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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jämförelse av VAV- och CAV-ventilationssystem för nybyggd skola och dess känslighet för ökad personbelastning : En simuleringsstudie med IDA ICE

Hansson, Kajsa January 2019 (has links)
Att minska energianvändningen är lika mycket ett globalt mål som ett nationellt mål. Sverige har som mål att öka effektiviseringen av energianvändningen med 20 % fram till år 2020. Det gör att nästan alla sektorer påverkas och inte minst bostads- och servicesektorn som står för nästan 40 % av Sveriges energianvändning. Ventilationssystem är en av de saker som kan bidra till energibesparingen. I den här studien har en nybyggd grundskola simulerats avseende energi och komfort där olika ventilationssystem testats för att se vilket system som är mest lönsamt ekonomiskt, energi- och komfortmässigt. Det som skiljer ventilationssystemen åt är de olika typerna av flödesreglering. Två huvudtyper av ventilationsflödesreglering har testats: ”Variable Air Volume” = Luftflödet varierar efter behovet (VAV) och ”Constant Air Volume” = Konstant luftflöde (CAV). Byggnaden, som är välisolerad och har tung stomme, har även simulerats med ökad personbelastning för att se hur det påverkar ventilationssystemet. Metoden som används för att utföra arbetet är en simuleringsstudie av komparativt slag, där datorprogrammet IDA ICE 4.8 har använts för att modellera byggnaden och utföra simuleringarna. Modellen som har simulerats efterliknar delar av grundskolan Stigslundsskolan i Gävle, i både uppbyggnad, ventilation och användningsgrad. Data har samlats in från konsultföretaget Rambolls databaser med information om projekteringen av skolan och genom personlig kommunikation. Simuleringen av ett skolår har utförts och ett schema för personbelastningen har ställts in för varje sal för att efterlikna det schema som eleverna går efter i dagsläget. Resultatet av simuleringarna visade att VAV -ventilationssystemet som efterliknar det projekterade fallet väl täckte ventilationsbehovet, använde mindre energi än CAV-systemet och skapade ett mycket bra termiskt klimat i byggnaden. Resultatet visade också att ökad personbelastning hade stor inverkan på ventilationssystemet, och medförde bland annat att återbetalningstiden för VAV-systemet ökade från 11 till 30 år. / To reduce the energy use is as much a global goal as it is an international goal. The Swedish goal is to increase the efficiency of energy use with 20 % by year 2020. This means that almost all the sectors are affected, that includes the housing and service sector which accounts for almost 40 % of Sweden’s energy use. The ventilation system is one thing that can contribute to saving energy. In this study a new built primary school has been simulated, regarding energy use and thermal comfort, where different ventilation system has been tested to determine which system are the most profitable in economically, energy and comfortably. The ventilation system different in the flow control. Two main types of flow control have been tested: Variable Air Volume (VAV) and Constant Air Volume (CAV). The building, which is well insulated and has a heavy body has also been simulated with increased personal load to see how it affects the ventilation system. The method used to perform the work is a comparative type simulation study. The computer program IDA ICE 4.8 has been used to build the model and do the simulations. The model that has been simulated resemble the primary school Stigslundsskolan in Gävle in both construction, ventilation and degree of use. Data has been collected from the consulting company Ramboll’s database with information on the planning of the school. Personal communication has also been used to collect information. The simulations have been performed for a school year and a schedule for the personal load has been set for each hall to imitate the schedule that the students are following today. The result of the simulations showed that the VAV ventilation system, which resemble the planned case, cover the ventilation requirements, uses less energy than the CAV system and create a very good thermal climate in the building. The result also shows that the increased personal load had a great influence on the VAV ventilation system and increased the repayment period from 11 to 30 years.

Cool Roof Coatings on Industrial Buildings : An Energy Study of Reflective Coatings

Sjödin, Isak January 2019 (has links)
To evaluate the effect of cool roof coatings containing Expancel® thermoplastic microspheres on industrial buildings, a warehouse was built-up in the computer simulation software IDA-ICE. The warehouse was modelled in line with ASHRAE 90.1. 2004 ”Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings”. Four different cases were set up where the coating of the roof was the only variable. Two coatings containing Expancel® microspheres - one white and one red coating were compared to the same white coating without Expancel® microspheres and the ”base case” where there is no coating at all. The same circumstances were also implemented in a practical laboratory test using a model warehouse with a detachable roof. Four interchangeable roofs with different roof coatings constitute the various cases in the laboratory tests. A ”sun” consisting of statically mounted IR light bulbs were constructed, as well as a cooling system to measure the difference in cooling effect (maintaining a constant indoor temperature) between the different cases as a result of the change in insolation. The results of the computational simulations show that for a warehouse placed in Houston, Texas about 50 MWh in combined heating and cooling energy can be saved yearly between the best and the worst case, a reduction of 6.2%. Changing the geographic placement of the warehouse to Tepic, Mexico the corresponding savings were determined to 83 MWh or 13.5%. A way of determining the yearly savings in heating and cooling amount for the warehouse with a generic roof coating, only knowing the SRI value of the coating, was developed. It was determined that for every unit-increment of the SRI value the yearly savings for the warehouse placed in Houston, Texas were 718 kWh and 0.1%. The corresponding savings for the warehouse placed in Tepic, Mexico were determined to be 1252 kWh and 0.22%. The laboratory tests showed that the indoor temperature of the model warehouse decreased by close to 16°C between the best and the worst case.

Energisimuleringar av trapphus / Energisimuleringar av trapphus

Lampa, Jessika January 2019 (has links)
Ett varmt trapphus tyder på att det sker oavsiktligt värmeläckage någonstans i byggnaden. Det är av vikt att ta reda på orsaken till värmeläckaget för att kunna minska energiförluster. I Lindbäcks flervåningshus finns trapphus som är för varma än vad de är tänkt att vara. I den här studien undersöks en av byggnaderna med ett varmt trapphus som jämförs med en byggnad med ett trapphus i normal temperatur. Studien har genomförts i simuleringsverktyget IDA ICE. Data har samlats in för byggnadernas utformning, materialinnehåll och installationer. Byggnaderna har modellerats upp i simuleringsverktyget och tillförts brukarbeteenden enligt de rekommendationer som finns för energiberäkningar. Olika parametrar har studerats och analyserats i simuleringsmiljön utifrån byggnadernas befintliga utförande. Resultaten från simuleringarna visar vad de boende i byggnaderna upplever. Byggnaden med ett varmt trapphus visar upp emot 30 grader året runt i simuleringsmodellen av befintligt utförande. Parameterstudien visar att det finns åtgärder som kan påverka det termiska klimatet i positiv riktning. Simuleringar visar att värmeförluster från dåligt isolerade varmvattenledningar är en betydande orsak till temperaturökningarna i trapphusen. Genom att isolera varmvattenledningarna kan medeltemperaturen för alla våningsplan sjunka med 2,7 grader i ett snitt över hela året. Det kan däremot vara problematiskt att isolera vissa ledningar i byggsystemet eftersom de är svåra att komma åt. Genom att använda böjbar rörisolering skulle förbättringar i den termiska komforten kunna upplevas. / A warm stairwell indicates that accidental heat leakage occurs somewhere in the building. It is important to find out the cause of the heat leakage in order to reduce energy losses. In Lindbäck's multi-storey houses there are stairwells that are too hot than they are supposed to be. In this study, one of the buildings with a warm stairwell is analysed and is compared with a building with a stairwell in normal indoor temperature. The study has been carried out in the simulation tool IDA ICE. Data has been collected for the design of the buildings, material content and installations. The buildings have been modelled in the simulation tool and added user behaviours according to the recommendations for energy calculations. Various parameters have been studied and analysed in the simulation environment based on the existing construction of the buildings. The results from the simulations show what the residents in the buildings are experiencing. The building with a warm stairwell indicates up to 30 degrees all year round in the simulation model of the existing design. The parameter study shows that there are measures that can affect the thermal climate in a positive direction. Simulations show that heat losses from poorly insulated hot water pipes are a major cause of the hot temperatures in the stairwells. By isolating the hot water pipes, the average temperature for all floors can fall by 2.7 degrees in an average throughout the year. However, it may be problematic to isolate certain pipes in the building system because they are difficult to access. By using flexible pipe insulation, improvements in the thermal comfort could be experienced.

Energikartläggning av ett 1970-tals lägenhetshus på Skarpövägen i Nacka kommun : Simulering av energibesparande åtgärder i ”IDA Indoor Climate and Energy” / Energy mapping of a apartment block from the 1970s on Skarpövägen, Nacka municipality

Melin, Tobias January 2014 (has links)
This study has been carried out in the spring of 2014 on behalf of PQR Consult AB in Stockholm. The aim of the study has been to analyse the energy usage of the building Skarpövägen 1 in order to explore the possibilites of saving energy by using appropriate equipment. These possible solutions have been simulated by using the programe IDA Indoor Climate and Energy, combined with a life cycle cost analysis. The laundry building, Skarövägen 23, has also been analysed due to its high amount of energy usage. The result of the energy analysis showed that the energy usage was much higher than the energy declaration. The energy usage of Skarpövägen 1 was 193 kWh/m2, which is 25 % higher than the energy declaration of 155 kWh/m2. Based on the energy saving actions, the most profitable investment would be to install heat recycling that would save 47470 kWh district heating per year with a pay-back time of 14 years. The results for the laundry building showed that there is a possibility to save up to 75% of the electricity usage by replacing certain equipment that is dependent on a high amount of energy. Throughout the whole analysis it has been clear that the energy usage in the buildings are higher than necessary. However, the energy saving actions have shown that there are ways to reduce the usage in the buildings. Some changes are simple to make while others would take longer, with varied pay-back time. In the long run those changes are vital for a sustainable reduction of energy usage. / På uppdrag av PQR Consult AB i Stockholm har detta examensarbete utförts under våren 2014. Syftet var att utföra en energikartläggning av byggnaden Skarpövägen 1 och simulera energibesparande åtgärder i programmet IDA Indoor Climate and Energy. Utöver detta har en livscykelkostnadsanalys gjorts för att underlätta ekonomiska jämförelser. Även tvättstugan, Skarpövägen 23, har delvis kartlagts eftersom den har en hög energianvändning med all elutrustning i byggnaden. Resultatet i energikartläggningen visade att energianvändningen var betydligt högre än energideklarationens värden. För Skarpövägen 1 var energianvändningen 193 kWh/m2 vilket är ca: 25 % högre än energideklarationens 155 kWh/m2. Efter att ha utvärderat de simulerade energibesparingsåtgärderna för Skarpövägen 1 så dras slutsatsen att den mest lönsamma investeringen skulle vara att installera ett värmeåtervinningssystem vilket skulle ge en besparing på 47470 kWh fjärrvärme per år och ha en återbetalningstid på 14 år. Resultatet för tvättstugan visade att 14880 kWh el årligen skulle sparas om torkskåpen byttes ut, vilket är en sänkning med ca: 75 % av elbehovet jämfört med befintliga torkskåp. De energibesparande åtgärderna har visat att utrymme finns för besparingar i byggnaderna vilket är ett viktigt steg på vägen att minska energianvändningen i bostadssektorn.

Alternative energy supply study for a cottage in Vifors

Lumbier Fernandez, Mikel January 2018 (has links)
The present master thesis was done during the spring of 2018. A cottage located in Vifors is studied with regard to its heating requirements. At the time of the study, the house could not be inhabited the whole year because there was no tap hot water available and the space heating demand was covered by electricity. Thus, an alternative heating supply is required to be developed. As a strategic prerequisite, the solution should be achieved considering both solar thermal collectors and a heat pump.First, the characteristics of the building were collected/determined in order to obtain the total heating demand per month and hence annually. Parameters such as the U-values, roof orientation, room dimensions, ventilation rates and internal gains were required to configure the building model in the software IDA ICE 4.8. In addition, the amount of tap hot water required per year was determined as 17 m3 per year. Cold water at 5 °C had to be heated until 55 °C to obtain the tap hot water.Once the heating requirements were known, the most suitable solution was to use a combi system (solar thermal collectors and a heat pump). Solar energy could fulfil the demand in the summer and the heat pump provided energy in the winter. For a commercial model of the flat solar thermal collector (Vitosol 100-F) the solar system was sized according to the heating demand in the summer time. The maximum energy that could be obtained from the solar collectors in summer was calculated, the rest of the demand had to be fulfilled by a heat pump, model WPL-18 E.The achieved solution is compounded by the heat pump and 3 solar thermal collectors with a surface of 2.33 m2 each. The solar energy obtained is 1 843 kWh per year, which covers 9 % of the total annual heating demand (20 098 kWh). However, the 98 % of the heating demand during the summertime comes from the solar collectors. The investment cost is 113 900 SEK and the payback period is estimated in 8 years.

Betydelsen av en byggnads planlösning vid energieffektivisering : Enligt simulering i IDA ICE / The significance of building planning in energy streamlining

Eskills, Jonathan January 2018 (has links)
I Sverige står bostad och servicesektorn för cirka 40 % av den totala energianvändningen. 90 % av denna energi används till hushåll och lokaler, vilket betyder att dess energianvändning endast överstigs av industrins. En god strategi för en minskad nationell energianvändning är därför att energieffektivisera både befintliga byggnader och nyproduktion. Detta arbete har i syfte att undersöka hur olika typer av energieffektiviseringar påverkar kontorsbyggnader ur en energisynpunkt beroende på deras planlösning. Arbetet kommer att jämföra två verkliga byggnader som har samma yttre dimension och konstruktion, men där en av byggnaderna har en jämförelsevis öppnare planlösning. Fem olika energieffektiviseringar kommer att simuleras utifrån programvaran EQUA IDA ICE; en sänkning av inomhustemperaturen, en ökad verkningsgrad på luftbehandlingsaggregatets värmeväxlare, ett minskat U-värde på fönster, Ett minskat U-värde på tak samt en ändring av värmesystemets styrsystem till proportionell från proportionellt integrerande. Resultatet visar att: En sänkning av inomhustemperaturen med 2 ˚C minskar behovet av värme till luftbehandlingsaggregatet för den öppna byggnaden med 42,5 %, och 35,8 % för den mindre öppna. Effekterna av en ökad verkningsgrad från 0,6 till 0,9 på värmeväxlaren i luftbehandlingsaggregatet, är oberoende av en byggnads planlösning. Vid ett minskat U-värde på fönster från 1,8 till 1,1 W/m2,K så ökas den tillförda kylan till luftbehandlingsaggregatet med 130 % för byggnaden med den öppna planlösningen, och för den mindre öppna byggnaden så påverkas inte behovet. Vid ett minskat U-värde på taket från 0,09 till 0,05 W/m2,K så har byggnaden med den öppna planlösningen en bättre prestanda för tillförd värme till både värmesystem och luftbehandlingsaggregat. När styrsystemet för värmesystemetet ändras till proportionellt från proportionellt integrerande, så ökar kylbehovet för värmesystemet för byggnaden med den öppnare planlösningen med 4,1 %, och den mindre öppna byggnaden får en större ökning på 17,7 %. En mindre öppen planlösning får en större påverkan av energieffektiviseringar på ventilation- och värmesystem i jämförelse med en mer öppen. En öppen planlösning får en större påverkan av energieffektiviseringar som minskar U-värdet på konstruktionen i jämförelse med en mindre öppen planlösning. / The residence and service sector stand for 40 % of the total energy use in Sweden. 90 % of that energy is used for households and facilities, which means that its energy use is only surpassed by that of the industry An appropriate solution for a national reduction in use of energy is therefore to streamline the energy efficiency for existing and planned buildings. The aim for this academic work is to examine how different methods of streamlining energy use is affected by building planning. Two real life buildings are to be compared and analysed. The buildings have identical outer dimensions and construction, and one of them has a comparatively more open building plan. Five different streamlining solutions are going to be simulated in the software EQUA IDA ICE; a lowering of the room temperature, an increased efficiency on the heat exchanger in the air handling unit, a decreased U-value (a Swedish building standard in energy transmission) for the windows, a decreased U-value for the roof and lastly a change from a proportional control system to a proportional integrating on the heating and cooling system. The results show that: A lowering of the room temperature by 2 ˚C, lessens the heating load for the air handling unit by 42,5 % in the building with a more open building plan, whilst the less open building sees a decrease of 35,8 %. The effect of an increased efficiency from 0,6 to 0,9 on the heat exchanger in the air handling is unaffected by a buildings planning. A lowered U-value for the windows from 1,8 to 1,1 W/m2,K increases the cooling load for the air handling unit by 130 % on the building with the more open planning. And at the same time the building with the less open planning is unaffected by the streamlining. A lowered U-value for the roof from 0,09 to 0,05 W/m2,K gives an increased performance on the heating load for both the heating system and air handling unit on the building with the more open planning, compared to that of the less open building. If the control system of the heating and cooling systems changes from a proportional integrating to a proportional one, the cooling load for the cooling system increases by 4,1 % on the building with the more open planning, whilst it increases by 17,1 % on the less open building. Streamlining the energy use of ventilation, cooling and heating systems has a bigger impact on buildings with a more open planning compared to those with a less open building plan. A less open building plan is better affected by the streamlining of the energy transmission trough the construction compared to a more open planning.


Alba Vázquez, Cira January 2018 (has links)
Energy assessment in buildings is an essential topic in order to achieve the set goals for energy efficiency. This thesis investigated the energy consumption in various scenarios in Husmuttern’s buildings. Different purposes (school and apartment), locations (Spain and Sweden) and materials combinations are modelled and analysed. The models were created in the building performance simulation tool IDA ICE. After the yearly energy demand results were obtained they were processed and analysed. Then several factors were changed in the model in order to investigate different impacts in the energy consumption of the building, such as the overall heat transfer, hot water consumption, windows and doors. Also, PV panels were installed in the model to obtain the potential penetration of renewable energy in the buildings. The results showed the different consumption in the buildings depending on the purpose and location, and the impact of the changed factors in the overall energy consumption. The change of windows to more efficient ones showed that the apartments improve their consumption more than the schools, especially in when the Spanish location is considered. This case also had the biggest possible change when the hot water demand is varied. Whereas if the door was the changed, the Swedish apartment has the most possible improvement.

Simulering av kyl- och värmesystem : -Analys av tre byggnader ovan jord vid slutförvaret för kortlivat radioaktivt avfall i Forsmark / Simulation of Heating and Cooling Demand : for Three Buildings Above Ground at the Final Repository for Short-Lived Radioactive Waste

Wendin, Erik January 2018 (has links)
The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) plan to expand their current final repository for short-lived radioactive waste. They also plan to replace the electric boilers with district heating and cooling. This report has focused on obtaining simulation results of the future energy- and efficiency demand for the buildings above ground. The software that was used to achieve this was the simulation tool IDA ICE. The simulation concluded in an yearly energy demand for the future facility which correspond to 610 MWh. The efficiency demand correspond to 390,8 kW for cooling and 685,6 kW for heating the facilities. Indications show that this result is somewhat low due to some inaccurate data, but also because the faicilities today tends to use more energy than is necessary.

Energirenovering av en kulturhistoriskt värdefull byggnad med LCC-optimering : En fallstudie av Skylten i Linköping / Energy Refurbishment of a Culture Historical Building with LCC Optimization : A Case Study of Skylten in Linköping

Tingström, Louise January 2017 (has links)
I dagsläget står bostads- och servicesektorn för cirka 40% av den totala slutliga energianvändningen i Sverige [1], vilket motsvarar utsläpp av cirka 6 miljoner ton koldioxidekvivalenter [2]. Cirka 90% av denna energianvändning har sitt ursprung från hushåll och lokalbyggnader [1]. Eftersom Sveriges nationella klimatmål innefattar att utsläppen år 2020 ska minska med 40% jämfört med år 1990  [3] är det aktuellt att minska energianvändningen i byggnader. Det här examensarbetet har som syfte att ta fram åtgärdsförslag som bör realiseras vid renovering av en ändamålslokal med kulturhistoriskt värde. Åtgärdsförslag har därför tagits fram genom en livscykelkostnadsoptimering i OPERA-MILP. Eftersom det var känt att inomhustemperaturen sommartid ofta översteg normalt sett accepterad maxtemperatur (24°C [4]) har även åtgärdsförslag för ett förbättrat inomhusklimat undersökts. Byggnaden i dagsläget, en planerad renovering samt en livscykelkostnadsoptimerad byggnad har modellerats i IDA-ICE för att simulera energiflöden och inomhusklimat.  Modellen av byggnaden i dagsläget resulterade i ett fjärrvärmebehov på cirka 120 000 kWh under ett år, vilket är en avvikelse med 6% mot historisk fjärrvärmedata. Den planerade renoveringen fick ett ökat behov med cirka 5 000 kWh på grund av att källaren kommer att värmas upp. Livscykelkostnadsoptimeringen i OPERA-MILP gav följande åtgärder: byte till energiglas och vindbjälksisolering på 14 cm. Dessa åtgärder minskade fjärrvärmebehovet med cirka 2 000 kWh jämfört med den planerade renoveringen, vilket innebär att behovet fortfarande är större än i dagsläget. Den specifika energianvändningen minskade dock något då den gick från 114 kWh/(m2, år) till 100 kWh/(m2, år), vilket beror på den ökade tempererade arean och de energibesparande åtgärderna. Vid simulering av modellerna sågs att byggnaderna var överhettade sommartid. Därför undersöktes inre solavskärmning, fjärrkyla, ventilationsstyrning och olika ventilationstyper. Fjärrkyla resulterade i ett behagligt inomhusklimat med en driftskostnad på cirka 4 000 sek årligen. Slutligen simulerades en kombination av olika åtgärder vilket resulterade i ett minskat fjärrvärmebehov med cirka 13 000 kWh jämfört med dagsläget och en specifik energianvändning på 88 kWh/(m2, år). Detta gjordes genom att kombinera de livscykelkostnadsoptimerade åtgärderna med tätning, fjärrkyla samt närvarostyrd ventilation. / As of today, the housing and service sector stands for about 40% of the total net energy use in Sweden [1], which equal emissions of about 60 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalents [2]. About 90% of this energy use originates from households and facilities [1]. Since Sweden's national climate goal includes that the emissions year 2020 should be reduced by 40% in comparison with year 1990 [3] it is up-to-date to reduce the energy use in buildings. This master's thesis aims to develop measure proposals that should be implemented during refurbishment of a facility with a cultural-historical value. Measures has therefore been proposed by a life cycle cost optimization in OPERA-MILP. Since it was known that the indoor temperature during summer reaches over the normally accepted maximum temperature (24°C [4]), indoor climate improving measures has also been investigated. The building of today, the planned refurbished building and the life cycle cost optimized building has been modeled in IDA-ICE to simulate the energy flows and indoor climate. The model of the building of today resulted in a district heating requirement of about 120 000 kWh per year, which is a variation of 6% in comparison to historical district heating data. The planned refurbishment got an increased requirement of about 5 000 kWh due to the fact that the basement will be heated. The life cycle cost optimization in OPERA-MILP gave the following measures: change to energy glas and 14 cm insulation in the attic. These measures decreased the district heating requirement with about 2 000 kWh in comparison with the planned refurbishment, which means that the requirement is still larger than the requirement of the building of today. However, the specific energy use decreased as it went from 114 kWh/(m2, year) to 100 kWh/(m2, year), due to the increased heated area and the energy saving measures. In simulation of the models it was seen that the buildings were overheated during summer. Therefore blinds, district cooling, ventilation controlling and ventilation types were investigated. District cooling resulted in a pleasant indoor climate with an operation cost of about 4 000 sek yearly. Lastly, a combination of different measures were simulated which resulted in a decreased district heating use of about 13 000 kWh compared to the model of today and a specific energy use of 88 kWh/(m2, year). This was done by combining the optimal life cycle cost measures with sealing, district cooling and presence controlled ventilation.

The impact of building orientation on energy usage : Using simulation software IDA ICE 4.7.1

Martin, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
The building sector consumes 32% of global energy used, and it is responsible for 20% of total greenhouse gases emissions. In Europe, more than one third of the buildings are 50 years or older, thus, it is critical that new dwellings are designed in the most efficient way from an energy perspective, since the consequences of the decisions taken today will remain during decades. The use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) software is promising for the design of a wide range of constructions; from small dwellings to big apartment buildings. These programs allow the architect, designer or civil consultant to perform several simulations of the energy behavior of a building in a timely manner, even before a single brick is put in place. Among them, IDA ICE software utilized in this thesis is a top rated program, situated by some authors within the four main building energy simulation tools. This is an outstanding fact considering that it is estimated in more than 400 the number of available BIM programs. With the help of IDA ICE it will be demonstrated that for a dwelling object of study, located in Madrid (Spain), it is possible to save up to 4 250€ through the entire life of the building if the proper orientation is chosen. The discussed literature and results will also show that orientation is, by far, the most critical passive design parameter related to a building, from which the efficacy of other related measures depends on.   It will be also proven that the optimal orientation depends on the weather where the dwelling is located, even though a general trend consisting in orienting the houses located in the northern hemisphere to the south, and vice versa, is observed. Building orientation, BIM programs, building energy consumption, passive design parameters, IDA-ICE simulation tool.

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