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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le dialogue éducatif des Lumières : innovations, permanences et fantasmes (1754-1804) / The educational dialogue of the Enlightenment : innovations, permanencies and idealizations (1754-1804)

Chiron, Jeanne 02 July 2016 (has links)
La forme dialoguée a fait l’objet de réactualisations philosophiques et littéraires diverses au fil des siècles. Dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle, elle est réinvestie comme vecteur d’une nouvelle méthode éducative, qui affiche une conception renouvelée de l’enfant comme être singulier auquel il faut adapter la parole et les enseignements, afin de démontrer, par la « pratique », ce qu’est une éducation réussie. Prenant en compte la nature, l’âge et le caractère de l’enfant, ces mises en scène pédagogiques ont pour objectif de créer des modèles pour une éducation idéale, à la fois générale et raisonnée.Jouant sur la séduction d’une forme littéraire à la fois « totale », « nouvelle » et « naturelle », de nombreux auteurs recourent au dialogue pour présenter en détail des échanges éducatifs suivis : le dialogue permet en effet d’intégrer de nouvelles données dans l’éducation des enfants, par l’évocation vivante de la relation éducative, une temporalité enrichie et l’introduction d’éléments de réflexivité sur la pratique présentée. Les premières cibles de ces projets de rénovation éducative sont les jeunes filles, auxquelles sont dédiés des fictions spécifiques proposant une éducation domestique souvent ambitieuse.Situé au carrefour de deux questions cruciales, celle de la rénovation éducative du temps des Lumières, et celle de la constitution d’un champ littéraire – la littérature pour enfants, encore en gestation –, le dialogue éducatif de cette période se comprend mieux si l’on tient compte des stratégies rhétoriques et éditoriales de ses promoteurs. Celles-ci permettent de mieux percevoir et mesurer les ambitions et les résistances éducatives de cette période. L’illusion mimétique et pratique sur laquelle repose le dialogue éducatif donne accès à ce qui fait la doxa éducative des Lumières, prise entre pesanteurs, prétentions à la nouveauté et innovations effectives. / In the second half of the eighteenth century, the dialogic form has been used as a vehicle for a new educational methodology, which claims a renewed conception of the child as a unique being to which one must adapt one’s speech and teaching, in order to show, through “practice”, that which is a successful education. Taking into account the nature, the age and the character of the child, these pedagogical directions aim to create the models for an ideal education, both general and reasoned.Playing on the seduction of a literary form, at the same time “total”, “new” and “natural”, many authors resort to multi-faceted dialogue to present in detail some educational exchanges: indeed, dialogue permits the integration of new facts into children’s education, by the living reminder of the educational relationship, an enriched temporality and the introduction of elements of reflectivity on the presented practice. The first targets of these projects of educational reform are young girls, to which specific fictions are dedicated proposing an often ambitious domestic education.Situated at the intersection of two crucial questions, that of the educational reform of the Enlightenment, and that of the creation of a literary domain – children’s literature, still in gestation –, the educational dialogue of this period is best understood if one takes into account the rhetorical and editorial strategies of its promotors. These allow one to better perceive and measure the educational ambitions and oppositions of this period. The mimetic and practical illusion on which the educational dialogue is based gives access to that which makes the educational doxa of the Enlightenment, caught between ponderousness, ambitions to originality and effective innovation.

Girls' vocational training schools in London : a study of the inter-war years

King, Sarah Jane January 1994 (has links)
The state education system of the inter-war years was characterised by the three crucial divisions of social class, ability and gender. It was the non-academic working class girl who was most disadvantaged by those divisions and who has been most ignored by educational policymakers and, indeed, by historians. That disadvantage was most apparent in the debate about vocational training for paid employment which marked these years. The controversy between the proponents of liberal and vocational education was of special significance for girls because of the frequently expressed argument that a girl had a single vocation - homemaking and domesticity. As the economy was restructured and women were drawn into the new consumer industries, the crucial dilemma of whether education should enable girls to enlarge their opportunities in paid employment or whether it should continue to orientate girls towards the domestic role had to be addressed. It is the educational policy and practices resulting from that tension between domesticity and productivity which this thesis will examine. Its focus will be the elementary and technical schools of London. The London County Council adopted a consciously progressive technical education programme during the inter-war years. This local study will therefore elucidate trends in the policy, practice and experience of girls' vocational schooling. It will be suggested that policy reflected the coexistence of patriarchy and capitalism. Class intersected with gender to result in a situation where schools trained girls to be cheap, unskilled workers in certain women's trades. Educational policy was constrained by the desire to preserve conventional domestic roles intact and a belief that working class girls could be defmed by their gender as a homogeneous group undistinguished by aptitude or ability. The assumption was made that girls would engage only temporarily in paid employment before returning to their true vocations as wives and mothers. Thus vocational schooling provides a concrete expression of inter-war gender ideology. The Introduction sets out the theoretical framework upon which this thesis is based. Chapter Two will provide an examination of the political, economic and social context in which educational policy was made. The third chapter analyses domestic studies' courses, the most explicit formulation of how schools prepared girls for their adult role. Chapters Four and Five focus on the Junior Technical and Central Schools, illustrating how schooling within them epitomised assumptions, prejudices and ideologies about girls' education during the inter-war years.

Civilizar, regenerar e higienizar : a difusão dos ideais da Pedagogia Moderna por Helvécio de Andrade 1911-1935

Valença, Cristina de Almeida 08 August 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Civilization, regeneration, education of the senses and higienization are the words of order of the new educational movement called Modern Pedagogia witch was inserted in the ideals of the republic. This study has the objective of analising the education at Sergipe in the XX century. The point of view selected for this study was related to the cultural history, especially enphasizing the analitical categories established by Chartier, the appropriation and representation; the concepts of Bourdieu from field, capital and the knowledges of Norbert Elias, to civilize. At Sergipe, education in the beginigs of republic was the target of the modern pedagocic movement wich turn it in a new way of thinking about school pratice and public educational politics. That resulted in a new profile of the institutions wich was now concerned about to civilize. Inspired by those ideas, Helvécio de Andrade, through his actions and publications, looked foward to spread out the new rules of education in the public instruction at Sergipe. / Civilizar, regenerar, educar os sentidos e higienizar são as palavras de ordem do novo movimento educacional chamado Pedagogia Moderna que estava inserido dentro do que os ideais republicanos preconizavam para a educação. Neste caminho, o presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a contribuição de Helvécio de Andrade para a difusão dos princípios de modernização da instrução pública sergipana nas três primeiras décadas republicanas. O referencial teórico-metodológico selecionado para o estudo relaciona-se à História Cultural , mais precisamente as categorias analíticas estabelecidas por Chartier, a apropriação e representação; os conceitos de Bourdieu de campo, capital e a noção de civilização de Norbert Elias. Em Sergipe, a educação nas primeiras décadas republicanas foi alvo do movimento da Pedagogia Moderna estabelecendo-se como uma nova mudança na maneira de pensar as práticas escolares e políticas públicas educacionais que resultaram na definição de um perfil de instituições com práticas voltadas para civilizar. Nesta perspectiva, inspirado por essas idéias, Helvécio de Andrade, procurou difundir na instrução pública sergipana, através da sua atuação e publicações, as novas diretrizes que a educação vinha firmando.


FRIGERIO, CARLOTTA 27 May 2021 (has links)
Il progetto di ricerca che ha condotto alla stesura della mia tesi di dottorato si è posto come obiettivo principale quello di ripercorrere e analizzare la storia dell’insegnamento accademico della Pedagogia nei maggiori atenei italiani, partendo dal periodo preunitario fino ad arrivare agli anni Sessanta del secolo scorso, ricostruendo con esattezza la mappatura delle maggiori cattedre universitarie di Pedagogia, per evidenziarne la loro evoluzione e il loro sviluppo nel tempo. Il primo capitolo di tale elaborato è suddiviso in tre parti: nella prima la ricerca indaga come la storia della Pedagogia accademica sia stata affrontata negli altri paesi europei, dove, ad eccezione dell’Austria con il monumentale lavoro di W. Brezinka, la situazione ricalca quella italiana; nella seconda parte vengono presentati i tre stati italiani preunitari che già proponevano nei loro atenei l’insegnamento della Pedagogia: ovvero il Regno sabaudo a Torino, l’Impero asburgico a Pavia e Padova e il Granducato di Toscana a Pisa; infine l’ultima parte propone un rapido inquadramento legislativo circa l’insegnamento della Pedagogia nelle varie Facoltà e nei differenti percorsi di studio. Il secondo capitolo rappresenta la parte più corposa di tutto il testo poiché passa al vaglio lo sviluppo e l’articolazione della disciplina nei dodici atenei presi in analisi, inquadrando brevemente anche i profili di tutti gli insegnanti incaricati della docenza; esso inoltre presenta anche un’iniziale analisi dei dati in ogni ateneo. Con l’inizio del terzo capitolo il lavoro si concentra sull’analisi quantitativa e qualitativa dei dati raccolti. Esso riporta i grafici riassuntivi corredati da un commento critico degli aspetti indagati ritenuti di maggior importanza ovvero la provenienza geografica dei docenti, l’età dell’ingresso in cattedra, la formazione di ciascun professore, la tipologia d’incarico, i programmi delle lezioni e le correnti pedagogiche e filosofiche abbracciate da ciascun docente; infine il capitolo si conclude con la presentazione di un identikit del professore-tipo di Pedagogia in corrispondenza di quattro principali periodi storici: dall’Unità fino al 1880; dal 1880 alla fine del secolo, dal 1900 alla fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale e dal periodo post bellico fino al 1960. Da ultimo il quarto capitolo, sebbene abbia una lunghezza ridotta rispetto ai precedenti, consiste nella presentazione della realizzazione di un’applicazione web relativa alla ricerca. In essa è possibile consultare tutti i dati raccolti, ovvero sia l’elenco suddiviso per anni e per facoltà dei professori di Pedagogia nella Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, sia le schede biografiche di ciascuno, in modo che siano accessibili da remoto a chiunque ne abbia necessità. Tale tesi è poi corredata da un’Appendice che riporta la schedatura dei numerosi dati raccolti. In conclusione questa analisi a lunga durata ha reso possibile una mappatura storica e geografica circa le permanenze e le fratture che hanno caratterizzato l’insegnamento della Pedagogia accademica in Italia. La Pedagogia è stata per lungo tempo complementare alla Filosofia, inserita nella Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia; solo nel 1934 è nata la Facoltà di Magistero, ma la disciplina ha mostrato ancora qualche difficoltà a scindersi dalle discipline filosofiche. Inoltre in principio Storia e Didattica della Pedagogia erano unite e il docente di Pedagogia padroneggiava tutto, bisognò attendere gli anni Settanta, con l’esplosione delle cattedre, per assistere alla separazione dei saperi. Concludendo, questo lavoro vuole essere un primo passo nel tentativo di colmare una lacuna della storia della Pedagogia accademica italiana attraverso un’analisi comparativa globale. / The research project that led to the writing of my doctoral thesis had as its main objective that of retracing and analyzing the history of the academic teaching of Pedagogy in the major Italian universities, starting from the pre-unification period until the sixties of the last century, reconstructing with accuracy the mapping of the major university chairs of Pedagogy, to highlight their evolution and their development over time. The first chapter of this work is divided into three parts: in the first one the research investigates how the history of academic Pedagogy has been approached in other European countries, where, with the exception of Austria with the monumental work of W. Brezinka, where the situation is similar to the Italian one; in the second part the three Italian pre-unification states that already proposed the teaching of Pedagogy in their universities are presented: that is, the Savoy Kingdom in Turin, the Habsburg Empire in Pavia and Padua and the Grand Duchy of Tuscany in Pisa; finally the last part proposes a quick legislative framework about the teaching of Pedagogy in the various faculties and in the different courses of study. The second chapter represents the most substantial part of the entire text since it examines the development and articulation of the discipline in the twelve universities under analysis, also briefly framing the profiles of all the teachers in charge of teaching; it also presents an initial analysis of the data in each university. With the beginning of the third chapter, the work focuses on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data collected. It shows the summary graphs accompanied by a critical commentary on the aspects investigated that were considered most important, that is, the geographic origin of the teachers, the age at which they entered the professorship, the training of each professor, the type of assignment, the lesson plans and the pedagogical and philosophical currents embraced by each teacher; finally, the chapter concludes with the presentation of a sketch of the typical professor of Pedagogy in correspondence with four main historical periods: Unification to 1880; 1880 to the end of the century; 1900 to the end of World War II; and the post-war period to 1960. Lastly, the fourth chapter, although shorter in length than the previous ones, consists of a presentation of the creation of a web application related to the research. In this application it is possible to consult all the data collected, that is, both the list subdivided by year and by faculty of the professors of Pedagogy in the Faculty of Arts, and the biographical files of each one, so that they can be accessed remotely by anyone who needs them. This thesis is then accompanied by an Appendix that reports the filing of the numerous data collected. In conclusion, this long-term analysis has made possible a historical and geographical mapping of the permanences and fractures that have characterized the teaching of academic Pedagogy in Italy. Pedagogy was for a long time complementary to Philosophy, included in the Faculty of Arts; only in 1934 the Teacher Training Faculty was born, but the discipline still showed some difficulty in splitting from the philosophical disciplines. Moreover, in the beginning, History and Didactics of Pedagogy were united and the teacher of Pedagogy mastered everything; we had to wait until the Seventies, with the explosion of the number of chairs, to see the separation of knowledge. In conclusion, this work wants to be a first step in the attempt to fill a gap in the history of Italian academic Pedagogy through a global comparative analysis.

The Democratic Purpose Of Post Secondary Education: Comparing Public, Private Nonprofit, And Private For-Profit Mission Statements For Expression Of Democratic Social Purpose

Youngberg, Lon 01 May 2008 (has links)
Thomas Jefferson envisioned a symbiotic relationship between democracy and public education because he considered educated citizens to be the critical ingredient of a successful democracy. Nevertheless, political and educational reforms over the past two centuries have not always been kind to the relationship that Jefferson envisioned. This study examines frequency that postsecondary education institutions declare a democratic social purpose in their mission statements. The DSP definition, data instrumentation, and theoretical lens for this study were situated from the Jeffersonian perspective. Although the primary concern for this study was publicly funded/subsidized postsecondary education, recent enrollment growth in private education and privatization initiatives, such as voucher programs, justifies comparison with private nonprofit and private for-profit institutions to reveal how the different types of institutional control influence DSP. The comparison also provides a sense of the non-economic consequences of reduced public education subsidy and intentional or unintentional privatization. A number of Carnegie classification variables were also examined to better understand what factors influence DSP expression. This study utilized a national random sample of undergraduate institutions, from associates colleges to research universities. The sample size was 336 and there were no cases of missing data. Interrater reliability was calculated as .873 Kappa on the dichotomous dependent variable (DSP presence or absence). The first research objective was to determine if public, private nonprofit, and private for-profit institutional mission statements differ in the frequency of DSP expression. Public institutions exhibited 36.5% DSP, private nonprofit institutions exhibited 69.1% DSP, and private for-profit institutions exhibited 11.9% DSP. Chi-square test determined that there was significant difference between each of 2x2 comparisons (p < .003). The second research objective utilized logistic regression analysis to gauge the influence of several variables on DSP frequency. Institutional control, focus, enrollment, and mission statement length were found to be significant at the p = .05 level. There are differences between public and private institutions and also between two-year and four-year institutions in the frequency of DSP expression. These differences have serious social and political implications that will likely go unnoticed as the bulk of society focuses on private and economic concerns.

History Steps Off the Page: The Past in the Future, A Case Study of How the Mormon Battalion is Making History Interactive

Jones, Allyson 01 May 2010 (has links)
This thesis addresses the presentation of the Mormon Battalion's history in three interactive forms. The Battalion served in the U.S.-Mexican War between 1846 and 1847. In 2008 a group known as Battalion Trek chose to rehike the original trail as closely as possible. The three chapters of this thesis address the reenactors who planned and completed the rehike, the blog they kept as they did so, and a program which allows those interested to learn more about the trail. Analyzing what such presentations have to offer is important as history moves into the hands of the public and as the world moves deeper into the technological realm.

A Comparison of the Seventh and Eighth Grade American History Textbooks Adopted for use in the Indiana Public Schools from 1854 to 1946

Atkins, Edythe Dale 01 January 1947 (has links)
The purpose of this study…is to compare the seventh and eighth grade American history textbooks adopted for use in the Indiana public schools during the past century, more specifically, from 1854 to 1946.

An Assessment of Business Teacher Educators' Adoption of Computer Technology

Chapman, Betty Foust 11 November 2003 (has links)
Federal legislation, the Office of Technology Assessment of the U. S. Congress, and national and state technological standards strongly encourage faculty to use computer technology in their lessons as a teaching tool. Technological standards have existed for several years that strongly encourage the use of computer technology in colleges and universities as a teaching tool. Yet it is difficult for faculty to infuse technology into their teaching. The purpose of this study was to assess and identify the factors that influence business teacher educators to adopt computer technology methods and utilize them in their instruction and to determine the extent to which business teacher educators are adopting computer technology in their teaching. The population consisted of 95 members of the National Association of Teacher Educators for Business Education. Findings from the descriptive statistics revealed that the largest percentage of the business teacher educators were early adopters. They indicated that they always used word processing and almost always integrated computers, projectors, and email in their instruction during the past semester. The study also found certain social, organizational, and personal motivational factors that the business teacher educators considered as very important in influencing them to adopt emerging computer technology for use in their instruction. The means revealed differences within the respondents' personal and employment characteristics and the extent to which they adopt current computer technology as a teaching tool; however, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated no significant difference between these variables. Also, multiple regression analysis revealed that the importance of students, a specific adoption category, and the importance of physical resources (hardware) significantly predicted computer technology adoption. The study also revealed that the business teacher educators in this study have the potential to serve as change agents and role models for their student clientele and peers since the findings suggest that these faculty members are among the first individuals to adopt computer technology for use in their instruction. The findings from the study have the potential to contribute to the development of an adopter profile that could be used to identify potential adopters of emerging computer technology. / Ph. D.

In the Middle of Ontario's Normal Education: The Staff of State Sponsored Social Activism, 1847-1860

Burke, Andrew 27 November 2023 (has links)
The Toronto Normal School employed 33 individual teaching staff during its founding decade (1847-1857). In that role, they occupied a unique position, as direct intermediaries between political authority and the teacher on the ground, in the new administrative grid of education in Upper Canada. The recent digital turn in historical research has provided the tools necessary to efficiently explore numerous, disparate corpora – enabling the recovery of these actors from historical anonymity. Historians have begun to explore the role of middle actors as this area of study offers the opportunity for new perspectives and, presciently, insights into the development and functioning of power structures in modern bureaucratic organizations. Examining historical newspapers, commemorative books, and other documents, this thesis assembled numerous fragmentary references to create biographical sketches of staff members. In doing so, it has highlighted several individuals of keen interest for further, focused historical investigation. Foremost among these, Dorcas Clark, Headmistress of the Girls' Model School, emerged as a figure of accomplishment, mobility and impact whose story reflects the kind of agency available through employment with Toronto Normal. Clark, like many others in this study, was hired as part of a pattern of promotion from within observed amongst the Normal staff of this period. This trend accords with observations made by other historians studying the development and entrenchment of the power of middle actors within organizations. This thesis further observed that the Normal staff provided an archetype for the 'good' teacher which gave further definition to the rather vague statements of educational authorities on the subject. This thesis demonstrates that the Normal staff frequently succeeded in building relationships with and a positive reputation within the educational marketplace in Toronto. This may have disassociated some of the educational ideas it was promoting from the political divisiveness associated with the system's political leadership. This thesis also suggests that the Normal was seen, notably within marginalized communities in the colony, as a lever of power and point of access to participate in the drive for social change that was at the heart of the Reform program.

Sisters in the movement: an analysis of schooling, culture, and education from 1940-1970 in three black women’s autobiographies

Wheeler, Durene Imani 20 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

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