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Investimentos Coreanos no Mundo: IED e internacionalização das empresas sul-coreanas / Korean investments in the world: IED e internacionalization of South-korean companiesLee, Priscila Helena 28 February 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisa o investimento externo direto das empresas sul-coreanas no mundo, considerando que o IED é resultado e alimenta o processo de concentração e centralização do capital. Abrangendo um período de 1968 a 2010, a pesquisa aponta para mudanças no papel do Estado, na proporção e no portfólio do investimento, e nas regiões para as quais se destinam os investimentos.. Buscou-se periodizar o fenômeno conforme as alterações da estrutura normativa que institucionaliza e autoriza dos investimentos, considerando também as mudanças macroeconômicas e políticas de cada período. / This dissertation examines the foreign direct investment of South Korean companies in the world, considering that FDI is the result and feeds the process of concentration and centralization of capital. Spanning a period from 1968 to 2010, the research points to changes in the role of the state, in proportion and portfolio investment, and regions for which the investments went. We tried to periodize the phenomenon according to the regulatory framework that institutionalizes and authorizes the investment, considering also the macroeconomic changes and policies of each period.
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Demanda y crecimiento económicoOglietti, Guillermo Celso 10 January 2008 (has links)
La demanda cumple un papel dicotómico sobre el crecimiento. Por un lado desplaza el ahorro y así restringe la capacidad de la economía para financiar la inversión, mientras que por el otro, estimula la inversión gracias a que conforma el mercado que finalmente dará salida a la producción. Así, el efecto estimulante del consumo compite con la restricción financiera. Esta es una disyuntiva clásica en economía, sobre la cual la teoría del crecimiento neoclásica parece decantarse sin atenuantes a favor del enfoque que pone el énfasis en la restricción financiera. Se propone como alternativa, un modelo de crecimiento económico à la Ramsey que permite analizar los impactos derivados de incluir este papel dual del consumo, a la vez de que se desarrolla un modelo de crecimiento à la Solow que una vez parametrizado, permite explorar tres grandes hipótesis. La primera es el mecanismo de causalidad que bajo un modelo neoclásico tiene al ahorro como disparador del crecimiento a través de la inversión. Una parte significativa de la literatura encuentra que parece ser el crecimiento quien explica el ahorro (y la inversión) y no a la inversa. También se halla este resultado en un ejercicio econométrico de causalidad en el sentido de Granger aplicado a la economía argentina del último siglo. La segunda hipótesis es el papel de la inversión extranjera directa (IED) en el crecimiento, sobre el que la teoría neoclásica ha depositado grandes expectativas, destacando su contribución financiera y/o su rol como canal de transferencia de tecnologías. Sin embargo, los resultados distan de haber satisfecho estas expectativas. La evidencia tiene grandes dificultades para corroborar el efecto previsto y apenas se hallan trazos de un impacto, que con frecuencia se encuentra negativo. El impacto positivo de la IED sobre el crecimiento dista de ser un mecanismo automático. El efecto total de la IED sobre el crecimiento no se limita al aporte financiero inicial (efecto 'flujo'), sino que se dilata en el tiempo, sugiriendo que existe un efecto 'stock', que representa el impacto de los pagos en concepto de rentas de la inversión -utilidades y servicios de la deuda- por parte de las firmas extranjeras que al disminuir la demanda interna, desalientan la inversión y el crecimiento. La estimación elaborada para el caso de la economía Argentina señala que el efecto 'stock' es negativo, que la IED 'sustituye' la inversión nacional y que, en cambio, es el crecimiento económico quien atrae tanto la inversión doméstica como la IED. La tercera hipótesis es la de los rendimientos decrecientes del factor trabajo que desde Malthus predomina en el modelo de crecimiento neoclásico. La literatura examinada, que desdobla el efecto demográfico en un impacto positivo derivado del crecimiento de la población en edad de trabajar, y otro negativo derivado del crecimiento de la población inactiva, parece contradecir esta hipótesis. En un ejercicio econométrico de datos en panel aplicado al caso de la UE, se alcanza el resultado de que una vez desdoblados estos dos efectos, el crecimiento demográfico, incluido el generado por la inmigración, puede estimular el crecimiento económico, en especial a mediano plazo. Estos resultados son compatibles con el modelo propuesto de crecimiento endógeno basado en la demanda, que además de incluir un mecanismo de transmisión que tiene al crecimiento como disparador del ahorro, también propone que el exceso de demanda, al estimular la formación de capital y el cambio técnico, está determinado en forma positiva por el crecimiento del empleo, y negativamente, por las filtraciones derivadas de la IED. / Demand plays a dichotomous role on growth. On the one hand displaces savings and thus restricts the ability of the economy to finance investment, while on the other hand, encourages investment through the increased market capacity to absorb production. The stimulating effect of consumption competes with the financial restraint. This is a classic dilemma in economics, on which neoclassical growth theory seems to stress exclusively on the financial restraint side.A model of economic growth à la Ramsey is proposed as an alternative to examine the effects of including this dual effect of consumption. It is also developed a model à la Solow, which once parameterized, allows the exam of these three major hypothesis: The first is the neoclassical mechanism of causation taking saving as a trigger for growth through investment. In this respect, the bulk of the literature finds that growth explains savings (and investment), and not vice versa. The same result is found in an empirical econometric exercise of causality in the sense of Granger carried out for the Argentine economy in the last century. The second hypothesis is the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) in growth, for which neoclassical theory places high expectations, highlighting its financial contribution and its role as a channel for technology transfer. However, the results are far from satisfying these expectations. Empirical evidence finds it very difficult to corroborate this positive effects envisaged by theory. Often the impact is found to be negative. The review of the literature -and the empirical exercise carried out-, suggest that the positive impact of FDI on growth is far from automatic. The total impact of FDI can be splitted in its initial financial contribution ('flow' effect), and the 'stock' effect reflecting the impact of asset dividends, debt services between foreign firms and their home countries that trough reducing domestic demand, discourages investment and economic growth. For the case of the Argentinean economy, the econometric Granger causality evidence finds that the 'stock' effect is negative, that FDI 'replaces' domestic investment (rather than 'complements'), and that, instead, economic growth triggers both domestic investment and FDI. The third hypothesis is the idea of labor-diminishing returns that since Malthus prevails in neoclassical growth models. The literature reviewed, which splits the demographic impact into a positive one arising from labor force growth, and a negative one resulting from the non-labor force population growth, seems to contradict this hypothesis. In an panel data econometric exercise applied to the case of the EU, we found that once unfolded these two effects, population growth, including that generated by immigration, stimulates economic growth, particularly in the medium term. These results are consistent with the proposed demand-side model of endogenous growth, which includes a transmission mechanism that has economic growth as the trigger of savings, and also proposes that excess-demand, which stimulates capital formation and technical change, is determined positively by employment growth, and negatively by leaks from the economy arising from FDI stock.
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Integrating GIS and multicriteria analysis in the search for roadside bombsTuvesson, Otto January 2011 (has links)
The idea of this study is to test if it is possible to use a modified Multi Critera Analysis (MCA) to automatically identify probable sites for roadside bombs in a country like Afghanistan. The intention is to create a sieving method that saves time when evaluating the threat in large areas. As the data available in such a country is sparse the method will be able to run on as little as a topographic map and a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The outline of the method is that features that construct a Vulnerable Point (VP) are identified on the map and then assessed by a developed formula of threat to see if they lie within an area where insurgents are known to operate. The result is then refined to show only the VPs on the road. These VPs are then converted to vector to enhance visibility at all scales. The constructed method does work on the data in this study but needs to be further evaluated on more complex data.
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Power system fault analysis based on intelligent techniques and intelligent electronic device dataLuo, Xu 17 September 2007 (has links)
This dissertation has focused on automated power system fault analysis. New
contributions to fault section estimation, protection system performance evaluation
and power system/protection system interactive simulation have been achieved. Intelligent techniques including expert systems, fuzzy logic and Petri-nets, as well as
data from remote terminal units (RTUs) of supervisory control and data acquisition
(SCADA) systems, and digital protective relays have been explored and utilized to
fufill the objectives.
The task of fault section estimation is difficult when multiple faults, failures
of protection devices, and false data are involved. A Fuzzy Reasoning Petri-nets
approach has been proposed to tackle the complexities. In this approach, the fuzzy
reasoning starting from protection system status data and ending with estimation of
faulted power system section is formulated by Petri-nets. The reasoning process is
implemented by matrix operations. Data from RTUs of SCADA systems and digital
protective relays are used as inputs. Experiential tests have shown that the proposed
approach is able to perform accurate fault section estimation under complex scenarios.
The evaluation of protection system performance involves issues of data acquisition, prediction of expected operations, identification of unexpected operations and
diagnosis of the reasons for unexpected operations. An automated protection system performance evaluation application has been developed to accomplish all the tasks. The application automatically retrieves relay files, processes relay file data,
and performs rule-based analysis. Forward chaining reasoning is used for prediction
of expected protection operation while backward chaining reasoning is used for diagnosis of unexpected protection operations. Lab tests have shown that the developed
application has successfully performed relay performance analysis.
The challenge of power system/protection system interactive simulation lies in
modeling of sophisticated protection systems and interfacing the protection system
model and power system network model seamlessly. An approach which utilizes the
"compiled foreign model" mechanism of ATP MODELS language is proposed to model
multifunctional digital protective relays in C++ language and seamlessly interface
them to the power system network model. The developed simulation environment
has been successfully used for the studies of fault section estimation and protection
system performance evaluation.
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Systems approach to defeating Maritime Improvised Explosive Devices in U.S. portsCausee, Christopher, Ellis, Mark, Hellard, Mike, Jimenez, Rich, Cheng, Jua Lim, Nilsson, Julio, Rowden, Bobby, Wheatley, Joel, Winn, Eric, Smith, Tim 12 1900 (has links)
Includes supplemental material. / Insight gained from terrorist attacks, training excercises, and intelligence intercepts over the past few years has shown a renewed interest in the use of mining as an effective means of disrupting commerce and damaging critical infrastructure. In an attempt to develop a system of systems architecture to defeat mines and Maritime IEDs (MIED), the project team developed several system alternatives, or Adaptive Force Packages, that incorporate both existing systems and emerging technologies. Overall performance was assessed using a US Joint Forces Command sponsored wargame simulating an MIED attack on ports based on the geography of Seattle and Tacoma. A critical analysis of the alternatives based on performance, suitability, cost, and risk were carried out. The study results showed that increases in performance are attainable with mixed results in cost and risk, and highlighted necessary actions and considerations that must be taken by military and civilian leaders in order to adequately prepare for and counter MIEDs in U.S. Ports.
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Localization and Jamming of a Radio Receiver Using an Autonomous UAVHolm, Oscar January 2023 (has links)
According to the United Nations, improvised explosive devices (ieds) kill thousandsof people every year and disrupt military work. Therefore, it is of interest to in-vestigate how an ied can be neutralized safely. With an autonomous uav, it ispossible to jam a radio controlled ied (rcied) if the uav can land close enough,making the rcied unable to be triggered remotely. If the radio connected to thedevice uses mixers and is poorly shielded, it is possible to detect and localize thercied with unintentional stimulated emission (sue). It is possible to use an uav,with a radio transmitter and radio receiver, to do so as long as the uav can trans-mit a stimulating signal with enough power. Drawing this power from the uav’sonboard battery decreases the uavs maximal flight time. Simulations suggestthat it is possible to localize a radio using a uav with an error of 2.5 meters.
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Ammunitions- och minröjning i modern konflikt : Ett tekniskt perspektivEricsson, Christian January 2009 (has links)
<p>Den här uppsatsen är skriven inom ramen för ämnet <em>Krigsvetenskap</em> under författarens studier på <em>Yrkesofficersprogrammet</em> 2006-2009 till arméteknisk officer. I <em>Ammunitions- och minröjning i modern konflikt</em> ges läsaren genom deskriptiv metod en exposé över ammunitions- och minröjningens grunder, historia och nutid. Uppsatsens generella syften är att avhandla problematik som svenska ammunitions- och minröjare i sitt yrkesutövande idag kan ställas inför. Och hur delar av den tekniska organisationen och teknisk utrustning för detektion, lokalisering och klassificering av minor, Explosive remnants of war (ERW), Improvised explosive device (IED) och försåt kan bidra till att lösa denna problematik. Författaren genomför utifrån sina intervjuer och litteraturstudier prediktioner av den kommande utvecklingen på området. Prediktionerna innefattar bland annat tydligare teknisk stödorganisation och multisensorplattformar för detektion, lokalisering och klassificering av minor, ERW och IED. I texten redovisas viss forskning från Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI) och visst arbete vid Försvarets materielverk (FMV), Totalförsvarets ammunitions- och minröjningscentrum (SWEDEC).</p> / <p>This essay is written in the course of <em>War science</em> during the author’s studies to become an Officer in the technical corps, in the Swedish armed forces. Due to the descriptive method in <em>Explosive Ordnance Disposal and demining in modern conflict </em>the reader gets an exposé of the basics, history, and present time features for the Swedish EOD- and Demining personnel. The main purpose with this essay is to discuss the problems that Swedish Explosive ordnance clearance (EOC) personnel might encounter in their current daily service. The opportunities for parts of the supporting technical corps and the technical equipment for detecting, locating and classifying mines, Explosive remnants of war (ERW), Improvised explosive device (IED) and booby-traps to be at hand in the process of solving these problems are also discussed. From interviews and literature studies the author conducts predictions of the development in the subject area. The predictions contains amongst others a more understandable supporting technical corps and multi-sensing-platforms for detecting, locating and classifying mines, ERW, IED and booby-traps. Some of the research that the Swedish defence research agency (FOI), the Swedish Defence Material Administration (FMV) and the Swedish EOD- and Demining Centre (SWEDEC) have produced is presented in the essay.</p>
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Ammunitions- och minröjning i modern konflikt : Ett tekniskt perspektivEricsson, Christian January 2009 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen är skriven inom ramen för ämnet Krigsvetenskap under författarens studier på Yrkesofficersprogrammet 2006-2009 till arméteknisk officer. I Ammunitions- och minröjning i modern konflikt ges läsaren genom deskriptiv metod en exposé över ammunitions- och minröjningens grunder, historia och nutid. Uppsatsens generella syften är att avhandla problematik som svenska ammunitions- och minröjare i sitt yrkesutövande idag kan ställas inför. Och hur delar av den tekniska organisationen och teknisk utrustning för detektion, lokalisering och klassificering av minor, Explosive remnants of war (ERW), Improvised explosive device (IED) och försåt kan bidra till att lösa denna problematik. Författaren genomför utifrån sina intervjuer och litteraturstudier prediktioner av den kommande utvecklingen på området. Prediktionerna innefattar bland annat tydligare teknisk stödorganisation och multisensorplattformar för detektion, lokalisering och klassificering av minor, ERW och IED. I texten redovisas viss forskning från Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI) och visst arbete vid Försvarets materielverk (FMV), Totalförsvarets ammunitions- och minröjningscentrum (SWEDEC). / This essay is written in the course of War science during the author’s studies to become an Officer in the technical corps, in the Swedish armed forces. Due to the descriptive method in Explosive Ordnance Disposal and demining in modern conflict the reader gets an exposé of the basics, history, and present time features for the Swedish EOD- and Demining personnel. The main purpose with this essay is to discuss the problems that Swedish Explosive ordnance clearance (EOC) personnel might encounter in their current daily service. The opportunities for parts of the supporting technical corps and the technical equipment for detecting, locating and classifying mines, Explosive remnants of war (ERW), Improvised explosive device (IED) and booby-traps to be at hand in the process of solving these problems are also discussed. From interviews and literature studies the author conducts predictions of the development in the subject area. The predictions contains amongst others a more understandable supporting technical corps and multi-sensing-platforms for detecting, locating and classifying mines, ERW, IED and booby-traps. Some of the research that the Swedish defence research agency (FOI), the Swedish Defence Material Administration (FMV) and the Swedish EOD- and Demining Centre (SWEDEC) have produced is presented in the essay.
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Eine neue Klasse hybrider Innovationsdiffusionsmodelle : ein theoretischer Vergleich mit existierenden Ansätzen und eine Analyse mit Simulationen und Realdaten /Grishchenko, Yulia. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Humboldt-Univ., Diss.--Berlin, 2007.
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Investimento estrangeiro direto e inovação: um estudo sobre ramos selecionados da indústria no Brasil / Foreign direct investment and innovation : a study of selected sectors of Brazilian industryMarina Filgueiras Jorge 19 December 2007 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A partir da década de 90, a economia brasileira passou por reformas estruturais e liberalizantes, além de intensa interncaionalização produtiva. Este trabalho explora em que extensão a maior participação de IED ajudou ou inibiu o processo de mudança estrutural na indústria, analisando a existência ou não de transbordamento -spillover- de produtividade a partir da presença de empresas transicionais no período de 1998 a 2003 nas cadeias de produtos elétricos, de produtos eletrônicos, de automóveirs, de produtos farmacêuticos e de óleos vegetais. Para isso, foi realizada uma análise realizada neste trabalho indicou a existência de vantagens competitivas, em termos de produtividade, das ETNs aqui instaladas em relação às empresas domésticas. Esse diferencial de desempenho, no entanto, não se mostrou uma fonte de transferência de conhecimentos tecnológicos que pudesse refletir em ganhos de produtividade para as empresas fornecedoras domésticas. Revelou, além disso, que os efeitos sobres as cadeias produtivas são heterogêneos e que o seu conhecimento pode servir de referência para formulação de instrumentos de política industrial. E apontou que há necessidade de explorar resultados a partir de dados básicos para períodos mais longos e de multiplicação de estudos de caso de setores e firmas. / During the 90s, Brazilian economy has passed through structural and liberalizing reforms, besides an intense productive interntionalization. This study explores to what extent FDI helped or hindered those structural changes in industry, analyzing whether positive (or negative) productivity spillovers arose from the presence of TNCs affiates between 1998 and 2003 in some selected industrial chains, as manufacture of pharmaceuticals and manufacture of vegetable oils. The analyzis, based on firm-level data from industrial firms and panel data tchniques, produces evidences consistent with TNCs affilates having higher productivity levels than domestic firms. However, this ackowledge may serve as instruments for industrial policies. At last, the analysis points for the importance of exploring data for longer period of time and of multiplying specifc studies of sectors and firms.
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