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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Associations Between Expressed Emotion, Mental Health, and Functioning in Families: Child Asthma Status as a Moderator

Dempster, Katherine W 01 January 2019 (has links)
Expressed emotion (EE), the affective attitudes and behaviors of one toward another, can affect caregivers’ behaviors toward their child. Research examining associations between EE and child/family outcomes is mixed; these associations may be affected by other influences such as the presence of a chronic disease or parent mental health. In this study of families living in an urban area, we examined associations between EE and child outcomes (anxiety/depressive symptoms) and family functioning, with parent anxiety as a covariate. We evaluated child asthma status as a moderator as the presence of a chronic illness may strengthen the association between EE and child/family outcomes. Ninety-four children (mean±SD age=8.83±2.03 years, 48.9% female, 92.6% African American; 47 with asthma) and their parents (81.3% annual household income less than $25,000) completed an observational study including interviews and questionnaires. Measures included the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC), Children’s Depressive Symptoms Inventory (CDI), Self-Report Family Inventory (SFI), Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale (GAD-7), and Five-Minute Speech Sample (FMSS) coded for EE. To examine study aims, regression analyses were conducted using PROCESS macro version 3.4. Asthma status (yes/no) was examined as a moderator. EE was associated with child anxiety symptoms, controlling for parent anxiety symptoms (F(1,70) =7.67, p=0.007). Criticism was also positively associated with asthma control (F(1,39)=4.33, p=.04, R2=.08). Asthma status did not moderate any of the associations. Results suggested that high levels of caregiver EE were associated with child anxiety symptoms, but asthma status did not moderate associations. It is possible that regardless of additional family demands related to asthma, EE is associated with child anxiety. Further examination into other systemic stressors (e.g., poverty, access to care) that may moderate these associations is warranted, as well as the impact that minimizing parent anxiety might have on overall EE.

Effectiveness of the Pathways Community Hub Model in Reducing Low Birth Weight Among High-Risk Pregnant Women

Chiyaka, Edward Tafumaneyi 06 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Can Developer Data Predict Vulnerabilities? : Examining Developer and Vulnerability Correlation in the Kibana Project

Lövgren, Johan January 2023 (has links)
Open-source software is often chosen with the expectation of increased security. The transparency and peer review process of open development offer advantages in terms of more secure code. However, developing secure code remains a challenging task that requires more than just expertise. Even with adequate knowledge, human errors can occur, leading to mistakes and overlooked issues that may result in exploitable vulnerabilities. It is reasonable to assume that not all developers introduce bugs or vulnerabilities randomly since each developer brings unique experience and knowledge to the development process. The objective of this thesis is to investigate a method for identifying high-risk developers who are more likely to introduce vulnerabilities or bugs, which can be used to predict potential locations of bugs or vulnerabilities in the source code based on the developer who wrote the code. Metrics related to developers’ code churn, code complexity, bug association, and experience were collected during a case study of the open- source project Kibana. The findings provide empirical evidence suggesting that developers that write code with higher complexity and have a greater project activity pose a higher risk of introducing vulnerabilities and bugs. Developers who have introduced vulnerabilities also tend to exhibit higher code churn, code complexity, and bug association compared to those who have not introduced a vulnerability. However, the metrics employed in this study were not sufficiently discriminative for identifying developers with a higher risk of introducing vulnerabilities or bugs per commit. Nevertheless, the results of this study serve as a foundation for further research in this area exploring the topic further. / Programvara med öppen källkod väljs ofta med förväntningar om ökad säkerhet. Transparensen och peer review-processen erbjuder fördelar i form av säkrare kod. Men att utveckla säker kod är fortfarande en utmanande uppgift som kräver mer än bara expertis. Även med tillräcklig kunskap kan mänskliga fel uppstå, vilket leder till misstag och förbisedda problem som kan resultera i exploaterbara sårbarheter. Det är rimligt att anta att inte alla utvecklare introducerar buggar eller sårbarheter slumpmässigt, eftersom varje utvecklare tar med sig unik erfarenhet och kunskap till utvecklingsprocessen. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att identifiera en metod att identifiera högriskutvecklare som är mer benägna att introducera sårbarheter eller buggar, vilket kan användas för att förutsäga potentiella platser för buggar eller sårbarheter i källkoden baserat på utvecklaren som skrev koden. Mätvärden relaterade till utvecklarnas omsättning av kod, kodkomplexitet, buggassociation och erfarenhet samlades in under en fallstudie av det öppna källkodsprojektet Kibana. Fynden ger empiriska bevis som tyder på att utvecklare med högre kodkomplexitetsmått och större projektaktivitet utgör en högre risk för att introducera sårbarheter och buggar. Utvecklare som har introducerat sårbarheter tenderar också att uppvisa högre omsättning av kod, kodkomplexitet och buggassociation jämfört med de som inte har introducerat en sårbarhet. De mätvärden som användes i denna studie var dock inte tillräckligt diskriminerande för att identifiera utvecklare med en högre risk att introducera sårbarheter eller buggar per commit. Ändå fungerar resultaten av denna studie som en grund för vidare studier inom detta område.

Secure satellite internet usage in high-risk areas

Kvant, Andreas, Johansson, Carl January 2023 (has links)
Background. In high-risk areas, a reliable and secure internet connection is not always guaranteed. If the terrestrial internet infrastructure is damaged due to armed conflicts in the area, the internet is shut down or internet traffic is monitored by antagonistic parties, satellite internet technology could be a suitable alternative for people or organizations operating in these areas. However, satellite internet comes with its own advantages and shortcomings, and if satellite internet systems are going to be used in these areas, there is a need for secure utilization of the system and awareness of possible vulnerabilities, threats, and risks of using them. Objectives. There are four main objectives of this study: (1) To identify the general threats and vulnerabilities that accompany the use of satellite internet technology in a high-risk area. (2) To assess the risks to the user's safety that may come as a consequence of the vulnerabilities being exploited or threats being realized. (3) To identify possible mitigations to the risks, and device best practices for the secure use of satellite internet technology in high-risk areas. (4) Produce a document that provides information about satellite internet technology, clarifies what vulnerabilities, threats, and risks could be present when using satellite internet in a high-risk area and how the user may assess the risk according to their own situation, the document should also provide the user with mitigations and best practices for the secure use of the satellite internet technology in order to ensure the user's safety. Methods. A structured literature review, semi-structured interviews, and multiple threat analysis methods were used to gather and evaluate the threats to satellite internet. The literature review presented the previous research done, and the interviews gave some perspectives from the industry. The results were then compiled into a document which we evaluated in a workshop to determine its usability and get feedback we could use to improve it. Results. The results show that satellite internet systems are exposed to several attacks, and tracking was a discovered threat that was not mentioned in previous research. When making our example risk assessment tracking also received the highest score, due to it allowing an adversary to threaten the physical safety of a user. Conclusions. The interest in satellite internet security research seems to have recently increased. The most exposed part of the satellite internet infrastructure is the wireless communication link, especially in high-risk areas where attacks targeting the radio signal are more prevalent. User awareness was our most important mitigation against the threats found and is the core contribution of this work. / Bakgrund. Att pålitlig och säker internetuppkoppling är tillgänglig i högriskområden är inte alltid garanterat. Om den markbaserade internetinfrastrukturen skadas på grund av väpnade konflikter i området, internet stängs ned eller internettrafiken övervakas av antagoniska parter, så är satellitinternetteknologi ett lämpligt alternativ för personer eller organisationer som verkar i dessa områden. Satellitinternet har dock sina egna fördelar och nackdelar. Om dessa system ska användas i högriskområden är det av yttersta vikt att de används säkert och att användaren är medveten om vilka möjliga sårbarheter, hot och risker som ackompanjerar användningen av systemen Syfte. Det finns fyra mål med detta arbete: (1) Att identifiera de allmänna hot och sårbarheter som ackompanjerar användningen av satellitinternetteknologi i ett högriskområde. (2) Att bedöma de risker mot användarens säkerhet som kan uppstå till följd av att sårbarheterna utnyttjas eller hoten realiseras. (3) Att identifiera möjliga åtgärder för att mitigera riskerna och utveckla bästa praxis för den säkra användningen av satellitinternetteknologi i högriskområden. (4) Att producera ett dokument som tillhandahåller information om satellitinternetteknologi, klargör vilka sårbarheter, hot och risker som kan förekomma vid användning av satellitinternet i högriskområden samt hur användaren kan bedöma risken utefter sin egen situation. Dokumentet bör också ge användaren åtgärder mot risker och bästa praxis för säker användning av satellitinternetteknologi samt att säkerställa användarens säkerhet. Metoder. En strukturerad litteraturstudie, semi-strukturerade intervjuer och flera hotanalysmetoder användes för att samla in och utvärdera hoten mot satellitinternet. Litteraturstudien presenterade tidigare forskning och intervjuerna gav några perspektiv från branschen. Resultaten sammanställdes sedan i ett dokument som vi utvärderade i en workshop för att bestämma dess användbarhet och få feedback vi kunde använda för att förbättra det. Resultat. Resultaten visar att satellitinternetsystem kan utsättas för flera attacker, och spårning var ett hot vi upptäckte som inte nämnts i tidigare forskning. I vår exempelriskbedömning fick spårning också den högsta poängen, eftersom det möjliggör för en motståndare att påverka en användares fysiska säkerhet. Slutsatser. Resultaten visar att satellitinternetsystem kan utsättas för flera attacker, och spårning var ett hot vi upptäckte som inte nämnts i tidigare forskning. I vår exempelriskbedömning fick spårning också den högsta poängen, eftersom det möjliggör för en motståndare att påverka en användares fysiska säkerhet.

Two Strategies for Improving the Retention Rate of the High-Risk Students in an Instructional Television History Course

Trickel, John A. (John Andrew) 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to test and compare the impact of two alternative educational treatments on the rate of success among high-risk students enrolled in the United States History telecourse at Richland College, DCCCD during the Spring Semester of 1980. The purposes of the study were to determine whether 1. The rate of success, that is, the proportion of students completing the course with a grade of "C" or higher, would increase among high-risk students in either experimental group; 2. The rate of success would increase among high-risk students with poor reading skills in either experimental group; 3. The rate of success would increase among high-risk students with poor academic motivation for telecourses in either experimental group; 4. The rate of success would increase among high-risk students when related to the demographic variables used as predictors and collected for the students who were in either experimental group; 5. There would be a difference in the effects of experimental treatment I and experimental treatment II in helping students with poor reading skills to complete the course with a grade of "C" or higher; 6. There would be a difference in the effects of experimental treatment I and experimental treatment II in aiding students with different levels and types of motivation to complete the course with a grade of "C" or higher; 7. There would be a difference in the effects of experimental treatment I and experimental treatment II in helping students with the various demographic characteristics used in the prediction equation to complete the course with a grade of "C" or higher.

Ledarskap inom högriskbranscher : Om utveckling av ledarskap och ledarskapsmodeller inom högriskindustrin med fokus på medarbetares säkerhetsbeteende.

Ekberg Berry, Emma January 2022 (has links)
I denna uppsats studeras teorier om ledarskap kopplat till högriskbranscher. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka ledarskapsstilar och kvaliteter som är dominerande bland ledare inom dessa branscher. Tidigare forskning visar att bemyndigande- och transformativt ledarskap är fördelaktiga ledarskapsstilar inom högriskbranscher. Tidigare forskning visar emellertid att vidare studier inom detta område behövs. I arbetssituationer utanför högriskbranscher har studier visat att förändringsorienterat-, relationsorienterat- och uppgiftsorienterat ledarskap är dominerande bland ledare. För att skapa en helhetsbild av de olika ledarskapsstilarna inom branschen skapar dessa tre ledarskapsstilar tillsammans med det transformativa och det bemyndigande ledarskapet den teoretiska ramen för denna studie. I denna kvalitativa studie genomförs semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex anställda inom ett företag i högriskbranschen, Forsmarks kärnkraftverk (Forsmark Kraftgrupp AB). De anställda intervjuades angående deras erfarenheter av sin närmaste chefs ledaregenskaper. De dominerande ledarskapsstilarna som har identifierats inom företaget är relationsorienterat ledarskap tillsammans med bemyndigande ledarskap. Detta följdes av transformativt ledarskap tillsammans med förändringsorienterat ledarskap, som var förekommande men inte dominerande. Mitt bidrag till detta forskningsområde är att bygga en djupare förståelse för ledaregenskaper och ledarskapsstilar i högriskbranscher. / In this essay, theories regarding leadership linked to high-risk industries are studied. The aim for this study is to investigate which leadership styles and qualities that are dominant among leaders in those industries. Previous research shows that empowering and transformative leadership are beneficial leadership styles within high risk industries. However, previous research have requested that further studies in this area are needed. In work situations outside high risk industries, studies have shown that change-oriented, relationship-oriented and task-oriented leadership is dominant among leaders. To construct an overall picture of the different leadership styles among the industry, these three leadership styles together with the transformative and the empowering leadership is creating the theoretical framework for this study. In this qualitative study, semi-structured interviews are conducted with six employees within a company in high risk industries, Forsmark nuclear power plant (Forsmark Kraftgrupp AB). They were interviewed regarding their experiences of their closest manager's leadership qualities. The dominant leadership styles that have been identified within the company are relationship-oriented leadership along with empowering leadership. This is followed by transformative leadership together with change-oriented leadership, which seemed prevalent but not dominant. My contribution to this research area is to build a deeper understanding of the leadership qualities and leadership styles in high-risk industries.

Can Developer Data Predict Vulnerabilities? : Examining Developer and Vulnerability Correlation in the Kibana Project / Kan Utvecklardata Förutse Sårbarheter? : Studie om Korrelation Mellan Utvecklare och Sårbarheter i Kibanas Källkod

Lövgren, Johan January 2023 (has links)
Open-source software is often chosen with the expectation of increased security [1]. The transparency and peer review process of open development offer advantages in terms of more secure code. However, developing secure code remains a challenging task that requires more than just expertise. Even with adequate knowledge, human errors can occur, leading to mistakes and overlooked issues that may result in exploitable vulnerabilities. It is reasonable to assume that not all developers introduce bugs or vulnerabilities randomly since each developer brings unique experience and knowledge to the development process. The objective of this thesis is to investigate a method for identifying high-risk developers who are more likely to introduce vulnerabilities or bugs, which can be used to predict potential locations of bugs or vulnerabilities in the source code based on the developer who wrote the code. Metrics related to developers’ code churn, code complexity, bug association, and experience were collected during a case study of the open-source project Kibana. The findings provide empirical evidence suggesting that developers that write code with higher complexity and have a greater project activity pose a higher risk of introducing vulnerabilities and bugs. Developers who have introduced vulnerabilities also tend to exhibit higher code churn, code complexity, and bug association compared to those who have not introduced a vulnerability. However, the metrics employed in this study were not sufficiently discriminative for identifying developers with a higher risk of introducing vulnerabilities or bugs per commit. Nevertheless, the results of this study serve as a foundation for further research in this area exploring the topic further. / Programvara med öppen källkod väljs ofta med förväntningar om ökad säkerhet [1]. Transparensen och peer review-processen erbjuder fördelar i form av säkrare kod. Men att utveckla säker kod är fortfarande en utmanande uppgift som kräver mer än bara expertis. Även med tillräcklig kunskap kan mänskliga fel uppstå, vilket leder till misstag och förbisedda problem som kan resultera i exploaterbara sårbarheter. Det är rimligt att anta att inte alla utvecklare introducerar buggar eller sårbarheter slumpmässigt, eftersom varje utvecklare tar med sig unik erfarenhet och kunskap till utvecklingsprocessen. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att identifiera en metod att identifiera högriskutvecklare som är mer benägna att introducera sårbarheter eller buggar, vilket kan användas för att förutsäga potentiella platser för buggar eller sårbarheter i källkoden baserat på utvecklaren som skrev koden. Mätvärden relaterade till utvecklarnas omsättning av kod, kodkomplexitet, buggassociation och erfarenhet samlades in under en fallstudie av det öppna källkodsprojektet Kibana. Fynden ger empiriska bevis som tyder på att utvecklare med högre kodkomplexitetsmått och större projektaktivitet utgör en högre risk för att introducera sårbarheter och buggar. Utvecklare som har introducerat sårbarheter tenderar också att uppvisa högre omsättning av kod, kodkomplexitet och buggassociation jämfört med de som inte har introducerat en sårbarhet. De mätvärden som användes i denna studie var dock inte tillräckligt diskriminerande för att identifiera utvecklare med en högre risk att introducera sårbarheter eller buggar per commit. Ändå fungerar resultaten av denna studie som en grund för vidare studier inom detta område.

Developmental mechanisms influencing decision-making

Escalante-Mead, P. R. January 2009 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis was to investigate decision making from a broad developmental perspective to clarify the role of the underlying mechanisms influencing it. Problem solving and cognitive inhibitory capacity were chartered initially through the use of hypothetical vignettes depicting socially relevant situations and through the use of the Stroop task, to tap into automatic inhibitory capacity. Initial assumptions that prefrontal cortical refinement would denote enhanced social problem ability were not confirmed. Experience emerged as distinct factor in problem solving/decision-making, with the youngest participants equally as effective in producing solutions to situations that they had the most experience in. A shift in development is observed with maturation denoting greater experience and this being applied directly to problem solving and decision-making situations. Education was identified as a possible contributory factor in decision-making and this was explored in a cross-cultural study that tapped into a non-schooled population. The results reinforced the centrality of experience in shaping decision-making. Decision-making in regards to the use of experience was then looked at through real life decision-making situations, where adolescents were asked to provide their knowledge or experience of situations where risk was involved. Adolescents possessed the necessary knowledge to distinguish between optimal and sub-optimal decisions in terms of the consequences that risk behaviours carried with them. However, many still chose to engage in risky behaviours. This paradox could also be explained by actual experience, with the suggestion that positive experience in a peer group was serving as a pool from which adolescents drew to make future decision-making. If risk behaviours were not experienced adversely, the likelihood of their repetition was high. Taken together the findings suggest that adolescents are well equipped with the cognitive skills to make decisions. Compared to younger children, they have more experience of a greater range of situations from which to extrapolate responses from. They also have a great deal of knowledge and information about the negative consequences associated with a range of challenging situations and risk-taking behaviours. However, when faced with decisions in the social domain, the behaviour of friends and perceptions of what other people are doing are powerful influences on adolescent decisions.

Vroeë adolessente se persepsies van hulle primêre versorgers se betrokkenheid by die skoolgemeenskap in 'n hoë-risiko omgewing / Leandra Cronjé

Cronjé, Leandra January 2013 (has links)
This research involves the exploration of the potential, as well as the problems, of early adolescents’ relationships in the context of the school-and-home in a high-risk community in South Africa. Although researchers indicate that school performance and academic success is of key importance concerning positive youth development (You & Nguen, 2011), many South African adolescents are still part of the high incidence of repeating greades and drop-out statictics in this country (Louw, Bayat & Eigelaar-Meets, 2011). This study highlights one of the factors for school success, namely, the involvement of primary care givers in the school community. There is a need to explore adolescents’ perceptions of their primary care givers’ involvement in the school community, within the context of a high-risk South African community, since research within Positive Psychology also explores those resources which promote wellbeing and resilient coping. This study made use of the qualitative method and the results have been presented in an article format, as part of the dissertation. The aim of the article was to explore early adolescents’ perceptions of their primary care-givers’ involvement in the school community in a high-risk community. Participants (N=12) between the ages of twelve to fourteen years, from one school in the Delft Community, Cape Peninsula, were chosen in an un-biased fashion. The Delft community is one of the twenty identified high-risk communities in South Africa. Demographic information shows that the majority of the participants’ care-givers are not the biological parents. The findings indicate that early adolescents percieve their primary caregivers’ involvement in the school community, in a high-risk community, in the following ways: The meeting of basic needs, such as the provision of food, clothing and a home is essential for the adolescent’s school career; the emotional colour of the involvement of care givers is mostly negative, since school visitations involve the handling of problems, or the prevention of further problems; the early adolescent’s understanding of school success greatly matches that of his/her primary care- givers and is seen mostly in terms of either “pass” or “fail”; and early adolescents’ school careers and primary care-givers’ involvement within the context of a high-risk community involve experiences such as the exposure to continued poverty with various implications such as hunger, walking to school in an unsafe environment, as well as gang-violence, crime and substance abuse. This study shows that, besides the challenges that are associated with the adolescent life-phase, early adolescents also have to deal with various other problems that emanate from a high-risk community. These problems are generally matters of survival, and it is clear that these risks further strain well-being and the development thereof. Poor involvement of primary caregivers in the school community is one of the realities which early adolescents in a high-risk community have to deal with, and this poor involvement is indicative of not providing life essentials, as well as personal interest and encouragement. It is further the experience of negative emotions, such as fear in general and the “scared-ness” indicates adolescents’ fear for their own safety, as well as that of their friends and family. The participants in this study have all been affected directly and/or indirectly by the trauma of gang violence and the untimely death of a family member. In the midst of these challenges, the primary caregivers are mostly uninvolved in these vulnerable adolescents’ lives. Primary care-givers visit the school community mainly when they are summoned to handle “problems”. Primary care-givers generally have a negative association with the school community. The less negative experience of emotions indicates the absence of serious problems, such as the not-completion of school work. The scarce occurrence of positive emotions, such as primary care-givers that show compassion with early adolescents when they experience disappointment, is actually part of the participants’ experiences. The primary care- givers’ active helping with the early adolescents’ school tasks is uncommon and it is mostly focused on the prevention of the repetition of school grades. The presence of a family member (extended family) with school meetings has great value for the early adolescents’ perception of family as a protective factor for the well-being of the young person. This study presents an important contribution to Positive Psychology, as valuable information is presented to understand the early adolescent’s well-being and the context thereof. The specific descriptions of early adolescents’ perceptions of the involvement of their primary care-givers in the school community provide a description of the potential which can be unlocked in school-and-life choices. Findings have implications for policies regarding the promotion of well-being. Recommendations for further study are given. Possibilities for application includes the importance of the ecological impact and of partnerships, so that problems and the development of well-being can be addressed by primary care givers, school communities, faith communities, NGOs and universities. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

L'hospitalisation de la femme en raison d'une grossesse à risque élevé : l'expérience de couples

Lavallée, Émilie 09 1900 (has links)
Attendre un enfant est généralement un événement heureux pour un couple. Toutefois, lorsqu’une hospitalisation de la femme survient en raison d’une grossesse à risque élevé, l’expérience des futurs parents peut se transformer en véritable cauchemar. Jusqu’à maintenant, les savoirs disponibles suggèrent que cet événement imprévu ait de nombreux impacts sur les futurs parents. Néanmoins, ce sujet n’a été abordé que selon une perspective maternelle ou paternelle, sans s’intéresser au caractère systémique de la situation. Cette étude qualitative de cas multiples propose d’explorer l’expérience de couples vivant l’hospitalisation de la femme en raison d’une grossesse à risque élevé, dans une perspective systémique et constructiviste. Des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été réalisées auprès de 7 couples dont la femme était, au moment de l’entrevue, hospitalisée en raison d’une grossesse à risque élevé. L’analyse qualitative des données s’est inspirée de la thématisation et a tenu compte des cadres théoriques et épistémologique choisis, étant respectivement l’approche systémique familiale de Wright et Leahey (2013) et le constructivisme. Les résultats suggèrent que l’hospitalisation est marquée par l’intensité des émotions ressenties. Les futurs parents ressentent presque constamment des sentiments d’inquiétude, d’incertitude et de solitude. Il est toutefois intéressant de constater que le couple lui-même subit des changements au cours de l’hospitalisation. En ce sens, cet événement requiert une immense réorganisation, laquelle touche plusieurs systèmes gravitant autour du système conjugal. Enfin, afin de faire face à l’intensité et à l’imprévisibilité de la situation, les couples sont amenés à solliciter un soutien externe et à puiser dans leurs propres ressources internes. En lien avec les cadres théoriques et épistémologiques choisis, ces résultats conviennent de la nécessité d’adopter une vision systémique et contextuelle afin de développer des soins infirmiers concordants avec l’expérience des couples. Cela ramène à la nécessité de réaliser d’autres études afin de perfectionner la compréhension de l’expérience. Certaines pistes d’interventions infirmières sont néanmoins énoncées, afin d’amener les infirmières à considérer la situation du point de vue de l’expérience conjugale, dont les défis de réorganisations extérieurs et des relations conjugales. Enfin, il est proposé que l’infirmière puisse agir afin de renforcer la capacité des couples à composer avec les conséquences de l’hospitalisation anténatale. / Planning to have a child is most of the time a joyful event for a couple. However, the same event might becomes a real nightmare when the woman is hospitalized because of an at high risk pregnancy. To date, researches exploring this abrupt event have suggested that it may conduct to numerous impacts on future parents. Even though, the subject has only been explored using a maternal or paternal perspective, without considering the systemic aspect of the situation. This qualitative multiple case study suggests to explore the couples’ experience regarding the hospitalization of the woman because of an at high risk pregnancy, in a systemic and constructivist approach. Semi-directed interviews have been conducted with seven couples with a woman hospitalized because of an at high risk pregnancy, at the moment of the interview. Qualitative data analysis was inspired of thematization and took into account the theoretical and epistemological approach, respectively the Wright and Leahey (2013) family approach and constructivism. Results suggest the hospitalization is touched by intense emotions, such as feeling almost all the time worries, uncertainties and loneliness. It is however interesting to note that even the couple himself is touched by changes resulting of the hospitalization. According to that, this event requires a huge reorganization, which implies loads of systems gravitating around the couple’s system. Lastly, in order to face the intensity and the unpredictability of the situation, couples are asking for external support, while using their own internal resources. Concerning the theoretical and epistemological approach chosen to realize this study, results confirm the necessity of adopting a systemic and contextual vision in order to develop nursing cares appropriate with couples’ experience. Besides, it becomes essential to duplicate this type of study to perfection the actual comprehension of the event. However, nursing interventions relating to the external reorganization and the couple relation reorganization are proposed, in order to reinforce nurses’ consideration of the couple’s experience. Only then, it is suggested that nurses can influence couples’ capacity to face the consequences of the antenatal hospitalization.

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