Spelling suggestions: "subject:"In print media"" "subject:"In print pedia""
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Att kommunicera och utforma ett erbjudande : en studie av företaget GANTTRULSSON, MICHAELA, KARLSSON, JENNY January 2011 (has links)
I dag blir det allt mer viktigt för modeföretagen att sticka ut och komma med annorlunda erbjudanden för att kunna konkurrera med de andra modeföretagen som finns på marknaden. Konsumtionen har blivit en livsstil och vi skapar vår identitet och personlighet genom den. För människan är det viktigt att tillhöra en grupp, vilket bidrar till att det skapas en märkeshets, där till exempel skjortmärket talar om för andra vilka vi är och vad vi står för.Då konkurrensen har ökat är det viktigare för företagen att jobba med långsiktiga kundrelationeroch aktivt jobba med att locka till sig nya kunder, samt behålla dem. I dag är det större konkurrens om kunderna, därför blir erbjudande företagen förmedlar allt viktigare. Lägger företaget ner tid på att få fram ett bra erbjudande och differentierar sig blir kommunikationen till kunden tydligare vilket i sin tur leder till att företaget får tillfredsställda kunder och högre omsättning. Ett företag måste kunna erbjuda något mer än enbart den fysiska produkten för att höja värdet hos kunden.Vårt huvudproblem och delproblem i uppsatsen är:- Vilka betydelsefulla delar bör ingå i GANT´s erbjudande till konsumenten för att åstadkomma positiva attityder och beteenden?- På vilket sätt kommunicerar GANT sitt erbjudande för att nå fram till konsumenten?Syftet med vår uppsats är att undersöka, diskutera och analysera vilka beståndsdelar som ska ingå i erbjudandet som riktar sig till GANT konsumenten. Syftet är även att ta reda på hur GANT kommunicerar sitt erbjudande till konsumenterna.Under uppsatsens gång kommer vi att tillämpa teorierna; kundnärhetens nycklar, marknadsmixenoch kommunikationsprocessen. Vi kommer även använda oss av storytelling samt begreppenattityder och beteenden. För att kunna ge svar på vår problemformulering har vi utfört enwebbenkätundersökning, en påstana intervju samt två personliga intervjuer med personer inomföretaget GANT.Vi kommer att avgränsa oss till klädkedjan GANT och till deras dam och herrsortiment. I vår webbenkätundersökning och påstana kommer vi att avgränsa oss till kvinnor och män som någon gång har handlat på GANT.Vi har fått fram att de viktigaste delarna i GANT´s erbjudande som genererar positiva attityder och beteenden är; kvalitet, design och service samt att kunderna är villiga att betala lite mer för att få en bra produkt. Genom våra personliga intervjuer har vi förstått att GANT jobbar med en hög kundnärhet och service samt att de använder sig av traditionell marknadsföring. / Program: Butikschef, textil och mode
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Olhares sobre o ano de 1968 nas lentes das revistas O Cruzeiro e Flama: uma abordagem da análise do discurso / Looks on the year 1968 on the lens of reviewed O cruzeiro and Flama: an of discourse analysisCarvalho, Maria Teresa Nastri de 24 October 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo geral verificar a relação do homem com a sociedade, por meio da linguagem. Assim, partiu-se para revistas de variedades, que circulavam no Brasil e em Portugal em 1968 O Cruzeiro e Flama. Especificamente, objetivou-se detectar a polifonia, bem como o dialogismo que perpassavam os textos das mencionadas revistas, a fim de que se conseguisse depreender o ethos das publicações, assim como o ethos dos colaboradores das revistas, além do ethos das próprias pessoas envolvidas nos fatos noticiados. A polifonia detectada não proporcionou, entretanto, a depreensão da ideologia de cada uma das publicações, o que pode demonstrar um posicionamento de obediência frente à censura imposta pelos dois países naquele ano ou mesmo retratar opções e interesses dos proprietários de O Cruzeiro e da Flama. A pesquisa realizou-se com base teórica na Análise do Discurso de linha francesa e, não de forma central, mas consubstanciada também por teorias lingüísticas que enfocam a interação e em autores que, de algum modo, apresentam-se afinados com alguns preceitos da AD, em especial Bakhtin, sendo bastante importantes também Charadeau e Maingueneau. A confluência dessas teorias propiciou (re) ver um ano tão marcante tanto em termos de mudanças comportamentais, como em termos políticos. Por meio das revistas e amparo da teoria apresentada, traçou-se um percurso historiográfico do ano, nos dois países. Levando em conta as categorias citadas, a análise possibilitou uma visão mais ampla de cada uma das revistas. Concluiu-se que muito do ano de 1968, no tocante ao aspecto político, foi apresentado de modo parcial e não contou com um fio ideológico claramente definido tanto numa quanto em outra publicação. / This research aims to check the relation between men and society through language. Thus, we have analyzed fait-divers magazines which used to be published both in Brazil and Portugal in the year of 1968- such as O Cruzeiro e Flama. Specifically, we have tried to detect the polyphony and the dialogism in those magazines so as to reveal the ethos of the issues, of the writers of such magazines and also of the people involved in the narrated facts. However, the polyphony did not detect the ideology of each publication which can show a certain obedience to the censorship imposed by the two countries in that time or else it can show options and interests of the owners of the magazines mentioned above. The research was based not only on the theory of French discourse analysis but also on some auxiliary linguistic theories which focus on the interaction and on certain authors like Bakhtin, Charaudeau and Maingueneau. The study of these theories has offered a chance to (re) view the importance of such a remarkable year in terms of changes of behavior, and also in terms of politics. Through the magazines it was possible to trace a historical route of that year in both countries. Taking into account the categories cited, the analysis provided an ample vision of each magazine. We have concluded that much of what happened in 1968 had not been clearly ideologically defined in both publications.
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Vývoj reprezentace kriminality v českých tištěných médiích / Development of representation of criminality in the Czech pressSvobodová, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis "Development of representation of crime in the Czech print media" deals with the way of the representation of crime in the Czech press and its development from 1995 to 2010. It found out how much space is devoted to crime, compare the representation of domestic and foreign events, find out if they are among surveyed journals some differences. It also analyzes what crime is the most highly publicized, and focuses on the personality of the perpetrator and the victim of a gender perspective. The theoretical part treat of crime and deviant behavior and discusses their possible causes. It also deals with the central sociological issues, such as social norms, social control and socialization. Also based on the findings of science that deals with crime, criminology, refers to its concept of the classification of the crime and information about the investigation of the crime, take expectation to the issue of statistical data.
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Olhares sobre o ano de 1968 nas lentes das revistas O Cruzeiro e Flama: uma abordagem da análise do discurso / Looks on the year 1968 on the lens of reviewed O cruzeiro and Flama: an of discourse analysisMaria Teresa Nastri de Carvalho 24 October 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo geral verificar a relação do homem com a sociedade, por meio da linguagem. Assim, partiu-se para revistas de variedades, que circulavam no Brasil e em Portugal em 1968 O Cruzeiro e Flama. Especificamente, objetivou-se detectar a polifonia, bem como o dialogismo que perpassavam os textos das mencionadas revistas, a fim de que se conseguisse depreender o ethos das publicações, assim como o ethos dos colaboradores das revistas, além do ethos das próprias pessoas envolvidas nos fatos noticiados. A polifonia detectada não proporcionou, entretanto, a depreensão da ideologia de cada uma das publicações, o que pode demonstrar um posicionamento de obediência frente à censura imposta pelos dois países naquele ano ou mesmo retratar opções e interesses dos proprietários de O Cruzeiro e da Flama. A pesquisa realizou-se com base teórica na Análise do Discurso de linha francesa e, não de forma central, mas consubstanciada também por teorias lingüísticas que enfocam a interação e em autores que, de algum modo, apresentam-se afinados com alguns preceitos da AD, em especial Bakhtin, sendo bastante importantes também Charadeau e Maingueneau. A confluência dessas teorias propiciou (re) ver um ano tão marcante tanto em termos de mudanças comportamentais, como em termos políticos. Por meio das revistas e amparo da teoria apresentada, traçou-se um percurso historiográfico do ano, nos dois países. Levando em conta as categorias citadas, a análise possibilitou uma visão mais ampla de cada uma das revistas. Concluiu-se que muito do ano de 1968, no tocante ao aspecto político, foi apresentado de modo parcial e não contou com um fio ideológico claramente definido tanto numa quanto em outra publicação. / This research aims to check the relation between men and society through language. Thus, we have analyzed fait-divers magazines which used to be published both in Brazil and Portugal in the year of 1968- such as O Cruzeiro e Flama. Specifically, we have tried to detect the polyphony and the dialogism in those magazines so as to reveal the ethos of the issues, of the writers of such magazines and also of the people involved in the narrated facts. However, the polyphony did not detect the ideology of each publication which can show a certain obedience to the censorship imposed by the two countries in that time or else it can show options and interests of the owners of the magazines mentioned above. The research was based not only on the theory of French discourse analysis but also on some auxiliary linguistic theories which focus on the interaction and on certain authors like Bakhtin, Charaudeau and Maingueneau. The study of these theories has offered a chance to (re) view the importance of such a remarkable year in terms of changes of behavior, and also in terms of politics. Through the magazines it was possible to trace a historical route of that year in both countries. Taking into account the categories cited, the analysis provided an ample vision of each magazine. We have concluded that much of what happened in 1968 had not been clearly ideologically defined in both publications.
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Das verdades na mídia jornalística sobre o aborto e a vida vinculadas à clandestinidade, violência sexual, drogadição, anencefalia e biotecnologias : o governo do viver/morrerWitt, Neila Seliane Pereira January 2012 (has links)
Numa sociedade voltada ao fazer viver, em que se busca a longevidade e a saúde, a crescente prevenção de riscos à saúde e ao viver coloca em ação estratégias de governo para “vitalidade”. Tais estratégias propõem-se a estimular e intensificar a “vontade” de saúde/vida/felicidade; a observação, o acompanhamento, a medicalização e o controle do corpo/saúde da mulher grávida; a promoção da saúde e da vida/morte dos não-nascidos; e o uso das tecnologias biomédicas, por exemplo. Essas questões, articuladas à temática do aborto, moveram-me a investigar as “verdades” direcionadas ao “governo" dos corpos e da vida da mulher grávida e de seu “filho”. Considerar as maneiras pelas quais a subjetividade vem se tornando objeto de certas estratégias e procedimentos de governo e também o lugar de destaque da mídia enquanto instância que integra os processos constitutivos de nossas subjetividades ao veicular “verdades” torna relevante a análise das reportagens que tratam sobre o aborto. Tomei como corpus de análise as reportagens dos jornais Zero Hora (ZH), de Porto Alegre/RS, e Folha de São Paulo, de São Paulo/SP, publicadas ao longo dos anos de 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 e 2012. A partir das vertentes pós-estruturalistas dos Estudos Culturais, da noção de governamento para Michel Foucault e de vitalidade para Nikolas Rose, busquei conhecer as estratégias biopolíticas voltadas ao governo das condutas e investigar como elas operavam, a fim de compreender e dar visibilidade aos diversos níveis de atuação do biopoder. Para isso, problematizei: algumas transformações que vêm ocorrendo nas formas como se lida e fala de práticas ligadas ao aborto e à vida/morte; as implicações dessas noções no governo dos corpos para a vitalidade e na produção e determinação de “verdades” que constituem as subjetividades e éticas em relação ao aborto e ao viver/morrer; por fim, a possibilidade de relacionar essas formas de governo à eugenia. As análises levaram-me a pensar, entre outras coisas, que, nessa relação de governo entrecruzada por discursos de mercado, consumo, prevenção de riscos e promoção de vida/saúde, se ajustam e afirmam as construções, limitações e transformações de sujeito, julgamentos morais, estigmas e desigualdades sociais. Além disso, tratar do aborto significa lidar com uma “arena de significações” na qual estão em luta diversas instâncias – religiosas, políticas, médicas, legislativas, morais, mercadológicas e midiáticas. / In a society concerned with making live, which seeks for longevity and health, the growing prevention of risks to health and living triggers government strategies for ‘vitality’. Such strategies aim at stimulating and intensifying, for instance, a ‘desire’ for health/life/happiness; the observation, follow-up, medicalization and control of pregnant women’s body/health; the promotion of health and life/death of the unborn; and the use of biomedical technologies. Such issues, articulated with abortion, have caused me to investigate the ‘truths’ directed to the ‘government’ of pregnant women’s body and life as well as their ‘children’s’. The analysis of reports dealing with abortion are important if we consider the ways through which subjectivity has become an object of certain government strategies and procedures, besides having a remarkable place in the media, which integrates processes that constitute our subjectivities by spreading ‘truths’. The corpus of analysis of this study consists of reports taken from two newspapers: Zero Hora, from Porto Alegre/RS, and Folha de São Paulo, from São Paulo/SP. The reports analyzed were published in the years of 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012. From post-structuralist lines of the Cultural Studies, Michel Foucault’s notion of government, and Nikolas Rose’s conception of vitality, I have both attempted to know the bio-political strategies intended to govern conducts, and investigated how they operated, in order to understand and bring visibility to the several levels of the bio-power action. I have problematized some changes that have occurred in the ways one deals with and talk about practices associated with abortion and life/death; the implications of such notions for both the government of bodies seeking for vitality and the production and determination of ‘truths’ that constitute subjectivities and ethics related to abortion and living/dying; finally, the possibility of relating such forms of government to eugenics. Among other things, the analyses have enabled me to think that subject constructions, limitations and transformations, moral judgments, stigmas and social inequalities have been adjusted and affirmed in this government relationship, intertwined with discourses of market, consumption, risk prevention and life/health promotion. Besides, addressing abortion means dealing with an ‘arena of significations’ in which several spaces are competing – religion, politics, medicine, law, moral, market and media.
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Climate change discourse in Canadian print media : A quantitative and qualitative analysis of print media from two Canadian regionsRobertson, Kylie January 2019 (has links)
Over the last 30 years, awareness of anthropogenic climate change has increased and quickly become the one of the most pressing issues facing our planet. Canada is both a nation that has contributed to the acceleration of the climate problem and one that aims to help address the issues through commitments to global climate accords and other accountability actions. Global journalism is both a theory and practice born of the evolution of our world into a more global collective. Climate change, as a problem that is faced by every nation in the world, is one subject matter area that has been difficult to report on in the past but more necessary than ever to discuss. It is crucial work for journalists to normalize the connections between people, places, problems, and how they are interrelated throughout the world. This thesis aims to explore the presence or absence of global journalism in two different regions of Canada: Alberta and Ontario, represented by the cities of Calgary and Ottawa. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis, articles that mention“climate change” or “global warming” over a six-month period in 2015 are collected and catalogued. The quantitative data provides a macro view of the amount and kinds of discourse taking place in each city around the topics of climate change and global warming, giving a sense of the scale and framing of the issue. Four of these articles and two headlines are then reviewed through the lens of critical discourse analysis for their choice of words, quotations, the voices that are present and absent, and the local coherence of the article. Collectively, this information is collated and reviewed to argue for the presence or absence of global journalism in the reporting. The final results should a stark difference in the representation of climate change in Calgary and Ottawa. There are promising signs of global journalism in action throughout the Calgary Herald, while the Ottawa Citizen has missed opportunities to reflect the same global perspective.
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Building a nation : the construction of modern China through CCP's propaganda imagesBellinetti, Maria Caterina January 2018 (has links)
To date, the study of Chinese propaganda photography has been limited. While some research has been made on post-1949 photography, the photographic production of the pre-1949 period has not been sufficiently explored. Focusing on the years of the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-45), this thesis aims at addressing this gap in the literature and at providing an analysis of how the Chinese Communist Party exploited photography for propaganda purposes during the war. Through the images taken by Party-affiliated photographers and printed on the Jin Cha Ji Pictorial, the first Communist photographic propaganda magazine, this study aims to show how this type of visual propaganda aimed not only at narrating the events of the war against Japan, but also at creating a new idea of the Chinese nation. This thesis is divided into four chapters. The first, The Jin Cha Ji Pictorial: A Brief History presents the history of the magazine and the work of the CCP affiliated photographers who contributed to its creation and popularity. Chapter two, The Geography of a Revolution, explores how a new cultural landscape was visually constructed to create the basis of the political legitimation that the CCP needed during wartime. Chapter three, Becoming Modern Women, investigates the symbolic and ideological value of the spinning wheel in 1943 in relation to women’s contribution to the war effort and the thorny issue of women empowerment. Lastly, chapter four, Moulding the Future looks at the visual representation of childhood and discusses the issue of militarisation and masculinisation of childhood during wartime. This study ends with few considerations on the propagandistic, historical and artistic value of Communist propaganda photography during the Second Sino-Japanese War as well as a reflection on how the symbolic and ideological significance of some of the photographs presented here are still recognisable in contemporary Chinese propaganda.
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Le reflet de la langue parlée dans la presse écrite française et allemande / The reflection of spoken language in French and German print mediaFriedl, Isabelle 28 November 2009 (has links)
Ce travail s’est donné comme but d’analyser un corpus de presse écrite constitué de sept titres allemands et de sept titres français datant de 2006, en vue de répertorier tous les phénomènes de langue de conception parlée [terminologie Koch-Oesterreicher 1985 et 1990, aussi: oralité] à l’intérieur de ce corpus et ce afin d’observer le degré de perméabilité des différents titres vis-à-vis de ces phénomènes et les normes scripturales journalistiques en vigueur dans les deux pays. Pour ce faire, il a été dressé un inventaire de catégories permettant de passer au peigne fin le corpus pour en recueillir, dans une banque de données, les phrases-tokens présentant au moins un trait de langue de CONCEPTION parlée- d‘oralité. Ces catégories servant de filtre ont été arrêtées suite à l‘élaboration, dans la première partie du travail, d‘une liste contenant les caractéristiques observables dans les langue! s orales, de conception parlée, des deux pays. Les résultats sont interprétés dans une optique tridimensionnelle: celle du cadre énonciatif, celle du contrat de communication et celle de l‘oralité fictive. Une analyse plus détaillée de chaque catégorie se trouve par ailleurs en annexes [annexes n° 1, tome II]. Il s‘avère alors que les magazines pour jeunes sont très réceptifs en matière de phénomènes d‘oralité et que la langue de la presse allemande y est plus ouverte que son correspondant français / This paper has aimed to analyze a corpus of print media made of seven German and seven French 2006 newspapers and magazines in order to make an inventory of all those phenomena of spoken language [terminology by Koch-Oesterreicher 1985 and 1990, also: oral language] inside it so as to look at how pervious the different titles are vis-à-vis these phenomena and so as to judge about the journalistic norms currently ruling in both countries. To do so, the author has elaborated an inventory of different categories allowing to comb the corpus to gather those sentences [tokens] into a data base which presented at least one item of spoken language. The aforesaid categories working as filters have been acquired as a result of the elaboration, in the first part of this paper, of a list of caracteristics observable in the spoken languages of the two countries
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Israeli-Palestinian Spiral: Compliance and Silence of Political Opinions in the Canadian Print MediaJennings, Michelle 05 October 2011 (has links)
The news media serve as the Canadian public’s main source of information about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This thesis examines the ways in which the Canadian media portray the conflict, through a lens of Habermas’ (1962) public sphere theory, Foucault’s (1926 – 1984) ideas on discourse, and Rawls’ (1921 – 2002) conceptions of equality and justice. Building on these theories, Noelle-Neumann’s Spiral of Silence theory (1974), Said’s Orientalism (1978), and d’Arcy’s (1913 – 1983) conception of the right to communicate are examined to arrive at a framework for analyzing Canadian news. Looking at ideological representations, power manifestations, issue framing, and social responsibility within the media, this thesis explores whether the Canadian media portray the conflict in such a way that fosters a downward spiral of opinions within the Canadian public. A Critical Discourse Analysis of coverage in two national English Canadian newspapers, The Globe and Mail and the National Post, during three separate timeframes of increased violence in Israel and Palestine between 2000 and 2009 reveals that newspaper representations of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are often entrenched in predefined ways of portraying the Other, fostering an Israeli-Palestinian spiral of silence in Canadian media.
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Israeli-Palestinian Spiral: Compliance and Silence of Political Opinions in the Canadian Print MediaJennings, Michelle 05 October 2011 (has links)
The news media serve as the Canadian public’s main source of information about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This thesis examines the ways in which the Canadian media portray the conflict, through a lens of Habermas’ (1962) public sphere theory, Foucault’s (1926 – 1984) ideas on discourse, and Rawls’ (1921 – 2002) conceptions of equality and justice. Building on these theories, Noelle-Neumann’s Spiral of Silence theory (1974), Said’s Orientalism (1978), and d’Arcy’s (1913 – 1983) conception of the right to communicate are examined to arrive at a framework for analyzing Canadian news. Looking at ideological representations, power manifestations, issue framing, and social responsibility within the media, this thesis explores whether the Canadian media portray the conflict in such a way that fosters a downward spiral of opinions within the Canadian public. A Critical Discourse Analysis of coverage in two national English Canadian newspapers, The Globe and Mail and the National Post, during three separate timeframes of increased violence in Israel and Palestine between 2000 and 2009 reveals that newspaper representations of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are often entrenched in predefined ways of portraying the Other, fostering an Israeli-Palestinian spiral of silence in Canadian media.
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