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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nurturing Natural Gas : Conflict and Controversy of Natural Gas Extraction in the Netherlands

Goossens, Tim January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Lika inför Gud, eller? : En osteologisk analys av nio individer från medeltida S:t Hans kyrkoruin i Visby / Equal before God, were they? : An osteological analysis of nine individuals from the medieval church ruin S:t Hans in Visby

Östlund, Elfrida January 2017 (has links)
This bachelor thesis deals with the correlation between social status and health at the medieval church ruin S:t Hans in Visby. Osteological analysis has been performed on nine adult individuals from the site of S:t Hans. The material was obtained at Gotlands Museum and has diary number 7498/89. The main question was if it is possible to indicate some kind of correlation between social status, in other words the placing of the graves, and the pathological differences in the material. Age, sex, stature and pathological differences has been documented during the osteological analysis to get an understanding of the individuals health status. To understand social status at the site spatial analysis was performed. A grave was explained as ”high status” or ”low status” depending on where at the grave site these were situated. Graves in the church is considered to be of high status while the ones at the older church yard is considered to be of lower status because of its distance from the church. A hypothesis was that individuals in the high status graves would show less pathological differences than the ones in the low status graves. The results obtained from the study tells two different, but interesting, stories. Yes, social status and health status does correlate in some cases, while in other cases they don’t. / Osteoporos och osteoarthritis, då och nu

Sjuårig folkskola i riksdagsprotokoll och Svensk läraretidning : En beskrivande uppsats om utredningen bakom folkskolereformen 1936 och debatten bland lärare och politiker / Sevenyear primary school in parliamentary protocol and in Svensk läraretidning : A descriptive paper about the investigation of the1936 schooling reform and the debate among teachers and politicians

Lindblom, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Trojaborgarnas dolda agenda : En övergripande beskrivning av trojaborgar i Sverige och en jämförelse av olika teorier om trojaborgarnas funktion / The Hidden Agenda of the Troy Towns

Olsson Söderhäll, Kristina January 2019 (has links)
A Troy Town is a labyrinth either built of stones or made of turf. They can be found in northern Europe, especially in Scandinavia. The number of Troy Towns in Sweden is outstanding. They are around 400. Most of them are situated on the coast but there are still approximatly 80 inland about 20 of which are located on ancient burial grounds from both bronze and iron age. The Troy Towns in Sweden are mostly marked with round circles of stones, the size of human skulls, and placed directly on the ground. The entrance of a Troy Town is often formed as a cross. There are some turf labyrinths left in Denmark, England and Germany but most of them are overgrown by grass and can no longer be seen. The Troy Towns are hard to date. Away from the coast one can examine their contexts whilst along the coast lichenometry and the sea level may be used to determine the age of them. There are different ways to describe the purpose of them depending on what period they belong to and where they are situated. Researchers do not agree on all the theories and many of them are based on older explanations. Still new theories appear. My purpose apart from describing the Troy Towns is to examine and compare the theories and to evaluate their plausibility. / <p>Uppsatsen ventilerad 2019-05-27</p><p>Uppsatsen godkänd 2019-06-12</p>

Histories of Value: Following Deer Populations Through the English Landscape from 1800 to the Present Day

Marriott Webb, Holly January 2019 (has links)
Imagining the English landscape as an assemblage entangling deer and people throughout history, this thesis explores how changes in deer population connect to the ways deer have been valued from 1800 to the present day. Its methods are mixed, its sources are conversations – human voices in the ongoing historical negotiations of the multispecies body politic, the moot of people, animals, plants and things which shapes and orders the landscape assemblage. These conversations include interviews with people whose lives revolve around deer, correspondence with the organisations that hold sway over deer lives, analysis of modern media discourse around deer issues and exchanges with the history books. It finds that a non-linear increase in deer populations over the time period has been accompanied by multiple changes in the way deer are valued as part of the English landscape. Ending with a reflection on how this history of value fits in to wider debates about the proper representation of animals, the nature of non-human agency, and trajectories of the Anthropocene, this thesis seeks to open up new ways of exploring questions about human-animal relationships in environmental history.

Den gåtfulla stenen från Saxholmen : Habitusbegreppet som analytiskt verktyg för förståelsen av orsakssammanhangen kring ovanliga fynd / The enigmatic stone from Saxholmen : Habitus concept as an analytical tool for understanding the causal link between unusual findings

Norlinder, Gabriella January 2019 (has links)
Abstract Norlinder, Gabriella. 2019. My purpose with this qualitative study was to use Bourdieu's concept of Habitus with the associated capital species as an analytical tool, to try to shed light on the value-charged context of human behavior patterns. This in order to, through it, be able to demonstrate a possible explanation for why unusual finds are found in archaeological excavations. The object of my analysis here, in this study, is an engraved Roman stone age engraving stone found at the excavations on the medieval Saxon Castle in the Kristinehamn archipelago. My method has been theoretical, consisting mainly of literature studies and a small number of oral sources. I have delimited myself only to highlight one single artifact; the engraved stone and only a single excavation site; Saxholmen for my study. Only a few examples from other places have been used and then for the purpose of better clarifying my chosen study material. This study is based on three issues that concern the location of the stone, outside its proper context, whether a Habitus perspective can be a possible analytical tool for interpreting unusual findings, and whether Saxholm's Habitus-related functions could reflect a possible explanation for the location of the stone. My conclusions are thus that the stone has probably traveled far and probably changed owners more than once. In view of the residents' prestige-oriented lifestyle and a possible link to Gotland, it may have been the result of trade contacts or looting. I have also come to the conclusion that the Habitus concept is absolutely useful as an analytical tool in this type of study, since it highlights abstract values in human life. In my opinion, the Saxholmen seen from a Habitus- related perspective holds all of the capital species / values that are included in the essay and can therefore demonstrate a number of possible interpretations as to why the stone is included in the finds material from the site. Nyckelord: Medeltiden, borg, romersk järnålder, utgrävningar, Habitus, Bourdieu, Saxholmen Keywords: Middle Ages, castle, Roman Iron Age, excavations, Habitus, Bourdieu, Saxon Castle Kandidatuppsats i Arkeologi. Handledare: Gustaf Svedjemo Ventilerad och godkänd 2019-06-14 Gabriella Norlinder Institutionen för Arkeologi och antik historia, Uppsala universitet, Campus Gotland, Cramérgatan 3, 621 67 Visby, Sweden. Den gåtfulla stenen från Saxholmen – Habitusbegreppet som analytiskt verktyg för förståelsen av orsakssammanhangen kring ovanliga fynd The enigmatic stone from Saxholmen - Habitus concept as an analytical tool for understanding the causal link between unusual findings

Från Shelley till Asimov : Medvetandets filosofis utveckling i science fiction

Johansson, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen beskriver utveckling av medvetandets filosofi i science fiction mellan 1800-talet och mitten av 1900-talet. För analysen används Mary Shelleys Frankenstein och Isaac Asimovs the Bicentennial Man. Utvecklingen i science fiction går parallellt med utveckling inom filosofin. Utvecklingen går mot en fysikalisk lösning på kropp och medvetande problemet med argument från behaviorismen, identitetsteorin, samt funktionalismen.

Ordning och reda på Arvika högre allmänna läroverk. : En strid mellan tradition och utveckling inom ett läroverk / Discipline and organisation in Arvika grammar school

Mellgren, Magnus January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Den koloniala erfarenheten i svenska och danska läroböcker: Tysthet eller imperium, rasism eller vänner : En kvalitativ läromedelsanalys med utgångspunkt i hermeneutiken och den komparativa metoden

Malmstedt, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
The purpose ofthis study is to examine how Sweden and Denmark explain their colonial experience in textbooks. A comparison will be made between Sweden’s colonization of Sápmi and treatment of Samer, and Denmark’s colonization of Greenland and treatment of Innuits. To conduct this study a comparative method was utilized, as well as hermeneutic theory which was used to try to understand how the countries explain their colonial experience. The theory applied for this topic was selective traditions in a textbook perspective. The results show that Sweden tones down their colonial experience, and the textbooks differ a lot in (if) and (how) they mention Sweden’s experience. The colonization of Sápmi is toned down as well as the treatment of Samer in books written before the new curriculum. The textbooks written after the new curriculum present a less toned down version of Sweden ́s treatment of Samer. This change is due to changes in society, as Samer have gained a lot more rights in Swedish society, which can be seen in Swedish textbooks. Denmark does not hide their colonial experiences, and the books also have more consensus in their description of Denmark’s colonial experience. The books before the new curriculum describe Denmark’s colonial experience as proof of the greatness of Denmark’s past. The books after the new curriculum describe Denmark’s colonial experience in the perspective of slave trade. Slave trade was one of the 29 canon points that entered the Danish curriculum, which could have influenced the Danish textbooks. Denmark’s textbooks often describe Denmark as a “good” colonial country, and the textbooks do not describe the treatment of Innuits, which could be explained by that, Denmark’s treatment of Innuits does not match with Denmark’s national image.

The Shrines of Gebel el-Silsila : and their function / Helgedomarna i Gebel el-Silsila : och deras funktion

Boender, Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
In 1963 came Ricardo Caminos to the conclusion that the shrines of Gebel el-Silsila functioned as cenotaphs. However, his views have never been reassessed by contemporary Egyptologists, which has led to the shrines still being interpreted as cenotaphs today. This study shows that the term cenotaph perhaps is not the correct word to use for their function. The focal point of this study are the decorations and inscriptions of the shrines, their religious character and the importance of the Nile. The following research compares the shrines of Gebel el-Silsila with similar shrines at Qasr Ibrim in order to reveal their similarities and dissimilarities. In order to achieve this, two publications were chosen, by Caminos, who assessed both sites in the 1960s and briefly compares the Qasr Ibrim shrines to Gebel el-Silsila. Furthermore, the shrines of Gebel el-Silsila resemble tombs in the Theban necropolis, where some of the tombs of the shrine-owners have been uncovered. For this reason, a comparison between the shrines and tombs has been made in order to reveal why the shrines cannot be tombs, and to display why the shrines still are mortuary monuments. Lastly, the following study assessed the shrine-owners in order to answer how the shrines were financed. However, although many of the shrine-owners are well-established noblemen of which several accounts are known, only their titles are taken into account for they provide a principal overview of their status. This has provided the information required to establish how they were financed. It was necessary to make this restriction due to limited amount of available space and was a more elaborate study of the inscriptions and decorations considered of greater importance in order to reveal the religious function of the shrines. The result shows that the shrines were privately financed and that the shrines did not mean to serve has cenotaphs that the family of the deceased could visit to remember him. They were deliberately placed close to the water, even though it would subject them to destruction during the annual inundation of the Nile. The water in relation to the mortuary decorations of the shrines, make the shrines symbolize the underworld and do they not have a practical function / År 1963 kom Ricardo Caminos med slutsatsen att helgedomarna i Gebel el-Silsila fungerade som kenotafer. Hans idéer har sedan den tiden inte omvärderats av samtida egyptologer vilket har lett till att de fortfarande tolkas som kenotafer idag. Denna studie visar att termen kenotaf möjligtvis inte är det rätta ordet för att beskriva deras funktion. Den huvudsakliga fokusen i denna studie ligger på dekorationerna samt inskriptionerna i helgedomarna, deras religiösa karaktär och Nilens betydelse för platsen. Studien jämför helgedomarna i Gebel el-Silsila med liknande helgedomar i Qasr Ibrim, i syfte att klargöra vilka likheter det finns och hur de skiljer sig. För att uppnå detta har två publikationer valts, skrivna av Caminos, som undersökte helgedomarna på de båda platser under 60-talet och ger en kort jämförelse mellan Qasr Ibrim och Gebel el-Silsila. Dessutom liknar helgedomarna i Gebel el-Silsila gravar i Tebe, där gravarna av några ägare av helgedomarna har hittats. Därför har det gjorts en jämförelse mellan tebanska gravar och helgedomar i Gebel el-Silsila för att visa att de inte är gravar men samtidigt är begravningsmonument. Avslutningsvis har denna studie undersökt ägare av helgedomarna för att klargöra hur de var finansierade. Även fast de flesta ägare var väl kända adelsmän, varav flera dokument har hittats som styrker detta, kommer endast deras titel användas i studien. Detta för att det ger en tillräcklig bra överblick för att kunna bedöma deras status i samhället, det har gett tillräckligt med information för att avgöra hur helgedomarna var finansierade. Denna begräsning var nödvändig att göra på grund av platsbrist, och för att en djupare undersökning av inskriptionerna respektive dekorationerna ansågs vara av större vikt för att kunna klargöra vilken religiös funktion helgedomarna hade. Resultatet visar att de var privat finansierade och att helgedomarna inte fungerade som kenotafer som familjemedlemmar kunde besöka för att minnas den döde. De har avsiktligen placerats nära vattnet, även fast de blev förstörda på grund av den årliga översvämningen av Nilen. Vattnet i kombination med begravningsdekorationen, tyder på att helgedomarna symboliserar underjorden och inte hade en praktiskt funktion.

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