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Henri Michaux e a construção do estilo nas instabilidades do sentido: uma poética de limiares e limites / Henri Michaux and the construction of the style in the sense\'s instabilities: the poetry of threshold and limitSouto, Andrea Perazzo Barbosa 28 August 2009 (has links)
A poética de Henri Michaux, autor da literatura de expressão francesa contemporânea, apresenta alguns traços recorrentes que imprimem à obra um caráter de diversidade e heterogeneidade relevante e instauram o que denominaremos uma poética de limiares e limites. Trata-se de procedimentos que incidem de maneira direta e/ou indireta em seus textos poéticos, tais como a instabilidade nas fronteiras dos gêneros e a interferência do fantástico e do grotesco na figuração. Com isso, as noções de referência e de representação, de designação e identidade, subjetividade e objetividade enunciativa são desestabilizadas e as relações entre os demais componentes estruturantes da construção do sentido ficam comprometidas. Sua poética gera, então, vários tipos de movimentos que favorecem um alto grau de instabilidade dos sentidos e ocasionam tensões de ordem ora narrativa, ora figurativa, ora enunciativa, passional ou tensiva. Sob a perspectiva da teoria semiótica francesa, a pesquisa intenciona demonstrar de que maneira esses movimentos afetam as modalidades do crer, do parecer e do saber, provocando dúvidas, incertezas, sensação de estranhamento e desconforto no leitor, ao relativizar a visão que normalmente se tem do mundo natural. Esses movimentos, considerados como estratégias discursivas, são operacionalizados de acordo com os modos de presença dos atores da enunciação. Logo, serão tomados como aspectualizações enunciativas, suscetíveis a modulações graduais e tensivas. Considera-se aqui que, examinados numa totalidade discursiva, esses procedimentos concorrem para consolidar efeitos de sentido que contribuem para construir um estilo próprio do autor, um éthos. Para compor o corpus da pesquisa, foram selecionados textos das obras Mes propriétés (1930), La nuit remue (1935), Plume précédé de Lointain intérieur (1938) e Face aux verrous (1954). Para as relações intertextuais estabelecidas entre o autor e Lautréamont, esse corpus inclui ainda textos da obra Os Cantos de Maldoror (1869). / The poetry of Henri Michaux, the author of the French contemporary literature, shows some features that transmit to the work a character of considerable diversity and heterogeneity and establish what will be called the poetry of threshold and limit. Its about proceedings that incise directly or indirectly in your poetics texts, as: the instability on the frontiers of gender, the interference of the fantastic and of the eccentric in the portray. Whit that the conceptions of reference and representation, of designation and identity, subjective and objective enunciation modes are disestablished and the connections among all the others structure components of the construction of the meaning get engaged. His poetry creates several kinds of movements, what benefits a higher degree of instability of the senses and cause tension on the orders, sometimes as a narrative, as figurative, as enunciatively, as trouble of passion or tensity. Under the perspective of the French semiotics, the research intends to demonstrate the way these movements affect the ways to believe, to appear, and to knowledge, challenging doubts, uncertainty, unfamiliarity and uncomfortable sensation to the reader on the relativity of the vision that normally there is of the natural world. These movements, considered as discourse proceedings, are done according to the presence modes of the actors of the enunciation. Therefore, there will be seen as the effective functioning of the consideration of the subject as aspect, susceptible to gradual and tense modulations. To consider that, these proceedings happen in order to consolidate the effects of meaning that contribute to build a style that is from the authors style an ethos. The ethos apprehension always depends of a totality of discourses. To compose the corpus of this research, it was necessary to sort texts of the writers works Mes propriétés (1930), La nuit remue (1935), Plume précédé de Lointain intérieur (1938) and Face aux verrous (1954). In order to relate the intertexts between the author and Lautréamont, this corpus includes a totality of texts of the work Os Cantos de Maldoror (Lautréamont, Les Chants de Maldoror, 1869).
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Henri Michaux e a construção do estilo nas instabilidades do sentido: uma poética de limiares e limites / Henri Michaux and the construction of the style in the sense\'s instabilities: the poetry of threshold and limitAndrea Perazzo Barbosa Souto 28 August 2009 (has links)
A poética de Henri Michaux, autor da literatura de expressão francesa contemporânea, apresenta alguns traços recorrentes que imprimem à obra um caráter de diversidade e heterogeneidade relevante e instauram o que denominaremos uma poética de limiares e limites. Trata-se de procedimentos que incidem de maneira direta e/ou indireta em seus textos poéticos, tais como a instabilidade nas fronteiras dos gêneros e a interferência do fantástico e do grotesco na figuração. Com isso, as noções de referência e de representação, de designação e identidade, subjetividade e objetividade enunciativa são desestabilizadas e as relações entre os demais componentes estruturantes da construção do sentido ficam comprometidas. Sua poética gera, então, vários tipos de movimentos que favorecem um alto grau de instabilidade dos sentidos e ocasionam tensões de ordem ora narrativa, ora figurativa, ora enunciativa, passional ou tensiva. Sob a perspectiva da teoria semiótica francesa, a pesquisa intenciona demonstrar de que maneira esses movimentos afetam as modalidades do crer, do parecer e do saber, provocando dúvidas, incertezas, sensação de estranhamento e desconforto no leitor, ao relativizar a visão que normalmente se tem do mundo natural. Esses movimentos, considerados como estratégias discursivas, são operacionalizados de acordo com os modos de presença dos atores da enunciação. Logo, serão tomados como aspectualizações enunciativas, suscetíveis a modulações graduais e tensivas. Considera-se aqui que, examinados numa totalidade discursiva, esses procedimentos concorrem para consolidar efeitos de sentido que contribuem para construir um estilo próprio do autor, um éthos. Para compor o corpus da pesquisa, foram selecionados textos das obras Mes propriétés (1930), La nuit remue (1935), Plume précédé de Lointain intérieur (1938) e Face aux verrous (1954). Para as relações intertextuais estabelecidas entre o autor e Lautréamont, esse corpus inclui ainda textos da obra Os Cantos de Maldoror (1869). / The poetry of Henri Michaux, the author of the French contemporary literature, shows some features that transmit to the work a character of considerable diversity and heterogeneity and establish what will be called the poetry of threshold and limit. Its about proceedings that incise directly or indirectly in your poetics texts, as: the instability on the frontiers of gender, the interference of the fantastic and of the eccentric in the portray. Whit that the conceptions of reference and representation, of designation and identity, subjective and objective enunciation modes are disestablished and the connections among all the others structure components of the construction of the meaning get engaged. His poetry creates several kinds of movements, what benefits a higher degree of instability of the senses and cause tension on the orders, sometimes as a narrative, as figurative, as enunciatively, as trouble of passion or tensity. Under the perspective of the French semiotics, the research intends to demonstrate the way these movements affect the ways to believe, to appear, and to knowledge, challenging doubts, uncertainty, unfamiliarity and uncomfortable sensation to the reader on the relativity of the vision that normally there is of the natural world. These movements, considered as discourse proceedings, are done according to the presence modes of the actors of the enunciation. Therefore, there will be seen as the effective functioning of the consideration of the subject as aspect, susceptible to gradual and tense modulations. To consider that, these proceedings happen in order to consolidate the effects of meaning that contribute to build a style that is from the authors style an ethos. The ethos apprehension always depends of a totality of discourses. To compose the corpus of this research, it was necessary to sort texts of the writers works Mes propriétés (1930), La nuit remue (1935), Plume précédé de Lointain intérieur (1938) and Face aux verrous (1954). In order to relate the intertexts between the author and Lautréamont, this corpus includes a totality of texts of the work Os Cantos de Maldoror (Lautréamont, Les Chants de Maldoror, 1869).
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Poétique du geste chez Henri Michaux : mouvement, regard, participation, danse / Poetic of the gesture in Henri Michaux's work : movement, glance, participation, danceVillard, Marie-Aline 16 November 2012 (has links)
En quoi Michaux fonde-t-il son échange littéraire et artistique sur les gestes ? Nous montrerons qu'il inaugure le partage d'un espace d'action par l'activité de l'agi-sentir et du voir. Dans nos analyses, nous resterons au plus près de l'expérience du mouvement, en l'examinant dans ses relances et ses retours selon une circulation qui relie le regard, la trace, la corporéité et l'imaginaire. Pour accompagner théoriquement notre démonstration, nous avons sollicité des penseurs ayant comme point commun le mouvement - qu'il soit abordé d'un point de vue physiologique, anthropologique, phénoménologique, philosophique, artistique ou chorégraphique. Chacun se focalise sur une activité de l'œuvre qui met le lecteur/spectateur face à sa présence vivante. En définitive, la pratique du geste de Michaux engendrera celle d'une lecture inédite, qui deviendra à son tour productrice de gestes - à la fois éprise et ravisseuse des formes-forces qu'elle (re)découvre à mesure. / We wonder how Michaux based his literary and artistic exchange on gestures. We will show how Michaux inaugurates the sharing of an action space by the act of feeling and sight. In our analyses, we stay close to experience of movement, by examining it in its launchings and returns in a flow that connects glance, trace, corporeality and imaginary. To develop our theoretical demonstration, we have requested thinkers having all the movement as a common point - it is approached from a physiological point of view, anthropological, phenomenological, philosophical, artistic or dance. Each focuses on a work activity that puts the reader / spectator with his living presence. Ultimately, the practice of gesture Michaux generates a new reading, which in turn becomes productive gestures – at the same time captured and kidnapper forms-forces that it (re) discovers measure.
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Du chaos au chaosmos : pour une approche de la création littéraire et picturale d’Henri Michaux / “Chaosmos” : the Invisible Order in the Works of Henri MichauxWang, Jiaqi 08 June 2017 (has links)
Cette étude consiste à réaliser un portrait original de « Michaux inclassable », en ayant recours à deux figures particulières : « chaos » et « chaosmos », appliquées pour la première fois à la critique sur l’ensemble de la création littéraire et picturale de Michaux. Le terme « chaosmos », néologisme oxymorique joycien, repris par les critiques et les philosophes du XXe siècle, d’Umberto Eco à Philip Kuberski, en passant par Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari dans un contexte plus large de la vie scientifique et sociale, désigne par essence un rapport d’« osmose » entre le « chaos » et le « cosmos », une forme de continuité interne entre l’ordre et le désordre, qui donne naissance à un cosmos paradoxal, composé. Cette notion permettra de rééquilibrer la vision globale de l’œuvre de Michaux, par une mise en communication entre la part qui relève du chaos, du côté trouble et la part de l’ordonnance, du côté oriental. En réalité, Michaux oscille constamment entre ces deux directions opposées mais complémentaires : d’une part, il entretient une relation ouverte avec le chaos qui devient un facteur de création ; d’autre part, de cette plongée dans le chaos, il s’efforce de garder un équilibre, de s’acquérir une unité et une consistance sans rien perdre de l’infini. C’est ainsi que le « chaosmos » prend forme en cachette, apparaît de façon implicite et fonctionne discrètement dans la création michaudienne : elle exprime l’ouverture d’un Tout et intègre des mouvements hétérogènes en son sein ; elle a l’air suffisamment fini à chaque instant mais susceptible de se compléter à l’infini ; en fin de compte, elle s’affranchit de tout repère spatio-temporel et accède en ce sens à la transcendance. / This study consists in creating an original portrait of “Michaux described as unclassifiable”, by using two particular figures: “chaos” and “chaosmos”, applied for the first time to criticism on the whole of the literary and pictorial creation of Michaux. The term “chaosmos”, a Joycian oxymoronic neologism, taken up by critics and philosophers of the twentieth century, from Umberto Eco to Philip Kuberski, from Gilles Deleuze to Félix Guattari in a wider context of scientific and social life, refers, in essence, to a relation of “osmosis” between “chaos” and “cosmos”, a form of internal continuity between order and disorder, which give rises to a paradoxical, composed cosmos. This notion will make it possible to rebalance the overall vision of the work of Michaux, by making communication between the part that belongs to chaos, to the trouble side and the part of order, on the eastern side. In effect, Michaux constantly oscillates between these two opposite but complementary directions: On the one hand, he maintains an open relationship with chaos which becomes a factor of creation; on the other hand, from this dive into chaos, he strives to maintain an equilibrium, to acquire unity and consistency without losing anything from the infinite. This is how chaosmos takes shape in secret, appears implicitly and works discreetly in Michaux’s creation: it expresses the opening of a Whole and integrates heterogeneous movements within it; it seems sufficiently finite at every moment but capable of complementing itself to infinity; ultimately, it frees itself from any spatio-temporal reference and in this sense gains access to transcendence.
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Le moindre-auteur / The "moindre-auteur"Urani, Stéphen 10 December 2012 (has links)
Se peut-il que l'auteur s'efface en partie de son texte ? Se peut-il que sa discrétion soit délibérée, et au point de déléguer des pouvoirs auctoriaux à son destinataire ? Peut-il prendre les devants sur l'opération critique qui voudrait le "tuer" ? Et comment réagir face à une telle production ? Le lecteur n'en deviendrait-il pas autre ? L'objet de cette thèse sera de montrer qu'une littérature "moindre-auctoriale" est possible. Mieux ; qu'elle existe. / Is it possible that the author clears himself from his text ? is it possible that his discretion is delibarate, and to the point of delegating auctorial powers to his recipient ? Can he take the lead on the critical operation that would "kill" him ? And how to respond to such production ? Wouldn't the reader become another one ? The goal of this thesis will be show that a "lesser-auctorial" litterature is possible. Better ; that it exists.
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Henri Michaux : Voir (une enquête) : prolégomènes à un catalogue raisonnéLeibovici, Franck 09 December 2011 (has links)
Durant plus de dix années, l’auteur a participé à l’élaboration du catalogue raisonné de l’œuvre peint et dessiné de Henri Michaux. Il utilise cette expérience de terrain pour redécrire, sous un jour nouveau, l’expérience du « voir » (comment voir un dessin de Michaux ?), et l’apprentissage que cela suppose. Différentes disciplines sont mobilisées pour expliciter l’écologie d’une œuvre et ses modes de fonctionnement : poétique, esthétique, sciences cognitives, science studies, anthropologie de l’écriture, ethnométhodologie. Des aller-retours permanents sont effectués entre les textes, les peintures, et les situations d’enregistrement des dessins dans le contexte du catalogue raisonné (les types de « regardement »). Les situations concrètes et quotidiennes, et les problèmes méthodologiques qu’elles engendrent, servent de points de départ aux interrogations de l’enquête, et constituent le socle empirique de l’élaboration théorique qui en découle. La théorie n’est donc, ici, jamais envisagée comme une grille extérieure que l’on plaquerait sur une matière, elle est un mode de recontruction, de l’intérieur, d’une perception permettant de faire saillir, de la façon la plus efficace, les traits pertinents d’un écosystème.La question initiale « comment voir un dessin de Michaux ? » (chapitre I) est dépliée sur plusieurs niveaux. D’abord, en utilisant les ressources des textes, et des dessins - « Qu’est-ce qu’une forme ? » (chapitre II), « Une théorie de l’image » (chapitre III), « L’espace » (chapitre IV). Puis, en s’intéressant aux différents types de vision mobilisables – « Des visions construites » (chapitre V) - et aux méthodologies de classification – « La notion de séries » (chapitre VI). / For more than ten years, the author has been taking part to the catalogue raisonné of Henri Michaux. He uses this field experience to redescribe, through a new light, the experience of seeing (how to look at a Michaux drawing ?), and the learning it implies. Various methods are mobilized to explicit the ecology of an artwork and its modes of functionning : poetics, aesthetics, cognitive sciences, science studies, anthropology of writing, ethnométhodology. Back and forth are constantly made between texts, paintings, and recording situations of the drawings in the context of the catalogue raisonné (various types of « regardement »). Concrete and everyday situations, and the methodological problems they generate, are the starting points of the inquiry, et constitute the empirical ground for the theoretical construct which follows. Theory is thus, here, never considered as an outside model, that one would apply on a matter, it is a mode of reconception, from the inside, of a perception making sailient, from the better perspective, the relevant features of an ecosystem.The genuine question « how to look at a Michaux drawing ? » (chapter I) is unfold on different levels. First, by using texts and drawings ressources - « What is a form ? » (chapter II), « A theory of Image » (chapter III), « Space » (chapter IV). Then, by studying different types of usually mobilized seeing – « Constructed visions » (chapter V) – and different methodologies of classification – « Notion of series » (chapter VI).
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O estrangeiro que não estava lá / The stranger who wasnt thereDaniele Diniz de Menezes 25 April 2014 (has links)
Leitura da narrativa O estrangeiro, de Albert Camus, e da narrativa fílmica O homem que não estava lá, dos irmãos Ethan Coen e Joel Coen, com vistas a propor uma reflexão literária sobre o desconcerto do sujeito num mundo de solidão, indiferença e nonsense existencial. Oriundas do esmaecimento de qualquer sentimento diante da inexorabilidade da consciência da finitude, pelo comparatismo e com apoio no conceito de intertextualidade, são passadas em revista as trajetórias contingentes de Ed Crane − protagonista da obra cinematográfica − e Meursault, personagem central do romance camusiano. Luz e sombra potencializam a aterradora atmosfera de absurdo na qual se desequilibra Ed Crane, em sua existência obscura, em contraponto com a claridade reinante no percurso de Meursault. Ambos os personagens são condenados pela sociedade, de maneira insólita e definitiva, por intermédio de textos que denunciam, outrossim, a engrenagem trágica do sistema judiciário, permitindo-nos conectar os citados personagens, Plume Um certo Plume, de Henri Michaux e Joseph K. angústia errante engendrada por Franz Kafka em O processo / A reading of Albert Camus narrative The Stranger and of the narrative of the movie The Man Who Wasnt There, by Cohen brothers (Ethan Coen and Joel Coen), so as to propose a literary reflection on the uneasiness of the subject in a world of loneliness, indifference and existential nonsense. Arising from the fading out any feeling towards the inevitable awareness of finitude, by the comparatism and the support of the concept of "intertextuality", contingent trajectories of Ed Crane - protagonist of the movie - and Meursault, central character of the camusian novel, are reviewed. Light and shadow potentiate the fearful atmosphere of absurdity in which Ed Crane unbalances, in his obscure existence, as opposed to the light reigning in Meursault. Both characters are condemned by society in an unusual and definite way, through texts which show the tragic gear of the judiciary system, allowing us to connect the cited characters, Plume Un certain Plume, by Henri Michaux and Joseph K. "anguish errant" created by Franz Kafka in The Trial
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O estrangeiro que não estava lá / The stranger who wasnt thereDaniele Diniz de Menezes 25 April 2014 (has links)
Leitura da narrativa O estrangeiro, de Albert Camus, e da narrativa fílmica O homem que não estava lá, dos irmãos Ethan Coen e Joel Coen, com vistas a propor uma reflexão literária sobre o desconcerto do sujeito num mundo de solidão, indiferença e nonsense existencial. Oriundas do esmaecimento de qualquer sentimento diante da inexorabilidade da consciência da finitude, pelo comparatismo e com apoio no conceito de intertextualidade, são passadas em revista as trajetórias contingentes de Ed Crane − protagonista da obra cinematográfica − e Meursault, personagem central do romance camusiano. Luz e sombra potencializam a aterradora atmosfera de absurdo na qual se desequilibra Ed Crane, em sua existência obscura, em contraponto com a claridade reinante no percurso de Meursault. Ambos os personagens são condenados pela sociedade, de maneira insólita e definitiva, por intermédio de textos que denunciam, outrossim, a engrenagem trágica do sistema judiciário, permitindo-nos conectar os citados personagens, Plume Um certo Plume, de Henri Michaux e Joseph K. angústia errante engendrada por Franz Kafka em O processo / A reading of Albert Camus narrative The Stranger and of the narrative of the movie The Man Who Wasnt There, by Cohen brothers (Ethan Coen and Joel Coen), so as to propose a literary reflection on the uneasiness of the subject in a world of loneliness, indifference and existential nonsense. Arising from the fading out any feeling towards the inevitable awareness of finitude, by the comparatism and the support of the concept of "intertextuality", contingent trajectories of Ed Crane - protagonist of the movie - and Meursault, central character of the camusian novel, are reviewed. Light and shadow potentiate the fearful atmosphere of absurdity in which Ed Crane unbalances, in his obscure existence, as opposed to the light reigning in Meursault. Both characters are condemned by society in an unusual and definite way, through texts which show the tragic gear of the judiciary system, allowing us to connect the cited characters, Plume Un certain Plume, by Henri Michaux and Joseph K. "anguish errant" created by Franz Kafka in The Trial
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Conception musicale et enjeux esthétiques dans les relations entre les écritures instrumentale et électroacoustique chez Pierre Boulez / Musical Conception and Aesthetic Issues in the Relations between the Instrumental and Electroacoustic Works of Pierre BoulezHigashikawa, Ai 14 March 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche de thèse vise à reconstruire des éléments de genèse de la composition électroacoustique de Pierre Boulez dans les années cinquante à travers l’étude d’esquisses et de manuscrits conservés au Paul Sacher Stiftung. Notre thèse s’est fondée sur deux approches complémentaires : la reconstitution du contexte musical, esthétique et historique et l’étude des esquisses. Dans la Partie I, nous avons tout d’abord examiné les Fonds Pierre Schaeffer afin de retracer le déroulement du premier stage de musique concrète au GRMC. La réorganisation des esquisses et la reconstitution du processus de montage sonore nous ont permis de souligner que la composition des deux études de musique concrète (1951-52) était une étape indispensable pour le développement de la pensée sérielle de Boulez dans le sérialisme intégral. Dans la Partie II, nous avons mis en relation la composition de Symphonie mécanique (1955) et Poésie pour pouvoir (1958) avec le concept de « sons organisés » dans Déserts (1954) d’Edgard Varèse en traçant la transition de la musique concrète à la musique mixte. Boulez y a développé la notion de « blocs sonores » originairement exploitée dans l’écriture instrumentale et orchestrale. Notre étude a éclairé que Boulez avait procédé par tâtonnements de façon cohérente et développée afin de réaliser l’intégration des mondes instrumentaux et électroacoustiques. En ce sens, il est raisonnable que Poésie pour pouvoir soit considérée comme l’origine de la « musique mixte » chez Pierre Boulez. Par ailleurs, cette tentative de confrontation était inévitable pour Boulez afin de réaliser la transmutation musicale de l’exorcisme corporel du poème de Henri Michaux. / This research aims to reconstruct the compositional process of Pierre Boulez’s electroacoustic compositions of the fifties through the study of sketches and manuscripts preserved at the Paul Sacher Stiftung. Our thesis was based on two complementary approaches: the reconstruction of the musical, aesthetic and historical context and study of the sketches. In Part I, we first examined the Pierre Schaeffer archives in order to explore the program of the first musique concrète workshop at the GRMC. The eorganization of the sketches and the reconstruction of the process of sound synthesis allowed us to emphasize that Boulez’s composition of the two musique concrète studies (1951-52) was an indispensable stage for the development of his concept of serialism. In Part II, we related the composition of Symphonie mécanique (1955) and Poésie pour pouvoir (1958) to Edgard Varèse's concept of "Organized sound" in Déserts (1954) by tracing the transition of musique concrète to electroacoustic music. Boulez developed in his electroacoustic pieces the notion of "sound blocks" originally used in instrumental and orchestral pieces. Our study reveals that Boulez proceeded by trial and error in a coherent and developed way in order to realize the integration of the instrumental and electroacoustic sounds. In this sense, it is reasonable for Poésie pour pouvoir to be considered as the origin of mixed music in Pierre Boulez’s oeuvre. This confrontation of the instrumental and electroacoustic sounds was essential for Boulez’s realization of a musical translation of Henri Michaux's poem.
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Poétique du geste chez Henri Michaux : mouvement, regard, participation, danseVillard, Marie-Aline 16 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
En quoi Michaux fonde-t-il son échange littéraire et artistique sur les gestes ? Nous montrerons qu'il inaugure le partage d'un espace d'action par l'activité de l'agi-sentir et du voir. Dans nos analyses, nous resterons au plus près de l'expérience du mouvement, en l'examinant dans ses relances et ses retours selon une circulation qui relie le regard, la trace, la corporéité et l'imaginaire. Pour accompagner théoriquement notre démonstration, nous avons sollicité des penseurs ayant comme point commun le mouvement - qu'il soit abordé d'un point de vue physiologique, anthropologique, phénoménologique, philosophique, artistique ou chorégraphique. Chacun se focalise sur une activité de l'œuvre qui met le lecteur/spectateur face à sa présence vivante. En définitive, la pratique du geste de Michaux engendrera celle d'une lecture inédite, qui deviendra à son tour productrice de gestes - à la fois éprise et ravisseuse des formes-forces qu'elle (re)découvre à mesure.
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