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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faience production and use in the Late Period Lower Egypt from an international perspective / Fajans produktion och användning under Egyptens senperiod ur ett internationellt perspektiv

Gullman-Strand, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
Faience objects were first produced in Egypt in the pre-Dynastic era and were since then deeply connected with ancient Egyptian material culture and everyday life. Faience has been used for vessels, jewellery and for religious objects and the techniques and trends have evolved over time. There is a great amount of faience objects excavated from Naukratis making it a suitable location for this study. This study has used a catalogue with objects excavated in Naukratis to identify trends, Greek and Egyptian faience, and the market for faience in Naukratis. By first introducing the location of Naukratis in the Late Period, the study then provides an overview over faience production techniques both from Egypt and Naukratis. This was then applied to the objects to distinguish reoccurring features and potential cultural influence on the faience production and demand. The aim was to show the exchange of production techniques between Greek and Egyptian faience which can be exemplified by the Greek technique for polychromatic faience showing up in Egyptian faience objects with traditionally Egyptian motifs. The objects revealed a demand for handcrafted faience with Egyptian motifs of animals, fertility gods and a design for both suspension and as standing decoration. This supports later day findings that the city of Naukratis was a city not only dedicated to Greek citizens but had a mixed population. It also showed that while the origin of a faience object is difficult to determine, influences of technique can still be seen. / Fajansobjekt var först skapade i Egyptens fördynastiska tid och har sedan haft en stark samanhörighet med gammal Egyptens materialkultur och vardag. Fajans har använts till att tillverka krukor, smycken och religiösa objekt och teknikerna samt trender från Naukratis har utvecklats över tiden. Det finns en stor del fajansobjekt utgrävda från Naukratis, vilket gör staden en lämplig stad för denna studie. Studien har använt en katalog med objekt utgrävda i Naukratis för att kartlägga trender, grekisk och egyptisk fajans, och marknaden för fajans i Naukratis. Det var sedan applicerad på objekten för att utskilja återkommande egenskaper och möjliga kulturella inflytanden på fajansens produktion och efterfrågan. Syftet var att visa utbyte av produktionstekniker för flerfärgad fajans som uppkommer i egyptisk fajans med traditionellt egyptiska motiv. Objekten visade en efterfrågan för handgjord fajans med egyptiska motiv av djur, fertilitetsgudar och en design som passar både för stående dekorationsobjekt men som också kan hängas upp. Detta stödjer nya diskussioner om att Naukratis inte bara var en stad dedikerad till grekiska medborgare men att staden hade en blandad befolkning. Det visar också att medan fajansobjektens ursprung var svårt att hitta, så kunde inflytande av tekniker fortfarande urskiljas

”Kvinnohat eller Trolldom?” : En jämförande studie om häxprocessen och nåjder i Sverige. / ” Misogyny or sorcery? ” : A comparative study about the Witch trials and Noaidi’s in Sweden.

Petersson, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
As the era of Christianity is taking a firm foothold of Europe and Scandinavia during the late 1500s and early 1600s. The prosecution, accusations, and pure terror against anyone who did not fit the mold of a true Christian was faced with doubt, suspicion, and allegations of being in a pact with the Devil. Even if Christianity was becoming the main religion in the regions. It was common among townsfolk when in great doubt, sickness and worries to pay a visit to the old lady, the shaman, or the local healer. Some of these shamans depending on where you lived could also be a part of the Indigenous people of Scandinavia, the Sami. Whether you where that local old lady, that local shaman or one of the many regional Sami’s roaming the north of Scandinavia during this period of history, it was extremely dangerous to express local beliefs, superstitions, and an alternative faith then Christianity. The goal of this essay is to take a closer look at some of these cases, analyze the trials and prosecutions of these witches and Sami Shamans within Swedish courts, to see the similarities and discuss six cases in greater details. The conclusion of this essay is that we see some similarities between Swedish witches and Sami people who used magic, however the use and/or blame off alcohol may vary, the methods on how these witches would inflict “hurtful magic” was different and so too the trials. There is a “clearer mentioning” of torture on “Swedish witches” then Sami witches. The Swedish witches would use “totems” and items to cast spells, while Sami witches would use vocal incantations to hurt their victims.

The German Imigrants in New Knoxville, Ohio / Tyska immigranter i New Knoxville, OH

Sundell-Rånby, Birgitta January 2023 (has links)
America is a nation of immigrants and all immigrants brought culture with them. There is not one American culture. Many Ohioans are descended from German ancestors, their German heritage is still present in the cultural and social landscapes. German immigrants came to America in search of farmland and independence.In the period between 1830 and 1890 approximately 1,300 people left Ladbergen, a village of 2,700, with hopes of a better life in America. The main reason for emigration from Germany was changes in the political landscape that led to financial hardship for those who did not own farmland. During the 1800’s German immigrants settled in Ohio, Pennsylvania and along the northern East coast. Choice of location was influenced by proximity to other German immigrants and the possibility for successful agriculture. All immigrants in New Knoxville came from the same village, Ladbergen, which provides a unique example of “chain immigration”.The village was platted by an Irishman, James Lyle, in 1836 and the German immigrants purchased the platted lots. A copy of the map has been preserved.Close to 80% of immigrants had been tenant farmers in Ladbergen. The life of farmers and tenant farmers in Ladbergen has been documented by local historians as is life among early immigrants in New Knoxville. Immigrant families were farmers in Ladbergen and became farmers in New Knoxville. Soil in New Knoxville was fertile and gave good yields of corn,beans, wheat, rye and buckwheat. I visited the area at different seasons and walked in the farmland with the assistance of a local guide. In the US this requires permits from the landowner.This is a flat agricultural area with large open corn and soybean fields with patches of old pineand deciduous forest penetrated by narrow dirt roads.In New Knoxville immigrant families were free to design their farms and living space according to their own preference. Immigrants built and settled in cabins while barns were built to house farm animals. Larger homes inspired by British/American architecture were soon erected and a few of these buildings are on display at the German Heritage Center in New Knoxville. Barns around New Knoxville are usually large gambrel roof barns for storage.People in New Knoxville are proud of their German roots and have an extensive cultural exchange with Ladbergen. German language, for example, was used in newspapers and church services in New Knoxville and in other areas with many German immigrants until the 1950's,some early immigrants never learnt to speak English. An important observation was that the immigrants adjusted very quickly to an American way of life when they depended on it for better housing and food supply but were not eager to mingle with Americans but kept a closed knit community. / Amerika är en nation av invandrare och alla invandrare tog med sig kultur. Det finns inte en amerikansk kultur. Många Ohioans härstammar från tyska förfäder, deras tyska arv är fortfarande närvarande i de kulturella och sociala landskapen. Tyska immigranter kom till Amerika på jakt efter jordbruksmark och självständighet.Under perioden mellan 1830 och 1890 lämnade cirka 1300 människor Ladbergen, en by med 2700 invånare, med hopp om ett bättre liv i Amerika. Den främsta orsaken till emigrationen från Tyskland var förändringar i det politiska landskapet som ledde till ekonomiska svårigheter för dem som inte ägde jordbruksmark. Under 1800-talet bosatte sig tyska immigranter i Ohio,Pennsylvania och längs den norra östkusten. Immigranterna föredrog att bosätta sig i närheten av andra tyska invandrare och i områden med möjligheter till framgångsrikt jordbruk. Alla invandrare i New Knoxville kom från samma by, Ladbergen, vilket är ett unikt exempel på "kedje invandring".Byn mutades in av en irländare, James Lyle, 1836 och de tyska immigranterna köpte tomter. En kopia av den första kartan av New Knoxville finns bevarad.Närmare 80% av invandrarna hade varit arrendatorer i Ladbergen. Bönders och arrendatorers liv i Ladbergen har dokumenterats av lokala historiker, livet bland tidiga invandrare i New Knoxville har också studerats eftersom det är ett exempel på kedje invandring.Invandrarfamiljer var bönder i Ladbergen och blev bönder i New Knoxville. Det krävdes hjälp av en lokal guide för att utforska området utanför byn, det krävs tillstånd av landägaren att uppehålla sig på all typ av privatägd mark i USA. Gårdarna ligger i ett platt jordbruks område med stora öppna majs- och soja-fält som korsas av smala grus vägar. Det finns skogspartier med barr och lövskog på alla gårdar, och immigranterna sparade skog för virke. I New Knoxville var invandrarfamiljer fria att designa sina gårdar efter sina egna önskemål. Invandrare byggde och bosatte sig i stugor medan lador byggdes för att hysa husdjur.Större hem inspirerade av brittisk/amerikansk arkitektur uppfördes snart och några av dessa byggnader visas på German Heritage Centre i New Knoxville. Ladugårdar runt New Knoxville är vanligtvis stora byggnader med brutet tak för maximalt förvarings utrymme.Människor i New Knoxville är stolta över sina tyska rötter och har ett omfattande kulturellt utbyte med Ladbergen. Tyska språket, till exempel, användes i tidningar och gudstjänster i New Knoxville och i andra områden med många tyska invandrare fram till 1950-talet, några av de tidiga invandrarna lärde sig aldrig att tala engelska. En viktig observation var att invandrarna mycket snabbt anpassade sig till ett amerikanskt sätt att leva när de var beroende av det för bättre bostäder och matförsörjning men inte var ivriga att mingla med amerikaner utan levde i ett slutet samhälle.

Vi ville se väst: : En undersökning om öländska emigranters egna erfarenheter av emigrationen och återvändandet. / We wanted to see the west: : An investigation into the Öland emigrants' own experiences of emigration and return.

Olsson, Per January 2024 (has links)
The purpose is to highlight emigrants' own experiences and perceptions of migration and return migration. By shedding light on emigrants' personal experiences of integration, it can foster greater understanding of certain aspects of migrants' situation today.  An overview of previous research has identified gaps and areas that require further investigation, especially regarding emigrants' own experiences and perceptions of migration and return migration. Based on the purpose, this paper intends to employ the theoretical concepts of gender, class, and hegemonic masculinity to explore, explain, and discuss this theme.  Key conclusions include that the decision to emigrate was strongly influenced by network migration, where social networks played a central role in the decision-making process. Swedes were prioritized over other ethnicities in certain sectors of the American job market. From the emigrants' own stories, it is evident that further advancement was unthinkable, leading Swedes to take low-status jobs that American citizens were uninterested in. Hegemonic gender structures highlight a hierarchy within the white group. While social stratification measurements mainly focused on men, the sources presented in the paper also depict descriptions of women improving their social status upon return.

Bonden stämmer prästen till tinget

Johansson, Annika Edit January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

”Ömsom är jag John Bauer, ömsom är jag troll” : En historiedidaktiskt studie om hur John Bauers minne manifesteras i hans hemstad Jönköping / "Sometimes Im John Bauer, sometimes I'm a troll"

Karlsson, Josefine January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to study how the memory of the artist John Bauer is manifested by businesses and places around the city of Jönköping. This was done by observing how John Bauer’s memory is used in five different places as well as through dialogue with spokespersons from these five businesses to gather further information. The places examined in the study are the following: Länsmuseet's exhibition called "Follow John", John Bauer’s Park, John Bauer hotel, Bauergården and Trolska boat trips. The questions that the study intends to answer are how and why the memory of John Bauer is used around Jönköping. The companies' use of John Bauer has been analysed with the help of Karlsson’s typology of the use of history, but it was not enough to apply that theory alone. A site perspective on the use of history taken by Niels Kayser Nielsen was used to create further understanding. The result shows that there are both similarities and differences in the said actors’ use of the memory. All actors use the theme of forest and trolls to convey information about Bauer's artistic inspiration. The theme, on the other hand, is used more or less where Bauergården weaves it into the meals while the John Bauer–hotel only elevates it into the interior. There is also a focus on using the places where John Bauer took inspiration for his paintings, both in the forest and in the places he has lived. However, this also differs a lot between the actors as some build their entire business around the specific location and others do not.

Barn födda utanför äktenskap : Komparativ studie mellan Öckerö och Styrsö / Children born out of wedlock : Comparative study of Öckerö and Styrsö

Strandberg, Mona January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates children born out of wedlock. It is based on birth – and baptism records from two island on the west coast in Sweden, named Styrsö and Öckerö. The essay is divided in three different periods in the intervals between 1860-1945. It’s a comparative study between the islands and the aim is to research how many children are illegitimate and if these children have a known or unknown fader. Its later compered to each other and the national statistic in Sweden.  The result of the study is that the islands have a low number of children born out of wedlock compared to the national statistics. The theory that is applied on the study is social control and social vulnerability. Both islands have little too no contact to the mainland and the strict rule of the orthodox religion has an impact on controlling the people but is later questioned by the free churches that currents on the island in the 1870th century. The social vulnerability starts with the mother for even having a relationship or sexual intercourse out of wedlock and then when the child is born it doesn’t have the same prerequisites as the children born with parents that are married.

Ogift mor, ogift för alltid? : En studie om ogifta mödrar i nordöstra Sunnerbo härad och sydöstra Västbo härad 1940–1949 / Unmarried mother, unmarried forever? : A study about unmarried mothers in northeast Sunnerbo district and southeast Västbo district 1940-1949

Axelsson, Clara January 2022 (has links)
In this essay I have studied seventy-five unmarried mother’s lives in northeast Sunnerbo district and southeast Västbo district in Småland 1940-1949. The aim was to study to which extend the unmarried mothers later become married women. The purpose was also to investigate to which extend the unmarried mothers gave birth to more illegitimate children. The eights parishes minutes of the Child Welfare Board has been one of the study’s main material. One of the main questions in this study were to examine if the unmarried women were mentioned in the minutes and if so, to see what were written about them. The eight parishes birth- and baptismbooks and the Swedish deathbook also constituted as the study’s material. The study shows that only seven of the seventy-five mothers didn’t get married. The mother’s expectancy was 77,4 years and five of the mothers gave birth to two illegitimate children between 1940-1949. I have found that twenty-five women are mentioned in the minutes of the Child Welfare Board. In most cases the unmarried mother has applied for maternityhelp and have been given an amount of money for maintenance of the illegitimate child. In some cases, women has received money to pay care fees such as fees for dentalcare or for orphanages.

Christian Storjohann, Agitatorn och fredsmäklaren : Lockouten 1928 och förberedelsen till 1932 konflikt på pappersbruket Billerud AB / Christian Storjohann, The Agitator and the Peacemaker : The 1928 Lockout and the Preparation for the 1932 Conflict at the Billerud AB Paper Mill

Rogne, Filip January 2024 (has links)
Christian Storjohann, a leading figure in the Swedish paper and pulp industry during the early 20th century, was at the heart of significant labor conflicts at Billerud AB in 1928 and 1932. These conflicts reflect not only the industrial and social tensions of the time but also an evolution in views on labor relations and conflict resolution. This work aims to explore the changes in Storjohann's actions and attitudes between these conflicts to understand the broader changes in labor market dynamics during the period. Both in light of individual actors' decisions and the broader societal and economic changes. Storjohann's case illustrates how external events like the Ådalen shootings and internal dynamics within organizations like SAF can lead to significant strategy shifts for individual actors. It also highlights the importance of economic circumstances, where Billerud's specific situation with the transition to artificial silk pulp production both enabled and motivated a different strategy than what had previously been applied. The analysis of the material also emphasizes how media and public discourse can influence and shape actors' perceptions and strategies. Storjohann's actions and rhetoric cannot be seen in isolation from the political and social climate of the time, where fear of communism and a quest for industrial peace were central themes. This reminds us of the importance of considering, in the analysis of social movements, not just the internal dynamics of the involved actors but also how external factors like media reporting and broader political currents affect their scope for action and strategic choices. Applying Charles Tilly's theory to Storjohann's actions and the broader industrial relations in Sweden during the early 20th century offers a nuanced understanding of how labor market actors navigate a complex landscape of interests, values, and power structures. It highlights how historical cases of labor market conflicts can provide insights for contemporary issues around labor relations, negotiation tactics, and conflict resolution. My research thus contributes to a deeper understanding of the long-term processes behind the development of the labor market and the strategies that actors use to navigate this development.

Binamn i det forntida Egypten : En undersökning av personnamn, särskilt rn nfr, under Gamla riket, Förstaintermediet och Mellersta riket samt under Senperioden

Bönnemark, Margit January 2017 (has links)
In Ancient Egypt, names were very important, in this life and the next. Gods had a multitude of names, and kings were usually given five names, but also private individuals could have several names, given at birth or later. One of these names was called rn nfr (the good name), and it was especially prevalent during the Old Kingdom. The term rn nfr slowly disappeared during the First Intermediate Period and the Middle Kingdom, but reappeared during the Late Period.The characteristics of all occurrences that could be found of rn nfr from the Old Kingdom and the First Intermediate Period and the Middle Kingdom were studied and compared to the occurrences of rn nfr in the Late Period. They were also compared to the first names of the individuals who wore these rn nfr.The results of this investigation show that there are great differences between the earlier periods and the Late Period, especially in that the names of gods and kings are often prevalent in the rather long rn nfr of the Late Period, possibly used for official and religious purposes. The rn nfr of earlier periods are often short names, which people were probably called, on an everyday basis. They sometimes constitute abbreviations of first names, with phonological changes taking place, in the majority of cases only consisting of three consonants without any apparent meaning, perhaps used from a very early age, and in a few cases taking on the characteristics of true nicknames.

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