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Lietuvos darbo biržos IS tyrimas / Analysis of Lithuanian jobcentre Information systemMačytė, Vilija 08 January 2005 (has links)
Project aim – to analyse existing IS of Lithuanian jobcentre and ascertain perfection and development possibilities of it. In reference with results offer suggestions to Lithuanian jobcentre Information system planning department on IS development and potentialities renewal.
Organization and information structures and work model of Lithuanian jobcentre was inspected. It was made analysis of jobcentre and compared with other similar search systems. There were marked the mane functional and technological development stages of jobcentre information system. As a result of this analysis it was shown Lithuanian jobcentre information system variation from DBIRZA to DBIRZA_I
Users demands on pending IS work processes were investigated and framed out by questionnaire, also Lithuanian jobcentre process modeller by which must be renewed jobcentre IS was investigated.
Possible software was reviewed. MySQL technology was chosen for data base build-up and PHP technology for programming.
Employer’s information registration and administration also unemployed registration use case modellers were prepared. They detail describes information flows and computerized tasks of system. There were made structural diagrams of information flows. According to information flows the entity relations diagram was created, the logical structure of data base for certificates was developed.
The data base Projektas was created for search system. Specification of program modules was made up. Manuals... [to full text]
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Ryšių su klientais valdymo sistema / Customer relationship managementSinickas, Robertas 10 January 2005 (has links)
Sinickas Robertas. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system: Master’s Work in IT/supervisor doc. S.Gudas; Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Informatics, Kaunas University of Technology.-Kaunas, 2005.-67 p.
Research objective – customers’ order management information system.
Research object – the main object is focused on the establishment of the CRM system, which is based on the organizational and objective structure analysis.
In order to accomplish the tasks that have been set for this thesis, the analysis of a customer relation vision, which determines the essence of customer relation management, has been prepared. On this stage the necessity of computer based customer relation management is analyzed with the help of CRM technology: using CRM model, its methodology, system adoption problems. The comparative analysis of the means of CRM development, its control packages, and CASE system methods is also applied. Due to the latter, MS Access package is chosen to represent the mean of CRM development (ADO – for the data manipulation; VBA – programming language) because of its wide practical use in the chosen organization and the use of ProVision Workbench for the CASE system model development.
According to the requirements for the information system specification in the second part there is suggested an organizational activity structural and objective analysis: hierarchic organizational activity model, business interaction model, event model, destination... [to full text]
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Ilgalaikių kontraktų vykdymo finansinės kontrolės IS / Long term contract financial control information systemMartynaitis, Darius 12 January 2005 (has links)
The main goal of these thesis is : to carry out all organization process that must be computerized. There are some processes which man cannot carry out withuot special software. The main critical proces is financial control of contracts. Contract begins with signing between our handing organization and customers. Each contract consists of terms and good‘s that must be delivered at time. The name of thesis „long term... „ says that contract conditions are exercised in parts. Goods are been delivered in parts and payment is been getting in parts too. So there are many contracts, and the man is unable to control all its himself. So our software must do financial contract control : to mark parts of good of each contract, allow to see every condition of contracts, and allow to solve the problem of goods identification (BAR codes), because our organization is an agent in trading range. We made our software, theretofore did analysis of excisting software, software that can be partially useful for us and can be upgraded using our functional requirements. We used to modificate typical agreement data model by Len Silverston and use it to transform to DB schema (realationships). Our software (projecting and coding) is made using these tools : Rational Rose, MS Visio, Borland Delphi, MS Access and MS SQL Server.
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Maitinimo įstaigos klientų aptarnavimo IS / Information system of food supply managementVišniakovas, Ruslanas 16 January 2007 (has links)
In this work designs information system of the feeding establishment not only for organization personnel but for clients use too. This system must help to fulfill crack in similar information systems market, because compared products are created to help and accelerate personnel work, but do not give opportunity for client to take decision himself, and to reduce his meal time too. Problem of not effective client food supply service becomes more actual. Client is rushed to waste away his time. The work goal is to modernize Information System of Food supply management and solve client time wasting problem. This work consists of analysis, designing and realization parts. In the first part are set analysis of environment and users, overlooked occasionally way taked alike information systems, and set, that these systems do not have client’s module. System’s architecture and realization tools are picked. Set information system opportunities, merits, requirements and elements of risk. Designing and realization part shows structure and realization of the client’s service information system. It designed with UML methodology help. For the system realization chosen PHP programming language and MySQL data basis. Created and tested prototype version of designed new system.
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Unifikuotos KMUK klinikinių duomenų informacinės sistemos sukūrimo analizė bei tyrimas / Unified information system of clinical data in Kaunas university of medicineŽuklys, Tomas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas yra išstudijuoti procesus, procedūras, priemonės ir problemas susijusias su klinikinių duomenų rinkimu, kaupimu, panaudojimu, informacijos judėjimu Kauno medicinos universiteto klinikose bei pasiūlyti idėjas, kaip patobulinti jau veikiančius duomenų rinkimo bei kaupimo metodus, pagerinti sukauptų duomenų analizavimą, statistikos rinkimą, apžvelgti integravimosi su kitomis egzistuojančiomis informacinėmis sistemomis, ir apibendrinant – pagerinti bei pagreitinti informacijos judėjimą gydymo įstaigoje sukuriant naują unifikuotą KMUK klinikinių duomenų informacinę sistemą.
Šis tyrimas yra sutelktas ties informacijos rinkimu, apdorojimu bei apsikeitimu ne tik vietiniu mastu, t.y. tarp atskirų klinikų, bet ir visos Lietuvos mastu, t.y. su kitomis Lietuvos gydymo įstaigomis, bei kuriamu nacionalinės e. sveikatos sistemos projektu. Tyrimas parodė, jog duomenų rinkimas yra pakankamai sudėtingas. Yra naudojamos skirtingos priemonės, tokios kaip: pacientų kortelės, registrai, įvairios formos. Visos šios skirtingos duomenų rinkimo bei kaupimo priemonės rodo, jog yra didelis poreikis vieningos sistemos, kuri apimtų visus klinikose vykstančius procesus, realizuotų skirtingų profilinių klinikų darbo savitumus.
Viso tyrimo metu diskutuojant tiek su gydymo įstaigų darbuotojais, tiek nagrinėjant jau esamas sistemas aš supratau, jog yra nemažai problemų susijusių su informacijos valdymu bei apdorojimu. Vienos iš jų – nepakankamas suvokimas poreikio kaupti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main aims and objectives of this study are, to explore the procedures, tools and problems
related to primary health care data collection, storage, use and information flows in Kaunas university of medicine and to offer ideas and suggestions on how to improve the systems of routine data collection, storage, analysis and use of information and more generally to improve the flows of information and also to explore challenges related to realizing the potential for cooperative, integrated information systems in healthcare and more generally – to improve the flows of information by creating a new unified information system of clinical data.
This study is based on data collection, processing and exchanging not only in the area of Kaunas university of medicine, but also, with the other institutions of health care and the „NESS“ project which is now being developed.
The study showed that the process of data collection is rather complex. A number of data collection tools are used: patient cards, registers, various forms. All of this shows that a unified information system of clinical data is needed. It will involve all the processes inside clinics, deal with the individuality of every single clinic.
Through a cross – case analysis and discussions with people who work in health care I found that there are several problems related to the use and management of information like lack of clear understanding of the purpose of data collection, poor knowledge of working with computer... [to full text]
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Darbų vykdymo paslaugų teikimo informacinė sistema / Tasks Proceeding And Services Information SystemNorbutas, Artūras 16 August 2007 (has links)
Įmonės, teikiančios personalo nuomos paslaugas, vadovybė kasdien susiduria su dideliu informacijos, duomenų srautu, ieškant galimų darbuotojų, užsakovų, derinant bei planuojant užsakymus ir jų paskirstymą turimiems darbuotojams, planuojant bei sekant pačių darbuotojų esamas bei galimas būsimas komandiruotes, įdarbinant, atleidžiant juos ir pan. Šis darbas reikalauja daug laiko, žmogiškųjų išteklių resursų ir tuo pačiu papildomų finansinių išteklių. Tai taip pat suteikia tam tikros rizikos siekiant didinti įmonės pelningumą. Visą įmonės turimų bei renkamų duomenų ir informacijos valdymą labai supaprastintų ir tuo pačiu leistų racionaliau skirstyti visus išteklius įmonei pagal jos veiklą ir specifinius reikalavimus sukurta, įdiegta ir sėkmingai veikianti informacinė sistema.
Šio magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslas - sukurti darbų vykdymo paslaugų teikimo informacinę sistemą.
Darbo tyrimo sritis – informacinių sistemų projektavimas ir valdymas.
Išsikeltam magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslui pasiekti buvo suformuoti šie uždaviniai:
• išanalizuoti planuojamos kurti informacinės sistemos panaudojimo sritį, kūrimo priemones ir metodus, vartotojo poreikius bei sistemų pasirinkimo alternatyvą.
• suprojektuoti, realizuoti ir paruošti naudojimui sukurtą informacinę sistemą.
• paruošti sistemos vartotojo sąsajos projektą.
Atskleidžiant temą pasirinkta trijų dalių darbo struktūra. Pirmoje darbo dalyje detaliau supažindinama su tyrimo sritimi, objektu ir problemos aktualumu, aprašomas analizės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this Master’s degree paper is to compose information system for offering services of tasks execution. The sphere of paper research is the management of personnel hiring service and providing of tasks execution services in UAB DARBO SPRENDIMAI. According to company demands there has been created new information system of providing services for tasks execution, which integrates all till now collected data and computerizes the workplace and functions of UAB DARBO SPRENDIMAI office. The composed program matches indicated specific and not specific requirements and criterion of functionality. It has been tested and, in sequences, the possibilities and variations of program improvement have been foreseen. The consumer interaction documentation, explaining the principles of program running and its usage, has been prepared as well.
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Užsakymų valdymo organizavimas veikiant informacinei sistemai / Organizing order management with operating information systemPliuskevič, Anatolij 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbe atlikta informacinių sistemų bei užsakymų valdymo mokslinės literatūros analizė, išskiriami užsakymų realizavimo metodai bei šiuolaikinės informacinės valdymo sistemos. Magistro darbas susideda iš įvado , kuriame iškeliama tiriamojo darbo problema, tikslai, užduotys, trumpai apibūdinami jų įgyvendinimo ir sprendimo būdai. Literatūros analizėje analizuojami įvairūs teoriniai šaltiniai. Pagal atlikto tyrimo duomenis pateikiami įvairių įmonių informacinių sistemų vertinimai. / During the work researches the scientific literature analysis about order management and information systems was made, the main order release mechanisms and information management systems were assessed. The work includes introduction, which examining problem, goals and tasks, and the way of solving them are detained in this part. In literature analysis various theories are determined. The Master work contains Study of estimation of various companies about the use of information system for order management.
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Audimo technologijos informacinė sistema / Weave technology information systemŠvedaitė, Lina 11 August 2008 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. Inovacijos audinių projektavime yra aktualios tiek privačioms, tiek ir valstybinėms įmonėms, kadangi jos visos kasdieninėje veikloje susiduria su naujų technologijų ir medžiagų taikymo galimybių įvairove, finansavimo šaltinių trūkumu, profesionalių audimo specialistų parengimo ir jų adaptavimosi įmonėse problemomis.
Audinių gamybos procesas orientuojamas į naujas technologijas, gamybinių ir vadybinių galimybių paiešką ir jų panaudojimą. Tai reiškia, kad siekiant patenkinti vartotojo poreikius nebūtinai reikia kurti kažką radikaliai naujo; pritaikymą naujiems pasiūlymams galima rasti kasdieninėje audimo įmonių veikloje ir naujame požiūryje į specialistų paruošimą, jų kvalifikacijos kėlimą.
Temos aktualumas siejamas su audimo technologinių veiklos procesų modernizavimu, kuris turi padėti kompiuterizuoti kasdieninius audimo technologo darbus, suteikiant galimybę juos atlikti efektyviau, kokybiškiau ir sparčiau bei patenkinti esamus poreikius.
Tiriama problema – kaip galima būtų palengvinti audimo technologo darbą kompiuterizuojant audimo technologinius skaičiavimus, pateikiant išsamią ir aiškią informaciją klientams bei darbuotojams apie atliktas paslaugas. Ši problema optimaliausiai išsprendžiama sukuriant naują informacinę sistemą, kuri atitinka keliamus reikalavimus bei patenkina informacinius poreikius.
Darbo objektas – audimo fabriko veikla.
Siekiant užsibrėžto tikslo, yra sprendžiami tokie uždaviniai:
- Išanalizuoti audimo fabriko veiklą, aplinką ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the work – to project and implement weaving technology enterprise service information system.
The main tasks are to analyze the activities, environment and structure of the weaving technology enterprise, to perform the analysis of internal and external information streams of the enterprise, to form the requirements for the new system and its functions after evaluating the defects of the current system, to compare the created IS with the already existing software packs, to project and establish weaving technology enterprise service information system, to test its operation using real data and to provide the instructions for a user of the system.
The methods used in the work are the following: general identification method, comparison, deduction, designing, analysis of alternatives, analysis of documents, synthesis, generalization, conversation methods, observation.
Obtained results: a new weaving technology enterprise service system was created. It computerizes technologist‘s work, helps to perform it faster and easier, provides clear and structured information in accordance with the requirements.
After analyzing of the activities, functions, environment of the enterprise, the structure of the organization, and after analyzing of the processes that require IS and of the current features that do not meet the requirements of the user, a new information system was designed using the MS Visio 2000 pack. MS Access was chosen for the implementation of the system. The... [to full text]
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Kelionių operatoriaus informacinės sistemos kūrimas ir įvertinimas / Development and evaluation of tour operator information systemKapušinskas, Modestas 02 September 2008 (has links)
Augantis interneto populiarumas ir vartotojų skaičius verčia modernias įmones pakeisti senas vidines sistemas naujais internetiniais produktais. Tokios sistemos leidžia naudotis programine įranga iš nutolusių įmonių filialų, taip pat sumažina komunikacijos ir apsikeitimo duomenimis procesų kaštus ir tokiu būdų suteikia pranašumą prieš konkurentus. Kelionių operatoriai, kurie naudoja skirtingas informacines sistemas elektroninei komercijai ir kelionių bei rezervacijų valdymui, susiduria su kelių skirtingų sistemų integravimo problema, nes integruojami produktai neturi standartizuotų sąsajų. Kita problema – universalių sprendimų pritaikymas konkrečiam kelionių operatoriui, nes universalūs sprendimai nepalaiko visų svarbių veiklos procesų. Norint išspręsti šią problemą, reikia keisti universalius sprendimus. Šiame darbe aprašomas kelionių operatoriaus informacinės sistemos su integruotais elektroninės komercijos įrankiais kūrimas ir tyrimas. Vartotojų apklausa parodė, kad sukurta sistema gerokai pagerino informacijos apie keliones ir jų užsakymų valdymo procesų efektyvumą. / A growing number of active internet users and increasing internet popularity force modern companies replace their old internal software systems with new modern internet products. Such software systems give possibility to use one centralized software platform from remote company offices, reduce communication and valuable data exchange costs thus giving advantage over competitors. Tour operators use several different software solutions and this causes system integration problem, mainly, because these software solutions do not have standard data exchange interfaces. Another problem is difficult adoption of universal off-the-shelf solution to a specific tour operator as universal solution does not support all important activity processes. In order to solve these problems, universal solutions should be modified. This thesis describes development and research of tour operator information system with integrated e-commerce solution. Survey of end users have showed that implemented system have greatly improved travel information processing and order management processes.
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Skirstomojo elektros tinklo informacinės sistemos apimties ir struktūros tyrimas / The research on extent and structure of information system of Distributing electricity networkŠlikas, Ričardas 13 June 2005 (has links)
The theme of Master project of Energetics engineer is to analyze the information equipment. Is to analyze the utilitarian systems limitation at present. Describe the rising problems and benefit of successful solutions. Is to analyze extent and structure of distributing electricity network information system , to find the ways of why improve receiving of required information. Present the draft and vision of the information system. Present the attitudes to making information system, constitutional culture and ways to get information system. Describe the goals of information system and the characteristic of results.
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