected the Swedish economy. Therefore, these uncertain events in 2022 present an exceptional opportunity to delve into this subject of study. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how managers of grocery stores handle the financial management decision-making process regarding financing, investing, and profit distribution when faced with uncertainty. Method: This thesis builds upon qualitative data and aims to formulate a theory concerning the decision-making process under uncertainty within grocery stores by employing an inductive reasoning approach. The study utilizes primary descriptive data gathered from interviews and information from academic articles, books, and authorized websites. To ensure objectivity in the analysis, the role of the researchers was carefully considered. Semi-structured interviews served as the primary method for data collection, and a theoretical framework was established at the outset of the research to guide the analysis and structural organization of the data. During the data analysis phase, a theory-driven thematic analysis methodology was employed. Conclusion: This thesis concludes that managers of grocery stores handled their financial management decision-making process regarding financing, investing, and profit distribution when faced with uncertainty in different ways. The thesis demonstrated caution in financing by cutting costs and amortizing loans. Additionally, managers employed strategies of reprioritizing and choosing long-term investments to ensure financial stability. At the same time, profit distribution was limited due to increased expenses, leading managers to redirect profits for the survival of the grocery store. Overall, this research highlights the dynamic nature of financial management’s decision-making process and the need for adaptive strategies in the face of uncertainty.
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No description available.
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Nudging inom livsmedelsbutiker : En studie om huruvida konsumenter i Sverige och England påverkas av nudgingLager, Malin, Johnson Gunnarsson, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Nudging syftar till vilken aspekt som helst av valarkitektur som förändrar människors beteende på ett positivt vis utan att förbjuda några alternativ eller väsentligt ändra deras ekonomiska incitament. Marknadsföringsstrategin har blivit allt vanligare de senaste åren och förekommer bland företag men även samhället i stort. Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen kring nudging och dess effekt på beteendeförändring hos konsumenter i Sverige och England samt att undersöka om nudging är en effektiv marknadsföringsstrategi inom livsmedelsbranschen. För att undersöka detta har en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi använts. Empirin har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer av både svenska och brittiska konsumenter men även med hjälp av ett antal experter inom marknadsföring, nudging samt näringspolitik. Teorierna som ligger till grund för denna studie är teorier inom nudging, konsumentbeteende, hälsosam kost och social practice theory. Analysen av teorin och empirin tillsammans visade på flera samband och mönster. Studien har bland annat identifierat att det finns en relativt låg medvetenhet kring nudging hos de brittiska konsumenterna och en ännu lägre kännedom hos de svenska konsumenterna. Däremot visade det sig vara en relativt hög samt förhållandevis jämn upplevd påverkan hos samtliga konsumenter. Majoriteten av alla tillfrågade konsumenter visade sig även vara positivt inställda till att livsmedelsbutiker aktivt försöker påverka konsumenternas köpbeteende och främja ett allt mer hälsosamt köpbeteende. Samtliga experter menade på att nudging är en effektiv marknadsföringsstrategi och anser att utfallet är gynnsamt för både konsumenter samt företagen. Studiens centrala slutsats är att det finns tre faktorer som påverkar konsumenters upplevda påverkan av nudging inom livsmedelsbutiker. Det visade sig först och främst finnas en koppling mellan låg medvetenhet kring nudging och hög upplevd påverkan hos konsumenter. Sedan visade det sig även finnas en koppling mellan i vilken utsträckning livsmedelsbutiker anpassar en hälsosam miljö i butiken och konsumenters upplevda påverkan av nudging. Slutligen visade studien även på en koppling mellan konsumenters inställning till att företag arbetar med nudging och konsumenters upplevda påverkan av nudging. / Nudging refers to any aspect of choice architecture that changes people's behavior in a positive way without forbidding any alternatives or significantly changing their economic incentives. This marketing strategy has become increasingly common in recent years and occurs among companies but also society at large. The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of nudging and its effect on behavioral change in consumers in Sweden and England and to investigate whether nudging is an effective marketing strategy in the food industry. To investigate this, a qualitative approach has been used. The empirical data has been collected through semi-structured interviews of both Swedish and British consumers but also with help of a number of experts in marketing, nudging and business policy. The theories on which this study is based on are theories in nudging, consumer behavior, healthy eating and social practice theory. The analysis of the theory and the empirical data together showed several connections and patterns. Among other things, the study has identified that there is a relatively low awareness of nudging among British consumers and an even lower awareness among Swedish consumers. On the other hand, there turned out to be a relatively high and relatively evenly perceived impact on all consumers. The majority of all consumers surveyed also turned out to be in favor of grocery stores actively trying to influence consumers shopping behavior and promote increasingly healthy shopping behavior. All experts believe that nudging is an effective marketing strategy and believe that the outcome is favorable for both consumers and companies. The central conclusion of the study is that there are three factors that affect consumers perceived impact of nudging in grocery stores. First and foremost, there is a connection between low awareness of nudging and high perceived impact among consumers. Secondly there is a connection between the extent to which grocery stores adapt a healthy environment in the store and consumers perceived impact of nudging. Finally, the study also showed a connection between consumers attitudes towards companies working with nudging and consumers' perceived impact of nudging.
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Microflora of Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Dispensed from Grocery Stores in Denton, TexasGladden, Frank G. 08 1900 (has links)
This investigation was carried out in order to determine whether or not blanching and freezing tends to reduce the incidence of bacteria, particularly those of the coliform group, and also the yeasts and molds.
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