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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractéristiques anthropométriques et performances de haut niveau : évolutions, indicateurs et optimisations / Anthropometrical characteristics and high level performances : changes, indicators and optimizations

Sedeaud, Adrien 18 November 2013 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier les évolutions morphologiques des sportifs de haut niveau et d’identifier les liens structurant performance et caractéristiques anthropométriques. Les différentes études constituant cette thèse analysent la performance de haut niveau par son versant morphologique et selon différents niveaux de démonstration. Dans un premier temps, nous montrons des évolutions différenciées entre SHN et individus de la population générale (études 1 et 2), présupposant que les SHN tirent des avantages de leurs caractéristiques anthropométriques. Puis, nous mettons en évidence les liens directs entre les caractéristiques anthropométriques et la performance en athlétisme et dans le rugby (études 2 et 5) : les équipes de rugby disposant d’avants plus lourds et d’arrières plus grands sont plus performantes que les autres. En athlétisme, les coefficients allométriques calculés montrent l’impact du poids selon la distance de course et le sexe suggérant une possible marge de progression des caractéristiques anthropométriques pour les athlètes féminines. Le 3ème niveau de démonstration met en exergue l’existence de couples [morphologies optimales - performances optimales+, d’attracteurs biométriques bénéfiques au scoring en basketball (étude 3), et d’optima d’IMC avec leurs intervalles de performance selon la distance de course (études 4, 5 et 6). Poids, taille et IMC sont des indicateurs pertinents puisqu’ils permettent de spécifier les paramètres des athlètes entre les différentes épreuves (gradients morphologiques en athlétisme suivant le spectre des distances, à l’instar des gradients énergétiques) mais également selon leur niveau (gradient de poids et taille inverses entre courses de fond et sprints). Ces trois indicateurs morphologiques dévoilent également des différenciations selon les spécificités de poste. Mises en comparaison, les évolutions de poids et de taille montrent des croissances asynchrones révélatrices d’atypicité. L’IMC, très loin de sa fonction première de mesure de la corpulence et de l’obésité, doit être redéfini comme un indicateur utile de la performance de haut niveau. En effet, il révèle le compromis entre puissance, capacité énergétique et organisation de la structure corporelle efficiente chez les SHN. Dans l’exécution sportive, l’ensemble du corps est en action, et poids, taille et IMC prennent en compte la globalité de l’athlète qui se meut. Certains constats émanant des conclusions de cette thèse font surgir de nouvelles réflexions dans la compréhension de la performance et vont générer la mise en place de protocoles expérimentaux. Les gabarits sont l’expression de la performance autant que l’organisation à partir de laquelle se réalise cette dernière. Les résultats de cette thèse, fondés sur l’analyse de bases de données conséquentes, apportent une nouvelle vision sur les optimisations morphologiques. Dans le dessein de performance, il est nécessaire de connaître les optimisations établies chez les meilleurs mondiaux afin de situer les athlètes dans leurs champs morphologiques mais aussi de leur permettre d’évoluer vers la meilleure adaptation anthropométrique, spécifique de leur activité. / The purpose of this thesis is to study the morphological changes of top athletes and identify structural links between performance and anthropometric characteristics. This thesis is comprised of various studies that analyze the highest level of performance by morphological aspect and different levels of proof. At first, we show differentiated changes between high level athletes and individuals in the general population (Studies 1 and 2), presupposing that athletes draw benefits from their anthropometric characteristics. Then we highlight the direct links between anthropometric characteristics and performance in track and field athletes and rugby players (studies 2 and 5): rugby teams with heavier forwards and taller backs are more successful than others. In track and field, calculated allometric coefficients show the impact of mass depending on the distance of the race and sex, suggesting a possible anthropometric progression margin for female athletes. The third level of supporting evidence, highlights the existence of couples [optimal morphologies - optimal performance], biometric attractors beneficial in scoring in basketball (Study 3), and BMI optimum with performance intervals in race distance (studies 4, 5 and 6). Mass, height and BMI are relevant indicators used to specify athletes between different events (morphological gradients in track and field following the spectrum of distances, like energy gradients) but also according to their level (inverse gradient between mass and height according to middle and long distances and sprints). These three indicators also reveal morphological differentiation depending on the specific position. Being compared, changes in mass and height show asynchronous growth indicative of atypicity. Independent from BMI’s primary function of measuring the body size and obesity, it should be refined as a useful indicator of high level performance. Indeed, it reveals trade-off between power, energy capacity and organization of efficient body structure for high level athletes. In athletic performance, the whole body is in action, and mass, height and BMI take into account the entire athlete who moves. Some conclusions from the findings of this thesis arise new thoughts in the performance understanding and will generate the development of experimental protocols. Physiques are the expression of the performance as well as the organization from which it is realized. The results of this thesis, based on the analysis of consistent databases, provide a new vision on morphological optimizations. For the purpose of performance, it is necessary to know the optimizations established in order to situate athletes in their morphological fields, but also enable them to move towards better anthropometric adaptation specific of their activities.

Mesure de la continuité longitudinale dans le champ des soins primaires dans le contexte français / Continuity of primary care evaluation in the french context

Leleu, Henri 06 March 2014 (has links)
La continuité des soins est une caractéristique centrale des soins primaires. Celle-ci représente principalement l’idée d’une relation durable dans le temps entre le patient et son médecin. Elle a été associée dans la littérature à un impact positif sur la qualité des soins, et sur la santé : amélioration de la satisfaction des patients vis-à-vis de leurs soins, réduction du nombre d’hospitalisations et de visites aux urgences. Cependant, la question de la continuité est peu présente dans les réformes françaises des soins primaires à l’inverse de la question de l’accès aux soins. L’objectif de la thèse est de valider un indicateur de la continuité, évaluer la continuité des soins en France, son évolution et son impact sur la santé. L’indicateur pourra fournir un outil de pilotage des soins primaires aux Agences Régionales de Santé (ARS). Celui-ci pourra être utilisé dans le cadre du suivi des schémas régionaux d’organisation des soins ambulatoires afin de garantir le maintien et l’amélioration de la continuité en France.Ce travail s’est appuyé principalement sur les données de l’échantillon généraliste des bénéficiaires. Il s’agit d’un échantillon au 1/97e des données de remboursements de l’assurance maladie, représentatif de la population générale. La continuité a été évaluée à l’aide d’un indice de continuité qui permet d’évaluer la concentration des visites médicales d’un patient avec le même médecin généraliste. Cette mesure est un reflet indirect de la longitudinalité. Après avoir évalué le niveau de continuité en France, l’association de continuité à la mortalité a été testée à l’aide d’un modèle de Cox, en introduisant la mesure de continuité comme une variable dépendante du temps. Dans un deuxième temps, le rôle des facteurs contextuels d’offre de soins et des facteurs individuels sur le niveau de continuité a été testé à l’aide d’un modèle multiniveau. Enfin, les caractéristiques métrologiques de la mesure de continuité des soins ont été testées afin de valider la mesure en tant qu’indicateur.Les résultats montrent que la continuité des soins en France a peu évolué ces dernières années et se maintient à un niveau relativement élevé. Une variation interrégionale existe avec des régions ayant une meilleure continuité des soins et d’autres avec une continuité plus faible. Les analyses montrent par ailleurs que la diminution de la continuité des soins est associée à une augmentation du risque de décès de l’ordre de 4 % en population générale. Le niveau de continuité est associé principalement à des facteurs individuels et aux caractéristiques du médecin. Les facteurs d’offres de soins n’ont qu’un rôle modéré dans la variation de la continuité des soins, même si les résultats confirment l’association négative entre continuité et accès. Enfin, la mesure a des qualités métrologiques suffisantes pour être validées en tant qu’indicateur de qualité.En conclusion, la continuité des soins est associée au niveau de santé de la population. L’évaluation de la continuité dans le contexte français montre un niveau moyen élevé en France, sous doute lié à l’attachement en France au médecin généraliste, mais révèle également des variations interrégionales. Ces variations représentent une marge d’amélioration de la continuité et l’opportunité d’améliorer le niveau de santé de la population. Ainsi, l’utilisation d’outils tels qu’un indicateur de continuité pourrait permettre aux ARS de suivre l’évolution de la continuité et de mesurer l’impact de réforme comme les parcours de patients. La mise en place de stratégie nationale de santé représente une opportunité d’introduire la notion de continuité au cœur des soins primaires. / Continuity of care is a central feature of primary care. It represents the idea of a long lasting relationship between the patient and his doctor. It has been associated with a positive impact on the quality of care and on health outcomes such as improving patient satisfaction with health care or fewer hospitalizations and emergency room visits. However, continuity has been somewhat neglected in the French primary care reforms in contrast to issues such as access to care. Furthermore, it has been suggested that the efforts to improve access could have reduced continuity. Thus, the aim of the thesis is to evaluate continuity of care in France and assess its recent evolution and its impact on health. The final objective is to validate a measure of continuity that could be used as a management tool for Regional Agencies of Health.This work is based on data from a 1/97e, representative of the general population, sample of the national health insurance database that contains every health care reimbursements made to French beneficiaries. Continuity was assessed using the continuity index of Bice and Boxerman that assesses the concentration of medical consultations with the same general practitioner. This measure is an indirect reflection longitudinality. The measure was used to assess the level of continuity in France and assess the association between continuity and all-cause mortality using a Cox model and introducing the measure of continuity as a time-dependent variable. Furthermore, the measure was also used to assess the role of individual and contextual factors, including provision of care, on the level of continuity using a multilevel model. Finally, the metrological characteristics of the measure were tested to validate the measurement as an indicator based on the Agency for Health Research and Quality.The analyses showed that continuity of care in France has remained constant in recent years at a relatively high level. However, interregional variation with regions with better continuity of care and others with lower continuity were seen. Lower continuity of care values were associated with a four percent increase in likelihood of death in the general population. Continuity levels were also associated with individual factors, such as sex, age and social status of the beneficiaries, as well as factors at the physician level. Provision of care factors had a moderate role in the variation of continuity of care levels. However, the results confirm the negative association between continuity and access. Finally, the measure was validated as a quality indicator.In conclusion, continuity of care is associated with the level of health of the population. The evaluation of the continuity in the French context shows a relatively high level in France, no doubt due to the attachment in France to the general practitioner model. However, it also revealed interregional variations that suggest that there is room for improvement and thus an opportunity to improve the level of health of the population. The use of tools such as a continuity indicator could allow regulatory agencies to monitor continuity and measure the impact of implementing actions, such as care pathways. The elaboration of the national healthcare strategies is a tremendous opportunity to include continuity of care in primary care organization planning.

Optimization of Pre-hydrolysis Conditions for the Production of Biogas

Awasume, Ignatius Ekwe, Sathiyaraj, Abel Prince Jabakumar January 2012 (has links)
Hydrolysis and solubilisation of organic material is known to be the rate limiting step during anaerobic digestion. In this study, the effect of pre-hydrolysis was investigated. The substrate had a composition of the following wastes streams: fish and slaughterhouse waste, cleaning waste, doggy meat, doggy sludge, doggy dry food, mink (fur), Norway slurry, SOR2-Industrial waste, and municipal solid waste (MSW) from households in Borås community.Analyses were made on two batches of experiments performed at two different mesophilic temperature conditions; 34 0C and 42 0C and with or without the addition of mesophilic sludge obtained from a waste water treatment plant. One of the substrate maintained the original carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio, and for the other substrate the carbon nitrogen ratio was then slightly increased by adding 7.98g of special shredded paper which contains 82% volatile solids (VS). The experiments were run for 7days with samples collected regularly after 0 day, 4 days, 5 days, 6 days and 7 days retention time. Chemical oxygen demand (COD), pH, total nitrogen, and volatile fatty acids (VFAs) as process indicators were analyzed.The results showed that at 42 0C the rate of hydrolysis was faster with a higher COD release and removal. The optimum retention time for hydrolysis was 4 days and any longer time caused some of the carbon to be lost to carbon dioxide. The effect of adding mesophilic sludge had no significant effect. An increased C/N ratio resulted in a balanced system with lower VFAs produced compared with that from the original substrate mixture. / <p>Acknowledgements: The authors are heartily thankful to their supervisor Ilona Sárvári Horváth whose guidance and support from the initial to the final level of this thesis work enabled us to gain a deeper understanding of the project.</p><p>We equally extend our sincere gratitude to the following persons who never ceased in helping until this work was complete.</p><p>Solmaz Aslanzadeh: For sharing her precious time and positive insight in coping with associated challenges of the project.</p><p>Hanson Jonas: Your assistance and patience over our laboratory experiments given the limited resources vis-a-vis students demand is quite reminding and saluted.</p><p>The support team at Sobacken Biogas plant: Your concern and timely assistance beginning from the supply of the substrate and the opportunity granted us to use your laboratory station greatly ensured results validation.</p><p>Program: MSc in Resource Recovery - Sustainable Engineering</p><p>Program: MSc in Resource Recovery - Industrial Biotechnology</p>

La rationalisation en douceur : sociologie des indicateurs qualité à l’hôpital / A soft rationalization : a sociology of quality indicators in French hospitals

Bertillot, Hugo 02 December 2014 (has links)
Depuis les années 1990, le secteur hospitalier français est affecté par des réformes néo-managériales visant à renforcer le contrôle étatique sur les organisations de soin et sur les activités médicales. La thèse interroge ces transformations à la lumière du déploiement d'indicateurs qualité dont l'objet est de quantifier, mettre en transparence et améliorer la qualité des prises en charge. De quelle manière ces dispositifs d'évaluation affectent-ils la régulation institutionnelle de l'hôpital, l'organisation des établissements et l'autonomie des professionnels ? La thèse saisit l'action publique dans son caractère organisé, instrumental et cognitif, à partir d’une méthodologie qui croise entretiens auprès des responsables institutionnels, analyse de sources écrites et enquêtes dans quatre établissements hospitaliers. Cette approche permet de retracer le processus de construction des instruments, d'analyser leurs propriétés techniques et cognitives et de caractériser leurs usages sociaux. Ces indicateurs ont émergé dans un contexte institutionnel marqué par les infections nosocomiales et les palmarès hospitaliers. Construits à partir de savoirs hybrides, travaillés et légitimés par de multiples acteurs intermédiaires entre l’État et les professionnels, ils ont été généralisés prudemment, mais massivement, au cours des années 2000. En s'institutionnalisant, ils instillent formalisation, contrôle, traçabilité et auditabilité à l'hôpital. En déplaçant le regard des effets visibles et contraignants des instruments de tarification vers ces mécanismes plus discrets, la thèse montre comment l'évaluation de la qualité rationalise en douceur les bureaucraties professionnelles. / Since the late 1990s, the French hospital sector faces neomanagerial reforms aiming at strengthening state control over care organizations and medical activities. The thesis examines these contemporary transformations through the deployment of quality indicators measuring the quality of medical care, in order to enhance transparency and improve quality. How do these evaluation devices affect the institutional regulation of healthcare, the organization of hospitals and the professional autonomy of medical practitioners? The thesis describes the organized, instrumental and cognitive dimensions of public action, through a qualitative methodology crossing interviews with institutional leaders, analysis of written sources and investigations in four hospitals. It traces the career of these instruments, analyzes their technical and cognitive properties and characterizes their diverse social uses. These indicators have emerged in an institutional context deeply affected by nosocomial infections and hospital rankings. They are made of hybrid knowledge. Multiple intermediaries between state and professional actors shaped and legitimized them. They have been carefully but massively disseminated in the 2000s. Through their institutionalization, they instill formalization, control, traceability and auditability in hospitals. By moving the focus from the visible and constraining effects of payment instruments to these more discrete mechanisms, the thesis shows how quality evaluation softly rationalizes professional bureaucracies.

Consolidação do novo mercado: análise dos custos e benefícios das boas práticas de governança corporativa / Consolidation of the novo mercado: costs and benefits analysis of good corporate governance practices

Oliveira, Gabriel Henrique de 31 October 2008 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem o objetivo de discutir as vantagens da Governança Corporativa, em relação aos custos e benefícios da adoção de boas práticas; com a observação das empresas brasileiras, presentes no processo de listagem estabelecido pela BOVESPA (criação do Nível 1, Nível 2 e Novo Mercado) em 2000, tendo como foco principal o Novo Mercado, pois representa o nível máximo de exigência. Deste modo, analisa as características e os efeitos ocorridos nas empresas dos níveis diferenciados, como os custos, os benefícios mercadológicos e de desempenho. Buscando comprovar que a empresa que possui maior nível de práticas, tem a maior valorização pelo mercado e a melhor apresentação dos indicadores financeiros de desempenho, representando vantagens em relação aos custos absorvidos pelas empresas. Para isso, foram tratadas as principais questões, através de um levantamento bibliográfico, e posteriormente, a contextualização e análise do tema, para a discussão de custos e benefícios. Os resultados indicam que as empresas com maiores níveis de Governança Corporativa apresentaram benefícios em relação aos custos, favorecendo a consolidação do Novo Mercado no país. / The objective of this dissertation is to discuss the advantages of Corporate Governance in relation to the costs and benefits of adopting good practices. The focus is on Brazilian companies starting with those classified under the listing process established by BOVESPA (Nível 1, Nível 2 and Novo Mercado) in 2000, with center of attention on the Novo Mercado segment, as it represents the maximum level of requirements. Thus, an analysis will be conducted on the characteristics and effects occurring among companies at different listing levels, including the costs, market benefits and financial performance. In this way, the study is to prove that a company with a higher level of best practices, will gain higher market valuation and better financial performance, providing an advantage over the costs absorbed by the companies to implement these best practices. For this purpose, the main issues of the subject were identified through an analysis of the bibliography and afterwards, the contextualization and analysis of Brazil for the discussion on the cost-benefits. The results indicate that companies with higher levels of corporate governance receive higher benefits in relation to the costs, favoring the consolidation of the Novo Mercado in Brazil.

Sistemas agroflorestais como alternativa para recomposição e uso sustentável das reservas legais / Agroforestry as an alternative to restoration and sustainable use of legal reserves

Martins, Tatiana Parreiras 30 August 2013 (has links)
As reservas legais (RL) são uma categoria de área protegida brasileira que visa o uso econômico sustentável concomitante à proteção ambiental da biodiversidade e dos processos ecológicos. Entre as alternativas para concretização dessas funções, seja na restauração e/ou uso desses espaços, estão os sistemas agroflorestais (SAF). Tais sistemas são frequentemente apontados como sustentáveis, por proporcionarem simultaneamente benefícios biológicos e socioeconômicos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo abordar, nos aspectos teórico e prático, a possibilidade de uso de SAF para recomposição e uso sustentável das RL. Os dois primeiros capítulos, baseados em revisão bibliográfica, discutem: a adequação, os potenciais, as limitações e as características de SAF para cumprimento de objetivos de conservação e para constituição das RL (capítulo 1); a viabilidade, os meios e as metas para conciliação da proteção ambiental ao desenvolvimento socioeconômico preconizado para as RL (capítulo 2). O capítulo 3 estabelece um conjunto de indicadores para avaliar e monitorar a sustentabilidade, na dimensão ecológica/ambiental, de SAF no contexto da restauração e uso das RL, em áreas de fisionomia florestal tropical. A metodologia adotada para o capítulo consistiu em pesquisas bibliográficas e consultas a especialistas. Do capítulo 1, destacam-se as seguintes conclusões: SAF podem constituir ótimas opções para reorientar os sistemas produtivos humanos, mas seu emprego em áreas protegidas é questionável e deve ser criterioso; os SAF complexos são a opção mais próxima de cumprir com objetivos de conservação e princípios da sustentabilidade; SAF são pobres substitutos para ecossistemas naturais, portanto, não devem ser promovidos em detrimento da vegetação natural remanescente, mas como ferramenta complementar aos esforços de conservação, restaurando ecossistemas e compondo uma matriz de melhor qualidade fora das áreas protegidas. Do capítulo 2, as principais conclusões são: a conciliação da proteção ambiental ao desenvolvimento socioeconômico permanece um desafio; a busca e aprimoramento de práticas sustentáveis de uso direto dos recursos naturais deveriam ocorrer predominantemente fora das áreas protegidas, que devem priorizar a proteção da biodiversidade; a legislação, que propõe diversas funções para as RL, não orienta como concretizá-las; é necessário definir critérios e metas para restauração e uso sustentável das RL, nas distintas dimensões da sustentabilidade, mantendo a flexibilidade para adequação aos distintos contextos. O capítulo 3 evidenciou a diversidade, e divergência, de visões e posicionamentos dos profissionais que trabalham com SAF e propôs o seguinte conjunto de indicadores, subdivididos em três categorias: (a) estrutura estrato (avaliação atemporal), distribuição em classes diamétricas, densidade e exposição do solo; (b) composição riqueza, abundância, ciclos de vida, função das exóticas; (c) função regenerantes e mudas, horizonte orgânico (serrapilheira ou turfa). São recomendadas adaptações em função do contexto de restauração ou uso sustentável e do diagnóstico da área. No caso da restauração sugere-se a adicional observação do nível de complexificação do ambiente demandado pelas espécies a serem implantadas. São também apresentadas considerações e sugestões acerca dos parâmetros para avaliação realizada por meio dos indicadores propostos. Espera-se que este trabalho contribua para futuras discussões em âmbito acadêmico e para aplicação prática subsidiando as ações do Estado na orientação da implantação e manejo, na fiscalização e monitoramento dos SAF que comporão as RL. / Legal Reserve (RL) is a Brazilian category of protected area that aims to provide sustainable economic uses in agreement to environmental protection of biodiversity and ecological processes. Among the alternatives to achieve these functions, either in the restoration or use of these areas, there are the agroforestry systems (SAF). These systems are considered sustainable by offering biological and socioeconomic benefits. This research addresses the theoretical and practical aspects of the possibility of using SAF for restoration and sustainable use of RL. The first two chapters, based on literature review, discuss: the suitability, the potential, the limitations and the characteristics of SAF for achieving conservation objectives and for constitution of RL (chapter 1); the viability, means and targets to conciliate environmental protection to the socioeconomic development advocated for RL (chapter 2). Chapter 3 provides a set of indicators to assess and monitor the ecological/environmental sustainability of SAF in the context of restoration and use of RL in tropical forest areas. The chapter was constructed based on literature review and consultations to specialists. From chapter 1, some important conclusions are: SAF can be a great option to refocusing the human productive systems, but its use in protected areas is questionable and must be careful; complex SAF are the best option to meet conservation objectives and principles of sustainability; SAF are poor substitutes for natural ecosystems, therefore, they should not be promoted at the expense of the remaining natural vegetation, but as a complementary tool to conservation efforts by restoring ecosystems and composing a best quality matrix outside protected areas. From chapter 2, the main conclusions are: reconciling environmental protection to socioeconomic development remains as a challenge; the research and improvement of sustainable development practices should occur outside protected areas, which should primarily be dedicated to the protection of biodiversity; the legislation proposes various functions to the RL but does not guide how to achieve them, it is necessary to define clear criteria and goals for restoration and sustainable use of the RL in the different sustainability dimensions, while maintaining the flexibility of adapting them to the different contexts. Chapter 3 highlighted the diverse and divergent viewpoints and attitudes of SAF professionals workers and proposed the following set of indicators, divided into three categories: (a) structure vertical structure (timeless evaluation), diameter classes distribution, density and soil exposure, (b) composition species richness and relative abundance, life cycles, exotic species function (c) function natural regeneration, organic horizon (litter or peat). Adaptations are recommended regarding the context of restoration and sustainable use, and the diagnosis of the area. For the restoration context, the environmental complexity level demanded by the species to be implanted should be observed. Suggestions about the parameters for evaluation carried out by the proposed indicators are presented. It is hoped that this study contribute to future scientific discussions and to support the government in guiding the implementation and management, supervision and monitoring of the SAF that will compose RL.

Indicadores para monitoramento de processos morfodinâmicos: aplicação na bacia do Ribeirão Pirajussara (SP) / Indicators for monitoring of morphodynamic processes: aplication in the Pirajuçara Watershed (SP)

Canil, Kátia 28 February 2007 (has links)
Geoindicadores correspondem a medidas de magnitude e freqüência de processos geomorfológicos superficiais que variam num período inferior a cem anos e se baseiam em análises, diagnósticos e procedimentos para monitoramento do meio ambiente. Assim, o conceito de geoindicador foi adotado nesta pesquisa para formulação e sistematização de indicadores de processos morfodinâmicos e intervenções antropogênicas (uso e ocupação do solo) na bacia do ribeirão Pirajuçara, com 73 km2, que abrange os municípios de São Paulo, Taboão da Serra e Embu, na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP). Sua escolha considerou a existência de áreas significativas de produção de sedimentos e o histórico de ocorrências de inundações. Os indicadores foram aplicados em três escalas de análise: bacia do ribeirão Pirajuçara (1:50.000), bacia do ribeirão Poá (afluente principal do ribeirão Pirajuçara) (1:25.000), e sub-bacias de dois afluentes de primeira ordem do córrego Poá (1:5.000). A proposta apresentada reúne 21 (vinte e um) indicadores em quatro categorias: situação de equilíbrio, intervenções antropogênicas, dinâmica das vertentes, e dinâmica fluvial, para cada uma das quais foram descritos os parâmetros de registro de cada indicador. Esse modelo poderá subsidiar a elaboração de planos de monitoramento para prevenção e controle de processos morfodinâmicos em bacias hidrográficas em áreas urbanas e/ou rurais. / Geoindicators are measures of magnitude and frequency of surface geomorphological processes that vary significantly over a period of less than 100 years and are used in environmental monitoring assessment. Geoindicators have been adopted in this research in order to select and systematize the morphodynamic processes and anthropogenic action (land use occupation) in the Pirajuçara Watershed which drains an area of 73 km2, and includes parts of São Paulo, Taboão da Serra and Embu cities, in São Paulo Metropolitan Region (RMSP). The reason for selecting this watershed was the presence of significant erosion areas and the historical records of floods. The indicators have been applied in three scales of analysis: Pirajuçara watershed (1:50.000), Poá watershed - the main subwatershed of Pirajuçara (1:25.000) and two subwatersheds of first order of Poá (1:5.000). This research presents 21 indicators in four classes: equilibrium state; anthropogenic action; hillslope dynamic and fluvial dynamic, and describes for each indicator its characteristics. This proposal may be used to support the elaboration of monitoring plans to prevent and control the morphodynamic processes for watersheds in urban and/or rural areas.

Uso de indicadores de desempenho nas empresas construtoras brasileiras: diagnóstico e orientações para utilização / Use of performance indicators in Brazilian construction firms: diagnoses and orientations for utilization

Barbosa, Ava Santana 14 April 2010 (has links)
A busca pelo aumento do desempenho tem levado as empresas, em geral, a buscar ferramentas de gestão para esse fim. Nas empresas construtoras não tem sido diferente. Nesse tipo de empresa, a primeira iniciativa foi a gestão da qualidade, porém atualmente observa-se a utilização de outras, a exemplo dos sistemas de medição de desempenho. Nesse contexto, a questão que guiou esse trabalho foi identificar se existe uma prática de medição de desempenho em empresas construtoras e se essa prática contribui para a gestão de desempenho. A partir daí, o objetivo deste trabalho é identificar qual o panorama da utilização dos sistemas de medição de desempenho pelas empresas construtoras brasileiras, além de buscar verificar como é essa prática, qual o seu alinhamento com a teoria e que contribuição pode ser dada a partir da comparação entre a teoria e a prática. Essas informações foram coletadas através de um survey e de um levantamento detalhado em empresas construtoras que possuíam um sistemade gestão da qualidade implantado e, com essas pesquisas de campo, foi possível identificar as características desse uso, os pontos fortes e as dificuldades encontradas pelas empresas. A partir da análise comparativa da prática das empresas e a teoria sobre medição de desempenho, foram elaboradas orientações para utilização dos sistemas de medição de desempenho pelas empresas construtoras brasileiras. A contribuição dessa pesquisa foi levantar uma discussão sobre o tema a nível nacional, identificando as características desta prática e oferecer às empresas construtoras sugestões de como aperfeiçoar o uso dessa ferramenta. / The search for performance raising have leading the firms, in general, to look for management tools. In the construction firms it isn\'t different. In this kind of companies, the first initiative was quality management, but nowadays it\'s possible to find others, as the performance measurement systems. In this context, the question that guided this study was identify if there is a performance measurement practice in the construction firms and if this practice contributes for the performance management. This work aims identify the performance management systems scene in brazilian construction firms, how this practice works and which is the alignment between theory and practice This information was collected by a survey and a detailed description in firms that have quality management systems implanted. With this field research was possible identify the characteristics of this use, the strong points and the difficult of the firms. After the comparative analysis, orientations forperformance measurement systems use was elaborated, focusing in brazilian construction firms. The contribution of this research was initiate a discussion about the theme in national level, identifying the practice characteristics and offer to the firms suggestions for improve the use of this tool.

Avaliação de desempenho organizacional: um estudo em um hospital universitário público / Organizational performance measurement: a study in a public teaching hospital

Chiareto, Joice 24 October 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivos verificar se existe um sistema de avaliação de desempenho organizacional no hospital universitário estudado, caracterizá-lo e identificar os benefícios trazidos e as dificuldades enfrentadas pela avaliação de desempenho organizacional na instituição. Na fundamentação teórica foram abordados os conceitos principais de avaliação e indicadores de desempenho, avaliação de desempenho em organizações públicas e hospitais. Para atingir os objetivos de pesquisa foi utilizada a metodologia de estudo de caso único, tendo como fontes de dados uma entrevista com o gestor responsável pela avaliação de desempenho e pesquisa documental. O objeto de pesquisa foi o Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (HCFMRP-USP). Os resultados encontrados demonstraram que a avaliação de desempenho na instituição estudada apresenta grande parte das características que, segundo a literatura, um sistema de avaliação deve conter. Nesse ponto, recebe destaque a relação direta da avaliação de desempenho com os resultados financeiros da instituição, o alto nível de participação da alta administração e dos setores da instituição na avaliação de desempenho. Quanto a problemas na avaliação de desempenho, destacam-se alguns aspectos relacionados aos desalinhamentos na escolha e categorização de alguns indicadores quando confrontados com a missão e objetivos do HCFMRP-USP. Desde modo, este trabalho visa contribuir para melhoria da compreensão da avaliação de desempenho organizacional em hospitais universitários públicos. / This work aimed verify the existence of a performance measurement system in the teaching hospital studied, characterize it and brought identify the benefits and the difficulties faced by measurement of organizational performance in the institution. In the theoretical foundation the core concepts of evaluation and performance indicators, performance measurement in public organizations and hospitals were approached. To achieve the objectives of this research, the methodology of single case study was used, and as data sources an interview with the manager responsible for performance evaluation and documentary research. The research object was the Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (HCFMRP-USP). The results demonstrated that the performance evaluation in the institution studied has much of the characteristics that, according to the literature, an evaluation system should contain. At this point, get highlighted the direct relationship of the performance measurement results with the financial results of the institution, the high level of involvement of senior management and departments of the institution with the performance measurement. As for problems in the performance measurement process, are highlighted misalignments in the selection and categorization of some indicators when faced with the mission and goals of HCFMRP-USP. This work aims to contribute to improving the understanding of evaluation of organizational performance in public teaching hospitals.

O espaço público no processo de urbanização de favelas / Public space in the process of slums upgrading

Grosbaum, Marcia 23 May 2012 (has links)
No cenário brasileiro atual, em que se consolidam e se intensificam as práticas de políticas públicas no campo da urbanização de assentamentos precários, mostra-se pertinente buscar uma abordagem de intervenção que priorize o planejamento urbano como fio condutor do processo, de modo a possibilitar a qualificação de espaços urbanos que atendam ao interesse público, dando um passo além das soluções primárias para os problemas emergenciais das situações de risco e de provisão de infraestrutura básica. Ao colocar o espaço público no foco da questão, todos os demais componentes de projeto e ação se reposicionam no conjunto da intervenção numa lógica que prioriza o interesse da coletividade, a partir do qual se definem com maior consistência as diretrizes de intervenção. Este estudo busca um caminho pragmático para o enfrentamento deste desafio, construindo uma matriz para avaliação das intervenções de urbanização de assentamentos precários a partir do espaço público. Nela os indicadores agrupam-se nos eixos: inserção social; inserção ambiental; inserção urbana; inserção da moradia; áreas de encontro e lazer; e dinâmica de uso do espaço público, visando à avaliação da inserção dessas localidades e de suas comunidades na cidade consolidada. Dois assentamentos paulistanos foram estudados a partir da metodologia desenvolvida no trabalho: Jardim Iporanga/ Esmeralda (Cidade Dutra, Programa Guarapiranga, 1998/ 2007) para análise dos resultados da implantação, e Favela do Sapé (Rio Pequeno, Programa de Urbanização de Favelas da Prefeitura de São Paulo, obras em andamento em 2011) para análise do processo de projeto. / In the current Brazilian scenario, the practice of public policies is being intensified and reinforced in the environment of precarious settlements. Therefore, it is relevant to seek for an approach of intervention that prioritizes the urban planning as a guiding principle for this process, so as to enable urban spaces to attend public demands and take a step forward to rudimentary solutions for emergency problems on risky situations, offering appropriate basic infrastructure. By placing the public space in the heart of the question, all components of the project and the action are repositioned to prioritize the collective needs, from which intervention directions are more consistently defined. The purpose of this study is to seek a pragmatic way to face this challenge, by creating a matrix for the assessment of urban interventions in precarious settlements, having the public space as a starting point. In this matrix, the indicators are subdivided as follows: social insertion, environmental insertion, urban insertion, housing insertion, meeting and leisure areas, and the dynamic and use of the public space, aiming to evaluate the insertion of those places and its communities in the city. Two settlements in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, were studied with the methodology developed in this study: Jardim Iporanga/ Esmeralda (Cidade Dutra/Guarapiranga Program 1998/ 2007) for the analysis of the results after implementation, and Favela do Sapé (Rio Pequeno, Slums Upgrading Program by the São Paulo Municipal Administration) for the analysis of the process of the project.

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