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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La contribution au fonctionnement du marché intérieur des dispositifs d'aide au transport maritime / The contribution of maritime transport aid devices to the functioning of the internal market

Graziani, Serge 30 June 2015 (has links)
Initialement exclu des domaines couverts par le Traité de Rome, le transport maritime a fait l’objet en 1992 de mesures permettant l’accès des armateurs de l’Union à la libre prestation de service sur les lignes intérieures des États membres. Néanmoins, l’espace maritime européen n’a pas de consistance juridique : il n’est composé que de la juxtaposition des espaces reconnus par le droit international comme la mer territoriale de chaque État membre. Au-delà de cette limite, la mer est internationale. L’Union, au fil des élargissements, a perdu sa configuration continentale pour intégrer un nombre croissant d’îles ce qui accentue l’importance des transports maritimes pour la libre circulation des personnes et des marchandises au sein du marché intérieur. En outre, la situation géographique, économique et démographique de ces îles est hétérogène : quelques habitants dans les Orcades, plusieurs millions en Sicile ... Malgré la diversité des territoires insulaires, de la mer du nord à la mer Egée, les conditions de mise en oeuvre de la libre prestation de service de transport maritime par le règlement du Conseil n° 3577/92 (cabotage) sont identiques en dépits de la réalité contrastée des marchés concernés. Pourtant, les mesures adoptées par l’Union, au regard des conditions d’attribution des aides relatives aux missions de service public vers les îles, notamment dans le cadre d’un SIEG, ont des effets restrictifs tant sur les conditions de concurrence entre les armateurs que sur les échanges commerciaux entre les États membres. Malgré l’incompatibilité des aides aux entreprises, le Traité FUE ménage des dérogations dont la Commission peut jouer. Dans le secteur maritime les aides compatibles avec le Traité FUE concernent notamment la construction navale, la sécurité, la formation des équipages. Une distinction doit être opérée entre ces aides sectorielles et les aides individuelles concernent les transports de ligne. Lorsqu’ils sont corrélés à des contrats de service et, où, à des obligations de service public établis sur des trajets prédéterminés, les dispositifs d’aide agissent comme des barrières non tarifaires aux échanges qui structurent les circulations maritimes et impactent le fonctionnement du marché intérieur en influant sur l’origine nationale des marchandises destinées aux consommateurs insulaires. La Commission, sous le contrôle de la Cour, analyse les marchés et la compatibilité des aides en anticipant leurs effets. Cependant, cette activité prédictive la conduit à influencer les marchés maritimes. L’étude de la pratique décisionnelle de la Commission en matière d’aide au transport maritime montre qu’elle utilise une analyse ligne par ligne qui restreint le marché géographique. Ayant établi en 2005, et renouvelé en 2011, l’exemption de notification des compensations de service public et pratiquant des analyses insuffisantes des marchés maritimes, la Commission se prive de contrôler les conditions réelles de la circulation maritime de marchandise. Cependant, si la Commission exempte de notification la majeure part des aides au profit des SIEG de transport maritime, et si ses analyses des marchés sont insuffisantes, c’est in fine la capacité du juge de l’Union à arbitrer entre l’intérêt général des États membres et l’intérêt commun de l’Union qui, compte tenu du principe du contrôle restreint applicable en matière de faits économiques complexes, est remise en cause. / Initially excluded from areas covered by the Treaty of Rome, maritime transport has been in 1992 the subject of measures allowing shipowners to access to the freedom to provide services on domestic routes in the Member States. Nevertheless, the European maritime area has no legal consistency: it is only composed of the juxtaposition of areas recognised by international law as the territorial sea of each Member State. Beyond this limit, the sea is international. Over the course of enlargements, the Union has lost its continental configuration to integrate a growing number of islands, which highlights the importance of maritime transport for the free movement of people and goods within the internal market. In addition, the geographic, economic and demographic situation of these islands is heterogeneous: some people are living in Orkney, millions of others are living in Sicily... Despite the diversity of island territories from the North Sea to the Aegean Sea, the conditions for the implementation of the freedom to provide maritime transport service by Council Regulation No 3577/92 (cabotage) are identical, despite the multifaceted reality of the concerned markets. However, the measures adopted by the Union, based on the conditions for the allocation of the aid in connection with public service missions to the islands, particularly in the context of an SGEI, have restrictive effects both on the conditions for competition between shipowners, and on trade exchange between the Member States. Despite the inconsistency of State aid with companies, the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) allows derogations on which the Commission can play. In the maritime sector, the aid compatible with the TFEU is about shipbuilding, safety, crew training, amongst others. A distinction must be made between these sectoral aid and individual aid as regards transport line. When correlated with service contracts or with public service obligations established on predetermined paths, the aid system acts as a non-tariff barriers to trade, which structure maritime traffic and impact the functioning of the market by influencing national origin of goods for consumers living in island regions. The Commission, under the control of the Court, analyses the markets and the compatibility of aid by anticipating their effects. However, the predictive activity leads the Commission to influence maritime markets. An analysis of the decisions taken by the Commission on aid to maritime transport shows that it uses a line by line analysis which brings a restriction on the geographic market. Having established in 2005 and renewed in 2011 the exemption from notification of public service compensation, and having practiced insufficient analysis of the maritime market, the Commission denies controlling the real conditions of maritime traffic goods. However, if the Commission exempts from notification the main part of aid in favor of SGEI shipping, and if its market analyses are insufficient, it is ultimately the ability of the EU Courts to arbitrate between the public interest of the Member States and the common interests of the Union, which, based on the principle of limited control applicable to the complex economic facts, is questioned.

Essays in risk

Matthey, Astrid 04 May 2007 (has links)
Die Dissertation besteht aus drei Kapiteln. Im ersten Kapitel wird unter der Bezeichnung “Adjustment Utility” eine neue Komponente individuellen Nutzens eingeführt. Mit einem Experiment, daß ich mit Studenten durchgeführt habe, zeige ich erst, daß diese Nutzenkomponente existiert. Dann entwickele ich ein Modell, welches aufzeigt, wann und in welcher Weise Adjustment Utility den Gesamtnutzen von Individuen sowie ihr ökonomisch relevantes Entscheidungsverhalten beeinflußt. Daten zu HIV Infektionen und der Verwendung von Kondomen in Deutschland zeigt die Relevanz der Modellergebnisse. Das zweite Kapitel betrachtet ein weiteres Experiment, welches zeigt, daß Individuen absichtlich imitieren, auch in Situationen, in denen sie durch Imitation nichts lernen können. Das ergänzt die bisherige experimentelle Forschung, die zwar zeigen konnte, daß individuelles Verhalten mit Imitationsmotiven konsistent ist, bei der das beobachtete Verhalten sich jedoch auch mit genuinen Lernmotiven erklären ließ. Darüber hinaus zeigen die Ergebnisse des Experiments, daß bei der Wahl dessen, den die Individuen imitieren, sie die Ergebnisse ihrer Mitspieler über mehrere Runden berücksichtigen, statt nur das Ergebnis der letzten Runde, wie in der Literatur meist angenommen. Abschließend analysiere ich im dritten Kapitel die Frage, ob staatliche Banken aufgrund der staatlichen Einlagengarantie einen Wettbewerbsvorteil gegenüber privaten Banken haben. Staatliche Banken unterliegen Einschränkungen ihrer Geschäftsstrategie, die durch ihr Mandat begründet sind, die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung zu unterstützen. Das heißt, daß staatliche Banken nicht öffentlich erklären können, alle Kreditnehmer, welche sich in finanziellen Schwierigkeiten befinden, dem Konkurs zu überlassen. Diese Einschränkung gibt privaten Banken die Möglichkeiten, Kreditnehmer durch Selbstselektion zu separieren, in den Markt einzutreten und sogar im Gleichgewicht Gewinne zu erwirtschaften. / The dissertation consists of three chapters. The first chapter considers a novel component of individual utility, which I term “adjustment utility”. In a classroom experiment, I first show that this component of utility exists. I then develop a model to show when and in what way adjustment utility affects overall utility and economic decision making. Data on HIV infections and use of condoms in Germany shows the relevance of the results. For the second chapter I conducted an experiment, which shows that individuals imitate intentionally, even in settings where they cannot learn anything by doing so. This complements previous experimental research, which could show that individual behavior is consistent with imitation motives, but where behavior could also be explained by learning motives. In addition, the results show that when subjects choose whom to imitate, they consider the results of other players over several periods, rather than only of the last period, as assumed in previous work. Finally, in the third chapter, I analyze the question whether state-owned banks have a competitive advantage over private banks due to a state guarantee on their deposits. State-owned banks face a restriction of their business strategies, which is due to their mandate of “supporting economic development”. As a consequence, state-owned banks cannot publicly declare to liquidate all borrowers in financial distress. This offers private banks the opportunity to separate borrowers by self-selection, enter the market and make profits in equilibrium.

Filosofia da linguagem do século XX no conceito de direito de Herbert Hart

Campos, Fernando Rosa January 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado tenta estabelecer como e em qual medida o Conceito de Direito de Herbert Hart é influenciado por teorias da linguagem do século XX. Com este objetivo, são primeiro analisadas as passagens do livro e as considerações do autor que indicam uma influência de teses próprias da filosofia da linguagem em sua obra. Após, são expostas algumas intepretações do tema, tanto no sentido de concordar que existe esta relação entre as teses de Hart e a filosofia da linguagem do século 20, quanto no sentido de negar este vínculo. Especial atenção é atribuída a interpretação de Ronald Dworkin do tema, tendo em vista a sua relevância histórica e o fato do autor reconhecer a vinculação referida e a utilizá-la como base para críticas das teses do Conceito de direito. Estabelecidas estas interpretações divergentes, são então expostas as principais ideias e propostas dos filósofos da linguagem do ambiente acadêmico de Oxford, tendo em vista a relação e proximidade de Hart a estes autores. Expostas estas teses, diferentes pontos da carreira bibliográfica de Hart são analisados, com o objetivo de traçar a relação dos escritos do autor com as teorias recém vistas e de tentar estabelecer a evolução da linha argumentativa que culminou no Conceito de Direito. Uma vez que os argumentos dessa obra forem analisados e um entendimento específico dessas teses for defendido, as críticas de Dworkin e de outros autores são revistas. Este exercício, por fim, mostra como o entendimento defendido neste trabalho serve também como defesa contra algumas caracterizações da obra de Hart que considero equivocadas. / The main goal of this paper is to establish to what extent the work “The Concept of Law” was influenced by philosophical theories of language from the 20th century. First are considered some passages of this work, together with some pronouncements of its author Herbert Hart that appear to confirm that his theses were so influenced. Then are shown some interpretations that recognize the influence between the author and theses from the philosophy of language, together with other interpretations that deny this relationship. Special attention is given to the perception of Ronald Dworkin of the subject given its historical relevance and the fact that it recognize a relationship between these theses and uses it as basis for criticism of the arguments expressed in The Concept of Law. Once these distinctive interpretations are stablished, the main ideas and goals of the Oxford language philosophers, given their relationship and proximity to Hart, are exposed. Once these theses are dealt with, varied moments of the bibliography of Herbert Hart are considered in order to show the connection between his works and the language theses here exposed. After these point are considered and a distinct understanding of the subject is developed the criticism of Dworkin and other authors are retaken. This last point aims to show how the understanding developed in this paper also develops a defense of Hart’s theory from some mischaracterizations of his work.

Sangue de amor correspondido X Sangre de amor correspondido. Análise de um caso emblemático de contato entre o PB e o E / Sangue de amor correspondido X Sangre de amor correspondido: analysis of a emblematic case of contact between Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish

Andreia dos Santos Menezes 29 September 2006 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como eixo de análise o romance Sangue de amor correspondido, do escritor argentino Manuel Puig, e sua tradução ao espanhol elaborada pelo próprio autor, Sangre de amor correspondido. Nosso objetivo central é analisar o resultado desse caso emblemático de contato entre o português brasileiro e o espanhol. Para tanto, no primeiro capítulo, procuramos caracterizar o narrador das obras, instância que consideramos comprometida no contato no nível discursivo. No segundo, buscamos definir em qual variante do espanhol está baseada a tradução. No terceiro e quarto capítulos, dedicamo-nos, por fim, à análise do contato entre as duas línguas que se instaura nas versões em português e em espanhol e dentro de cada uma delas. Para tanto, baseamo-nos na hipótese de que, quando se estabelece uma relação de contato entre o português brasileiro e o espanhol, constitui-se uma relação singular que promove uma permeabilidade entre as duas línguas. Partindo desse ponto de vista, buscamos examinar como se constrói essa permeabilidade por meio de uma análise contrastiva entre os dois textos nos níveis lexical, sintático, discursivo e poético. / Our central objective is analyzing the result of this emblematic case of contact between Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish: the novel Sangue de amor correspondido, by the Argentinian writer Manuel Puig, and its translation to Spanish, Sangre de amor correspondido, which was elaborated by the author himself. In the first chapter we characterize the narrator of the novel. In the second chapter we define on which variant of Spanish the translation is based. In the third and fourth chapters, we analyse the result of the contact established between the two languages. We are considering the hypothesis that the contact between Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish results in a singular relation that promotes a permeability between those two languages. Considering this point of view, we analyze how this permeability occurs by a contrastive analysis between the two novels in the lexical, syntactic, discursive and poetical levels.

Du concert au show business. Le rôle des impréssarios dans le développement international du commerce musical, 1850-1930 / From concert to show business : The role of the impressarios in the international development of the musical trade, 1850-1930

Corbière, Laetitia 19 June 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur le développement international des tournées musicales entre 1850 et 1930, période caractérisée par l’affirmation de la fonction d’intermédiation et par une approche commerciale de plus en plus assumée du concert. En adoptant la perspective des intermédiaires qui ont porté cette évolution, nous nous proposons d’étudier comment le changement d’échelle de ces échanges culturels et économiques que constituent les tournées musicales a provoqué de profondes mutations. En particulier, la dimension transatlantique qu’acquiert le commerce musical à partir de 1850 a des conséquences décisives sur le concert. En effet, non seulement la structure des échanges doit être adaptée à cette nouvelle échelle, mais les répercussions sont sensibles également sur les objets artistiques et sur les pratiques sociales qui entourent l’activité musicale. Traitant le concert comme un spectacle, les imprésarios américains promeuvent une approche résolument commerciale qui, a priori, s’oppose aux conceptions artistiques européennes. Cependant, par le jeu des concurrences et des coopérations transnationales, les innovations apportées par les intermédiaires américains transforment le commerce musical dans son ensemble. Elles suscitent notamment l’émergence, par réaction mais aussi par réappropriation, de directions de concerts modernes à partir des traditionnelles maisons d’édition musicale européennes. En outre, parce que les œuvres musicales sont aussi des objets symboliquement connotés, socialement et nationalement, leur commerce reflète les tensions entre démocratisation et distinction d’une part, et entre enjeux nationaux et tentation universaliste d’autre part. / This research concerns the international development of musical tours between 1850 and 1930, a period characterized by the affirmation of the intermediation function and by an increasingly commercial approach to concerts. By adopting the perspective of the intermediaries who have brought about this evolution, we propose to study how the change in scale of those cultural and economic exchanges that musical tours are has caused profound changes. In particular, the transatlantic dimension that the music trade acquired from 1850 onwards had decisive consequences for the concert. Indeed, not only the structure of the exchanges had to be adapted to this new scale, but the repercussions were also sensitive on the artistic objects and on the social practices which surround the musical activity. Treating the concert as a show, the American impresarios promoted a resolutely commercial approach which, a priori, was opposed to European artistic conceptions. However, through transnational competition and cooperation, the innovations brought by American intermediaries transformed the music trade as a whole. In particular, they led to the emergence, by reaction but also by reappropriation, of modern concert directions based on traditional European music publishing houses. Moreover, because musical works are also symbolically, socially and nationally connoted objects, their trade reflects the tensions between democratization and distinction on the one hand, and between national issues and universalist temptation on the other.

Forma??o do territ?rio e espa?o urbanos de Bragan?a Paulista: dos prim?rdios a 1830 / Training planning and urban Bragan?a Paulista space: the beginnings to 1830

Nunes, Carolina Gon?alves 17 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:22:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carolina Goncalves Nunes.pdf: 9815820 bytes, checksum: 837a2143f59435f46e66f53d0a7e29b2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-17 / This paper seeks to map out an analysis of the formation of the territory of the present city of Bragan?a Paulista, investigating since the formation of the first ways of S?o Paulo hinterland that left the city of S?o Paulo toward the study area. Analyzes the important network of cities that forms in the Lopo Hill region and the consequent transformations of spatial domain in the colonial period, such as: training of border between the captaincies of S?o Paulo and Minas Gerais, actors and personalities involved in this transformation, training of religious heritage (Chapel), the arrival of the civil power (Parish) to emancipation; when becomes New Bragan?a Village. All this study seeks to link these changes with what was happening in the economy of the colony and the metropolis, emphasizing the importance of rural districts to consolidate the urban center of New Bragan?a Village, which begins its economic activity based on subsistence and later develops through government incentives, the mixed economy, this development takes place concurrently with the urban growth that is analyzed in the dissertation by the year 1835. / Este trabalho busca tra?ar uma an?lise da forma??o do territ?rio da atual cidade de Bragan?a Paulista, investigando desde a forma??o dos primeiros caminhos do sert?o paulista que partiam da cidade de S?o Paulo em dire??o a regi?o de estudo. Analisa a importante rede de cidades que se forma na regi?o do Morro do Lopo e as consequentes transforma??es do dom?nio do territ?rio no per?odo colonial, como: forma??o da divisa entre as Capitanias de S?o Paulo e Minas Gerais, agentes e personalidades envolvidas nessa transforma??o, a forma??o do patrim?nio religioso, (Capela), a chegada do poder civil (Freguesia) at? a emancipa??o; quando esta se torna Vila de Nova Bragan?a. Todo esse estudo busca vincular essas transforma??es com o que estava acontecendo na economia da col?nia e na metr?pole, enfatizando a import?ncia dos bairros rurais para a consolida??o do n?cleo urbano da Vila de Nova Bragan?a, que inicia sua atividade econ?mica baseada na subsist?ncia e posteriormente se desenvolve atrav?s de incentivos governamentais, na economia mista, esse desenvolvimento acontece concomitantemente com o crescimento urbano que ? analisado na disserta??o at? o ano de 1835.

Inovação e negócios em Biotecnologia: o caso do Centro de Pesquisas em Biotecnologia (CPB-USP). / Innovation and business in biotechnology: the case of Centro de Pesquisas em Biotecnologia (CPB-USP).

Hitzschky, Katia Regina Evaristo de Jesus 28 May 1999 (has links)
O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar a capacitação do Centro de Pesquisas em Biotecnologia da USP (CPB-USP) para desenvolver projetos de pesquisa biotecnológica em parceria com o setor produtivo. ou em atendimento às suas demandas.O trabalho foi realizado em três etapas: a) análise das competências do CPB-USP em pesquisa e desenvolvimento; b) identificação das demandas de mercado em biotecnologias no Brasil; c) análise do grau de adequação do CPB-USP para atender a essas demandas. Na primeira etapa do estudo foram identificadas as competências científico-tecnológicas do CPB e sua situação institucional e administrativa para realizar projetos cooperativos. Na segunda etapa do trabalho, com o objetivo de identificar janelas de oportunidade para investimento em inovação biotecnológica, foram realizadas entrevistas com especialistas de institutos de pesquisa e com empresas usuárias de biotecnologias. Visando à convergência das respostas obtidas nas entrevistas foi organizado um workshop: \"Futuro dos Negócios com Biotecnologias no Brasil\'. O estudo foi completado com a análise das competências do CPB-USP em relação às demandas dos setores usuários de biotecnologias no Brasil. Analisou-se também a adequação da estrutura administrativa e institucional do Centro às necessidades da organização de negócios de base tecnológica. Foi possível constatar que, apesar do Centro apresentar razoável conexão com as demandas de setores económicos importantes, ajustes de ordem administrativa e institucional são necessários para facilitar a interação com institutos de pesquisa e empresas. Pode também ser melhorada a captação de recursos de origem privada. Neste contexto, foram feitas algumas sugestões com vistas à criação de estratégias que ampliem a capacidade do CPB-USP em nuclear redes de inovação e negócios de base tecnológica. / This study aimed to investigate the core competences of the \"Centro de Pesquisas em Biotecnologia da USP\" (CPB-USP) in terms of developing biotechnological research in partnerships with private companies and public institutions. The work was conducted in three parts: a) analysis of the research and development (R&D) competences of the CP-USP; b) identification of the Brazilian market demands in biotechnology; c) analysis of how adequate have been the CPB efforts to satisfy the market demands in biotechnology. In the first part of the study, the Center R&D competentes, as well as its institutional and administrative resources, were evaluated in respect to the capacity to foster new technological-based business. The second part was centered on the identification of windows of opportunity for investment in Brazilian biotechnology markets. In order to accomplish that objective, a survey involving several experts (from companies and public institutions) on commercial biotechnology was conducted. The convergence of the opinions was obtained through a Mini-Delphi study performed during a workshop. The study was completed with the comparison of the CPB-USP competences vis-a-vis the Brazilian market demands in biotechnology. The adequacy of the Center administrative and institutional structure to support technological-based business was also analysed. It was possible to verify that, in spite of the reasonable adhesion of the Center activities with the market demands, administrative and institutional adjustments are necessary to promote a better interaction with companies and public institutions. The obtention of funds from the private sector could also be improved. In this context, some recomendations were made in order to establish strategies for increasing the CPB-USP capacity of supporting networks of innovation and entrepreneurship.

A geografia no nascimento do mundo: existência e conhecimento / The geography in birth of the world: the existence and knowledge

Camacho, Adilson Rodrigues 15 December 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa vem ao modo de um diálogo ou ponte entre fenomenologia e ciência geográfica. O percurso tem início com o reconhecimento da ontologia comum entre sujeito e mundo, continua com a experiência da percepção com abertura e fechamento das coisas, numa operação constituinte do meio como mundo e lugar, pela atividade humana, diante daquele instituído, passivo, acabado. Das coisas chega-se ao lugar, deste vai-se ao mundo, até que dele se retorna; um ciclo. A ontologia comum estabelecida como ontologia encarnada permite procurar no recuo ao pré-objetivo, outros atributos normalmente desconsiderados dos lugares, os quais serviram de parâmetro à sugestão de avaliação e prognóstico. Para tanto, foram realizados trabalhos de campo como oportunidade de aplicação das noções consideradas. / This research is the way of dialogue or a bridge between phenomenology and geographical science. The route begins with the common ontology between subject and world, continues with the experience of perception with opening and closing of things, a constituent of operation as a means world and place for the activity, given that up, liabilities, finished. Of the things you get to the place, this go to the world, even if it returns, is a cycle. The ontology established as common ontology makes searching in the red throwback to pre-order, the pre-purpose other attributes normally disregarded, the places, thinking on assessment and prognosis of these places. To this end, the field work was conducted as an opportunity for the application of the concepts considered.

Sangue de amor correspondido X Sangre de amor correspondido. Análise de um caso emblemático de contato entre o PB e o E / Sangue de amor correspondido X Sangre de amor correspondido: analysis of a emblematic case of contact between Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish

Menezes, Andreia dos Santos 29 September 2006 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como eixo de análise o romance Sangue de amor correspondido, do escritor argentino Manuel Puig, e sua tradução ao espanhol elaborada pelo próprio autor, Sangre de amor correspondido. Nosso objetivo central é analisar o resultado desse caso emblemático de contato entre o português brasileiro e o espanhol. Para tanto, no primeiro capítulo, procuramos caracterizar o narrador das obras, instância que consideramos comprometida no contato no nível discursivo. No segundo, buscamos definir em qual variante do espanhol está baseada a tradução. No terceiro e quarto capítulos, dedicamo-nos, por fim, à análise do contato entre as duas línguas que se instaura nas versões em português e em espanhol e dentro de cada uma delas. Para tanto, baseamo-nos na hipótese de que, quando se estabelece uma relação de contato entre o português brasileiro e o espanhol, constitui-se uma relação singular que promove uma permeabilidade entre as duas línguas. Partindo desse ponto de vista, buscamos examinar como se constrói essa permeabilidade por meio de uma análise contrastiva entre os dois textos nos níveis lexical, sintático, discursivo e poético. / Our central objective is analyzing the result of this emblematic case of contact between Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish: the novel Sangue de amor correspondido, by the Argentinian writer Manuel Puig, and its translation to Spanish, Sangre de amor correspondido, which was elaborated by the author himself. In the first chapter we characterize the narrator of the novel. In the second chapter we define on which variant of Spanish the translation is based. In the third and fourth chapters, we analyse the result of the contact established between the two languages. We are considering the hypothesis that the contact between Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish results in a singular relation that promotes a permeability between those two languages. Considering this point of view, we analyze how this permeability occurs by a contrastive analysis between the two novels in the lexical, syntactic, discursive and poetical levels.

Entre o canto das paixões e os artifícios da harmonia: o pensamento musical de Rousseau contra o sistema harmônico de Rameau / Between the singing of the passions and the artifice of harmony: Rousseaus musical thought against Rameaus harmonic system

Yasoshima, Fabio 30 June 2017 (has links)
Sabemos que a querela entre Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) e Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764) está sujeita a diferentes leituras, cujo interesse muitas vezes foi reduzido a um curioso anedotário ou a uma disputa produzida tão somente pelos humores de ambos. Nesta pesquisa, contudo, para além do relato biográfico e das conjecturas sobre as causas da rivalidade entre Rousseau e Rameau, intentamos priorizar uma análise que buscasse balizar os posicionamentos estéticos de um e outro, com ênfase nos argumentos expostos por Rousseau em sua contraposição ao sistema harmônico de Rameau. Ao longo deste debate, entendemos que, ao esquadrinhar e, posteriormente, criticar os escritos de Rameau, Rousseau teria encontrado ideias extraordinariamente férteis que favoreceram o desenvolvimento de seu pensamento musical. Para sustentar a tese da preeminência da melodia sobre a harmonia, assim contrariando os princípios do sistema ramista, o autor da maior parte dos verbetes sobre música da Enciclopédia, da Carta sobre a música francesa e do Dicionário de música, jamais deixaria de se referir ao sistema harmônico de seu rival. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender a querela Rousseau-Rameau sob este aspecto, assim como apontar a relação da disputa assinalada com inflamados debates que também estiveram em pauta na França da segunda metade do século XVIII, a exemplo da Querela dos Bufões. Para tanto, além de examinar aspectos pontuais dos escritos musicais já mencionados, cotejando-os com alguns dos principais textos da vasta obra teórica de Rameau, procuramos nos deter na análise do texto de Rousseau intitulado Exame de dois princípios avançados pelo Sr. Rameau, cuja tradução apresentamos em anexo. / We know that the quarrel between Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) and Jean- Philippe Rameau (1683-1764) is subject to different readings, whose interest has often been reduced to a curious collection of anecdotes or to a dispute produced only by the humors of both. In this research, however, beyond the biography and the conjectures about the causes of the rivalry between Rousseau and Rameau, we aim to prioritize an analysis that sought to mark the aesthetic positioning of one and the other, with emphasis on Rousseaus arguments as opposed to the harmonic system of Rameau. Throughout this debate, we understand that Rousseau, by scrutinizing and later criticizing Rameaus writings, would have found extraordinarily fertile ideas that favored the development of his musical thinking. To support the thesis of the preeminence of melody over harmony, thus contradicting the principles of the Rameaus system, the author of most of the articles on music at the Diderots Encyclopedia, of the Letter on French Music, and the Dictionary of Music, would never fail to refer to the harmonic system of his rival. The present research aims to understand the quarrel between Rousseau and Rameau in this aspect, as well as to point out the relationship of this dispute with inflamed debates that also were in agenda in France during the second half of the Eighteenth-Century, like the Quarrel of the Bouffons. Therefore, in addition to examining specific aspects of the musical writings already mentioned, comparing them with some of the main texts of Rameaus vast theoretical work, we seek to focus on the analysis of Rousseaus text entitled Examination of Two Principles Advanced by M. Rameau, whose translation into Portuguese we presented attached.

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