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O regimento internacional dos investimentos - sistemas regional, multilateral, setorial e bilateral (balanço da década de 1990, seguido do estudo de dois casos: o Mercosul e o projeto da ALCA) / The international regime on foreign investmentsZerbini, Eugenia Cristina Godoy de Jesus 08 May 2003 (has links)
O objeto do presente trabalho é a análise das mudanças no regime jurídico do investimento estrangeiro ocorridas na última década. Após o estudo histórico sobre o desenvolvimento desse regime, as quatro tendências que conduziram a elaboração das regras daquele período são examinadas. A primeira delas foi a criação de regimes regionais, como as regras sobre o investimento internacional do NAFT A, ASEAN, APEC e Mercosul. A segunda, as tentativas de estabelecimento de um regime multilateral, como comprovam não só as negociações do MAI e das TRIM\'s, nos quadros da OCDE e OMC, como a consolidação pelo Banco Mundial das Diretivas sobre o investimento direto estrangeiro. Em terceiro lugar, o surgimento de normas internacionais setoriais, a exemplo do Tratado da Carta da Energia. E, por último, o crescimento extraordinário do número de acordos bilaterais sobre a matéria. O estudo leva em consideração a jurisprudência internacional, principalmente as sentenças proferidas pelo CIRDI. O exame dessas quatro tendências é seguido pelo estudo de dois regimes regionais que dizem respeito aos interesses brasileiros: o do Mercosul e o da ALCA. Se comparado com os regimes anteriores, aquele dos anos 90 se distingue por privilegiar a flexibilização das regras sobre o fluxo de capitais e o incremento de seu ganho. Preocupações com regras concernentes à proteção do investimento estrangeiro parecem estar ultrapassadas em razão de dois motivos. Inicialmente, pela implementação de seguros e garantias contra riscos políticos que, além de contornar o risco decorrente das interferências governamentais nos investimentos, também minimizou as discussões sobre as indenizações. Em segundo lugar, pelo endosso dado pela maioria dos países em desenvolvimento às políticas neoliberais -o que inibiu a ação governamental no regime doméstico do investimento internacional- e pela concorrência entre esses países em atrair esse investimento. O direito internacional dos investimentos passou a contar com poucas lacunas, a basear-se menos no costume e a formalizar-se em instrumentos. Questões vitais em décadas anteriores, como aquelas relativas à cláusula Calvo e aos critérios indenizatórios, foram resolvidas por tratados ou pela jurisprudência. Esta tomou-se abundante, consolidando um entendimento conservador. Objetivamente, pouco restou do discurso inflamado dos anos 60 e 70 sobre a NOEI. Desmontou-se o binômio investimento e desenvolvimento, desarticulando-se um sistema anterior chamado de Direito Internacional do Desenvolvimento. Essa desarticulação deu-se por caminhos diversos. O direito internacional dos investimentos, antes objeto de Resolução da ONU, teve seus debates transpostos para outras organização, como o Banco Mundial A preocupação com o desenvolvimento foi realocada de capítulo do Direito Econômico Internacional para o campo dos Direitos Humanos. Das quatro tendências acima, uma delas parece que não terá continuidade: o tratamento setorial da matéria. Todavia, nos próximos anos, as outras três continuarão a ser seguidas: não há indicação de refluxo nos acordos bilaterais; a busca por um regime multilateral irá continuar, como aponta o compromisso assumido na reunião da OMC, em Doha de assinatura das TR!M\'S em 2005; e, finalmente, as negociações da ALCA, que incluem disposições sobre investimentos, indicam continuidade na tendência regional. / The purpose of this work is to analyze the changes introduced in the international legal regime applicable to foreign investment in the last decade. After an historical study on the development of this regime, the four trends that shaped the elaboration of these rules during this period are examined. Firstly, the tendency to the creation of international regional regimes -like NAFTA, Mercosur, ASEAN and APEC\'s special rules on investment- is analyzed. Secondly, the several attempts to establish a multilateral regime on foreign investment -as evidenced by the negotiation of the MAL in the OECD, and of the TRIM\'s, in the WTO, as well as the edition of the Guidelines on Foreign Direct Investment by the Word Bank- are reviewed. In the third place, the international rules applicable to investments in special sectors, as is the case of the Energy Chart Treaty, are focused. Finally, the increase in number of the bilateral treaties is examined. This study takes into account the international jurisprudence, mainly the awards rendered by the lCSID. This exam is followed by the study of two regional regimes that affect Brazilian interests: the Mercosur and the FTAA. If compared with the previous regimes, the one that prevailed in the nineties appears to be more concerned with both the flexibility of the rules on the flow of capitals and the increase of earnings. Concerns about rules on the investment protection have vanished for two main reasons. Initially, the availability of insurance and guaranties against political risks besides minimizing the risks presented by any governmental interference on the investor\'s control over its investment, also contributes to make issues on the value of indemnities irrelevant. In the second place, the majority of the developing countries not just endorsed neo-liberal policies, which made governmental restrictive postures on foreign investment difficult, but have started to compete against each other to attract foreign capitals. The International Law on Investments turned into a system with few gaps, based rather on written treaties than on customary law. Crucial issues of the past few decades, like these related to the Calvo doctrine or to indemnities criteria, were solved by treaties and arbitral decisions. Not only did the jurisprudence become abundant, but also consolidated conservative views on the matter. Objectively, very little remained of the fiery speech on the NEIO. The dual investment and development was undone and the previous system of the International Law of Development collapsed. This collapse was caused by different reasons. The most determining, however, is the fact that the International Law on Investment, based before on customary roles and precariously settled by UN\'s resolutions, were relocated to different fora, like the World Bank. The concern with development switched from an important chapter of the International Economic Law to Human Rights\' domain. Amidst the four trends pointed out in this work, apparently just one will be discontinued in the near future: the sectorial treatment of foreign investment. Nonetheless, the others will continue to be present: there is no evidence of reflux in the signing of bilateral treaties; the search for a multilateral regime will continue, as shown in the commitment made in the WTO Conference of Doha, in 2001, fixing for 2005 the signing of the agreement on TRIM\'s; and finally, the negotiation of FTAA, including dispositions on investments, indicates that the regional tendency will remain.
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Arbitragem em investimento estrangeiro e o ICSIDHernandes Neto, Antonio Marcos 04 May 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-05-04 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The globalization changed substantially the relationships among States, breaking boundaries that were rigids until then. In this new moment in time, an opportunity also came up, by need, of expansion of the private investments towards new territories beyond the ones of their own. So, in time, the economy watched an intense transformation, by which capital gained mobility so far unknown, in a way that investments made in a given State had sources from various other States and, most importantly, coming from the reserves of the private initiative. To the private initiative guarantees started to be needed in order to that its investment did not suffer intervention from the State receiving the investment, and so that its asset wouldn't be damaged. Of these guarantees, the highlights are the investment agreements, the domestic legislation of the host State that aimed to protect the foreign investment and, at last, the international treaties. Each one of these instruments, at its own way, tried to offer security to the foreign investor, so that it would then venture in that territory. One of the main forms of guaranteeing the foreign investment is to transfer the competence to judge eventual disputes concerning such investments from the courts of the host State to international arbitration. Because it is an independent tribunal and, theoretically, better provided with resources to deal with the issue involved in such a controversy, arbitration has become attractive to investors afraid of the expropriatory acts that could be taken by the host States of their capital. The emergence of ICSID (or CIRDI) through the Washington Convention of 1965 as an institution specialized in this kind of dispute of foreign investment between private investor and host State granted even more soundness to this system. However, the ICSID jurisdiction is not simple, because it demands the analysis of various factors to its definition, both as the parties involved (ratione personae) and the subject in dispute (ratione materiae). The Washington Convention still sets forth a specific procedure to be followed by the arbitration under its auspices, as well as to the enforcement of the award stemming from it. Therefore, this is a subject filled with nuances that must be carefully analyzed and detailed / A globalização modificou substancialmente as relações entre os Estados, derrubando fronteiras até então rígidas. Nesse novo momento histórico, surgiu também a oportunidade, pela necessidade, de expansão dos investimentos dos particulares a novos territórios além de seu próprio Estado. Assim, com o tempo, a economia assistiu uma transformação intensa, por meio da qual o capital adquiriu uma mobilidade até então desconhecida, de modo que os investimentos realizados em um determinado Estado passaram a ter como origem diversos outros Estados, e, mais importante, sendo proveniente das reservas da iniciativa privada. A esta passou a serem necessárias garantias de que seu investimento não sofreria intervenção do Estado que o recebia, para que seu patrimônio não fosse prejudicado. Dentre estas garantias destacam-se os contratos de investimento, as legislações nacionais do Estado receptor que visavam proteger o investimento estrangeiro e, por fim, os tratados internacionais. Cada um destes instrumentos, a seu próprio modo, buscava oferecer segurança ao investidor estrangeiro, para que ele então se aventurasse naquele território. Uma das principais formas de se garantir o investimento estrangeiro é a transferência da competência para julgar eventuais disputas concernentes a tais investimentos do judiciário do Estado receptor à arbitragem internacional. Por se tratar de um tribunal independente e, teoricamente, melhor municiado para lidar com a problemática envolvida em uma controvérsia desta natureza, a arbitragem se tornou atrativa aos investidoras, receosos dos atos expropriatórios que poderiam vir a ser tomados pelos Estados receptores de seu capital. O surgimento do ICSID (ou CIRDI) através da Convenção de Washington de 1965, como instituição especializada neste tipo de controvérsia de investimento estrangeiro entre investidor privado e Estado receptor, deu ainda maior solidez a este sistema. A jurisdição do ICSID não é, entretanto, questão simples, pois exige a análise de diversos fatores para sua definição, tanto no âmbito dos sujeitos envolvidos (ratione personae) quanto no âmbito da matéria em disputa (rafione materiae). A Convenção de Washington estipula ainda um procedimento especifico a ser seguido pela arbitragem sob seus auspícios, bem como para a execução do laudo arbitral dela derivado. Trata-se, portanto, de assunto recheado de nuances que devem ser cautelosamente analisadas e detalhadas
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Die UdSSR als neues Mitglied von IWF und Weltbank-Gruppe?Gramlich, Ludwig 17 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Am Beispiel der UdSSR werden formale und inhaltliche Voraussetzungen eines Beitritts eines (noch) "sozialistischen" Staates mit einer Zentralverwaltungswirtschaft zu den beiden wichtigsten internationalen Finanzinstitutionen, Internationaler Währungsfonds und Weltbank (samt deren "Schwester"-Organisationen), diskutiert.
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O regimento internacional dos investimentos - sistemas regional, multilateral, setorial e bilateral (balanço da década de 1990, seguido do estudo de dois casos: o Mercosul e o projeto da ALCA) / The international regime on foreign investmentsEugenia Cristina Godoy de Jesus Zerbini 08 May 2003 (has links)
O objeto do presente trabalho é a análise das mudanças no regime jurídico do investimento estrangeiro ocorridas na última década. Após o estudo histórico sobre o desenvolvimento desse regime, as quatro tendências que conduziram a elaboração das regras daquele período são examinadas. A primeira delas foi a criação de regimes regionais, como as regras sobre o investimento internacional do NAFT A, ASEAN, APEC e Mercosul. A segunda, as tentativas de estabelecimento de um regime multilateral, como comprovam não só as negociações do MAI e das TRIM\'s, nos quadros da OCDE e OMC, como a consolidação pelo Banco Mundial das Diretivas sobre o investimento direto estrangeiro. Em terceiro lugar, o surgimento de normas internacionais setoriais, a exemplo do Tratado da Carta da Energia. E, por último, o crescimento extraordinário do número de acordos bilaterais sobre a matéria. O estudo leva em consideração a jurisprudência internacional, principalmente as sentenças proferidas pelo CIRDI. O exame dessas quatro tendências é seguido pelo estudo de dois regimes regionais que dizem respeito aos interesses brasileiros: o do Mercosul e o da ALCA. Se comparado com os regimes anteriores, aquele dos anos 90 se distingue por privilegiar a flexibilização das regras sobre o fluxo de capitais e o incremento de seu ganho. Preocupações com regras concernentes à proteção do investimento estrangeiro parecem estar ultrapassadas em razão de dois motivos. Inicialmente, pela implementação de seguros e garantias contra riscos políticos que, além de contornar o risco decorrente das interferências governamentais nos investimentos, também minimizou as discussões sobre as indenizações. Em segundo lugar, pelo endosso dado pela maioria dos países em desenvolvimento às políticas neoliberais -o que inibiu a ação governamental no regime doméstico do investimento internacional- e pela concorrência entre esses países em atrair esse investimento. O direito internacional dos investimentos passou a contar com poucas lacunas, a basear-se menos no costume e a formalizar-se em instrumentos. Questões vitais em décadas anteriores, como aquelas relativas à cláusula Calvo e aos critérios indenizatórios, foram resolvidas por tratados ou pela jurisprudência. Esta tomou-se abundante, consolidando um entendimento conservador. Objetivamente, pouco restou do discurso inflamado dos anos 60 e 70 sobre a NOEI. Desmontou-se o binômio investimento e desenvolvimento, desarticulando-se um sistema anterior chamado de Direito Internacional do Desenvolvimento. Essa desarticulação deu-se por caminhos diversos. O direito internacional dos investimentos, antes objeto de Resolução da ONU, teve seus debates transpostos para outras organização, como o Banco Mundial A preocupação com o desenvolvimento foi realocada de capítulo do Direito Econômico Internacional para o campo dos Direitos Humanos. Das quatro tendências acima, uma delas parece que não terá continuidade: o tratamento setorial da matéria. Todavia, nos próximos anos, as outras três continuarão a ser seguidas: não há indicação de refluxo nos acordos bilaterais; a busca por um regime multilateral irá continuar, como aponta o compromisso assumido na reunião da OMC, em Doha de assinatura das TR!M\'S em 2005; e, finalmente, as negociações da ALCA, que incluem disposições sobre investimentos, indicam continuidade na tendência regional. / The purpose of this work is to analyze the changes introduced in the international legal regime applicable to foreign investment in the last decade. After an historical study on the development of this regime, the four trends that shaped the elaboration of these rules during this period are examined. Firstly, the tendency to the creation of international regional regimes -like NAFTA, Mercosur, ASEAN and APEC\'s special rules on investment- is analyzed. Secondly, the several attempts to establish a multilateral regime on foreign investment -as evidenced by the negotiation of the MAL in the OECD, and of the TRIM\'s, in the WTO, as well as the edition of the Guidelines on Foreign Direct Investment by the Word Bank- are reviewed. In the third place, the international rules applicable to investments in special sectors, as is the case of the Energy Chart Treaty, are focused. Finally, the increase in number of the bilateral treaties is examined. This study takes into account the international jurisprudence, mainly the awards rendered by the lCSID. This exam is followed by the study of two regional regimes that affect Brazilian interests: the Mercosur and the FTAA. If compared with the previous regimes, the one that prevailed in the nineties appears to be more concerned with both the flexibility of the rules on the flow of capitals and the increase of earnings. Concerns about rules on the investment protection have vanished for two main reasons. Initially, the availability of insurance and guaranties against political risks besides minimizing the risks presented by any governmental interference on the investor\'s control over its investment, also contributes to make issues on the value of indemnities irrelevant. In the second place, the majority of the developing countries not just endorsed neo-liberal policies, which made governmental restrictive postures on foreign investment difficult, but have started to compete against each other to attract foreign capitals. The International Law on Investments turned into a system with few gaps, based rather on written treaties than on customary law. Crucial issues of the past few decades, like these related to the Calvo doctrine or to indemnities criteria, were solved by treaties and arbitral decisions. Not only did the jurisprudence become abundant, but also consolidated conservative views on the matter. Objectively, very little remained of the fiery speech on the NEIO. The dual investment and development was undone and the previous system of the International Law of Development collapsed. This collapse was caused by different reasons. The most determining, however, is the fact that the International Law on Investment, based before on customary roles and precariously settled by UN\'s resolutions, were relocated to different fora, like the World Bank. The concern with development switched from an important chapter of the International Economic Law to Human Rights\' domain. Amidst the four trends pointed out in this work, apparently just one will be discontinued in the near future: the sectorial treatment of foreign investment. Nonetheless, the others will continue to be present: there is no evidence of reflux in the signing of bilateral treaties; the search for a multilateral regime will continue, as shown in the commitment made in the WTO Conference of Doha, in 2001, fixing for 2005 the signing of the agreement on TRIM\'s; and finally, the negotiation of FTAA, including dispositions on investments, indicates that the regional tendency will remain.
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Le traitement des exceptions préliminaires devant le CIRDISeghiri, Abderrezak 09 1900 (has links)
De plus en plus soulevées, les exceptions préliminaires sont devenues aujourd’hui une institution classique du procès CIRDI. Leur utilisation croissante par les acteurs contentieux, et les multiples enjeux qu’elles recèlent, invitent résolument à s’interroger sur l’existence d’un réel régime juridique qui les encadre et, partant, qui permettrait de garantir un certain degré de prévisibilité.
A cet égard, le volet procédural de l’exception renferme maints éléments problématiques. Certains sont liés à la mise en œuvre, d’autres au moment de l’introduction de l’exception. Ainsi, d’une part, cette étude s’intéressera aux motivations réelles derrière la consécration de la faculté de les soulever et aux acteurs contentieux qui en ont accès. D’autre part, ce mémoire se focalisera sur la réalité de l’exigence d’introduction in limine litis pour mieux cerner les dérogations fréquentes ainsi que la souplesse exagérée dont elle fait l’objet.
Quant au volet substantiel, nous nous interrogerons sur l’objet de l’exception tant du point de vue de la qualification que du point de vue de la délimitation. Plus précisément, nous aborderons la question de la distinction entre compétence et recevabilité. Pourquoi cette distinction et tantôt observée, tantôt complètement ignorée par les parties au procès. Quel impact pourrait avoir une telle distinction sur le résultat escompté ? De même, nous nous nous interrogerons sur l’extension fréquente, parfois abusive, du champ de la compétence ou de la recevabilité afin de mieux appréhender les contours de l’objet, l’usage qu’en font les Tribunaux CIRDI et les raisons derrière un tel phénomène. / Increasingly used, preliminary objections have now become a traditional institution of ICSID proceedings. The increasing use by litigation actors raises many questions about the reality of their treatment. In particular, it raises questions about the existence of a consistent set of rules that would framework their use and, hence, ensure a certain degree of predictability.
In this regard, the procedural aspect of the objections includes many problematic elements. Some are linked to the implementation of the objection, others to the introduction timing. Thus, on the one hand, this research will focus on the real incentives behind the consecration of the right to raise them and who has access to that right. On the other hand, this research will focus on the actuality of the condition to introduce them in limine litis and try to explain the frequent exceptions, and exaggerated flexibility, in the arbitral practice regarding this condition.
As to the substantive aspect, we will inquire about the purpose of the objection from both qualification and delimitation point of views. Specifically, we will address the issue of the distinction between jurisdiction and admissibility. Why this distinction is sometimes considered and sometimes completely ignored by the parties to the proceedings. What impact might such a distinction have on the final outcome? Similarly, we will question the frequent extension, sometimes even abusive, of the scope of jurisdiction or admissibility by the ICSID Tribunals to help better understand the borders of the objections substance and the reasons behind such a phenomenon.
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“Efectos jurídicos de la denuncia de un estado al convenio del Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias Relativas a Inversiones – CIADI y/o a los acuerdos internacionales de inversión, que remitan mediante una clausula al CIADI como tribunal de solución de controversias”Cano Sánchez, Jorge Eduardo 19 June 2018 (has links)
En los últimos años, se ha dado un proceso de alejamiento de ciertos países
sudamericanos del Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas
a Inversiones - CIADI, como son Venezuela, Bolivia y Ecuador, por
diversos factores políticos y jurídicos. En ese contexto, la presente tesis
identifica y analiza las combinaciones posibles que derivan de la posibilidad
de denuncia de un Estado miembro al Convenio CIADI y que
paralelamente denuncie o no a los Acuerdos Internacionales de Inversión
que remiten al mencionado Centro como foro de solución de
controversias, así como la terminación de tratados a partir de esta doble
pertenencia al Convenio CIADI y a los Tratados Bilaterales de Inversión,
entre otros, todo ello, con la finalidad de determinar los efectos jurídicos y
desarrollar una postura crítica frente a estos sucesos sin precedente que se
vienen dando, tratando de desarrollar alternativas distintas al CIADI, tanto
a nivel mundial, como regional, en virtud, que a pesar, de las denuncias al
Convenio CIADI y a los tratados de inversión que remiten las
controversias a este Centro, es viable su remisión, debido a la existencia de
cláusulas de supervivencia, acuerdos de las partes, mecanismos
complementarios existentes y la cláusula de la Nación más Favorecida -
NMF, conforme acontece en los casos arbitrales estudiados, donde los
Tribunales Arbitrales del CIADI al amparo del principio Kompetenz –
Kompetenz han declarado su competencia, generando una serie de
interrogantes respecto al futuro del Arbitraje Internacional de Inversiones
en el CIADI y creando precedentes para estudios futuros debido a lo
novísimo del tema.
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Die Rechtsprechung der ICSID-Schiedsgerichte / zwischen Homogenität und Heterogenität ; (die Debatte über die Schaffung einer ICSID-Berufungsinstanz)Tsatsos, Aristidis 28 February 2008 (has links)
Die Beilegung von Investitionsstreitigkeit erfolgt innerhalb des ICSID-Systems durch die nicht ständigen und für jeden Fall neu gebildeten ICSID-Schiedsgerichte. Mit Institutionen zur Sicherung der homogenen Entwicklung der Rechtsprechung wie die EG-Generalanwälte, die EG-Vorabentscheidung, das WTO-„Appellate Body“ oder die einem Berufungsverfahren gleichstehende Verweisung an die Große Kammer des EMRGH ist allerdings das ICSID-System nicht ausgestattet. Vielmehr ist die Möglichkeit einer Berufung innerhalb des ICSID-Systems ausdrücklich ausgeschlossen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Homogenität der ICSID-Rechtsprechung geprüft, um festzustellen, ob die Rechtsprechung der für jeden Fall neu gebildeten ICSID-Schiedsgerichte derartige Dissonanzen aufweist, die das ICSID-System reformbedürftig machen. Die Prüfung der Homogenität der ICSID-Rechtsprechung bezieht sich auf die Auslegung von gleichen bzw. ähnlichen Bestimmungen völkerrechtlicher Investitionsschutzabkommen sowie des ICSID-Übereinkommens selbst durch die ICSID-Schiedsgerichte und betrifft im einzelnen die folgenden Themen: (a) Definition des Begriffs „Investition“ im Sinne des ICSID-Übereinkommens. (b) Ausdehnung der Reichweite der Meistbegünstigungsklausel auf Verfahrensvorschriften. (c) Zuständigkeit der ICSID-Schiedsgerichte für reine Verletzungen von Investitionsverträgen mittels weiter Streitbeilegungsvorschriften und Regenschirmklauseln. (d) Standard der Enteignungsentschädigung und Unterscheidung zwischen indirekter Enteignung und staatlicher Regulierung. (e) Völkervertraglicher und völkergewohnheitsrechtlicher Notstand. Die Untersuchung kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die ICSID-Rechtsprechung an Heterogenität leidet. Dementsprechend bildet der Mangel an Mechanismen zur Sicherung der Homogenität der ICSID-Rechtsprechung ein schwerwiegendes institutionelles Defizit. Es ist daher dringend, dass das ICSID-System unmittelbar reformiert wird, vorzugsweise durch die Schaffung einer ICSID-Berufungsinstanz. / The settlement of investment disputes within the ICSID system is carried out by the ICSID arbitral tribunals which are non-permanent judicial bodies. Every separate case is adjudicated by a different tribunal. The ICSID system, however, does not provide for any institutions similar to the EC Advocate Generals, the EC preliminary rulings, the WTO Appellate Body or to the appeal-like process of the referral to the Grand Chamber of the ECHR capable of securing the homogenous development of the case-law. Moreover, the possibility of appeal of an arbitral award is explicitly excluded within the ICSID system. The present thesis examines the homogeneity of the ICSID jurisprudence in order to ascertain whether the case-law of the separate and not standing ICSID panels proves to be so inconsistent that the ICSID system is in need of reform. The study of the homogeneity of the ICSID jurisprudence concerns the interpretation of identical and similar provisions laid down in international investment treaties as well as of the ICSID Convention itself by the ICSID panels. In particular, it deals with the following topics: (a) Definition of the term “investment” pursuant to the ICSID Convention. (b) Extension of the scope of application of the most-favoured-nation clause to procedural provisions. (c) Jurisdiction of ICSID tribunals over mere violations of an investment contract through broad dispute settlement clauses and umbrella clauses. (d) Standard of compensation for expropriation and distinction between indirect expropriation and state regulation. (e) State of necessity under customary and investment treaty law. This study comes to the conclusion that the ICSID jurisprudence suffers from heterogeneity. Thus, the lack of mechanisms able to secure the consistency of the ICSID case-law constitutes a serious institutional deficit. It is, therefore, urgent to reform the ICSID system immediately, preferably by way of establishing an ICSID appellate authority.
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Les considérations environnementales dans l'arbitrage d'investissement sous l'égide du CIRDIRiofrio Piché, Mélanie 10 1900 (has links)
L’arbitrage international, outre le recours aux tribunaux de l’État hôte, est la méthode la plus utilisée pour régler les différends relatifs aux investissements étrangers. Plusieurs accords internationaux d’investissement incluent des dispositions ayant trait à l’arbitrage sous l’égide du Centre International pour le Règlement des Différends relatifs aux Investissements (CIRDI) mis en place par la Convention de Washington de 1966. Les tribunaux arbitraux constitués sous l’égide du Centre sont ainsi appelés à trancher des différends qui concernent la conduite d’États hôtes vis-à-vis ses investisseurs étrangers ; leurs décisions ayant de fortes conséquences sur l’intérêt public, concrètement lorsqu’il s’agit de la protection de l’environnement.
L’évolution croissante du droit environnemental et son empiètement sur la protection des investissements a déclenché une série de différends qui ne se limitent plus à mettre en cause des nationalisations ou des violations de contrats - comme auparavant - mais tournent souvent autour de mesures étatiques de politique publique qui impliquent des questions sensibles telles que, inter alia, la gestion de déchets dangereux, l’accès à l’eau potable, l’étalement urbain, la protection de la biodiversité. Par conséquent, le rôle des tribunaux CIRDI et de leurs décisions devient décisif dans le développement du droit des investissements et dans le débat sur la protection des investissements face aux mesures législatives en matière environnementale.
Cette étude a pour objet d’analyser la place des considérations environnementales dans les sentences arbitrales CIRDI. Spécifiquement, il s’agit d’étaler les principaux arguments retenus par les tribunaux internationaux, et de dégager les grandes tendances jurisprudentielles en matière d’arbitrage international d’investissements face aux mesures environnementales. / International arbitration is one of the most frequently used methods to resolve disputes related to foreign investment. Several international investment agreements include provisions relating to arbitration under the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes established by the Washington Convention of 1966. Arbitral tribunals are called to resolve disputes concerning the conduct of host States vis-à-vis foreign investors. Their decisions have major consequences on the public interest, specifically when it comes to protecting the environment.
The growing development of environmental law and its encroachment on investment protection has triggered a series of disputes that are no longer confined to questions of nationalization or breach of contracts as before, but often revolve around State public policy measures that involve sensitive issues such as, inter alia, hazardous waste management, access to clean water, urban sprawl, protection of biodiversity. The role of ICSID tribunals and their decisions is therefore critical in the development of investment law and the debate on investment protection and environmental regulation.
This study aims to analyze the role of environmental considerations in ICSID arbitral awards. Specifically, it seeks to display the main arguments retained by international tribunals and to identify the major trends in international investment arbitration vis-à-vis environmental measures.
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Le droit des investissements et la révision des traités bilatéraux d'investissement en Iran : le modèle des TBI français et américains / Investment law and the review of the Bilateral Investment treaties in Iran : the model of the French and American BITDadras, Peyman 17 March 2014 (has links)
Le rôle du droit international des investissements est bien connu dans le monde entier. Afin de développer l'économie interne d'un pays, nous avons besoin de fonds étrangers dans le cadre d 'un investissement et pour réaliser cet objectif, nous avons étudié la place des traités bilatéraux des investissements vis-à-vis de l'investisseur étranger. En réalité, nous proposons un modèle adéquat pour les traités bilatéraux des investissements (TBI) iraniens, malgré les défauts qui existent au sein de ces traités et qui résultent du droit interne. Nous comparons les TBI iraniens avec les TBI français et américains car, d'un côté, les sociétés américaines sont parmi les plus grands investisseurs étrangers dans le monde et de l'autre côté, le régime juridique français a influencé le droit iranien. / The role of international law is well known worldwide. To develop the domestic economy of a country, we need foreign within an investment and to achieve this goal, we studied the role of bilateral investment treaties vis-à-vis the foreign investor. In fact, we suggest a suitable model for Iranian bilateral investment treaties (BIT), despite the flaws that exist within these treaties and resulting from domestic law. We compare the Iranian BIT with the French and American BIT because, on the one other hand, US companies are among the largest foreign BIT because, on the other band, the French legal system has influenced Iranian law.
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Diplomatic Protection Against Acts of Intergovernmental OrgansGramlich, Ludwig 08 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Das herkömmliche völkerrechtliche Institut des diplomatischen Schutzes ist im Verhältnis zwischen Staaten (als originären Völkerrechtssubjekten) entstanden. Aber auch intergouvernmentale Organisationen sind in der Lage, Maßnahmen mit unmittelbarer Rechtswirkung gegenüber Einzelpersonen zu treffen, so daß auch hier die Frage aufzuwerfen ist, wann und mit welchen Mitteln der jeweilige Heimatstaat die (Grund-)Rechte seiner Staatsangehörigen gegenüber einer solchen Organisation geltend machen kann.
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