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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det moderna handledsskyddet för snowboardåkare : en revidering av materialval, funktion och målgruppsanpassning

Hellström, Kasimir January 2010 (has links)
Projektet behandlar utvecklingen av ett handledsskydd anpassat för snowboardåkare. Den primäramålsättningen är att med hjälp av optimerad design för komfort och användarvänlighet kunnaerbjuda ett högkvalitativt och funktionellt skydd. Det senare uppnås med hjälp av material som medhänsyn till skadebilden hos utövarna här anses vara den bästa lösningen. Val av material gjordes efteren ingående litteraturstudie över handledsskyddets funktion och mekanismerna bakomhandledsskador. Studien, i kombination med en rad andra metoder för informationsinhämtning, lågäven till grund för designprocessen och den slutgiltiga produkten.Lösningar på befintliga problem hos existerande handledsskydd har applicerats på slutprodukten.Användarvänlighet och passform har tillgodosetts genom att frångå det traditionella systemet medkardborrelås, till produktanpassning av ett etablerat snörsystem. En ökad bekvämlighet tillgodosesgenom hela skyddets form, men även med utvalda material, då dessa tillåter luftgenomströmninggenom skyddet.Inom ramen för projektet besvaras också frågeställningar rörande varför så få utövare använderhandledsskydd, och vad som kan göras för att locka till användning. Handledsskydd är idagimpopulära hos utövarna, trots att frakturer på handled är den vanligaste skadan förknippad medsnowboard. Genom utveckling av bättre skydd kan skadestatistiken kraftigt förbättras. / The project aims to develop customized wrist guards for snowboarders. By using optimized design for comfort and ease of use, the primary aim is to offer the customer a functional and high-quality protection. This is achieved by using materials that, considering the injury status of the practitioners, herein are considered to best meet the demands of such a protection. The choice of materials was made after a comprehensive literature-based study on wrist guard function and mechanisms responsible for wrist injuries. This study, along with other collected data, has formed the basis for the design process and the final product. Solutions to current problems with existing wrist guards have been applied to the final product. Requirements on ease of use and accuracy of fit have been met by abandoning the traditional closure-system of Velcro, in favor for an established lacing system that has been adapted to the current product. The entire shape of the wrist guard, combined with the selected materials breathable qualities, offers the user an increased comfort. The complementary aim of the project is to understand why so few practitioners wear wrist guards, and bring forth solutions that attracts to the usage of such. Wrist guards are currently unpopular amongst snowboarders, despite wrist fracture being the most common injury associated with the sport. Through the development of better wrist guards the injury statistics can be greatly improved.

Lönen är allt...eller? : Kampen om den kompetente och motiverade officeren

Lindqvist, Niclas, Gjersvold, Jonas January 2024 (has links)
The Swedish Armed Forces are in the middle of a crisis when 30% of professional officers retire in the next few years. It is difficult to recruit and retain personnel with the required skills and experience for Military Region Groups within the Home Guard Combat Force. The prupose of this study is to deepen the author´s understanding of what attracts professional officers to apply for employment in a military region group, and what is required to retain them. The study is based on a hermeneutic paradigm with an inductive approach and qualitative method. The method included four workshops with personell within and outside military regions and four interviews with representatives from the HR function in the Armed Forces. The result is reported as Grounded Theory. The results revealed four themes: instrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, the conditions of the organization and the mission, and working relationships that highlight what attracts and retain professional officers in a military region group. The study describes four conclusions: Professional officers fromn all three generations in the study are attracted to meaningful work tasks. Certain nuances between the generations´motivational factors occur and need to be taken into account in recrutiment, Professional officers from all three generations in the study cite both internal and external motivational factors as reasons for staying. Intrinsic motivation inludes geographical location and family siutation, extrinsic motivation inludes relevant salary development, The Home Guard Combat Force lacks a functioning personell supply system and cannot ensure that the vacancies within each military region are filled to a sufficient extent,  The Home Guard Combat Force needs to work more activelu with internal marketing within the Swedish Armed Forces.

坑冶競利──明代的礦政、礦盜與地域社會 / Digging for profit: mining policy, mine pilfering, and local society in Ming China

唐立宗 Unknown Date (has links)
明代礦業是中國礦業發展興衰成敗的關鍵期,在物質文化、商品經濟帶動下,此時各界都對工業原料的獲取感到興趣,明代官方與民間也不例外,官方政策無論是封禁或鼓勵開採,著眼點都是在確保「普天之下莫非王土」的礦利之權;而民間開採風氣亦屢禁不絕,亦即官民均在坑冶中進行活動,形同「坑冶競利」的較勁現象。 明代礦政發展可分三期觀察:(1)明初洪武至宣德年間(1368-1435)是明代礦業穩定發展期。朱元璋立國主張謹慎發展銅鐵開採事業,嚴禁金銀等貴重金屬的開採,但繼任者明成祖朱棣則支持開採弛禁,積極推動開礦事業,因此明代放寬對鐵冶開採的限制,不過對於金銀等貴重金屬開採則出現爭論,時開時禁,反倒成為明代礦業政策中最為鮮明的特色。(2)明正統至萬曆年間(1436-1620)是礦法與礦課調整時期。自明英宗朱祈鎮即位後,政府嚴格加強礦政管理,發布禁約,犯者即調軍剿捕,直到萬曆朝中期,官方還陸續針對《大明律》所欠缺的礦法,修改金銀銅錫等礦法條例細則,以因應社會的變遷。為求開礦增課,官方對於民間的非法採冶活動作了讓步,並改變明初定額課徵的規定,實施官三民七或官四民六的抽分制。但因皇室財政相當倚重礦銀收入,部分地區被強制改採官民對半抽分制,或實施「包派」、「包砂」、「包課」等名目不一的礦稅制度,弊端層出不窮,反而得不償失。(3)明天啟至崇禎年間(1621-1644)是封礦與開採弛禁時期。受到萬曆朝礦稅使事件影響,後來朝野各界均不主張開礦,但晚明財政的危機、邊鎮軍餉匱乏,急需鑄造錢幣礦料等因素,促使朝廷逐漸放寬採礦禁令,進而同意各地擴大開採貴重礦物,並翻譯頒布《坤輿格致》等礦書。 帶給明代礦政最致命的傷害,莫過於「礦盜」的活躍。自明初起,有關當局欲傾全力去圍堵防範,可是官方以暴制暴的鎮壓方式,反倒促成葉宗留等礦徒公開稱王造反,成為明代最為眾人所知的礦盜事件。為了穩定礦區生產與秩序,中央曾特派戶部官員、內臣與錦衣衛特使,以及巡按監察御史等專人留駐礦區監督;地方則派有按察僉事、副使、布政使參議等巡視礦場官員;軍事層級上又派任都指揮僉事管理礦區治安,並在礦場附近留有衛所、民兵戍守。 採礦所得誘惑甚高,礦冶業的蓬勃,多少也衝擊到地方社會的常態秩序。明代中期以後,原在浙江、福建交界等地活動的礦徒,逐漸轉往南直隸、浙江、江西交界等地發展;也有一些江西、福建等地的流民,因人口壓力下的生存競爭,陸續進入福建、江西、廣東交界,在粵東山區內進行季節性的採冶工作,形成獨特的地域社會。由於礦徒事件與倡亂區域明顯擴大,官方遂將地方礦政事權漸歸督撫來統籌管理,嚴格執行禁令,並且還特設總督處理浙直江西軍務事,以統攝三省礦防軍兵,清查轄區所有的礦場地點,以阻絕礦徒的活動。 另一方面,礦防兵力主要是借重地方民兵,甚至還招撫礦徒入營效力,但這項招募礦兵、採行招撫的作法,也帶給地方社會負面的影響。在浙江義烏,地方十室九空,成為地方上的一大隱憂。在廣東惠州地區,招撫未能得宜,礦徒事件有增無減,顛覆日常的社會秩序,地方士民不滿官方政策,激發民間的地域認同,出現了類似《定氛外史》等關心地域的作品,進而強烈抵制官府地方行政區劃的變動。 明代的礦徒問題,始終未能妥善解決,地方社會自然不願配合政府的開礦政策。明代官民在坑冶間相互競利,卻兩敗俱傷,沒有一方是嬴家。礦務執行的爭議、開礦引發的恐慌、礦徒倡亂事件的不絕,最終都讓明代礦政畫下了休止符。

Analysis of the effects of phase noise and frequency offset in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems

Erdogan, Ahmet Yasin 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is being successfully used in numerous applications. It was chosen for IEEE 802.11a wireless local area network (WLAN) standard, and it is being considered for the fourthgeneration mobile communication systems. Along with its many attractive features, OFDM has some principal drawbacks. Sensitivity to frequency errors is the most dominant of these drawbacks. In this thesis, the frequency offset and phase noise effects on OFDM based communication systems are investigated under a variety of channel conditions covering both indoor and outdoor environments. The simulation performance results of the OFDM system for these channels are presented. / Lieutenant Junior Grade, Turkish Navy

On the (in)security of behavioral-based dynamic anti-malware techniques

Ersan, Erkan 21 April 2017 (has links)
The Internet has become the primary vector for the delivery of malicious code in cyber attacks, and malware has rapidly become a pervasive critical threat. Anti- malware products offer effective protection from malware threats for servers and endpoint devices using a variety of techniques. Advanced enterprise-level anti-malware products rely on state-of-art behavioral-based detection algorithms, in addition to traditional signature-based mechanisms. These dynamic detection techniques have been around for more than a decade and in response hackers have developed methods to evade them. However, currently known bypass methods require intensive manual labor. Moreover, this manual work has to be repeated whenever a parameter of the environment (such as the payload, operating system, Antivirus version, etc) changes, making these methods impractical. This may lead to the belief that dynamic techniques provide a good deterrence, and hence good protection. In this thesis we evaluate dynamic techniques. Specifically, we build tools to implement generic unhooking and funneling, and using these tools we show how dynamic techniques can be bypassed with considerably less effort than by fully manual methods. We also extend the repertoire of existing bypass methods and introduce a new malicious function call technique which exploits detection techniques that monitor a limited collection of critical system functions, as well as a method for bypassing guard-page protections. We demonstrate the effectiveness of all our techniques by conducting attacks against two enterprise antivirus products. Our results lead us to conclude that that dynamic techniques do not provide sufficient protection. / Graduate / 2018-02-07 / 0984 / erkanersan@gmail.com

Caractérisation d'une nouvelle voie de signalisation impliquée dans la défense stomatique et applications agronomiques / Caracterization of a new signaling pathway involved in plant stomatal defense and agronomical outcomes

Rondet, Damien 29 March 2018 (has links)
La défense pré-invasive ou stomatique est un mécanisme qui consiste en la fermeture des pores stomatiques présents sur les organes aériens des plantes lorsque celles-ci sont en contact avec certains agents pathogènes. Cette fermeture empêche ces derniers de pénétrer dans l’hôte et de le coloniser. Ce mécanisme s’active chez Arabidopsis inoculée par la bactérie Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato (Pst) DC3000. Des travaux préliminaires de notre groupe avaient montré que la carbonylation de protéines cibles par des espèces réactives électrophiles (EREs) représentait une étape cruciale de la signalisation cellulaire nécessaire à la mise en place de cette défense. Par des approches de marquage ciblé et de purifications couplées à des identifications par spectrométrie de masse en tandem (nanoLC-MS/MS), nous avons pu caractériser une sérine-thréonine protéine kinase qui joue un rôle déterminant dans ce mécanisme de défense. En effet, des plantes mutées sur le gène codant cette protéine ont perdu la capacité à induire la fermeture de leurs stomates et à déployer la défense stomatique vis-à-vis de la bactérie. De plus, l’introduction de la chimie click (cycloaddition alcyne-azide catalysée par le cuivre), dans nos approches de marquage, nous a permis d’identifier un ensemble de protéines très probablement carbonylées et susceptibles de jouer un rôle crucial dans ces évènements cellulaires qui contribuent à une part de l’immunité végétale. Enfin, les EREs étant capables d’induire la fermeture des stomates, nous avons cherché à savoir, dans le cadre de l’établissement d’une preuve de concept, si leur application sur des plantes permettrait la protection de ces dernières contre Pst. / Pre-invasive or stomatal defense is a mechanism which consists of closing the stomata present at surface of aerial organs of plants when they are in contact with certain pathogens. This closure prevents them from entering and colonizing the host. This mechanism is activated in Arabidopsis inoculated by the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato (Pst) DC3000. Preliminary work by our group had shown that carbonylation of target proteins by reactive electrophile species (RES) was a crucial step of the cell signaling required to set up this defense. Through targeted tagging and purifications approaches coupled with tandem mass spectrometry identifications (nanoLC-MS/MS), we have been able to characterize a serine-threonine protein kinase that plays a crucial role in this defense mechanism. Indeed, plants mutated on the gene encoding this protein have lost their ability to trigger stomatal closure and to deploy the stomatal defense against the bacteria. In addition, the use of the click chemistry and notably, the copper-catalyzed alkyne-azide cycloaddition, in our tagging approaches has enabled us to identify a set of proteins that are most likely carbonylated and likely to play a significant role in these cell events that contribute to part of plant immunity. Finally, since RES are able to induce stomatal closure we sought to find out, in the context of establishing a proof-of-concept, whether their application to plants would enable them to be protected against the Pst.


劉振仁 Unknown Date (has links)
軍事制度為廣義政治制度的一種。傳統有關中國政治制度的研究,多將焦點集中於職官制度或是監察制度部分;相形之下,有關軍事制度所受到的注意就遜色許多。事實上,軍事制度對國家整體局勢的影響,遠較一般人想像中來的重要。軍事制度又稱﹁兵制﹂,其制度建構的優劣,嚴重左右一個朝代的興衰;如觀察中國的歷史就可以發現:往往一個朝代的兵制設計良好,則其武功強盛,享國亦較久;相反的,兵制的建構若存有嚴重的缺失,則該朝代很容易積弱不振,這些實例可從唐、宋兩帝國明顯的對比中得到證實。 基本上,若從歷史的發展過程來看,明代衛所制度與其國勢強弱間,亦存有密不可分的關係。早期衛所制度上軌道之際,國力強盛;如太祖的統一天下、成祖的幾次北征等,均有賴其強大的軍力為後盾。而從明正統以後,因軍屯的兼併、私役到軍士的逃跑等緣由,促使衛所制度日益崩解。而在衛所軍士不能用且無法用的情況下,嘉靖中期為應付各地戰亂的需要,開始進行大規模的募兵;此舉對明帝國來說,無疑是一個相當大社會經濟上的負擔。後來,為支應內外戰事所催征的剿餉、練餉及遼餉等,更是促使明帝國覆亡相當重要的關鍵之一。故如欲了解明代由盛轉衰的關鍵,實在必須對明代衛所制度的相關建構,進行更澈底的研究。 原則上,本論文共分九章,其中: 第一章「緒論」,主要探討論文寫作的由來,此外,更說明本論文的研究方法、範圍、限制與主題為何。並藉由相關文獻的檢閱來觀察以往學界對於明代衛所制度的研究概況。 第二章「明代衛所制度的淵源與形成原因」,旨在敘述歷代兵制的概略演變,並且從當中的更迭情形,了解明代衛所制度與前朝兵制的差異,及其參酌歷代兵制而來的成分、要因為何;另外,更從當時時空背景等要素,推敲此一制度的主要形成原因,大約係出於政治、經濟及國防上的諸多考量而來。 第三章「明代衛所的組織」,分成一般衛所組織的設置與京營組織的概況演變兩部分。其中,一般衛所組織分成組織概況、設置情形、地方軍事體制的演變等來論述;京營部分則係以時間區分來做探討。 第四章「明代衛所的職掌」,一般衛所多具有屯田、巡捕、備禦、製造軍器等功能;但因所處地理位置的差異,或是最早設置之目的即有不同,有些衛所在上述職掌外,必須負擔京操、漕運、護陵、邊班或是馬政、草場、營建、採木等任務。而從當時衛所軍士職掌的多樣化,可以發現過重的勤務是後來促使軍士逃亡,乃至於衛所逐漸瓦解的主因之一。 第五章「明代衛所軍士的訓練、裝備與獎懲」,早期衛所軍士的訓練嚴格確實、裝備精良、賞罰嚴明,因此能提供明初統一天下與明成祖對北方數次征戰所須;中期以後,衛所人力淪為私用,裝備不齊、器具敗壞、軍紀喪失,衛所軍幾無戰鬥能力可言;此處從衛所軍士的訓練、裝備、獎懲等方面來觀察,恰好可以得到一鮮明的對照。 第六章「明代衛所制度的社會基礎」,所謂社會基礎,意指以人為根本的各項討論議題,包括衛所的軍士來源、軍籍與軍戶的設計、勾軍與清軍、武官的世襲等。 第七章「明代衛所制度的經濟基礎」,亦即衛所的給養問題,早期衛所設置的目的,很重要的立意在於自給自足,只是隨著軍屯田地的兼併、屯軍私役等,促使衛所軍士的大舉逃亡,軍屯逐漸破壞;而為供應龐大的軍餉支出,於是又有各種補救措施的出現,包括商屯、太倉銀等;只是隨著國家財政支出的日益擴大,後期任何加稅措施,均是飲酖止渴而已;明廷就在內憂外患的雙重夾擊下,最後終於以亡國收場。 第八章「明代衛所與其他政治組織的關係」,明代政治組織約略可分成軍事組織、官僚組織、監察組織與宦官組織四大部分;衛所為廣義政治組織之一,自然會與前述四大部分有所關連,本章主要即在探討衛所與這四大組織的互動情形。 第九章「結論-明代衛所制度的作用、毀壞及其影響」,衛所制度的作用較早顯然具有軍事及經濟上的重大功用,然至中期以後,竟慢慢淪為政府力役的供應場所;其中的變化除因制度本身的設計盲點外,更因社會及經濟等層面因素影響而漸趨毀壞;而明代的國勢則是跟衛所制度間,存在不可分割的關連性。本章重點即是針對衛所制度的功過作一總評。

Modern piracy the impact on maritime security.

Mansfield, Charles T. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Master of Military Studies)--USMC Command and Staff College, 2008. / Title from PDF title screen. Text document in PDF format. Includes bibliographical references (p. 21-22).

Department of Defense involvement in homeland security the militarization of the southwestern border in the U.S. /

Thompson, Michael A. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Master of Military Studies)-Marine Corps Command and Staff College, 2008. / Title from title page of PDF document (viewed on: Feb 11, 2010). Includes bibliographical references.

Profese vrchní sestry vězeňského zdravotního střediska / Profession of matron in prison medical centre

LYSIČANOVÁ, Eva January 2007 (has links)
This diploma paper dealt with the profession of the Head Nurse working in Prison Health Centre.The work considered the level of education of the Head Nurses working in the Prison Health Centre with the aim to analyse the level of education nowdays predominating in this profession. Furthermore, the work was aimed to specify whether the Head Nurses have mostly secondary school education. Due to the fad that the author of this work has been studying at the Faculty of Health and Social studies of the University of South Bohemia, the work also took into consideration prevailing attitudes to possible advantages of studies at the Faculty of Health and Social studies of the future Head Nurses. The work also applied to the number of Paramedical workers who have been working in the Prison Service and attempted to analyse whether there is a tendency to increase the percentage of medical personnel in the employee structure of the Prison service. To fulfil the objectives of this work the author had chosen various methods: questionnaires, interviews and analysis of statistical data showed in annual reports of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic.

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