Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ideal types"" "subject:"ideal mypes""
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Feministiska uttryck : Idealtypsanalys av Sveriges socialdemokratiska ungdomsförbund och Centerpartiets ungdomsförbundBengtsson, Mattias January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to ascertain what kind of feminist expressions that are prevalent in two of Sweden’s major political youth organizations, the Swedish Social Democratic Youth League and the Centre Party Youth using ideal types constructed from major feminist ideologies. A comparison between the two is also a part of the analysis, to clarify the differences and similarities between the two regarding issues pertaining gender equality. Socialist feminism and radical feminism were prevalent in the Swedish Social Democratic Youth League but it also contained expressions of liberal feminism. The Centre Party Youth were exclusively liberal feminist in their expression. The differences between the two were ideological and the causal explanations for why gender equality exists differed as well. The similarities were limited to certain specific issues where they identified similar, if not identical, problems in society.
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Alldeles för byråkratisk? : En studie av Djurskyddsmyndighetens organisationAhlqvist, Sara January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to describe the organization of the Swedish Animal WelfareAgency during the time it was in operation. The Swedish Animal Welfare Agency was established in 2005 by the government who saw it as necessary in order to strengthen the protection of cruelty to animals in Sweden. However, the agency was shut down already in2007 and its responsibilities as an agency was moved back to the government and the department of agriculture. During its time in operation, the Swedish Animal Welfare Agency, received much criticism, among other things because of its interpretations of the law which were seen as too focused on details and thus “bureaucratic”. In order to describe the organization of the agency the theoretical approach of this study is based on three of Bo Rothstein’s ideal administration models; the legal bureaucratic, thepolitical oriented and the user oriented model. The purpose is to see which one of these ideal administrations the Swedish Animal Welfare Agency was most like, through an organizational perspective. There will also be a comparison over time, from the establishing to the shutting down of the agency in order to see if the organization of the agency had changed over time. The method used for this paper is a qualitative text-based analysis where the central arguments concerning the organization of the agency will be highlighted and interpreted from the different criteria of the administration models. The study showed that the organization of the Swedish Animal Welfare Agency can be described as a legal bureaucratic administration. The comparison over time showed that the organization of the agency did not change, it could be described as legal bureaucratic when it was established as well as when it was shut down. This shows that the criticism of the agency of being too “bureaucratic” might be justified but the legitimacy of the agency’s organization was based on bureaucratic principles.
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Analys av styrning och ledning i Karlstads kommun : Hur kan New Public Management och Tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning bidra till en förklaring?Ullström, Sebastian January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om styrning och ledning i Karlstad kommun. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur New Public Management och Tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning kan bidra till en förståelse för den centralt kommunicerade styrningen och ledningen. Den övergripande problemställningen som besvaras i studien är Vilka dominerande inslag av Tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning samt New Public Management återfinns i den centralt kommunicerade styrningen och ledningen av Karlstads kommun? Frågeställningen besvaras med en idéanalys. Två styrningstrender används som idealtyper för att utforska det empiriska materialet som består av styrdokument och intervjuer med tjänstemän inom kommunledningen. De två trender som utgör teoretisk grund är New Public Management och Tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning. Studiens relevans ligger i den svenska regeringens pågående arbete med att förändra hela styrkedjan inom den offentliga sektorn, från New Public management till Tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning. Den övergripande problembilden baseras på antagandet att vissa centrala delar i New Public Management har lett till en oproportionerlig ökning av administrativa arbetsuppgifter, vilket i slutändan lett till en ineffektiv användning av de offentliga resurserna. Genom att undersöka befintlig styrning och ledning i en svensk kommun idag får vi en bättre nulägesbild av vilka områden som, mer eller mindre uttryckligen, präglas av de två trenderna. Således kan de båda trenderna sägas representera det gamla och det nya då regeringens ambition är att ersätta delar av den ena med den andra. Resultatet av studien visar att genom att se på olika områden är det möjligt att lokalisera element från de två trenderna i varierande utsträckning. De båda trenderna var för sig är dock inte tillräckliga för att skapa sig en rättvis bild av den centrala styrningen och ledningen i Karlstad kommun. Tillsammans bildar de vad som bäst beskrivas som en hybridmodell. / This paper is about governance and management in the municipality of Karlstad. The study aims to explore how New Public Management and Trust based governance and management can contribute to an understanding of the centrally communicated governance and management. The main question that is to be answered in this paper is What dominant elements of Trust based governance and management as well as New Public Management can be found in the centrally communicated governance and management of the municipality of Karlstad? The question is answered by an idea analysis. Two management trends are being used to explore the empirical material that consists of steering documents and interviews with representatives of the municipal management. The two trends that are used as theoretical base and ideal types for this study are New Public Management and Trust based governance and management. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the Swedish government has a work in progress on changing the course of the governance throughout the public sector, from New Public Management to Trust based governance and leadership. The overall problem scenario is based on the assumption that some of the central elements of New Public Management has led to an disproportionate increase in administration, which in the end has led to a non- efficient usage of the public resources. By examining the existing governance and management in a Swedish municipality today we get a better situation image of which areas that are, more or less explicitly stated, characterized by the two trends. Thus both trends can be said to represent the old and the new as the government's ambition is to replace parts of one with the other. The result of the study shows that by looking at different areas you are able to locate the two trends in varying extent. The trends by themselves are not enough to get a clear image of the governance and management in Karlstad, yet together they form what is best described as a hybrid model.
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EU:s Handelspolicy : Liberalism eller Merkantilism?Björk, Robin January 2015 (has links)
Uppsatsen syfte är att ta reda på ifall den Europeiska Unionens (EU) handelspolicy för den interna respektive den externa marknaden följer den liberala retoriken som förs av unionen. Det är en komparativ fallstudie som använder sig av idealtyper för att ge en nyanserad bild av unionens handelspolicy. Det teoretiska ramverket som används för att framställa dessa idealtyper är merkantilism samt liberalism. Idealtyperna appliceras sedan på de två fallen. Fokus för studien ligger på tiden mellan Lissabonfördraget och 2012 innan den senaste utvidgningen till 28 medlemsstater ägde rum. I analysen kan man se delar av båda teorierna i varierande grad. Avslutningsvis diskuteras i vilken grad de båda teorierna influerar EU:s handelspolicy för den inre samt yttre marknaden. I resultatet kan man se att liberalismen genomsyrar stora delar av EU:s handelspolicy, men att det finns merkantilistiska undertoner i ett flertal olika områden. / The aim with this thesis is to find out whether the European Union (EU) trade policy for the internal and the external market comply with the liberal rhetoric that is conducted by the Union. It is a comparative case study based on ideal types to give the reader a nuanced view of EU:s trade policy. The theoretical framework that is being used to produce the ideal types is mercantilism and liberalism. Consequently, the ideal types are being applied on the two cases. The focus of the study is the time between the Lisbon Treaty and 2012, before the recent enlargement to 28 member states took place. In the analysis, one can see portions of both theories in varying degrees. Finally, the extent of how liberalism and mercantilism influences EU:s trade policy for the internal and the external market is being discussed. The result of the thesis show that liberalism influence most parts of the trade policy, but there are also some mercantilist undertones in several areas.
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Den formbara medborgaren : En idéanalys av utbildningspolitiska idéer om medborgarrollen mellan 1962 till och med idagRosen, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
This thesis examines the political ideas of citizenship that can be found in Swedish education policies between 1962 and today. Furthermore, the thesis also examines how these ideas have changed over time. The material consist of four education policy bills that was adopted during the studied time period. The analytical tool of the study is based on three different ideal types of social citizenship: The socio-liberal citizenship, the libertarian citizenship and the republican citizenship. These ideal types also contains three different dimensions of social citizenship: Goals and values, characteristics of the citizens and rights and obligations. The primary findings of the study shows that a focus on public good and community engagement associated with the republican citizenship can be found in the bill from 1962, while in the bills from 1991-1993 the focus has shifted towards individual satisfaction and freedom of choice associated with the libertarian citizenship. In the bill from 2009 the shift is not as clear as ideas associated with the libertarian citizenship reappears in this bill as well. Although, the primary focus of the bill can be claimed to be on social justice, equality and social inclusion, associated with the socio-liberal citizenship. The results of the study thus indicates a shift from the republican citizenship in the 1960s, towards the libertarian citizenship in the 1990s and then towards the socio-liberal citizenship in the 2010s.
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Green capitalist or critical environmentalist? : A comparative study of the environmental policies of the Left Party (Vänsterpartiet) and the Social Democratic Party (Socialdemokraterna)Mohseni Tabrizi, Michel January 2022 (has links)
This paper analyses the environmental policy documents of Vänsterpartiet (Left Party) and Socialdemokraterna (Social Democratic Party) based on the theories of ecological modernization (EMT) and critical environmental sociology (CES), constructed as ideal types. The aim is to explain ideational differences and similarities based on the ideal types of each theory and how well the parties can be linked to the ideal types of EMT and CES, their similarities and differences. The results show that there is a clear ideational distinction between the Left Party and the Social Democratic Party and that their views on solutions to climate change and subsequent environmental issues, based on ecological modernization theory and critical environmental sociology, differ despite other ideational similarities. The Left Party adheres more to the ideal type of CES and the Social Democratic Party adheres more to the ideal type of EMT.
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La dépendance au parti des députés : conquérir, exercer et conserver son mandat au PS et à l'UMP / French Deputies' Party dependency : conquering, exercising and keeping one's mandate within the Socialist Party and the Union for a Popular MovementSquarcioni, Laure 18 November 2016 (has links)
Quelle relation lie un élu à son parti ? Cette thèse se propose d’analyser le phénomène de dépendance au parti des députés en comparant le PS et l’UMP durant la XIIIe et la XIVe législature. La relation de dépendance au parti influence, avec une intensité variable, le comportement du député, dans de nombreuses sphères d’action du mandat et tout au long de sa carrière politique. La thèse d’un cycle de la dépendance est ainsi confrontée empiriquement, en croisant méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives. Plusieurs profils de dépendance au parti chez les députés ont été dégagés : l’utilitariste, le fataliste, le fidèle, et l’éléphant du parti. Ceux-ci sont déterminés par l’appartenance à un des deux partis, ainsi que par un effet fort de la carrière. Une analyse séquentielle de la carrière du député permet ensuite de souligner la multidimensionnalité du phénomène qui varie à la fois selon les temps de la carrière (conquérir, exercer et conserver son mandat) et les caractéristiques du député. / What kind of relationship binds an elected official to his party ? This study aims to analyse French Deputies' Party dependency by comparing the Socialist Party and the Union for a Popular Movement during the XIIIth and the XIVth legislature. The party dependency affects MPs behaviour with a varying intensity over time and space. The thesis of a party dependency cycle is tested empirically, by using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Different types of party dependency among MPs has been found : the utilitarian, the fatalistic, the believer and the grandee. These profiles are determined by party membership and political longevity. A sequential study of MPs’ careers underlines the multidimensionality of party dependency in relation to career-stage (whether it be conquering, exercising, or keeping one’s mandate) as well as MP’s individual characteristics.
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The Continuing Anglican Metamorphosis: Introducing The Adapted Integrated ModelL'Hommedieu, John 01 January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to develop and test the Advanced Integrated Model, a typological model in the tradition of Weber’s interpretive sociology, as an asset in explaining recent transformations in American Episcopal-Anglican organizations. The study includes an assessment of the church-sect tradition in the sociology of religion and a summary overview of Weber’s interpretive sociology with special emphasis on the nature and construction of idealtypes and their use in analysis. To illustrate the effectiveness of the model a number of institutional rivalries confronting contemporary Episcopal-Anglican organizations are identified and shown to be explainable only from a sociological perspective and not simply as “in house” institutional problems. The present work sheds light on parent-child conflicts in religious organizations and reopens discussion about the theoretical value of ideal-types in general, and church-sect typologies in particular, when utilized from a comparative-historical perspective
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