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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


DEMIRDJIAN, Benjamin 01 December 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Après la découverte des réactions hétérogènes gaz/glace mises en jeu dans la destruction de l'ozone stratosphérique, beaucoup d'études concernant l'adsorption de HCl sur la glace ont été menées. Dans ce travail, on analyse l'influence de l'adsorption de HCl sur la structure et la dynamique de films de glace supportés. La structure de la monocouche (MC) d'eau adsorbée sur MgO(001) est étudiée par analyse dynamique des intensités DEL sur monocristal et par Diffraction de Neutrons sur poudre homogène. Le meilleur accord expérience-théorie est obtenu avec une structure p(3x2) dans laquelle les molécules d'eau sont délocalisées des sites d'adsorption Mg. La dynamique et la structure de films plus épais, adsorbés sur poudres de MgO, sont déterminées par diffraction et Diffusion Quasi-Elastique de Neutrons. La coexistence de la monocouche p(3x2) et d'une phase 3D (glace Ih à basse température, liquide à 273K) est observée. Le substrat provoque une anisotropie de croissance des cristallites de glace. La DQEN corrélée à des calculs de Dynamique Moléculaire montre qu'une couche quasi-liquide apparaît à la surface de la glace à 265K. Nous analysons ensuite l'interaction HCl/glace. HCl détruit de manière irréversible la symétrie (3x2) de la monocouche. Pour les films plus épais, la structure et la dynamique des films de glace sont également modifiées en fonction de la température et du degré de recouvrement en HCl. On observe à 220K la coexistence de la glace Ih avec le dihydrate de chlore. A 250K on montre l'apparition d'un film quasi-liquide pour 0,3 et 0,6 MC de HCl. La mobilité décroît pour 1 MC, le film devient complètement amorphe. Les implications pour la chimie atmosphérique sont discutées. Enfin, des études préliminaires concernant l'adsorption de l'eau sur BaF2(111) sont réalisées. Elles montrent que c'est un bon substrat monocristallin pour la croissance épitaxiale de films épais de glace.

Institutional Designs of Public Goods in the Context of Cultural Property / Institutional Designs of Public Goods in the Context of Cultural Property

Lankau, Matthias 20 November 2013 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit gliedert sich in zwei Teile. Der erste Teil widmet sich der Fragestellung inwiefern formelle Gruppeneigentumsrechte Herkunftsgemeinschaften vor unautorisierten Verwendungen ihrer traditionellen kulturellen Ausdrucksweisen (TKAs) schützen können. Kapitel 2 und 3 führen hierzu einen ökonomischen Vergleich fünf so genannter sui generis Rechte zum Schutz jener TKAs durch und leiten Politikempfehlungen ab. Zum einen bilden die Beiträge eine Rangfolge der Transaktionskosten, die bei Verhandlung über Verwendungen der TKAs entstehen können. Zum anderen vergleichen die Kapitel, ob die Schutzpräferenzen der Ursprungsgemeinschaft durch die Modelgesetze geschützt wären. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass ein Prinzipal-Agenten-Problem auftritt sollten staatliche Behörden über zu viel Verhandlungsmacht verfügen. In diesem Fall werden Bürokraten eher ihre eigenen Interessen als die der Eigentümer der TKAs durchsetzen. Letztendlich existiert zwischen beiden Effekten ein klarer Trade-Off: Je mehr ein Gesetz die Schutzinteressen der Ursprungsgemeinschaften schützt desto höher sind seine Transaktions- und somit sozialen Kosten. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit behandelt – auf Basis ökonomischer Laborexperimente – den Fragenkomplex wie Gruppenmitglieder öffentliche Güter im Kontext kulturellen Eigentums – so wie TKAs – bereitstellen. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf dem Einfluss sozialer Identität auf das Ausmaß an positiver sowie negativer Reziprozität der Individuen als Determinanten der sozialen Wohlfahrt. Die bedingte Kooperation der Gruppenmitglieder sowie das gegenseitige Bestrafungsverhalten untereinander bilden hierfür Maße für positive und negative Reziprozität. Kapitel 4 zeigt, dass Individuen unter dem Einfluss sozialer Identität grundsätzlich divergierende Kooperationspräferenzen abhängig davon mit wem sie interagieren aufzeigen. Auf Basis eines Within-Subject-Designs und mehreren ein-Perioden Spielen in Strategiemethode, zeigt der Beitrag, dass Individuen in identitäts-homogenen Gruppen (In-Group) die Präferenz für eine höhere bedingte Kooperation und weniger Eigennutzorientierung als in einer heterogenen Gruppe (Out-Group) zeigen. Zusätzlich neigen Individuen in heterogenen Gruppen eher zu einem vollständigen Trittbrettfahrerverhalten. Somit könnten Politikinstitutionen, die den Zusammenhalt einer Gruppe betonen, die soziale Wohlfahrt steigern. Auf der Basis eines zehn-Perioden-Spiels zeigt Kapitel 5, dass hauptsächlich vergleichsweise höhere Erwartungen an die Kooperation der Mitglieder in einer In-Group als an die in einer Out-Group Wohlfahrtsgewinne in homogenen Gruppen im Zuge mehrperiodischer Interaktionen auslösen. Die bedingte Kooperation – hier die Erwiderung der eigenen Erwartungen an die Kooperation der Gruppenmitglieder durch eigene Beiträge – ist hingegen in In- und Out- Groups ähnlich. Insgesamt belegt dieser Beitrag somit, dass Erwartungen der Individuen der entscheidende Faktor für das Beitragsverhalten der Gruppenmitglieder unter sozialer Identität ist. Kapitel 6 analysiert inwiefern die Möglichkeit einer gegenseitigen Bestrafung die Kooperationsbereitschaft unter dem Einfluss sozialer Identität ändert. Hierzu verwendet der Beitrag ein-Perioden-Spiele in Strategiemethode sowohl mit als auch ohne Bestrafung. Es zeigt sich, dass die Antizipation einer Bestrafung in heterogenen Gruppen zur größten Anhebung der Kooperationsbereitschaft führt, was am deutlichsten durch das Verhalten der Free-Rider ausgelöst wird. Darüber hinaus hebt die Bestrafungsinstitution unterschiede in der Kooperationsbereitschaft zwischen homo- und heterogenen Gruppen auf, die sich typischer Weise zugunsten homogener Gruppen verlagert. Letztlich deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass im Vergleich zu einer Situation in der ausschließlich eine Bestrafungsinstitution vorliegt, eine zusätzliche Identitätszuschreibung die Wohlfahrt zusätzlich erhöht. Mit Fokus auf negativer Reziprozität untersucht Kapitel 7 die Frage inwiefern soziale Identität das Bestrafungsverhalten gegenüber Gruppenmitgliedern beeinflusst, die weniger zum öffentlichen Gut beitragen als der Bestrafende. Hier zeigt sich, dass Mitglieder identitäts-homogener Gruppen seltener und in geringerer Höhe bestrafen, als es in heterogenen Gruppen der Fall ist. Darüber hinaus ist das Bestrafungsverhalten in heterogenen Gruppen signifikant stärker durch Ärger-ähnliche Emotionen motiviert als in homogenen Gruppen. Insgesamt zeigt der zweite Teil dieser Dissertation, dass Identitätszuschreibungen sowohl positive als auch negative Reziprozität beeinflussen und somit die soziale Wohlfahrt bei der Bereitstellung öffentlicher Güter – auch im Kontext kulturellen Eigentums – beeinflussen. Diese Ergebnisse sind demzufolge für Verhaltensabschätzungen im Rahmen von Politikempfehlungen relevant, die sich auf Situation mit dem Charakter öffentlicher Güter beziehen.

族群因素與地域空間發展之關係研究 / Investigations of the Relations between Ethnic and Spatial Development

黃勝雄 Unknown Date (has links)
「人」與其社會組織在地理空間中運作,相對地,空間的結構將反過來影響人的活動;另一方面,傳統的空間研究卻常為描述空間而研究空間,而忽略了空間背後所隱含之社會意涵。這實甚相近的二個主題,在學術研究的累積上卻尚存有一段極大的落差。本研究從這段落差中去尋求一個連結「人與空間」關係的一個有趣旨題,即是「族群因素與地域空間發展之關係的研究」。研究的主要目的在於:由空間結構和社會觀點出發,去探討「族群分布、族群關係」與「地域空間發展」間的關連性,並推演「族群因素與地域空間發展」之間互動關係的一般性法則和模式理念。 理論上,從環境決定論者的觀點,人的行為模式乃是受實質環境(空間)所主導;但反對者則認為人的政經活動與行為組織才是主導空間形成的原因…為匯整這種差異,本文首先回顧了一些較重要學派的空間結構理論,以及一些基本的社會文化理論,以了解各理論對空間結構的解析方式和對族群因素的論述觀點,據此歸結出一些「族群因素」在空間結構發展上的意涵,作為初步的推論以及後面實例分析的重點啟示。 本研究認為「環境(空間)」與「人」二者之間會因社會時代背景與人之關係的差異而有不同的互動情形與循環影響。是以在實例分析上,以台灣的聚落發展史為軸心,將各個不同時期(包括了原鄉地域之爭的清代移民時期、殖民空間改造的日據時期、具省籍隔離情結的國民政府遷台時期,以及開始產生本土化族群融合的現代化時期)之族群分布、族群關係情況與同時期的台灣地域空間結構發展作一對照分析,以解讀二者之間的關連性與互動情況。 經由結合初步的推論與實例分析所得到的發現,推導出族群因素與地域空問發展之關係的最後結論,包括如不同社會發展時期的族群關係具有差異性;影響族群空間分布與關係的主要因素有四者;不同的族群分布產生對地域空間發展的不同影響,也形塑出不同的空間結構特質;族群因素與地域空間的發展關係具有一種對等循環的特性…。然後回頭去對以往之空間結構理論,在本研究主題結論上作一番辯證,以解讀各不同論點的理論觀點在族群因素與空間發展關係上的解釋性和缺漏所在。最後,除了扼要歸結本研究的結論外,且簡單地引申研究發現在空間規劃上之意涵的啟示,並提出一些研究中所受的限制與可作為後續研究的課題以供參考。 / The study attempes to discern social implications of spatial structure.It is precisely for this reason that the primary purpose of the study is to discuss interactive relations between the"ethnic group"and"spatial development",and to infer its evolution law. The environmenal determinism afgues that the human activities are contingent uponthe environment However, opponents contest that political,economic and behavior organizations are the determinant factors of spatial form.Theories of spatial Structureand social culture, and Taiwan's history of social spatial development divided into four different periods are examined. It is argued that the relation between"environment (space)"and"human(ethnic group)"evoluts according to the difference of social back ground and time presenting a changing cycle. Rooted in a case study and rigour theorical discussions,the conclusion reachs that,for example,(l)different relationships of period of ethnic groups present different period Of social development;(2)the influencial causes of the relationships and distribution of ethnic groups are four;(3)different distribution of ethnic groups imposes different impacts upon spatial developmentk,and forms different characteristics of spatial struCture;(4)the relative development of ethnic groups and spatial structure manifestscyclical characteristics.in the final part of this thesis, the implications for the spatial planning and further studies are examined.

Cryptographic hash functions : cryptanalysis, design and applications

Gauravaram, Praveen Srinivasa January 2007 (has links)
Cryptographic hash functions are an important tool in cryptography to achieve certain security goals such as authenticity, digital signatures, digital time stamping, and entity authentication. They are also strongly related to other important cryptographic tools such as block ciphers and pseudorandom functions. The standard and widely used hash functions such as MD5 and SHA-1 follow the design principle of Merkle-Damgard iterated hash function construction which was presented independently by Ivan Damgard and Ralph Merkle at Crypto'89. It has been established that neither these hash functions nor the Merkle-Damgard construction itself meet certain security requirements. This thesis aims to study the attacks on this popular construction and propose schemes that offer more resistance against these attacks as well as investigating alternative approaches to the Merkle-Damgard style of designing hash functions. This thesis aims at analysing the security of the standard hash function Cellular Authentication and Voice Encryption Algorithm (CAVE) used for authentication and key-derivation in the second generation (2G) North American IS-41 mobile phone system. In addition, this thesis studies the analysis issues of message authentication codes (MACs) designed using hash functions. With the aim to propose some efficient and secure MAC schemes based on hash functions. This thesis works on three aspects of hash functions: design, cryptanalysis and applications with the following significant contributions: * Proposes a family of variants to the Damgard-Merkle construction called 3CG for better protection against specific and generic attacks. Analysis of the linear variant of 3CG called 3C is presented including its resistance to some of the known attacks on hash functions. * Improves the known cryptanalytical techniques to attack 3C and some other similar designs including a linear variant of GOST, a Russian standard hash function. * Proposes a completely novel approach called Iterated Halving, alternative to the standard block iterated hash function construction. * Analyses provably secure HMAC and NMAC message authentication codes (MACs) based on weaker assumptions than stated in their proofs of security. Proposes an efficient variant for NMAC called NMAC-1 to authenticate short messages. Proposes a variant for NMAC called M-NMAC which offers better protection against the complete key-recovery attacks than NMAC. As well it is shown that M-NMAC with hash functions also resists side-channel attacks against which HMAC and NMAC are vulnerable. Proposes a new MAC scheme called O-NMAC based on hash functions using just one secret key. * Improves the open cryptanalysis of the CAVE algorithm. * Analyses the security and legal implications of the latest collision attacks on the widely used MD5 and SHA-1 hash functions.

An analysis of the world sheepmeat market : implications for policy

Blyth, Nicola January 1982 (has links)
Notable structural changes have taken place in the world sheepmeat market over the 1960-80 period. Imports into the major consuming countries of the EEC are declining as a result of changing tastes, higher import barriers and other factors. World exports have steadily increased however, and sales diversified into a number of alternative, expanding markets. Little quantitative information exists on these markets. An econometric model was constructed to analyse the changes on a global basis. The model covers production, consumption and trade in the main importing and exporting regions over a twenty one year period. These components form a dynamic, simultaneous system which solves for the world price. It allows the impact of changes in any particular market to be evaluated in terms of the effect on other markets and international prices. Simulation analysis is employed to test the effects of various shocks to the market, and to evaluate the impacts of certain policy changes, such as those recently implemented in the EEC. The changes are assessed against a Base simulation, which also provides a forecast of the market situation through the 1980's. From the conclusions various policy implications are drawn with respect to NZ's exports.

As implicações dos restos a pagar na gestão da saúde pública: o caso de Mato Grosso

Alencar, Alisson Carvalho de 05 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by ALISSON CARVALHO DE ALENCAR (alissoncalencar@hotmail.com) on 2016-02-17T15:01:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AS IMPLICAÇÕES DOS RESTOS A PAGAR NA GESTÃO DA SAÚDE PÚBLICA- O CASO DE MATO GROSSO versão 15.02.16.pdf: 1690575 bytes, checksum: c4ee06f1a76420d9490170d637b2443c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by BRUNA BARROS (bruna.barros@fgv.br) on 2016-02-23T13:42:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AS IMPLICAÇÕES DOS RESTOS A PAGAR NA GESTÃO DA SAÚDE PÚBLICA- O CASO DE MATO GROSSO versão 15.02.16.pdf: 1690575 bytes, checksum: c4ee06f1a76420d9490170d637b2443c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Almeida (maria.socorro@fgv.br) on 2016-02-24T19:39:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AS IMPLICAÇÕES DOS RESTOS A PAGAR NA GESTÃO DA SAÚDE PÚBLICA- O CASO DE MATO GROSSO versão 15.02.16.pdf: 1690575 bytes, checksum: c4ee06f1a76420d9490170d637b2443c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-24T19:40:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AS IMPLICAÇÕES DOS RESTOS A PAGAR NA GESTÃO DA SAÚDE PÚBLICA- O CASO DE MATO GROSSO versão 15.02.16.pdf: 1690575 bytes, checksum: c4ee06f1a76420d9490170d637b2443c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-11-05 / The health issue is the center of national and international discussion about the need for development of public policies to be adopted by public agencies. Therefore, the State has an obligation to implement public policies that provide at all, concrete actions aimed at safeguarding the right to health. From this perspective, the objective of the research is to evaluate the implications of remains to pay in the management of public health of Mato Grosso, in the years 2008 to 2014. In that intent, from documentary research, literature and field it was observed that the state is inserted into a vicious cycle of remains to pay. Expenses dammed in the period maintained a dynamic evolution, damaging the financial implementation of the priority programs of Mato Grosso health. The programmatic financial realization is no longer considered optimal in 2008, with 92% of performance, to be characterized as a regular in 2014, with 66% of execution. Through the case study, it was identified that there isn't way to Mato Grosso get excellent results in the implementation of the interests of their society if the state meets the credibility shaken as against creditors, by excessively delaying its financial commitments without respect, or have the ability to perform the approved budget, by purchasing goods and contracting services through emergency mechanisms that increase the cost of buying public and enhance the power of the companies, in the implementation of the budget. In addition to damage the budget and financial programming, creating real parallel budgets, it is concluded that the excess costs passed on the year in which should occur for subsequent, damaged the quality of public services run on state health, hindering the realization of this right fundamental, essential to life. / O tema saúde é o centro do debate nacional e internacional acerca da necessidade de evolução das políticas públicas a serem adotadas pelos órgãos públicos. Portanto, o Estado tem obrigação de executar programas que forneçam, a todos, ações concretas voltadas ao resguardo do direito à saúde. Nessa perspectiva, o objetivo da pesquisa é avaliar as implicações dos restos a pagar na gestão da saúde pública de Mato Grosso, nos anos de 2008 a 2014. Nesse intento, a partir de pesquisa documental, bibliográfica e de campo, observou-se que o Estado está inserido em um ciclo vicioso de inscrição de restos a pagar. As despesas represadas no período mantiveram uma dinâmica de evolução, prejudicando a execução financeira dos programas prioritários da saúde mato-grossense. Segundo os dados, a realização financeira programática deixou de ser considerada ótima em 2008, com 92% de realização, para caracterizar-se como regular em 2014, com 66% de execução. Por meio do estudo de caso, identificou-se que não há como Mato Grosso obter resultados excelentes na implementação dos interesses de sua sociedade se o Estado encontra-se com a credibilidade abalada em relação aos credores, por postergar seus compromissos financeiros, sem respeitar, ou ter a capacidade de executar o orçamento aprovado, adquirindo bens e contratando serviços lançando mão de mecanismos emergenciais que elevam o custo da compra pública e potencializam o poder das empresas na execução do orçamento. Além de deteriorar a programação orçamentária e financeira, criando verdadeiros orçamentos paralelos, conclui-se que o excesso de despesas repassadas do exercício em que deveriam ocorrer para os subsequentes, prejudicou a qualidade dos serviços públicos executados na saúde do Estado, dificultando a realização deste direito fundamental, imprescindível à vida.

Understanding the attitudes and perceptions of South African residents towards anti-rhino poaching initiatives : a study in Bloemfontein, Free State province, South Africa

Gyimah, Issah 12 1900 (has links)
This dissertation reports on the findings of a study conducted in order to understand the impact of the attitudes and perceptions of some residents in Bloemfontein, towards rhino poaching and anti-rhino poaching initiatives in South Africa. Prominent theoretical models, such as the theory of reasoned action (TRA), the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), the decomposed theory of planned behaviour (DTPB), and the Rosenberg and Hovland Tripartite model of attitudes and perceptions, were used to help understand Bloemfontein residents’ attitudes and perceptions towards rhino poaching and anti-rhino poaching ini-tiatives in South Africa. Data was collected from residents in areas such as the Central University of Technology, the University of the Free State, the Waterfront Mall and the Mimosa Mall, respectively. A total of 252 usable responses were obtained, and the sta-tistical package for social sciences (SPSS) as well as a descriptive statistical instrument, were used to analyse the data. The findings of the study revealed that residents’ attitudes and perceptions to-wards rhino poaching and anti-rhino poaching initiatives contribute significantlytowards their intentions to act positively or negatively in curbing or reducing rhino poaching crime in South Africa. The research findings also showed that while there are differences in attitudes and perceptions between residents across different demographic groups, demographic factors alone are weak predictors of residents’ attitudes and perceptions towards rhino poaching. The study found that perceived trust, practical approaches, intentions to act and effective community involvement significantly contribute to residents’ positive attitudes and perceptions towards anti-rhino poaching initiatives in South Africa. The implications of other factors such as corruption, economic challenges, willingness of the authorities to act, and the heightened demand for rhino horn trade, have been discussed, and suggestions for future research are made. / Environmental Sciences / M.A. (Environmental Management)

Belewinge van die adolessent in die enkelouergesin as gevolg van egskeiding

Basson, Heidi 01 January 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The adolescents touched by their parent's divorce often display certain behavioral problems, such as withdrawal, aggression, and deterioration in academic performance, total apathy and misconduct. These adolescents experience mixed feelings in their period of distress. When one gets behind the reasons for certain behavior, the adolescents usually confess that the parents' divorce affected them. Parents often do not think about the emotional implications their divorce has on their children. Authors differ about the age at which children are influenced the most by their parents getting divorced. This study confirms suspicions that although adolescents want to break ties with their parents, they still feel threatened when their parents split up. During serious conflict in the family, the divorce is sometimes perceived as positive. The study makes everybody involved with the adolescent aware of the emotional disruption and the influence a divorce could have on their daily functioning. / Die studie oor die belewinge van die adolessente in die enkelouergesing as gevolg van egskeiding, spruit voort uit waarnemings tydens die interaksie met adolessente wat deur die ouers se egskeiding geraak is. Sodanige adolessente toon dikwels sekere gedragspatrone, soos onttrekking, aggressie, verswakking van akademiese prestasie, algehele lusteloosheid en wangedrag. Wannneer hulle genader word, ontken hulle dikwels dat iets skort. Hulle wil nie anders beskou word as ander adolessente wat nie in dieselfde situasie verkeer nie. Die ondersoek toon dat adolessente gemengde gevoelens in hulle tyd van nood ondervind het. Wanneer wel agter die rede vir die teruggetrokkenheid of aggressie of verswakkende akademiese prestasie gekom word, erken adolessente gewoonlik dat die ouers se egskeiding hulle onderkry. Ouers dink dikwles nie aan die emosionele uirwerking wat hulle egskeiding op die kinders het nie. Skrywers verskil oor die ouderdom waarop kinders die meeste deur die ouers se egskeiding beinvloed word. Die respondente in hierdie studie bevestig vermoedens dat, alhoewel adolessente hulself wil losmaak van die ouers, hulle wel bedreig voel wanneer die ouers uitmekaargaan. Tydens ernstige konflik in die gesin word die egskeiding tog soms as positief ervaar. Dit beteken egter nie dat dit vir hulle maklik is nie. Wanneer daar voor die egskeiding min konflik is en die verblyfreelings daarna vir die aolessent aanvaarbaar is, is die aanpassingsproses gewoonlik makliker. Die studie maak alle betrokkenes by die adolessent bewus van die emosionele ontwrigting waaraan hy blootgestel word en die uitwerking wat dit op sy alledaagse funksionering kan he. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Voorligting)


Giacomini, Alexandre 27 February 2014 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul / This research, predominantly qualitative and ethnographic in school life, has as its theme the curriculum and teacher training in teaching. This research is relevant for the importance and need for new curricular settings, based on the critical perspective and social context, have to trigger a process of profound transformation, shaking the linear style and curricular current thinking and for that a continuous and permanent training of teachers is required. The problem of investigation of this research is: What would be the possible progress made by the teachers of a public high school in the city of Restinga Sêca/RS when implementing curricular interventions from the perspective of thematic approach in regular and adult education groups of high school? Based on this question, the following objectives were outlined: to contribute through a formative and collective process with the teachers of Érico Veríssimo School for building curricular interventions guided by the thematic approach; to check with the teachers of this school if they adopt and how they adopt in their daily practice curricular interventions guided by the thematic approach; to analyze the opinions and perceptions of teachers at this school about the progress made when implementing curricular interventions guided by the thematic approach. The research was implemented in a public high school in the city of Restinga Sêca/RS during the year of 2012 and the sample consisted of teachers from the regular high school and adult education (EJA). The theoretical referential that guides the research is grounded in the assumptions of the educator Paulo Freire and in ideals of the educational implications of the movement Science-Technology-Society (STS). The instruments used for data collection were: questionnaire, participant observation (through notes and logbooks/field), document analysis and semistructured interview. Regarding the methodology of data analysis, it was used the Textual Discourse Analysis. The results were presented in the form of categories of advances achieved by teachers in implementing the thematic approach in the daily routine of that school entitled as: the importance of the training course, the theme worked from the reality, from the student(s)' context, the teachers' engagement in collective and interdisciplinary work, the change in concept of curriculum and the dialogue between teacher-student and student-student. By way of conclusion, it is important to emphasize that all these categories contribute to the change of the new style of curriculum thinking, since they are in agreement with the profound process of curricular reconfigurations buoyed in critical perspective and social context. It also highlights a new school space/time provided to the research by the new proposed restructuring of the polytechnic high school state system of Rio Grande do Sul, as well as their convergences and divergences in relation to the Reorientation Curriculum Movement in the city of São Paulo. / A presente pesquisa, de caráter predominantemente qualitativo e do tipo etnográfico no cotidiano escolar, tem como tema o currículo e a formação de professores no âmbito do ensino. Essa pesquisa torna-se relevante pela importância e necessidade que novas configurações curriculares, baseadas na perspectiva crítica e no contexto social, têm de deflagrar um processo de transformações profundas, abalando o estilo de pensamento curricular linear vigente e, para tal, é necessária uma formação contínua e permanente dos professores. O problema de investigação dessa pesquisa é: Quais seriam os possíveis avanços alcançados por professores de uma escola pública de ensino médio do município de Restinga Sêca/RS quando implementam intervenções curriculares na perspectiva da abordagem temática em turmas do ensino médio regular e EJA? A partir dessa questão, delinearam-se os objetivos da mesma: contribuir através de um processo formativo e coletivo com os professores da EEEM Érico Veríssimo para a construção de intervenções curriculares pautadas pela abordagem temática; verificar com os professores desta escola se adotam e como adotam, na sua prática cotidiana, intervenções curriculares pautadas pela abordagem temática; analisar as opiniões e percepções dos professores desta escola a respeito dos avanços alcançados quando se implementam intervenções curriculares pautadas pela abordagem temática. A pesquisa foi implementada em uma escola pública de ensino médio do município de Restinga Sêca/RS durante o ano de 2012 e a amostra foi constituída por professores do ensino médio regular e da EJA. O referencial teórico que baliza a pesquisa está alicerçado nos pressupostos do educador Paulo Freire e em ideais das repercussões educacionais do movimento Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade (CTS). Os instrumentos utilizados para a coleta dos dados foram: o questionário, a observação participante (através de registros e diários de bordo/campo), a análise documental e a entrevista semiestruturada. Quanto à metodologia de análise de dados, utilizou-se a Análise Textual Discursiva. Os resultados foram apresentados sob forma de categorias de avanços, alcançadas pelos professores na implementação da abordagem temática no cotidiano escolar da referida escola, intituladas de: a importância do curso de formação; o tema trabalhado a partir da realidade, do contexto do(s) aluno(s); o engajamento dos professores no trabalho coletivo e interdisciplinar; a mudança na concepção de currículo, e; o diálogo entre professor-aluno e aluno-aluno. À guisa de conclusões, é importante frisar que todas essas categorias contribuem para a mudança do novo estilo de pensamento curricular, uma vez que estão em comum acordo com o profundo processo de reconfigurações curriculares balizadas na perspectiva crítica e no contexto social. Também se destaca um novo espaço/tempo escolar proporcionado à pesquisa pela nova proposta de reestruturação do ensino médio politécnico da rede estadual gaúcha, bem como suas convergências e divergências em relação ao Movimento de Reorientação Curricular no município de São Paulo.

A Systems Perspective of Software Runtime Bloat - Origin, Mitigation and Power-Performance Implications

Bhattacharya, Suparna January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Large flexible software systems tend to incur “bloat”, here defined as the runtime overhead induced by the accumulation of excess functionality and objects. Removing bloat is hard as these overheads are a side-effect of the same trends that have fuelled software growth. Even defining and measuring bloat is non-trivial, as software doesn’t come with built-in labels that indicate which portions of computation are necessary for a given application and which lead to bloat. Much progress has been made in novel analysis tools that aid (human experts in) the process of finding bloat by highlighting signs of excessive activity and data flow. However, there has been very little research focus on understanding the connection between sources of bloat and its system level implications. In particular, excess resource usage due to bloat could be a significant source of power-performance inefficiencies, but the relation between bloat and energy efficient design remains unexplored. In order to systematically devise effective mechanisms for reaping power-performance benefits through bloat mitigation, we require a deeper insight into exactly when excess features can originate bloat, when the resource overheads of bloat are most pronounced and when bloat matters for power performance. This dissertation explores the problem of software bloat and its energy efficiency implications from multiple perspectives to develop a better understanding of these connections. First, we establish the need for a whole systems perspective in assessing potential energy efficiency benefits of bloat reduction, based on a systematic empirical and analytical study that highlights a curious interplay between bloat, energy proportionality and system bottlenecks. Second, we present a novel static analysis algorithm to perform an automated code transformation for object reuse that mitigates bloat involving the generation of excess temporary objects within loops. Third, we introduce the idea of concern augmented program analysis (CAPA), to identify sources of bloat due to excess features; the technique uses externally supplied information about program concerns and their properties as an abstraction of underlying intent. Fourth, as an early diagnostic aid, we use a statistical topic model to automatically discover latent concerns from source code statements and then correlate these latent concerns with resource usage properties that vary at statement granularity. The statistical model has a built-in sensitivity to the context of individual statements so that it can discover even diffused concerns without any apriori concern information. Together, our findings show that presence of excess features, in itself, may not lead to (runtime) bloat, unless these features have some structural interaction with essential features. Further, the overheads due to such structural interactions, in turn, may not cause substantial bloat in the resource consumption of a long running (server) application unless incurred repeatedly during program execution. Finally, even such bloated resource usage has a pronounced impact on power-performance only if it affects a system bottleneck or a hardware resource that has a high degree of energy proportionality and consumes a high fraction of power compared to the other system resources. We conclude that energy wastage due to bloat need not be an inevitable consequence of over-provisioning flexibility. Instead, the extent to which excess features result in runtime bloat and poor power-performance is determined by certain characteristics of the program structure and of the underlying hardware system --these represent potential control points that could be exercised to develop principled design approaches for mitigating bloat without sacrificing flexibility or productivity.

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