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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The influence of the auditor-CFO relationship on the audit of goodwill impairment tests and possible write downs : A study of four Swedish listed companies

Ristic Peric, Tatijana January 2014 (has links)
The objective of IAS 36 is to guide a company on how to apply procedures to ensure that its assets are carried at no more than their recoverable amount. The standard IAS 36 is however obscure and full of gaps to be filled with assumptions made by the CFO. Considering the obscurity of IAS 36, the audit of goodwill impairment tests and possible write downs can have different outcomes depending on the relationship between the auditor and CFO. This paper contributes to the literature by investigating how the auditor-CFO relationship influences the audit of goodwill impairment tests and possible write downs. The primary data consist of eight semi-structured interviews with four auditor-CFO pairs, in four Swedish listed companies. The auditor- CFO relationship and related negotiations are found to highly influence the audit of goodwill impairment tests and possible write downs. The findings indicate that the respondents view the auditor-CFO relationship as being proactive. Depending on what role the auditor is ascribed in the relationship by the CFO, the goodwill impairment tests and possible write downs have a different outcome, where optimistic values of the impairment tests are either upheld by implementation of relevant strategies or write downs are conducted.

Overpayment nelle operazioni di acquisizione ed Impairment dell'Avviamento - un'analisi del contesto statunitense / Overpaid Acquisitions and Goodwill Impairment Losses - Evidence from the US Market

OLANTE, MARIA ELENA 14 April 2010 (has links)
La contabilizzazione delle operazioni di M&A è radicalmente mutata nel corso degli ultimi dieci anni, nel contesto statunitense come in quello europeo. A seguito di tali cambiamenti l’ammontare di goodwill (avviamento) iscritto nei bilanci di molte società si è incrementato. Questo studio si propone in primo luogo di far luce sulla reliability di tali valori analizzando le cause della svalutazione del goodwill, a partire dall’ipotesi essa sia causata in molti casi dal pagamento di un prezzo eccessivo da parte dell’impresa acquirente, piuttosto che essere la conseguenza di eventi successivi all’operazione. L’analisi, in secondo luogo, ha lo scopo valutare se l’impairment test del goodwill, reso obbligatorio dallo SFAS 142 raggiunga l’obiettivo di individuare in modo tempestivo le perdite durevoli di valore del goodwill acquisito e, dunque, di evitare che rimangano iscritti in bilancio come assets valori che di fatto non lo sono. Lo studio ha considerato un campione di 929 acquisizioni concluse nel periodo 1999-2007 che hanno coinvolto società statunitensi quotate ed è stato condotto sviluppando un modello predittivo basato su alcune misure indicanti potenziale overpayment da parte dell’acquirente alla data di acquisizione. I risultati mostrano in primo luogo come alcuni indicatori di overpayment, come la percentuale del prezzo pagata in azioni dell’impresa acquirente e un ammontare elevato di goodwill rispetto al prezzo di acquisto, diano un contributo significativo nella stima di future svalutazioni del goodwill. Un risultato piuttosto preoccupante, poiché segnala una almeno parziale incapacità da parte degli attuali Principi Contabili (SFAS 141) di garantire che alla data di acquisizione il valore attribuito a tale asset sia effettivamente fondato sulle sinergie e sul valore di “going-concern” del target (“core goodwill”), escludendo elementi ad esso estranei, come l’ overpayment da parte dell’acquirente. Per quanto attiene al secondo obiettivo, i risultati mostrano che il lasso temporale tra la data di acquisizione e il momento della svalutazione è in media di due - tre anni, a differenza di quanto accadeva precedentemente all’entrata in vigore dello SFAS 142, quando tale distanza temporale è stata stimata essere tra i quattro e i cinque anni. Tale risultato pertanto suggerisce che l’impairment test (almeno) annuale ha ottenuto l’effetto di migliorare la tempestività dell’individuazione di eventuali perdite durevoli di valore, contribuendo a bilanciare l’effetto sopra descritto che potenzialmente si ingenera alla data di acquisizione. / The purpose of this study is to shed light on the reliability of accounting goodwill numbers by examining whether the root cause of many goodwill impairment losses is the overpayment for the target at the time of the original acquisition, rather than the deterioration of goodwill values caused by events occurred after acquisition. A second related objective is to assess whether the annual impairment test of the acquired goodwill introduced by SFAS 142 improved the ability of accounting standards to timely capture situations in which the amount of goodwill is overstated and should thus be written down. I tested these hypotheses over a sample of 929 acquisitions completed by US listed companies over the nine-year period from 1999 to 2007. To assess whether the occurrence of a goodwill impairment loss can be predicted based on overpayment indicators, I developed a prediction model of goodwill impairment losses using some indicators measured at the acquisition date that signal potential overpayment by the acquiring firm. First, I found that certain measures, such as the percentage of stock in the consideration and the amount of purchase price assigned to goodwill, in fact represent powerful indicators of the occurrence of a subsequent goodwill impairment. This result is troubling as it suggests that SFAS 141 provisions are at least partially unable to avoid that components other than “core goodwill” being included in the amount recognized as goodwill, casting some doubt on the credibility of prominent goodwill amounts included in the financial statements of many corporations. I also found that the recognition of goodwill impairments lags behind the acquisition time by an average of two to three years. Compared with findings of earlier studies this result indicates that SFAS 142 requirements for annual impairment tests in fact improved the timeliness of recognizing goodwill write-offs, eventually helping to mitigate the failure of SFAS 141.

Priešmokyklinių klasių vaikų su klausos negalia brandumas mokyklai ir jo sąsajos su socialiniais-demografiniais veiksniais / School readiness of hearing impaired preschoolers and its relationship with socio-demographic variables

Miknevičiūtė, Donata 03 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - įvertinti vaikų su klausos negalia brandumą mokyklai, su tuo susijusius socialinius-demografinius veiksnius ir sąsajas su mokymosi sėkme pirmoje klasėje. Tyrime dalyvavo 16 iš maždaug 24 parengiamosios ir pirmos klasės mokinių iš trijų kurčiųjų ir neprigirdinčiųjų ugdymo centrų Lietuvoje: 10 parengiamosios ir 6 pirmos klasės mokiniai. Jų amžiaus vidurkis - 7,5 metų. 11 vaikų buvo kurti, 5 - neprigirdintys; 11 vaikų tėvai taip pat turi klausos sutrikimus, 5 - tėvai girdintys; 11 vaikų gerai kalba gestų kalba, 5 - prastai; visi vaikai lankė ikimokyklines įstaigas. Tiriamieji dalyvavo dviejų sesijų individualiuose brandumo mokyklai vertinimuose, kurių metu buvo vertinamas intelektinis brandumas (intelektinis lygis pagal Raven spalvotųjų progresuojančių matricų testą, dėmesingumas, žodinė ir vaizdinė trumpalaikė atmintis, matematinis suvokimas), fizinis pasirengimas ir socialinis-emocinis brandumas pagal Galių ir sunkumų klausimyną. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad vaikų su klausos negalia intelektiniam brandumui didėjant, jų rezultatai kitose vertinamose pasirengimo mokyklai srityse taip pat gerėja, ypač vaikų žodinė atmintis, dėmesingumas, fizinis ir socialinis-emocinis brandumas. Klausos negalią turinčių tėvų vaikai, turintys klausos sutrikimų, yra nežymiai geriau pasirengę mokyklai nei girdinčių tėvų vaikai, turintys klausos sutrikimų. Gerai gestų kalba kalbantys vaikai pasižymi aukštesniu intelektiniu, matematiniu ir fiziniu brandumu, dėmesingumu ir geresniais... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to assess school readiness of hearing impaired children, its relationship with socio-demographic factors and coherence with successful learning in the first grade. In this research participated 16 children from about 24 who are studying in 5 deaf and hard of hearing educational centres: 10 was preschoolers and 6 first grade students. Age average: 7.5 years. In this group was: 11 deaf and 5 hard of hearing pupils, 11 children whose parents were hearing impaired and 5 whose parents hearing, 11 children who are good sign language users and 5 who poorly can speak it. All of pupils attended kindergartens. Children participated in two individual assessments of readiness for school in intellectual maturity (intellectual level according to Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices test, attentiveness, verbal and visual short-term memory, mathematical comprehension), physical readiness and social-emotional maturity according to teachers' Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. The results of the study showed that hearing impaired children' increased intellectual maturity is coherent with better results in all other readiness for school areas, especially verbal memory, attentiveness, physical and social-emotional maturity. Children whose parents are hearing impaired are a bit better at readiness for school than children whose parents are hearing. Children who are good at sign language achieved better results in intellectual maturity, mathematical comprehension... [to full text]

Ökad nivå av earnings management när företag upplever pressade resultat : – Finns detta samband på Stockholmsbörsen

Hjalmarsson, Eric, Jansson, Andreas January 2014 (has links)
Earnings management är ett fenomen som enligt studier har ökat i omfattning under senare tid tack vare förändringar av redovisningsprinciper. Detta har gett företag möjligheten att med ökad subjektivitet bedöma värdet på sina tillgångar, vilket kan utnyttjas för att manipulera redovisning och justera resultat i önskad riktning. Den här studien syftar primärt till att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan variablerna earnings management och pressade resultat bland de noterade bolagen på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, även kallad “Stockholmsbörsen”. Det sekundära syftet är att undersöka om detta eventuella samband är vanligare förekommande bland mindre företag samt om någon bransch är överrepresenterad. En kvantitativ metod har använts där data från bolagens årsredovisningar har hämtats och sedan granskats. Efter det har en analytisk generalisering gjorts av resultaten som visar på att företag i större utsträckning tenderar att bedriva earnings management under perioder där de upplever pressade resultat, i motsats till perioder där de upplever normala resultat. Studien visar också att detta inte är vanligare förekommande på någon speciell börslista eller inom någon specifik bransch, utan att företagen är representerade i likvärdig utsträckning. I studien visade det sig att ett vanligt verktyg för att bedriva earnings management är att göra stora engångsnedskrivningar av goodwill. Detta möjliggjordes år 2005 då IFRS 13 infördes i EU, vilket resulterade i att goodwillposten årligen nedskrivningsprövas istället för att som tidigare avskrivas planmässigt. En kritisk diskussion förs med slutsatsen att resultaten är delvis applicerbara på den studerade populationen och säger något om närliggande fall. Slutligen diskuteras studiens bidrag där konklusionen är att resultaten adderar till samt stärker tidigare forskning. / Earnings management is a phenomenon whose scope of usage has expanded in recent time due to changes in accounting principles, according to studies. These changes have given companies the possibility to use subjective judgment to a higher degree when valuing their assets. This can be utilized to manipulate accounts and tweak results in desired direction. The purpose of this study is primarily to investigate if there is a connection between the variables earnings management and pressured results among the listed companies on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, also knowned as “Stockholmsbörsen”. The secondary purpose is to investigate if this possible connection is more common among smaller companies and if there is any industry that is overrepresented. A quantitative method has been used where data has been collected from the companies’ websites and later reviewed. An analytic generalization has then been applied on the results that show that companies tend to engage in earnings management in greater magnitude when they are experiencing times with pressured results, in contrary to when they experience times with normal results. The study also shows that it’s not more commonly practiced on any particular stock market list or in some particular industry. The companies are rather equivalently represented along the scope of industries and stock market lists. The study shows that a common tool to engage in earnings management is to make big one time impairments of goodwill. This was made possible 2005 when IFRS 13 was implemented in the EU, which resulted in that the goodwill account where to be impairment tested every year instead of the former principle that used linear depreciation. A critical discussion is held with the conclusion that the results of the study are partly applicable on the studied population and says something about nearby cases. Finally there is a discussion about the contribution of the study with the conclusion that the findings adds something to and strengthens past findings.

Effects of Chemotherapy on Neural Processes During Cognitive Functioning in Early-Stage Breast Cancer Patients: An fMRI Study

Wallis, Nancy J. 09 July 2013 (has links)
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) was used to examine brain activity in women with early stage Breast Cancer (BC) and to compare their neural profiles to a matched control group. This was accomplished as participants performed two working memory tasks, before and at two time points following the chemotherapy intervention of the BC group. Nineteen BC patients between the ages of 18 and 65 years were recruited from the Ottawa Hospital Regional Cancer Centre. The nineteen control participants were matched on sex, language, age and education. The results, from whole brain analyses, show significant differences in neural activity between BC patients and matched control participants during both verbal and visuospatial working memory tasks, before and right after chemotherapy. However, these differences were no longer observed one year post chemotherapy for verbal WM processing. Performance results were not significantly different between groups until the third imaging sessions when patients made significantly more errors of omission than controls for both tasks. Importantly, mood, anxiety and fatigue all played significant roles in the observed findings demonstrating the multifaceted nature of the impact of both cancer and chemotherapy on neural function during working memory. This is one of the first fMRI studies to measure neural activations during cognitive performance both before and after chemotherapy in BC patients and a control group while controlling for many potentially confounding variables. While BC patients should be made aware of the potential cognitive challenges they might face before, during and shortly after treatment, they can also feel reassured that these impairments may not be long lasting.

Aspects of n-tuple character recognition for a blind reading aid

Nappey, John Anthony January 1977 (has links)
This thesis reports research conducted into a character recognition system suitable for use in a reading aid for the blind. A brief review of blind reading aids is given, showing the need for a device which is cheap, simple and effective. The structure of a proposed reading aid fulfilling these needs is outlined, with a list of the desired characteristics of each of its subsystems. The remainder of the thesis is concerned with research into just two of these subsystems: the input device and the character recognizer. A detailed review of pattern recognition by the n-tuple method is presented, followed by a description of the experimental techniques used in obtaining real data from a camera system, and in simulating various recognizer structures. The camera system and computer programs developed specifically for the research are described in detail. Several series of experiments are reported, concerned mainly with investigating problems associated directly with the blind reading aid, namely accommodation of multifont printed text and of the tracking errors inherent in data from a hand-held probe. A further series of experiments, aimed at improving the performance of the recognizer within fixed size constraints, i. e., optimisation, has a wider field of application. Finally suggestions are made as to how the recognizer might be implemented in a reading aid, using RAMs, ROMs, or PLAs as the main storage elements.

Interactions between moderate alcohol consumption and sleepiness : the effect on driver performance

Barrett, Pauline R. January 2005 (has links)
Both alcohol and sleepiness are known to be major contnbutors to road traffic accidents m the UK. There has been much debate on whether the current legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for driving (008%) should be lowered to 005%, like several other countries in the European Union. The present limit may be sabsfactory when a driver IS fully alert, however the pressures of today's society mean that an mcreasmg number of people may be sleep deprived. The consequences of a sleepy person drivmg after drinking a current legally acceptable amount of alcohol have not been fully investigated. An initial literature review idenbfied specific areas that needed to be investigated throughout this programme of work The research took the form of a "hfelike" scenario, with only moderate sleep restnction (5h in bed at night) and moderate alcohol consumpbOn, producmg BACs of approximately half the UK legal driving limit The drive, on a Simulated dual carriageway, lasted for 2h and was very monotonous The research programme was split into four main areas (i) young men (the most at risk group of drivers for sleep related crashes) driving in the afternoon (a time when the number of sleep related crashes are known to increase), under a 2 x 2 experimental deSIgn, With and without alcohol at lunch-time and with and without the prior night's sleep restncted to 5h, (u) an identical gender comparison usmg young women, (hi) a time-of-day companson using young men, but with the drive and alcohol consumption takmg place m the early evening (a bme of day when we are naturally more alert); (iv) a near-zero BAC, when young men have the same alcohol intake as in (I) but earlier, such that their BACs have reduced to nearly zero before startIng the afternoon drive. Dunng the afternoon circadian trough the driving performance of both men and women is severely impaired when moderate sleep restriction and alcohol consumption are combined Of particular concern, is that men seem to be unable to perceive this greater impairment Women generally appear to have better perception of alcohol impairment, even without sleep loss. Unlike men, women's driving is less impaired by modest amounts of alcohol when they are alert, which seems to be because they know their performance IS affected and thus apply more compensatory effort. On the other hand, their rrnpamnent after alcohol when combmed WIth sleep loss is well in excess of any compensatory effort. Trrne of day also affects imp3lrment after alcohol and/or sleep loss. Driving performance IS generally better during the early evening holtrS, when we are nat\lfally more alert, compared with the afternoon, and for all conditions. Moderate alcohol intake does not impair drivmg performance during the early evening, unlike during the afternoon. However, if combined with sleepiness, mcreased driving impamnent does become apparent during the early evening, although, not to the extent that it does durmg the afternoon. BACs are not a good indicator of alcohol-related driving impairment, especially when combmed with sleepiness. During the afternoon, even when BACs fall almost to zero at the start of a drive, sleepy drivers are still more impaired for the first hour of the drive if they have consumed this modest amount of alcohol at lunchtime An unexpected rebound improvement m dnvmg performance is seen ID the second hour of the drive In non-sleep deprived, alert drivers, these same near zero BAC levels did not affect driving performance or significantly increase subjective sleepiness. Overall the results indicate that, combined WIth modest sleepiness, the current legal dnnk drive limtt (008%) is too htglt Thts outcome supports recent and extensIve findmgs WIth fatal and senous road crashes in France (Philip et al., 2001). During the afternoon, a time of day when people are nat\lfally less alert BACs of less than half this UK limit will impair driving even in non-sleep depnved people If drivers are also sleepy, this combmation produces dangerous levels of Impairment durmg the afternoon; the combination also leads to impairment (but to a lesser extent) in the early evening The research was carried out with only moderate levels of sleepiness and alcohol consumptIon, It is fair to conclude that driving impairment would be greater if the sleep loss was greater and/or BACs were htgher, but just under the legal liemt Greater public awareness is required on the knowledge that driving after consuming any alcohol when tired or sleepy is extremely dangerous.

Att vara en del av helheten : Pedagogers inkluderande arbetssätt av förskolebarn med hörselnedsättning / Being a part of the whole : Pedagogues inclusive approach of children with hearing impairment

Österberg, Linda, Höglind, Elin January 2014 (has links)
I denna studie är syftet att undersöka hur och varför pedagoger tillämpar ett inkluderande arbetssätt av förskolebarn med hörselnedsättning. Detta görs utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv där språk och interaktion anses grundläggande för lärande. För att kunna svara på forskningsfrågorna har observationer samt intervjuer utförts. Utifrån resultatet kan vi se att ett frekvent användande av tecken och förstärkning är av stor vikt för att kunna inkludera barn med hörselnedsättning och ge dem samma förutsättningar att ta del av sammanhanget som övriga barn. I resultatet går att utläsa miljöns påverkan och hur den utnyttjas i utformningen av verksamheten för att anpassas till de enskilda individernas förutsättningar. Genom sex punkter sammanställs studiens slutsatser vilka listar vad vi anser vara viktigt att tänka på kring arbetet med barn med hörselnedsättning. Grundläggande för en god inkludering är enligt oss att anpassa verksamheten utan att överbetona eller negligera hörselnedsättningen. / The purpose of this study is to examine how pedagogues apply an inclusive method of teaching preschool children with hearing impairment. This process will be examined from a sociocultural perspective, where language and interaction is considered a basic foundation for teaching. Interviews and field observations have been conducted in order to effectively address our outlined research questions. The results indicate that frequent use of signs and body language is crucial in providing children with hearing impairment with the same opportunity to engage in contextual learning. Our findings illustrate the importance of environmental factors, as well as how they are utilized when adapting school curriculums to individual circumstances. This study is summarized into six points, which lists important things to consider while working with children with hearing impairment. Our findings conclude that the foundation for an inclusive learning environment is to adapt the school curriculum without emphasizing or neglecting the hearing impairment.

Reading Additions in Children and Young Adults with Low Vision – Effects on Reading Performance

Alabdulkader, Balsam January 2010 (has links)
Reading is one of the most important activities in most people’s life. For children, reading is a window to knowledge, good educational achievement and better job opportunities in the future. Thus reading fluency is a very important factor in the child’s education. Children and young adults with low vision usually use a close working distance to gain relative distance magnification. Unlike adults, they have active accommodation. Many studies, however, have shown that children and young adults with low vision have reduced accommodation response compared to the norms of their age. Reading additions (high plus lenses) can correct for this reduction in accommodation and may be an optimum method of prescribing magnification in younger adults with low vision. There have been no studies to verify the best method of prescribing reading additions in young adults with low vision and few studies of their effect on reading performance. This is the first study to compare different methods to determine reading additions and their effect on reading performance in young adults with low vision. The aims of the present study are 1) to investigate if three different methods to determine reading additions would lead to significantly different dioptric powers 2) to determine which method (if any) would lead to better reading performance. Reading performance was assessed by measuring the maximum reading speed, critical print size (CPS), print size threshold and the area under the reading speed curve. This was an experimental study involving thirty participants with low vision aged between 8 to 35 years. Participants were recruited from the Low Vision Clinic at the School of Optometry, University of Waterloo, Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) and the Vision Institute of Canada. All participants underwent a routine clinical examination including distance visual acuity, near visual acuity, Pelli-Robson contrast sensitivity, unilateral cover test, static retinoscopy, subjective refraction and measurement of the habitual reading distance. A questionnaire was used to determine their usage of any low vision aids, their perceived difficulty with reading and time spent reading. Reading additions were determined by 1) an objective method using Nott dynamic retinoscopy 2) an age-based formula 3) a subjective method based on the participant’s response to lenses. Reading tasks and dynamic retinoscopy were conducted at a fixed working distance of 12.5cm. Reading performance was assessed using MNREAD-style reading charts with each of the reading additions and without a reading addition, in a random order. Sentences were arranged in way that no sentence was repeated by the same participant. Participants were timed with a stop watch in order to calculate the reading speed in correct words per minute (CWPM). Reading speeds were plotted against print size to calculate the maximum reading speed, the critical print size, MNREAD threshold and the area under the reading speed curve. The participant’s mean age was 16 (± 6) years. There were equal number of males and females. The mean distance visual acuity of the tested eye ranged from 0.357 to 1.184 logMAR with a mean of 0.797 ± 0.220 logMAR. The near visual acuity ranged between 0.301 to 1.301 logMAR with a mean of 0.80 ± 0.26 logMAR. There were six participants who already had a reading addition. Maximum reading speed ranged between 52 to 257 wpm (165 ± 61 wpm). Critical print size ranged between 0.325 to 1.403 logMAR (0.965 ± 0.279 logMAR). Repeated measures ANOVA on the whole group showed that there was a significant difference between the reading additions (p=0.001). The retinoscopy reading addition power was significantly lower than the age add (p=0.002) and the subjective add (p=0.038). Repeated measures ANOVA did not show any improvement of any of the reading measures with the reading additions compared to without the reading addition. A re-analysis was undertaken excluding participants who had normal accommodation at 12.5cm. The results of repeated measures ANOVA showed that there was no significant difference in the dioptric powers obtained by the three methods, although, all reading addition power were significantly greater than zero (t-test <0.0005). There was a significant difference in the area under the reading speed curve (p=0.035), which was greater with the subjective addition than with no reading addition (p=0.048). The MNREAD threshold significantly improved with the age addition compared to no addition (p=0.012). There was a large variability between the participants in their response to a reading addition. Analysis of individual data showed that some participants showed a clear improvement in reading performance with a reading addition. Other participants did not demonstrate any obvious improvement in reading performance with reading additions. Of those participants who showed an improvement, all but one participant had abnormal accommodation. However, not all participants who did not show an improvement had normal accommodation. Univariate analysis and forward step-wise linear regression analysis were used to investigate if any improvement in reading performance and the habitual reading performance without a reading addition could be predicted by factors that were measured in the study. These factors included distance visual acuity, near visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, lag of accommodation, age, time spent on reading each day, perceived difficulty of reading regular print and whether or not the participant received training for the usage of his/her low vision aids. Improvement in reading performance could not be predicted by any of these factors. Habitual reading performance without a reading addition was correlated with some factors. Univariate analysis showed that critical print size was associated with MNREAD threshold (r=0.904. p<0.0005), distance visual acuity (r=0.681, p<0.0005) and contrast sensitivity (r=-0.428, p=0.018) and MNREAD threshold without an addition was associated with the contrast sensitivity (r=-0.431, p=0.017,) and distance visual acuity (r=0.728, p<0.0005). Difficulty of reading correlated with near visual acuity (Spearman correlation coefficient=0.620, p=0.0009), MNREAD threshold (Spearman correlation coefficient=0.450, p=0.02) and maximum reading speed (Spearman correlation coefficient=-0.472, p=0.014). Time spent on reading each day correlated with the area under the reading speed curve (Spearman correlation coefficient=0.659, p=0.0024). The multiple regression analysis showed that MNREAD threshold was best predicted by distance visual acuity (R=0.728, p <0.0005), critical print size could be predicted by distance visual acuity (R=0.681, p <0.0005) and age (R=0.748, p=0.022) and the power of the subjective addition could be predicted by age (R=0.583, p=0.001) and near visual acuity (R=0.680, p=0.028). There was evidence that a reading addition improved reading performance as measured by the area under the curve and MNREAD (reading acuity) thresholds, but this was not predicted by any visual factor, except that all those who gained improvement had poor accommodation. Therefore, it is recommended that an eye care practitioner should demonstrate a reading addition in a low vision assessment of children and young adults, particularly with patients who have reduced accommodation.

Role of Family Satisfaction in Predicting Life Satisfaction Trajectories Over the First Five Years Following Acquired Disability

Hernández, Caitlin Louise 2012 August 1900 (has links)
This study aimed to model the trajectories of life satisfaction as influenced by functional impairment and family satisfaction over a five-year period following spinal cord injury, severe burns, and lower-extremity fractures. Marital status and injury type were included to estimate predicted life satisfaction over the five-year period post-injury. Measures: Six-hundred sixty-two participants completed the Functional Independence Measure, Family Satisfaction Scale, and Life Satisfaction Inventory at 12, 24, 48, and 60 months post-injury. Results: Family satisfaction was a consistent predictor of life satisfaction across models. Consistent with past research (Resch et al., 2009), functional impairment was significantly predictive of life satisfaction. Conclusions: Individuals predicted to be most at risk were those individuals with severe burns, who were divorced or separated, with low family satisfaction, and/or high functional impairment.

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