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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Disordered Eating Behaviour, Unhealthy Eating Patterns and the Association with Body Mass Index among Canadian Youth Aged 12-17: A Cross-sectional Study

Habib, Jayson January 2023 (has links)
This is the final submission of my Masters Thesis. / OBJECTIVES: Cognitive disordered eating behaviours (body shape concerns) are prevalent among youth with higher unhealthy body mass indexes (BMIs), while physical disordered eating behaviours (unhealthy changes in eating habits) are common mechanisms in determining future BMI. This thesis investigates the associations between these disordered eating behaviours and BMI categories and evaluates potential covariate modification. As a secondary objective, this thesis investigates the association between unhealthy eating patterns and BMI categories. METHODS & DATA ANALYSIS: This study was conducted among Canadian youth aged 12-17 (n=12,350). Body shape concerns were measured as the frequency of having a preoccupied desire to be thin while changing eating habits was measured as the frequency of changing eating habits to manage weight. Unhealthy eating patterns were defined as frequent restaurant eating, energy drink consumption, and skipping breakfast. Categorical BMI classifications consisted of obesity, overweight and normal/underweight. Adjusted multinomial logistic regression models were constructed. Covariates were independently tested for statistical interaction in the primary relationships. Measures of association were reported as adjusted odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS: Having a preoccupied desire to be thin was associated with increased odds of being overweight and having obesity. These relationships were modified by sex, physical activity, and sleep. Changing eating habits to manage weight was associated with increased odds of being overweight and having obesity. These relationships were modified by sex. Skipping breakfast increased the odds of being overweight and having obesity, while consuming energy drinks increased the odds of having obesity. CONCLUSION: Over 40% of the sample experienced some frequency of having body shape concerns or changing eating habits to manage weight. These disordered eating behaviours increase the odds of being overweight and having obesity. Continued monitoring through national–level surveys, will be crucial in understanding changes in rates of disordered eating behaviour. / Thesis / Master of Public Health (MPH)

Determinants of contraceptive use among currently married women in Amhara and Oromiya Regions of Ethiopia

Teferi, Zeleka January 2009 (has links)
Magister Philosophiae - MPhil / The purpose of this research is to study the effect of different demographic and socio economic factors on the contraceptive use among currently married women of age 15-49 in the two regions of Ethiopia, Amhara (17,214,056) and Oromiya (27,158,471). Data are obtained from the 2005 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS). Information on contraceptive use was provided by current use 1334 (14.7), future use 4017 (52.0), unmet need for spacing 1817 (20.0) and limiting 1249 (13.3) currently married women aged 15-49 interviewed in the 2005 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS). / South Africa

Asthma control in Latin America: the Asthma Insights and Reality in Latin America (AIRLA) survey.

Neffen, Hugo, Fritscher, Carlos, Schacht, Francisco Cuevas, Levy, Gur, Chiarella, Pascual, Soriano, Joan B, Mechali, Daniel 01 March 2005 (has links)
Objectives. The aims of this survey were (1) to assess the quality of asthma treatment and control in Latin America, (2) to determine how closely asthma management guidelines are being followed, and (3) to assess perception, knowledge and attitudes related to asthma in Latin America. Methods. We surveyed a household sample of 2 184 adults or parents of children with asthma in 2003 in 11 countries in Latin America. Respondents were asked about healthcare utilization, symptom severity, activity limitations and medication use. Results. Daytime asthma symptoms were reported by 56% of the respondents, and 51 % reported being awakened by their asthma at night. More than half of those surveyed had been hospitalized, attended a hospital emergency service or made unscheduled emergency visits to other healthcare facilities for asthma during the previous year. Patient perception of asthma control did not match symptom severity, even in patients with severe persistent asthma, 44.7% of whom regarded their disease as being well or completely controlled. Only 2.4% (2.3% adults and 2.6% children) met all criteria for asthma control. Although 37% reported treatment with prescription medications, only 6% were using inhaled corticosteroids. Most adults (79%) and children (68%) in this survey reported that asthma symptoms limited their activities. Absence from school and work was reported by 58% of the children and 31% of adults, respectively. Conclusions. Asthma control in Latin America falls short of goals in international guidelines, and in many aspects asthma care and control in Latin America suffer from the same shortcomings as in other areas of the world. / Revisión por pares

Prevalência de doenças crônicas e a utilização dos serviços de saúde por idosos residentes no Município de São Paulo / Prevalence of Chronic desease and health service utilization by the elderly residing in São Paulo-city

Mendes, Telma de Almeida Busch 19 August 2010 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: As doenças crônicas decorrentes do envelhecimento e o estilo de vida não saudável são os grandes fatores responsáveis pela alta morbi-mortalidade e pela grande sobrecarga no sistema de saúde. OBJETIVO: Este estudo analisa a prevalência de hipertensão e diabetes na população de 60 anos ou mais no município de São Paulo - capital e a utilização dos serviços de saúde segundo as variáveis demográficas e socioeconômicas, condições de saúde e estilo de vida. MÉTODOS: Inquérito domiciliar de saúde do tipo transversal que analisou os dados de 872 idosos residentes no município de São Paulo (ISA- Capital) por meio de um questionário dividido em blocos temáticos aplicado em uma amostra por conglomerados e estratificada segundo a escolaridade do chefe de família e nível socioeconômico. Análises bivariadas e multivariadas foram realizadas e geraram três modelos de regressão múltipla de Poisson para verificar a existência de fatores associados à hipertensão, diabetes e à utilização dos serviços. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de hipertensão referida entre os idosos foi de 46,9% e de diabetes 17,9%, valores superiores ao encontrado na população adulta. As maiores taxas de hipertensão foram encontradas entre os idosos que referiram auto-avaliação de saúde ruim/muito ruim e boa, entre os idosos que nunca beberam ou não bebem mais, entre as mulheres e entre os que se hospitalizaram pelo menos uma vez no último ano, independente da idade. Para diabetes, o mesmo resultado foi encontrado para autoavaliação de saúde, entre os viúvos e entre os idosos que se hospitalizaram pelo menos uma vez no último ano. Quanto ao uso do serviço de saúde pelos idosos em geral, a prevalência de utilização foi aproximadamente 30,6% independente de morbidade. Entre os hipertensos, 59.4% procuraram os serviços e 97,1% deles foi atendido no serviço. Entre os diabéticos 53,4% e 96,1% respectivamente sem diferença na procura ou no uso dos serviços entre os que tinham e não tinham hipertensão e diabetes. Em relação às medidas e práticas de controle sobre a HAS e DM, a medida de controle mais conhecida e praticada entre os hipertensos é tomar a medicação de rotina para controle da doença e entre os diabéticos a mais conhecida é a dieta alimentar e praticada é tomar medicação oral de rotina com distinção do nível socioeconômico para algumas medidas. CONCLUSAO: A falta de informação, conhecimento e utilização de medidas de controle destas doenças ainda são insuficientes entre os idosos. Fazem-se necessárias políticas de saúde com foco na capacitação de profissionais e na orientação familiar; enfim, políticas que incentivem não só mudanças no estilo de vida dos idosos, mas que os tornem sujeitos ativos desta mudança, atuantes neste processo. / INTRODUCTION: Chronic diseases due to the ageing process and to the unhealthy lifestyle are the greatest factors responsible for the high morbimortality and for the health system overload. OBJECTIVE: This study analyzes the prevalence of Hypertension and Diabetes of a population over 60 years old from São Paulo city, and the use of health services according to demographic and socioeconomic variables, health status, and lifestyle. METHODS: A cross-sectional household health survey analyzed data from 872 elderly resident in São Paulo city using a questionnaire divided into thematic blocks applied in a stratified cluster sample according to the educational level of the head of the family and socioeconomic level. Bivariate and multivariate analysis were carried out and generated three models of Poisson regression model in order to verify the existence of factors associated to hypertension, to diabetes and to the use of health services. RESULTS: The prevalence of reported hypertension among the elderly was 46.9% and of Diabetes, 17.9%. Such values were above the ones found in the adult population. The highest hypertension rates were found among the elderly who reported bad/verybad health status, among those who never drank or those who stopped drinking, among women, and among those who were hospitalized at least twelve months prior to the interview, independently of the age. Concerning diabetes, the same result was found for the self-assessment of health, among widows and widowers, and among the elderly who were hospitalized at least once in the past year. Concerning the use of health services by the elderly, the prevalence of use was approximately 30.6% independently of the morbidity. Among the elderly with hypertension, 70.1% searched for the service because of the hypertension, 59.4% of them did it because of reported morbidity, and 97.1% of them were assisted by the service they searched. Among the diabetic, 69.9% routinely searched for the service because of the diabetes, 53.4% of them did it because of reported morbidity and 96.1% were assisted by the service they searched, with no difference regarding the search and use of services between those with and without hypertension and diabetes. Concerning the measures and control practice of HAS and DM, the most known and practiced control measure among the elderly with hypertension is taking routine medicine for the control of the disease; and among the diabetic, the most known practice is diet and the most practiced measure is taking routine oral medicine, with a difference of socioeconomic level for some measures. CONCLUSION: There is a lack of information, knowledge and use of control measures of these diseases among the elderly. Health policies focusing on professional training and family guiding are necessary in order to encourage not only changes in the lifestyle of the elderly, but also to make them active agents of this change, acting in this process.

Levantamento epidemiológico de cárie e fluorose dentária em escolares de 12 anos de idade no município de Rio Grande da Serra, São Paulo, 2011 / Epidemiological survey of dental caries and dental fluorosis among 12- year-old in Rio Grande da Serra, São Paulo, 2011

Paiato, Adriana Paula 03 December 2012 (has links)
O conhecimento da situação de saúde bucal de diferentes grupos populacionais, por meio de levantamentos epidemiológicos, é fundamental para o planejamento e desenvolvimento de ações em saúde adequadas às necessidades e aos riscos específicos de cada grupo, bem como possibilita monitorar os agravos e avaliar as estratégias implementadas ao longo do tempo. Este estudo buscou delinear o perfil epidemiológico de crianças de 12 anos de idade matriculadas nas escolas do município de Rio Grande da Serra, Estado de São Paulo, quanto à prevalência da fluorose dentária e a prevalência e necessidade de tratamento para cárie dentária. Buscou ainda, caracterizar a população, verificando as associações existentes entre as condições de estudo e as variáveis: socioeconômicas, demográficas, de acesso aos serviços odontológicos, percepção em saúde bucal e hábitos de higiene bucal. A amostra foi composta por 393 escolares. Apenas uma cirurgiã-dentista, previamente calibrada (Kappa=0,84), realizou todos os exames clínicos utilizando a metodologia recomendada pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (4a edição). A prevalência da cárie dentária aos 12 anos de idade foi de 55,7% e o índice CPOD médio encontrado foi de 1,5. O maior percentual encontrado quanto à necessidade de tratamento em relação cárie dentária foi para restauração de uma superfície em 30,6% dos avaliados, seguido por restauração de duas ou mais faces em 14,8%. A prevalência da fluorose dentária aos 12 anos de idade, segundo índice Dean, foi de 57%, praticamente restrita aos graus muito leve (48,3%) e leve (8,4%). Encontrou-se associação estatisticamente significante entre fluorose dentária e: número de cômodos na casa; ingestão de dentifrício e tamanho da escova de dente. Também se revelou estatisticamente significante a associação entre cárie dentária e: número de pessoas na casa; visita ao cirurgião-dentista e freqüência de escovação. Os resultados encontrados indicam a necessidade de implementação de medidas de atenção à saúde bucal, em especial aquelas voltadas à educação em saúde, ao controle dos fluoretos e ao monitoramento da fluorose dentária. / Knowledge of oral health conditions of different population groups, through epidemiological surveys, is essential for planning and developing actions on health appropriated for the needs and specific risks of each group, as well as it enables the monitoring of damages and the evaluation of implemented strategies over time.This study aimed at delineating the epidemiological profile of 12-year-old children who were enrolled in schools of the Municipality of Rio Grande da Serra, in the State of São Paulo, regarding the prevalence of dental fluorosis, as well as the prevalence and need of treatment for dental caries. The study has also sought to characterize the population, checking the associations between the study conditions and variables: socioeconomic, demographic, access to dental services, perception of oral health and oral hygiene habits. The sample consisted of 393 students. Only one dental surgeon, previously calibrated (Kappa = 0.84), performed all clinical examinations using the methodology recommended by the World Health Organization (4th edition). Regarding the need for treatment of dental caries, the highest percentage found was for the restoration of a surface in 30.6% of the assessed, followed by the restoration of two or more faces in 14.8% of them. The prevalence of dental fluorosis amongst 12-year-old children, according to Dean index, was 57%, largely confined to very mild (48.3%) and mild degrees (8.4%). It was found a statistically significant association between dental fluorosis and: the number of rooms inside the house; the ingestion of toothpaste; the toothbrush size. It has also revealed a statistically significant association between dental caries and: the number of people in the house; visit to the dentist; and brushing frequency. The findings denote the need for the implementation of oral health care measures, in particular those focused on health education, control of fluorides, and monitoring of dental fluorosis.

Perda dentária em adultos e idosos no Brasil: a influência de aspectos individuais, contextuais e geográficos / Tooth-loss in adults and the elderly in Brazil: the influence of individual, contextual and geographical features

Moreira, Rafael da Silveira 01 December 2009 (has links)
Introdução - As transições demográfica e epidemiológica vêm gerando mudanças no perfil sanitário de vários países. Dentre os vários campos da saúde, a saúde bucal expressa pela perda dentária encontra-se em situação preocupante. Objetivo - Identificar os fatores individuais e contextuais associados à perda dentária de adultos e idosos no Brasil e as características da distribuição espacial desses fatores. Métodos - Foram utilizados dados secundários do Projeto SB Brasil 2003, em que foi realizado um levantamento epidemiológico das condições de saúde bucal da população brasileira. Neste inquérito foi utilizada a técnica de amostragem probabilística por conglomerados, realizada em três estágios, totalizando 13.431 adultos entre 35 e 44 anos e 5.349 idosos entre 65 e 74 anos. A metodologia de análise empregou um modelo multinível de abordagem e a associação foi medida pela Razão de Médias e Razão de Prevalências, brutas e ajustadas. Utilizou-se a técnica de Processo Analítico Hierárquico (Analytical Hierarchy Process - AHP) e testes de dependência espacial para conhecer a distribuição espacial dos fatores associados à perda dentária. Resultados - Entre os adultos, as variáveis contextuais associadas com maior perda dentária foram: baixo número de cirurgiões-dentistas por mil habitantes (nível regional), maior número de exodontias por habitante (nível estadual) e municípios com menor porte populacional (nível municipal). As variáveis individuais associadas à perda dentária foram: maior número de pessoas por cômodo, ter consultado o cirurgião-dentista alguma vez na vida, há três anos ou mais e por motivo de dor, não ter recebido informações sobre prevenção de doenças bucais, ser do sexo feminino e a idade maior. Entre os idosos, duas análises foram feitas. Na primeira análise, as variáveis contextuais associadas ao edentulismo funcional foram as mesmas encontradas nos adultos, exceto o porte populacional. Na segunda análise, as variáveis contextuais associadas à menor necessidade de prótese total foram: maior taxa de primeira consulta odontológica programática (nível regional), da média de anos de estudo (nível estadual) e do porte municipal. Morar na área rural, maior número de pessoas por cômodo, ter tido a última consulta odontológica em serviço público, ser do sexo masculino, nãobranco e idade mais avançada foram associados à necessidade de prótese total. A análise espacial revelou áreas de risco estatisticamente significantes para a perda dentária e para a necessidade de prótese total. Conclusões - O estudo revelou os principais aspectos contextuais e individuais associados com maior perda dentária. A combinação espacial simultânea desses atributos gerou mapas de predisposição para a perda dentária e necessidade de prótese total que podem nortear as ações de Saúde Bucal Coletiva. / Introduction - The demographic and epidemiological transitions are causing changes in the health profile worldwide. Among the various areas of health care, oral health expressed by tooth loss is in a precarious situation. Objective - The objective was thus to identify the individual and contextual factors associated with tooth-loss in adults and the elderly in Brazil and the characteristics of the spatial distribution of these factors. Methods - Secondary data from the 2003 SB Brasil Project were used. This was an epidemiological survey of the oral health of the Brazilian population. The study used the technique of probability sampling by clusters, in three stages, covering 13,431 adults aged between 35 and 44 years old and 5,349 elderly individuals aged between 65 and 74 years. A multilevel analysis was employed and the degree of association was measured using the crude and adjusted mean and prevalence ratios. The Analytical Hierachy Process (AHP) technique was used to ascertain the spatial distribution of factors associated with tooth- loss, along with tests of spatial dependence. Results - Among adults, the contextual variables associated with increased tooth-loss were: a lower number of dentists per thousand inhabitants (at regional level), an increased number of tooth extractions per capita (at state level) and a smaller population size (at municipal level). The individual variables associated with tooth-loss were: a greater number of individuals living in the same room, never having consulted a dentist, having consulted a dentist three years or more ago and because of pain, not having received information on prevention of dental diseases, being female, and increased age. A further two analyses were carried out for the elderly group. In the first analysis, the contextual variables associated with functional edentulism were found to be the same in adults, with the exception of the population size. Living in rural areas and being female were associated with functional edentulism. In the second analysis, the contextual variables associated with reduced need for total prosthesis were: greater coverage of the first dental consult program (at regional level), average number of years of schooling (at state level) and population size. Living in rural areas, a greater number of individuals per room, having had the last dental consultation in the public sector, being male, non-white and of greater age were associated with the need for total prosthesis. Spatial analysis shows critical areas of risk for tooth loss. Conclusions - The study revealed the key contextual and individual aspects associated with greater tooth-loss. The combination of simultaneous spatial attributes generated maps showing the geographical predisposition to tooth loss and the need for total prosthesis that will be able to guide the work of those working in the area of Collective Oral Health.

Acesso, utilização e equidade nos serviços de saúde em São Paulo - inquéritos de base populacional / Access, use and equity in health care services in São Paulo, Brazil - populational household surveys

Monteiro, Camila Nascimento 29 July 2016 (has links)
Com a criação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) ampliou-se muito o acesso e utilização de serviços e insumos de saúde no Brasil. A partir de 2003, o Programa Nacional de Imunização (PNI) e a Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) foram fortalecidos e houve a implementação do Programa Farmácia Popular do Brasil (PFPB) e do Programa Brasil Sorridente (PBS). O estudo analisou diferenças socioeconômicas no acesso e utilização dos serviços de saúde nas quatro áreas: vacinas, medicamentos, consultas médicas e consultas odontológicas, em 2003 e em 2008, e as mudanças ocorridas no período. Os dados são provenientes dos inquéritos domiciliares de base populacional realizados no município de São Paulo, ISA-Capital 2003 e ISA-Capital 2008. Modelos de Regressão de Poisson, Regressão Logística, Curva de Concentração e cálculo do Índice de Concentração foram usados para analisar as associações entre as características sociodemográficas e socioeconômicas e o acesso e uso de serviços de saúde. Para estudar as diferenças no período 2003-2008 foram usados Modelos de Interação. O SUS foi o mais utilizado para vacinação contra a gripe e pneumonia e não foram observadas diferenças significativas na freqüência de utilização do SUS para vacinação entre as categorias das variáveis pesquisadas, o que sugere distribuição universal por este meio. Foi encontrado elevado acesso a medicamentos prescritos no serviço de saúde e diminuição do índice de concentração, o que aponta para a expansão de usuários do SUS entre 2003 e 2008, com aumento do uso pela população com maior nível socioeconômico. O acesso a consultas médicas foi praticamente universal; entretanto a resolução do problema de saúde foi menos freqüente nas populações desfavorecidas do ponto de vista socioeconômico. Houve aumento de consultas odontológicas no período, mantendo as desigualdades socioeconômicas na utilização desse serviço. Não houve aumento de consultas odontológicas cobertas pelo SUS entre 2003 e 2008. O SUS teve diferente participação nas áreas estudadas. A implantação e reforço do PNI, ESF, PFPB e PBS entre 2003 e 2008 aumentou o acesso aos serviços de saúde em todos os grupos socioeconômicos, entretanto, permanecem as desigualdades sociais na utilização desses serviços. O estudo contribui para a avaliação do impacto do PNI, ESF, PFPB e PBS e as discussões das propostas para redução das desigualdades no acesso e uso de serviços de saúde / Due to the implementation of Brazilian Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde-SUS), the access to health care services has improved in Brazil. Since 2003, Brazil\'s National Immunization Program (Programa Nacional de Imunização-PNI) and Family Health Strategy (Estratégia Saúde da Família-ESF) have been strengthened and the Brazilian Popular Drugstore program (Programa Farmácia Popular do Brasil-PFPB) and Smiling Brazil program (Programa Brasil Sorridente-PBS) has been established. The purposes of this study are to analyze socioeconomic differences in access and utilization of health care services in followed areas: vaccination, medication, doctor appointments and dental health services in 2003 and in 2008, and changes during the period. Data from population health surveys conducted in São Paulo, Brazil called ISA-Capital 2003 and ISA-Capital 2008. Poisson regression models, logistic regression, concentration curve and concentration index were used to explore the associations between socioeconomic characteristics and access-utilization of health care services. The differences during the period of 2003-2008 were analyzed by Interaction Models. The SUS was more accessed for vaccination against influenza and pneumonia compared to private sector and there was no significant results among categories of variables studied, which suggest universality. There was large access by the population to medication and the concentration index decreased, which suggest an increase of the access to SUS by higher socioeconomic groups. The access to doctor appointments was almost universal; however, the resolution of health problem was higher in people with higher socioeconomic groups. There was an increase of dental health services use between 2003 and 2008 but socioeconomic differences in use did not decrease over time. There was no increase in dental health services covered by SUS between 2003 and 2008. The implementation and strengthening of the PNI, ESF, PFPB and PBS promoted a considerable increase in access to health care services in all socioeconomic groups. However, social inequalities in health care services use remains. This study contributes to discussion for inequalities reductions and the impact of these programs in access and use of health care services

Analysis of Scottish health survey data to inform Scottish physical activity and sedentary behaviour policy and surveillance

Strain, Tessa Rosalind January 2018 (has links)
In 2011, the United Kingdom (U.K.) physical activity (PA) guidelines were updated. The adult moderate-to-vigorous intensity PA (MVPA) recommendation changed to reflect that different frequency and intensity permutations lead to equivalent health benefits. New recommendations were added for muscle strengthening activities (MSA) and the reduction of sedentary time (ST). Those over 65 years were also recommended to undertake balance and co-ordination activities (BCA). Despite these new additions, Scottish PA policy still concentrated on MVPA, with considerable resources allocated to sport and some exercise activities. Since 2012, the Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) has collected data relating to these new recommendations annually, but few analyses have been undertaken. This thesis contains the most comprehensive analyses of the 2012-15 SHeS PA and ST data to date, and a review into whether the method produces valid and reliable estimates. The aim of this thesis was to inform Scottish PA and sedentary behaviour policy by producing research to support the incorporation of these new recommendations and the promotion of non-sport-related MVPA policies. It also aimed to inform any future developments to PA and ST surveillance in Scotland. The first three studies of this thesis are cross-sectional analyses of the updated recommendations for adults in Scotland. They present prevalence and participation data in specific domains, activities, and behaviours by age and sex. The main findings were that (1) sport was a minority contributor to the total MVPA of adults in Scotland, regardless of sex, age, or activity status (never more than 20%), (2) compliance with the MSA recommendation was approximately half that of the MVPA recommendation (31% of men and 24% of women), and compliance with the BCA recommendation amongst those over 65 years was very low (19% of older men and 12% of older women), and (3) middle-aged adults in work reported a comparable amount of weekday ST to adults over 75 years (7-8 hours per day). The fourth study was a review of the available evidence into whether the PA and ST estimates produced by the 2012-15 SHeS were valid and reliable. The SHeS was found to be fit for purpose, but recommendations were made regarding the analysis and interpretation of the data to minimise areas of concern. These were (1) analyse MVPA data with and without the domain of occupational MVPA, (2) make it clear that only sport and exercise activities can contribute to achieving the MSA and BCA recommendations under the SHeS method, and (3) focus on the comparisons between groups in relation to ST, rather than on the absolute values. The fifth study used the findings from the previous four to inform the design of a prospective cohort study that will investigate the joint effects of MVPA and total ST on all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. This thesis contains the results of the preliminary analyses. This study is designed to inform policy by providing novel information on how the combination of these behaviours affects health outcomes in a representative sample of Scottish adults. There is clear evidence that this work has already informed policy and surveillance. The work on the relative contribution of the domains of MVPA is regularly cited in evidence briefings for the Scottish Government and the Scottish Parliament. This has increased the awareness amongst key policy-makers that sport is not a major contributor to the total MVPA of adults in Scotland. The work on MSA, BCA, and ST was a catalyst for a proposal to include indicators relating to these recommendations on the national PA monitoring framework. The work on MSA and BCA has also been a key reference text in preparation for the next update to the U.K. PA guidelines, stressing the need to consider surveillance at an early stage. In summary, the novel analyses of SHeS data undertaken for this thesis have demonstrably informed PA and sedentary behaviour policy and surveillance in Scotland.

Prevalência de doenças crônicas e a utilização dos serviços de saúde por idosos residentes no Município de São Paulo / Prevalence of Chronic desease and health service utilization by the elderly residing in São Paulo-city

Telma de Almeida Busch Mendes 19 August 2010 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: As doenças crônicas decorrentes do envelhecimento e o estilo de vida não saudável são os grandes fatores responsáveis pela alta morbi-mortalidade e pela grande sobrecarga no sistema de saúde. OBJETIVO: Este estudo analisa a prevalência de hipertensão e diabetes na população de 60 anos ou mais no município de São Paulo - capital e a utilização dos serviços de saúde segundo as variáveis demográficas e socioeconômicas, condições de saúde e estilo de vida. MÉTODOS: Inquérito domiciliar de saúde do tipo transversal que analisou os dados de 872 idosos residentes no município de São Paulo (ISA- Capital) por meio de um questionário dividido em blocos temáticos aplicado em uma amostra por conglomerados e estratificada segundo a escolaridade do chefe de família e nível socioeconômico. Análises bivariadas e multivariadas foram realizadas e geraram três modelos de regressão múltipla de Poisson para verificar a existência de fatores associados à hipertensão, diabetes e à utilização dos serviços. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de hipertensão referida entre os idosos foi de 46,9% e de diabetes 17,9%, valores superiores ao encontrado na população adulta. As maiores taxas de hipertensão foram encontradas entre os idosos que referiram auto-avaliação de saúde ruim/muito ruim e boa, entre os idosos que nunca beberam ou não bebem mais, entre as mulheres e entre os que se hospitalizaram pelo menos uma vez no último ano, independente da idade. Para diabetes, o mesmo resultado foi encontrado para autoavaliação de saúde, entre os viúvos e entre os idosos que se hospitalizaram pelo menos uma vez no último ano. Quanto ao uso do serviço de saúde pelos idosos em geral, a prevalência de utilização foi aproximadamente 30,6% independente de morbidade. Entre os hipertensos, 59.4% procuraram os serviços e 97,1% deles foi atendido no serviço. Entre os diabéticos 53,4% e 96,1% respectivamente sem diferença na procura ou no uso dos serviços entre os que tinham e não tinham hipertensão e diabetes. Em relação às medidas e práticas de controle sobre a HAS e DM, a medida de controle mais conhecida e praticada entre os hipertensos é tomar a medicação de rotina para controle da doença e entre os diabéticos a mais conhecida é a dieta alimentar e praticada é tomar medicação oral de rotina com distinção do nível socioeconômico para algumas medidas. CONCLUSAO: A falta de informação, conhecimento e utilização de medidas de controle destas doenças ainda são insuficientes entre os idosos. Fazem-se necessárias políticas de saúde com foco na capacitação de profissionais e na orientação familiar; enfim, políticas que incentivem não só mudanças no estilo de vida dos idosos, mas que os tornem sujeitos ativos desta mudança, atuantes neste processo. / INTRODUCTION: Chronic diseases due to the ageing process and to the unhealthy lifestyle are the greatest factors responsible for the high morbimortality and for the health system overload. OBJECTIVE: This study analyzes the prevalence of Hypertension and Diabetes of a population over 60 years old from São Paulo city, and the use of health services according to demographic and socioeconomic variables, health status, and lifestyle. METHODS: A cross-sectional household health survey analyzed data from 872 elderly resident in São Paulo city using a questionnaire divided into thematic blocks applied in a stratified cluster sample according to the educational level of the head of the family and socioeconomic level. Bivariate and multivariate analysis were carried out and generated three models of Poisson regression model in order to verify the existence of factors associated to hypertension, to diabetes and to the use of health services. RESULTS: The prevalence of reported hypertension among the elderly was 46.9% and of Diabetes, 17.9%. Such values were above the ones found in the adult population. The highest hypertension rates were found among the elderly who reported bad/verybad health status, among those who never drank or those who stopped drinking, among women, and among those who were hospitalized at least twelve months prior to the interview, independently of the age. Concerning diabetes, the same result was found for the self-assessment of health, among widows and widowers, and among the elderly who were hospitalized at least once in the past year. Concerning the use of health services by the elderly, the prevalence of use was approximately 30.6% independently of the morbidity. Among the elderly with hypertension, 70.1% searched for the service because of the hypertension, 59.4% of them did it because of reported morbidity, and 97.1% of them were assisted by the service they searched. Among the diabetic, 69.9% routinely searched for the service because of the diabetes, 53.4% of them did it because of reported morbidity and 96.1% were assisted by the service they searched, with no difference regarding the search and use of services between those with and without hypertension and diabetes. Concerning the measures and control practice of HAS and DM, the most known and practiced control measure among the elderly with hypertension is taking routine medicine for the control of the disease; and among the diabetic, the most known practice is diet and the most practiced measure is taking routine oral medicine, with a difference of socioeconomic level for some measures. CONCLUSION: There is a lack of information, knowledge and use of control measures of these diseases among the elderly. Health policies focusing on professional training and family guiding are necessary in order to encourage not only changes in the lifestyle of the elderly, but also to make them active agents of this change, acting in this process.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease : Patients´ Perspectives, Impact of the Disease and Utilization of Spirometry

Arne, Mats January 2010 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis was to describe subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) from different perspectives. Focus was on patients at the time of diagnosis, impact of the disease in comparison to other chronic diseases, factors associated with good health and quality of life (QoL), and diagnostic spirometry in clinical practice. Methods: Qualitative method, grounded theory, was used to analyse patients´ perspectives at the time of diagnosis in a primary care setting (n=10). Public health surveys in the general population were used to compare chronic diseases (n=10,755) and analyse factors associated with health outcomes in COPD (n=1,475). Medical records and spirometry reports, from primary and secondary care, were analysed to assess diagnosis of COPD in clinical practice (n=533). Results: In clinical practice, 70% of patients at the time of diagnosis of COPD lacked spirometry results confirming the diagnosis. Factors related to consequences of smoking, shame and restrictions in physical activity (PA) in particular, were described by patients at the time of diagnosis of COPD. In general subjects with COPD (84%), rheumatoid arthritis (74%) and diabetes mellitus (72%) had an activity level considered too low to maintain good health. In COPD, the most important factor associated with good health and quality of life was a high level of PA. Odds ratios (OR (95%CI)) varied from 1.90 (1.47-2.44) to 7.57 (4.57-12.55) depending on the degree of PA, where subjects with the highest PA level had the best health and QoL. Conclusions: Subjects with COPD need to be diagnosed at an early stage, and health professionals should be aware that feelings of shame could delay patients from seeking care and thus obtaining a diagnosis. The use of spirometry and the diagnostic quality should be emphasised. In patients with COPD greater attention should be directed on increasing the physical activity level, as patients with a low level of physical activity display worse health and quality of life.

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