Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ibérica"" "subject:"ibéricas""
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No limiar dos Impérios: projetos, circulações e experiências na fronteira entre a Capitania do Rio Negro e a Província de Maynas (c.1780-c.1820) / On the threshold of Empires: projects, circulations and experiences in the border area between the Captaincy of Rio Negro and the Province of Maynas (1780-1820)Carlos Augusto de Castro Bastos 24 September 2013 (has links)
Esta tese analisa as políticas destinadas à área fronteiriça entre a Capitania do Rio Negro e a Província de Maynas, bem como as circulações e experiências que caracterizaram esse espaço amazônico. O recorte cronológico abarca, inicialmente, os trabalhos de demarcação de limites empreendidos por representantes das Coroas espanhola e portuguesa, na década de 1780, compreendendo ainda os anos de crise política do Antigo Regime e a eclosão dos movimentos de independência na América nas primeiras décadas do século XIX. Nesse trabalho, privilegia-se uma análise que atente para as relações transfronteiriças, os impactos no espaço em questão das grandes transformações vivenciadas pelos impérios ibéricos e as leituras, interpretações e ações gestadas pelos sujeitos que habitavam essa fronteira ibero-americana. / This thesis examines the policies concerning the border area between the Captaincy of Rio Negro and the Province of Maynas, as well as the circulations and experiences that characterize this Amazonian space. Initially, the chronological period considered includes the demarcation of boundaries undertaken by representative members of the Spanish and Portuguese crowns in the 1780s, the years of political crisis of the Old Regime, and the outbreak of the independence movements in America in the early decades of the XIXth century. In this work, the analysis attempts to cross-border relations, the impacts this space has suffered due to great changes experienced by the Iberian empires, and also, the readings, interpretations and actions generated by the subjects who inhabited this Iberoamerican frontier.
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Fea, velha, sandia: imagens da mulher nas cantingas de escárnio e maldizer galego-portuguesas / Ugly, old, crazy: womens images in the galician-portuguese cantigas de escárnio e maldizerCerchiari, Candice Quinelato Baptista 31 March 2009 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é buscar as imagens da mulher nas cantigas de escárnio e maldizer galego-portuguesas. Para caracterizar o ambiente de produção dessa poesia, usaremos como contraponto às fontes literárias uma documentação de caráter mais objetivo e descritivo: compilações legais peninsulares, As Sete Partidas, de Leão e Castela, e o Livro das Leis e Posturas e as Ordenações Afonsinas, de Portugal, numa tentativa de compreender os problemas concretos relativos ao papel social da mulher no âmbito do casamento e da herança que ensejaram a composição das cantigas satíricas. Por meio dos comentários feitos pelos trovadores, dirigidos a mulheres ou a homens a elas relacionados, buscaremos compreender os juízos de valor que norteiam sua visão dos vícios e das virtudes da figura feminina e, assim, identificar facetas da mulher que, vistas à luz do momento histórico-literário que procuramos caracterizar, perfarão nosso objetivo de descrever a figura da mulher que nos foi legada por meio das cantigas satíricas ibéricas medievais. / The goal of this research is to find womens images in the Galician-Portuguese cantigas de escárnio e maldizer. In order to characterize the ambience of production of this kind of poetry, it will be used as counterpoint to the literary fonts a more objective and descriptive documentation: the peninsular legal compilations, As Sete Partidas, from Leon and Castille, and the Livro das Leis e Posturas and the Ordenações Afonsinas, from Portugal, as an attempt to understand concrete problems related to womens social part as it is pertinent to marriage and inheritance, which instigated the writing of the satirical ballads. By means of the comments made by the troubadours, about women or men related to them, we shall seek comprehension of the value-judgments which guide their vision of the vices and virtues of the feminine figure and, thus, identify the woman facets that, seen in light of the historical-literary moment characterized, will make our objective to describe the womens images bequeath to us by the Iberian medieval satiric ballads.
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Uso de los coleópteros acuáticos ibéricos en la conservación de la biodiversidadSánchez Fernández, David 01 July 2008 (has links)
La tesis aborda el problema de la conservación de la biodiversidad acuática en la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares desde una doble perspectiva, estableciendo prioridades de conservación para espacios y especies utilizando inventarios de coleópteros acuáticos. En primer lugar, se evalúa si los coleópteros acuáticos pueden ser utilizados como buenos indicadores de biodiversidad en ecosistemas acuáticos mediterráneos. Posteriormente, se seleccionan áreas prioritarias para la conservación de la biodiversidad acuática usando coleópteros como indicadores. Se crea una base de datos de coleópteros acuáticos ibéricos y se evalúa tanto el esfuerzo de muestreo, como la cantidad y naturaleza de los posibles sesgos de los datos. Se ha obtenido una función basada en variables ambientales y espaciales capaz de predecir la distribución de la riqueza de especies en la Península Ibérica. Por último se identifican las especies endémicas mas amenazadas, y se evalúa la efectividad de la Red Natura 2000 en su protección. / This thesis comprises the problem of freshwater biodiversity conservation in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands using inventories of water beetles as surrogates of biodiversity. The thesis involves different approaches and methods from the double perspective of setting conservation priorities for species and areas. Firstly, the use of water beetles as reliable biodiversity indicators in Maditerranean aquatic ecosystems was assessed. Then, areas for freshwater biodiversity conservation at regional scale were selected using water beetles as biodiversity surrogates. Afterwards, a database of Iberian water beetles was compiled. The survey effort, the degree of geographical coverage and the amount and nature of bias in this database were assessed. Subsequently, a function based on environmental and spatial variables able to predict species richness distribution in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands were obtained. Lastly, the most threatened endemic water beetles were identified and the effectiveness of existing reserve network (Natura 2000) in protecting them was evaluated.
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El Megalitismo en el sur de la Península Ibérica : arquitectura, construcción y usos de los monumentos del área de Huelva, Andalucía occidental / Le mégalithisme dans le sud de la Péninsule Ibérique : architecture, construction et usages des monuments de la région de Huelva, Andalousie Occidentale / Megalithism in the south of the Iberian Peninsula : architecture, construction and uses of monuments in the area of Huelva, Western AndalusiaLinares Catela, José Antonio 18 December 2017 (has links)
La région de Huelva se démarque par la grande variabilité architecturale et par la singularité des monuments mégalithiques. L’étude de la région permet d'établir une séquence architecturale et une temporalité du Néolithique Récent jusqu’à l'Ancien Âge de Bronze. Pour cela, la recherche se concentre sur l'étude de trois domaines de monuments: l'architecture, la construction et les usages (funéraires, rituels et territoriaux). L'identification et la caractérisation des projets architecturaux des sites analysés (Los Llanetes et El Seminario) a été réalisée à travers une méthodologie orientée vers la connaissance des chantiers de construction, des architectures et des diachronies. La séquence architecturale de l'Andalousie occidentale comprend une temporalité du début du IVème au début du IIème millénaire av. n.è. Au cours de cette chronologie, plusieurs modèles de monuments et de rituels funéraires ont été érigés avec une variété de techniques constructives, représentant l'existence de styles régionaux ou de spécialisations locales selon les différents groupes sociaux. A titre de synthèse, la séquence régionale met en évidence le processus suivant : La construction des premiers dolmens au début du IVème millénaire cal. av. n.è, en témoignent les monuments à chambre ovale-allongée de Los Llanetes, bâtis le c. 3950-3750 cal av. n.è. Dans le sud de la péninsule, c. 3800 cal av. n., fait irruption le collectivisme funéraire comme un rituel de la mort, en développant des sépultures en dolmens à chambres simples, des tombes proto-mégalithiques, des caves-nécropoles ou des grottes sépulcrales ; La formation des dolmens à chambre-allongée, c. 3750-3650 cal av. n.è, de deux manières: a) des modèles ex novo; b) par des réaménagements et des transformations de monuments anciens, cas de Los Llanetes. La réitération de projets architecturaux similaires conditionnerait le développement de monuments allongés, comme l'a confirmé le dolmen 4 d'El Pozuelo, c. 3650-3200 cal av. n.è. Des caractéristiques et des formules architecturales similaires pourraient être présentées dans les «allées couvertes» d'Andalousie, construites pendant les siècles centraux et la seconde moitié du IVème millénaire av. n.è. ; Les dolmens à chambres doubles de Los Llanetes ont été construits sur les monuments précédents, c. 3650-3200 cal av. n.è, parallèle aux dolmens à couloir et aux structures allongées des autres zones. Les monuments à chambres multiples (El Pozuelo, Mesa de Las Huecas, Los Gabrieles, etc.) ont dû présenter des processus de transformation équivalents, étant des modèles uniques, particuliers et exclusifs de la région de Huelva et des zones environnantes ; Dans les différents monuments dolmeniques, des projets de monumentalisation ont été réalisés et des structures ont été aménagées dans les atriums et les espaces extérieurs selon les nouveaux usages rituels de l’Âge du Cuivre, c. 3300-2600 cal av. n.è, en plus de l'intégration d'autres constructions funéraires (tholoi) dans les monuments tumulaires, c. 2600-2250 cal av. n.è, cas du dolmen 2 de Los Llanetes ; La mise en place et la consolidation de trois modèles de monuments funéraires à l'Âge du Cuivre: les hypogées, les hypogées mixtes et les tholoi, comme en montré la séquence diachronique des sépultures collectives d'El Seminario, c. 3000-2400 cal av. n.è. Ces tombes partagent des éléments spatiaux et des gestes funéraires communs ; L'existence d'autres formes de monumentalité de l'Âge du Bronze Ancien, c. 2250-1950 cal av. n.è, à la suite de la réappropriation des espaces ancestraux: 1) les enceintes de terrasses du groupe de Los Llanetes; 2) le monumentalisme funéraire du Séminaire, intégrant des tombes individuelles (caves souterraines, fosses et structures à couverture tumulaire) et des tombes collectives (fosses) dans les sépultures chalcolithiques ; Réutilisation dans diverses phases de l'Âge du Bronze et dans plusieurs périodes historiques. / The area of Huelva stands out for the architectural variability and singularity of the megalithic monuments. The study of this area allows us to propose an architectural sequence and a temporality from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age in western Andalusia, contrasting with the southern models of the Iberian Peninsula and contextualizing the dynamics of western European megalithism. To do this, the research focuses on the study of three spheres of monuments: architecture, construction and uses (funerary, ritual and territorial). The identification and characterization of the architectural projects of the analyzed sites (Los Llanetes and El Seminario) has been carried out through a methodology oriented to the knowledge of construction works, architectures and diachronies. The architectural sequence of western Andalusia encompasses a temporality from the beginning of the 4th millennium to the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. During this chronology several models of funerary monuments and rituals erected with a variety of constructive techniques, representing the existence of regional styles or local specializations according to the different social groups. By way of synthesis, the regional sequence evidences the following process : The construction of the first dolmens at the beginning of the 4th millennium cal BC, as evidenced by the oval-elongated chamber monuments of Los Llanetes, built c. 3950-3750 cal BC. In the south of the peninsula c. 3800 cal BC burst the funerary collectivism as a ritual of death, developing burials in simple chamber dolmens, proto-megalithic tombs, necropolis-caves or sepulchral caves ; The formation of the elongated-chamber dolmens, c. 3750-3650 cal BC, through two ways: a) ex novo models; b) by processes of transformation of old monuments, case of Los Llanetes. The reiteration of similar architectural projects would condition the development of elongated monuments, as has been confirmed in the dolmen 4 of El Pozuelo, c. 3650-3200 cal BC. Characteristics and similar architectural formulas could be presented in the "covered gallery graves" of Andalusia, built during the central centuries and the second half of the 4th millennium BC ; The dual chamber dolmens of Los Llanetes were built on the previous monuments, c. 3650-3200 cal BC, parallel to the passage grave and elongated structures of other areas. The monuments of multiple chambers (El Pozuelo, Mesa de Las Huecas, Los Gabrieles, etc.) had to present equivalent transformation processes, being unique, particular and exclusive models of the area of Huelva and surrounding areas ; In the various orthostatic monuments were carry out the monumentalization projects and structures arranged in the atriums and external spaces according to the new ritual uses of the Copper Age, c. 3300-2600 cal BC, in addition to the integration of other funerary constructions (tholoi) in the tumular monuments, c. 2600-2250 cal BC, case of the dolmen 2 of Los Llanetes ; The implantation and consolidation of three models of funerary monuments in the Copper Age: hypogeums, mixed hypogeums and tholoi, as witnessed by the diachronic sequence of the collective graves of El Seminario, c. 3000-2400 cal BC. These tombs share common space elements and funerary practices ; The existence of other forms of monumentality of the Ancient Bronze Age, c. 2250-1950 cal BC, as a consequence of the reappropriation of the ancestral spaces: 1) the terrace enclosures of the Llanetes group; 2) the funerary monumentalism of El Seminario, integrating individual tombs (subterranean caves, pits and structures with tumular coverings) and collective graves (pits) in the chalcolithic tombs ; Reuse in various phases of the Bronze Age and in several historical periods.
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Fea, velha, sandia: imagens da mulher nas cantingas de escárnio e maldizer galego-portuguesas / Ugly, old, crazy: womens images in the galician-portuguese cantigas de escárnio e maldizerCandice Quinelato Baptista Cerchiari 31 March 2009 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é buscar as imagens da mulher nas cantigas de escárnio e maldizer galego-portuguesas. Para caracterizar o ambiente de produção dessa poesia, usaremos como contraponto às fontes literárias uma documentação de caráter mais objetivo e descritivo: compilações legais peninsulares, As Sete Partidas, de Leão e Castela, e o Livro das Leis e Posturas e as Ordenações Afonsinas, de Portugal, numa tentativa de compreender os problemas concretos relativos ao papel social da mulher no âmbito do casamento e da herança que ensejaram a composição das cantigas satíricas. Por meio dos comentários feitos pelos trovadores, dirigidos a mulheres ou a homens a elas relacionados, buscaremos compreender os juízos de valor que norteiam sua visão dos vícios e das virtudes da figura feminina e, assim, identificar facetas da mulher que, vistas à luz do momento histórico-literário que procuramos caracterizar, perfarão nosso objetivo de descrever a figura da mulher que nos foi legada por meio das cantigas satíricas ibéricas medievais. / The goal of this research is to find womens images in the Galician-Portuguese cantigas de escárnio e maldizer. In order to characterize the ambience of production of this kind of poetry, it will be used as counterpoint to the literary fonts a more objective and descriptive documentation: the peninsular legal compilations, As Sete Partidas, from Leon and Castille, and the Livro das Leis e Posturas and the Ordenações Afonsinas, from Portugal, as an attempt to understand concrete problems related to womens social part as it is pertinent to marriage and inheritance, which instigated the writing of the satirical ballads. By means of the comments made by the troubadours, about women or men related to them, we shall seek comprehension of the value-judgments which guide their vision of the vices and virtues of the feminine figure and, thus, identify the woman facets that, seen in light of the historical-literary moment characterized, will make our objective to describe the womens images bequeath to us by the Iberian medieval satiric ballads.
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A construção da figura humana no tratado de Filippe NunesMöller, Julia Dias 27 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-05-10T20:16:21Z
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juliadiasmoller.pdf: 5825015 bytes, checksum: 44b44f67316d2a6c9e16d5dae8d34bd4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-05-11T13:27:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
juliadiasmoller.pdf: 5825015 bytes, checksum: 44b44f67316d2a6c9e16d5dae8d34bd4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-11T13:27:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
juliadiasmoller.pdf: 5825015 bytes, checksum: 44b44f67316d2a6c9e16d5dae8d34bd4 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-03-27 / A construção da figura humana na arte apresenta uma relação não apenas com a representação do humano, mas com um conjunto de ideias e pensamentos que envolvem crenças religiosas, aspecto moral de como o ser humano se vê e se posiciona diante do mundo e também possui relações com a estética e com o estilo artístico de cada período histórico. Em 1615 foi publicado em Portugal o primeiro tratado sobre pintura. Arte da Pintura Symmetria, e Perspectiva foi escrito pelo dominicano Filippe Nunes. Neste período a Europa passava por uma crise em relação às reformas religiosas e Portugal fazia parte do reino da Espanha com a União Ibérica. O mundo lusitano fazia eco aos valores tridentinos, reforçados pelos clérigos. Toda a publicação impressa passava por um rigoroso sistema de censura. O Arte da Pintura apresenta um pequeno volume de informações que são divididas em seções. Há em Arte da Pintura uma seção inteiramente dedicada à divisão e medidas do corpo humano, onde Nunes cita a teoria de quatro importantes tratadistas – Albrecht Dürer, Juan de Arfe, Daniele Barbaro e Vitrúvio. Diante disso, a pesquisa se debruça a entender o papel que a figura humana desempenha no tratado e como ela é construída. Para tal entendimento, percorrem-se alguns caminhos como a análise do tratado, sua inserção no mundo Ibérico e seus possíveis frutos. Busca-se apurar a erudição de seu autor, suas fontes e o ambiente no qual estava imerso. E, por fim, busca-se compreender a ideia da construção da figura humana e seus ecos dentro do Arte da Pintura. / The construction of the human figure in art presents a relation not only with the human’s representation but with a set of ideas e thoughts that involves religious beliefs, moral aspect of how the human being see and position itself in front of the world and also has relations with the aesthetics and the artistic style of each historical period. In 1615 it was published in Portugal the first treaty about painting. Arte da Pintura Symmetria, e Perspectiva was written by the Dominican Filippe Nunes. In this period Europe was living a crisis in relation to the religious reforms and Portugal was part the Spanish Kingdom with the Iberian Union. The Lusitanian world echoes to the tridentine values reinforced by clerics. Every printed publication was submitted to a rigorous censorship system. The Arte da Pintura presents a small volume of information that are divided in sections. There is, in the Arte da Pintura, a whole section dedicated to the division and measurements of the human body, where Nunes quotes the theory of four important writers – Albrecht Dürer, Juan de Arfe, Daniele Barbaro and Vitruvio. In front of this, the research leans over in understanding the role that the human figure performs in the treaty and how it is constructed. For such an understanding, we go through some paths such as the treaty analysis, its insertion in the Iberian world and its possible effects. We seek to discover the erudition of its author, his sources and the environment in which he was immerse. And finally we seek to understand the idea of the construction of human figure and its echoes inside Arte da Pintura.
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As descrições da cidade de Lisboa: escrita, poder e sociedade no Portugal dos FilipesPaiva, Daniela Rabelo Costa Ribeiro January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Dulce (mdulce@ndc.uff.br) on 2014-01-27T19:47:46Z
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Paiva, Daniela-Dissert-2013.pdf: 2241884 bytes, checksum: 274852ee42d0ab777406c1f2b1ae2986 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-01-27T19:47:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Paiva, Daniela-Dissert-2013.pdf: 2241884 bytes, checksum: 274852ee42d0ab777406c1f2b1ae2986 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013 / Portugueses ou estrangeiros, os autores que dedicaram os seus escritos à cidade de Lisboa foram muitos. Sendo que, os escritos se tornaram mais expressivos durante a União Ibérica. O incentivo que os Filipes ofereceram às atividades de impressão e o desenvolvimento da história urbana em toda Europa ajudam a compreender melhor essa produção, que ainda pode ser explicada pela própria condição de Lisboa na época. Quando Portugal foi incorporado à monarquia católica, os reis Filipes optaram por não residir em sua principal cidade. Desta sorte, a antiga residência dos Avís perdeu seu status de corte régia e aos poucos se viu transformar em uma simples capital de província. A historiografia identificou a ausência real como tônica para se compreender o período. A proposta da pesquisa de dissertação é avaliar em que medida a retórica de uma Lisboa sem Rei está presente nas representações feitas sobre a cidade, em especial as descrições que tiveram maior repercussão na época. E também identificar outros elementos que compõem o seu imaginário, como as adversidades vivenciadas pela urbe, guerras, epidemias e crises de abastecimento, que marcaram o cotidiano dos citadinos e merecem projeção historiográfica. / Portuguese or foreign, the authors who have dedicated their writings to Lisbon were many. And these writings became more expressive during the Iberian Union. The incentive offered to the Phillips activities and development urban history throughout Europe to help better understand this production, which can still be explained by the condition of Lisbon at the time. When Portugal was incorporated into the catholic monarchy, the kings Phillips opted not reside in its main city. Thus, the ancient residence of Avis lost her royal status cutoff saw and slowly transform into a simple provincial capital. The historiography identified the absence as tonic for understanding the period. The proposed dissertation research is to assess the extent to which the rethoric of a Lisbon without king is present in the representations made about the city, especially the descriptions that had the greatest impact at the time. And also identify other elements that make up your imagination, as the adversities experienced by the metropolis, war, epidemics and supply crises that marked the daily lives and deserve historiographical projection.
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Teoria política e poder régio em Castela (1252-1284)Souza Júnior, Almir Marques de 07 November 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Dulce (mdulce@ndc.uff.br) on 2014-11-07T19:38:17Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
Souza Junior, Almir-Tese-Historia-2014.pdf: 1593509 bytes, checksum: 8389dad0fce8a1b5413610ea4ed64da3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-11-07T19:38:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Souza Junior, Almir-Tese-Historia-2014.pdf: 1593509 bytes, checksum: 8389dad0fce8a1b5413610ea4ed64da3 (MD5) / O presente trabalho analisa a teoria política desenvolvida durante a Idade Média, mais especificamente no reino de Castela e Leão durante o século XIII. O período abrangido pela análise, dos anos de 1252 a 1284, diz respeito ao reinado do monarca Afonso X, que recebeu o cognome “o Sábio”. Durante o seu governo, ocorre a produção de uma farta bibliografia nas matérias do direito e da história, na qual podemos identificar os principais pressupostos de um discurso político que busca ressaltar a superioridade da autoridade régia em relação aos demais poderes senhoriais existentes naquele contexto. Paralelamente à produção destas obras, temos um franco processo de arrefecimento das relações entre monarquia e aristocracia nobiliárquica no reino. O tensionamento na relação entre essas frações de grupo no poder chegou ao ponto em que os nobres se insurgiram por duas vezes contra o poder do rei. Lutando contra as interpretações reducionistas que afirmam que a elite senhorial dilapidava o poder das monarquias, buscaremos, ao longo da tese, enfatizar que tanto a nobreza como a monarquia eram grupos pertencentes a uma mesma classe social, compartilhando os mesmos valores e referencias de afirmação de classe. Por mais que tenham ocorrido disputas no interior da classe aristocrática, tanto a monarquia quanto a aristocracia não concebiam uma sociedade em que uma não dependesse da outra para subsistir. / The present work analyzes the political theory developed during the Middle Ages, specifically in the kingdom of Castile and Leon during the thirteenth century. The period covered by the analysis, from the years 1252 to 1284, covers the reign of King Alfonso X, who received the epithet “the Wise”. During his government, we have an abundant production of literature in the fields of law and history, in which we can identify the main assumptions of a political discourse that seeks to highlight the superiority of the royal authority in relation to other existing aristocratic powers in that context. Alongside the production of the work, we have an open process of cooling of relations between monarchy and aristocracy nobility in the kingdom. The tension in the relationship between these fractions of the group in power has reached the point where the nobles rebelled twice against the king’s power. Fighting reductionist interpretations that claim that the noble elite dilapidava the power of monarchies, seek, throughout the thesis, emphasize that both the nobility and the monarchy were groups belonging to the same social class, sharing the same values and references to assertation class.For more disputes that have occurred within the aristocratric class, both the monarchy as the aristocracy did not conceive of a society in which one did not depend on another to survive.
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Pandeiros: entre a Península Ibérica e o Novo Mundo, a trajetória dos pandeiros ao BrasilRodrigues, Valeria Zeidan 11 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:42:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Valeria Zeidan Rodrigues.pdf: 9362178 bytes, checksum: f8782de57d4238cc34fc027910e45966 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-08-11 / This work aims at the historical and cultural survey of tambourines in its path to Brazil in a period from the Middle Age in the Iberian Peninsula to the first two hundred years of the Brazilian colonial period. / Este trabalho faz um levantamento histórico e cultural da trajetória dos pandeiros desde a Idade Média, na Península Ibérica, até os primeiros duzentos anos do período colonial brasileiro.
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El armamento de influencia La Tène en la Península Ibérica (siglos V-I a.C.)García Jiménez, Gustavo 07 October 2011 (has links)
El armamento de tipo La Tène se ha venido relacionando habitualmente con la Segunda Edad del Hierro europea, y en general con un territorio dominado por poblaciones de etnia celta. Sin embargo, en la actualidad su alcance llega a un territorio más amplio, que en particular afecta a buena parte de la Europa occidental. En este trabajo se analizan y estudian las armas de influencia La Tène en la Península Ibérica a partir de la información directa del material arqueológico. Además de un catálogo exhaustivo de estas armas para el territorio, se realizan una serie de propuestas tipológicas y se procede al estudio de los conjuntos de armas (panoplias) y a procurar resolver las cuestiones de la llegada de estos influjos, de las vías de propagación de las armas, de sus características y peculiaridades morfológicas y tecnológicas y, finalmente, de su evolución a lo largo de más de cuatro siglos de historia. / The La Tène-type weapons have been usually associated with the Second Iron Age in Europe, and in general with a territory dominated by peoples of Celtic ethnicity. However, today its research extends to a larger area, which in particular affects a large part of western Europe.
In this project we analyze and study the weapons of La Tène influence in the Iberian Peninsula from the information taken directly from the archaeological data. In addition to a complete catalogue of the weapons in this territory, a series of typologies are suggested and the study of sets of weapons (outfits) is also discussed. Finally, some questions such as the issues of the arrival of these influences, the ways of propagation of these weapons, their peculiarities (morphological and technological characteristics) and their evolution over more than four centuries of history, are taken into account.
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