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Efeitos do oxigênio umidificado e não umidificado via cateter nasal sobre o transporte mucociliar e muco nasal / The effects of humidified and dry oxygen via nasal catheter on mucociliary clearance and mucusFranchini, Michelle Lisidati 04 March 2016 (has links)
O transporte mucociliar (TMC) é um mecanismo básico de defesa do sistema respiratório necessário na resistência à infecção. A efetividade desse mecanismo de defesa depende da composição e profundidade do muco, da integridade e da função dos cílios e da interação muco-cílio. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos crônicos do oxigenoterapia de baixo fluxo via cateter nasal com e sem umidificação sobre o TMC nasal, nas propriedades físicas do muco, na inflamação e nos sintomas de vias aéreas em pacientes com hipoxemia crônica com necessidade de oxigenoterapia domiciliar de longo prazo (>15 horas/dia). Dezoito pacientes (idade média de 68 anos, 7 do sexo masculino, índice de massa corpórea (IMC) médio de 26 kg/m2, 66% com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC), 60% com hipertensão arterial (HAS) e ex-tabagistas) iniciando oxigenoterapia de baixo fluxo via cateter nasal foram randomizados para o grupo Oxigênio Seco (n=10) ou Oxigênio Umidificado (n=9). Os pacientes foram avaliados nos tempos: basal, 12 horas, 7 dias, 30 dias, 12 meses e 24 meses para o TMC nasal por meio do teste de trânsito da sacarina, as propriedades físicas do muco por meio de ângulo de contato, a inflamação por meio de quantificação do número total de células e diferenciais e da concentração de citocinas no lavado nasal assim como para sintomas por meio do questionário SNOT-20. O sintoma mais importante relatado por pacientes no basal foi tosse que melhorou após 7 dias de oxigenoterapia. No nosso estudo, os pacientes de ambos grupos apresentaram prolongamento significativo (40%) do TMC nasal ao longo do estudo. O lavado nasal mostrou um aumento das proporções de neutrófilos, das células caliciformes e da concentração do fator de crescimento epidermal (EGF) assim como reduções em macrófagos e concentrações de interferon alfa (IFN-alfa), interleucina (IL)-8 e IL-10 ao longo do estudo. Não houve alterações na proporção de células ciliadas, na concentração de IL-6 e no ângulo de contato do muco em ambos os grupos. A tosse e os sintomas de sono diminuiram significativamente em ambos os grupos. Nosso estudo sugere que a umidificação não tem impacto sobre o TMC nasal, as propriedades do muco, a inflamação e os sintomas em pacientes com baixo fluxo de oxigênio via cateter nasal (BFON) / Mucociliary clearance (MCC) is a basic defense mechanism of the respiratory system against respiratory infection. The efficiency of this defense mechanism depends on the mucus composition and mucus depth, on the cilia integrity and function and the mucus-cilia interaction. The aim of this study was investigate the long-term effects of low-flow oxygen via nasal catheter (NLFO) using dry oxygen (Dried-NLFO) or humidified oxygen (Humidified-NLFO) on nasal mucociliary clearance, mucus properties, inflammation and symptoms in patients with chronic hypoxemia requiring long-term domiciliary oxygen therapy ( > 15 hours/day). Eighteen patients (mean age of 68 years, 7 male, mean BMI of 26 kg/m2, 66% COPD, 60% hypertensive and former smokers) initiating NLFO were randomized to Dried-NLFO (n=10) or Humidified-NLFO (n=9). Patients were assessed at baseline and along 12 hours, 7 days, 30 days, 12 months and 24 months for nasal MCC using saccharine test, mucus properties by means of contact angle, inflammation using total number of cells and cytokines concentration in nasal lavage fluid as well as symptoms by SNOT-20 questionnaire. The most important airway symptom reported by patients at baseline was cough that improved after 7 days of oxygen therapy. In our study, nasal MCC prolonged significantly (40%) and similarly in both groups along the study. Nasal lavage showed increased proportions of neutrophils, goblet cells and epidermal growth factor concentration as decreases in macrophages, IFN-a lfa, IL-8 and IL-10 concentrations along the study. No changes in the proportion of ciliated cells, IL-6 and mucus contact angle were observed in both groups. Coughing and sleep symptoms significantly decreased similarly in both groups. Our study suggests that humidification does not impact on nasal MCC, mucus properties, inflammation and symptoms in patients using NLFO
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Determinação de resíduos de hexaclorociclohexano \"HCH\" no soro sanguíneo de trabalhadores expostos no Arquivo Histórico de Joinville na década de 80 / Determination of hexachlorcyciohexane residues on blood plasma of exposed employees of the Historical Archieve of Joinville on 80\'s decadeLoiola, Elaine Cristina Damasceno 13 December 2007 (has links)
O Hexaclorociclohexano (HCH) é um inseticida do grupo dos organoclorados, composto por uma mistura de isômeros formados durante a síntese química, através de sucessivas adições de cloro ao benzeno. Estes isômeros podem contaminar não só o meio ambiente como também a população que tenha contato direto ou indireto com os resíduos. Nas décadas de 70 e 80, foi utilizado um produto comercial composto pelo ativo HCH comercializado como \"Hexabel®\" no controle de insetos xilófagos no Acervo Histórico de Joinville em Santa Catarina. A aplicação do inseticida foi realizada pelos próprios funcionários do Arquivo Histórico, e houve intensa manipulação dos documentos tratados durante uma mudança do prédio o presente trabalho teve como objetivo validar uma metodologia de determinação de resíduos do HCH e seus isômeros em soro sangüíneo, e analisar o grau de exposição dos funcionários e ex-funcionários do Arquivo Histórico de Joinville ao produto. Foram realizados exames sorológicos em todos os funcionários e ex - funcionários do local e também na população que sabidamente nunca tiveram contato com o ativo, denominada população controle. As análises foram realizadas após a validação do método multiresíduos que obtém todos os ativos em uma única extração e tem detecção por Cromatografia a gás com detector de captura (GC-ECD) de elétrons. Os resultados comprovaram comprovaram a eficiência do método, através de dados em conformidade com os critérios do ensaio. Os resultados obtidos no estudo da população mostraram que a quantidade de HCH no soro sangüíneo de funcionários, ex-funcionários e da população controle estão abaixo do limite de quantificação de 0,04μg dL-1 para Alfa HCH e Gama HCH \"Lindana\" e 0,08μg dL-1 para Beta e Delta HCH. / Hexachlorcyciohexane (HCH) is an organochloride insecticide formed by a mixture of chemical isomers produced during its chemical synthesis, obtained after successive inserts of chlorine atoms on benzene molecule. These isomers may contaminate both the environment and the people who had direct or indirect contact with the HCH residues. On 70\'s and 80\'s, its was used a commercial product which contained HCH on its formula and was commercialized as Hexabel®. The product was used to control the xylophage insect population on the Historical Archieve of Joinville, at Santa Catarina, Brazil. The own employees did the insecticide application and there was an intensive manipulation of the treated material during a building change. The objective of this work was to validate a methodology to quantify the HCH residues and its isomers on blood plasma and analyze the employee\'s exposure extent to the chemical. It was done serological investigation on employees, former-employees and on non-exposed people, which was classified as the control population. The analyses were done after the methodology validation. The method was capable to obtain all isomers on a unique extraction and the detection and quantification were done by gas chromatography with electron-capture detector (GC-ECD). The results obtained showed that the proposed method is accurate, and that the amount of HCH residues on blood plasma of all individuals analyzed was lower than the quantification limits established to the method, which were 0,04 μg dL-1 for the alpha- and gamma- HCH (lindana) and 0,08 μg dL-1 for the beta- and delta- HCH.
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Aspectos clínicos, laboratoriais e de custos da população de crianças e adolescentes em oxigenoterapia domiciliar acompanhados pelo Instituto da Criança HC-FMUSP / Clinical, laboratory and costs aspects of the children and adolescents population in home oxygen therapy followed by Instituto da Criança HC-FMUSPMunhoz, Andréa da Silva 14 September 2010 (has links)
A oxigenoterapia domiciliar é uma terapêutica de extrema importância na faixa etária pediátrica que visa garantir o desenvolvimento pôndero-estatural e cognitivo de crianças hipoxêmicas, bem como prevenir e atenuar o desenvolvimento da hipertensão pulmonar secundária (HPS). OBJETIVO: Descrever a população de crianças e adolescentes em oxigenoterapia domiciliar prolongada (ODP), quanto às suas características demográficas, clínicas, laboratoriais, relativas ao uso do oxigênio (O2) e tempo de sobrevida após início da ODP. Comparar os grupos de pacientes com e sem HPS, em relação às características supracitadas e analisar comparativamente os custos em relação ao uso do concentrador versus cilindro de O2. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo retrospectivo de uma coorte de 165 pacientes, cujos dados relativos a um período 2002-2009 foram coletados de prontuários e de questionários aplicados aos pacientes e/ou acompanhantes. Os dados sobre custos foram cedidos pelo Núcleo de Assistência Domiciliar Interdisciplinar do HC-FMUSP. A variável contínua (idade de início do uso de O2) foi descrita através de sua mediana, valores máximo e mínimo. As demais variáveis (nominais), foram descritas através de suas frequências. As análises do tempo de uso do O2 e sobrevida foram feitas através da curva de Kaplan-Meier. Na comparação dos subgrupos com e sem HPS, as frequências (período de uso do O2 e intensidade do fluxo) foram comparadas através do teste do Qui-quadrado; e as curvas de Kaplan-Meier, por meio do teste Logrank. Nas análises, foi usado o software estatístico SPSS 13.0 e adotado um nível de significância de 5%. O custo médio mensal do programa foi calculado a partir das médias mensais de pacientes, segundo o tipo de sistema utilizado (concentrador ou cilindro) no período de um ano. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos pacientes (68%) residia no Município de São Paulo; 53% eram do sexo masculino e a idade de início da ODP variou de 0,1 a 21, 5 anos (mediana: 3,6 anos), sendo que cerca de um terço da casuística iniciou o uso do O2 no primeiro ano de vida. Os principais diagnósticos da doença crônica de base foram: fibrose cística (22%), displasia broncopulmonar (19%), bronquiolite obliterante (15%) e neuropatias crônicas (12%). A ODP foi contínua em 65% dos pacientes, sendo que 87% utilizavam fluxos inferiores a 2 L/min. O dispositivo para administração de O2 mais utilizado foi a cânula nasal (87%), e o sistema provedor foi o concentrador de O2 (58%). A mediana do tempo de uso do O2 foi de 7 anos. A mediana do tempo de sobrevida dos 165 pacientes após início da ODP foi de 13,4 anos. Dos 33 pacientes submetidos aos testes de função pulmonar, 70% apresentaram distúrbio ventilatório obstrutivo grave. O hemograma foi realizado em 150 pacientes. Destes, 37% eram anêmicos e 17%, policitêmicos; os demais apresentaram valores hematimétricos normais. O ecocardiograma foi realizado em 134 pacientes; destes, 51% apresentaram hipertensão pulmonar secundária (HPS). Foi encontrada associação estatisticamente significante entre presença de hipertensão pulmonar e necessidade de maiores fluxos de oxigênio (p = 0,011) bem como presença de hipertensão pulmonar e tempo de uso do O2 mais prolongado (p = 0,0001). O tempo de sobrevida dos grupos com e sem HPS após início da ODP não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante (p = 0,3445). No tocante aos custos relativos ao tipo de sistema provedor de O2 utilizado, o custo médio mensal do programa utilizando concentradores foi de R$ 4.176,80 e utilizando cilindros foi de R$ 9.396,00. CONCLUSÕES: Nesta casuística a ODP foi empregada em distintas doenças crônicas, com maior frequência de pacientes na faixa etária de lactentes e período pré-escolar. As doenças predominantes foram: fibrose cística, displasia broncopulmonar e bronquiolite obliterante. O tempo de ODP para os pacientes com estas patologias foi relativamente prolongado. A HPS foi frequente nos pacientes em ODP, e a sua presença, comparativamente aos pacientes sem HPS, ocasiona a necessidade de maiores períodos de tratamento e incremento de fluxos de oxigênio, sem interferência na sobrevida. Possivelmente o uso de concentradores de O2, ao invés de cilindros, em programas de ODP para pacientes pediátricos, reduza os custos de maneira significativa / The home oxygen therapy is extremely important in the pediatric age group that aims to ensure the weight, height and cognitive development of hypoxemic children, as well as prevent and mitigate the development of secondary pulmonary hypertension (SPH).OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to describe the population of children and adolescents in prolonged home oxygen therapy (LTOT) as their demographic characteristics, clinical, laboratory, concerning the use of O2, and survival time after onset of ODP. Compare patient groups with and without SPH in relation to the characteristics mentioned above and analyze comparatively the costs in relation to the use of concentrator versus O2 cylinder. Cost data were provided by the Interdisciplinary Center for Home Care. METHODS: This is a retrospective descriptive study of a cohort of 165 patients, whose data covering a period from 2002 to 2009 were collected from medical records and questionnaires applied to patients or caregivers. The continuous variable (age of onset of O2) was described by its median, maximum and minimum values. The other variables (nominal), were described by their frequencies. Analyses of time use of O2 and survival were evaluated by the Kaplan-Meier method. In comparing the groups with and without SPH, the frequency (period of use of O2 and intensity of flow) were compared using the Chi-square and Kaplan-Meier, using log rank test. In the analysis, we used the statistical software SPSS 13.0 and adopted a significance level of 5%. The average monthly cost of the program was calculated from the monthly average of patients, according to the type of system (concentrator or cylinder) during one year. RESULTS: Most patients (68%) resided in Sao Paulo city, 53% were male. The age of onset of LTOT ranged from 0.1 to 21,5 years (median 3.6 years), and about a third of the series initiated the use of O2 in the first year of life. The main diagnoses of chronic illness were: cystic fibrosis (22%), bronchopulmonary dysplasia (19%), bronchiolitis obliterans (15%) and chronic neuropathies (12%). The ODP was continuous in 65% of patients, 87% used flows of less than 2 L/min. The device for administration of O2 consisted of a nasal cannula (87%), and the system provider was the O2 concentrator (58%). The median duration of use of O2 was 7 years. The median survival time of 165 patients after initiation of LTOT was 13.4 years. Of the 33 patients tested for lung function, 70% had severe obstructive respiratory disorder. Blood counts were performed in 150 patients. Of these, 37% were anemic,17% polycythemic, and the others showed normal hematological values. Echocardiography was performed in 134 patients, of which 51% had SPH. Statistically significant association was found between the presence of pulmonary hypertension and need for greater flows of oxygen (p = 0.011) and presence of pulmonary hypertension and longer duration of O2 use (p = 0.0001). The survival time of patients with and without HPS after initiating LTOT was not statistically significant (p = 0.3445).Concerning the costs for the type of O2 system provider used, the average monthly cost of the program using concentrators was R$ 4,176.80 and using cylinder was R$ 9,396.00. CONCLUSIONS: In this sample LTOT has been employed in various chronic diseases with a greater frequency of patients in the age range of infants and preschool period. The predominant diseases were: cystic fibrosis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and bronchiolitis obliterans. The period of LTOT for patients with these diseases was relatively prolonged. The SPH was common in patients on LTOT, and their presence compared to patients without SPH, causes the need for greater periods of treatment and increase the flow of oxygen, without interference on survival. Possibly the use of O2 concentrators, instead of cylinders in LTOT programs for pediatric patients, may reduce costs significantly
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Avaliação do conhecimento sobre o uso de inaladores dosimetrados entre profissionais de saúde de um hospital pediátrico / Evaluation of the knowledge of health professionals at a pediatric hospital regarding the use of metered-dose inhalersMuchão, Fabio Pereira 06 April 2009 (has links)
Existem evidências na literatura de que a administração de medicações, como corticosteróides inalatórios e broncodilatadores, utilizando inaladores pressurizados dosimetrados, é mais eficaz e segura do que com os nebulizadores convencionais. Entretanto, há evidências de que não só pacientes, mas também profissionais de saúde têm dificuldade no manejo dos inaladores pressurizados dosimetrados. A hipótese do presente estudo é que o conhecimento da técnica inalatória entre os profissionais da nossa Instituição é heterogêneo, sendo que não há informações sobre o nível deste conhecimento entre as diversas categorias profissionais. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o conhecimento prático e teórico de profissionais da área médica, de enfermagem e fisioterapia sobre a utilização do inalador dosimetrado através de testes padronizados. MÉTODOS: Avaliações teóricas e práticas sobre o conhecimento do uso de inaladores pressurizados dosimetrados foram realizadas com médicos, fisioterapeutas, enfermeiras e auxiliares de enfermagem, atribuindo-se uma nota de 0 a 10 para cada avaliação. Calcularam-se as medianas das notas obtidas pelos profissionais de cada categoria, as questões com maiores e menores índices de erros e feita a comparação descritiva do desempenho das diversas categorias profissionais. Após as avaliações, instrução verbal e escrita sobre a utilização correta dos dispositivos foi fornecida a todos os participantes. A análise estatística foi feita através do método de Kruskal-Wallis de comparação de medianas. Também foi realizada a análise através de regressão logística múltipla seqüencial. RESULTADOS: foram avaliados 30 médicos residentes ou estagiários da pediatria, 23 médicos assistentes, 29 fisioterapeutas, 33 enfermeiras e 31 auxiliares de enfermagem, em um total de146 profissionais. Não foram entrevistados residentes ou assistentes do grupo de Pneumologia. Os médicos residentes, fisioterapeutas e os médicos assistentes obtiveram desempenho significativamente superior que os enfermeiros e auxiliares de enfermagem. Apenas os médicos residentes obtiveram mediana superior a seis. As questões práticas com maiores índices de erros foram as relativas à limpeza do espaçador. Questões relativas à agitação do inalador antes do uso e à limpeza da cavidade oral após a sua utilização também obtiveram alto índice de erros. A questão teórica mais errada foi a respeito do tempo necessário entre dois jatos em aplicações sucessivas do inalador pressurizado dosimetrado. CONCLUSÕES: O conhecimento teórico-prático dos profissionais de saúde da Instituição a respeito do uso de inaladores pressurizados dosimetrados é heterogêneo. Os médicos residentes, fisioterapeutas e médicos assistentes obtiveram desempenho significativamente melhor que os enfermeiros e auxiliares de enfermagem sendo que estes últimos estão diretamente envolvidos na aplicação prática destes dispositivos na rotina hospitalar. / There are data in the literature indicating that the administration of medications such as inhaled corticosteroids and bronchodilators, using metered-dose inhalers, is more effective and safer than its dispensation by conventional nebulizers. However, there is evidence that not only patients but also health care professionals have difficulty in dealing with pressurized dose inhalers. The hypothesis of the present study is that the knowledge of inhalation techniques among health professionals of our Institution is heterogeneous, and there is no information about this knowledge among the diverse categories of professionals. OBJECTIVE: To assess the practical and theoretical knowledge of medical professionals, nursing and physiotherapy on the use of metereddose inhalers by standardized testing. METHODS: Practical and written tests on the use of metered-dose inhalers were applied to physicians, physical therapists, nurses and nursing assistants. A score from 0 to 10 was assigned to each evaluation. Median scores were calculated for each professional category. Questions with higher and lower correct values were identified, and a descriptive comparison was made regarding the performance of the diverse professional categories. Following the examination, oral and written instructions on the correct use of the devices were provided for all participants. Statistical analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis method for comparison of medians. A sequential logistic multiple regression analysis was also performed. RESULTS: A total of 146 professionals were assessed, including 30 fellows in pediatrics, 23 attending physicians, 29 physical therapists, 33 nurses and 31 nursing assistants. Fellows or attending physicians of the Pediatric Pulmonology Unit were not included in the study. Fellows, physical therapists and attending physicians performed significantly better than did nurses and nursing assistants. Only fellows had a median score greater than six. On the practical tests for infants and toddlers, the step most often missed was that related to cleaning the spacer. On practical tests, the steps related to shaking the inhaler and cleaning the mouth also presented high error indices. On the written tests, the question most often answered incorrectly was that related to the waiting time between puffs. CONCLUSIONS: The theoretical and practical knowledge of health professionals of our Institution on the use of metered-dose inhalers is heterogeneous. The performance of fellows, physical therapists and attending physicians was significantly better than that of nurses and nursing assistants who are directly involved in the practical application of these devices in the hospital routine.
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Avaliação do conhecimento sobre o uso de inaladores dosimetrados entre profissionais de saúde de um hospital pediátrico / Evaluation of the knowledge of health professionals at a pediatric hospital regarding the use of metered-dose inhalersFabio Pereira Muchão 06 April 2009 (has links)
Existem evidências na literatura de que a administração de medicações, como corticosteróides inalatórios e broncodilatadores, utilizando inaladores pressurizados dosimetrados, é mais eficaz e segura do que com os nebulizadores convencionais. Entretanto, há evidências de que não só pacientes, mas também profissionais de saúde têm dificuldade no manejo dos inaladores pressurizados dosimetrados. A hipótese do presente estudo é que o conhecimento da técnica inalatória entre os profissionais da nossa Instituição é heterogêneo, sendo que não há informações sobre o nível deste conhecimento entre as diversas categorias profissionais. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o conhecimento prático e teórico de profissionais da área médica, de enfermagem e fisioterapia sobre a utilização do inalador dosimetrado através de testes padronizados. MÉTODOS: Avaliações teóricas e práticas sobre o conhecimento do uso de inaladores pressurizados dosimetrados foram realizadas com médicos, fisioterapeutas, enfermeiras e auxiliares de enfermagem, atribuindo-se uma nota de 0 a 10 para cada avaliação. Calcularam-se as medianas das notas obtidas pelos profissionais de cada categoria, as questões com maiores e menores índices de erros e feita a comparação descritiva do desempenho das diversas categorias profissionais. Após as avaliações, instrução verbal e escrita sobre a utilização correta dos dispositivos foi fornecida a todos os participantes. A análise estatística foi feita através do método de Kruskal-Wallis de comparação de medianas. Também foi realizada a análise através de regressão logística múltipla seqüencial. RESULTADOS: foram avaliados 30 médicos residentes ou estagiários da pediatria, 23 médicos assistentes, 29 fisioterapeutas, 33 enfermeiras e 31 auxiliares de enfermagem, em um total de146 profissionais. Não foram entrevistados residentes ou assistentes do grupo de Pneumologia. Os médicos residentes, fisioterapeutas e os médicos assistentes obtiveram desempenho significativamente superior que os enfermeiros e auxiliares de enfermagem. Apenas os médicos residentes obtiveram mediana superior a seis. As questões práticas com maiores índices de erros foram as relativas à limpeza do espaçador. Questões relativas à agitação do inalador antes do uso e à limpeza da cavidade oral após a sua utilização também obtiveram alto índice de erros. A questão teórica mais errada foi a respeito do tempo necessário entre dois jatos em aplicações sucessivas do inalador pressurizado dosimetrado. CONCLUSÕES: O conhecimento teórico-prático dos profissionais de saúde da Instituição a respeito do uso de inaladores pressurizados dosimetrados é heterogêneo. Os médicos residentes, fisioterapeutas e médicos assistentes obtiveram desempenho significativamente melhor que os enfermeiros e auxiliares de enfermagem sendo que estes últimos estão diretamente envolvidos na aplicação prática destes dispositivos na rotina hospitalar. / There are data in the literature indicating that the administration of medications such as inhaled corticosteroids and bronchodilators, using metered-dose inhalers, is more effective and safer than its dispensation by conventional nebulizers. However, there is evidence that not only patients but also health care professionals have difficulty in dealing with pressurized dose inhalers. The hypothesis of the present study is that the knowledge of inhalation techniques among health professionals of our Institution is heterogeneous, and there is no information about this knowledge among the diverse categories of professionals. OBJECTIVE: To assess the practical and theoretical knowledge of medical professionals, nursing and physiotherapy on the use of metereddose inhalers by standardized testing. METHODS: Practical and written tests on the use of metered-dose inhalers were applied to physicians, physical therapists, nurses and nursing assistants. A score from 0 to 10 was assigned to each evaluation. Median scores were calculated for each professional category. Questions with higher and lower correct values were identified, and a descriptive comparison was made regarding the performance of the diverse professional categories. Following the examination, oral and written instructions on the correct use of the devices were provided for all participants. Statistical analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis method for comparison of medians. A sequential logistic multiple regression analysis was also performed. RESULTS: A total of 146 professionals were assessed, including 30 fellows in pediatrics, 23 attending physicians, 29 physical therapists, 33 nurses and 31 nursing assistants. Fellows or attending physicians of the Pediatric Pulmonology Unit were not included in the study. Fellows, physical therapists and attending physicians performed significantly better than did nurses and nursing assistants. Only fellows had a median score greater than six. On the practical tests for infants and toddlers, the step most often missed was that related to cleaning the spacer. On practical tests, the steps related to shaking the inhaler and cleaning the mouth also presented high error indices. On the written tests, the question most often answered incorrectly was that related to the waiting time between puffs. CONCLUSIONS: The theoretical and practical knowledge of health professionals of our Institution on the use of metered-dose inhalers is heterogeneous. The performance of fellows, physical therapists and attending physicians was significantly better than that of nurses and nursing assistants who are directly involved in the practical application of these devices in the hospital routine.
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Aspectos clínicos, laboratoriais e de custos da população de crianças e adolescentes em oxigenoterapia domiciliar acompanhados pelo Instituto da Criança HC-FMUSP / Clinical, laboratory and costs aspects of the children and adolescents population in home oxygen therapy followed by Instituto da Criança HC-FMUSPAndréa da Silva Munhoz 14 September 2010 (has links)
A oxigenoterapia domiciliar é uma terapêutica de extrema importância na faixa etária pediátrica que visa garantir o desenvolvimento pôndero-estatural e cognitivo de crianças hipoxêmicas, bem como prevenir e atenuar o desenvolvimento da hipertensão pulmonar secundária (HPS). OBJETIVO: Descrever a população de crianças e adolescentes em oxigenoterapia domiciliar prolongada (ODP), quanto às suas características demográficas, clínicas, laboratoriais, relativas ao uso do oxigênio (O2) e tempo de sobrevida após início da ODP. Comparar os grupos de pacientes com e sem HPS, em relação às características supracitadas e analisar comparativamente os custos em relação ao uso do concentrador versus cilindro de O2. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo retrospectivo de uma coorte de 165 pacientes, cujos dados relativos a um período 2002-2009 foram coletados de prontuários e de questionários aplicados aos pacientes e/ou acompanhantes. Os dados sobre custos foram cedidos pelo Núcleo de Assistência Domiciliar Interdisciplinar do HC-FMUSP. A variável contínua (idade de início do uso de O2) foi descrita através de sua mediana, valores máximo e mínimo. As demais variáveis (nominais), foram descritas através de suas frequências. As análises do tempo de uso do O2 e sobrevida foram feitas através da curva de Kaplan-Meier. Na comparação dos subgrupos com e sem HPS, as frequências (período de uso do O2 e intensidade do fluxo) foram comparadas através do teste do Qui-quadrado; e as curvas de Kaplan-Meier, por meio do teste Logrank. Nas análises, foi usado o software estatístico SPSS 13.0 e adotado um nível de significância de 5%. O custo médio mensal do programa foi calculado a partir das médias mensais de pacientes, segundo o tipo de sistema utilizado (concentrador ou cilindro) no período de um ano. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos pacientes (68%) residia no Município de São Paulo; 53% eram do sexo masculino e a idade de início da ODP variou de 0,1 a 21, 5 anos (mediana: 3,6 anos), sendo que cerca de um terço da casuística iniciou o uso do O2 no primeiro ano de vida. Os principais diagnósticos da doença crônica de base foram: fibrose cística (22%), displasia broncopulmonar (19%), bronquiolite obliterante (15%) e neuropatias crônicas (12%). A ODP foi contínua em 65% dos pacientes, sendo que 87% utilizavam fluxos inferiores a 2 L/min. O dispositivo para administração de O2 mais utilizado foi a cânula nasal (87%), e o sistema provedor foi o concentrador de O2 (58%). A mediana do tempo de uso do O2 foi de 7 anos. A mediana do tempo de sobrevida dos 165 pacientes após início da ODP foi de 13,4 anos. Dos 33 pacientes submetidos aos testes de função pulmonar, 70% apresentaram distúrbio ventilatório obstrutivo grave. O hemograma foi realizado em 150 pacientes. Destes, 37% eram anêmicos e 17%, policitêmicos; os demais apresentaram valores hematimétricos normais. O ecocardiograma foi realizado em 134 pacientes; destes, 51% apresentaram hipertensão pulmonar secundária (HPS). Foi encontrada associação estatisticamente significante entre presença de hipertensão pulmonar e necessidade de maiores fluxos de oxigênio (p = 0,011) bem como presença de hipertensão pulmonar e tempo de uso do O2 mais prolongado (p = 0,0001). O tempo de sobrevida dos grupos com e sem HPS após início da ODP não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante (p = 0,3445). No tocante aos custos relativos ao tipo de sistema provedor de O2 utilizado, o custo médio mensal do programa utilizando concentradores foi de R$ 4.176,80 e utilizando cilindros foi de R$ 9.396,00. CONCLUSÕES: Nesta casuística a ODP foi empregada em distintas doenças crônicas, com maior frequência de pacientes na faixa etária de lactentes e período pré-escolar. As doenças predominantes foram: fibrose cística, displasia broncopulmonar e bronquiolite obliterante. O tempo de ODP para os pacientes com estas patologias foi relativamente prolongado. A HPS foi frequente nos pacientes em ODP, e a sua presença, comparativamente aos pacientes sem HPS, ocasiona a necessidade de maiores períodos de tratamento e incremento de fluxos de oxigênio, sem interferência na sobrevida. Possivelmente o uso de concentradores de O2, ao invés de cilindros, em programas de ODP para pacientes pediátricos, reduza os custos de maneira significativa / The home oxygen therapy is extremely important in the pediatric age group that aims to ensure the weight, height and cognitive development of hypoxemic children, as well as prevent and mitigate the development of secondary pulmonary hypertension (SPH).OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to describe the population of children and adolescents in prolonged home oxygen therapy (LTOT) as their demographic characteristics, clinical, laboratory, concerning the use of O2, and survival time after onset of ODP. Compare patient groups with and without SPH in relation to the characteristics mentioned above and analyze comparatively the costs in relation to the use of concentrator versus O2 cylinder. Cost data were provided by the Interdisciplinary Center for Home Care. METHODS: This is a retrospective descriptive study of a cohort of 165 patients, whose data covering a period from 2002 to 2009 were collected from medical records and questionnaires applied to patients or caregivers. The continuous variable (age of onset of O2) was described by its median, maximum and minimum values. The other variables (nominal), were described by their frequencies. Analyses of time use of O2 and survival were evaluated by the Kaplan-Meier method. In comparing the groups with and without SPH, the frequency (period of use of O2 and intensity of flow) were compared using the Chi-square and Kaplan-Meier, using log rank test. In the analysis, we used the statistical software SPSS 13.0 and adopted a significance level of 5%. The average monthly cost of the program was calculated from the monthly average of patients, according to the type of system (concentrator or cylinder) during one year. RESULTS: Most patients (68%) resided in Sao Paulo city, 53% were male. The age of onset of LTOT ranged from 0.1 to 21,5 years (median 3.6 years), and about a third of the series initiated the use of O2 in the first year of life. The main diagnoses of chronic illness were: cystic fibrosis (22%), bronchopulmonary dysplasia (19%), bronchiolitis obliterans (15%) and chronic neuropathies (12%). The ODP was continuous in 65% of patients, 87% used flows of less than 2 L/min. The device for administration of O2 consisted of a nasal cannula (87%), and the system provider was the O2 concentrator (58%). The median duration of use of O2 was 7 years. The median survival time of 165 patients after initiation of LTOT was 13.4 years. Of the 33 patients tested for lung function, 70% had severe obstructive respiratory disorder. Blood counts were performed in 150 patients. Of these, 37% were anemic,17% polycythemic, and the others showed normal hematological values. Echocardiography was performed in 134 patients, of which 51% had SPH. Statistically significant association was found between the presence of pulmonary hypertension and need for greater flows of oxygen (p = 0.011) and presence of pulmonary hypertension and longer duration of O2 use (p = 0.0001). The survival time of patients with and without HPS after initiating LTOT was not statistically significant (p = 0.3445).Concerning the costs for the type of O2 system provider used, the average monthly cost of the program using concentrators was R$ 4,176.80 and using cylinder was R$ 9,396.00. CONCLUSIONS: In this sample LTOT has been employed in various chronic diseases with a greater frequency of patients in the age range of infants and preschool period. The predominant diseases were: cystic fibrosis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and bronchiolitis obliterans. The period of LTOT for patients with these diseases was relatively prolonged. The SPH was common in patients on LTOT, and their presence compared to patients without SPH, causes the need for greater periods of treatment and increase the flow of oxygen, without interference on survival. Possibly the use of O2 concentrators, instead of cylinders in LTOT programs for pediatric patients, may reduce costs significantly
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Anestesia inalatória em ovinos: estudo comparativo entre o halotano, isofluorano e sevofluorano / Inhalation anesthesia in sheep: comparative research of halothane, isoflurane and sevofluraneEwaldo de Mattos Junior 29 May 2012 (has links)
Foram utilizados vinte ovinos, machos com idade entre um e três anos, com peso médio de 33,1 ± 3,1 kg. Os animais foram distribuídos de forma aleatória em três grupos, designados como GH (halotano), GI (isofluorano) e GS (sevofluorano) em experimento do tipo cruzado com intervalo mínimo de 1 semana entre os tratamentos. Numa primeira etapa, os animais foram anestesiados com auxílio de máscara facial, intubados e mantidos sob anestesia com agente segundo a determinação de cada grupo e obtida a concentração alveolar mínima (CAM) dos agentes por meio de estímulo nociceptivo com eletroestimulação. Em uma segunda etapa, os animais foram mantidos com a CAM previamente compreendendo os momentos de M0 a M8 com intervalo de 15 minutos entre os mesmo. Foram avaliadas as funções hemodinâmicas, respiratórias, hemogasométricas, endócrinas e o índice biespectral. Os valores médios de CAM foram de 0,71 ± 0,09%, 1,31 ± 0,33% e 2,69 ± 0,29% para o halotano, isofluorano e sevofluorano respectivamente. Houve redução dos valores do índice cardíaco no GI em todos os momentos comparativamente ao basal (p<0,001); na comparação entre os grupos os valores do M0 no GI foram superiores aos verificados em GH e GS (p<0,01). O valores do volume e índice sistólico foram inferiores ao basal a partir de M6 no grupo GH (p<0,05) e no GI todos os momentos foram inferiores ao basal (p<0,001); na comparação entre os grupos verificou-se que os valores dessas variáveis no momento M0 no GI foram superiores a GH (p<0,05) e GS (p<0,001). As médias da pressão venosa central foram inferiores no grupo GH em todos os momentos comparativamente a M0 (p<0,001), e neste mesmo momento, as médias foram superioriores comparativamente aos outros grupos (p<0,05). Quanto ao índice de resistência vascular sistêmica, os valores foram superiores nos momentos M6, M3 e M7 nos grupos GH (p<0,05), GI (p<0,001) e GS (p<0,01), respectivamente; houve incremento do índice de resistência vascular periférica no momento M7 (p<0,01) no grupo GH a partir de M3 (p<0,001), em GI e em M7 e M8 (p<0,05) comparativamente ao basal. Os valores de tensão de dióxido de carbono no final da expiração foram superiores no grupo GH a partir de M4 (p<0,05) e no GI a partir de M3 (p<0,01) comparativamente ao basal. Os valores do índice biespectral no GI, foram superiores a partir de M5 em relação ao valor basal (p<0,01); na comparação entre os grupos, os momentos M2 e M3 foram inferiores no GI comparativamente ao GH e GS (p<0,05). Houve redução da temperatura retal em todos os grupos e momentos comparativamente ao valor basal (p<0,001). O período de recuperação foi superior no grupo GH (p<0,05). Nas condições do presente estudo a CAM em ovinos é de 0,71%, 1,31% e 2,69% para o halotano, isofluorano e sevofluorano respectivamente; os três agentes promovem redução do débito cardíaco e do volume sistólico; os valores do índice biespectral são semelhantes entre os fármacos, com valores inferiores quando tratados com isofluorano; há indução de estresse neuroendócrino avaliado por meio da dosagem de cortisol; os agentes promovem hipotermia tempo dependente; o halotano promove recuperação anestésica mais prolongada. / Twenty sheep, all males, were used in this experiment. Age ranged from one to three years and mean weight was 33.1 ± 3.1 kg. In a crossover design, animals were randomly treated with halothane (GH), isoflurane (GI) and sevoflurane (GS), with interval of 1 week between treatments. In a first phase, anesthesia was induced by facemask, animals were then intubated and anesthesia maintained with one of the three treatments. Minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) was obtained by nociceptive stimulation for each animal. In phase 2, the animals were anesthetized again by facemask and maintained at the predetermined MAC (Phase 1) for two hours. Data was collected at moments (M0-M8) with intervals of 15 minutes. Cardiovascular, respiratory and bispectral index parameters were recorded. Blood gas analysis, CBC and cortisol levels were also measured and recorded. MAC of each group were 0.71± 0.09%, 1.31 ± 0.33% e 2.69 ± 0.29% for GH, GI and GS respectively. There was a reduction in cardiac index in GI at all times compared to baseline (p<0.001). Among groups the values of M0 in GI were higher than those in GH and GS (p<0.01). In GH, the end systolic volume and stroke index were lower than baseline from M6 until the end of the experiment (p<0.05). In GI, ESV and SI were below the baseline at all times (p<0.001). Among groups it was found that the GI baseline values of these variables were higher than GH (p<0.05) and GS (p<0.001). The mean central venous pressure were lower in the GH group at all times compared to M0 (p<0.001), which was higher than the baseline of the other groups (p<0.05). When compared to baseline, systemic vascular resistance index was higher in the moments M6, M3 and M7 in GH (p<0.05), GI (p<0.001) and GS (p<0.01), respectively. There was an increase in peripheral vascular resistance index (PVRI) at the time M7 (p<0.01) in GH from M3 to the end of the study (p<0.001). In GI, PVRI was increased at M7 and M8 (p<0.05) in comparison to baseline. The values of end-tidal of carbon dioxide were higher than baseline in the GH group from M4 (p<0.05) until the end of study. The same occurred in GI starting at M3 (p<0.01). In GI, the bispectral index values were higher starting at M5 to the end when compared to baseline (p<0.01). Among groups, BIS was lower at M2 and M3 in GI when compared to GH and GS (p< 0.05). Rectal temperature decreased in all groups at all moments in comparison to baseline (p<0.001). The recovery period was longer in GH (p<0.05). Under this study conditions MAC in sheep were 0.71%, 1.31% and 2.69% for halothane, isoflurane and sevoflurane, respectively. All treatments further reduced cardiac output and stroke volume; bispectral index values were similar among drugs, with lower values when treated with isoflurane. A stress response was believed to be induced due to elevation of serum cortisol in all groups. These inhalants promote time-dependent hypothermia. Halothane anesthesia promotes prolonged recovery.
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Bioaerosol exposure assessment and the Limulus amoebocyte lysate assayHoppe, Kimberly Ann 01 July 2013 (has links)
In June 2008, the Cedar River crested flooding more than 5,000 Cedar Rapids homes. Residents whose homes were flooded were invited to participate in this study. We characterized exposures and symptoms experienced by individuals inhabiting 73 flood-damaged homes. Exposures and questionnaire-based health assessments were compared at two levels of remediation, in-progress and completed. Homes with remediation in-progress (n=24), as compared to the completed homes (n=49), had significantly higher airborne concentrations of mold, bacteria, iPM, endotoxin and glucan. Residents of in-progress homes had a significantly higher prevalence of doctor diagnosed allergies (adjusted OR=3.08; 95%CI: 1.05-9.02) and all residents had elevated prevalence of self-reported wheeze (adjusted OR=3.77; 95%CI: 2.06-6.92) and prescription medication use for breathing problems (adjusted OR=1.38; 95%CI: 1.01-1.88) after the flood as compared to before. Proper post-flood remediation led to improved air quality and lower exposures among residents living in flooded homes.
Recognition of endotoxin as a proinflammatory ligand for pattern recognition receptors has increased the demand for endotoxin assessment in studies of environmental lung disease. Measurements using the Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) assay of air and reservoir dust samples are routinely incorporated into epidemiologic studies. However, it is unknown if endotoxin reactivity in the LAL assay varies by its physical presentation as aggregates, as membrane components of whole bacteria or as shed membrane blebs or if this parallels differences in the inflammatory potency of endotoxin in vivo. Endotoxins as14C-labeled-lipooligosaccharide (14C-LOS) and 14C- labeled-lipopolysaccharide (14C-LPS) were produced from Neisseria meningitidis and Escherichia coli. The reactivity of the endotoxin presentations was assessed in the LAL assay and in vivo using a murine model. The LAL assay significantly underestimated the quantity of endotoxin in the whole bacteria form whereas there was no significant difference in detecting endotoxin in aggregate and bleb forms. The failure of the LAL assay to equally quantify endotoxin was not mirrored in vivo where all three presentations of endotoxin were equally inflammatory.
The inability of the LAL assay to detect the full quantity of endotoxin presented in the whole bacteria form has troubling implications for exposure assessment studies. Various extraction methods were applied to samples of known endotoxin quantity to improve the detection ability of the LAL assay. Extraction using EDTA and Tris/EDTA significantly improved the detection of endotoxin compared to the reference method of extracting in pyrogen-free water. These extraction methods also significantly increased the quantity of endotoxin measured in house and barn dust samples. A higher quantity of endotoxin measured in the LAL assay corresponded to a higher neutrophilic response in vivo. A standardized methodology for endotoxin detection that mimics the in vivo response is necessary for accurate and consistent endotoxin analysis.
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Determinants of Atrazine contamination in Iowa homes and occupational exposure in Central AmericaLozier, Matthew Joiner 01 December 2010 (has links)
Background : Atrazine is an agricultural herbicide used extensively in corn production worldwide. Atrazine is an endocrine disruptor and has been linked to many other deleterious health outcomes. Exposure assessment studies have been carried out in Iowa among farm and non-farm populations. However, commercial pesticide applicators have been left out of those studies. Atrazine is also used in developing countries in grain production. In developing countries there is great concern about acute pesticide poisonings, but chronic exposure to less acutely toxic pesticides has not been studied extensively. This study assessed the in-home contamination of atrazine among commercial pesticide applicators in Iowa and then quantitatively analyzed these results with results from similar studies. Occupational inhalation exposure to atrazine was also assessed in Honduras.
Methods : Dust samples were taken from 29 commercial pesticide applicator households in four different locations. This sampling was done once during the atrazine application season and again six months later during winter months to assess atrazine persistence. Occupational and household characteristics were analyzed for associations with atrazine dust levels. Data from two previous studies that analyzed farm and non-farm household dust samples for atrazine were combined with data from the commercial applicator's homes. This new and larger dataset was analyzed to identify which population has the greatest risk for take-home atrazine exposure and what determinants were associated with in-home atrazine dust levels. Lastly, corn production practices in Honduras were evaluated and personal air samples were taken from pesticide applicators during atrazine application to assess inhalation exposure.
Results : The first study found that atrazine levels persist into the winter months in the homes of commercial applicators. Atrazine handling (days, pounds, and acres sprayed) were all positively associated with in-home atrazine levels. Commercial applicators that change their shoes inside had higher atrazine levels. More frequent floor cleaning was associated with lower atrazine levels. The second study identified commercial applicators' homes as the most contaminated compared with farmers who apply atrazine to their own land, farmers who hire out atrazine application, and non-farm homes. Farmers that apply their own atrazine also had significantly higher atrazine levels in their homes. The association between atrazine handling and household atrazine levels was highly significant in this study (p < 0.001). In Honduras, atrazine is applied to corn fields with tractor/boom equipment and manual backpack sprayers. Despite applying about one-fifteenth the amount of atrazine, backpack sprayers are exposed to nearly equal amounts of atrazine via inhalation exposure and likely have greater exposure via the dermal route. Among backpack sprayers, which type of spray nozzle used is associated with inhalation exposure. Among tractor/boom applicators, tractor drivers have much lower inhalation exposure than workers who operate and observe the boom.
Conclusions : The amount of atrazine handled is the most important determinant for predicting in-home atrazine levels in Iowa. Ubiquitous atrazine contamination and its distribution within homes and among household type provide strong evidence for the take-home pathway. While some improvements have been made in Honduras regarding pesticide application, poor farm workers and small farmers still use antiquated pesticide application techniques which leads to a higher risk of inhalation and dermal exposure.
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Inhalation and dietary exposure to PCBS in urban and rural cohorts via congener-specific airborne PCB measurementsAmpleman, Matthew D. 01 December 2014 (has links)
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a group of 209 persistent organic pollutants, whose documented carcinogenic, neurological and respiratory toxicities are expansive and growing. Existing inhalation estimates demonstrate ubiquitous exposure to World Health Organization (WHO) indicator PCBs and limited other PCB congeners in North America and Europe. However, inhalation exposure estimates of most lower-chlorinated congeners are lacking, and continuing release of PCBs from urban areas demands location-specific assessments of PCB exposure in ambient air and contaminated environments. Using paired indoor and outdoor airborne PCB measurements and activity questionnaires from the AESOP Study, we assess congener-specific exposure rates for adolescent children and their mothers in East Chicago, Indiana and Columbus Junction, Iowa. Our cohorts of 129 (EC) and 135 (CJ) and our detection of 202 individual congeners and coelutions allows unprecedented quantification of congener-specific inhalation exposure, which we compare to dietary exposure using Total Diet Survey PCB concentrations. ∑PCB inhalation is greater for children than for their mothers in both locations, and is greater for East Chicago mothers and children than for Columbus Junction mothers and children, respectively. Schools attended by AESOP Study children have higher indoor PCB concentrations than do homes, and contribute to more than half of children's inhalation PCB exposure. Inhalation of the potentially neurotoxic congeners PCB 11, 40/41/71, and 51 was apparent among individuals at each location. Additional, congener-specific and biological inferences are possible via comparison with sera-based PCB concentrations for these cohorts.
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