Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hotspot"" "subject:"totspot""
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An applicable methodology for stress analysis of lightweight welded structuresBack, Elias January 2024 (has links)
This thesis work intended to verify an analysis method for welded, thin-walled geometries. Guidelines for stress evaluation in welded structures exist and are standardised, but they are often verified for structures with higher plate thicknesses, such as those found in the offshore industry. Thinner structures are commonly analysed using the hotspot method, but questions still exist wherever the method is valid and can provide conservative results in thin-walled geometries. One goal of the thesis work was to create a test plan to experimentally verify the results given by FE models of welded structures, as well as to investigate the strain gradient close to the weld toe. The plan, as well as two different welded specimens were designed and manufactured on which future analysis can be performed. The hotspot method was also evaluated using FE analysis on geometries where two tubes were welded together with a T-joint with varying diameter, thickness and applied loads. A total of 13 different models were created using solid elements where hotspot stress extrapolation was evaluated using different extrapolation points and evaluation paths. In conclusion, it was found that the method provides a correct extrapolation of the geometric stress when stress extrapolation points at a distance of 0,4t and 1,0t from the weld toe are used (t=plate thickness). It was also found through the analysis that the geometric stress can be harder to differentiate from the non-linear part of the stress gradient for some profiles with a thickness of 0,89 mm. In some cases, this resulted in a small part of the non-linear stress being included in the extrapolation which increased the extrapolated hotspot stress. Comparisons between the hotspot stress and geometric parameters showed that stress concentration factors can be created which reduce the need for time-consuming FE models.
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Influência da estrutura da vegetação sobre a diversidade e detectabilidade das espécies de aves do Cerrado / Influence of vegetation structure on the diversity and detectability of Cerrado birdsRodrigues, Rodolpho Credo 12 August 2016 (has links)
Em diversos estudos ao redor do globo, a estrutura e heterogeneidade da vegetação têm se mostrado um fator determinante na diversidade de espécies de aves e também de outros grupos de animais. O Cerrado é o segundo mais extenso e mais ameaçado bioma de ocorrência no Brasil. Este bioma também é caracterizado por um evidente gradiente ambiental de estrutura e heterogeneidade de vegetação. Na presente tese analisamos a influência da estrutura e heterogeneidade da vegetação sobre a diversidade em comunidades de aves do Cerrado. Nossa expectativa era corroborar a “Hipótese de Heterogeneidade de Habitats”, que propõe que quanto maior a estrutura e heterogeneidade da vegetação, maior será a diversidade de espécies. No primeiro capítulo, realizamos uma compilação sistemática de estudos publicados sobre a diversidade de aves em áreas ocupadas por algumas fisionomias típicas de Cerrado lato sensu, com o intuito de analisar o conhecimento obtido até então acerca da relação entre diversidade de aves e a estrutura da vegetação no Cerrado. Foram selecionadas 72 amostras de 22 estudos, sendo que estas amostras variaram quanto ao tipo fisionomia amostrada e o método amostral empregado, além de também estarem disponíveis em diferentes artigos e serem realizadas em diferentes regiões geográficas. Para análises destes dados, utilizamos a análise de modelos lineares generalizados de efeitos mistos (modelo com distribuição de erros poisson), que permite analisar os efeitos de variáveis fixas e aleatórias sobre a variável explicativa (riqueza de espécies). As variáveis fixas foram o tipo de vegetação amostrada (vegetação campestre, savânica e florestal) e o método amostral empregado (ponto fixo, transecto e redes de neblina). Já as variáveis de efeito aleatório utilizadas foram o estudo onde os dados foram publicados, o autor de cada estudo e a localidade geográfica. O efeito destas variáveis aleatórias poderiam afetar somente os interceptos das relações entre as variáveis fixas e a variável explicativa ou poderiam alterar a relação entre as variáveis fixas e explicativa. Construímos diversos modelos a partir da combinação de variáveis de efeito fixo e aleatório e a seleção do modelo mais parcimonioso foi feito por meio do critério AICc (critério de informação de Akaike corrigido para pequenas amostras). O modelo que apresentou menor valor de AICc (mais parcimonioso) foi aquele que incluiu os efeitos de ambas variáveis de efeito fixo (fisionomia e método amostral) e também um efeito da interação entre estas duas variáveis. Neste modelo também foram incluídos os efeitos das variáveis aleatórias estudo e localidade geográfica sobre os interceptos das relações entre as variáveis de efeito fixo e a variável explicativa. Estes resultados mostraram que a riqueza de espécies de aves em nosso estudo variou não só em função da fisionomia e do método amostral empregado, mas dependendo do método amostral utilizado a relação entre riqueza e fisionomia também foi alterada. Portanto, esta interação não permitiu que fosse estimada a relação entre fisionomia e riqueza sem considerar o efeito dos métodos. Já os efeitos das variáveis aleatórias mostraram que a variação estimada nos interceptos entre estudos foi duas vezes maior do que a variação estimada entre localidades geográficas. O efeito da interação entre as variáveis fisionomia e método amostral apontou para a existência de heterogeneidade de detecção entre locais com diferentes fisionomias, além também de um efeito das fisionomias na efetividade dos diferentes métodos amostrais. A influência dos métodos amostrais no número de espécies observadas em cada fisonomia pode ser esperada devido às diferenças intrínsecas dos métodos, já que ponto fixo e transecto são baseados em contatos visuais e auditivos com as espécies, enquanto que o método de rede de neblina consiste na captura passiva das espécies que voam na altura das redes. Assim, redes de neblina podem ser mais efetivas em habitats menos estruturados (por ex. campos limpos e sujos), onde a rede alcança quase todo os estratos de vegetação. No entanto, o método de transecto pode ser mais efetivo que o método de ponto fixo em áreas de florestas, pois nestes hábitats as espécies tendem a ter territórios menores e o deslocamento do observador proporciona ao observador cobrir um maior número de terrítórios. Por outro lado, o ponto fixo pode ser mais vantajoso por não produzir ruído e afugentar as espécies, o que pode ser uma desvantagem do método de transecto. Outros fatores, como a experiência e número de observadores, número de pontos amostrais, número de redes utilizadas e comprimento de transectos, podem explicar a grande variação estimada entre os estudos. Uma das maneiras de se contornar estes efeitos metodológicos é utilizar métodos desenvolvidos especialmente para lidar com diferentes probabilidades de detecção entre espécies, entre sítios e até métodos amostrais, o que poderia render dados mais confiáveis para o estudo da ecologia das espécies e para a elaboração de planos de manejo e/ou conservação. No segundo capítulo, a relação entre diversidade de aves e estrutura da vegetação foi analisada a partir de dados coletados em campo e utilizando um protocolo de amostragem específico para se estimar e considerar os efeitos da vegetação sobre a detecção das espécies. As amostragens foram realizadas em um dos maiores e mais preservados remanescentes de Cerrado (Parque Nacional Grande Sertão Veredas-PARNA GSV) e consistiram do registro das espécies de aves em 32 áreas dispostas em um gradiente de vegetação de Cerrado, que variaram desde campos limpos e sujos, campos cerrado a cerrados sensu stricto. O cálculo da riqueza de espécies de aves em cada sítio foi realizado através de modelos de ocupação-detecção, adaptados para estimar a riqueza de espécies em comunidades. A vegetação, por sua vez, foi medida a partir de estimativas de presença da vegetação entre 0 e 4 m de altura (16 intervalos de 22,5 cm cada um) e duas variáveis de estrutura foram obtidas a partir de uma análise de componentes principais, que foi aplicada para resumir a variação da presença de vegetação nos 16 intervalos de altura. Estas variáveis de vegetação foram relacionadas tanto com a ocupação quanto com a detecção das espécies, já que a estrutura da vegetação poderia influenciar não só a ocorrência mas também a detecção das espécies. O dia da amostragem e também a temperatura no momento da amostragem também foram incluídas como covariáveis que poderiam afetar a detecção. Após a estimativa da riqueza de espécies pelo modelo de ocupação-detecção para comunidades, esta riqueza estimada foi relacionada por uma função quadrática com a estrutura da vegetação usando um modelo bayesiano de metanálise, que permitiu incluir a incerteza nas estimativas de riqueza na análise. A título de comparação, também foi ajustado um modelo quadrático GLM (distribuição de erros normal) aos dados de riqueza observada. Os resultados mostraram que a riqueza estimada a partir dos dados das 38 espécies mais detectadas durante as amostragens teve uma fraca relação com as duas covariáveis de estrutura de vegetação, sendo que houve uma maior riqueza de espécies em sítios com vegetação intermediária em altura e uma maior riqueza de espécies de aves em sítios onde houve maior presença de vegetação abaixo de 2 m de altura. No entanto, as relações entre riqueza estimada e estas covariáveis foi menos intensa mas qualitativamente similar às relações entre a riqueza observada e as covariáveis de vegetação. A menor intensidade nas relações da riqueza estimada foi evidenciada principalmente em ambos os extremos do gradiente de estrutura vertical da vegetação e também nas áreas com menor presença de vegetação abaixo de 2 m. Estes resultados mostraram que o efeito da detecção pode alterar o efeito da relação entre riqueza de espécies e estrutura de vegetação. Além disso, ao menos para as 38 espécies mais comumente encontradas na área de estudo, os resultados apontam para a importância de todo o gradiente de estrutura da vegetação para a manutenção da riqueza de espécies de aves no Cerrado. Futuros estudos que visem aprimorar o uso destes modelos de ocupação e detecção para comunidades são fundamentais para permitir o uso dos dados de todas as espécies da comunidade. Além disto, outros estudos que se proponham a analisar a dinâmica e composição das comunidades de aves nestes gradientes de estrutura de vegetação são fundamentais para um maior conhecimento sobre a ecologia e conservação das aves no Cerrado / In several studies around the globe, the structure and diversity of vegetation have been shown to be a determining factor in the diversity of species of birds and also other groups of animals. The Cerrado is the second most extensive and most threatened biome occurrence in Brazil. This biome is also characterized by an obvious environmental gradient of vegetation structure and heterogeneity. In this thesis we analysed the influence of the structure and diversity of the vegetation on the diversity in the Cerrado bird communities. Our expectation was to support the “Habitat Heterogeneity Hypothesis” which suggests that the higher the structure and diversity of vegetation, the greater the diversity of species. In the first chapter, we conducted a systematic compilation of published studies on the diversity of birds in areas occupied by some typical physiognomy of Cerrado textit lato sensu, in order to analyze the knowledge obtained so far about the relationship between diversity of birds and the structure of the vegetation in the Cerrado. We selected 72 samples from 22 studies, and these samples varied as the sampled vegetation physiognomy, the sampling method used, and they also are available in different articles and be carried out in different geographical regions. We performed the analysis of generalized linear mixed effects models (model poisson distribution errors), which allows us to analyse the effects of fixed and random variables on the explanatory variable (species richness). Fixed variables were the type of sampled vegetation (grassland, savanna and forest) and the sample method employed (fixed point, transect and mist nets). The random variables used were the study where the data were published, the author of each study and geographic location. These random variables could only affect the intercepts of the relationship between fixed and variable explanatory variable or could alter the relationship between fixed and explanatory variables. We built several models from the combination of fixed and random effects variables and selection the most parsimonious model was made by the AIC criterion (Akaike information criterion corrected for small samples). The model that showed lower value of AIC (more parsimonious) was the one that included the effects of both fixed effect variables (physiognomy and sampling method) and also an effect of the interaction between these two variables. In this model were also included the effects of random variables study and geographic location of the intercepts of the relationship between the fixed effect variables and the explanatory variable. These results showed that the bird species richness in our study varied not only in terms of physiognomy and sample method, but depending on the sampling method used the relationship between richness and physiognomy has also changed. Therefore, this interaction does not allowed us to estimate the relationship between physiognomy and richness without considering the effect of the methods. Since the effects of random variables showed that the variation in the estimated intercept between studies was twice larger than the estimated variation between geographic locations. The effect of interaction between the vegetation physiognomy and sampling method variables pointed to the existence of heterogeneity detection between locations with different physiognomies, in addition also of an effect of the physiognomies in the effectiveness of different sampling methods. The influence of the sampling method in the number of species observed in each physiognomy may be expected due to intrinsic differences in the methods, since fixed point counts and transect are based on visual and aural contacts with the species, while the mist net method consists in passive capture of species flying at the time of the networks. Thus, mist nets may be more effective in less structured environments (eg. Clean and dirty fields) where the net reaches virtually all vegetation layers. However, transect method can be more effective than the fixed point method in areas of forests since in these habitats species tend to have smaller territory areas, and the observer movement provides the observer cover greater areas. On the other hand, the point counts can be more advantageous not to produce noise and chase species, which may be a disadvantage of transect method. Other factors, such as experience and number of observers, the number of sampling points, the number of nets used and length of transects, may explain the wide variation between studies estimated. One of the ways to overcome these methodological effects is to use methods developed especially to deal with different probabilities of detection of species, between sites and sampling methods, which could yield more reliable data for the ecological study of the species and the development of management plans and/or conservation. In the second chapter, the relationship between diversity of birds and vegetation structure was analysed from data collected in the field and using a specific sampling protocol to estimate and consider the effects of vegetation on the detection of species. The samples were taken in one of the largest and well preserved remnants of Cerrado (Grande Sertão Veredas National Park-PARNA GSV) and consisted of the record of bird speciesin 32 areas arranged in a Cerrado vegetation gradient, ranging from grasslands, open and dense savannas. The calculation of the bird species richness at each site was conducted using occupancy-detection models adapted to estimate the number of species in communities. The vegetation, in turn, was measured from estimates of the presence of vegetation in height intervals between 0 and 4 m (16 intervals of 22.5 cm each) and two structure variables were obtained from a principal component analysis applied to summarize the variation of the vegetation presence in height intervals. These vegetation variables were related to both the occupation and detection of species, since the vegetation structure could influence not only the occurrence but also the detection of species. The day of sampling and also the temperature at the time of sampling were also included as covariates that may a_ect the detection. After the estimation of species richness by model occupancy detection for communities, this estimated richness was related by a quadratic function with the vegetation structure using a Bayesian meta-analysis model, which allowed us include uncertainty in richness estimates. By way of comparison, we also fit a quadratic model GLM (normal distribution errors) to the observed richness data. The results showed that the richness estimated from the data of the 38 most detected species during sampling had a weak relationship with both covariates vegetation structure, and there was a greater number of species at sites with intermediate vegetation height and greater bird species richness in places where there was a greater presence of vegetation below 2 m in height. However, relations between estimated richness and these covariates was less intense but qualitatively similar to the relationship between observed richness and vegetation covariates. The lowest intensity in the estimated richness relationship was observed mainly at both ends of the vertical gradient of vegetation and also in areas with less presence of vegetation below 2 m. These results showed that the effect of detection can change the effect of the relationship between species richness and vegetation structure. Moreover, at least for the 38 species most commonly found in the study area, the results point to the importance of the entire vegetation structure gradient to maintain the bird species richness in Cerrado. Future studies aiming to improve the use of these models of occupation and detection for communities are essential to allow the use of data of all species in the community. In addition, other studies that propose to analyse the dynamics and composition of bird communities in these vegetation structure gradients are fundamental for a better understanding of the ecology and conservation of Cerrado birds
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PAC-Lernen zur Insolvenzvorhersage und Hotspot-Identifikation / PAC-Learning for insolvency-prediction and hotspot-identificationBrodag, Thomas 28 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Influência da estrutura da vegetação sobre a diversidade e detectabilidade das espécies de aves do Cerrado / Influence of vegetation structure on the diversity and detectability of Cerrado birdsRodolpho Credo Rodrigues 12 August 2016 (has links)
Em diversos estudos ao redor do globo, a estrutura e heterogeneidade da vegetação têm se mostrado um fator determinante na diversidade de espécies de aves e também de outros grupos de animais. O Cerrado é o segundo mais extenso e mais ameaçado bioma de ocorrência no Brasil. Este bioma também é caracterizado por um evidente gradiente ambiental de estrutura e heterogeneidade de vegetação. Na presente tese analisamos a influência da estrutura e heterogeneidade da vegetação sobre a diversidade em comunidades de aves do Cerrado. Nossa expectativa era corroborar a “Hipótese de Heterogeneidade de Habitats”, que propõe que quanto maior a estrutura e heterogeneidade da vegetação, maior será a diversidade de espécies. No primeiro capítulo, realizamos uma compilação sistemática de estudos publicados sobre a diversidade de aves em áreas ocupadas por algumas fisionomias típicas de Cerrado lato sensu, com o intuito de analisar o conhecimento obtido até então acerca da relação entre diversidade de aves e a estrutura da vegetação no Cerrado. Foram selecionadas 72 amostras de 22 estudos, sendo que estas amostras variaram quanto ao tipo fisionomia amostrada e o método amostral empregado, além de também estarem disponíveis em diferentes artigos e serem realizadas em diferentes regiões geográficas. Para análises destes dados, utilizamos a análise de modelos lineares generalizados de efeitos mistos (modelo com distribuição de erros poisson), que permite analisar os efeitos de variáveis fixas e aleatórias sobre a variável explicativa (riqueza de espécies). As variáveis fixas foram o tipo de vegetação amostrada (vegetação campestre, savânica e florestal) e o método amostral empregado (ponto fixo, transecto e redes de neblina). Já as variáveis de efeito aleatório utilizadas foram o estudo onde os dados foram publicados, o autor de cada estudo e a localidade geográfica. O efeito destas variáveis aleatórias poderiam afetar somente os interceptos das relações entre as variáveis fixas e a variável explicativa ou poderiam alterar a relação entre as variáveis fixas e explicativa. Construímos diversos modelos a partir da combinação de variáveis de efeito fixo e aleatório e a seleção do modelo mais parcimonioso foi feito por meio do critério AICc (critério de informação de Akaike corrigido para pequenas amostras). O modelo que apresentou menor valor de AICc (mais parcimonioso) foi aquele que incluiu os efeitos de ambas variáveis de efeito fixo (fisionomia e método amostral) e também um efeito da interação entre estas duas variáveis. Neste modelo também foram incluídos os efeitos das variáveis aleatórias estudo e localidade geográfica sobre os interceptos das relações entre as variáveis de efeito fixo e a variável explicativa. Estes resultados mostraram que a riqueza de espécies de aves em nosso estudo variou não só em função da fisionomia e do método amostral empregado, mas dependendo do método amostral utilizado a relação entre riqueza e fisionomia também foi alterada. Portanto, esta interação não permitiu que fosse estimada a relação entre fisionomia e riqueza sem considerar o efeito dos métodos. Já os efeitos das variáveis aleatórias mostraram que a variação estimada nos interceptos entre estudos foi duas vezes maior do que a variação estimada entre localidades geográficas. O efeito da interação entre as variáveis fisionomia e método amostral apontou para a existência de heterogeneidade de detecção entre locais com diferentes fisionomias, além também de um efeito das fisionomias na efetividade dos diferentes métodos amostrais. A influência dos métodos amostrais no número de espécies observadas em cada fisonomia pode ser esperada devido às diferenças intrínsecas dos métodos, já que ponto fixo e transecto são baseados em contatos visuais e auditivos com as espécies, enquanto que o método de rede de neblina consiste na captura passiva das espécies que voam na altura das redes. Assim, redes de neblina podem ser mais efetivas em habitats menos estruturados (por ex. campos limpos e sujos), onde a rede alcança quase todo os estratos de vegetação. No entanto, o método de transecto pode ser mais efetivo que o método de ponto fixo em áreas de florestas, pois nestes hábitats as espécies tendem a ter territórios menores e o deslocamento do observador proporciona ao observador cobrir um maior número de terrítórios. Por outro lado, o ponto fixo pode ser mais vantajoso por não produzir ruído e afugentar as espécies, o que pode ser uma desvantagem do método de transecto. Outros fatores, como a experiência e número de observadores, número de pontos amostrais, número de redes utilizadas e comprimento de transectos, podem explicar a grande variação estimada entre os estudos. Uma das maneiras de se contornar estes efeitos metodológicos é utilizar métodos desenvolvidos especialmente para lidar com diferentes probabilidades de detecção entre espécies, entre sítios e até métodos amostrais, o que poderia render dados mais confiáveis para o estudo da ecologia das espécies e para a elaboração de planos de manejo e/ou conservação. No segundo capítulo, a relação entre diversidade de aves e estrutura da vegetação foi analisada a partir de dados coletados em campo e utilizando um protocolo de amostragem específico para se estimar e considerar os efeitos da vegetação sobre a detecção das espécies. As amostragens foram realizadas em um dos maiores e mais preservados remanescentes de Cerrado (Parque Nacional Grande Sertão Veredas-PARNA GSV) e consistiram do registro das espécies de aves em 32 áreas dispostas em um gradiente de vegetação de Cerrado, que variaram desde campos limpos e sujos, campos cerrado a cerrados sensu stricto. O cálculo da riqueza de espécies de aves em cada sítio foi realizado através de modelos de ocupação-detecção, adaptados para estimar a riqueza de espécies em comunidades. A vegetação, por sua vez, foi medida a partir de estimativas de presença da vegetação entre 0 e 4 m de altura (16 intervalos de 22,5 cm cada um) e duas variáveis de estrutura foram obtidas a partir de uma análise de componentes principais, que foi aplicada para resumir a variação da presença de vegetação nos 16 intervalos de altura. Estas variáveis de vegetação foram relacionadas tanto com a ocupação quanto com a detecção das espécies, já que a estrutura da vegetação poderia influenciar não só a ocorrência mas também a detecção das espécies. O dia da amostragem e também a temperatura no momento da amostragem também foram incluídas como covariáveis que poderiam afetar a detecção. Após a estimativa da riqueza de espécies pelo modelo de ocupação-detecção para comunidades, esta riqueza estimada foi relacionada por uma função quadrática com a estrutura da vegetação usando um modelo bayesiano de metanálise, que permitiu incluir a incerteza nas estimativas de riqueza na análise. A título de comparação, também foi ajustado um modelo quadrático GLM (distribuição de erros normal) aos dados de riqueza observada. Os resultados mostraram que a riqueza estimada a partir dos dados das 38 espécies mais detectadas durante as amostragens teve uma fraca relação com as duas covariáveis de estrutura de vegetação, sendo que houve uma maior riqueza de espécies em sítios com vegetação intermediária em altura e uma maior riqueza de espécies de aves em sítios onde houve maior presença de vegetação abaixo de 2 m de altura. No entanto, as relações entre riqueza estimada e estas covariáveis foi menos intensa mas qualitativamente similar às relações entre a riqueza observada e as covariáveis de vegetação. A menor intensidade nas relações da riqueza estimada foi evidenciada principalmente em ambos os extremos do gradiente de estrutura vertical da vegetação e também nas áreas com menor presença de vegetação abaixo de 2 m. Estes resultados mostraram que o efeito da detecção pode alterar o efeito da relação entre riqueza de espécies e estrutura de vegetação. Além disso, ao menos para as 38 espécies mais comumente encontradas na área de estudo, os resultados apontam para a importância de todo o gradiente de estrutura da vegetação para a manutenção da riqueza de espécies de aves no Cerrado. Futuros estudos que visem aprimorar o uso destes modelos de ocupação e detecção para comunidades são fundamentais para permitir o uso dos dados de todas as espécies da comunidade. Além disto, outros estudos que se proponham a analisar a dinâmica e composição das comunidades de aves nestes gradientes de estrutura de vegetação são fundamentais para um maior conhecimento sobre a ecologia e conservação das aves no Cerrado / In several studies around the globe, the structure and diversity of vegetation have been shown to be a determining factor in the diversity of species of birds and also other groups of animals. The Cerrado is the second most extensive and most threatened biome occurrence in Brazil. This biome is also characterized by an obvious environmental gradient of vegetation structure and heterogeneity. In this thesis we analysed the influence of the structure and diversity of the vegetation on the diversity in the Cerrado bird communities. Our expectation was to support the “Habitat Heterogeneity Hypothesis” which suggests that the higher the structure and diversity of vegetation, the greater the diversity of species. In the first chapter, we conducted a systematic compilation of published studies on the diversity of birds in areas occupied by some typical physiognomy of Cerrado textit lato sensu, in order to analyze the knowledge obtained so far about the relationship between diversity of birds and the structure of the vegetation in the Cerrado. We selected 72 samples from 22 studies, and these samples varied as the sampled vegetation physiognomy, the sampling method used, and they also are available in different articles and be carried out in different geographical regions. We performed the analysis of generalized linear mixed effects models (model poisson distribution errors), which allows us to analyse the effects of fixed and random variables on the explanatory variable (species richness). Fixed variables were the type of sampled vegetation (grassland, savanna and forest) and the sample method employed (fixed point, transect and mist nets). The random variables used were the study where the data were published, the author of each study and geographic location. These random variables could only affect the intercepts of the relationship between fixed and variable explanatory variable or could alter the relationship between fixed and explanatory variables. We built several models from the combination of fixed and random effects variables and selection the most parsimonious model was made by the AIC criterion (Akaike information criterion corrected for small samples). The model that showed lower value of AIC (more parsimonious) was the one that included the effects of both fixed effect variables (physiognomy and sampling method) and also an effect of the interaction between these two variables. In this model were also included the effects of random variables study and geographic location of the intercepts of the relationship between the fixed effect variables and the explanatory variable. These results showed that the bird species richness in our study varied not only in terms of physiognomy and sample method, but depending on the sampling method used the relationship between richness and physiognomy has also changed. Therefore, this interaction does not allowed us to estimate the relationship between physiognomy and richness without considering the effect of the methods. Since the effects of random variables showed that the variation in the estimated intercept between studies was twice larger than the estimated variation between geographic locations. The effect of interaction between the vegetation physiognomy and sampling method variables pointed to the existence of heterogeneity detection between locations with different physiognomies, in addition also of an effect of the physiognomies in the effectiveness of different sampling methods. The influence of the sampling method in the number of species observed in each physiognomy may be expected due to intrinsic differences in the methods, since fixed point counts and transect are based on visual and aural contacts with the species, while the mist net method consists in passive capture of species flying at the time of the networks. Thus, mist nets may be more effective in less structured environments (eg. Clean and dirty fields) where the net reaches virtually all vegetation layers. However, transect method can be more effective than the fixed point method in areas of forests since in these habitats species tend to have smaller territory areas, and the observer movement provides the observer cover greater areas. On the other hand, the point counts can be more advantageous not to produce noise and chase species, which may be a disadvantage of transect method. Other factors, such as experience and number of observers, the number of sampling points, the number of nets used and length of transects, may explain the wide variation between studies estimated. One of the ways to overcome these methodological effects is to use methods developed especially to deal with different probabilities of detection of species, between sites and sampling methods, which could yield more reliable data for the ecological study of the species and the development of management plans and/or conservation. In the second chapter, the relationship between diversity of birds and vegetation structure was analysed from data collected in the field and using a specific sampling protocol to estimate and consider the effects of vegetation on the detection of species. The samples were taken in one of the largest and well preserved remnants of Cerrado (Grande Sertão Veredas National Park-PARNA GSV) and consisted of the record of bird speciesin 32 areas arranged in a Cerrado vegetation gradient, ranging from grasslands, open and dense savannas. The calculation of the bird species richness at each site was conducted using occupancy-detection models adapted to estimate the number of species in communities. The vegetation, in turn, was measured from estimates of the presence of vegetation in height intervals between 0 and 4 m (16 intervals of 22.5 cm each) and two structure variables were obtained from a principal component analysis applied to summarize the variation of the vegetation presence in height intervals. These vegetation variables were related to both the occupation and detection of species, since the vegetation structure could influence not only the occurrence but also the detection of species. The day of sampling and also the temperature at the time of sampling were also included as covariates that may a_ect the detection. After the estimation of species richness by model occupancy detection for communities, this estimated richness was related by a quadratic function with the vegetation structure using a Bayesian meta-analysis model, which allowed us include uncertainty in richness estimates. By way of comparison, we also fit a quadratic model GLM (normal distribution errors) to the observed richness data. The results showed that the richness estimated from the data of the 38 most detected species during sampling had a weak relationship with both covariates vegetation structure, and there was a greater number of species at sites with intermediate vegetation height and greater bird species richness in places where there was a greater presence of vegetation below 2 m in height. However, relations between estimated richness and these covariates was less intense but qualitatively similar to the relationship between observed richness and vegetation covariates. The lowest intensity in the estimated richness relationship was observed mainly at both ends of the vertical gradient of vegetation and also in areas with less presence of vegetation below 2 m. These results showed that the effect of detection can change the effect of the relationship between species richness and vegetation structure. Moreover, at least for the 38 species most commonly found in the study area, the results point to the importance of the entire vegetation structure gradient to maintain the bird species richness in Cerrado. Future studies aiming to improve the use of these models of occupation and detection for communities are essential to allow the use of data of all species in the community. In addition, other studies that propose to analyse the dynamics and composition of bird communities in these vegetation structure gradients are fundamental for a better understanding of the ecology and conservation of Cerrado birds
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Variações espaciais e temporais na abundância das espécies introduzidas em um hotspot de biodiversidade global, rio Iguaçu, Paraná, Brasil: impactos sobre a ictiofauna nativa / Spatial and temporal variations in relative of introduced species in a hotspot of global biodiversity, Iguaçu river, Paraná State, Brazil: impacts on native fish faunaDaga, Vanessa Salete 12 August 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-08-12 / The objective of this study was to evaluate the composition and structure of the assemblages of native and nonnative fish along the temporal and spatial gradient on the Iguaçu River, and their relations with environmental variables in five reservoirs. Samples were collected from January 2004 to December 2008, with periodicity quarterly in reservoirs Foz do Areia, Segredo and Salto Caxias, while in reservoirs Salto Santiago and Salto Osório samples were bimonthly. Catches were made with the aid of gillnets (mesh size of 2.4 to 16 cm) and trammel nets (witches, 6, 7 and 8 cm between non-adjacent), operated on the surface, margin and bottom, exposed for 24 hours with checked at 8:00, 16:00 and 22:00 hours. Fish caught were identified, measured and weighed. The community structure was evaluated by its attributes of species (richness), abundance (biomass and number of individuals) and diversity index of Shannon. The environmental variables were plotted on a matrix (physics and chemistry) and is summarized by principal component analysis (PCA). To summarize the data on the composition and structure of the assemblages of native and nonnative fish, analysis of non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) was used. The degree of association between multivariate matrices (environmental variables and the composition and structure of the assemblages of native fish and non-native) was assessed by means of a Procrustes routine. During the study period were collected from 152,007 specimens, 148,084 individuals of native species and 3,923 specimens of non-native species, which were divided into six orders, 16 families, 32 genera and 50 species. The most abundant native species were Astyanax sp. B (40.1%), Astyanax sp. C (19.1%) and Pimelodus britskii (9.1%). The non-native species were more abundant Odontesthes bonariensis (85.1%), Prochilodus lineatus (7.5%) and Tilapia rendalli (4.9%). The distribution of abundance in numbers and weight was higher in Salto Santiago, both native and non native. Spatial and temporal differences were apparent for wealth, for both native and non native, but the Shannon diversity index showed significant differences only for native species. The composition and structure of the assembly of native and nonnative fish showed significant differences along the longitudinal gradient of the Iguaçu River. The physical and chemical variables (water temperature, water transparency, pH and electrical conductivity) were significant for the separation of the reservoirs along the longitudinal gradient. Procrustes analysis showed that an association exists between the physical and chemical variables, and the spatial arrangement of the composition and structure of the assemblages of native fish. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a composição e estrutura da assembleia de peixes nativos e não nativos, ao longo do gradiente espacial e temporal no rio Iguaçu e, suas relações com as variáveis ambientais em cinco reservatórios. As amostragens foram realizadas de janeiro de 2004 à dezembro de 2008, com periodicidade trimestral nos reservatórios de Foz do Areia, Segredo e Salto Caxias, enquanto que nos reservatórios de Salto Santiago e Salto Osório as amostragens foram bimestrais. As capturas foram realizadas com o auxílio de redes de espera simples (malhas de 2,4 a 16 cm) e tresmalhos (feiticeiras de 6, 7 e 8 cm entre nós não adjacentes), operadas na superfície, margem e fundo, expostas por 24 horas com revistas às 8:00, 16:00 e 22:00 horas. Os peixes capturados foram identificados, medidos e pesados. A estrutura da comunidade foi avaliada pelos seus atributos número de espécies (riqueza), abundância (biomassa e número de indivíduos) e índice de diversidade de Shannon. As variáveis ambientais foram plotadas em uma matriz (física e química), sendo essa sumarizada pela análise de componentes principais (PCA). Para sumarizar os dados de composição e estrutura da assembleia de peixes nativos e não nativos, a análise de escalonamento multidimensional não-métrico (NMDS) foi utilizada. O grau de associação entre as matrizes multivariadas (variáveis ambientais e composição e estrutura da assembleia de peixes nativos e não nativos) foi avaliado por meio de uma rotina Procrustes. Durante o período amostral foram coletados 152.007 exemplares, sendo 148.084 indivíduos de espécies nativas e 3.923 exemplares de espécies não nativas, que foram distribuídos em seis ordens, 16 famílias, 32 gêneros e 50 espécies. As espécies nativas mais abundantes foram Astyanax sp. B (40,1%), Astyanax sp. C (19,1%) e Pimelodus britskii (9,1%). As espécies não nativas mais abundantes foram Odontesthes bonariensis (85,1%), Prochilodus lineatus (7,5%) e Tilapia rendalli (4,9%). A distribuição de abundância, em número de indivíduos e peso foi maior em Salto Santiago, tanto para espécies nativas como não nativas. Diferenças espaciais e temporais significativas foram verificadas para a riqueza, tanto para espécies nativas como não nativas, entretanto o índice de diversidade de Shannon, mostrou diferenças significativas somente para as espécies nativas. A composição e estrutura da assembleia de peixes nativos e não nativos, apresentaram diferenças significativas ao longo do gradiente longitudinal do rio Iguaçu. As variáveis físicas e químicas (temperatura da água, transparência da água, pH e condutividade elétrica), foram significativas para a separação dos reservatórios ao longo do gradiente longitudinal. A análise de Procrustes mostrou que existe associação entre as variáveis físicas e químicas, e o arranjo espacial da composição e estrutura da assembleia de peixes nativos.
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Utilisation des prédateurs supérieurs pour déterminer les zones d'importance pour la biodiversité : comparaison de différentes méthodes de mise en évidence de "hotspots" / Use of top predators to determine important areas for biodiversity : comparison of different methods to highlight "hotspots"Thiers, Laurie 13 October 2014 (has links)
Les nombreuses menaces qui pèsent sur le milieu marin et les preuves d’une perte de biodiversité globale au cours des dernières décennies ont rendu indispensable la mise en place de mesures de conservation dans les années à venir. Au sein des Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises (TAAFs) en particulier, qui offrent une biodiversité exceptionnelle et sont le cadre d’activités anthropiques intensives à travers les grandes pêcheries industrielles, la délimitation d’Aires Marines Protégées (AMP) serait extrêmement bénéfique pour la conservation du milieu. Pour définir les zones d’importance pour la biodiversité, qui représenteraient de bonnes candidates pour un statut d’AMP, l’utilisation des données de distribution de prédateurs supérieurs apparait idéale. En effet, leur position dans le réseau trophique en fait de bons intégrateurs des niveaux inférieurs, et de plus, ils sont facilement observables lors des campagnes d’observations et offrent des facilités pour l’équipement de dispositifs télémétriques puisqu’ils reviennent régulièrement à terre pendant la période de reproduction. Grâce à l’analyse spatiale des données de distribution obtenues pour un grand nombre de prédateurs supérieurs au sein d’écosystèmes subantarctiques aussi bien qu’en milieu tropical et grâce au développement de modèles d’habitat, nous avons ici déterminé des ‘hotspots’ de biodiversité pour les prédateurs supérieurs des TAAFs. Ces travaux pourraient ainsi servir de base aux propositions de limites pour de potentielles futures AMPs. / The numerous threats that marine environment face, coupled with the evidence for a global biodiversity loss during last decades have lead to an increasing need for setting up conservation measures. Particularly, delimiting Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) within the French Southern Territories, which are home to an exceptional biodiversity and extensive human activities through industrial fisheries, would be extremely beneficial for species conservation. In order to identify areas of ecological significance for biodiversity, which could be good MPA candidates, the use of distribution data from top marine predators seems to be ideal. Thanks to their high position in trophic network, they are likely to integrate lowers trophic level species distribution. Moreover, they are easy to observe trough at-sea observation campaigns, and easy to equip with telemetric devices thank to their central place foraging that lead them to return regularly to their colony during breeding season. Here, we analyse distribution data and develop habitat models from several top predators species in both subantarctic and tropical regions to highlight biodiversity hotspots within the French Southern Territories. This work could thus be use as a basis to define potential boundaries for a future MPA.
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Är roligt alltid bättre? : En kvalitativ studie om gamifications påverkan på inlärning av informationssäkerhetToll, Malin, Klermyr, Tilde January 2022 (has links)
Idag bearbetas, hanteras och lagras mer information än någonsin tidigare digitalt via IT. Detta medför ökade krav på IT-säkerhet. Ett vanligt problem inom IT-säkerhet är den mänskliga faktorn. För ett företag är det därför av stor vikt att utbilda sina anställda inom IT-säkerhet. Tidigare forskning visar att gamification (att använda spel-element i system eller applikationer som inte är spel) inom utbildning kan visa på goda resultat inom utbildning om det används på rätt sätt. Denna studie intresserar sig för att undersöka om gamification kan underlätta upplärning av IT-säkerhet jämfört med traditionell upplärning. Studiens fokus är att undersöka hur djup kunskap upplärningen ger via ett gamifierat verktyg kontra ett textdokument som innehåller samma information. Detta undersöks med hjälp av ett kvasiexperiment, där hälften av deltagarna får upplärning via gamification och hälften via text, som följs upp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. / Today, more information is processed, handled and stored digitally via IT than ever before. This, in turn, leads to increased requirements for IT security. A common problem in IT security is the human factor. For a company, it is therefore of great importance to train its employees in IT security. Previous research shows that gamification (using game elements in systems or applications that are not games) in education can yield good results in education if used correctly. The interest of this study is to examine and compare if gamification can facilitate the training of IT security compared to traditional training. The focus of the study is to investigate what depth of knowledge the learning provides using a gamified tool against a text document containing the same information. This is investigated with the help of a quasi-experiment, where half of the participants receive training via gamification and half via text, which is followed up by semi-structured interviews.
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Křemičité chrysomonády v prostorově strukturovaných mikrobiotopech (příkladová studie z Akvitánie, Francie) / Silica-scaled chrysophytes in spatially structured microbiotopes (case study from Aquitaine; France)Faturová, Jana January 2019 (has links)
In protists a biodiversity hotspot could be defined as region with exceptionally high ratio of local to global species diversity. In 2012 Aquitaine (France) was revealed to represent a hotspot of Synurales (lineage within silica-scaled chrysophytes). To investigate how the diversity is distributed and where the species are hidden, samples from 42 lakes were collected during spring peak of Chrysophyte occurrence (from March 27th to March 31st ). Samples were taken in two microbiotopes - phytoplankton and metaphyton. Metaphyton was represented by different substrates (aquatic plants). I identified seventy-six species from genera Mallomonas and Synura, which confirmed Aquitaine to be a hotspot. In this thesis, I investigated ecological drivers of chrysophytes diversity and community structure. The chrysophyte diversity was driven mostly by mutual impact of pH and conductivity, north-south gradient of lakes location and sampled microbiotopes. Number of identified species increased with increasing pH and conductivity, with increasing size of waterbody and with location of the lake more towards the South. More taxa were revealed from metaphyton (77) than from plankton (61), substrates played an important role. Lakes in Aquitaine are rich in different species of aquatic plant, which immersed create...
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Identificación de áreas prioritarias de conservación y propuesta de un modelo interdisciplinar para la planificación de la conservación en áreas protegidasCastro Pardo, Mónica de 27 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Air quality in the Johannesburg-Pretoria megacity: its regional influence and identification of parameters that could mitigate pollution / A.S.M. LourensLourens, Alexandra Susanna Maritz January 2012 (has links)
A megacity is generally defined as a city that, together with its suburbs or recognised metropolitan area, has a total population of more than 10 million people. Air pollution in megacities is a major concern due to large increases of populations over the past decades. Increases of air pollution result from more anthropogenic emission sources in megacities, which include energy production, transportation, industrial activities and domestic fuel burning. In the developing parts of Africa, urbanisation is increasing rapidly, with growth rates of populations in cities of up to 5% per annum. The major driving forces for these population increases in African countries can be attributed to population growth, natural disasters and armed ethnic conflicts. In South Africa, 62% of the total population lived in cities in 2010. The rate of urbanisation growth is predicted to be 1.2% per annum.
The largest urbanised city in South Africa is the Johannesburg-Pretoria conurbation (referred to as Jhb-Pta megacity) that has more than 10 million inhabitants. Johannesburg is considered to be the central hub of economic activities and -growth in South Africa. The larger conurbation includes all the suburbs of Johannesburg and Pretoria. In South Africa, household combustion and traffic emissions are major sources of pollutants in urbanised areas. The major pollutants emitted from these activities include nitrogen oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ), sulphur dioxide (SO2 ), carbon monoxide (CO), particular matter (PM) and various organic compounds. The Jhb-Pta megacity is also located relatively close to large industrialised regions in South Africa, i.e. the Mpumalanga Highveld and the Vaal Triangle.
Very few air quality modelling studies have been conducted for the Jhb-Pta megacity. According to the knowledge of the author, no literature existed in peer-reviewed publications at the time of the study. An in-depth modelling study was therefore conducted to assess the current state of air quality within the Jhb-Pta megacity. The main objectives were to optimise an existing photochemical box model for the Jhb-Pta megacity and to utilise the model to investigate the photochemical processes in the Jhb-Pta megacity and surrounding areas. In this investigation, ground-based measurements of criteria atmospheric pollutant species representative of the Jhb- Pta megacity were obtained to utilise as input data in the model, as well as to compare to results determined with the model. From the ground-based measurements, the possible contribution of the Jhb-Pta megacity to the NO2 hotspot observed over the South African Highveld from satellite retrievals was also contextualised.
Five ground-based monitoring sites were situated strategically within the boundaries of the Jhb- Pta megacity to measure the direct influences of urban air pollution, e.g. traffic emissions, biomass burning and residential pollution. One measurement site was situated outside the modelling domain in order to collect rural background data in close proximity to the Jhb-Pta megacity. All the air quality stations continuously measured the criteria pollutants NOx, SO2 and O3. In addition, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) were measured at four sites. Passive sampling of NOx, SO2 , O3 and BTEX was also conducted in March and April
2010. Active data was obtained for March to May 2009, since no active measurements were available for the same year that passive sampling was performed due to logistical reasons. Meteorological parameters that included temperature, pressure and relative humidity were also measured at the monitoring stations
Ground-based measurements provided a good indication of the state of the air quality in the Jhb-Pta megacity. The air quality levels of NO2 , SO2 , O3 and BTEX could be compared to other cities in the world. A distinct diurnal cycle was observed for NO2 at most of the stations. An early morning peak between 6:00 and 9:00 coincided with the time that commuters travel to work, whereas an evening peak between 18:00 and 21:00 could be attributed to traffic emissions and household combustion. Levels of O3, which is a secondary pollutant, peaked between 13:00 and 15:00. This diurnal pattern could be attributed to the photochemical formation of O3 from precursor species NO and VOCs. Toluene was predominantly higher than the other BTEX species. Benzene and xylene concentrations were in the same order, while the lowest levels were measured for ethyl benzene
Ground-based measurements also indicated that the NO2 Highveld hotspot, which is well known in the international science community due to its prominence in satellite images, is accompanied by a second hotspot over the Jhb-Pta megacity. Peak NO2 pollution levels in the Jhb-Pta megacity exceeded the maximum daily Highveld values during the morning and evening rush hours. This result is significant for the more than 10 million people living in the Jhb-Pta megacity. Although satellite instruments have been extremely valuable in pointing out global hotspots, a limitation of satellite retrievals due to their specific overpass times has been presented.
Chemical processes in the Jhb-Pta megacity were investigated by utilising an existing photochemical box model, i.e. MECCA-MCM. This model was further developed in this study and was termed the MECCA-MCM-UPWIND model. This model included horizontal and vertical mixing processes in the atmosphere. These processes were included to simulate the advection of upwind air masses into the modelling domain, as well as the entrainment from the troposphere resulting from the diurnal mixing layer (ML) height variation. Three processes, i.e. horizontal mixing, vertical mixing and ML height variation, were built into the MECCA-MCM- UPWIND model. The model was tested and evaluated to determine the efficiency of the model to represent atmospheric mixing processes. MECCA-MCM-UPWIND simulated horizontal mixing, vertical entrainment and ML height variations as expected.
The input data for the model runs for the Jhb-Pta megacity modelling runs were either obtained from ground-based measurements or literature. Input data included meteorology, emission inventory, ML height and mixing ratios of the atmospheric chemical species. The chemical composition of the air mass entering the Jhb-Pta megacity was determined with MECCA-MCM- UPWIND. The concentrations and diurnal variability of criteria pollutant species were well predicted with the MECCA-MCM-UPWIND model. The day-time chemistry, especially, compared well, while slight under-predictions were observed for the night-time chemistry for most of the species. The differences observed between modelled and measured data could partially be ascribed to uncertainties associated with some of the input data obtained from literature used.
The MECCA-MCM-UPWIND model was used to perform sensitivity studies on the influence of different parameters on O3 levels in the Jhb-Pta megacity. Possible scenarios to alter or mitigate pollution were also investigated. The results from the sensitivity analyses showed that O3 mixing ratios decreased within the Jhb-Pta megacity with increasing wind speeds. The contribution of local emissions to the change in the concentration of pollutants is reduced at higher wind speeds. It also indicated that the Mpumalanga Highveld can potentially be a source of NOx in the Jhb-Pta megacity that can lead to the titration of O3 . This also implies that if the air quality of the surrounding area improves, the concentration of the secondary pollutant O 3 will increase in the Jhb-Pta megacity due to the decrease in the titration of O3 . Sensitivity analyses also indicated that the Jhb-Pta megacity is a VOC-limited (or NOx-saturated) regime. Therefore, O3 reduction in the Jhb-Pta megacity will mostly be effective if VOC emissions are reduced. The same effect was observed in various cities world-wide where O3 increased when NOx emissions the Jhb-Pta megacity on the instantaneous production of O 3 was also investigated. A significant increase of approximately 23ppb O3 production was observed when changing from Euro-0 to Euro-3 vehicles with lower emissions of VOCs, NOx and CO. This compares with other modelled sensitivity studies of traffic emissions that also predict that future urban O 3 concentrations will increase in many cities by 2050 due to the reduction in the NOx titration of O3 despite the implementation of O3 control regulations / Thesis (PhD (Environmental Sciences))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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