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Reflexão de funções cardinais / Reflection of cardinal functionsAlberto Marcelino Efigênio Levi 15 June 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho investigamos problemas sobre reflexão de funções cardinais, fazendo uso de técnicas como submodelos elementares e Teoria PCF. Mostramos que o grau de Lindelöf reflete todos os cardinais fortemente inacessíveis e que um exemplo de espaço onde a mesma função cardinal não reflita um cardinal fracamente inacessível requer a existência de 0#. Além disso, estendemos um resultado de reflexão do caráter, de espaços Lindelöf para espaços linearmente Lindelöf, obtendo novas equivalências com a Hipótese do Contínuo (CH). Obtivemos ainda várias respostas parciais para problemas clássicos deste tópico de pesquisa. / This work investigates problems about reflection of cardinal functions, using techniques such as elementary submodels and PCF Theory. We show that the Lindelöf degree reflects all the strongly inaccessible cardinals and that a example of a space in which the same cardinal function does not reflect a weakly inaccessible cardinal requires \"0# exists\". Furthermore, we extend a result of reflection of the character from Lindelöf spaces to linearly Lindelöf spaces, obtaining new equivalences with the Continuum Hypothesis (CH). We also obtained several partial answers to classic problems of this research topic.
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Uma análise sobre duas medidas de evidência: p-valor e s-valor / An analysis on two measures of evidence: p-value and s-valueEriton Barros dos Santos 04 August 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo de duas medidas de evidência, a saber: o p-valor e o s-valor. A estatística da razão de verossimilhanças é utilizada para o cálculo dessas duas medidas de evidência. De maneira informal, o p-valor é a probabilidade de ocorrer um evento extremo sob as condições impostas pela hipótese nula, enquanto que o s-valor é o maior nível de significância da região de confiança tal que o espaço paramétrico sob a hipótese nula e a região de confiança tenham ao menos um elemento em comum. Para ambas as medidas, quanto menor forem seus respectivos valores, maior é o grau de inconsistência entre os dados observados e a hipótese nula postulada. O estudo será restrito a hipóteses nulas simples e compostas, considerando independência e distribuição normal para os dados. Os resultados principais deste trabalho são: 1) obtenção de fórmulas analíticas para o p-valor, utilizando probabilidades condicionais, e para o s-valor; e 2) comparação entre o p-valor e o s-valor em diferentes cenários, a saber: variância conhecida e desconhecida, e hipóteses nulas simples e compostas. Para hipóteses nulas simples, o s-valor coincide com o p-valor, e quando as hipóteses nulas são compostas, a relação entre o p-valor e o s-valor são complexas. No caso da variância conhecida, se a hipótese nula for uma semi-reta o p-valor é majorado pelo s-valor, se a hipótese é um intervalo fechado a diferença entre as duas medidas de evidência diminui conforme o comprimento do intervalo da hipótese testada. No caso de variância desconhecida e hipóteses nulas compostas, o s-valor é majorado pelo p-valor para valores pequenos do s-valor, por exemplo, quando o s-valor é menor do que 0.05. / This work aims to study two measures of evidence, namely: the p-value and s-value. The likelihood ratio statistic is used to calculate these two evidence measures. Informally, the p-value is the probability of an extreme event under the conditions imposed by the null hypothesis, while the s-value is the greatest confidence level of the confidence region such that the parameter space under the null hypothesis and the confidence region have at least one element in common. For both measures, the smaller are the respective values, the greater is the degree of inconsistency between the observed values and the null hypothesis. In this study, we will consider simple and composite null hypotheses and it will be restricted to independently and normally distributed data. The main results are: 1) to obtain the analytical formulas for the p-value, by using conditional probabilities, and for the s-value, and 2) to compare the p-value and s-value under different scenarios, namely: known and unknown variance, and simple and composite null hypotheses. For simple null hypotheses, the s-value coincides with the p-value, and for composite null hypotheses, the p-value and the s-value relationships are complex. In the case of known variance, if the null hypothesis is a half-line the p-value is smaller than the s-value, if the null hypothesis is a closed interval the difference between the two measures of evidence decreases with the interval width specified in the null hypothesis. In the case of unknown variance and composite hypotheses, the s-value is smaller than the p-value when the value of the s-value is small.
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Tarefas de traduÃÃo e ensino de l2: uma investigaÃÃo dos processos cognitivos pelo viÃs da hipÃtese da produÃÃo. / Translation activities and and second language teaching. An investigation of the cognitive processes through the Output HypothesisAntonia de Jesus Sales 06 December 2016 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / Este estudo visa a investigar a existÃncia de uma possÃvel interface entre atividades de traduÃÃo na sala de L2 e as funÃÃes da HipÃtese da ProduÃÃo de Swain. Swain (1985) postula que ao produzir lÃngua, o aprendiz se engaja em trÃs funÃÃes: percepÃÃo de lacunas, testagem de hipÃteses e reflexÃo metalinguÃstica. O presente estudo parte do pressuposto de que traduzir à produzir lÃngua, considerando a traduÃÃo como recriaÃÃo de efeitos de sentido (Santoro, 2011) e, assim, analisamos se as funÃÃes da HipÃtese da ProduÃÃo emergem durante a atividade de traduÃÃo, de cunho pedagÃgico, a ser realizada. A metodologia previu a conduÃÃo de um experimento prÃtico com uma atividade de traduÃÃo, para a geraÃÃo de dados, em que os participantes da pesquisa foram oito estudantes de graduaÃÃo em Letras-InglÃs, na qual estes fizeram uma atividade narrativa em dupla, gravada em Ãudio. Com base na transcriÃÃo dos Ãudios, os dados foram analisados, qualitativamente, visando a investigar se os processos mentais nos quais os alunos embarcam tÃm relaÃÃo com as funÃÃes da HipÃtese da ProduÃÃo de Swain. Analisamos, portanto, se durante a atividade de traduÃÃo, os participantes notaram lacunas, formularam hipÃteses e se refletiram metalinguisticamente acerca da L2. Os resultados comprovam que as funÃÃes ocorrem de forma entrelaÃada e justaposta dentro dos processos cognitivos exigidos pela referida tarefa. Estes resultados implicam em novas formas de se considerar a traduÃÃo no contexto da sala de LE e de novas proposiÃÃes de tarefas tradutÃrias. Implica, tambÃm, em novas necessidades na formaÃÃo do professor de LE, considerando o contexto de formaÃÃo deste profissional. / The present study aims to investigate the existence of an interface between translation activities in L2 classroom and the functions of Swain`s Output Hypothesis. For this, the present study assumes that translating is language production, considering translation as re-creation of meaning effects (Santoro, 2011) and thus, we analyzed if the functions of the Output Hypothesis emerge during a translation activity in a pedagogical nature, to be held. The methodology provided the conduction of a practical experiment with a translation activity, where participants were eight undergraduate students, in which they made an activity in pairs, and it was audio recorded. Based on the transcription of these recordings, the data was analyzed with a view to investigate whether the mental processes in which students embark relate to the functions of Swain`s Hypothesis. In conclusion, we observed if during the translation activity, the participants noted gaps, formulated hypotheses and if they reflected metalinguistically about the L2. The results show that the functions occur interwoven, in a juxtaposed manner within the cognitive processes required by the task. The results imply in news ways of considering the pedagogic translation in the foreign language classroom and it also implies in new necessities in the foreign language teachersâ training.
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O estatuto conceitual e funcional das proformas. Pronome: protÃtipo das proformas. / The conceptual and functional status of proforms. Pronoun - the protype of proforms.Kilpatrick MÃller Bernardo Campelo 04 October 2007 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de NÃvel Superior / RESUMO
Esta tese, predominantemente teÃrica, postula que os sistemas lingÃÃsticos naturais tendem a uma regularizaÃÃo demonstrÃvel por meio de formas, categorias, classes e funÃÃes prototÃpicas. As formas representativas de prototipicidade de propriedades categoriais ou de classes de palavra sÃo construÃdas por intermÃdio de eleiÃÃes dos usuÃrios de determinadas comunidades lingÃÃsticas. Essas opÃÃes assentam-se ou sedimentam-se com base na freqÃÃncia de uso. Quanto mais freqÃentemente uma forma à usada, maior a possibilidade de gramaticalizaÃÃo acentuada, com perda de massa fÃnica e morfologizaÃÃo, com repercussÃes atinentes ao seu estatuto categorial em relaÃÃo aos paradigmas da lÃngua. A codificaÃÃo gramatical de toda e qualquer propriedade categorial (nÃmero, pessoa, gÃnero, tempo, modo, voz, etc), assim como das classes de palavras Ã, em Ãltima anÃlise, construÃda com base no uso. A propositura fundamental desta tese à a reivindicaÃÃo de uma nova categoria, a proformalidade, com vistas a reconfigurar as classes, de tal sorte que a reordenaÃÃo contemple quatro macroclasses de palavras, a saber: nomes (substantivos, adjetivos, numerais); verbos; advÃrbios; e elementos relacionais (juntores preposicionais e conjuncionais). Essa categoria afeta igualmente as subclasses das referidas macroclasses e os morfemas intralexicais codificadores das aludidas propriedades categoriais, com a admissÃo de uma movimentaÃÃo interclasse e intraclasse decorrente da incidÃncia de processos de gramaticalizaÃÃo. O cabedal teÃrico à constituÃdo do confronto de modelos epistemolÃgicos, com a opÃÃo por um amÃlgama de teses aristotÃlicas e prototipistas; da exposiÃÃo da natureza dos processos de gramaticalizaÃÃo, com a admissÃo de que lÃxico e gramÃtica sÃo seÃÃes diferenciadas pelo estatuto de gramaticalidade; da admissÃo da hipÃtese evolucionÃria para explicar os movimentos de gramaticalizaÃÃo de codificaÃÃes de maior transparÃncia (ou concretude referencial) e funÃÃes exofÃricas para funÃÃes estritamente intralingÃÃsticas. Ao longo dessa exposiÃÃo teÃrica, que confronta teses tradicionais sem desconsiderar seu proveito relativo, anÃlises ilustrativas de amostras de uso concreto da lÃngua portuguesa (coligidas do www.corpusdoportugues.org e de outros sÃtios da internet) sÃo empreendidas com vistas a fundamentar minimamente a razÃo de ser da tese fundamental. Destarte, esta proposta de classificaÃÃo gradua as macroclasses de palavras em dois macrogrupos, denominados de pleriformas e proformas, os quais sÃo discrepados com base na manifestaÃÃo mais ou menos acentuada da categoria proformalidade. Essa categoria responde pela fusÃo de conceitos pragmÃticos, cognitivos e lingÃÃsticos para explicar a prototipicidade de formas de classes, subclasses e morfemas intralexicais como itens exemplares de seus respectivos paradigmas. Sua exemplaridade provÃm da conservaÃÃo de traÃos semÃnticos mÃnimos no interior de cada classe, subclasse ou paradigma mÃrfico intralexical, de tal modo que uma proforma pode desempenhar funÃÃo supletiva com freqÃÃncia majoritÃria, conquanto nÃo absoluta, ou representar prototipicamente todos os membros de sua classe, subclasse ou paradigma mÃrfico intralexical. A compreensÃo de que os processos de variaÃÃo e mudanÃa lingÃÃstica, em especial a gramaticalizaÃÃo, responde pela fluidez categorial nos levou a compor escalas de continua dentro das diversas macroclasses proformais, com vistas a exemplificar o trÃnsito interclasse e intraclasse com diferentes graus de gramaticalidade (observando-se para a avaliaÃÃo do estatuto de gramaticalidade, fatores de ordem mÃrfica, sintÃtica e semÃntica). Por outras palavras, a elaboraÃÃo das escalas tem por interesse ilustrar que o estatuto de gramaticalidade de pleri- e proformas disponÃveis para codificaÃÃo lingÃÃstica de toda ordem pode variar entre as classes, entre as subclasses de uma mesma classe, entre os morfemas intralexicais e entre funÃÃes sintÃtico-semÃnticas. Desse modo, no interior de cada macroclasse pleri- e proformal, de suas subclasses e de suas propriedades categoriais constitutivas, as formas apresentam estatutos de gramaticalidade variados, a depender de sua maior, menor ou mÃltipla filiaÃÃo, respectivamente, a macroclasses, a subclasses, ou a maior ou menor expressÃo morfologizada de uma propriedade categorial. As disputas, portanto, entre lÃxico e gramÃtica, condicionadas por fatores cognitivos e pragmÃticos, ocorrem entre as classes, as subclasses e os morfemas intralexicais codificadores de propriedades categoriais. Por fim, a tese presta um tributo à tradiÃÃo por ter, de um modo ou de outro, chamado atenÃÃo, ou intuÃdo, para a propensÃo de os sistemas lingÃÃsticos apresentarem, de modo periodicamente refundido, uma contraparte mais genÃrica de cada macroclasse, subclasse e morfemas intralexicais. Contudo, esse entendimento se refletiu ou se resumiu estrita e/ou principalmente à classe pronominal. Justifica-se, assim, a consideraÃÃo dos pronomes como os protÃtipos das proformas, ou seja, como seus exemplares tÃpicos ou melhores representantes. / This thesis, predominantly theoretical, postulates that the natural linguistic systems tend to regularization demonstrable through prototypical forms, categories, classes and functions. The representative forms of categorical properties prototypicality are built by means of user-determined choices of language communities. These choices settle down or sediment on the basis of usage frequency. The more often a given form is used, the greater the possibility of stressed grammaticalization, with the loss of phonic mass and the morphologicalization with germane repercussions to the categorical status in relationship to the language paradigms. The grammatical codification of each and every categorical property (number, person, size, gender, tense, mood, voice, and so on), as well as the word classes, is, in the last analysis, construed on the basis of the use. The fundamental proposition of this thesis is the claim for a new category, proformality, in pursuit of reconfiguring the word classes, in such a way the reordination considers four word macroclasses, to wit: nouns (substantives, adjectives, numerals); verbs; adverbs; and relational elements (prepositional and conjunctional connectors). This category affects not only the subclasses of the above mentioned macroclasses but also the intralexical morphemes codifying the referred categorical properties, with the admission of a interclass and intraclass moving as a consequence of the incidence of grammaticalization processes. The theoretical support is constituted by the confrontation of epistemological models, with the final option for an amalgam of Aristothelic and prototypical theses; by the exposition on the grammaticalization processes nature, with the assumption that lexicon and grammar are differentiated sections by virtue of the grammaticality status; by the admission of the evolutionary hypothesis to explain the movements of grammaticalization of codifications of bigger transparence (referential concreteness) and exophoric codifications to strictly intralinguistic functions. Along of that theoretical exposition, which confronts traditional theses without disregarding its relative profit, illustrative analyses of samples taken from the concrete use of Portuguese language (collected from www.corpusdoportugues.org and other internet sites) are undertaken aiming to found minimally the fundamental reason of this thesis. Thus, this proposition of classification gradates the word macroclasses in two macrogroups, named pleriforms and proforms, which are distinguished on the basis of the manifestation more or less stressed of proformality category. This category accounts for the fusion of pragmatic, cognitive and linguistic concepts in order to explain the prototypicality of forms related to classes, subclasses and intralexical morphemes as model items of their correspondent paradigms.Its exemplarity comes from the conservation of minimal semantic features at the bottom of each class, subclass and intralexical morphemic paradigm, in such a way a proform can perform a suppletive function with large-scale frequency, even though not absolute, or represent prototypically all of the members of its class, subclass or intralexical morphemic paradigm. The comprehension that the processes of variation and linguistic change, especially grammaticalization, accounts for categorical fluidity led us to produce scales of continua inside several proformal macroclasses, aiming to exemplify the movement inside the same class and among the different classes with different degrees of grammaticality ( to do that, one observes factors of morphological, syntactic and semantic factors). In other terms, the elaboration of scales aims to illustrate that the status of grammaticality of available pleri- and proforms to any kind of linguistic codification can vary among the classes, the subclasses of the same class, the intralexical morphemes and syntactic-semantic functions. So inside each pleri- and proformal macroclass, inside its subclasses and inside its constitutive categorical properties, forms present different levels of grammaticality on the basis of its greater, lesser or multiple membership, respectively, on macroclasses, subclasses, greater or lesser morphological expression of a categorical property. Therefore, the disputes among lexicon and grammar, conditioned by cognitive and pragmatic factors, occur inside the classes, the subclasses and the intralexical morphemes codifying categorical properties. Finally this thesis pays tribute to the tradition since it has paid attention, one way or the other, to the propension of linguistic systems to put forward, in a periodically remolded way, the more generic counterpart of each macroclass, subclass and intralexical morphemes. However, this understanding has been strictly or mainly reflected and subsumed to the so called pronominal class. That is the reason why it is justifiable the consideration that pronouns are the prototypes of proforms, that is, they are their typical exemplars or their better representatives.
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Learning and loss aversion : evidence from a financial betting marketÓ Briain, Tomás January 2016 (has links)
This research is motivated by a number of open questions in the behavioural finance literature. Firstly, if investors do not learn in a rational Bayesian manner but rather suffer from biases set out in the naïve reinforcement hypothesis, rationality assumptions in individual preference models may not hold. I use a unique longitudinal dataset comprising in excess of 1.5 million fixed-odds financial bets, where bettors perform identical, consecutive decisions which mimic financial choices made in a laboratory, but the use of their own funds departs from the artificiality of an experiment. I present evidence of unwarranted overconfidence generated by reinforcement learning in both real and simulated markets. Secondly, Kahneman and Tversky (1979) state that losses loom larger than gains. I examine whether the disposition to avoid losses is driving behaviour in the losing domain in the dataset and conclude that there is little evidence of loss aversion. I differentiate between betting on Financial Markets, in which agents may perceive an internal locus of control, and betting on the simulated market, where results are uncorrelated and in which the emotions of regret and disappointment may not loom as large. Finally, Odean (1998) provides evidence that investors readily realise paper gains by selling their winning stocks, yet hold on to their losing stocks too long. This loss aversion is consistent with Kahneman and Tversky (1979) prospect theory, however, how long would the investor hold on to a stock that is losing value on a day-to-day basis? Conversely, would an investor rush to sell a stock that has yielded positive returns in each month during the past year? I test the interaction between learning and loss aversion in a financial betting experiment in which two treatment groups are subjected to consecutive gains or losses.
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Julmust, Must or Christmas Cola? : Translation Strategies for Words for Culture Specific Items in Two Translations of Liza Marklund’s 'SprängarenMole, Richard January 2019 (has links)
Research within translation characterises cultural references as being problematic for translators, meaning they must choose between different translation strategies as to how to transfer these references into the translated text. These strategies are often described in general terms according to how closely oriented they are to the target-culture or source-culture, known as domestication or foreignisation. Translation of literature into English is minimal in world terms and there is seemingly a lack of statistically comparable data concerning the translation of cultural references. This study investigates and compares translation strategies of words denoting cultural references in two translations of the 1998 Swedish Nordic Noir novel Sprängaren by Liza Marklund. The methodology in the study is based on descriptive translation studies, and a categorisation model for types of cultural references is used, as well as an adapted taxonomy model for evaluating translation strategies. Issues addressed are: what types of strategies are used; whether strategies change between translations; how the second translation stands in relation to the retranslation hypothesis and whether any general translation norms are apparent. Results show that a wide variety of translation strategies are used for different types of cultural references, with subtle differences in strategies used in each translation. However, both translations appear to be more domestication-oriented with little overall movement towards to the source culture, as the retranslation hypothesis suggests.
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Shared Education - Hope for Reconciliation in Northern IrelandMalmelöv, Linda January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigating the Gamma-ray Strength Function in 74Ge using the Ratio MethodSowazi, Khanyisa January 2018 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / An increasing number of measurements reveal the presence of a low-energy enhancement
in the gamma-ray strength function (GSF). The GSF, which is the
ability of nuclei to absorb or emit
rays, provides insight into the statistical properties
of atomic nuclei. For this project the GSF was studied for 74Ge which was
populated in the reaction 74Ge(p,p')74Ge* at a beam energy of 18 MeV. The data
were collected with the STARS-LIBERACE array at Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory. Silicon detector telescopes were used for particle identi cation and
rays in coincidence were detected with 5 clover-type high-purity germanium detectors.
Through the analysis particle-
coincidence events were constructed.
These events, together with well-known energy levels, were used to identify primary
rays from the quasicontinuum. Primary
rays from a broad excitation
energy region, which decay to six 2+ states could be identi ed. These states and
the associated primary
rays are used to measure the GSF for 74Ge with the
Ratio Method [1], which entails taking ratios of e ciency-corrected primary
intensities from the quasicontinuum. Results from the analysis of the data and
focus on the existence of the low-energy enhancement in 74Ge will be discussed.
The results are further discussed in the context of other work done on 74Ge using
the (
') [2], (3He,3He') [3] and ( , ') [4] reactions.
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Deciding to Look: Revisiting the Link between Lexical Activations and Eye Movements in the Visual World Paradigm in JapaneseTeruya, Hideko 11 January 2019 (has links)
All current theories of spoken word recognition (e.g., Allopenna et al., 1998; McClelland & Elman, 1986; Norris, 1994) suggest that any part of a target word triggers activation of candidate words. Visual world paradigm studies have relied on the linking hypothesis that the probability of looking at the referent of a word directly tracks the word’s level of activation (e.g., Allopenna et al., 1998).
However, how much information is needed to trigger a saccade to a visual representation of the word’s referent? To address this question, the present study manipulated the number and location of shared segments between the target and competitor words. Experimental evidence is provided by two visual world paradigm experiments on Japanese, using natural and synthesized speech. In both experiments, cohort competitor pictures were not fixated more than unrelated distractor pictures unless the cohort competitor shares the initial CVC with the target. Bayesian analyses provide strong support for the null hypothesis that shorter overlap does not affect eye movements. The results suggest that a listener needs to accumulate enough evidence for a word before a saccade is generated.
The human data were validated by an interactive computational model (TRACE: McClelland & Elman, 1986). The model was adapted to Japanese language to examine whether the TRACE model predicts competitor effects that fit human data. The model predicted that there should be effects when words share any amount with a target which confirms the current theory. However, the model did not fit the human data unless there is longer overlap between words. This indicates that eye movements are not as closely tied to fixation probabilities of lexical representations as previously believed.
The present study suggests that looking at a referent of a word is a decision, made when the word’s activation exceeds a context-specific threshold. Subthreshold activations do not drive saccades. The present study conclude that decision-making processes need to be incorporated in models linking word activation to eye movements.
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An Investigation into the Determinants of Performance in the Dual-Fund Industry in the United States from Inception Through 1973Belt, Brian 12 1900 (has links)
This research is a systematic, in depth empirical test of the strong form of the efficient market hypothesis (EMH) using the dual-fund industry as the research subject. Unlike most strong-form EMH research, this study deals with a small, homogeneous sector of the investment company industry with a comparable origin date. To obtain homogeneity of the research subjects, the sample size is necessarily small (7), thus, making it difficult to find statistically significant results. In general, portfolio performance is negatively correlated with variability in measures of portfolio characteristics such as the major mix, common stock categories, portfolio turnover, etc. The better-performing dual funds were more consistently managed while the lower-performing companies had significant and sometimes frequent changes in portfolio policies. In line with the efficient market hypothesis, "passive" management, i.e., low turnover, few changes in major mix or common stock composition, shows better results in the dual-fund industry from inception through 1973.
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