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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Similaridades e diferenças: o negro nos Estados Unidos da América e no Brasil segundo Alice Walker e Conceição Evaristo / Similarities and differences: the Black in The United States of America and in Brazil according to Alice Walker and Conceição Evaristo

Souza, Rosa Maria Laquimia de 09 March 2009 (has links)
Os Estados Unidos da América e o Brasil são países que durante séculos fizeram uso intenso da mão-de-obra escrava, trazida de diferentes regiões da África. Após a Abolição da Escravidão os dois países adotaram políticas diferentes de relações raciais, com conseqüências devastadoras para os ex-escravos e seus descendentes. Alice Walker e Conceição Evaristo, autoras afro-americana e afro-brasileira, respectivamente, apresentam em seus romances uma análise das relações étnicas em seus países, apontando a origem dos problemas da população negra e propondo soluções para os mesmos. Através de uma análise comparativa dos dois romances The third life of Grange Copeland e Ponciá Vicêncio - sob a ótica da crítica literária marxista, este trabalho propõe-se a apresentar os pontos em comum e os pontos divergentes entre as duas sociedades. Norteada pela relação entre literatura, história e sociedade, a análise das duas obras vem demonstrar que, embora aparentemente antagônicos, os dois países são extremamente racistas, dominados por relações de opressão derivadas de um sistema econômico regido pelo consumo e pelo lucro, e de uma cultura que não aceita a diferença no caso dos Estados Unidos, declaradamente, e no caso do Brasil, mascarada pela imagem de paraíso racial. Como conseqüência, verifica-se que a cultura opressora dos dois países é tão arraigada que ambas as autoras não conseguem vislumbrar uma solução plausível para o problema, que consiga fugir dos conceitos sócio-políticos solidamente erigidos através dos séculos. / The United States of America and Brazil made use of African slave labour for centuries. After the end of the slavery system both countries adopted different racial policies, with devastating consequences both to ex-slaves and their descendents. Alice Walker and Conceição Evaristo, afro-American and afro-Brazilian writers, respectively, present in their novels an analysis of the ethnical relations in their countries, pointing out the origin of the Black community problems and proposing a way to solve them. Through the comparative analysis of both novels - The third life of Grange Copeland and Ponciá Vicêncio - under the Marxist literary criticism approach, this study aims at presenting both the common and the different aspects of the two societies. Centred on the relationship among literature, history and society, the analysis of both works demonstrates that, although apparently unlike, the two countries are extremely racist, permeated by oppressive relations derived from an economical system guided by consumerism and profit, and by a culture which does not accept difference openly in The United States of America, and, in Brazil, disguised under the image of racial paradise. As a consequence, it becomes clear that the oppressive culture of both countries is so deeply rooted that neither writer is able to find a plausible solution to the problem, one that could escape from the socio-political concepts solidly built through centuries.

Similaridades e diferenças: o negro nos Estados Unidos da América e no Brasil segundo Alice Walker e Conceição Evaristo / Similarities and differences: the Black in The United States of America and in Brazil according to Alice Walker and Conceição Evaristo

Rosa Maria Laquimia de Souza 09 March 2009 (has links)
Os Estados Unidos da América e o Brasil são países que durante séculos fizeram uso intenso da mão-de-obra escrava, trazida de diferentes regiões da África. Após a Abolição da Escravidão os dois países adotaram políticas diferentes de relações raciais, com conseqüências devastadoras para os ex-escravos e seus descendentes. Alice Walker e Conceição Evaristo, autoras afro-americana e afro-brasileira, respectivamente, apresentam em seus romances uma análise das relações étnicas em seus países, apontando a origem dos problemas da população negra e propondo soluções para os mesmos. Através de uma análise comparativa dos dois romances The third life of Grange Copeland e Ponciá Vicêncio - sob a ótica da crítica literária marxista, este trabalho propõe-se a apresentar os pontos em comum e os pontos divergentes entre as duas sociedades. Norteada pela relação entre literatura, história e sociedade, a análise das duas obras vem demonstrar que, embora aparentemente antagônicos, os dois países são extremamente racistas, dominados por relações de opressão derivadas de um sistema econômico regido pelo consumo e pelo lucro, e de uma cultura que não aceita a diferença no caso dos Estados Unidos, declaradamente, e no caso do Brasil, mascarada pela imagem de paraíso racial. Como conseqüência, verifica-se que a cultura opressora dos dois países é tão arraigada que ambas as autoras não conseguem vislumbrar uma solução plausível para o problema, que consiga fugir dos conceitos sócio-políticos solidamente erigidos através dos séculos. / The United States of America and Brazil made use of African slave labour for centuries. After the end of the slavery system both countries adopted different racial policies, with devastating consequences both to ex-slaves and their descendents. Alice Walker and Conceição Evaristo, afro-American and afro-Brazilian writers, respectively, present in their novels an analysis of the ethnical relations in their countries, pointing out the origin of the Black community problems and proposing a way to solve them. Through the comparative analysis of both novels - The third life of Grange Copeland and Ponciá Vicêncio - under the Marxist literary criticism approach, this study aims at presenting both the common and the different aspects of the two societies. Centred on the relationship among literature, history and society, the analysis of both works demonstrates that, although apparently unlike, the two countries are extremely racist, permeated by oppressive relations derived from an economical system guided by consumerism and profit, and by a culture which does not accept difference openly in The United States of America, and, in Brazil, disguised under the image of racial paradise. As a consequence, it becomes clear that the oppressive culture of both countries is so deeply rooted that neither writer is able to find a plausible solution to the problem, one that could escape from the socio-political concepts solidly built through centuries.

Imprensa Iídiche em São Paulo: Vivência e Dinamismo \"San Pauler Idiche Tsaitung\" (A Gazeta Israelita de São Paulo) 1937 / The yiddish press in São Paulo (Brazil): experience and dynamism in the newspaper San Pauler Idishe Tsaitung - A Gaseta Israelita de São Paulo (1937)

Terdiman, Esther Wajskop 01 September 1997 (has links)
Durante séculos os judeus habitaram os mesmo locais fixos na Europa, Ásia ou África. Seus deslocamentos eram devidos a expulsões ou perseguições. As modificações sociais, políticas e econômicas dos últimos cento e poucos anos conduziram a alterações na concepção do viver judaico. Fez-se necessário buscar condições de vida mais humanas e confortáveis daquelas que tinham, principalmente no Velho Mundo. Novas idéias e aberturas trouxeram os judeus para o Brasil no século 20. Provenientes de diversas partes, mas em especial do leste europeu, estabeleceram-se em São Paulo no período entre-guerras e participaram da vida local, do desenvolvimento do país, enquanto mantinham seus vínculos com a cultura ancestral e, nela, com a língua mãe, o mame-loshn, o ídiche. Os dados sobre a história da comunidade judaicas de São Paulo são falhos, seus registros carecem de consistência. No afã de recuperar uma parcela da vida judaica paulistana, propusemo-nos a realizar um levantamento que pudesse proporcionar subsídios para a reconstrução do que foi viver numa terra nova, com novas formas de sustento, enquanto os corações estavam voltados para o que ocorria nas terras de origem. Assim, analisamos o material publicado pelo jornal San Pauler Idiche Tsaitung - A Gazeta Israelita de São Paulo, de tendência sionista, em seus 122 exemplares do ano de 1937, primeiro volume localizado em arquivo local. Escrito, em sua maior parte, em língua ídiche, o jornal serve como meio de avaliação das experiências, preocupações e sentimentos de grande parcela da comunidade judaica local de então. Este trabalho procurou traçar ainda um parâmetro com a imprensa local, em português, tendo a escolha recaído sobre o Correio Paulistano, também de 1937. O trabalho de cotejo apontou para uma comunidade atuante, atenta aos problemas próprios e aos nacionais, com alto índice de participação ativa em eventos e experiências de diversos matizes. Para além das fronteiras, atesta-se o interesse e pensamentos voltados aos acontecimentos que, naqueles dias, ainda não prenunciavam de forma nítida o alcance da catástrofe que estava por vir. A leitura, seleção e análise do material publicado conduziu a uma divisão por temas abrangendo os principais assuntos que afetaram a comunidade judaica paulistana. Consideramos que o material ora apresentado pode servir de subsídio para desenvolver capítulos mais densos da história da vida judaica no Brasil, para onde estes imigrantes vieram e que os abrigou, proporcionando-lhes alento e possibilidade de uma vida digna. / For centuries the Jews lived in the same fixed places in Europe, Asia, or Africa. Their movings were due to expulsions or persecutions. The social, political and economic modifications begin around hundred years ago have led to changes in the conceptions of the Jewish way of life. There was a need to reach for better human and more confortable conditions of life, rather than the ones they used to have in the Old World. New ideas and openings brought the Jews to Brasil in the 20th century. Arriving from different parts, but mainly from eastern Europe, they settled in Sao Paulo, in the between-war period and took part in the local life, in the development of the country while they kept their ties with their ancestral culture and within that, with the mother language, the \"mame-loshn\", the yiddish. The data about the Jewish community in Sao Paulo are faulty, their records are unreliable. In order to make up for a fragment of the Jewish \"paulistana\" life, our intention as to make a survey which could provide allowance for the reconstruction of the way of life in a new land with new ways of support. While the hearts of the imigrants were turned back to what was happening in their land of origin. Thus, we have analysed the first issue from the material published in the newspaper San Pauler Idishe Tsaitung - A Gaseta Israelita de São Paulo - of zionist tendency in its 122 issues from 1937 found in local archives. The newspaper written mostly in the yiddish language is meant to be a means of evaluations of the experiences, preocupation and feelings of a great part of the local Jewish community of those times. This essay tries to establish a parameter with the local press in Portuguese, the choice being Correio Paulistano also from 1937. The work of camparison pointed out an active community, attentive to both their awn and national problems, with a high index of active participation in events and experiences of various ranges. Beyond the frontiers we notice the interest and the thoughts turned to the events which, in those days, didn\'t foresee clearly yet the results of the catastrophe wich was to occur. The reading, selections and analyses of the published material led to a division in subjects including the main topics which was affected the Jewish community living in Sao Paulo. We consider that the material presented can be used as an allowance to the development of denser chapters of the history of Jewish life in this country which was chosen by these immigrants and which gave them shelter and provided encouragement and possibilities for a worthy life to them.

Imprensa Iídiche em São Paulo: Vivência e Dinamismo \"San Pauler Idiche Tsaitung\" (A Gazeta Israelita de São Paulo) 1937 / The yiddish press in São Paulo (Brazil): experience and dynamism in the newspaper San Pauler Idishe Tsaitung - A Gaseta Israelita de São Paulo (1937)

Esther Wajskop Terdiman 01 September 1997 (has links)
Durante séculos os judeus habitaram os mesmo locais fixos na Europa, Ásia ou África. Seus deslocamentos eram devidos a expulsões ou perseguições. As modificações sociais, políticas e econômicas dos últimos cento e poucos anos conduziram a alterações na concepção do viver judaico. Fez-se necessário buscar condições de vida mais humanas e confortáveis daquelas que tinham, principalmente no Velho Mundo. Novas idéias e aberturas trouxeram os judeus para o Brasil no século 20. Provenientes de diversas partes, mas em especial do leste europeu, estabeleceram-se em São Paulo no período entre-guerras e participaram da vida local, do desenvolvimento do país, enquanto mantinham seus vínculos com a cultura ancestral e, nela, com a língua mãe, o mame-loshn, o ídiche. Os dados sobre a história da comunidade judaicas de São Paulo são falhos, seus registros carecem de consistência. No afã de recuperar uma parcela da vida judaica paulistana, propusemo-nos a realizar um levantamento que pudesse proporcionar subsídios para a reconstrução do que foi viver numa terra nova, com novas formas de sustento, enquanto os corações estavam voltados para o que ocorria nas terras de origem. Assim, analisamos o material publicado pelo jornal San Pauler Idiche Tsaitung - A Gazeta Israelita de São Paulo, de tendência sionista, em seus 122 exemplares do ano de 1937, primeiro volume localizado em arquivo local. Escrito, em sua maior parte, em língua ídiche, o jornal serve como meio de avaliação das experiências, preocupações e sentimentos de grande parcela da comunidade judaica local de então. Este trabalho procurou traçar ainda um parâmetro com a imprensa local, em português, tendo a escolha recaído sobre o Correio Paulistano, também de 1937. O trabalho de cotejo apontou para uma comunidade atuante, atenta aos problemas próprios e aos nacionais, com alto índice de participação ativa em eventos e experiências de diversos matizes. Para além das fronteiras, atesta-se o interesse e pensamentos voltados aos acontecimentos que, naqueles dias, ainda não prenunciavam de forma nítida o alcance da catástrofe que estava por vir. A leitura, seleção e análise do material publicado conduziu a uma divisão por temas abrangendo os principais assuntos que afetaram a comunidade judaica paulistana. Consideramos que o material ora apresentado pode servir de subsídio para desenvolver capítulos mais densos da história da vida judaica no Brasil, para onde estes imigrantes vieram e que os abrigou, proporcionando-lhes alento e possibilidade de uma vida digna. / For centuries the Jews lived in the same fixed places in Europe, Asia, or Africa. Their movings were due to expulsions or persecutions. The social, political and economic modifications begin around hundred years ago have led to changes in the conceptions of the Jewish way of life. There was a need to reach for better human and more confortable conditions of life, rather than the ones they used to have in the Old World. New ideas and openings brought the Jews to Brasil in the 20th century. Arriving from different parts, but mainly from eastern Europe, they settled in Sao Paulo, in the between-war period and took part in the local life, in the development of the country while they kept their ties with their ancestral culture and within that, with the mother language, the \"mame-loshn\", the yiddish. The data about the Jewish community in Sao Paulo are faulty, their records are unreliable. In order to make up for a fragment of the Jewish \"paulistana\" life, our intention as to make a survey which could provide allowance for the reconstruction of the way of life in a new land with new ways of support. While the hearts of the imigrants were turned back to what was happening in their land of origin. Thus, we have analysed the first issue from the material published in the newspaper San Pauler Idishe Tsaitung - A Gaseta Israelita de São Paulo - of zionist tendency in its 122 issues from 1937 found in local archives. The newspaper written mostly in the yiddish language is meant to be a means of evaluations of the experiences, preocupation and feelings of a great part of the local Jewish community of those times. This essay tries to establish a parameter with the local press in Portuguese, the choice being Correio Paulistano also from 1937. The work of camparison pointed out an active community, attentive to both their awn and national problems, with a high index of active participation in events and experiences of various ranges. Beyond the frontiers we notice the interest and the thoughts turned to the events which, in those days, didn\'t foresee clearly yet the results of the catastrophe wich was to occur. The reading, selections and analyses of the published material led to a division in subjects including the main topics which was affected the Jewish community living in Sao Paulo. We consider that the material presented can be used as an allowance to the development of denser chapters of the history of Jewish life in this country which was chosen by these immigrants and which gave them shelter and provided encouragement and possibilities for a worthy life to them.


Horton, John J. January 2010 (has links)
It remains one of the saddest ironies in the history of conflict in the twentieth century that Yugoslavia, of all those communist states of Eastern Europe which transformed in its penultimate decade, was the one that had demonstrated the greatest degree of liberalization in its social, political, and economic structure and development, yet was the one that disintegrated amid the greatest violence and loss of life.

"Eftersom allt är byggt på ideella krafter så gör vi så gott vi kan" : Hembygdsföreningars ideella textilförvaltning / ”We do what we can with what we have” : Local history societies textile management as a voluntary society

Åsblom, Anna-Linnéa January 2023 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to examine the interaction between practical textilemanagement and the values setting up the theoretical framework. The practical part is examined through 50 local history societies in Sweden participating in a survey set out to map out the presence, management, and element of advisement regarding the textiles. To make the comparison the concepts of ethical responsibility and symbolic worth are used to iron out where ideal and experience meets. This also raises questions regarding maintaining sustainable management and how societies need and take accept guidance. In general, active textile management is done consistently with object-based research but the knowledge of the societies ethical responsibility differs. The practical handling of textiles is also often affected by a lack of resources and knowledge. Both factors affect the width of the societies work actively with the textiles. In short, this comes with a lot of challenges but also has a lot of possibilities to develop further if the present resources are strengthened or developed. The symbolic worth of textiles, even though mostly connected to their usages, is rated high by the societies in general. Also, the interest in textiles is linked to the presence of active management and withholds a willingness to apply practical management according to the theoretical framework. In conclusion, the willingness and interest are somewhat high but when support from the museum sector is done in knowledge and awareness of responsibility, there is a high potential to develop the textile management further.

Vznik a vývoj filosofických názorů na postavení ženy ve společnosti / Origin and development of philosophical views on the status of women in society

Antošová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with philosophical outlook on the concept of women and their role in history and society. This work seeks to present the image of a woman who has always been a reflection of contemporary society on the background of various historical eras (ancient, medieval, modern times, the 20th century.). Using the method of analysis thesis searches for the reasons of reduction of male population and examines the consequences of this disposition for women. The work focuses on the role of women in the family, upbringing and education. An integral part of this thesis is the insight into relationship between men and women as a basic part of every human society. The conclusion of this work is the analysis and evaluation of the historical development, at the imaginary end of which woman stands today, using the works of philosophers of the late 20th century. Keywords: status of women - history - society - relationship - gender - family - upbringing - education - philosophical reflection

Den strävsamma bonden och andra berättelser. En diskursiv studie av ska?nska hembygdsfo?reningars historiebruk

Sjölin, Andreas, Mårtensson, Johanna January 2014 (has links)
The subject for this thesis is to examine the portrayal of the local farmer in four different museums in Scania. The purpose is to examine these two questions:1.Which narrative and museal strategies are used in the portrayal of the local farmer by the local history societies?2.How do the actors of the local societies relate to the living conditions and hierarchies of the rural society of Scania?The source material consists of guided tours and text material from the museums. The theoretical fields consists of history culture, use of history, historical narrative, museology and rural science act as our theoretical fields. Peter Aronsson, Anna Eskilsson and Maria Björkroth act as our main theoretical framework.Our research presents two central discourses in the portrayal of the local farmer. The stories that we have identified in our results are those of success, of exhibitionistic value. Stories that carry elements of success and exhibitionistic value are both desirable and displayed. The stories portrayed are also neglecting the gender aspect. They are genderblind.The local history societies of Scania in the year of 2014 could be seen as museal activities focused more on conservation and nostalgia than on activities aimed at new visitors and the challenges of the present day.

Värna Vårda Visa! : Bevarandet av kulturarv och dess roll inom upplevelseturismen ur ett producentperspektiv

Blomberg, Victoria, Wolf, Julia January 2016 (has links)
Vår uppsats handlar om hembygdsföreningeni rollen som turistisk aktör. Vi granskar vilka drivkrafter som aktören uppvisar samt hur dessa påverkar synen på modernisering och digitalisering inom den egna föreningen. Vi vill också lyfta fram hembygdsförening som en vagga i vårt kulturarv. Att låta dåtidens levnadssätt gå hand i hand med nutidens digitaliserade levnadssätt kan göra ett modernt historiskt-och kunskapsmässigt samarbete för kommande generationer. Vidare diskuteras hur medvetenheten om dessa drivkrafter är viktiga för att balansera den konventionella synen på turism ur ett management perspektiv, tillsammans med den ideella föreningens mer psykosociala identitetsskapande syn. Vårt syfte är att definiera hur en hembygd arbetar med turism och hur stor roll turismen har inom föreningen. Vihar sedan använt oss av frågeställningar och en problemformulering där vi tagit upp olika hjälpmedel och undersökt vilka drivkrafter som får aktörerna att ta tag i vissa projekt och användandet av digitalisering. Vårt angreppssätt i dennauppsats är att använda oss av teori som ett ramverk för de påståenden och argument som presenteras i vår empiri och metod-del. Med stöd av vårt teoretiska angreppssätt tillsammans med intervjuresultaten är det vår förhoppning att tydliggöra betydelsen av kulturarvsturismen.Genom kvalitativa intervjuer tar vi upp begreppet kulturarv och förklarar dess innebörd på ett konkret sett. Vi träffar äldre människor där många har minnen från förr och med egna ord kan återspegla historien. I vår uppsats har vi redogjort för Sveriges kulturarvshistoria inom hembygdsföreningar, där vi analyserar de drivkrafter som ligger bakom arbetet med att bevara Sveriges historia hos de enskilda aktörerna. Vår bakgrund inom medieteknik gör att vårt arbete präglas av en världsbild där tekniken är ett verktyg som underlättar utvecklingen av produkter inom turism. Genom insamlat resultat ser vi att aktörerna är överens om att vår historia om hembygdsföreningar och kulturarv behöver bevaras för att människan ska kunna känna en gemenskap och trygghet till sin hembygd. Kulturarvet kan också användas som ett verktyg för att framföra kunskap till olika generationer och vidare kan den digitala utvecklingen av kulturarvsattraktioner nå ut till fler människor i framtiden på ett mer interaktivt sätt. I vår uppsats har vi också kommit fram till att kulturarvsattraktioner spelar en viktig roll inom upplevelseturism på många olika plan genom att studera drivkrafter hos de eldsjälar som erbjuder omgivningen något varaktigt och minnesvärt, som räcker långt framöver. / Our essay revolves around the local history associations and the actors within it as part of the tourism sector. We have researched the driving-forces that these actors possess, their view on modernization and digitalization within the association. With this paper we also want to highlight that local history associations works as a cradle for our cultural heritage. These actors want the life of past times to go hand-in-hand with the digital lifestyle of modern times, which will contribute with historical knowledge for future generations.Furthermore,we discuss how these driving-forces are an important part of the balance between the conventional view on tourism from a management perspective, and the non-profit association’s psycho-social view. Our purpose is to define how local history works within tourism and how big of a role it has within the associations. We discuss different tools at hand and explore what driving-forces that get the actors to use digitalization in certain projects. The method of our essay is to use a theory as a framework for thestatements and arguments that are introduced in our empirical data. With the support of our theory and the results of the interviews, it is our hope to clarify the meaning of cultural heritage site tourism and how the actors work within it.We have used qualitative interviews to discuss the concept of heritage sites and to explain its meaning in a concrete way. We have met with elderly people and made it possible for them to share their memories from past times while also exploring their role within heritage site tourism. In this essay we described the heritage site through local history associations, where we analyze the underlying driving-forces behind the work of individual actors as they attempt to preserve the history of Sweden. This essay also presents the concept of interactive digital storytelling where technology functions as a tool that simplify development of the tourism product . As a conclusion our results show that the actors agreed upon that our history in terms of local history associations and heritage sites needs to be preserved, so that future generations do not lose the feeling of safety and a sense of belonging that comes from being part of a community in their local home environment. The cultural heritage site can be used as a tool to present knowledge to different generations through the means of digital development, the heritage sites can reach a wider audience in the future by presenting interactive modern day solutions.In our essay, we have also found that cultural heritage sites plays an important role in leisure tourism on many different levels through driving-forces of the individuals that offer their surrounding something memorable that will last for eternity.

Élites commémorantes et mise en scène de l’histoire dans la construction de l’identité lachinoise à l’époque du maire Anatole Carignan (1933-1939 et 1944-1952)

Gravel, Denis 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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