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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Maktstrukturer och sociala fält i förhistorisk och tidighistorisk tid på Påskön : En studie av symboliskt kapital, fält och habitus

Olsson, Dan January 2020 (has links)
The thesis illustrates the emergence and development of the types of symbolic capital, networks and fields used by the rulers of Easter Island in their exercise of power, and what possible consequences they may have for their habitus. There is no concrete conclusion, but it is possible to see reasonable course of events, where the archaeological finds form the milestones, and it is possible to trace the formation and expansion of a field, created from material assets, inventions, social thoughts and actions. There are signs of variation, or different phases, in the field, over time. The rulers seem to have tried to control the field by, for example, building monuments, such as ahu and statues, or in other words, the authorities of Easter Island managed to create different types of assets. In addition, various organizational forms, sacred places and buildings, taboos and traditions have been used in the form of ceremonies, rituals and sacrifices of various kinds. This symbolic capital has been used by the rulers to steer residents' work and striving in the desired direction, and to create a habitus that everyone feels involved in. This habitus has probably changed when new businesses entered the market.

Den hyperrationelle, okänslige ateisten : Ateism och kyrklig reformering i dagspress 1949 - 1953

Paloheimo, Ville January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Museum Gustavianumssamling från utgrävningarna i Sedment : En efterforskning av de föremål som Museum Gustavianum förvärvade efter Petries och Bruntons utgrävningar i Sedment vintern 1920 - 1921

Kjellström, Charlotta January 2021 (has links)
One aim of this essay is to conduct a thorough investigation into the origins of the objects inthe Victoria Museum, Gustavianum, collection VM 346–362 (the sequence expanded, later inthe project, also to include VM 346) and how they got there. This will be achieved byfollowing the paper trail back to the excavation in Egypt. The other is to describe how objectsfrom digs were spread between museums and different countries by W.M. Flinders Petrie.Questions have been raised about the perceived origins of the objects in the Gustavianumcollection VM 346–362. The collection has until recently been believed to be the funeraryobjects of the First Intermediate Period man Wadjet-hetep. In 1921 this collection was mostlikely bought by the Victoria Museum through Pehr Lugn, from W.M. Flinders Petrie, somemonths after Petrie and Brunton ended their excavation season of 1920/21 in Sedment, Egypt.However, the collection as a whole cannot be the funerary objects of Wadjet-hetep, since themajority of those are owned by and exhibited at Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Denmark.The one confirmed belonging of Wadjet-hetep in the Gustavianum VM-collection is the innercoffin which has his name on it. The collective memory of the museum claims that fivewalking sticks, also currently in the VM-collection, were found with the mummy inside theinner coffin at the excavation site. Unfortunately, the museum archive is extensively damagedand contains nothing that can tell us about the collection's origins.By investigating external sources, Petrie and Brunton’s accounts of the excavation, as well asonline catalogues and archives, the VM collection can be backtracked to Sedment. The resultsconclude that the objects in the collection derive from different tombs and periods.

Interpretatio Romana : En analys av De Bello Gallico och Germania / Interpretatio Romana : A analysis of De Bello Gallico and Germania

Palmgren, Filip January 2023 (has links)
Uppsatsen utforskar användandet av interpretatio romana i de romerska verken De Bello Gallico och Germania. Genom olika exempel diskuterar studien också huruvida begreppet även kan appliceras på andra aspekter inom det romerska samhället utöver religion. Begreppets roll inom den romerska historieskrivningen och dess bidrag till kulturell appropriering av rum kommenteras slutligen. / The paper explores the use of interpretatio romana in the Roman works De Bello Gallico and Germania. Through various examples, the study also discusses whether the concept can also be applied to other aspects of Roman society besides religion. The role of the concept in Roman historiography and its contribution to the cultural appropriation of space is finally commented on.

Värmlands Museum under andra världskriget : En studie om verksamheten hos Värmlands Museum under andra världskriget

Juul, Tobias January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Empire: Från Rom till London : Framställningar av romersk imperialism i brittisk historisk fiktion. / Empire: From Rome to London : Depictions of Roman Imperialism in British Historical Fiction.

nimmersjö, oskar January 2023 (has links)
In this essay the author analyses four works in the historical fiction genre: George Shipways’ Imperial Governor (1968), Lindsay Davis’ The Silver Pigs (1989), Simon Scarrow’s The Eagle’s Conquest (2001), and Adrian Goldsworthy’s Vindolanda (2017). All these works feature elements of the conquest and rule of Britain by the Roman empire. The study seeks to ascertain how the novels depict Roman imperialism and compare this to contemporary academic theoretical discourse, mainly post-colonialism and its influence on ancient studies and ancient archaeology. In this way, the study shows how the novels reflect British historical culture and the cultural memory of the Roman empire. The study has been conducted with the use of a qualitative text analysis. The results have been compared to the contemporary academic theoretical discussion. The result of this study indicates that historical fiction prior to the 1990s were mostly influenced by terminology and theoretical perspectives that are heavily tied to the 19th century British imperial projects. Postcolonial discourse, introduced in classical studies during the 1990’s, resulted in a change in perspective and the voices of the conquered peoples were considered far more frequently. The Roman imperial perspective was handled with more nuance and criticism. The result also indicates that the literary works, in line with their academic contemporary discourse, relate the discussion of ancient Roman imperialism to modern imperialism, especially British imperialism, thus affecting the British cultural memory and identity.

Bestar, vildar och banditer. Om känslor i Apuleius Metamorphoses / Beasts, savages, and bandits. On Emotions in Apuleius' Metamorphoses

Garfvé, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
Folksägen har haft en djup kulturell betydelse under mänsklighetens historia. Som en form av muntligt och litterärt historieberättande som användes för att presentera olika typer av kunskap och förmedla livsläxor till människor som lever i olika kulturer som ständigt utvecklas. Syftet med denna undersökning är att utifrån verket Metamorphoses av Apuleius göra en undersökning av hur känslor så som skräck och rädsla presenteras i mötet mellan romare och banditer samt djur under slutet av det första århundradet e.Kr. Metoden som kommer att användas är en form av närläsning utav texten Metamorphoses. Utöver denna metod så kommer undersökningen utgå från den så kallade medlande skolan inom forskningen av känslor i ett historiskt perspektiv. Medlande skolans perspektiv är att det finns vissa kulturella aspekter som går att medan att inte bortse från att det finns vissa biologiska komponenter till vad som utgör känslor som psykologer anser är den primära aspekten i känslor.  Undersökningen kommer fram till att romare hade en öppen rädsla för banditer och djur som hade kulturella kopplingar till även natten. Skillnader i hur de agerade kunde skilja sig åt mellan grupperingar vilket tyder på att det inte fanns en universell ideal om hur en romare skulle bemöta denna rädsla. / Folklore has had a deep cultural significance throughout human history. As a form of oral and literary storytelling that was used to present different types of knowledge and convey life lessons to people living in different cultures that are constantly evolving. The purpose of this research is to, based on the work Metamorphoses by Apuleius, make an investigation of how emotions such as terror and fear are presented in the meeting between Romans and bandits and animals during the end of the first century AD. The method that will be used is a form of close reading from the text Metamorphoses. In addition to this method, the investigation will be based on the so-called mediating school within the research of emotions in a historical perspective. The perspective of the mediating school is that there are certain cultural aspects that go while not ignoring that there are certain biological components to what constitutes emotions which psychologists consider to be the primary aspect in emotions. The research concludes that Romans had an open fear of bandits and animals that had cultural connections to the night as well. Differences in how they acted could differ between groups, suggesting that there was no universal ideal of how a Roman should respond to this fear.

Mysterier från mossen : Mosslik från Danmarks järnålder och deras relevans idag / Mysteries from the Bog : Bog Bodies from Denmark and their Relevance Today

Frank, Martin January 2023 (has links)
Den här texten fokuserar på fem mossliksfynd från förromersk järnålder i Danmark. Med dessa fallexempel undersöktes också vilken betydelse mossen som en våtmark i sig kan överbevarandet av forntida människokroppar och vilka forskningsresultat som presenterats underde senaste åren. Utifrån dessa avgränsningar ämnade frågeställningarna att jämföra de fem fynden, undersöka möjliga orsaker till varför offren dött samt vilka möjligheter och begränsningar som fyndmaterialet har idag. Tanken kring teori var att se hur mossar kunde fungera som speciella platser under järnålder för mänskliga handlingar av deponeringar. Resultatet blev att där finns likheter och skillnader mellan mossliken, att en mängd orsaker kunde förklara deponeringar i mossar, och att där finns både positiva möjligheter med fortsatt forskning men att fyndmaterialet också är begränsat på flera sätt. / This paper focuses on five bog bodies from Denmark, from the pre-roman Iron Age. With these case examples, the importance of the bog as a wetland in itself in preserving ancient human bodies was also investigated and which research results have been presented in recent years. Based on these boundaries, the question intended were to compare the five case examples, investigate possible reasons for why the victims died and what opportunities and limitations the find material has today. The idea behind the theory was to see how bogs could have functioned as special sites for human depositions during the Iron Age. The results were that there are similarities and differences between bog bodies, that a number of reasons could explain depositions, that there are both positive opportunities with continued research but that the material found is also limited in several ways.

The Serapeum project : Discussing the origins, landscape choice and building motivation behind the New Kingdom sacred bull burial site using landscape archaeology. / Serapeumprojektet: : Diskuterar med hjälp av landskapsarkeologisk metod dessursprung, val av plats och anledning till uppförande av Nya Rikets heliga begravningsplats.

Newton, Natanya January 2021 (has links)
Since the discovery of the Apis bull catacombs known as the Serapeum in the 1800’s by Auguste Mariette, Saqqara has become a topic of interest amongst archaeologists and Egyptologists. This in turn has prompted many new research attempts to try and better understand the function and significance of the funerary practices which took place there. The nearby town of Memphis was home to the Apis bull god who represented Ptah though in death it came to represent Osiris. This paper is an attempt to provide a new interpretation of the New Kingdom Apis bull funerary monuments placed within the Saqqara landscape from Amenhotep III’s reign through to Rameses II’s reign, with a special focus placed on the Serapeum. For this paper landscape archaeology was used to better understand the choice of location by Amenhotep III. The aim is to reveal why the Serapeum was built in the first place and by whom. It was found that whilst Amenhotep III began the burial practice, the change from individual to multiple burials occurred under Rameses II’s reign. Canopic jars as well as a dedication stela were used to determine that the shift occurred under Khaemwaset’s influence it is argued that the Serapeum was built to connect the graves to strengthen the ties between past and present kings. This connection was made as a way to promote their right to rule. / Ända sedan upptäckten av Apis-katakomberna, även känd som Serapeum, år 1851 av Auguste Mariette, har Saqqara genererat stort intresse bland arkeologer och egyptologer. Detta har lett till det gjorts flertalet studier kring att försöka förstå dess funktion och betydelse kring de begravningsceremonier som där hölls. Apis var en gud gestaltad som tjur och hade sin hemvistelse i den närliggande staden Memfis Apis i döden representerade av guden Ptah, medan Apis i livet representerade guden Osiris. Denna uppsats gör ett försök att ge en nytolkning av kring Apis-tjuren och de begravningsmonument som är placerad i Saqqara-regionen, där fokus ligger på just Serapeumet under Nya riket-epoken, en tidsepok som sträcker sig från Amenhotep III till Rameses II. För att bättre förstå valet av Serapeums placering och vem som byggde det, användes landskapsarkeologi som arbetsmetod.I denna uppsats framgår det, trots att Amenhotep III började med individuella begravningsceremonier, skiftades detta till multipla begravningsceremonier i och med att Rameses II kom till makten. Vidare upptäcktes det i arbetets gång att Kanopiska kärl samt dedikationsstela användes för att fastställa att detta skifte inträffade under Khaemwaset’s inflytande och att Serapeum byggdes för att binda samman tidigare konungar med nuvarande och därmed stärka banden mellan dessa. Syftet med denna sammanbindning var så att nuvarande konungar bättre kunde hävda sin rätt att regera.

Origin of the Egyptian Domestic Cat

Johansson, Carolin January 2012 (has links)
This study presents mitochondrial genome sequences from 22 Egyptian house cats with the aim of resolving the uncertain origin of the contemporary world-wide population of Domestic cats. Together with data from earlier studies it has been possible to confirm some of the previously suggested haplotype identifications and phylogeny of the Domestic cat lineage. Moreover, by applying a molecular clock, it is proposed that the Domestic cat lineage has experienced several expansions representing domestication and/or breeding in pre-historical and historical times, seemingly in concordance with theories of a domestication origin in the Neolithic Middle East and in Pharaonic Egypt. In addition, the present study also demonstrates the possibility of retrieving long polynucleotide sequences from hair shafts and a time-efficient way to amplify a complete feline mitochondrial genome.

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