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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výzkum efektivních způsobů odsávání / Research on Effective Methods of Exhausting

Pech, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
Many production technologies generate a variety of gas pollutants, which are unhealthy. The aim is therefore to minimize the content of such gas pollutants in the work environment. The highest capture efficiency of gas pollutants offers the local exhausting. Its disadvantage is the necessity to surround the source of pollutants, or to be as close as possible which is usually not technically or technologically possible. A possible alternative is to use a reinforced exhaust system that achieves greater capture distances. In the initial stage of the solution of the dissertation, a review of reinforced exhaust systems was carried out. Further, an existing measurement system was modified for measurements with the partition above the exhaust slot and the measurement system was partially automated. In order to investigate the case with pollutants having a lower density than the air, the workbench - the partition was moved above the exhaust slot. Based on of the literature review, a modification of the reinforced slot exhaust system was proposed. The modification consisted in the adjustment of the air inlet adjustment where a set of holes and a tube assembly were used instead of the slot. Such setup allowed for higher flow turbulence and thus for an increased exhaust efficiency. Subsequently, the inlet streams from the slot, holes and tubes were visualized by the smoke method. Further measurements were carried out by the tracer gas method for the determination of the exhaust efficiency. Measurements of velocity fields in front of the proposed configurations of the reinforced slot exhaust hood were also carried out. In conclusion, an energy performance assessment was carried out by means of the measurement of the electric power input to the fans with the determination of the electric loss power.

Plan de emprendimiento en base a la venta de canasta de frutas y verduras en la coyuntura actual del Covid-19 / Entrepreneurship plan based on the sale of a basket of fruits and vegetables in the current situation of Covid-19

Cerna Lagos, Marisabel Caroline, Shedan Herrera, Nicole Rocío, Tejada Ramirez, Yadhiel Angie, Zapata Araujo, Rosaelvira Alexandra, Castro Gonzales, Naomi Zoila Jacqueline 10 July 2020 (has links)
La creciente demanda en la coyuntura actual del Covid-19 por productos de primera necesidad ha ocasionado que diversas empresas opten por desarrollar nuevas propuestas para satisfacer dicha demanda, puesto que los consumidores tienen temor a salir a comprar dichos productos, por lo que optan por solicitar entregas hasta la puerta de su hogar. Por ello, se ha desarrollado una línea de canasta de frutas y de verduras para satisfacer la creciente demanda actual. Cabe mencionar que, en el mercado actual existe la venta de frutas y verduras, sin embargo, lo que ofrece “La Caperucita” como empresa, es la calidad y entrega a la puerta del hogar del cliente de manera segura y con los requerimientos de salubridad que el Estado Peruano establece. Por lo tanto, el presente trabajo con metodología mixta, es decir, tanto cuantitativa como cualitativa, tiene como objetivo conocer la viabilidad del proyecto “La Caperucita”. proyecto analiza en primer lugar, el BMC, en donde establece los aspectos fundamentales del negocio se analizan las necesidades y el perfil del consumidor, además, analiza la competencia e incluso factores externos para luego pasar a un análisis interno en donde evalúa con la investigación de mercados hipótesis que validen la idea del negocio. Una vez realizadas y validadas dichas hipótesis se procede a realizar proyecciones de ventas y planes tanto estratégicos, responsabilidad social, recursos humanos, marketing como financiero, financiamiento y valorización del proyecto. / The growing demand in the current situation of the Covid-19 for necessities has caused various companies to choose to develop new proposals to satisfy said demand since consumers are afraid to go out and buy these products, so they choose to request delivery to the door of your home. For this reason, a line of fruit and vegetable baskets has been developed to meet the current growing demand. It is worth mentioning that, in the current market there is the sale of fruits and vegetables, however, what “La Caperucita” offers as a company is the quality and delivery to the client's home door safely and with sanitation requirements that the Peruvian State establishes. Therefore, the present work with a mixed methodology, that is, both quantitative and qualitative, aims to determine the viability of the “La Caperucita” project. The project first analyzes the BMC, where it establishes the fundamental aspects of the business, the needs, and profile of the consumer are analyzed, and it also analyzes the competition and even external factors and then goes on to an internal analysis where it evaluates with the investigation. Of hypothetical markets that validate the business idea. Once these hypotheses have been made and validated, sales projections and plans are carried out, both strategic, social responsibility, human resources, marketing and financial, financing, and valuation of the project. / Trabajo de investigación

The Better To Eat You With: Examining The Importance of Feminism and Matrilineal Relationships for Young Girls Across YA Adaptations of Little Red Riding Hood and "Wolfskinned"

Radujkovic, Tatiana January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Kantův kategorický imperativ a jeho kritika u myslitelů 19. století / Kant's Categorical Imperativ and its Critique by Nineteenth Century Philosophers

Vašků, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Kant's Categorical Imperative and Its Critique by Nineteenth Century Philosophers" deals with a question of Kant's fundamental principle known as the Categorical Imperative or Moral Law. The aim of this work is at first to discuss two other moral principles because of their great impact on Kant seeking the moral principle. These are Hume's moral code called Moral sense and Rousseau' moral views relating to the freedom of individuals. Secondly, to find out how both moral theories did inspire Immanuel Kant. It is necessary to explain strengths of Kant's Formula of the Categorical Imperative especially to emphasise its objectivity and universality. Then the purpose is to show Kant's influence on moral thinking in the nineteenth century. It is necessary to mention philosophers such as Johan Gottlieb Fichte and Bernard Bolzano who focused on critique of the Categorical Imperative.

O livro ilustrado de conto de fadas: forma(s) e natureza / The fairy tale picturebook: form(s) and nature

Garcia, André Luiz Ming 19 June 2019 (has links)
Partindo-se do pressuposto de que o foco da presente tese, o livro ilustrado de conto de fadas, consiste em um objeto artístico multissemiótico estruturado a partir de três sistemas de linguagem, a saber, a palavra, a imagem e o design, procura-se, aqui, compreender como esses três sistemas se articulam entre si com vistas à geração de sentidos. Por esse motivo, parte-se da semiótica peirciana como fundamentação teórica para perquirir essa questão, com o auxílio de semióticas específicas voltadas à análise da imagem. Assim, procura-se investigar as propriedades semióticas e fenomenológicas dos principais tipos de signos encontrados no seio dessas obras. Entre os objetivos específicos, encontram-se a investigação dos termos da conjugação livro ilustrado/conto de fadas, a construção verbovisual das personagens e ambientes nas obras principais do corpus (Grimm-Janssen e Grimm-Pacovská) e a comparação entre essas obras e as chamadas ilustrações de tradição, integrantes de livros com ilustrações de contos de fadas. Para realizar a leitura das textualidades presentes no corpus principal e expandido, procura-se verificar como cada semiose funciona, de acordo com o eixo ao qual pertence, e como se integra aos signos dos demais códigos, proporcionando uma direção de sentido geral. Parte-se do princípio de que cada interpretação de signos, principalmente aqueles mais ambíguos e com formas mais obscurecidas, consiste em um interpretante dinâmico que ruma em direção a um interpretante final ideal, porém, na realidade, inatingível. A análise das obras nos leva a concluir que as propostas contemporâneas, ao gerarem potencialmente maior estranhamento e suscitarem questionamentos e dúvidas junto ao leitor-visualizador, representam um desafio perceptivo/sensorial e intelectual maior que aquele representado pela ilustração/arte de tradição, gerando potencialmente maior carga de sensação, pensamento e choque. / Based on the assumption that the focus of the present thesis, the fairy-tale picturebook, consists of a multisemiotic artistic object structured upon three language systems, namely word, image and design, the goal of this work is to understand how these three systems articulate with each other by generating meanings. For this reason, the work is based on Peircean semiotics as a theoretical basis to investigate this question, with the help of specific semiotics aimed at image analysis. Thus, it is sought to investigate the semiotic and phenomenological properties of the main types of signs found within these works. Among the specific objectives are the investigation of the terms of the relationship picturebook / fairy tale, the verbal construction of the characters and environments in the main works of the corpus (Grimm-Janssen and Grimm- Pacovská) and the comparison between these works and the so-called traditional illustrations, parts of illustrated fairy tale books. In order to read and understand the textualities present in the main and expanded corpus, we try to verify how each semiosis works, according to the axis to which it belongs, and how it integrates with the signs of the other codes, providing a general direction of meaning. It is assumed that each interpretation of signs, especially those of more ambiguous and more obscured forms, consists of a dynamic interpretant that heads towards an ideal final interpretant that is, in reality, unattainable. The analysis of the works leads us to conclude that contemporary proposals, by generating potentially greater strangeness and raising questions and doubts for the reader-viewer, represent a perceptual / sensorial and intellectual challenge greater than that represented by traditional illustration / art, potentially generating a greater burden of sensation, thought and shock.

Roald Dahl: estudo comparativo de \'Chapeuzinho Vermelho e o lobo\' em língua inglesa e as traduções para o português / Roald Dahl: a comparative study of \'Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf\' in English and the translations into Portuguese

Alcantara, Valquiria Pereira 12 September 2018 (has links)
Para a elaboração desta dissertação tomamos como corpus a versão de Roald Dahl do conto Chapeuzinho Vermelho e o lobo e as traduções para a língua portuguesa publicadas no Brasil e em Portugal. Fazemos referência à versão de Os três porquinhos, do mesmo autor, porque a personagem Chapeuzinho Vermelho foi incluída na história; também nos referimos aos contos tradicionais de Perrault e dos Irmãos Grimm sempre que a menção se faz relevante. Este trabalho foi norteado por dois objetivos: o primeiro refere-se à análise dos elementos extra e intratextuais dos textos fonte em língua inglesa e de chegada em língua portuguesa nas edições brasileira e portuguesa; o segundo, diretamente associado ao primeiro, refere-se a como cada um dos textos verbais relaciona-se com as ilustrações de Quentin Blake elaboradas para a edição inglesa, mantidas com pequenas variações nas edições brasileira e portuguesa. Para o desenvolvimento de nossa análise utilizamos as questões propostas por Christiane Nord como fio condutor, expandimos a análise textual valendo-nos da identificação das modalidades da tradução segundo a revisão de Francis Aubert, bem como a conceituação das relações hipertextuais segundo a perspectiva de Gérard Genette, tomadas como instrumento para o estudo comparativo entre o texto em língua inglesa e as traduções para o português. Em seguida, analisamos as relações construídas entre textos verbais em inglês e português e as ilustrações de Quentin Blake conforme, principalmente, o ponto de vista de Sophie Van der Linden. Por fim, observamos aspectos mais abrangentes relacionados à releitura do conto tradicional realizada por Dahl, levando em conta como o texto dahliano relaciona-se com as versões de Perrault e de Grimm e implicações morais dos textos segundo o ponto de vista de André Jolles. A partir das análises, constatamos que a construção do efeito cômico do texto dahliano é pautado por precisa seleção lexical e concisão sintática, bem como pela relação entre textos verbal e visual. Observamos, ainda, que a inversão de papéis entre Chapeuzinho e o lobo, assim como a caracterização da personagem não como criança, mas como jovem adulta, possibilitam não só o final inesperado do conto, como também a relativização de valores. Concluímos que, assim como os contos tradicionais estão inseridos em uma tradição cultural que possibilita a compreensão do mundo, a obra dahliana está inserida em um espectro de releituras dos contos que estimula a criatividade e a leitura crítica do mundo. / The main object of this dissertation is Roald Dahls Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf and the translations into Portuguese published in Brazil and in Portugal. We also refer to The Three Little Pigs, another work by Dahl, because he has included Little Red in the story; besides, we refer to the traditional tales by Perrault and the Brothers Grimm whenever it is relevant. In our work we aim to analyse extra and intratextual elements of the source text in English and both target texts in Portuguese the Brazilian and the Portuguese ones; we also focus on how each text relates to the illustrations by Quentin Blake. We used Christiane Nords questions as a guideline to our analysis; to expand our work, we study the translation modalities according to Francis Auberts view and hipertextual concepts according to Gérard Genettes point of view comparing the text in English and the translations into Portuguese. The next step consists in studying how the illustrations by Quentin Blake relate to Dahls text and the translated texts having in mind, mainly, Sophie Van der Lindens view about the relation of verbal and visual texts. Finally, we also observe broader aspects of Dahls text relating his version of the tale with Perraults and Grimms considering André Jolless studies. Based on the analysis, we realised that the humorous effect present in Dahls text was elaborated with precise use of lexis, concise syntax and the articulation between verbal and visual texts. As a result, we could understand that the role swapping between Little Red and the wolf as well as portraying the character as a young woman rather than a child allowed both the unexpected ending and questioning moral values. A conclusion we reached is that as fairy tales are part of a wider cultural tradition, Dahls text is part of a myriad of re-interpreted tales which stimulate creativity and critical thinking.

Roald Dahl: estudo comparativo de \'Chapeuzinho Vermelho e o lobo\' em língua inglesa e as traduções para o português / Roald Dahl: a comparative study of \'Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf\' in English and the translations into Portuguese

Valquiria Pereira Alcantara 12 September 2018 (has links)
Para a elaboração desta dissertação tomamos como corpus a versão de Roald Dahl do conto Chapeuzinho Vermelho e o lobo e as traduções para a língua portuguesa publicadas no Brasil e em Portugal. Fazemos referência à versão de Os três porquinhos, do mesmo autor, porque a personagem Chapeuzinho Vermelho foi incluída na história; também nos referimos aos contos tradicionais de Perrault e dos Irmãos Grimm sempre que a menção se faz relevante. Este trabalho foi norteado por dois objetivos: o primeiro refere-se à análise dos elementos extra e intratextuais dos textos fonte em língua inglesa e de chegada em língua portuguesa nas edições brasileira e portuguesa; o segundo, diretamente associado ao primeiro, refere-se a como cada um dos textos verbais relaciona-se com as ilustrações de Quentin Blake elaboradas para a edição inglesa, mantidas com pequenas variações nas edições brasileira e portuguesa. Para o desenvolvimento de nossa análise utilizamos as questões propostas por Christiane Nord como fio condutor, expandimos a análise textual valendo-nos da identificação das modalidades da tradução segundo a revisão de Francis Aubert, bem como a conceituação das relações hipertextuais segundo a perspectiva de Gérard Genette, tomadas como instrumento para o estudo comparativo entre o texto em língua inglesa e as traduções para o português. Em seguida, analisamos as relações construídas entre textos verbais em inglês e português e as ilustrações de Quentin Blake conforme, principalmente, o ponto de vista de Sophie Van der Linden. Por fim, observamos aspectos mais abrangentes relacionados à releitura do conto tradicional realizada por Dahl, levando em conta como o texto dahliano relaciona-se com as versões de Perrault e de Grimm e implicações morais dos textos segundo o ponto de vista de André Jolles. A partir das análises, constatamos que a construção do efeito cômico do texto dahliano é pautado por precisa seleção lexical e concisão sintática, bem como pela relação entre textos verbal e visual. Observamos, ainda, que a inversão de papéis entre Chapeuzinho e o lobo, assim como a caracterização da personagem não como criança, mas como jovem adulta, possibilitam não só o final inesperado do conto, como também a relativização de valores. Concluímos que, assim como os contos tradicionais estão inseridos em uma tradição cultural que possibilita a compreensão do mundo, a obra dahliana está inserida em um espectro de releituras dos contos que estimula a criatividade e a leitura crítica do mundo. / The main object of this dissertation is Roald Dahls Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf and the translations into Portuguese published in Brazil and in Portugal. We also refer to The Three Little Pigs, another work by Dahl, because he has included Little Red in the story; besides, we refer to the traditional tales by Perrault and the Brothers Grimm whenever it is relevant. In our work we aim to analyse extra and intratextual elements of the source text in English and both target texts in Portuguese the Brazilian and the Portuguese ones; we also focus on how each text relates to the illustrations by Quentin Blake. We used Christiane Nords questions as a guideline to our analysis; to expand our work, we study the translation modalities according to Francis Auberts view and hipertextual concepts according to Gérard Genettes point of view comparing the text in English and the translations into Portuguese. The next step consists in studying how the illustrations by Quentin Blake relate to Dahls text and the translated texts having in mind, mainly, Sophie Van der Lindens view about the relation of verbal and visual texts. Finally, we also observe broader aspects of Dahls text relating his version of the tale with Perraults and Grimms considering André Jolless studies. Based on the analysis, we realised that the humorous effect present in Dahls text was elaborated with precise use of lexis, concise syntax and the articulation between verbal and visual texts. As a result, we could understand that the role swapping between Little Red and the wolf as well as portraying the character as a young woman rather than a child allowed both the unexpected ending and questioning moral values. A conclusion we reached is that as fairy tales are part of a wider cultural tradition, Dahls text is part of a myriad of re-interpreted tales which stimulate creativity and critical thinking.

Analyse et conception des systèmes temps-réel : translation d'une approche fonctionnelle à une approche orientée objet

BENZINA, Adel 16 December 1997 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux développés dans ce mémoire se situent dans le cadre de l'analyse et de la conception des systèmes temps réel. Nous proposons une approche d'aide à la translation entre analyse fonctionnelle et analyse orientée objet. L'utilité d'une telle démarche ainsi que les différents travaux effectués dans ce domaine sont d'abord étudiés. Ensuite, nous exposons les différentes étapes de la démarche. Son originalité découle de l'utilisation des réseaux de Petri comme moyen de translation. D'abord, les spécifications fonctionnelles (de type SA-RT) sont décrites par réseaux de Petri. Les composantes conservatives de ces derniers sont alors utilisées pour identifier et définir les objets. Le formalisme HOOD/PNO est adopté pour la spécification des objets. L'approche proposée peut s'appuyer sur l'aspect statique des spécifications ou sur l'aspect dynamique. Il est également possible d'adopter une approche mixte. Les différentes étapes de la démarche et les approches possibles sont illustrées par des exemples significatifs. Nous étudions également les limites de la démarche proposée, ses parties automatisables et la possibilité de l'utiliser avec d'autres techniques. Par ailleurs, nous nous intéressons à la possibilité d'exploiter les résultats obtenus dans des objectifs d'évaluation des spécifications fonctionnelles. L'apport de certaines extensions temporelles des réseaux de Petri est mis en évidence.

”Antingen ska du hålla dig lugn och lyssna, eller så ska jag slå tills du lyssnar!” : Tio kvinnors livsberättelser om hur de lämnade en våldsam relation.

Finjan, Zeina January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att studera vilka sociala förhållanden som kan ha haft betydelse för kvinnornas val av att stanna kvar eller lämna en våldsam relation samt vilka identiteter tillskriver kvinnorna sig själva under berättandet. Tio intervjuer med kvinnor genomfördes och analyserades utifrån ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Centralt i vår studie är intervjupersonernas livsberättelser. I resultatet används ett narrativt och hermeneutisk per-spektiv för att presentera berättelserna och förståelsen som formas mellan berättaren och den som lyssnar. Resultatet visar att de förhållanden som har haft betydelse för att få kvinnorna att stanna kvar är: hot, rädsla och normalisering. Det innebär för dessa kvinnor en normalisering som tänjer på gränserna för vad som är normalt/avvikande. Andra betydande omständigheter var kvinnans band och känslor gentemot sin man, barn, avsaknad av verklighetsförankring, hopp samt ekonomisk trygghet. Studiens resultat visar även att de dominerande faktorerna som får kvinnan att lämna relationen kan dels bero på kvinnans känsla av skuld gentemot sitt barn, ny omdefinition av sin verklighetsförankring, förlorat hopp och att kvinnans känslor försvunnit för mannen. / The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine which social relations may have had sig-nificance for the choice for the women to stay or leave in a violent relationship, and which identities the interviewed subscribed themselves during the telling of their stories. Ten inter-views were made and analyzed from a hermeneutical perspective. The central in our study was the interviewees’ life stories. In the result a narrative and hermeneutical perspective was used to represent the stories and the understandings formed between the teller and the listener. The data showed that the relationships which resulted in a choice for the women to stay was; threats, fear, and normalization. The normalization is a form of adaptation for the women to accept the dysfunctional relationship. Other important factors were the women’s ties and emo-tional feelings towards the husband / man, children / child, lack of reality, hope and economic stability. The study also showed that the dominating factors for the women to leave the rela-tionship were; her fear of guilt towards her child / children, a new definition of reality, lost hope of change for the relationship and lose of feelings for the partner.

Yo Alta, verpiss dir - hier is mein Revier! : die "Selbst"-darstellung junger Männer in Feridun Zaimoglus Kanak Sprak: 24 Misstöne vom Rande der Gesellschaft

Petersson Nickel, Ute January 2018 (has links)
The central concern of this thesis is to describe the views of the young men in Feridun Zaimoglus book Kanak Sprak (2000) on their own identity ("Kanaken"), on the identity of other foreigners such as (college "Ali") and the Germans ("Alemannen") with help of close-reading. The book contains short-stories or "protocolls", written in the special language "KanakSprak", a mixture of Turkish and German street gang slang. There are claims that Zaimoglus texts are written based on hiphop/rap language. The categories in this work are identity, youth(sub)culture, territory, style and Hiphop. Other than close-reading the analysis will also take help of different research areas such as youth research and soliology.

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