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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proponenti samostatného Československa v angloamerickém tisku mezi lety 1914 - 1918 / The Proponents of the Czecho-Slovak Independence in English and American press between 1914 - 1918

Kříž, Jonáš January 2020 (has links)
The thesis analyses the reflection of the Czechoslovak freedom movement within the English and American daily press during the World War I (1914 - 1918). In its theoretical part the thesis provides the chronological framework of the Czechoslovak movement and discusses its main challenges as well as essential milestones and achievements. It also introduces the reader to the most popular theoretical concepts regarding the idea of the Czech national independence existing at the brink of the war. With regard to the historical perspective the thesis also elaborates on the development and timeline of Masaryk's exile endeavour as well as personal relations, the latter contributing greatly in promoting the Czechoslovak cause abroad. In its analytical part the thesis deals with the sample of media articles related to the issue of Czechoslovaks and their pursuits. Using the qualitative approach it reconstructs the media frameworks through which the theme of the Czechoslovaks was presented and interpreted in a variety of British and American dailies during the Great War. Besides the daily press it also builds its findings upon the historical literature, archival documents and correspondence. Focusing on the identified media frameworks the thesis strives to identify themes, ideas, concepts and arguments that...

Die lewe en werk van ds Kálmán Papp II (geb 1924), met verwysing na die Hongaarse agtergrond, die Nederlandse periode en die Suid-Afrikaanse periode (Afrikaans)

Papp, Kalman Diederik 07 June 2011 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Hierdie studie is onderneem om 'n biografie daar te stel van dominee Kálmán Papp II, predikant van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika (sedert 1951) en stamvader van die familie Papp in Suid-Afrika. Daar sal uiteraard ook gekyk word na sy teologiese posisie as predikant en verkondiger van die Evangelie van die Here, Jesus Christus. Die studie val uiteen in vier hoofstukke. Die eerste hoofstuk skets die agtergronde waaruit Papp afkomstig is. Die geskiedenis, land en taal van die Hongaarse volk kom eerste aan die orde, vervolgens die geskiedenis van die Christendom en die geskiedenis en etos van die Hervormde Kerk van Hongarye, en laastens Papp se genealogiese agtergrond. Die tweede hoofstuk van hierdie studie beskryf Papp se kinder- en studentejare in Hongarye (1924-1946): sy geboorte en opwindende kleuter- en laerskooljare in Mándok, sy vaderlose hoërskooljare aan die Lévai Jószef Hervormde Gimnasium in Miskolc, sy bedrywige studentejare aan die Graaf Tissza István Universiteit in Debrecen, sy aangrypende ervarings tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog, en sy vertrek na Nederland vir nagraadse studie. In die derde hoofstuk word Papp se verblyf in Nederland en sy studie van bykans twee jaar (1947-1949) aan die Universiteit van Utrecht beskryf, asook sy noodgedwonge emigrasie na Suid-Afrika. Papp se interessante lewensverloop in Suid-Afrika (1949-2008) word in die laaste hoofstuk van hierdie studie, wat uit ses afdelings bestaan, beskryf. Sy aankoms en vestiging in Suid-Afrika, studentetyd aan die Univer-siteit van Pretoria, toelating tot die evangeliebediening, afloswerk as proponent en huweliksbevestiging word in die eerste vier afdelings beskryf. Die vyfde afdeling beskryf Papp se voltydse bedieningstyd van veertig jaar in die gemeente Krugersdorp (1951-1991). Hierdie afdeling beslaan die grootste gedeelte van hierdie studie en is onderverdeel in vier afdelings wat elk 'n periode van ongeveer een dekade dek. Die eerste onderafdeling dek onder andere sy ontvangs in die gemeente, die kort maar aangename tydperk van sy eerste medeleraarskap, sy eerste publikasies en openbare optredes, die vreugdevolle geboorte van sy vyf kinders, die afstigting van die gemeentes Magaliesburg in 1953 en Krugersdorp-Oos in 1954, sy toegewyde betrokkenheid by die sinodale aktiwiteite van die kerk, onbaatsugtige hulpverlening aan en bediening van die Hongaarse vlugtelinge van 1956, lojale lidmaatskap van en betrokkenheid by die Paardekraal Feeskommissie, die ywerige bevordering van ekumeniese bande en die sewentigste verjaardagviering van die gemeente Krugersdorp. Die tweede onderafdeling beskryf Papp se deernisvolle betrokken-heid by die Jac van Belkum Kinderhuis te Krugersdorp, die periode van 'n ongelukkige tweede medeleraarskap, die noodgedwonge afstigting van 'n derde gemeente (Krugersdorp-Noord), sy sterk en entoesiastiese leiding met die oprigting van 'n nuwe pastorie en inrigting van 'n kerksaal, en die vreugdevolle viering van die gemeente Krugersdorp se 75ste bestaansjaar. In die derde onderafdeling word Papp se intensiewe betrokkenheid in die gemeenskap van Krugersdorp, by name by die Sterkfontein Hospitaal en Laerskool Burgershoop, en sy geesdriftige bearbeiding van die gemeente Outjo in die destydse Suidwes-Afrika onder andere beskryf, asook die viering van sy 25ste ampsjubileum, en die legitimasie en ordening van sy twee predikanteseuns en skoondogter. Die vierde onderafdeling dek onder andere die geboorte van Papp se eerste kleinkinders, sy aktiewe betrokkenheid by die 1983 Bybelfees en die ontvangs van verskeie familielede, gaste en besoekers uit die buiteland. Verskeie hoogtepunte in Papp se lewe word ook in hierdie onderafdeling beskrywe - sy amnestie, die eeufees van die gemeente Krugersdorp, wat met sy emeritaat saamgeval het, en die verskyning van Papp se gedenkalbum oor die geskiedenis van die gemeente Krugersdorp. Verskeie terugslae in Papp se lewe word ook in hierdie afdeling beskryf - die persoonlike probleme en egskeidings van sy kinders en die dood van verskeie familielede en vriende. Die laaste afdeling van hierdie studie beskryf Papp se aftreejare (1992-2008) - sewentien jare waarin verskeie hoogtepunte en terugslae mekaar voortdurend afgewissel het. Onder die hoogtepunte tel Papp se prominente deelname aan die Paardekraal Geloftefees, die erkenning van sy dienswerk aan die gemeenskap van Krugersdorp, die hertoelating van sy oudste seun en skoondogter as predikante, drie reise na Hongarye, die viering van sy tagtigste verjaardag, goue bruilof en 50ste ampsjubileum, en die toekenning van 'n ereprofessoraat. Onder die terugslae tel verskeie operasies en die tragiese dood van sy derde seun. Die studie word afgesluit met 'n samevattende teologiese evaluasie en ‘n waarderende beskrywing van Papp se sonderlinge gawes en unieke persoonlikheid. ENGLISH: The purpose of this study has been to compile a biography of the Reverend Kálmán Papp II, minister of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika (since 1951) and progenitor of the Papp family in South Africa. Naturally his theological position as minister and preacher of the gospel of the Lord, Jesus Christ, will be looked at. The study consists of four chapters. In the first chapter, which deals with Papp's historical backgrounds, the history, land and language of the Hungarian nation, the history and ethos of the Reformed Church of Hungary, and the history of Papp's forefathers, with specific reference to the ministers of religion, are dealt with briefly. In more detail, the second chapter describes Papp's childhood and student years in Hungary (1924-1946): his exciting toddler and primary school years in Mándok, his fatherless high school years at the Lévai Jószef Gymnasium in Miskolc, his bustling student years at the Count Tissza István University of Debrecen, his gripping experiences during World War II, and his departure to the Netherlands for post graduate study. Papp's residence in the Netherlands, his two years at the University of Utrecht (1947-1949) and his hasty emigration to South Africa, are dealt with in chapter three. In the last chapter of this study, which consists of six sections, Papp’s interesting course of life in South Africa (1949-2008) is described. His arrival and settling in South Africa, student years at the University of Pretoria, admission to the ministry, temporary service as a candidate minister, and his marriage, are described in the first four sections. The fifth section deals with Papp's ministry of forty uninterrupted years in the Krugersdorp congregation of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk (1951-1991). This section forms the main part of this study and is subdivided into four subsections, each covering a period of approximately one decade. The first subsection covers Papp's reception in the congregation, the short but fulfilling period of his first joint ministry, his first publications and public appearances, the birth of his children, the formation of two new congregations (Magaliesburg in 1953 and Krugersdorp-Oos in 1954), his dedicated involvement in synodical activities of the church, unselfish assistance and support to the Hungarian refugees of 1956, the loyalty portrayed in his involvement in the cultural life of Krugersdorp, his diligent promotion of ecumenical relations and his part in the seventieth anniversary of the Krugersdorp congregation. The second subsection describes Papp's sympathetic involvement with the Jac van Belkum orphanage in Krugersdorp, the period of an unhappy second joint ministry in the congregation, the compelled forming in 1964 of a third new congregation (Krugersdorp-Noord) Papp's strong and enthusiastic guidance in the building of a new parsonage and the transformation of an old abattoir into a church hall, as well as the celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of his congregation. In the third subsection Papp's intense involvement in the community life of Krugersdorp, more specifically with the Sterkfontein Psychiatric Hospital and Burgershoop Primary School, and his zealous work in the church's Outjo congregation in the former South West Africa are dealt with. Then there are also referred to the celebration of his twenty-fifth year in the ministry and the ordination of two of his sons and his daughter in law. The fourth subsection covers the birth of Papp's first grandchildren, his active involvement in the Bible Festival of 1983, and the reception and accommodation of various family members, guests and visitors from abroad. Several high lights of his life are also described in this section: his amnesty, the centenary celebrations of his congregation, which coincided with his retirement, and the publication of his album on the history of the Krugersdorp congregation. However, several set backs in Papp's life are also described in this section - the personal problems of his children, the failure of the marriages of both of his sons in ministry and the passing away of various family members and friends. The last section of this study describes Papp's seventeen years after retirement (1992-2008) - years in which several high lights and set backs occurred. Amongst the high lights were Papp's prominent part in the Day of the Covenant celebrations at Paardekraal, the acknowledgement of his service to the community of Krugersdorp, the re-admission of his eldest son and daughter in law into the ministry, three trips to Hungary, the celebration of his eightieth birthday, his fiftieth wedding anniversary and his fiftieth year in office as a church minister, and last but not the least, the conferment of a honorary professorate. Amongst the set backs were several illnesses and surgeries, and worst of all, the tragic death of his third son. The study concludes with a summarized theological evaluation and an appreciative description of Papp's exceptional gifts and unique personality. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Church History and Church Policy / unrestricted

Integrace zemí Visegrádské skupiny do EU a NATO. Spolupráce či samostatný postup? / Integration of the Visegrad Group Countries into the EU and NATO. Cooperation or Individual Approach?

Brychta, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Graduation thesis tries to explore, if the Visegrad Group Countries, i.e. the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia cooperated together during their effort to acces the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and the European Union. The thesis is divided into four parts. First part analyses the first steps of Visegrad Cooperation, second part describes the integration process into NATO. The third part is related to the integration with EU. The last part of the thesis sketches the continuation of Visegrad cooperation after accession into EU in 2004. The theory of international regimes was chosen as a theoretical approach to Visegrad Cooperation. The thesis desribes the course of integration process and different forms of cooperation.

Repatriace Čechů a Slováků do vlasti po skončení první světové války / The repatriation of Czechs and Slovakians into Czechoslovakia after the First World War

Lacko, Miroslav January 2013 (has links)
The topic of my work was The Repatriation of Czechs and Slovaks into Czechoslovakia after the First World War. I describe the years 1918 - 1923 in Central Europe, specifically in Czechoslovakia and in other new succession states after Austria-Hungary. My work is divided into 4 different chapters, introduction and conclusion. The first chapter describes the First World War and its consequences for Central European region. It also describes economic problems in succession states, the changes of territory, situation in Czechoslovakia after 1918 and it characterizes population in key countries (Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Austria and Poland) for my topic. The second chapter is focused on Czechoslovakia. It shortly explains reasons of emigration and immigration of Czechs and Slovaks before and also after the First World War. It describes factors which have big influence on repatriation in Czechoslovakia (for example land reform). The third and fourth chapters analyze materials from archives. They present a lot of very concrete examples of repatriation process (lack of housing, problems with citizenship, unemployment). It points at importance of state executive institutions for repatriation process. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry Social Security and...

Rakousko-uherské aktivity v Číně, 1894-1914 / Austro-Hungarian Activities in China, 1894-1914.

Kočvar, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Austro-Hungarian Activities in China, 1894-1914 PhDr. Jan Kočvar My Ph.D. thesis evaluates Austro-Hungarian activities in China between 1894 and 1914, especially their political aspects. I would like to explain the nature of Austro-Hungarian contacts with China and their significance for the Dual Monarchy. The main source for my thesis was constituted by the materials in Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv in Vienna. Austria-Hungary concluded diplomatic relations with China in 1869, but her position in China remained weak. After the Sino-Japanese War, the Far East became a focus of interest of the Great Powers, and in 1896 was appointed the first Austro-Hungarian Minister to China. During the Scramble for Concessions in late nineties, Austro-Hungarian navy conducted survey of Chinese littoral and contemplated an establishment of a naval base in China, but finally rejected this idea. Austro-Hungarian trade and other interests in China were too insignificant to justify such an action. The peak of Austro-Hungarian presence is connected with the Boxer Uprising of 1900. Austria-Hungary didn't contribute to its genesis. During the uprising, Austro-Hungarian sailors were fighting in besieged Legation Quarter in Beijing, as well as in the metropolitan province of Zhili. Thereafter, Austro-Hungarian diplomacy took...

Jugoslávský model socialismu jako inspirace pro ekonomické reformy 60. let 20. století v NDR, ČSSR a Maďarsku / The Yugoslav model of socialism as a possible inspiration for economic reforms 60 years of the 20th century in the German Democratic Republic, Czechoslovakia and Hungary

Uxa, Šimon January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation - The Yugoslavian model of Socialism as possible inspiration for economic reforms of the sixties in the German Democratic Republic, Czechoslovakia and Hungary - deals with the topic of creating certain modifications and specific features of the economic systems within the Eastern Bloc. The so called Yugoslavian experiment, which had developed in the Balcan state from the times of the Soviet-Yugoslavian rift of the late forties of last century, was, in fact, considered to be the only alternative to the predominant, directively centralized Soviet model for several years. It was in the sixties when many Eastern Bloc states, which practically hitherto copied the Soviet economic model, attempted to implement economic reforms which would assisst in eliminating disadvantages of the current economic system, and thus to stabilize and streamline the economic development. It is quite natural that for searching new possibilities and incentives, the Yugoslavian self-governing model represented one of potential inspiring ways how to reform the often nonfunctional economic systems. The main purpose of the dissertation is to show how the planners of economic reforms in the German Democratic Republic, Czechoslovakia and Hungary recfleted the Yugoslavian model tested in practice, and to which...

Har EU det som krävs för att skydda de mänskliga rättigheterna? : En studie om artikel 7 i Fördraget om den Europeiska Unionen. / Does the EU have the power to protect the human rights? : A study about article 7 of the Treaty of the European Union.

Svensson Dunberg, Paula January 2019 (has links)
The European Union (EU) is based on the inclusive core values ​​of democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights enshrined in article 2 of the Treaty of the European Union. If there is a risk that these values ​​are systematically threatened within a member state or when breaches are a fact, the EU may act by applying legal and political mechanisms. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the problem with EU member states abandoning the democratic principles in favor of the illiberal, as exemplified by a case study on Hungary whose constitution and national identity are based on exclusionary values, which consequently has implications for human rights. The main focus of the thesis is the article 7 procedure which has a sanctioning mechanism that may result in the member state concerned being wholly or partly deprived of its voting rights in the Council of the European Union. Article 7 has been criticized for being ineffective and too political. In September 2018, the European Parliament adopted a resolution which activated the preventive mechanism of the procedure against Hungary which is about deciding whether there is a risk of breaches of article 2. The main ambition of the study is to discuss to what extent article 7 can protect the EU's core values. For these purposes, a jurisprudence method that examines EU law has been applied and, through a political science approach, the application of article 7 against Hungary has been investigated. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the procedure, a field study trip was made to the European Parliament in Brussels, where interviews were conducted with people with insight into the work of Parliament and the Council. I was also given the opportunity to attend a meeting of the Committee of Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs of the European Parliament, in which representatives of the European Commission and the European Union Council also participated. The theme for the discussion was the article 7 procedure against Hungary. The findings of the survey show that, due to the political nature, article 7 is not sufficiently capable of protecting the fundamental values ​​of the EU. What is needed is a new independent mechanism to review all member states' compliance with democracy, the rule of law and human rights.

From Consolidation to Democratic Erosion: The Case of Hungary : A Qualitative Theory Consuming Case Study on Democratic Backsliding in Hungary

Laghmari, Yassin January 2023 (has links)
The rapid decline of democracy in Hungary has been one of the EU's most challenging phenomena. The Hungarian parliamentary elections in 2010 saw Viktor Orban's Fidesz party rise to prominence and win a majority in the Hungarian parliament. That would be the starting point of a rapid decline in democracy but also in terms of civil liberties and political rights. This essay aims to address the serious issue of democratic backsliding in Hungary which has influenced other European union (EU) member states to follow the same course, such as Poland. This research identifies issues posed by the current ruling Fidesz party in five arenas: the civil society, the political society, the rule of law, the state bureaucracy, and the economic society. The issue of democratic backsliding is a common phenomena in the 21st century. Therefore, this bachelor's thesis will examine why Hungary became the subject of an extensive democratic backsliding which would turn the country into a hybrid regime.

Isotope Analysis on the Great Hungarian Plain: An Exploration of Mobility and Subsistence Strategies from the Neolithic to the Copper Age

Giblin, Julia Irene 27 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Крестовый поход 1443–1444 гг.: тактический аспект Варненской битвы : магистерская диссертация / The Crusade of 1443-1444: the tactical aspect of the Battle of Varna

Миронов, М. В., Mironov, M. V. January 2023 (has links)
В настоящей работе анализируется тактический аспект Варненской битвы 1444 г. Автор приходит к выводу, что причины поражения антиосманской коалиции кроются главным образом в различиях военных систем и организации армий двух сторон противостояния. / This paper analyzes the tactical aspect of the Battle of Varna in 1444. The author concludes that the reasons for the defeat of the anti-Ottoman coalition lie mainly in the differences in military systems and the organization of the armies of the two sides of the confrontation.

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