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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise das vias de administração e biodistribuição de células derivadas do broto hepático de ratos em modelos de hepatectomia parcial / Analysis of the different administration routes and biodistribution of the stem cells from liver bud of mice in the models of partial hepatectomy

Amanda Olivotti Ferreira 08 April 2016 (has links)
A perda do parênquima hepático, induzida por tratamento agudo, cirúrgico ou químico, desencadeia um processo regenerativo até que a massa hepática seja completamente restaurada. A regeneração hepática, após a hepatectomia parcial de 70%, é um dos modelos mais adequados de regeneração de células, órgãos e tecidos mais estudados. No fígado, ainda que sejam atribuídas propriedades regenerativas, muitas das lesões são tão prejudiciais que este mecanismo de reparação é insuficiente, tornando o transplante a única opção. As células derivadas do broto hepático de ratos apresentam uma boa alternativa para tratamento de doenças hepáticas devido ao seu alto índice proliferativo e da expressão de marcadores de pluripotência, sendo sua aplicabilidade viável em modelos experimentais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as diferentes vias de administração das células derivadas do broto hepático de ratos com 12,5 dias de gestação visando a melhor regeneração do órgão. Foram realizados experimentos de hepatectomia parcial de 70% (N=50 animais), PET Scan MSFX PRO In-Vivo RX e fluorescência, índice hepatossomático, análise de marcadores solúveis (GH, AFP, CEA, IGF-1), análises hematológicas, microscopia de luz (coloração HE, Tricômio de Masson), análise de marcadores por citometria de fluxo (CD90, STRO-1, Nanog, Oct3/4, Ki-67, Caspase 3) e ciclo celular por citometria de fluxo. Nossos dados demonstraram que as células do broto hepático administradas na via endotraqueal apresentaram melhor equilíbrio entre proliferação e morte celular, com maior expressão dos marcadores de pluripotência, melhor organização celular e regeneração tecidual, em contraste com outras vias, incluindo endovenosa, intraperitoneal e oroenteral. Isto a torna mais segura e de maior viabilidade na regeneração celular em relação às demais vias, sendo mais eficiente nos modelos de hepatectomia parcial / The restoration of liver parenchyma after partial hepatectomy or chemical treatments represents appropriate models to study regeneration mechanisms. The most appropriate model for liver regeneration is partial hepatectomy of 70%, however, organ repair properties are insufficient, suggesting the transplantation the best alternative to treat liver diseases. Cells derived from liver buds of rats show a high proliferative index and the expression of pluripotency markers; thus their significance for regeneration purposes can be tested experimentally. We here investigated different routes to administer cells derived from rat live buds of 12.5 days of gestation to adult individuals (N=50 animals) suffering from partial hepatectomy (70%). Applied methods included PET Scan MSFX PRO In-Vivo RX, fluorescence hepatossomatic index, analysis of soluble markers (GH, AFP, CEA, IGF-1), hematological analysis, light microscopy (staining HE, and Masson trichrome) as well as flow cytometry for cell cycle analysis and CD90, STRO-1, Nanog, OCT3/4, Ki-67, Caspase 3 expression. Our data showed that administration via the tracheal route resulted as favorite in regard to the balance between proliferation and cell deaths, of pluripotency marker expression, cellular organization and tissue regeneration, in contrast to other routes including: intravenous, intraperitoneal and oroenteral. Consequently, the tracheal route showed safer and more efficient treatment to enhance cell regeneration after partial hepatectomy

Avaliação das margens cirúrgicas e do tipo de borda tumoral nas ressecções hepáticas por metástase de câncer colorretal e seu impacto na mortalidade e recidiva / Evaluation of surgical margins and the type of tumor growth pattern in colorectal liver metastases resection and its impact on mortality and recurrence

Rafael Soares Nunes Pinheiro 24 May 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Aproximadamente 50% dos pacientes com tumor colorretal apresentam metástase hepática e a hepatectomia é o procedimento terapêutico de escolha. Discutem-se diversos fatores prognósticos, entre eles a margem cirúrgica é um fator sempre recorrente, pois não existe consenso da distância mínima necessária entre o nódulo metastático e a linha de secção hepática. Alguns autores identificaram que a margem cirúrgica maior que 1cm é um fator de melhor prognóstico com maior sobrevida e menor recidiva. Contudo, outros estudos demonstram resultados semelhantes entre pacientes com margens cirúrgicas maiores que 1cm, exíguas e até mesmo microscopicamente acometidas. Essas controvérsias conduzem à idéia de que outros fatores biológicos possam estar envolvidos na fisiopatologia de recorrência. Assim sendo, é de grande importância a avaliação da relação das margens cirúrgicas de ressecções hepáticas de metástases de câncer colorretal com a sobrevida e recidiva da doença. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar as margens cirúrgicas e o tipo de borda tumoral nas ressecções de metástases hepáticas de câncer colorretal e sua correlação com recidiva local e sobrevida. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo, baseado na revisão dos prontuários de 91 pacientes submetidos à ressecção de metástases hepáticas de neoplasia colorretal, durante o período compreendido entre janeiro de 2000 e dezembro de 2009. Revisão histopatológica prospectiva de todos os casos com aferição da menor margem cirúrgica e classificação das bordas tumorais como expansiva ou infiltrativa. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatística nas taxas de recidiva e no tempo de sobrevivência global entre as margens livres e acometidas, assim como não houve diferença entre as margens subcentimétricas e maiores de 1cm. A sobrevida livre de doença dos pacientes com margens microscopicamente acometidas foi significativamente menor do que os pacientes com margens livres (p=0,002). A análise multivariada identificou o tipo de borda infiltrativa como fator de risco para recidiva (0,05). A sobrevida livre de doença foi significativamente menor nos pacientes com borda infiltrativa em comparação com os tumores com bordas expansivas (p=0,05). CONCLUSÕES: As ressecções de metástase hepática com margens livres de doença, independentemente da distância da margem, não influencia na recidiva tumoral (hepática ou extra-hepática) ou sobrevida do paciente. A borda tumoral do tipo infiltrativa foi fator de risco para recidiva / INTRODUCTION: Approximately 50% of patients with colorectal cancer have liver metastases and hepatectomy is the therapeutic procedure of choice. Surgical margin is an ever-recurring discussed prognostic factor, because there is no consensus of the minimum required distance between the metastatic nodule and the liver section line. Some authors reported surgical margin larger than 1 cm as a better prognosis factor ensuring longer survival rates and lower recurrence. However, other studies showed similar outcomes among patients with surgical margins larger than 1 cm, narrow margins and even microscopically affected ones. These controversies led the idea that other biological factors may be involved in the pathophysiology of recurrence. Therefore, it is valuable to assess the relationship between surgical margins of liver resection for colorectal cancer metastases with survival and recurrence. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the surgical margins size and tumors growth pattern of colorectal liver metastases and its correlation with local recurrence and survival. METHODS: A retrospective study based on review of medical records of 91 patients undergoing resection of colorectal liver metastases during the period between January 2000 and December 2009. In addition, we undertook a detailed pathologic analysis of each pathological specimen with record of the closest surgical margins and tumors growth pattern classification as pushing or infiltrative. RESULTS: There was no statistical difference in recurrence rates and overall survival time between positive or negative margins, as well as no difference between the margins of 1cm width or more with subcentimeter margins. The disease-free survival of patients with microscopically positive margins was significantly lower than patients with negative margins (p = 0.002). Multivariate analysis identified infiltrative tumor growth pattern as a risk factor for recurrence (p=0.05). Disease-free survival was significantly lower in patients with infiltrative growth pattern compared to tumors with expansive margins (p = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Colorectal liver metastases resection with negative margins, regardless of width, has no influence on recurrence (hepatic or extrahepatic), neither on patient survival. The infiltrative tumor growth pattern type was a risk factor for recurrence

"Perfusão hipotérmica in situ versus exclusão vascular total do fígado para ressecções hepáticas complexas" / In situ hypothermic perfusion of the liver versus standard total vascular exclusion for complex liver resection

Rony Eshkenazy 14 December 2005 (has links)
Os resultados sobre o tempo adequado da exclusão vascular total do fígado(EVTF) para a realização de hepatectomias continuam sendo discutidos. Dados favoráveis têm sido descritos, quando se associa a EVTF com a perfusão de solução hipotérmica, porém a comparação entre estas técnicas ainda não foi descrita. Este estudo tem como objetivo comparar os resultados da ressecção hepática com EVTF, realizada sob hipotermia(solução de preservação hipotérmica in situ), com aqueles obtidos quando se realiza esta ressecção com EVTF com tempo de isquemia menor que 60 minutos, e naqueles com tempo de isquemia maior ou igual a 60 minutos. Para tanto, foram analisados, como parâmetros, a função renal e hepática, morbidade, e mortalidade pós-operatórias nos três grupos mencionados,buscando-se determinar valores preditivos para indicação das técnicas. PACIENTES E MÉTODO. Foram estudados 81 pacientes submetidos à ressecção hepática. Estes pacientes foram divididos em três grupos. Trinta e quatro pacientes com EVTF menor do que 60 minutos (EVTF < 60’), 19 pacientes com EVTF maior ou igual a 60 minutos (EVTF &#8805; 60’), e 28 pacientes nos quais a perfusão hipotérmica in situ (EVTFHIPOT) foi realizada. Os valores das transaminases hepáticas (ASAT e ALAT), Bilirrubinas totais, creatinina, e tempo de protrombina foram registrados. Também foram verificados os índices de morbidade e de mortalidade pós-operatórias nos três grupos. RESULTADOS. O valor máximo no pós-operatório das enzimas hepáticas - ASAT e ALAT foram significativamente menores (p < 0.05) no grupo EVTFHIPOT (535 + 361 U/L e 436 + 427 U/L), quando comparados aos outros grupos - EVTF<60’(988 + 798 U/L; 844 + 733 U/L), EVTF>60’ (1583 + 984 U/L; 1082 + 842 U/L). No grupo EVTFHIPOT, os valores máximos das bilirrubinas (6,5 + 2,5 mg/dl),creatinina (1,2 + 0,7 mg/dl), e o número de complicações por paciente (1,2 + 1) foram semelhantes aos do grupo EVTF<60’’ (5,5 + 7,8; 1,3 + 1; e 0,7 + 1 respectivamente), e significativamente menores que os do grupo EVTF > 60’(12,8 + 11,8; 2,3 + 2,3, e 2,3 + 1,2). A mortalidade hospitalar foi de 1/34, 2/19 e 2/28 nos grupos EVTF < 60’, EVTF > 60’, e EVTFHIPOT, respectivamente,sem diferença estatística. CONCLUSÕES. Quando comparadas as técnicas clássicas de exclusão vascular do fígado,de qualquer duração, com aquela na qual se realizou a perfusão hipotérmica do fígado, conclui-se que, nesta última, os pacientes toleraram melhor a isquemia. Deve-se enfatizar que, na EVTF com hipotermia, existe melhor preservação da função hepática, melhor preservação da função renal, e menores índices de morbidade, quando comparada com a EVTF>60’’ sem hipotermia. Os fatores preditivos de EVTF por mais de 60 minutos auxiliam na adoção da opção pelo resfriamento hepático. / OBJECTIVE. To compare the results of liver resection performed under in situ hypothermic perfusion vs standard total vascular exclusion (TVE) of the liver < 60 minutes and &#8805; 60 minutes in terms of liver tolerance, liver and renal functions, postoperative morbidity and mortality. SUMMARY BACGROUND DATA. The safe duration of TVE is still debated. Promising results have been reported following TVE associated with hypothermic perfusion of the liver with durations of up to several hours. The two techniques have not been compared so far. PATIENTS AND METHODS.The study population includes 81 consecutive liver resections under TVE < 60 minutes (group TVE < 60’ , 34 patients), &#8805; 60 minutes (group TVE &#8805; 60’, 19 patients) and in situ hypothermic perfusion (group TVEHYPOTH , 28 patients). Liver tolerance (peaks of transaminases), liver and kidney function (peak of bilirubin, minimum prothrombin time and peak of creatinine), morbidity and inhospital mortality were compared within the 3 groups. RESULTS. The postoperative peaks of ASAT and ALAT were significantly lower (p < 0.05) in group TVE HYPOTH (535 + 361 U/L and 436 + 427 U/L) compared to the groups TVE<60’ (988 + 798 U/L; 844 + 733 U/L) and TVE&#8805;60’ (1583 + 984 U/L; 1082 + 842 U/L). In the group TVE HYPOTH , the peaks of bilirubin (6,5 + 2,5 mg/dl), creatinine (1,2 + 0,7 mg/dl), and the number of complications per patient (1,2 + 1) were comparable to those of the group TVE<60’ (5,5 + 7,8; 1,3 + 1; e 0,7 + 1 respectively) and significantly lower to those of the group TVE&#8805;60’ (12,8 + 11,8; 2,3 + 2,3, e 2,3 + 1,2). In hospital mortality rates were 1/34, 2/19 and 2/28 for the groups TVE < 60’ , TVE &#8805; 60’ , and TVEHYPOTH respectively and were comparable. On multivariate analysis, the size of the tumor, portal vein embolization and a planned vascular reconstruction werem significantly predictive of TVE &#8805; 60 minutes. CONCLUSIONS. Compared to standard TVE of any duration, hypothermic perfusion of the liver is associated with a better tolerance to ischemia. In addition, compared to TVE &#8805; 60 minutes, it is associated with better postoperative liver and renal functions, and a lower morbidity. Predictive factors for TVE &#8805; 60 minutes may help to indicate hypothermic perfusion of the liver.

La dérégulation de l’axe GH/EGFR inhibe la régénération du foie dans le cadre de la stéatose hépatique / The GH/EGFR axis impairment inhibits liver regeneration in the case of hepatic steatosis

Collin de l'Hortet, Alexandra 04 April 2014 (has links)
Ce travail doctoral est centré sur la régénération du foie en conditions normales et au cours de la stéatose hépatique. Ces dernières décennies, de nombreux travaux ont utilisé des modèles d’invalidations géniques afin d’identifier les acteurs important au cours de la régénération hépatique. Dans ce contexte, il avait été observé que des animaux dont le signal de l’hormone de croissance était inhibé présentait un défaut majeur de prolifération hépatocytaire après hépatectomie. Dans un premier temps, notre laboratoire s’est donc intéressé à comprendre comment l’hormone de croissance contrôle la régénération hépatique au niveau moléculaire. Pour cela, nous avons pratiqué des hépatectomies sur des animaux dépourvus en récepteur de l’hormone de croissance (GHrKO). Nous avons ainsi montré que l’hormone de croissance jouait un rôle majeur au cours de la régénération hépatique en contrôlant l’expression d’EGFR ainsi que l’activation de Erk1/2. Dans un second temps, je me suis intéressée à une situation pathologique associée à une dérégulation de la voie de l’hormone de croissance : la stéatose hépatique. De façon intéressante, de nombreux modèles murins de stéatose hépatique présentent également une inhibition importante de la prolifération après hépatectomie partielle. Chez l’Homme, cette maladie (NAFLD pour Non alcoholic fatty liver disease) représente un facteur de risque lors de transplantations hépatiques et de résections majeures du foie. Grâce à l’analyse quantifiée de plusieurs paramètres issue de biopsies de patients obèses, nous avons montré l’existence d’une forte corrélation entre stéatose hépatique et diminution de l’expression de l’EGFR sur l’Homme. Nous avons également pratiqué des hépatectomies sur deux modèles de stéatose, l’un génétique (ob/ob) l’autre induit par un régime déficient en méthionine et choline (MCD). Les cinétiques de régénération post hépatectomie nous ont permis de confirmer un défaut de régénération hépatique chez les souris ob/ob et MCD. D’autre part, l’étude de ces modèles de stéatose nous a amenés à valider la dérégulation de la voie de l’hormone de croissance et la diminution transcriptionnelle de l’EGFR avant et après hépatectomie partielle. En parallèle, nous avons souligné l’implication de la voie inhibitrice de prolifération TGF-β, dans l’altération de la prolifération hépatocytaire des animaux ob/ob. En effet, de nombreux acteurs de cette voie sont surexprimés après l’hépatectomie partielle, participant certainement au défaut de régénération plus drastique observé sur ce modèle. Pour finir, nous avons également montré que l’injection sur une courte période d’hormone de croissance sur les animaux ob/ob restaure la prolifération hépatocytaire post hépatectomie. Ce sauvetage phénotypique est associé à une réexpression transcriptionnelle et protéique de l’EGFR. A terme, ces travaux nous amènent à proposer que la dérégulation de l’axe hormone de croissance/EGFR représente un mécanisme général associé à la stéatose hépatique et responsable du défaut de régénération du foie lié à cette maladie. / This doctoral work focused on liver regeneration in physiological conditions and during steatosis. These last decades, several studies used gene invalidation models to identify important actors during the liver regeneration. In this context, it had been observed that animals displaying a defect of growth hormone pathway had a drastic defect of liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy. Initially, we started this work by focusing on understanding how growth hormone controls liver regeneration at the molecular level. To do so, we performed partial hepatectomies on animals deleted for the growth hormone receptor gene (GHrKO). These results showed that growth hormone plays a central role in the control of liver regeneration through the expression of EGFR and the activation of Erk1/2. Secondly, we focused our attention on a pathological situation showing a defect of growth hormone signaling : hepatic steatosis. Interestingly, many mice models of hepatic steatosis also present a drastic inhibition of hepatocytes proliferation after partial hepatectomy. In Humans, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) represents an important risk factor regarding liver transplantations and resections. Through quantified analysis of several parameters from obese patient biopsies, we showed the existence of a strong correlation between hepatic steatosis and decrease in EGFR expression on humans. We also performed partial hepatectomies on two models of hepatic steatosis, one being genetic (ob/ob) and the other one being induced by a methionine choline deficient diet (MCD). Kinetics of regeneration post hepatectomy led us to confirm the defect of liver regeneration in on ob/ob and MCD mice. Moreover, the study of these steatotic models allowed us to corroborate the downregulation of the growth hormone signaling and the transcriptional decrease of EGFR expression. We also underlight the importance of TGF-β, a signaling pathway inhibiting proliferation, in the liver regeneration defect observed in ob/ob mice. Indeed, many members of this pathway have been found to be upregulated after partial hepatectomy, possibly being involved in the drastic regeneration defect observed in ob/ob mice. To finish, we also showed that growth hormone injections on a small period of time in ob/ob mice were capable of rescuing hepatocyte proliferation post hepatectomy. This phenotypic rescue was associated with a reexpression of EGFR at the transcription and protein level. This work led us to propose that the defect of the growth hormone/EGFR pathway represents a general mechanism associated with hepatic steatosis and is responsible for the liver regeneration defect linked to this disease.

Impact de l'utilisation du Fibroscan dans la prise en charge des tumeurs du foie / Impact of Fibroscan in the management of liver tumors

Rajakannu, Muthukumarassamy 15 November 2017 (has links)
Contexte: Les limites du traitement chirurgical des tumeurs du foie sont définies par la réserve hépatique fonctionnelle qui est déterminée par le volume et la qualité du foie non tumoral restant. L’hépatopathie sous-jacente détermine non seulement la place de la chirurgie mais aussi le risque de récidive pour les tumeurs hépatiques primitives. Dans les cas des métastases hépatiques, la chimiothérapie précède très souvent la chirurgie et l’hépatotoxicité de cette chimiothérapie est un risque important des complications post opératoires. Dans le contexte particulier de la transplantation hépatique (TH) pour le carcinome hépatocellulaire (CHC), l’hypertension portale est un risque de progression tumorale pendant la période d’attente et la sortie de la liste. Le foie non tumoral est donc est un facteur important dans la prise en charge des patients avec des tumeurs du foie. FibroScan® qui mesure l'élasticité du foie pourrait être utilisé pour évaluer le foie et prédire les suites post opératoires et la risque de progression de CHC dans la liste de TH. Méthodes: Les patients consécutifs qui ont été programmés pour subir une hépatectomie ou une transplantation ont été inclus dans l'étude après un consentement éclairé. L'élastométrie (LS) et le paramètre d'atténuation contrôlée (CAP) du foie non tumorale ont été estimés en pré opératoire par l’élastographie transitoire avec le dispositif FibroScan® 502 Touch en utilisant des sondes M ou XL. Résultats: Les nomogrammes basés sur LS qui ont été développés et validés dans cette étude ont pu hépatectomie pour les maladies hépatobiliaires. Chez les patients atteints de CHC, LS a joué un rôle plus important car il prédit non seulement les résultats de 90 jours, mais aussi la décompensation hépatique persistante au-delà de la période post-opératoire. En plus, LS ≥30 kPa et CAP <240 dB/m ont été associés à un mauvais pronostic oncologique après l’hépatectomie et peuvent ainsi être un marqueur de substitution pour la nature agressive du CHC. La performance de LS pour diagnostiquer la fibrose hépatique avancée (AUROC: 0.95) et la cirrhose (AUROC: 0.97) a été validée dans cette recherche et CAP a eu une performance satisfaisante pour détecter la stéatose hépatique significatif (AUROC: 0.70). Un modèle à base de LS appelé score HVPG10 a été développé et validé pour diagnostiquer une hypertension portale significative chez les patients atteints d'une maladie chronique du foie. Avec un seuil de 15, le score HVPG10 était précis pour exclure une hypertension portale importante dans >95% des patients et éviter des investigations supplémentaires et inutiles. Conclusion: L'exploration des patients prévus pour l'hépatectomie permet d'prévoir des complications sévères et la mortalité après l’hépatectomie. LS ≥30 kPa élevé est un facteur de risque important la récidive après la résection et de progression de CHC en attente de TH. Par conséquent, TH devrait être le traitement en première intention avec les patients avec LS ≥30 kPa. / Background: The major determinant of the results of surgical resection for liver tumors is the volume and quality of the future liver remnant. The hepatopathy of the non-tumoral liver not only limits the type of surgery but also the risk of recurrence in primary liver tumors. With respect to liver metastasis, pre-operative chemotherapy is the usual treatment strategy and the hepatotoxicity of prolonged chemotherapy is an important risk factor for post-operative morbi-mortality. In patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) waiting for liver transplantation (LT), clinically significant portal hypertension (CSPH) is a risk for tumor progression and dropout of the waiting list for LT. Overall, degree of liver fibrosis and portal hypertension in the non-tumoral liver are important factors in the management of patients with liver tumors as they determine the prognosis of patients after hepatectomy. FibroScan®, which estimate the degree of liver fibrosis and steatosis, could utilized to evaluate the non-tumoral liver and predict the post-operative outcomes and the risk of dropout from the list of LT in HCC patients waiting for LT. Methods: Consecutive patients programmed to undergo hepatectomy or LT were included in the present study prospectively after an informed consent. Liver stiffness (LS) and controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) were measured pre-operatively by transient elastography using FibroScan® 502 Touch Standard device with M or XL probes. Results: LS-based nomograms that were developed and valided in this study were accurate to predict 90-day severe morbidity and 90-day mortality after hepatectomy for various hepatobiliary diseases. In patients with HCC undergoing hepatectomy, elevated LS ≥22 kPa was a risk factor for persistent hepatic decompensation beyond the 90-day post-operative period. Moreover, LS ≥30 kPa and CAP <240 dB/m were associated with poor oncological outcomes after resection and thus could be a surrogate biomarker of more aggressive HCC. The discriminatory ability of LS to diagnose advanced liver fibrosis (AUROC: 0.95) and cirrhosis (AUROC: 0.97) was validated in the present study. Further, CAP had a satisfactory performance to screen significant hepatic steatosis (S≥2) with AUROC of 0.70. A new LS-based model called HVPG10 score was developed and validated to diagnose CSPH. With a cut-off of 15, it was capable of accurately ruling out CSPH in >95% of the patients with chronic liver disease and would avoid further unnecessary investigations. Conclusion: Pre-operative evaluation of patients with transient elastography would enable surgeons to predict major complications and mortality after hepatectomy with LS-based nomograms. In patients with HCC, LS ≥30 kPa was an important risk factor of incomplete surgical resection, early recurrence after hepatectomy and for tumor progression and dropout while waiting for LT. Therefore, LT must be the primary treatment in HCC patients with LS ≥30 kPa.

The protective effect of transplanted liver cells into the mesentery on the rescue of acute liver failure after massive hepatectomy / 大量肝切除後急性肝不全に対する腸間膜への肝臓細胞移植の救命効果は、移植細胞の残肝保護効果による

Kita, Sadahiko 25 July 2016 (has links)
出版日2016/2/15を明示する必要あり。発行号・ページ数が決まっていればそれらも明示する必要あり。 Final publication is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3727/096368916X690999 / 京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第19925号 / 医博第4145号 / 新制||医||1017(附属図書館) / 33011 / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 長船 健二, 教授 伊達 洋至, 教授 坂井 義治 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Novel Personalized Score Predicts Risk for Postoperative Biliary Leak in Liver Surgery—a Retrospective Database Analysis

Riediger, Carina, Hoffmann, Raphael, Löck, Steffen, Giehl-Brown, Esther, Dennler, Sandra, Kahlert, Christoph, Weitz, Jürgen 21 May 2024 (has links)
Background The number of liver resections is constantly rising over the last decades. Despite the reduction of overall mortality and morbidity in liver surgery, biliary leakage is still a relevant postoperative complication that can lead to a fatal postoperative course. Aim of this analysis is the identification of specific risk factors for postoperative biliary complications after liver resections and the development of a predictive biliary leakage risk score. Methods A single-center, retrospective analysis of 844 liver resections performed in the Department of Visceral, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Technische Universität Dresden, between 1/2013 and 12/2019 is conducted to identify risk factors for postoperative biliary leakage and a risk score for biliary leakage after hepatectomy is established based on multivariate regression. The score has been validated by an independent validation cohort consisting of 142 patients. Results Overall morbidity is 43.1% with 36% surgical complications and an overall mortality of 4.3%. Biliary leakage occurred in 15.8% of patients. A predictive score for postoperative biliary leakage based on age, major resection, pretreatment with FOLFOX/cetuximab and operating time is created. Patients are stratified to low (< 15%) and high (> 15%) risk with a sensitivity of 67.4% and a specificity of 70.7% in development cohort and a specificity of 68.2% and sensitivity of 75.8% in validation cohort. Conclusions The presented score is robust and has been validated in an independent patient cohort. Depending on the calculated risk, prevention or early treatment can be initiated to avoid bile leakage and to improve postoperative course.

How Does a Single Cell Know When the Liver Has Reached Its Correct Size?

Hohmann, Nadine, Weiwei, Wei, Dahmen, Uta, Dirsch, Olaf, Deutsch, Andreas, Voss-Böhme, Anja 14 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The liver is a multi-functional organ that regulates major physiological processes and that possesses a remarkable regeneration capacity. After loss of functional liver mass the liver grows back to its original, individual size through hepatocyte proliferation and apoptosis. How does a single hepatocyte ‘know’ when the organ has grown to its final size? This work considers the initial growth phase of liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy in which the mass is restored. There are strong and valid arguments that the trigger of proliferation after partial hepatectomy is mediated through the portal blood flow. It remains unclear, if either or both the concentration of metabolites in the blood or the shear stress are crucial to hepatocyte proliferation and liver size control. A cell-based mathematical model is developed that helps discriminate the effects of these two potential triggers. Analysis of the mathematical model shows that a metabolic load and a hemodynamical hypothesis imply different feedback mechanisms at the cellular scale. The predictions of the developed mathematical model are compared to experimental data in rats. The assumption that hepatocytes are able to buffer the metabolic load leads to a robustness against short-term fluctuations of the trigger which can not be achieved with a purely hemodynamical trigger.

Avaliação de critério pós-operatório de insuficiência hepática como fator prognóstico de mortalidade após hepatectomia: importância da alteração combinada do tempo de protrombina e da bilirrubina sérica / Evaluation of postoperative criteria of liver failure as a prognostic factor of mortality after hepatectomy: importance of the combined alteration of prothrombin time and serum bilirubin

Balzan, Silvio Márcio Pegoraro 27 September 2006 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO. A definição de insuficiência hepática pós-operatória (IHP) não é ainda padronizada, dificultando a comparação de inovações em procedimentos hepáticos e tornando complexo o uso de possíveis intervenções terapêuticas pós- operatórias em um momento adequado. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS. Entre 1998 e 2002, 775 resecções hepáticas eletivas, dos quais 531 (69%) por doenças malignas e 464 (60%) consistindo em hepatectomias maiores, foram incluídas de maneira prospectiva em um banco de dados. O parênquima hepático não-tumoral foi anormal em 330 pacientes (43%) incluindo esteatose em mais que 30% dos hepatócitos em 107 (14%), fibrose sem cirrose em 237 (43%) e cirrose em 94 (12%). Foi analisado o impacto sobre a mortalidade da ocorrência de tempo de protrombina (TP) menor que 50% e bilirrubina total sérica (BT) maior que 50 µmol/L (3 mg/dl) (critério 50-50) nos dias pós-operatórios (PO) 1, 3, 5 e 7. RESULTADOS. A cinética pós-operatória do TP e da BT foram diferentes. O menor nível de TP foi no primeiro dia pós-operatório (PO) e o pico de BT foi no terceiro dia PO. A tendência ao retorno para valores pré-operatórios destes dois fatores bioquímicos se firmou claramente no quinto DPO. A mortalidade operatória global foi de 3.4% (26 pacientes), incluindo 21 (81%) casos com parênquima não-tumoral anormal e 20 (77%) após uma hepatectomia maior. O índice de mortalidade foi maior em pacientes com TP < 50% ou BT > 50 µmol/L (3 mg/dl) no pós-operatório. A conjunção de TP < 50% e BT > 50 µmol/L (3 mg/dl) no quinto DPO foi potente fator preditivo de mortalide, a qual atingiu 59% quando esta associação ocorreu. CONCLUSÕES. A partir do quinto dia PO, a associação de TP > 50% e BT > 50 µml/L (3 mg/dl) (critério 50-50) foi preditor prático e acurado de índice de mortalidade após hepatectomia. Propõe-se assim este critério como definição de insuficiência hepática pós-operatória. / INTRODUCTION. Definition of postoperative liver failure (PLF) is not standardized, rendering complex the comparison of novelties in liver procedures and also the use of possible postoperative therapeutic interventions in due time. METHODS. Between 1998 and 2002, 775 elective liver resections, whence 531 (69%) were for malignancies and 464 (60%) for major resections, were included in a prospective database. The non- tumorous hepatic parenchima was abnormal in 330 patients (43%) including steatosis > 30% in 107 (14%), non-cirrhotic fibrosis in 237 (43%) and cirrhosis in 94 (12%). The clinical impact of Prothrombin Time (PT) < 50% and Serum Bilirubin (SB) > 50µmol/L (3 mg/dl) (50-50 criteria) on postoperative days (POD) 1, 3, 5 and 7 was analyzed. RESULTS. Kinetic of postoperative PT and SB were different. Lowest PT levels were on POD1 and the peak of SB was on POD 3. The tendency to return to preoperative values of these two biochemical factors was clearly affirmed on POD 5. Operative mortality was 3.4% (26 patients), including 21 (81%) cases with abnormal liver parenchyma and 20 (77%) following major hepatectomies. Mortality rate was increased in patients with PT < 50% or SB > 50µmol/L (3mg/dl). The conjunction of PT < 50% and SB > 50µmol/L (3 mg/dl) on POD 5 was a strong predictive factor of increased mortality, which reached 59%. CONCLUSIONS We found that after postoperative day 5, the association of PT > 50% and SB > 50µml/L (3 mg/dl) (50-50 criteria) was a simple and accurate predictor of mortality after hepatectomy. These results allow us to propose this criteria as a definition of postoperative liver failure.

O farnesol inibe a proliferação celular e induz a apoptose em ratos wistar submetidos à hepatectomia parcial / Farnesol inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in liver after partiaI hepatectomy in Wistar rats

Chagas, Carlos Eduardo Andrade 27 January 2006 (has links)
Diversos estudos epidemiológicos mostram que nutrientes e outros compostos bioativos presentes nos alimentos (CBA) apresentam atividade quimiopreventiva contra o câncer. Assim, destaca-se o estudo dos isoprenóides devido a sua ação promissora tanto na prevenção quanto na terapia do câncer. Todavia, apesar dessas evidências, pouco se sabe a respeito da ação dessas substâncias nos processos de proliferação celular e apoptose in vivo. Assim, 141 ratos Wistar foram tratados durante duas semanas consecutivas com farnesol (grupo FR, 25 mg/100 g de peso corporal) ou óleo de milho (grupo OM; controle, 0,25 mL/100 g de peso corporal) e sacrificados em diferentes momentos após a hepatectomia parcial (HP; 0 h, 30 min, 2 h, 4 h, 8 h, 12 h, 18 h e 24 h). Os parâmetros hepáticos analisados foram a proliferação celular (núcleos marcados para PCNA/mm2), apoptose (corpúsculos apoptóticos [CA\'s] por mm2) e expressão de p65, ciclina D1 (\"western blot\") e HMG-CoA redutase (\"dot-blot\"). Os animais tratados com o isoprenóide, assim como o grupo controle, apresentaram reduzida taxa de proliferação celular até 8h após a cirurgia. No entanto, a partir desse momento, o grupo FR passou a apresentar taxa de proliferação celular inferior ao grupo OM, diferença esta que atingiu significância estatística (p<0,05) 24h após a HP. Com relação a apoptose, animais tratados com FR apresentaram maior número de CA\'s (p<0,05) do que o grupo OM 30 min após a HP. Já em relação à ação do FR em âmbito molecular, houve uma redução de 40% e 50% na expressão de p65 e ciclina D1 30min e 24h após a HP, respectivamente, embora essas diferenças não tenham atingido significância estatística (p>0,05). Além disso, animais tratados com o isoprenóide apresentaram maior (p<0,05) expressão do gene que codifica para HMG-CoA redutase 2 h e 12 h após a cirurgia. Assim, tanto a inibição da proliferação celular quanto a indução de apoptose podem ser reflexo das alterações da expressão hepática dos genes para HMG-CoA redutase, p65 e ciclina D1 por parte do isoprenóide. / Epidemiological data have shown that nutrients and others bioactive compounds in food have chemopreventive activities against cancer. Among these compounds, isoprenoids are suggested either as a chemopreventive or chemotherapy agents. However, despite these evidences, studies focused on the isoprenoids activities on cell proliferation and apoptosis in vivo are rare. Thus, the effect of the 15-carbon isoprenoid farnesol on liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy was evaluated. Wistar rats were treated for two consecutive weeks with farnesol (FR group, 25 mg/100 g body weight) or corn oil (OM group, control, 0,25 mL/100 g body weight) and killed at different time points after partial hepatectomy (HP; 0 h, 30 min, 2 h, 4 h, 8 h, 12 h, 18 h and 24 h). Still, hepatic cell proliferation (PCNA lebeled nuclei), apoptosis (quantification of apoptotic bodies), p65 and cyclin D1 protein expression (western blot) and HMG-CoA reductase mRNA expression (dot blot) were also evaluated. Comparing to OM group, farnesol treatment significantly inhibited (p<0,05) hepatic cell proliferation 24 h after HP. Regarding apoptosis, also compared to controls, farnesol treated rats presented more (p<0,05) apoptotic bodies at 30 min. Besides, there were a suggestion of a higher number of apoptotic bodies 2 and 12 hours after HP in FR group comparing to OM group. According to western blot analysis, comparing to controls, this 15-carbon isoprenoid reduced 40% and 50% p65 and cyclin D1 hepatic protein expression, 30 min and 24 h after partial hepatectomy, respectively, although the differences did not also reach the statistical significance. Furthermore, farnesol treated rats had higher (p<0,05) HMG-CoA reductase mRNA levels than controls 2 h and 12 h after the surgery. Theses data suggest that the alterations on p65, cyclin D1 and HMG¬-CoA reductase gene expression observed in FR group might be associated with the inhibition of cell proliferation and the induction of apoptosis by farnesol.

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