Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cybrid model"" "subject:"cybrid godel""
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Ein 3D-Modell des Ribosomen-gebundenen OST-Sec61-TranslokonsFalke, Kristian 04 October 2012 (has links)
Gleich einem Etikett dient die N-Glykokosylierung vom Ribosom neu synthetisierter Proteine durch die Oligosaccharyltransferase (OST) bei der kotranslationalen Translokation in das Endoplasmatische Retikulum (ER) als Startpunkt vielschichtiger Prozessierungen. Bisher fehlte der strukturelle Nachweis, dass die OST als mit dem Ribosom assoziierten Membranprotein (RAMP) Bestandteil des auf dem proteinleitenden Kanal, dem Sec61-Komplex, basierenden Translokons ist. In dieser Arbeit berichten wir von der kryoelektronenmikroskopischen 3D-Struktur eines definierten OST-Sec61-Ribosom-Komplexes aus Saccharomyces cerevisiae bei 15,4 Å Auflösung. Dazu wurden die Komponenten (OST, Sec61 und Ribosomen mit naszierender Proteinkette) affinitätschromatographisch gereinigt und das Bindungsverhalten mit 80S-Ribosomen in vitro untersucht. Die OST band mit einer KD von 12,8 nM hochaffin und spezifisch an den bekannten Sec61-Ribosomen-Komplex. Dieser in vitro rekonstituierte trimere Komplex zeigte eine neuartige eng an das Ribosom anschließende Translokonstruktur mit zwei bisher unbekannten ribosomalen Verbindungen, einer einzigen dezentralen porenförmigen Vertiefung und zusätzlichen luminalen Bereichen. Durch das Docken eines Sec61-Homologs in einer alternativen Bindeposition sowie das Docken eines Stt3p-Homologs (der katalytischen Untereinheit der OST) und mit Hilfe der mittels (Kryo-)Negativkontrastierung gewonnenen 3D-Struktur der OST konnten Hybridmodelle erstellt werden. Daraus wurde unter Einbeziehung von bekannten molekularbiologisch gewonnenen Interaktionsdaten das 3D-Modell eines aktiven Ribosomen-gebundenen OST-Sec61-Translokons entwickelt. / Like a label, N-glycosylation by the oligosaccharyltransferase (OST) of newly synthesized proteins emerging from the ribosome while being cotranslationally translocated into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) provides a starting point for a multitude of processes. Hitherto no structural proof has been presented, that the OST as a ribosome associated membrane protein (RAMP) is a constituent of the translocon, based at its core on the protein conducting channel (Sec61-complex). In this work we report on the 3D-structure of a defined OST-Sec61-ribosome complex from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by cryo-electron microscopy at 15.4 Å resolution. Thereto, the components (OST, Sec61, ribosome nascent chain complexes) have been purified by affinity chromatography and the binding of 80S-ribosomes has been checked in vitro. The OST bound with high affinity by a KD of 12.8 nM specifically to the established Sec61-ribosome complex. This trimeric complex reconstituted in vitro exhibits a new kind of tightly bound ribosomal translocon showing two hitherto unknown connections to the ribosome, a single off-center pore-like indentation and an additional luminal domain. By docking of a Sec61 homologue at an alternative binding position plus the docking of a Stt3p homologue (the catalytic subunit of the OST) and by means of the 3D-structure of the OST using the (cryo-)negative staining technique, hybrid models could be created. Consequently, integrating known interaction data from molecular biology experiments has been used to develop a 3D-model of an active ribosome-bound OST-Sec61-translocon.
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Plasma Interactions with Icy Bodies in the Solar System / Plasmaväxelverkan med isiga kroppar i solsystemetLindkvist, Jesper January 2016 (has links)
Here I study the “plasma interactions with icy bodies in the solar system”, that is, my quest to understand the fundamental processes that govern such interactions. By using numerical modelling combined with in situ observations, one can infer the internal structure of icy bodies and their plasma environments. After a broad overview of the laws governing space plasmas a more detailed part follows. This contains the method on how to model the interaction between space plasmas and icy bodies. Numerical modelling of space plasmas is applied to the icy bodies Callisto (a satellite of Jupiter), the dwarf planet Ceres (located in the asteroid main belt) and the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The time-varying magnetic field of Jupiter induces currents inside the electrically conducting moon Callisto. These create magnetic field perturbations thought to be related to conducting subsurface oceans. The flow of plasma in the vicinity of Callisto is greatly affected by these magnetic field perturbations. By using a hybrid plasma solver, the interaction has been modelled when including magnetic induction and agrees well with magnetometer data from flybys (C3 and C9) made by the Galileo spacecraft. The magnetic field configuration allows an inflow of ions onto Callisto’s surface in the central wake. Plasma that hits the surface knocks away matter (sputtering) and creates Callisto’s tenuous atmosphere. A long term study of solar wind protons as seen by the Rosetta spacecraft was conducted as the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko approached the Sun. Here, extreme ultraviolet radiation from the Sun ionizes the neutral water of the comet’s coma. Newly produced water ions get picked up by the solar wind flow, and forces the solar wind protons to deflect due to conservation of momentum. This effect of mass-loading increases steadily as the comet draws closer to the Sun. The solar wind is deflected, but does not lose much energy. Hybrid modelling of the solar wind interaction with the coma agrees with the observations; the force acting to deflect the bulk of the solar wind plasma is greater than the force acting to slow it down. Ceres can have high outgassing of water vapour, according to observations by the Herschel Space Observatory in 2012 and 2013. There, two regions were identified as sources of water vapour. As Ceres rotates, so will the source regions. The plasma interaction close to Ceres depends greatly on the source location of water vapour, whereas far from Ceres it does not. On a global scale, Ceres has a comet-like interaction with the solar wind, where the solar wind is perturbed far downstream of Ceres. / Här studerar jag “plasmaväxelverkan med isiga kroppar i solsystemet”, det vill säga, min strävan är att förstå de grundläggande processerna som styr sådana interaktioner. Genom att använda numerisk modellering i kombination med observationer på plats vid himlakropparna kan man förstå sig på deras interna strukturer och rymdmiljöer. Efter en bred översikt över de fysiska lagar som styr ett rymdplasma följer en mer detaljerad del. Denna innehåller metoder för hur man kan modellera växelverkan mellan rymdplasma och isiga kroppar. Numerisk modellering av rymdplasma appliceras på de isiga himlakropparna Callisto (en måne kring Jupiter), dvärgplaneten Ceres (lokaliserad i asteroidbältet mellan Mars och Jupiter) och kometen 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Det tidsvarierande magnetiska fältet kring Jupiter inducerar strömmar inuti den elektriskt ledande månen Callisto. Dessa strömmar skapar magnetfältsstörningar som tros vara relaterade till ett elektriskt ledande hav under Callistos yta. Plasmaflödet i närheten av Callisto påverkas i hög grad av dessa magnetfältsstörningar. Genom att använda en hybrid-plasma-lösare har växelverkan modellerats, där effekten av magnetisk induktion har inkluderats. Resultaten stämmer väl överens med magnetfältsdata från förbiflygningarna av Callisto (C3 och C9) som gjordes av den obemannade rymdfarkosten Galileo i dess bana kring Jupiter. Den magnetiska konfigurationen som uppstår möjliggör ett inflöde av laddade joner på Callistos baksida. Plasma som träffar ytan slår bort materia och skapar Callistos tunna atmosfär. En långtidsstudie av solvindsprotoner sett från rymdfarkosten Rosetta utfördes då kometen 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko närmade sig solen. Ultraviolett strålning från solen joniserar det neutrala vattnet i kometens koma (kometens atmosfär). Nyligt joniserade vattenmolekyler plockas upp av solvindsflödet och tvingar solvindsprotonernas banor att böjas av, så att rörelsemängden bevaras. Denna effekt ökar stadigt då kometen närmar sig solen. Solvinden böjs av kraftigt, men förlorar inte mycket energi. Hybridmodellering av solvindens växelverkan bekräftar att kraften som verkar på solvinden till störst del får den att böjas av, medan kraften som verkar till att sänka dess fart är mycket lägre. Ceres har enligt observationer av rymdteleskopet Herschel under 2012 och 2013 haft högt utflöde av vattenånga från dess yta. Där har två regioner identifierats som källor för vattenångan. Eftersom Ceres roterar kommer källornas regioner göra det också. Plasmaväxelverkan i närheten av Ceres beror i hög grad på vattenångskällans placeringen, medan det inte gör det långt ifrån Ceres. På global nivå har Ceres en kometliknande växelverkan med solvinden, där störningar i solvinden propagerar långt nedströms från Ceres.
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Machine Learning for Air Flow Characterization : An application of Theory-Guided Data Science for Air Fow characterization in an Industrial Foundry / Maskininlärning för Luftflödeskarakterisering : En applikation för en Teorivägledd Datavetenskapsmodell för Luftflödeskarakterisering i en IndustrimiljöLundström, Robin January 2019 (has links)
In industrial environments, operators are exposed to polluted air which after constant exposure can cause irreversible lethal diseases such as lung cancer. The current air monitoring techniques are carried out sparely in either a single day annually or at few measurement positions for a few days.In this thesis a theory-guided data science (TGDS) model is presented. This hybrid model combines a steady state Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model with a machine learning model. Both the CFD model and the machine learning algorithm was developed in Matlab. The CFD model serves as a basis for the airflow whereas the machine learning model addresses dynamical features in the foundry. Measurements have previously been made at a foundry where five stationary sensors and one mobile robot were used for data acquisition. An Echo State Network was used as a supervised learning technique for airflow predictions at each robot measurement position and Gaussian Processes (GP) were used as a regression technique to form an Echo State Map (ESM). The stationary sensor data were used as input for the echo state network and the difference between the CFD and robot measurements were used as teacher signal which formed a dynamic correction map that was added to the steady state CFD. The proposed model utilizes the high spatio-temporal resolution of the echo state map whilst making use of the physical consistency of the CFD. The initial applications of the novel hybrid model proves that the best qualities of these two models could come together in symbiosis to give enhanced characterizations.The proposed model could have an important role for future characterization of airflow and more research on this and similar topics are encouraged to make sure we properly understand the potential of this novel model. / Industriarbetare utsätts för skadliga luftburna ämnen vilket över tid leder till högre prevalens för lungsjukdomar så som kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom, stendammslunga och lungcancer. De nuvarande luftmätningsmetoderna genomförs årligen under korta sessioner och ofta vid få selekterade platser i industrilokalen. I denna masteruppsats presenteras en teorivägledd datavetenskapsmodell (TGDS) som kombinerar en stationär beräkningsströmningsdynamik (CFD) modell med en dynamisk maskininlärningsmodell. Både CFD-modellen och maskininlärningsalgoritmen utvecklades i Matlab. Echo State Network (ESN) användes för att träna maskininlärningsmodellen och Gaussiska Processer (GP) används som regressionsteknik för att kartlägga luftflödet över hela industrilokalen. Att kombinera ESN med GP för att uppskatta luftflöden i stålverk genomfördes första gången 2016 och denna modell benämns Echo State Map (ESM). Nätverket använder data från fem stationära sensorer och tränades på differensen mellan CFD-modellen och mätningar genomfördes med en mobil robot på olika platser i industriområdet. Maskininlärningsmodellen modellerar således de dynamiska effekterna i industrilokalen som den stationära CFD-modellen inte tar hänsyn till. Den presenterade modellen uppvisar lika hög temporal och rumslig upplösning som echo state map medan den också återger fysikalisk konsistens som CFD-modellen. De initiala applikationerna för denna model påvisar att de främsta egenskaperna hos echo state map och CFD används i symbios för att ge förbättrad karakteriseringsförmåga. Den presenterade modellen kan spela en viktig roll för framtida karakterisering av luftflöden i industrilokaler och fler studier är nödvändiga innan full förståelse av denna model uppnås.
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Harmonization of International Securities Markets Regulation: A Trade PerspectiveJorai, Goolshan Sharma 20 November 2012 (has links)
Widespread cross-border securities trading have led to the internationalization of securities markets. No one seriously disputes that such securities dealings require regulation, but there is no academic consensus on the best normative approach to such regulation. The academic debate initially focused on whether regulatory competition or cooperation constitutes the better model. However, the debate seems to have evolved to adopt a hybrid model combining the virtues of these two approaches. ‘Harmonization’ constitutes the dominant hybrid model. Nevertheless, the implementation of the harmonization model has barely received any attention in the literature.
The aim of this thesis is hence two-fold: first, justify why harmonization should be the preferred model for the regulation of international securities markets; and second, develop, applying an international trade regulation perspective, a regulatory framework to implement the harmonization model using the World Trade Organization and General Agreement on Trade in Services (WTO/GATS) framework.
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Harmonization of International Securities Markets Regulation: A Trade PerspectiveJorai, Goolshan Sharma 20 November 2012 (has links)
Widespread cross-border securities trading have led to the internationalization of securities markets. No one seriously disputes that such securities dealings require regulation, but there is no academic consensus on the best normative approach to such regulation. The academic debate initially focused on whether regulatory competition or cooperation constitutes the better model. However, the debate seems to have evolved to adopt a hybrid model combining the virtues of these two approaches. ‘Harmonization’ constitutes the dominant hybrid model. Nevertheless, the implementation of the harmonization model has barely received any attention in the literature.
The aim of this thesis is hence two-fold: first, justify why harmonization should be the preferred model for the regulation of international securities markets; and second, develop, applying an international trade regulation perspective, a regulatory framework to implement the harmonization model using the World Trade Organization and General Agreement on Trade in Services (WTO/GATS) framework.
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Προσομοίωση ηλεκτρομαγνητικής συμπεριφοράς σε αντιδραστήρες αερίων χαμηλής πίεσης και ασθενούς ιονισμούΣφήκας, Σπυρίδων 19 April 2010 (has links)
Οι πηγές πλάσματος επαγωγικής ζεύξης (Inductively Coupled Plasma Sources – ICP’s), παρέχουν πλάσμα υψηλής πυκνότητας ηλεκτρονίων σε χαμηλή πίεση και έχουν ευρεία εφαρμογή στη σύγχρονη βιομηχανία ημιαγωγών και την κατεργασία επιφανειών. Σε πολύ χαμηλές πιέσεις, (~mTorr), οι εκκενώσεις πλάσματος παρουσιάζουν ιδιαίτερη συμπεριφορά όσον αφορά τη διείσδυση του ηλεκτρομαγνητικού πεδίου και την αλληλεπίδραση κύματος-σωματιδίου: Η ανώμαλη επιδερμική διείσδυση (anomalous skin effect) και η συντονισμένη αλληλεπίδραση κύματος-σωματιδίου όταν υπερτίθεται στατικό μαγνητικό πεδίο (resonant wave-particle interaction) είναι δύο φαινόμενα τυπικά σε αυτές τις εκκενώσεις. Η κατανόηση και μαθηματική ανάλυση αυτών των ιδιαίτερα περίπλοκων φαινομένων, ώστε να προσομοιωθούν με ακρίβεια αλλά και χωρίς χρονοβόρες υπολογιστικά διαδικασίες οι πηγές πλάσματος επαγωγικής ζεύξης, αποτελεί μια σύγχρονη επιστημονική και υπολογιστική πρόκληση.
Στα πλαίσια αυτά, στην παρούσα διατριβή τέθηκε ως στόχος η αξιοποίηση της υπάρχουσας επιστημονικής γνώσης στον τομέα της υπολογιστικής προσομοίωσης πλάσματος, για την ανάπτυξη ταχύτατων προσομοιώσεων των πηγών πλάσματος επαγωγικής ζεύξης, διασφαλίζοντας ταυτόχρονα την εξαγωγή έγκυρων συμπερασμάτων: Η προσέγγιση αυτή συνίσταται στη διατύπωση υπόθεσης (μοντέλου), τον έλεγχό της σε σχέση με υπάρχοντα δεδομένα και την επαναδιατύπωσή της μέχρις ότου το μοντέλο να κριθεί επαρκές.
Αρχικά αναπτύχθηκε ένα ρευστοδυναμικό μοντέλο πλάσματος βασισμένο στην υπόθεση ψευδουδετερότητας και αμφιπολικής διάχυσης των φορέων φορτίου, προκειμένου να προσομοιωθεί η ενισχυμένης μαγνητικής διαπερατότητας πηγή επαγωγικής ζεύξης MaPE–ICP. Τα αποτελέσματα της προσομοίωσης συγκρίνονται με τα πειραματικά στοιχεία προηγούμενων ερευνητών για εκκενώσεις Αργού και εξετάζεται η ικανότητα του ρευστοδυναμικού μοντέλου να παρέχει μια στοιχειώδη ποσοτική περιγραφή πλάσματος επαγωγικής ζεύξης σε χαμηλή πίεση. Η αξιοπιστία του ρευστοδυναμικού μοντέλου εξελίσσεται περεταίρω, με την ενσωμάτωση μιας αποτελεσματικής αριθμητικής επίλυσης της κινητικής εξίσωσης Boltzmann για τα ηλεκτρόνια. Τα αποτελέσματα της υβριδικής προσομοίωσης για εκκένωση Αργού πίεσης 30 mTorr στον αντιδραστήρα MaPE–ICP συγκρίνονται τόσο με αντίστοιχα πειραματικά δεδομένα όσο και με τα προηγούμενα αποτελέσματα της ρευστοδυναμικής προσομοίωσης και εξετάζεται η βελτίωση της ποιοτικής συμφωνίας όσον αφορά την επίδραση των παραμέτρων με ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον.
Στη συνέχεια αναπτύχθηκε ένα ρευστοδυναμικό μοντέλο εκκενώσεων αίγλης τύπου ECWR (Electron Cyclotron Wave Resonance) βασισμένο σε προκαθορισμένες οριακές συνθήκες για το ηλεκτρομαγνητικό πεδίο. Προσομοιώθηκε ένα διάκενο με πλάσμα Αργού σε πίεση 15 mTorr (μονοδιάστατο μοντέλο) και τα αποτελέσματα ελέγχθηκαν έναντι αναλυτικής θεωρίας, πειραματικών δεδομένων και αποτελεσμάτων προσομοίωσης Particle In Cell/Monte Carlo (PIC/MC). Επιπρόσθετα, τα αποτελέσματα προσομοίωσης για μια εκκένωση Αργού σε πίεση 1 mTorr εντός κυλινδρικού αντιδραστήρα τύπου ECWR (δισδιάστατο μοντέλο), συγκρίνονται με τα αποτελέσματα προσομοίωσης και πειραματικά στοιχεία.
Τέλος, το μοντέλο έχει επεκταθεί για να περιλάβει την διάδοση του πλάσματος που παράγεται από μια τυπική πηγή πλάσματος τύπου ECWR σε μια περιοχή διάχυσης. Τα αποτελέσματα για εκκένωση Αργού πίεσης 5 mTorr συγκρίνονται με τα αντίστοιχα αποτελέσματα ενός μοντέλου σφαιρικής διάχυσης πλάσματος και εν προκειμένω εξετάζεται η πλήρης επεκτασιμότητα του εισαχθέντος ρευστοδυναμικού μοντέλου ECWR σε διεργασίες πλάσματος. / Inductively Coupled Plasma Sources (ICP’s) are capable of producing high density-low pressure plasmas in a variety of applications for the semiconductor and material processing industry. In the mTorr range, ICP discharges exhibit an extraordinary behaviour concerning the electromagnetic field propagation and wave-particle interaction: Anomalous skin effect and resonant wave-particle interaction within a superimposed static magnetic field consist two of the most typical phenomena. The efficient comprehension and mathematical description of such a complex gas discharge in order to fast and accurately simulate ICP sources, is still a challenging task.
Within this context, the thesis focuses on evaluating the existing scientific knowledge in plasma computational modeling in order to develop not only rapidly converging but reliable ICP simulations: The implementation methodology consists on formulating an hypothesis (model) and repetitively inquiring its accuracy by checking the simulation results against existing experimental and/or other simulation data. The continuation of the model re-formulation process depends on the accuracy of the simulation results.
Initally a simulation of a Magnetic Pole Enhanced (MaPE)-ICP plasma source was developed, under the assumptions of plasma quasineutrality and ambipolar diffusion. The simulation results were checked against the experimental data of previous workers for Argon discharges and the ability of the model to provide an elementary quantitative description of low pressure ICP sources was scrutinized. The validity of the fluid model was enhanced with the incorporation of a time effective numerical solution of the Boltzmann transport equation for electrons. Simulation results of the hybrid model were compared to the previous fluid simulation results and existing experimental data, for a 30 mTorr Argon discharge in the MaPE–ICP reactor. The major improvements of the qualitative agreement in regard to the effect of parameters with particular interest are discussed.
Moreover, a fluid model of ECWR (Electron Cyclotron Wave Resonance) discharges, based on predefined boundary conditions for the electromagnetic field, was developed: The simulation results for a 15 mTorr Argon plasma within a slab
(1-dimensional model) were checked against the particle in cell/Monte Carlo (PIC/MC) simulation results that can be found in the literature and also compared to the analytical theory and experimental data. In addition, the model was further developed to simulate realistic geometries as a cylindrical ECWR reactor (2-D) and the data were also compared to both simulation results and experimental data of other researchers.
Finally, the model was extended in order to simulate plasma propagation from a typical ECWR plasma source to a diffusion region. The simulation results for an Argon plasma generated from a cylindrical ECWR source in a processing chamber at 5 mTorr were presented in order to verify the feasibility of model application in ECWR plasma processes.
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Méthodes de modélisation statistique de la durée de vie des composants en génie électrique / Statistical methods for the lifespan modeling of electrical engineering componentsSalameh, Farah 07 November 2016 (has links)
La fiabilité constitue aujourd’hui un enjeu important dans le contexte du passage aux systèmes plus électriques dans des secteurs critiques tels que l’aéronautique, l’espace ou le nucléaire. Il s’agit de comprendre, de modéliser et de prédire les mécanismes de vieillissement susceptibles de conduire les composants à la défaillance et le système à la panne. L’étude des effets des contraintes opérationnelles sur la dégradation des composants est indispensable pour la prédiction de leur durée de vie. De nombreux modèles de durée de vie ont été développés dans la littérature dans le contexte du génie électrique. Cependant, ces modèles présentent des limitations car ils dépendent du matériau étudié et de ses propriétés physiques et se restreignent souvent à un ou deux facteurs de stress, sans intégrer les interactions pouvant exister entre ces facteurs. Cette thèse présente une nouvelle méthodologie pour la modélisation de la durée de vie des composants du génie électrique. Cette méthodologie est générale ; elle s’applique à différents composants sans a priori sur leurs propriétés physiques. Les modèles développés sont des modèles statistiques estimés sur la base de données expérimentales issues de tests de vieillissement accéléré où plusieurs types de stress sont considérés. Les modèles visent alors à étudier les effets des différents facteurs de stress ainsi que de leurs différentes interactions. Le nombre et la configuration des tests de vieillissement nécessaires à construire les modèles (bases d’apprentissage) sont optimisés de façon à minimiser le coût expérimental tout en maximisant la précision des modèles. Des points expérimentaux supplémentaires aléatoirement configurés sont réalisés pour valider les modèles (bases de test). Deux catégories de composants sont testées : deux types d’isolants couramment utilisés dans les machines électriques et des sources de lumière OLED. Différentes formes des modèles de durée de vie sont présentées : les modèles paramétriques, non paramétriques et les modèles hybrides. Tous les modèles développés sont évalués à l’aide de différents outils statistiques permettant, d’une part, d’étudier la pertinence des modèles et d’autre part, d’évaluer leur prédictibilité sur les points des bases de test. Les modèles paramétriques permettent de quantifier les effets des facteurs et de leurs interactions sur la durée de vie à partir d’une expression analytique prédéfinie. Un test statistique permet ensuite d’évaluer la significativité de chacun des paramètres inclus dans le modèle. Ces modèles sont caractérisés par une bonne qualité de prédiction sur leurs bases de test. La relation entre la durée de vie et les contraintes est également modélisée par les arbres de régression comme méthode alternative aux modèles paramétriques. Les arbres de régression sont des modèles non paramétriques qui permettent de classifier graphiquement les points expérimentaux en différentes zones dans lesquelles les contraintes sont hiérarchisées selon leurs effets sur la durée de vie. Ainsi, une relation simple, graphique, et directe entre la durée de vie et les contraintes est obtenue. Cependant, à la différence des modèles paramétriques continus sur le domaine expérimental étudié, les arbres de régression sont constants par morceaux, ce qui dégrade leur qualité de prédiction sur la base de test. Pour remédier à cet inconvénient, une troisième approche consiste à attribuer un modèle linéaire à chacune des zones identifiées avec les arbres de régression. Le modèle résultant, dit modèle hybride, est donc linéaire par morceaux et permet alors de raffiner les modèles paramétriques en évaluant les effets des facteurs dans chacune des zones tout en améliorant la qualité de prédiction des arbres de régression. / Reliability has become an important issue nowadays since the most critical industries such as aeronautics, space and nuclear are moving towards the design of more electrical based systems. The objective is to understand, model and predict the aging mechanisms that could lead to component and system failure. The study of the operational constraints effects on the degradation of the components is essential for the prediction of their lifetime. Numerous lifespan models have been developed in the literature in the field of electrical engineering. However, these models have some limitations: they depend on the studied material and its physical properties, they are often restricted to one or two stress factors and they do not integrate interactions that may exist between these factors. This thesis presents a new methodology for the lifespan modeling of electrical engineering components. This methodology is general; it is applicable to various components without prior information on their physical properties. The developed models are statistical models estimated on experimental data obtained from accelerated aging tests where several types of stress factors are considered. The models aim to study the effects of the different stress factors and their different interactions. The number and the configuration of the aging tests needed to construct the models (learning sets) are optimized in order to minimize the experimental cost while maximizing the accuracy of the models. Additional randomly configured experiments are carried out to validate the models (test sets). Two categories of components are tested: two types of insulation materials that are commonly used in electrical machines and OLED light sources. Different forms of lifespan models are presented: parametric, non-parametric and hybrid models. Models are evaluated using different statistical tools in order to study their relevance and to assess their predictability on the test set points. Parametric models allow to quantify the effects of stress factors and their interactions on the lifespan through a predefined analytical expression. Then a statistical test allows to assess the significance of each parameter in the model. These models show a good prediction quality on their test sets. The relationship between the lifespan and the constraints is also modeled by regression trees as an alternative method to parametric models. Regression trees are non-parametric models that graphically classify experimental points into different zones where the constraints are hierarchized according to their effects on the lifespan. Thus, a simple, graphic and direct relationship between the lifespan and the stress factors is obtained. However, unlike parametric models that are continuous in the studied experimental domain, regression trees are piecewise constant, which degrades their predictive quality with respect to parametric models. To overcome this disadvantage, a third approach consists in assigning a linear model to each of the zones identified with regression trees. The resulting model, called hybrid model, is piecewise linear. It allows to refine parametric models by evaluating the effects of the factors in each of the zones while improving the prediction quality of regression trees.
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Mise en place d'un Système d'Information Décisionnel pour le suivi et la prévention des épidémies / Implementation of decision information system for monitoring and preventing epidemicsYounsi, Fatima-Zohra 17 February 2016 (has links)
Les maladies infectieuses représentent aujourd’hui un problème majeur de santé publique. Devant l’augmentation des résistances bactériennes, l’émergence de nouveaux pathogènes et la propagation rapide de l’épidémie, le suivi et la surveillance de la transmission de la maladie devient particulièrement importants. Face à une telle menace, la société doit se préparer à l'avance pour réagir rapidement et efficacement si une telle épidémie est déclarée. Cela nécessite une mise en place des dispositifs de suivi et de prévention. Dans ce contexte, nous nous intéressons, dans le présent travail, à l’élaboration d’un Système d’Information Décisionnel Spatio-temporel pour le suivi et la surveillance du phénomène de propagation de l’épidémie de la grippe saisonnière au sein de la population de la ville d’Oran (Algérie). L’objectif de ce système est double : il consiste, d’une part, à comprendre comment l’épidémie se propage par l’utilisation du réseau social Small World (SW) et du modèle à compartiments d’épidémie SEIR (Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Removed), et d’autre part, à stocker dans un entrepôt les données multiples tout en les analysant par un outil d’analyse en ligne de donnée Spatiale dit SOLAP (Spatial On-Line Analytical Processing). / Today, infectious diseases represent a major public health problem. With the increase of bacterial resistance, the emergence of new pathogens and the rapid spread of epidemic, monitoring and surveillance of disease transmission becomes important. In the face of such a threat, the society must prepare in advance to respond quickly and effectively if an outbreak is declared. This requires setting up monitoring mechanisms and prevention.In this context, we are particularly interested by development a Spatiotemporal decision support system for monitoring and preventing the phenomenon of seasonal influenza epidemic spread in the population of Oran (city at Algeria).The objective of this system is twofold: on one hand, to understand how epidemic is spreading through the social network by using SEIR (Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Removed) compartmental model within Small World network, and on the other hand, to store multiple data in data warehouse and analyzing it by a specific online analysis tool Spatial OLAP (Spatial on-line Analytical Processing).
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Software quality studies using analytical metric analysisRodríguez Martínez, Cecilia January 2013 (has links)
Today engineering companies expend a large amount of resources on the detection and correction of the bugs (defects) in their software. These bugs are usually due to errors and mistakes made by programmers while writing the code or writing the specifications. No tool is able to detect all of these bugs. Some of these bugs remain undetected despite testing of the code. For these reasons, many researchers have tried to find indicators in the software’s source codes that can be used to predict the presence of bugs. Every bug in the source code is a potentially failure of the program to perform as expected. Therefore, programs are tested with many different cases in an attempt to cover all the possible paths through the program to detect all of these bugs. Early prediction of bugs informs the programmers about the location of the bugs in the code. Thus, programmers can more carefully test the more error prone files, and thus save a lot of time by not testing error free files. This thesis project created a tool that is able to predict error prone source code written in C++. In order to achieve this, we have utilized one predictor which has been extremely well studied: software metrics. Many studies have demonstrated that there is a relationship between software metrics and the presence of bugs. In this project a Neuro-Fuzzy hybrid model based on Fuzzy c-means and Radial Basis Neural Network has been used. The efficiency of the model has been tested in a software project at Ericsson. Testing of this model proved that the program does not achieve high accuracy due to the lack of independent samples in the data set. However, experiments did show that classification models provide better predictions than regression models. The thesis concluded by suggesting future work that could improve the performance of this program. / Idag spenderar ingenjörsföretag en stor mängd resurser på att upptäcka och korrigera buggar (fel) i sin mjukvara. Det är oftast programmerare som inför dessa buggar på grund av fel och misstag som uppkommer när de skriver koden eller specifikationerna. Inget verktyg kan detektera alla dessa buggar. Några av buggarna förblir oupptäckta trots testning av koden. Av dessa skäl har många forskare försökt hitta indikatorer i programvarans källkod som kan användas för att förutsäga förekomsten av buggar. Varje fel i källkoden är ett potentiellt misslyckande som gör att applikationen inte fungerar som förväntat. För att hitta buggarna testas koden med många olika testfall för att försöka täcka alla möjliga kombinationer och fall. Förutsägelse av buggar informerar programmerarna om var i koden buggarna finns. Således kan programmerarna mer noggrant testa felbenägna filer och därmed spara mycket tid genom att inte behöva testa felfria filer. Detta examensarbete har skapat ett verktyg som kan förutsäga felbenägen källkod skriven i C ++. För att uppnå detta har vi utnyttjat en välkänd metod som heter Software Metrics. Många studier har visat att det finns ett samband mellan Software Metrics och förekomsten av buggar. I detta projekt har en Neuro-Fuzzy hybridmodell baserad på Fuzzy c-means och Radial Basis Neural Network använts. Effektiviteten av modellen har testats i ett mjukvaruprojekt på Ericsson. Testning av denna modell visade att programmet inte Uppnå hög noggrannhet på grund av bristen av oberoende urval i datauppsättningen. Men gjordt experiment visade att klassificering modeller ger bättre förutsägelser än regressionsmodeller. Exjobbet avslutade genom att föreslå framtida arbetet som skulle kunna förbättra detta program. / Actualmente las empresas de ingeniería derivan una gran cantidad de recursos a la detección y corrección de errores en sus códigos software. Estos errores se deben generalmente a los errores cometidos por los desarrolladores cuando escriben el código o sus especificaciones. No hay ninguna herramienta capaz de detectar todos estos errores y algunos de ellos pasan desapercibidos tras el proceso de pruebas. Por esta razón, numerosas investigaciones han intentado encontrar indicadores en los códigos fuente del software que puedan ser utilizados para detectar la presencia de errores. Cada error en un código fuente es un error potencial en el funcionamiento del programa, por ello los programas son sometidos a exhaustivas pruebas que cubren (o intentan cubrir) todos los posibles caminos del programa para detectar todos sus errores. La temprana localización de errores informa a los programadores dedicados a la realización de estas pruebas sobre la ubicación de estos errores en el código. Así, los programadores pueden probar con más cuidado los archivos más propensos a tener errores dejando a un lado los archivos libres de error. En este proyecto se ha creado una herramienta capaz de predecir código software propenso a errores escrito en C++. Para ello, en este proyecto se ha utilizado un indicador que ha sido cuidadosamente estudiado y ha demostrado su relación con la presencia de errores: las métricas del software. En este proyecto un modelo híbrido neuro-disfuso basado en Fuzzy c-means y en redes neuronales de función de base radial ha sido utilizado. La eficacia de este modelo ha sido probada en un proyecto software de Ericsson. Como resultado se ha comprobado que el modelo no alcanza una alta precisión debido a la falta de muestras independientes en el conjunto de datos y los experimentos han mostrado que los modelos de clasificación proporcionan mejores predicciones que los modelos de regresión. El proyecto concluye sugiriendo trabajo que mejoraría el funcionamiento del programa en el futuro.
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Modelování a řízení toků elektrické a tepelné energie v plně elektrických automobilech / Modeling and Control of Electric and Thermal Flows in Fully Electric VehiclesGlos, Jan January 2020 (has links)
Systematické řízení tepelných a elektrických toků v plně elektrických automobilech se stává velmi důležitým, protože v těchto typech automobilů není k dispozici dostatek odpadního tepla pro vytápění kabiny. Aby v zimním období nedocházelo ke snížení dojezdu, je nutné použití technologií, které umožní snížení spotřeby energie nutné k vytápění kabiny (např. tepelné čerpadlo, zásobník tepla). Je také zapotřebí vytvořit řídicí algoritmy pro tato zařízení, aby byl zajištěn jejich optimální provoz. V letním období je nezbytné řídit tepelné toky v rámci elektromobilu tak, aby nedocházelo k nadměrnému vybíjení baterie kvůli chlazení kabiny a dalších částí. Tato práce řeší jak návrh řídicích algoritmů, tak i vývoj rozhodovacího algoritmu, který zajistí směřování tepelných toků.
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