Spelling suggestions: "subject:"idealization"" "subject:"dealization""
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Ineliminable idealizations, phase transitions, and irreversibilityJones, Nicholaos John 21 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Representaciones mentales de la figura paterna en un grupo de padres jóvenes limeños / Mental representations of the father figure in a group of young Lima parentsDíaz Morán, Mauricio 19 February 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación buscó describir desde un marco teórico psicoanalítico, la construcción de las representaciones mentales de la figura paterna en un grupo de padres jóvenes limeños. Se realizó a partir del método cualitativo y diseño fenomenológico. Los participantes fueron 5 varones limeños con edades entre 23 y 27 años, pertenecientes al nivel socioeconómico C. Los datos se recolectaron a partir de un instrumento: una entrevista semi-estructurada a profundidad. Los resultados se organizaron desde un análisis temático inductivo con sub temas emergentes y permitieron hallar que sus representaciones mentales de la figura paterna presentan 3 temas principales. El primer tema es “Mi padre: amor y deuda”, en el cual se observan los sentimientos ambivalentes hacia sus padres traducidos en idealización y reclamos; el segundo tema es “La figura paterna como autoridad y ley”, donde se aprecia la dificultad de definir el rol de un padre que pone límites a sus hijos; y el tercer tema es “Mi propia experiencia de paternidad”, que muestra el deseo de los participantes por ser buenos padres tomando de referencia a sus propios padres y a la vez querer ser mejores que ellos. El hallazgo central del estudio permitió observar que las representaciones mentales de la figura paterna se sostienen en la ambivalencia de los participantes respecto al vínculo con sus padres, asimismo, necesitaron idealizar al padre en la necesidad de tener un referente para ellos poder ejercer una paternidad deseada. / The present research sought to describe from a psychoanalytic theoretical framework, the construction of the mental representations of the father figure in a group of young Lima parents. It was carried out from the qualitative method and phenomenological design. The participants were 5 men from Lima with ages between 23 and 27 years old, belonging to socioeconomic level C. Data were collected from an instrument: a semi-structured in-depth interview. The results were organized from an inductive thematic analysis with emerging sub-themes and allowed to find that their mental representations of the father figure present 3 main themes. The first theme is "My father: love and debt", in which ambivalent feelings towards his parents are observed, translated into idealization and claims; the second topic is “The father figure as authority and law”, where the difficulty of defining the role of a father who sets limits on his children is appreciated; and the third theme is “My own parenting experience”, which shows the participants' desire to be good parents by referring to their own parents and once they want to be better than them. The central finding of the study is to observe that the mental representations of the father figure are sustained by the ambivalence of the participants regarding the bond with their parents, also, they needed to idealize the father in the need to have a reference for them to be able to exercise a desired paternity. / Tesis
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Construction de l’individu - Construction de la peinture : pour une éthique de la création : le rater comme vecteur d’expression et de structuration de l’être / Construction of the individual - Construction of the painting : for an ethics of creation : the “Missing” as an expression vector and structure to beGuevel, Nathalie 17 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse présente un projet de recherche création et recherche action dont l'axe principal questionne le rapport entre le processus identitaire à l’oeuvre dans l’activité picturale. Un lieu interne d'expérimentations devient « espace » de la peinture qui n’est plus abordée d’un point de vue esthétique mais sous un rapport subjectiviste et constructiviste. Ma démarche s’est construite autour d’un axe principal: le parallèle entre la construction de la peinture et la construction d'un individu devenu « sujet » créatif et autonome au sens où l'entend E. Kant. Ce rapport entre la pratique artistique et le processus d'individuation (tel que l'a défini C-G Jung) aboutit au paradoxe d’une « éthique de la relation » fondée sur un travail sur soi que j’ai approfondie pour proposer une théorie et une méthode pédagogique d’accompagnement en peinture. Accessible à tous, cette méthode accompagne des personnes en situation de handicap mental, de maladie psychique ou d’autisme, mais notre thèse engage une réflexion plus globale sur la peinture vécue par le corps « musical » comme vecteur de structure identitaire. Une nouvelle architecture de la peinture faite de « boues », de « dépôts », propose, comme appui à cette lecture musicale, des métaphores de renouvellement. Une théorie du rater se fait ici vecteur pédagogique. Elle se présente sous forme de jeux contre les principaux blocages privilégiant l’« imagination motrice » induite par la couleur et par la forme tant chez l’accompagnant que chez l’accompagné. Nous proposons un espace en peinture mutuellement constructeur permettant de sortir de la fermeture psychique et sociale parfois contrainte, pour s'ouvrir au monde et se transformer. / This thesis presents an action creation research project whose main axis analyses the relationship to the identity process at work in the pictorial activity. An internal locus of experimentation becomes a painting “space“which is no longer approached from an aesthetic point of view but more from a subjectivist and constructivist one. My approach is built around a main axis: the parallel between the construction of the painting and the construction of an individual become creative autonomous "subject" as E.Kant understands it. This relationship between artistic practice and the process of individuation (as defined by CG Jung) leads to the paradox of an "ethics of the relationship" based on self study that I have developed more thoroughly to provide both a theoretical framework and a teaching method in accompanying painting. Accessible to all, this method accompanies people with mental disability, mental illness or autism but our thesis undertakes a more comprehensive reflection on painting as embodied in a musical body as a vector of identity. A new architecture of painting as made up of "sludge", "deposits" supports this musical reading with metaphors of renewal. A theory of miss is seen here as an educational vector. It comes in the form of games against major obstacles favoring the “motor imagination” induced by shape and color both in the one that is accompanying and the one accompanied. We offer a mutually constructive painting space as a way out of psychological, sometimes social closure and stress, to open up to the world and transform ourselves.
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Analysis of Bolted Connections in Creo Simulate - Theory, Software Functionality and Application Examples / Analyse von Schraubenverbindungen mit Creo Simulate - Theorie, Softwarefunktionalität und AnwendungsbeispieleJakel, Roland 25 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die Präsentation stellt kurz die Grundlagen der Berechnung von Schraubenverbindungen in Anlehnung an die VDI-Richtlinie 2230 Teil 1 dar. Auch die vier FEM-Modellklassen, die die VDI 2230 Teil 2 (Entwurf) zur Berechnung von Mehrschraubenverbindungen vorschlägt, werden behandelt, und die in Creo Simulate vorhandenen Softwarefeatures zu deren Umsetzung vorgestellt.
Es folgt eine Darstellung, was bei der Linearisierung von Schraubenverbindungen zur vereinfachten Berechnung zu beachten ist, und wieso bei der Berechnung im FEM-System dann nicht notwendigerweise eine Vorspannung benötigt wird.
Ausführlich wird das neue Schraubenfeature in Creo Simulate betrachtet, das eine weitgehend automatisierte Modellierung und Berechnung von Standardverschraubungen erlaubt. Weitere Features, wie die neuen Vorspannelemente, werden erläutert, sowie auch die Grenzen der Software aufgezeigt.
Abschließend werden zwei anspruchsvolle Anwendungsbeispiele vorgestellt: Eine zentrisch belastete Verschraubung mit Berücksichtigung von Elasto-Plastizität und einer komplexen Lasthistorie (Anziehen durch Anzugsmoment, Setzeffekte, Entfall des Torsionsmomentes durch das Anziehen, Betriebskraft) sowie eine exzentrisch belastete Verschraubung, die wegen eines relativ dünnen Flansches starke Biegezusatzbeanspruchungen erfährt. / The presentation shows the foundations of bolt analysis according to VDI-guideline 2230 part 1. In addition, the four FEM model classes proposed in VDI 2230 part 2 (draft) are described, as well as the features available in Creo Simulate to realize these model classes.
Next, the presentation shows the requirements for linearizing bolted connections, and why in a FEM analysis with a linearized connection no preload is necessary.
The new fastener feature introduced in Creo Simulate is explained in detail. This feature allows the automated modeling and analysis of bolted connections having standard geometry. Further software features, like pretension elements, as well as the current software limitations are shown.
Finally, two advanced application examples are shown: A centrically loaded bolted connection taking into account elasto-plasticity and a complex load history (tightening torque, embedding, removal of tightening stress, operational load), and an eccentrically loaded flange connection, which is subjected to high additional bending loads because the flange is relatively thin.
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When and Where?: Time and Space in Boris Akunin's Azazel' and Turetskii gambitKilfoy, Dennis January 2007 (has links)
Boris Akunin’s historical detective novels have sold more than eight million copies in Russia, and have been translated into nearly a dozen languages. Boris Akunin is the pen name of literary critic and translator Grigory Chkhartishvili. Born in 1956 in the republic of Georgia, he published his first detective stories in 1998. His first series of novels, beginning with Azazel’ and followed by Turetskii gambit, feature a dashing young police inspector, Erast Fandorin. Fandorin’s adventures take place in the Russian Empire of the late nineteenth century, and he regularly finds himself at the center of key historic events. The first book takes place over one summer, May to September 1876, as the intrepid Fandorin, on his first case, unveils an international organization of conspirators—Azazel’—bent on changing the course of world events. The second takes place two years later from July 1877 to March 1878 during Russia’s war with the Ottoman Empire. The young detective again clashes with Azazel’, as he unravels a Turkish agent’s intricate plan to weaken and destroy the Russian state. Both adventures have proven wildly popular and entertaining, while maintaining a certain literary value.
The exploration of time and space in Russian literature was once a popular subject of discourse, but since the 1970s it has been somewhat ignored, rarely applied to contemporary works, and even less to works of popular culture. Akunin’s treatment of time and space, however, especially given the historical setting of his works, is unique. Azazel’, for example, maintains a lightning pace with a tight chronology and a rapidly changing series of locales. Turetskii gambit presents a more laconic pace, and, though set in the vast Caucasus region, seems more claustrophobic as it methodically works towards its conclusion. Both works employ a seemingly impersonal narrator, who, nonetheless, speaks in a distinctly 19th century tone, and both works cast their adventures within the framework of actual historical events and locations.
This thesis analyzes core theories in literary time and space, applying them then to Akunin’s historical detective literature.
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When and Where?: Time and Space in Boris Akunin's Azazel' and Turetskii gambitKilfoy, Dennis January 2007 (has links)
Boris Akunin’s historical detective novels have sold more than eight million copies in Russia, and have been translated into nearly a dozen languages. Boris Akunin is the pen name of literary critic and translator Grigory Chkhartishvili. Born in 1956 in the republic of Georgia, he published his first detective stories in 1998. His first series of novels, beginning with Azazel’ and followed by Turetskii gambit, feature a dashing young police inspector, Erast Fandorin. Fandorin’s adventures take place in the Russian Empire of the late nineteenth century, and he regularly finds himself at the center of key historic events. The first book takes place over one summer, May to September 1876, as the intrepid Fandorin, on his first case, unveils an international organization of conspirators—Azazel’—bent on changing the course of world events. The second takes place two years later from July 1877 to March 1878 during Russia’s war with the Ottoman Empire. The young detective again clashes with Azazel’, as he unravels a Turkish agent’s intricate plan to weaken and destroy the Russian state. Both adventures have proven wildly popular and entertaining, while maintaining a certain literary value.
The exploration of time and space in Russian literature was once a popular subject of discourse, but since the 1970s it has been somewhat ignored, rarely applied to contemporary works, and even less to works of popular culture. Akunin’s treatment of time and space, however, especially given the historical setting of his works, is unique. Azazel’, for example, maintains a lightning pace with a tight chronology and a rapidly changing series of locales. Turetskii gambit presents a more laconic pace, and, though set in the vast Caucasus region, seems more claustrophobic as it methodically works towards its conclusion. Both works employ a seemingly impersonal narrator, who, nonetheless, speaks in a distinctly 19th century tone, and both works cast their adventures within the framework of actual historical events and locations.
This thesis analyzes core theories in literary time and space, applying them then to Akunin’s historical detective literature.
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Modely a modelování v biomedicíně / Models and Modeling in the Biomedical SciencesZach, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Many scientific disciplines rely on the construction and use of models: biomedical sciences are no exception. This PhD thesis addresses several aspects of the practice of scientific modeling. First, I discuss the nature of modeling as such, proposing a novel, complementary account of scientific modeling which I term the experimentation-driven modeling account and which drives the construction of mechanistic models in many fields of biological and biomedical research, such as cancer immunology. Second, I scrutinize an objection to the mechanistic account of explanation according to which the account fails to accommodate the common practice of idealizing difference-making factors. I argue that this objection ultimately fails because it is riddled with a number of conceptual inconsistencies. Third, I analyze the roles of similarity judgments in some fields of cancer research which employ a variety of mouse models to learn about the disease mechanisms, arguing that by appreciating the epistemic complexities it is possible to shed new light on more general philosophical debates regarding scientific representation. Fourth, mechanisms can also be studied using more theoretical apparatus in the form of simulations. I investigate an example of an agent-based model used to model the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2...
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Analyzing a bolted, conical hub-shaft-connection with finite friction contact in Creo Simulate 3.0: Best practices for working with large displacement analysis, bolt preloads and finite friction contactJakel, Roland 02 July 2018 (has links)
Der Vortrag beschreibt, wie mittels des Kontaktmodells mit endlicher Reibung in
Creo Simulate 3.0 ein Schwungrad mit axial verschraubtem mit Kegel-Presssitz
berechnet werden kann. Da in Creo Simulate 3.0 des Softwareentwicklers PTC das
Kontaktmodell mit endlicher Reibung nur für die Theorie großer Verformungen
implementiert ist, nicht jedoch für einfache Analysen mit kleinen Deformationen,
muss der Anwender einige softwareseitige Einschränkungen geschickt umgehen. Es
werden Vorgehensweisen vorgeschlagen, wie der Anwender dies bewerkstelligen
kann. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Modellierung von Schrauben
sowie der Einstellung der Schraubenvorspannung. Rechenergebnisse des Programms
werden mit analytischen Lösungen verglichen. / The presentation describes how to analyze a flywheel with axially bolted hub-shaft-
connection using a conical press fit with help of the finite friction contact model in
Creo Simulate 3.0. Since Creo Simulate 3.0 from PTC offers a finite friction contact
model implementation just for large displacement analysis, but not for simple
analyses with small displacements, the user has to work around a couple of code
specific limitations. Best practices are proposed how to do this. Special attention is
paid on bolt modeling and preload adjustment. Analysis results are compared with
analytical solutions.
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“Som student är det jättesvårt att ha en optimal profil. Du har inte så mycket att visa där förutom dina studier” : En kvalitativ studie om identitets- och rollskapande på LinkedIn i ett professionellt sammanhangGutierrez Olguin, Melissa, Lagergren, Caroline January 2022 (has links)
Framväxten av sociala mediers etablering i samhället har bidragit till att individers dagliga användning har ökat. Det har resulterat i att användarbeteenden har förändrats och att sociala medieplattformar numera kan användas för att främja karriären. En plattform som används för att framställa en professionell identitet inför andra är den sociala nätverksplattformen LinkedIn. Dock har det framkommit att det är svårare för universitetsstudenter att framställa en professionell identitet på plattformen, vilket påverkar möjligheten att bli upptäckt av rekryterare. Studien har därför ämnat att undersöka och skildra mötet i förstadiet av en rekryteringsprocess mellan universitetsstudenter och rekryterare på LinkedIn. Syftet har varit att rama in det förväntade rollagerandet på plattformen och besvara frågeställningen: “Vilka faktorer ligger till grund för universitetsstudenters professionella identitetsskapande i mötet med rekryterare på LinkedIn?”. Studien har av den anledningen tillämpat en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi och utfört sju semistrukturerade intervjuer, varav fyra med universitetsstudenter samt tre med rekryterare. Dessutom har ett teoretiskt ramverk för identitetsskapande tillämpats med syftet att undersöka de faktorer som ligger till grund för universitetsstudenternas professionella identitetsskapande i mötet med rekryterare på LinkedIn. I studiens resultat kunde fyra faktorer identifieras och skildras. Faktorerna är: konstruktion av framställning på front-stage, osäkerhet i framställningen, den idealiserade framställningen samt den sociala normen. Det råder olika uppfattningar mellan rekryterare och universitetsstudenters gällande den professionella framställningen som förväntas av universitetsstudenter och som berör ideal, sociala normer, stigman och okända observatörer på LinkedIn. / The emergence and establishment of social media in society have increased individuals' daily use. As a result, user behaviors have changed, and social media platforms allow individuals to advance their careers. One platform used to present a professional identity is the social networking platform LinkedIn. However, it has appeared to be more difficult for university students to present a professional identity on the platform, which affects the possibility of being discovered by recruiters. Therefore, the study aims to investigate and describe the meeting between university students and recruiters on LinkedIn in the pre-stage of a recruitment process. The purpose has been to frame the expected role-playing on the platform and answer the question: "What factors underlie university students' professional identity creation in the meeting with recruiters on LinkedIn?". For this reason, the study has applied a qualitative research strategy and conducted seven semi-structured interviews, four with university students and three with recruiters. In addition, the study applied a theoretical framework for identity creation. The purpose was to examine the factors that form the foundation of university students' professional identity creation in the meeting with recruiters on LinkedIn. The study identified and described four factors. The factors are the creation of front-stage presentation, uncertainty in the presentation, the idealized presentation, and the social norm. In addition, there are various perceptions between university students and recruiters of the professional presentation expected of university students, which affects the ideals, social norms, stigma, and the unknown audience on LinkedIn.
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Analysis of Bolted Connections in Creo Simulate - Theory, Software Functionality and Application ExamplesJakel, Roland 25 June 2013 (has links)
Die Präsentation stellt kurz die Grundlagen der Berechnung von Schraubenverbindungen in Anlehnung an die VDI-Richtlinie 2230 Teil 1 dar. Auch die vier FEM-Modellklassen, die die VDI 2230 Teil 2 (Entwurf) zur Berechnung von Mehrschraubenverbindungen vorschlägt, werden behandelt, und die in Creo Simulate vorhandenen Softwarefeatures zu deren Umsetzung vorgestellt.
Es folgt eine Darstellung, was bei der Linearisierung von Schraubenverbindungen zur vereinfachten Berechnung zu beachten ist, und wieso bei der Berechnung im FEM-System dann nicht notwendigerweise eine Vorspannung benötigt wird.
Ausführlich wird das neue Schraubenfeature in Creo Simulate betrachtet, das eine weitgehend automatisierte Modellierung und Berechnung von Standardverschraubungen erlaubt. Weitere Features, wie die neuen Vorspannelemente, werden erläutert, sowie auch die Grenzen der Software aufgezeigt.
Abschließend werden zwei anspruchsvolle Anwendungsbeispiele vorgestellt: Eine zentrisch belastete Verschraubung mit Berücksichtigung von Elasto-Plastizität und einer komplexen Lasthistorie (Anziehen durch Anzugsmoment, Setzeffekte, Entfall des Torsionsmomentes durch das Anziehen, Betriebskraft) sowie eine exzentrisch belastete Verschraubung, die wegen eines relativ dünnen Flansches starke Biegezusatzbeanspruchungen erfährt. / The presentation shows the foundations of bolt analysis according to VDI-guideline 2230 part 1. In addition, the four FEM model classes proposed in VDI 2230 part 2 (draft) are described, as well as the features available in Creo Simulate to realize these model classes.
Next, the presentation shows the requirements for linearizing bolted connections, and why in a FEM analysis with a linearized connection no preload is necessary.
The new fastener feature introduced in Creo Simulate is explained in detail. This feature allows the automated modeling and analysis of bolted connections having standard geometry. Further software features, like pretension elements, as well as the current software limitations are shown.
Finally, two advanced application examples are shown: A centrically loaded bolted connection taking into account elasto-plasticity and a complex load history (tightening torque, embedding, removal of tightening stress, operational load), and an eccentrically loaded flange connection, which is subjected to high additional bending loads because the flange is relatively thin.
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