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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Long-Term Location-Independent Research Data Dissemination Using Persistent Identifiers

Wannenwetsch, Oliver 11 January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluating the use of ICN for Internet of things

Carlquist, Johan January 2018 (has links)
The market of IOT devices continues to grow at a rapid speed as well as constrained wireless sensor networks. Today, the main network paradigm is host centric where a users have to specify which host they want to receive their data from. Information-centric networking is a new paradigm for the future internet, which is based on named data instead of named hosts. With ICN, a user needs to send a request for a perticular data in order to retrieve it. When sent, any participant in the network, router or server, containing the data will respond to the request. In order to achieve low latency between data creation and its consumption, as well as being able to follow data which is sequentially produced at a fixed rate, an algortihm was developed. This algortihm calculates and determines when to send the next interest message towards the sensor. It uses a ‘one time subscription’ approach to send its interest message in advance of the creation of the data, thereby enabling a low latency from data creation to consumption. The result of this algorithm shows that a consumer can retrieve the data with minimum latency from its creation by the sensor over an extended period of time, without using a publish/subscribe system such as MQTT or similar which pushes their data towards their consumers. The performance evaluation carried out which analysed the Content Centric Network application on the sensor shows that the application has little impact on the overall round trip time in the network. Based on the results, this thesis concluded that the ICN paradigm, together with a ’one-time subscription’ model, can be a suitable option for communication within the IoT domain where consumers ask for sequentially produced data.

Congestion control for Content-Centric Networking / Contrôle de congestion pour les réseaux orientés contenu

Rozhnova, Natalya 20 May 2015 (has links)
Les ressources d'un réseau informatique sont partagées par un grand nombre d'utilisateurs, le réseau peut devenir congestionné voire saturé. Le contrôle de congestion est un élément critique garantissant son bon fonctionnement. Encore récemment, les problématiques d'ingénierie de trafic et de QoS n'étaient pas explorées dans le cadre des réseaux CCN (Content-Centric Networking).L'objectif de cette thèse consiste à évaluer l'impact de la congestion dans CCN, à concevoir un mécanisme de contrôle de congestion et à en évaluer l'efficacité.Nous avons réalisé une telle solution en deux temps. D'une part, nous proposons le mécanisme HoBHIS qui repose sur l'équilibrage de flot définie dans CCN. Ce mécanisme, déployé sur chaque routeur CCN, consiste à surveiller les échanges réalisés sur un même tampon de transmission. Il contrôle dynamiquement le taux d'envoi des demandes de contenu afin de garantir qu'au niveau du goulot d'étranglement, la taille de la file d'attente des paquets de donnée correspondante tende vers un seuil préconfiguré. D'autre part, nous proposons un mécanisme contrôlant le débit d'envoi d'un client afin d'éviter une congestion des files d'attente des noeuds CCN impliqués dans la communication.Nous avons prouvé mathématiquement l'efficacité de nos mécanismes et évalué leur performance à l'aide du simulateur ndnSIM.Les résultats de notre travail sont publiés dans des conférences internationales renommées. Nous avons aussi collaboré avec Cisco Systems (Boston, USA), qui s'est intéressé à nos travaux. Les résultats issus de cette collaboration sont publiés dans un article international qui a reçu un "Best Paper Award" et sont présentés dans cette thèse. / The network resources are shared between a large number of users. It may potentially create a risk for buffer overflow and performance degradation. That is why congestion control is critical to guarantee network performance. Congestion control schemes have been widely studied in the past but only recently in the context of CCN (Content-Centric Networking).This thesis explores the congestion control risk of CCN, identifies the bottlenecks and proposes strategies to circumvent them. We have designed our original hop-by-hop Interest shaping mechanism (HoBHIS) that nicely exploits the flow balance enforced in CCN between Interest and Chunk packets. It monitors active conversations sharing the transmission buffer of a CCN node face in order to dynamically adjust their Interest sending rate and enforce the Chunk queue length to converge to a defined objective. This mechanism is implemented in each CCN node. Then, we extended HoBHIS in order to address several important concerns that might occur in CCN. We proposed a Tolerance mechanism that controls the Clients sending rate as well as prevents the loss of Interest packets. We demonstrated the efficiency of our mechanisms through mathematical proofs and simulations performed in ndnSIM.Our results have been published in international conferences. The work has generated interest from the networking community. Particularly, "Cisco Systems" invited us to join their project on developing Named-Data Networking (NDN) traffic control mechanism. As one of the important results of this collaboration is a research article that got a SIGCOMM ICN workshop’13 “Best paper award”. This paper is also presented as a part of the dissertation.

Mobility management for the information centric future internet

Saleem, Muhammad Shoaib 19 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The contemporary Internet ecosystem today has gone through series of evolutionary changes during the last forty or fifty years. Though it was designed as a network with fixed nodes, it has scaled well enough with the development of new technologies both in fixed and wireless networks. Initially, the communication model of the Internet was based on the telephone network (and can be considered as the 1st Generation Internet). Later, its transition as a client-server model made it a network where communication systems exchange data over dedicated links. This 2nd Generation Internet, over the years, has been challenged by many problems and issues such as network congestion, path failure, DOS attacks, mobility issues for wireless networks, etc. The Internet users always look for some information, irrespectively where it is located or stored. This approach is the basic building block for a network architecture where information is considered as the premier entity. Such networks, in general, are termed as Information Centric Network (ICN), where information takes centric position superseding the node centric approach like in the current Internet. The problems faced by the current Internet architecture, mentioned above, can be handled with a unifying approach by putting the information at the centre of the network architecture. On a global scale, this network architecture design is termed as the Future Information Centric Internet. Similarly, Mobile Internet usage has increased overwhelmingly in the last decade. There has been an estimated 1.2 billion mobile broad-band subscriptions for 2.4 billion Internet users in 2011. Because of the increased spectrum efficiency and ubiquitous availability of cellular connectivity, the seamless mobility and connectivity is now considered as daily life commodity. However, in the case of the Internet, IP based mobility solutions cannot catch up in performance with the fast evolution of cellular networks. Therefore, one of the primary goals for the Future Internet is the design of mobility management schemes that overcome the issues in wireless networks such as handover and location management, multihoming, security, etc. In this thesis, we have proposed a mobility management solution in wireless networks in the context of ICN in general and in the context of Network of Information (NetInf) in particular. NetInf is ICN-based Future Internet architecture. We propose a NetInf Mobile Node (NetInf MN) architecture which is backward compatible with the current Internet architecture as well. This cross architecture design for mobility support works closely with Central Control Unit (CCU) (network entity) for improved performance in case of handover management in wireless networks. The Virtual Node Layer (VNL) algorithm explains how different modules of NetInf MN and CCU units work together. The game theoretical and Reinforcement Learning (CODIPAS-RL) scheme based mathematical model shows how handover management and data relaying in the wireless networks can increase the network coverage through cooperative diversity. Simulation results show that the proposed model achieves both Nash and Stackelberg equilibria where as the selected CODIPAS-RL scheme reaches global optimum. Finally, as a use case example of NetInf architecture, we propose the NetInf Email service that does not require dedicated servers or dedicated port unlike the current email service. The use of asymmetric keys as user's ID is the unique feature proposed for this service. The NetInf email service architecture framework presented, explains how different architectural components work together. We discuss different challenges and requirements related to this service. The prototype developed for the Network of Information will be used for the implementation of this service

A realistic named data networking architecture for the Internet of things / Une Architecture NDN realiste pour l'Internet des Objets

Abane, Amar 02 December 2019 (has links)
L’Internet des objets (IdO) utilise l’interconnexion de milliards de petits appareils informatiques, appelés «Objets», pour fournir un accès à des services et à des informations partout dans le monde. Cependant, la suite de protocoles IP a été conçue il y a plusieurs décennies dans un but totalement différent, et les fonctionnalités de l’IoT soulignent désormais les limites de l’IP. En parallèle aux efforts d’adaptation de l’IP à l’IdO, des architectures alternatives basées sur les réseaux orientés information promettent de satisfaire nativement les applications Internet émergentes. L’une de ces architectures est appelée réseau de données nommées (NDN). Nos objectifs à travers le travail rapporté dans ce manuscrit peuvent êtrerésumés en deux aspects. Le premier objectif est de montrer que NDN est adapté à la prise en charge des systèmes IdO. Le deuxième objectif est la conception de deux solutions de communication légères pour les réseaux sans fil contraints avec NDN. / The Internet of Things (IoT) uses the interconnection of billions of small computing devices, called “Things”, to provide access to services and information all over the world. However, the IP protocol suite has been designed decades ago for a completely different purpose, and IoT features now highlight the limitations of IP. While adapting IP for the IoT might be seen as cutting corners, alternative architectures based on the Information Centric Networking (ICN) paradigm promise to natively satisfy emerging Internet applications. One of these architectures is Named Data Networking (NDN). Our objectives through the work reported in this manuscript can be summarized in two aspects. The first objective is to show that NDN is suitable to support IoT networking. The second objective is the design of two solutions for lightweight forwarding in constrained wireless networks.


Leclerc, Sebastian, Ekrad, Kasra January 2024 (has links)
Within industrial systems, dependability is critical to keep the system reliable and available. Faults leading to failures of the whole system must be mitigated by a laborious design, testing, and verification process. This thesis aims to build a Network Management Agent (NMA), capable of fault detection, localization, and recovery in an Ethernet environment. The chosen NMA environment was a distributed industrial system using a redundant controller pair, where the controllers must determine when the roles should switch in case of primary failure. In the industrial context, this role-switching must be bounded and robust enough to withstand mixed traffic classes competing for network resources. An NMA was built to monitor the network with the help of Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP), heartbeats, and industrial switch queue status queries. The NMA could distinguish between node and link failure by localizing the fault while adjusting the network's Quality of Service (QoS). The controllers could safely switch roles after an average difference of 29.7065 ms from the moment the primary failed, and the secondary took over. Link failure was detected in three possible locations within 31.297 ms and the location was found within 373.419 ms. To the authors' best knowledge, other solutions mainly target L3 networks or require specialized supporting technology, whereas MRP was found in the majority of the investigated industrial switches. The proposed solution requires any heartbeat-like function sent from the switch, which MRP offers, and can be generalized to any environment where distinguishing a link from a node failure is important. QoS anomaly detection however requires capable switches and configuration of rules to prioritize the traffic accordingly.

Towards interoperability, self-management, and scalability for scalability for machine-to-machine systems / Vers l'interopérabilité, l'autogestion, et la scalabilité des systèmes Machine-to-Machine

Ben Alaya, Mahdi 06 July 2015 (has links)
La communication Machine-to-Machine (M2M) est l'un des principaux fondements de l'Internet des Objets (IoT). C'est un phénomène qui a évolué discrètement au cours du temps et vient d’émerger à la surface pour do! nner naissance à une explosion de nouveaux usages et services. Capteurs, actionneurs, tags, véhicules et objets intelligents ont tous la possibilité de communiquer. Le nombre de connexions M2M est en constante augmentation et il est prévu de voir des milliards d’objets connectés dans un futur proche. Les applications M2M offrent des avantages dans divers domaines à savoir les villes intelligentes, les voitures connectées, les usines du futures, l’agriculture de précision, l’environnement, la santé, etc. La croissance rapide de cet écosystème est entrain de conduire le M2M vers un avenir prometteur. Cependant, les opportunités d'expansion des marchés M2M ne sont pas évidentes. En effet, un ensemble de challenges doivent être surmontés afin de permettre un déploiement à grande échelle dans des domaines diverses et variés à savoir les défis d’interopérabilité, de complexité et de scalabilité. Actuellement, le marché du M2M souffre d'une fragmentation verticale importante touchant la majorité des domaines industriels. En effet, diverses solutions propriétaires ont été conçues pour répondre à des applications spécifiques engendrant ainsi un sérieux problème d''interopérabilité. Pour adresser ce challenge, nous avons conçu, développer et expérimenté la plateforme OM2M offrant une architecture opérationnelle, flexible et extensible pour l'interopérabilité M2M conforme à la norme SmartM2M. Pour supporter les environnements contraints, nous avons proposé une nouvelle convention de nommage basée sur une structure de ressources non-hiérarchique permettant d’optimiser la taille des messages échangés. Pour assurer l’interopérabilité sémantique entre les applications et les machines, nous avons proposé l'ontologie IoT-O. Cette dernière est composée de cinq modèles de base représentant les capteurs, les actionneurs, les observations, les actuations et les web ! services pour permettre de converger rapidement vers un vocabulaire commun pour l'IoT. Une plateforme M2M horizontale permet d'interconnecter des machines hétérogènes largement distribués et qui évoluent fréquemment en fonction des changements de l’environnement. Maintenir ces systèmes complexes en vie est coûteux en termes de temps et d'argent. Pour adresser ce challenge, nous avons conçu, développé et intégré le framework FRAMESELF afin d'ajouter des capacités d'autogestion aux systèmes M2M basées sur le paradigme de l'informatique autonome. En étendant le modèle d'architecture de référence MAPE-K, notre solution permet d'adapter dynamiquement le comportement de la plateforme OM2M par en fonctions des changements du contexte et des politiques haut niveaux. Nous avons défini un ensemble de règles sémantiques pour faire du raisonnement sur l'ontologie IoT-O en tant que modèle de connaissance. Notre objectif est de permettre la découverte automatique entre les machines et les applications à travers un appariement sémantique et une reconfiguration dynam! ique de l'architecture des ressources. L’interopérabilité et l’autogestion ouvrent la voie à un déploiement de masse des systèmes M2M. Par contre, ces derniers se basent sur l'infrastructure actuelle d'internet qui n'a jamais été conçu pour ce genre de d'utilisation ce qui pose de nouvelles exigences en termes de scalabilité. Pour adresser ce challenge, nous avons conçu, simulé et validé l'approche OSCL proposant une nouvelle topologie de réseau maillé M2M comme alternative à l'approche centralisée actuelle. OSCL s'appuie sur les techniques de routage centrées sur l'information favorisant les communications à sauts multiples et un cache distribué pour une meilleure dissémination des données. Nous avons développé le simulateur OSCLsim pour valider l'approche proposée.[...] / Machine-to-Machine (M2M) is one of the main features of Internet of Things (IoT). It is a phenomenon that has been proceeding quietly in the background, and it is coming into the surface, where explosion of usage scenarios in businesses will happen. Sensors, actuators, tags, vehicles, and intelligent things all have the ability to communicate. The number of M2M connections is continuously increasing, and it has been predicted to see billions of machines interconnected in a near future. M2M applications provide advantages in various domains from smart cities, factories of the future, connected cars, home automation, e-health to precision agriculture. This fast-growing ecosystem is leading M2M towards a promising future. However, M2M market expansion opportunities are not straightforward. A set of challenges should be overcome to enable M2M mass-scale deployment across various industries including interoperability, complexity, and scalability issues. Currently, the M2M market is suffering from a high vertical fragmentation affecting the majority of business sectors. In fact, various vendor-specific M2M solutions have been designed independently for specific applications, which led to serious interoperability issues. To address this challenge, we designed, implemented, and experimented with the OM2M platform offering a flexible and extensible operational architecture for M2M interoperability compliant with the SmartM2M standard. To support constrained environments, we proposed an efficient naming convention relying on a non-hierarchical resource structure to reduce the payload size. To reduce the semantic gap between applications and machines, we proposed the IoT-O ontology for an effective semantic interoperability. IoT-O consists of five main parts, which are sensor, actuator, observation, actuation and service models and aims to quickly converge to a common IoT vocabulary. An interoperable M2M service platform enables one to interconnect heterogeneous devices that are widely distributed and frequently evolving according to their environment changes. Keeping M2M systems alive is costly in terms of time and money. To address this challenge, we designed, implemented, and integrated the FRAMESELF framework to retrofit self-management capabilities in M2M systems based on the autonomic computing paradigm. Extending the MAPE-K reference architecture model, FRAMESELF enables one to dynamically adapt the OM2M system behavior according to high level policies how the environment changes. We defined a set of semantic rules for reasoning about the IoT-O ontology as a knowledge model. Our goal is to enable automatic discovery of machines and applications through dynamic reconfiguration of resource architectures. Interoperability and self-management pave the way to mass-scale deployment of M2M devices. However, current M2M systems rely on current internet infrastructure, which was never designed to address such requirements, thus raising new requirements in term of scalability. To address this challenge, we designed, simulated and validated the OSCL overlay approach, a new M2M meshed network topology as an alternative to the current centralized approach. OSCL relies on the Named Data Networking (NDN) technique and supports multi-hop communication and distributed caching 5 to optimize networking and enhance data dissemination. We developed the OSCLsim simulator to validate the proposed approach. Finally, a theoretical model based on random graphs is formulated to describe the evolution and robustness of the proposed system.

Implementation of Cache Attack on Real Information Centric Networking System

Anto Morais, Faustina J. 01 January 2018 (has links)
Network security is an ongoing major problem in today’s Internet world. Even though there have been simulation studies related to denial of service and cache attacks, studies of attacks on real networks are still lacking in the research. In this thesis, the effects of cache attacks in real information-centric networking systems were investigated. Cache attacks were implemented in real networks with different cache sizes and with Least Recently Used, Random and First In First Out algorithms to fill the caches in each node. The attacker hits the cache with unpopular content, making the user request that the results be fetched from web servers. The cache hit, time taken to get the result, and number of hops to serve the request were calculated with real network traffic. The results of the implementation are provided for different topologies and are compared with the simulation results.

國際競爭法的調和 / The Harmonization of International Competition Law

謝孟珊, Meng-Shan Hsieh Unknown Date (has links)
不論是反全球化或是支持全球化,我們都無法否認,全球化已經是一個現在進行式。另外一個與全球化一樣逐步成長的乃是市場經濟體制,市場經濟體制植基於開放競爭有助於資源合理分配的觀念,而全球化則擴大了資源分配的範圍。然而,全球化和市場經濟體制的發達,貿易壁壘的消除,也帶動跨國界限制競爭活動的發展,反托拉斯不再是單純的國內問題,而是國際問題。 國際反托拉斯所帶來的問題大致可分為下述兩種,一是阻礙國際貿易的發展,二是因為各國不同的反托拉斯標準造成國際緊張以及企業成本。第一類問題可以細分為下述幾種情況:1. 國際卡特爾破壞市場競爭機制以及消費者福祉; 2. 跨國公司在全球濫用獨占力,影響國際競爭秩序和消費者福祉;3. 競爭法的缺乏以及競爭法的不力執行構成市場進入障礙。第二類問題亦可以細分為下屬幾種情況:1. 國際合併的多國標準造成企業的額外成本,不利國際合併之進行,並造成國際緊張;2. 國與國間產業政策以及競爭政策的衝突。 面對上述這些跨國性的反托拉斯問題,各界紛紛提出競爭法調和的呼籲,此議題近來在各國際組織也漸獲重視。事實上為了處理國外限制競爭行為對國內所產生的影響,以保護本國利益,國內法方面已有所謂的「域外適用(extraterritorial application)」對策產生。但是競爭法的域外適用並無法全然解決現時國際限制競爭行為所帶來的問題,反而還帶來了新的問題,並造成國際緊張。為了在國際案件有效執行反托拉斯法,不論是在卡特爾案件或是獨占力濫用案件,各國競爭法主管機關互相合作與協調都是不可或缺的。至於將競爭法提升至國際法層次,避免國家以非關稅措施破壞自由貿易制度,似乎也有需要。 本文目的在於藉著對競爭法調和現況的瞭解和其成就之分析來尋求目前全球化時代,貿易自由化時代下跨國限制競爭問題的解決之道。 全文一共分為六章,第一章為緒論,為本論文做出開端,闡明全球化時代國際競爭秩序的問題,並提出研究範圍與目的。 第二章研究關於國際競爭秩序的雙邊條約,著眼於美國和歐盟,澳洲和紐西蘭,以及我國和世界各國所訂立的條約。討論範圍為該些雙邊關係所建立之合作內容,其具體成效,成功失敗之因素,以及可供世界各國借鏡之處。台灣部分則著眼於我國目前現狀之檢討,和未來走向之研究。 第三章為從事競爭法調和的區域性國際組織,研究範圍包括歐盟、APEC以及NAFTA。其中APEC所從事的活動較近於政策性的調和,屬於競爭政策的宣導;NAFTA則進一步具有競爭法的實體規範;歐盟不但具有實體規範,並具有一套全球獨步的競爭法執行架構。 第四章為國際組織,將討論UN, WTO和OECD在國際競爭法的發展。UN基本上雖為政治組織,但是對於競爭議題也相當重視;WTO部分則將討論目前競爭議題在WTO體系的進展,並進一步討論WTO進行國際競爭法調和工作的可行性和不可行性;OECD對於競爭議題也一直相當重視,本文將探討OECD在競爭議題方面的研究成果。 第五章為全球性的競爭法規範,討論的範圍有UNCTAD所提出的「管制限制性商業行為的一套多邊協議的公平原則和規則(Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices)」以及DIAC。這兩套全球性的競爭法不但都具有實體規範也都提出一套制度性規範,雖然兩者都未能成為具有拘束力的國際競爭法,但是其所提出的實體規範內容和架構設計仍值得我們做進一步的研究。「管制限制性商業行為的一套多邊協議的公平原則和規則」本身是以聯大決議的形式呈現,因此在某一角度而言,「管制限制性商業行為的一套多邊協議的公平原則和規則」並未失敗,然而DIAC原本乃是預定成為WTO的附件之一,唯最後這樣的理想並未實現,因此我們有必要去問,DIAC的失敗因素為何?是基於其實體內容的設計問題,或是制度面的設計問題?或者是因為其他的外在因素? 最後,在第六章的結論,本文將試圖分析各種競爭法調和方式的利弊得失,並且提出建議。 / Some people oppose globalization, while others support globalization. However, it is undeniable that globalization is an on-going trend. Another on-going trend is market-oriented economy structure. The structure of market-oriented economy bases on the theory that competition contributes to reasonable allocation of resource. On the other hand, globalization expands the scope of the allocation of resources. However, the proliferation of globalization and the structure of market-oriented economy and the elimination of trade barriers also promote the development of transnational anticompetitive activities. Antitrust is no more a pure domestic issue, it is also an international issue nowadays. International antitrust problems could be divided into two parts. First, the international antitrust activities hinder the development of international trade. Second, different antitrust standards of each country cause international tense situation and increase enterprises’ cost. First situation contains following aspects: 1. International cartels ruin market competition system and welfare of consumers. 2. Transnational companies abuse their dominant power all globally and affect international competition order and consumers’ welfare. 3. Absence of competition law and unenforcement of it constitute market entrance obstacles. Second situation also contains following aspects: 1.Different standards of international mergers bring many results, such as increasing enterprises’ extra cost, hindering the proceedings of international mergers, and causing international tensions. 2. The conflict between industry policy and competition policy of countries. Facing those transnational antitrust problems, the issue of the harmonization of competition law has been raised. This issue is drawing more and more attention in several international organizations day by day. In fact, to deal with the domestic effect of abroad anticompetitive activities to protect national interest, the theory “extraterritorial application” of domestic law has been raised. However, the extraterritorial application of domestic law is unable to solve all the problems that the international anticompetitive activities have brought. Furthermore, it has also made new problems and caused international tensions. To enforce antitrust law effectively in international cases, cooperation and coordination between national competition agencies are unavoidable. In addition, bringing antitrust law up to international law level and avoiding nations ruin free trade system by non-tariff strategy seem also be needed. The main purpose of this essay is to understand and analysis the current situation of the harmonization of competition law and to find out the solution of transnational competition problems in the era of globalization and the era of free-trade. This essay has been divided into 6 chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which illustrates the international competition problems in the era of globalization and brings out the studying scope and purpose of this essay. The second chapter talks about international competition bilateral treaties between U.S. and E.U., Australia and New Zealand, Taiwan and other countries. The discussing scope contains the cooperation content which was set up by the bilateral treaty, its concrete result, and the reasons of its failure or success. As for Taiwan, this essay focuses on the review of its current situation and where its future is. The third chapter talks about regional international organizations which involve in the harmonization of competition law, such as E.U., APEC and NAFTA. APEC’s activities are more closer to the harmonization of policies, which promote competition activities. NAFTA has substantial competition regulations. E.U. not only has substantial regulations but also has the first set of enforcement system of international competition law in the world. The forth chapter is international organization, which talks about the development of international competition law in U.N., WTO and OECD. Although basically U.N. is a political organization, it also highly emphasizes competition issues. In addition, this chapter talks about the development of competition issues in the WTO system and the possibilities of promoting the harmonization of international competition law in WTO. Additionally, OECD also emphasizes competition issues very much. This chapter also talks about the study result of OECD in the competition issues. The fifth chapter is the global competition regulations, which contains “Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices” of UNCTAD and “ Draft International Antitrust Code”. Both of the global competition laws contain substantial regulations and the design of enforcement systems. Although both of them ended up in unrestrictive regulations, they also deserve further research. “Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices” was brought out with the form of UN General Assembly Resolution, but it is successful in some aspect. DIAC was meant to be an Annex of WTO originally. However this idea was not realized at the end. Why DIAC failed? Was it because of the design of its substantial content or the design of the enforcement structure or other outside factors? At last, this essay will analysis the shortages and advantages of all kinds of the harmonization of competition law and bring out recommendations in the conclusion of chapter 6.

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