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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeito de variáveis de treino e teste sobre a recombinação de repertórios em pombos (Columba Livia), ratos (Rattus norvegicus) e corvos da Nova Caledônia (Corvus moneduloides) / Effects of training and test variables upon the interconnection of repertoires in pigeons (Columba livia), rats (Rattus norvegicus) and new caledonian crows (Corvus moneduloides)

Hernando Borges Neves Filho 30 April 2015 (has links)
A resolução de problemas é uma metodologia de investigação utilizada pela Psicologia experimental desde sua fundação. Um debate na área é quais os efeitos de variáveis de treino sobre a resolução de problemas, e como ocorre um tipo específico de resolução, a chamada resolução súbita, tradicionalmente descrita como Insight. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo averiguar a resolução de problemas a partir do treino independente de habilidades pré-requisito em diferentes tarefas de recombinação de repertórios com diferentes espécies. Adicionalmente, foram feitos testes de entendimento de propriedades funcionais de objetos e repertórios treinados. No Experimento I, dois pombos (Columba livia) foram testados no procedimento padrão de deslocamento de caixa. Os sujeitos aprenderam: a) empurrar uma caixa em direção a um alvo, e b) subir e bicar outro alvo. O teste final requeria que o animal empurrasse a caixa para debaixo de um alvo, subisse e o bicasse. Os dois sujeitos resolveram a tarefa final. No Experimento II, quatro pombos passaram por histórias assimétricas de treino das duas habilidades pré-requisito também da tarefa de deslocamento de caixa. Apenas um dos sujeitos resolveu o problema, e sem a mesma fluidez apresentada pelos sujeitos do Experimento I. O Experimento III manipulou a consequência utilizada no treino de cada habilidade pré-requisito, também na tarefa de deslocamento de caixas. Empurrar em direção a uma luz foi treinado com alimento como consequência, e subir e bicar foi treinado com água como consequência. Nenhum dos quatro pombos resolveu a tarefa em sua primeira tentativa. Todos os sujeitos que resolveram a tarefa nos Experimentos I, II ou III apresentaram resultados similares nos testes de entendimento de propriedades funcionais, que indicaram que pequenas mudanças na situação de teste dificultam a resolução. No Experimento IV, com ratos (Rattus norvegicus), uma nova tarefa foi desenvolvida, que envolvia a recombinação de a) cavar maravalha, e b) subir escadas. Na tarefa final os ratos deveriam cavar a maravalha, encontrar uma passagem escondida que dava acesso a um segundo ambiente no qual haviam escadas que levavam a um pedaço de alimento. Dois ratos aprenderam os dois repertórios e resolveram a tarefa, de forma súbita. Outros quatro ratos que aprenderam somente um dos repertórios não resolveram a tarefa. O Experimento V testou os efeitos da quantidade de treino (Experimento II), tipo de consequência (Experimento III) e contexto de treino e teste, em uma tarefa específica com corvos da Nova Caledônia (Corvus moneduloides). Todos os animais resolveram a tarefa final, entretanto, de forma não súbita. Os dados indicam que a resolução súbita, a partir da recombinação de repertórios aprendidos independentemente é passível do efeito de uma série de variáveis de treino e teste até então pouco estudadas, como a quantidade de treino, tipo de consequência e contexto de treino e teste / Experimental Psychology utilizes problem-solving methodology since its inception. Much was debated about the effects of training variables upon the solution of a problem, especially concerning the sudden solution of specific problem, called Insight. The present work aimed to investigate the solution of different problem in different species after the independent training of pre-requisite repertoires. Additionally, tests regarding the understanding of functional properties of stimuli were made. In Experiment I, two pigeons (Columba livia) were tested in the box-displacement test. The subjects learned to, a) push a box towards a target, and b) to climb and peck another target. The final task required to subjects to push one box towards a target hanging in the ceiling, climb the box and then peck the target. The two subjects solved the final task. In Experiment II, four pigeons had an asymmetric training of the two abilities. Only one of the subjects solved the final task, not as fluidly as the subjects from Experiment I. In Experiment III, the consequence used during the training of each ability was different. Pushing towards a target was reinforced with food, and to climb and peck with water. None of the four birds solved the task in its first presentation. All the subjects that solved the tasks in Experiments I, II and III showed similar performances in the tests regarding the understanding of functional properties of stimuli, suggesting that even minima changes in the test situation can impair the solution. Experiment IV employed a new task, with rats (Rattus norvegicus). Subjects learned to a) digg shavings, and b) climb stairs. In the final task, the rats had to digg and find a passage leading to another ambient containing stairs that lead to food. Two rats that learned the two abilities solved the problem, suddenly. Other four rats that learned only one of the two abilities (dig or climb) didnt solved the problem. Experiment V tested the effects of quantities of training (Experiment II), consequences of trained abilities (Experiment III), and context of training and testing with new caledonian crows (Corvus moneduloides). All four crows solved the problem, but not suddenly. The data of all experiments suggests that the sudden solution, when acquired through the interconnection of repertoires is more subtle then it is usualy regarded, and that variables of training and testing are crucial for the solution of a problem

Überprüfung und Erweiterung eines multifaktoriellen Modells zur Erklärung der Genese von Krankheitseinsicht bei Schizophrenie / Testing and extending a multifactor model of insight formation in schizophrenia

Pruß, Linda 13 December 2013 (has links)
Hintergrund: Mangelnde Krankheitseinsicht bei Schizophrenie ist ein verbreitetes Phänomen, dessen Zusammenhänge mit Outcome-Maßen wie Krankheitsverlauf, Funktionsniveau und Lebensqualität vielfach belegt sind. Trotz vieler unterschiedlicher Ansätze zur Erklärung der Entstehung von Krankheitseinsicht ist sie bisher nur unzureichend verstanden. Obwohl angenommen wird, dass verschiedene Faktoren wie kognitive und motivationale Voraussetzungen Einsicht limitieren können, stehen die Identifikation von spezifischen Einflussgrößen sowie die empirische Überprüfung distinkter Prozesse und deren Wirkgefüges aus. Die Integration unterschiedlicher Ansätze in mehrfaktorielle Modelle, wie Startup (1996) nahe legt, gilt als vielversprechend. Diese sollten insbesondere vermutete motivationale Einflussgrößen enthalten, die bisher nur unzulänglich berücksichtigt wurden. Methoden: Es wurden drei empirische Studien zur Überprüfung und Erweiterung des multifaktoriellen Ansatzes von Startup (1996) zur Erklärung mangelnder Krankheitseinsicht (G12 aus der Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale [PANSS]: Kay, Fiszbein & Opler, 1987) durchgeführt. An großen heterogenen Stichproben (N = 248; N = 111; N = 95) wurden zunächst das Regressionsmodell nach Startup (1996) sowie die dort implizierten Einsichts-subtypen überprüft. Zweitens wurden zur Vorhersage von Einsicht (Scale to Assess Unawareness of Mental Disorder [SUMD]: Amador & Strauss, 1990) schrittweise soziodemographische, klinische (PANSS) und kognitive Maße (Wisconsin Card Sorting Test [WCST]: Heaton, Chelune, Talley, Kay & Curtiss, 1993) sowie Stigmatisierung (Self-Stigma of Mental Illness Scale [SSMIS]: Corrigan, Watson & Barr, 2006) als ein Maß motivational relevanter Einflüsse in ein multiples Regressionsmodell eingefügt. Zur Charakterisierung unterschiedlicher Einsichts-Subgruppen wurden diese drittens anhand von soziodemographischen, klinischen und kognitiven Variablen sowie zusätzlich durch subjektive Krankheitskonzepte (Illness Perception Questionnaire for Schizophrenia [IPQS]: Lobban, Barrowclough & Jones, 2005) vorhergesagt. Ergebnisse: Der von Startup (1996) berichtete kurvilineare Zusammenhang zwischen Einsicht und Neurokognition wurde regressionsanalytisch bestätigt. Die Varianzaufklärung der Einsicht durch neurokognitive Maße fiel jedoch eher gering (R2 = .052) aus. Durch das Hinzufügen einer Stigmatisierungsvariable (Zustimmung der Patienten zu negativen schizophreniespezifischen Stereotypen) in das Regressionsmodell wurde die Varianzaufklärung signifikant, aber schwach verbessert (ΔR2 = .049). Je mehr die Patienten den negativen Stereotypen zustimmten, desto uneinsichtiger waren sie. Es konnten außerdem drei Einsichtssubgruppen identifiziert werden: eine Gruppe ohne Einsichts- und Kognitionseinschränkungen, eine mit Defiziten in beiden Bereichen und eine Gruppe, die trotz intakten kognitiven Vermögens mangelnde Einsicht vorwies (17 - 30 %). Zur multinomialen Vorher-sage der letztgenannten Subgruppe trugen insbesondere die subjektiven Bewertungen zur Kontrollierbarkeit und zur eigenen emotionalen Reaktion signifikant bei (R²N = .56). Patienten, die die eigene Erkrankung für weniger kontrollierbar und stärker emotional relevant hielten, hatten niedrigere Einsichts-Scores. Diskussion: Die vorliegende Arbeit gilt als Beleg für die Existenz unterschiedlicher einsichtslimitierender Prozesse und ergänzt damit bisherige, überwiegend monokausale Ansätze zur Erklärung der Genese mangelnder Krankheitseinsicht. Die Bedeutung kognitiver Defizite scheint für einen Teil der Patienten evident. Darüber hinaus wurde für einen substantiellen Anteil an Patienten auch die Annahme motivierter Uneinsichtigkeit gestützt. Erstmalig wurden spezifisch mit motivational reduzierter Einsicht assoziierte Faktoren aufgedeckt: die stärkere Zustimmung zu negativen Stereotypen als Hinweis auf Stigmatisierungsprozesse, geringere wahrgenommene Kontrollierbarkeit der eigenen Erkrankung und eine stärkere emotionale Reaktion auf die Erkrankung. Es wird angenommen, dass verringerte Einsicht die Bedeutung dieser negativen Kognitionen (z. B. zur Kontrollierbarkeit, zur emotionalen Bedeutung oder zu Stereotypen wie Gewalttätigkeit) reduzieren kann, da diese wegen der Uneinsichtigkeit nicht auf die eigene Person übertragen werden. Der Mangel an Einsicht könnte daher auch einen Selbstschutz darstellen. In Bezug auf therapeutische Interventionen erscheinen kognitive Trainings folglich nur für einige Patienten sinnvoll, während für andere eher motivierende und an den subjektiven Einstellungen und Bewertungen ansetzende Behandlungsmaßnahmen zu berücksichtigen sind. Dafür bieten sich insbesondere moderne kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutische Behandlungsansätze wie Motivational Interviewing oder Methoden der kognitiven Umstrukturierung an. Die Entwicklung und Integration einsichtsspezifischer Interventionen, für die aus der vorliegenden Arbeit Ansatzpunkte ableitbar sind, wird darüber hinaus empfohlen.


EDUARDO FERNANDES SANTOS 17 April 2023 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho investiga preditores clínicos de incapacidade e especificidade episódica da memória autobiográfica no Transtorno Bipolar (TB). Além disso, investiga a relação entre incapacidade e insight nesses indivíduos. Os resultados destacam o impacto da depressão e o papel generalizado da perda de insight no TB, indicando que o insight pode levar ao aumento da incapacidade e reforça a associação entre sintomas depressivos e incapacidade, o que tem sido consistentemente relatado na literatura. Além disso, os resultados deste estudo indicam que sintomas mais graves de depressão, maior nível de ideação suicida e menor gravidade da doença atuam como preditores de prejuízos na habilidade de recordação de detalhes autobiográficos no TB. Preditores clínicos são frequentemente usados na prática clínica para identificar pacientes em risco de resultados adversos. Portanto, esta pesquisa visa contribuir para o avanço da compreensão da doença com relevância direta para avaliação clínica e possíveis intervenções. / [en] The current work explores clinical predictors of disability and autobiographical memory episodic specificity in bipolar disorder (BD). In addition, it investigates the relationship between disability and insight in this disease The results highlight the impact of depression and pervasive role of loss of insight in BD, indicating that it may also lead to increased disability and reinforces the association between depressive symptoms and disability, which has been consistently reported in literature. Additionally, the results of this study indicate that more severe symptoms of depression, higher level of suicidal ideation and lower illness severity act as predictors of impaired recall of specific autobiographical details in BD. Clinical predictors are frequently used in clinical practice to identify patients at risk of adverse outcomes. Therefore, this research aimed at contributing to advance the understanding of the disease with direct relevance for clinical assessment and possible interventions.

Exploration des mécanismes cognitifs, métacognitifs et autobiographiques dans le déficit d’insight dans la schizophrénie / Exploration of cognitive, metacognitive and autobiographical mechanisms of the insight deficit in schizophrenia

Lalova, Maria 30 November 2012 (has links)
Dans la schizophrénie, le déficit d’insight est d’une importance clinique majeure de fait de son lien étroit avec l’observance médicamenteuse et l’alliance thérapeutique. Ce travail propose au moyen de trois études l’exploration du concept d’insight, précisant les mécanismes cognitifs sous-tendus et évaluant les effets de 3 nouvelles prises en charge sur son niveau d’évolution. Nous nous sommes basés pour cela sur trois modèles théoriques, celui de Conway (2005) qui établit des liens étroits entre le self et la mémoire autobiographique, celui de Larøi et al., (2004) suggérant à l’origine du déficit d’insight un trouble de la conscience autonoétique en lien avec la mémoire autobiographique, et enfin, celui de Agnew et Morris (1989) incriminant une palette de troubles cognitifs et métacognitifs dans le déficit d’insight. Nos résultats soulignent le rôle primordial de la mémoire autobiographique dans le déficit d’insight et notamment la qualité des souvenirs sur la période supérieur à >20 ans. De plus les résultats indiquent que, les modèles autobiographique et métacognitif prédisent mieux le déficit d’insight comparés au modèle cognitif de base. Parmi les trois programmes thérapeutiques, le programme RECOS (Vianin, 2007), améliore de manière significative le fonctionnement cognitif. Le programme REMAu (Piolino, 2006), visant la reconstruction des souvenirs autobiographique en lien avec le self, améliore de façon significative la conscience du trouble mental et la qualité du rappel épisodique. Le programme MBCT (Segal, Williams et Teasdale, 2002), visant la prise de conscience du moment présent, améliore de façon significative la capacité à attribuer la symptomatologie à la maladie mentale, l’estime de soi et la théorie de l’esprit. Ces résultats nous amènent à proposer un modèle explicatif et multidimensionnel du déficit d’insight dans la schizophrénie, intégrant les trois modèles étudiés ; cognitif, métacognitif et autobiographique. / The origins of poor insight in schizophrenia are still unclear. We contrasted the changes in clinical insight, basic cognitive processes, autobiographical memory and metacognition in 63 outpatient’s with schizophrenia pseudo-randomly assigned to one of three cognitive remediation groups: one targeting basic cognitive processes (RECOS), a second autobiographical memory (REMAu), and a third metacognitive deficits (MBCT). Three dimensions of insight (awareness of: mental illness, benefit of treatment, psychosocial consequences) improved after treatment, regardless of the group. In addition, the REMAu and MBCT showed an improvement on other dimensions of insight (symptomatic awareness and symptomatic attribution, respectively). Poor insight and its improvement after treatment were best predicted by a combination of basic cognitive, autobiographical and metacognitive measures. This study supports a multidimensional conception of insight and recommends the combination of remediation therapies to improve clinical insight in schizophrenia.

En analys av säljklimatet i komplexa business-to-business relationer : En utredande nulägesanalys i kontrast till Insight Selling

Löfstrand, Sofia, Johansson, Anton January 2014 (has links)
The thesis aims to describe the current sales climate in the context of complex sales in business-to-business. The purpose is to increase the clients knowledge of sales and test the clients hypothesis that the sales climate is changing from Solution Selling to Insight Selling, further the thesis aims to contribute to the scientific debate of sales. Solution Selling is characterized, as the name suggest, by selling of solution to the customers needs. With Insight Selling the seller has a provocative approach towards the customer and the seller is searching for customers in the need of change. This is a qualitative study conducted with eight interviews and one focus group. The analysis shows that the high availability of information and the digital development have a strong influence on the current sales climate. The customers have higher knowledge that leads to higher pressure on the sales representatives to understand the technology, processes, organization and business of the customer. The analysis also show that the automation of sales increases by e-commerce and CRM-systems, but the personal contact with the seller do play an important part in the customer relationship. In the context of complex sales there is a need for better and increased collaboration and communication within the seller organization. There is some support for a need to change the sales management systems from today’s financial short-term goals, to a management system that supports long-term growth and encourage innovation. The benefits of the short-term goals are that they are clear and specific which serves as a high motivator for some salesmen. The analysis suggests that sellers prefer stable customers with a regular buying behavior prior to customers in the need for change that Insight Selling states. It seems that Solution Selling still are a major part of todays sales, but Insight Selling may be a method of differentiation for new companies or in contact with new customers. / Denna uppsats ämnar till att beskriva nuvarande säljklimat i kontexten av komplex försäljning i business-to-business. Syftet är att bidra med en kunskapsbas om försäljning till uppdragsgivaren samt testa uppdragsgivarens hypotes om att säljklimatet förändras från Solution Selling till Insight Selling, vidare syftar uppsatsen till att bidra till den vetenskapliga debatten om försäljning. Solution Selling karakteriseras av försäljning av lösningar till kunders behov, i Insight Selling antar säljaren en utmanade strategi gentemot kunden och söker efter kunder i behov av förändring. Detta har studerats kvalitativt genom åtta intervjuer och en fokusgrupp. Analysen visar att nuvarande säljklimat är starkt präglat av tillgången på information och den digitala utvecklingen, det har höjt kundernas kunskap och detta ställer nya krav på säljarna att förstå kundernas teknik, processer, organisation, affär etc. Det framgår även att automatiseringen av försäljning genom e-handel, CRM-system och andra lösningar ökar, men att den personliga kontakten med en säljare fortfarande fyller en viktig funktion i kundrelationen. Vidare kan man se att komplex försäljning ställer högre krav på samarbete och ökad kommunikation internt i organisationen samt att detta brister i flera organisationer. Adamson et al. (2012) menar att detta kräver en förändring i säljstyrningen som idag består av kortsiktiga finansiella säljmål, förespråkarna av en förändrad styrning menar att dagens styrning inte gynnar långsiktig utveckling och ökad innovation. Fördelarna med de kortsiktiga målen är att de är tydliga och konkreta vilket motiverar vissa säljare. Analysen tyder på att säljarna föredrar stabila och återkommande kunder framför kunder i förändring vilket tyder på att Solution Selling fortfarande är mycket aktuellt. Insight Selling kan dock vara en metod för att differentiera sig mot nya företag eller i kontakten med nya kunder.

A critical evaluation of competitive intelligence and insight management practice

Wright, Sheila January 2011 (has links)
This thesis forms part of a PhD by Publication based on the research and scholarly work of Sheila Wright. It explores her contribution to the field of Competitive Intelligence & Insight Management (CI&IM) made through ten articles published between 2002 and 2010. The research projects that involved the collection of primary data were carried out within a qualitative research methodology using a semi-structured interview or case study method and typically adopting a pragmatic paradigm. Through this work, it has been possible to present a best-practice framework for CI&IM. Similarly, it has been possible to develop an operational framework for CI&IM, which identifies the inter-connectivity of the CI&IM tasks as well as the organisational influencing factors which can aid or hinder successful implementation. As well as engaging in a critical evaluation of current CI&IM practice the thesis indicates how the articles offer solutions which can aid the delivery of improved performance to practitioners as well as academics who teach and research the subject. The thesis also identifies the place of CI&IM in the business discipline and draws attention to the cross-boundary, inter-disciplinary nature of its reach. The development of bibliometric software and citation identification programmes has enabled the inclusion of a citation analysis for each article which also identifies the context within which that citation was made. This is presented as supporting evidence for the contribution to knowledge and value of the body of work. Through this mechanism it has also been possible, not only to identify the frequency with which the articles have been cited, but more importantly, the impact and contribution this has had on scholars who have subsequently used the output and frameworks as a basis for their own research.

Supporting people-centred design through information and empathy

McGinley, Christopher Gerard January 2012 (has links)
People-centred design is a design approach that takes the intended end users into consideration throughout the development process, resulting in more appropriate design output in terms of meeting peoples needs and wants. There is recognised value in the use of user-based information, and in establishing empathy with those being designed for, yet there is a distinct lack of literature addressing both aspects and the potential for associated support mechanisms for designers. The combination of information and empathy is the focus of this research. This thesis presents studies carried out to investigate the potential for ‘supporting people-centred design through information and empathy’, focusing upon the early stages of design development. The main aims of this research were to understand designers’ processes and where users fit into these, and to suggest means of support that could promote user focus whilst remaining a practical and appropriate complement to established methods. The under-explored nature of this area required empirical research engaging in practical ways with designers, which was achieved through in-depth probe studies and follow-up interviews with 10 designers; active participation in two four-month real-life design projects; the examination and co-creation of resource tool concepts during two workshops, each with 20 design participants; and ‘MHIRROR’ (Means of Human Information Retrieval, Representation, Organisation and Reflection), a mixed media human information resource was developed and trialed with six experienced inclusive design practitioners. These qualitative explorations with designers and within real-life projects facilitated understanding of the potential for human information resources to support the design process. The thesis has made original contribution to knowledge in terms of the formation of a framework for the manipulation and integration of human information into the design process; the iterative design and embodiment of a working prototype resource MHIRROR, and it has provided insights into the value of information and empathy resource combinations and their potential to promote people-centred design.

Me, Myself and I : Designing a space for students to self-reflect  through self-portraiture.

de Menezes, Nicole Maria January 2019 (has links)
The Project focused on self-reflection and insight, linking these processes to an artistic one – painting. As a way to respond to the research question: Does self-portraiture have the potential to guide us through self-reflection and insight? Workshops combining art and ways of thinking were designed and facilitated by the author, with the aim of improving the self-reflection and insight of students at LNU, based on theories of brain function and thinking. Using the workshop format, the author guided the participants through an experience of introspection through painting self-portraits. Areas of design included workshop, collaborative and critical design. A simple three-step design process was employed to create the Project, focusing on What, How and Why. Next steps included prototyping, designing the questionnaires which students completed, designing the art workshops, and advertising the workshops across campus. Results included nine respondents to questionnaires, four participants in the final workshop, and an array of findings regarding the self-reflection process and insight experienced by students through the design process. Although limitations were experienced, including a small number of participants, the results of combining self-portraiture and self-reflection and insight were mainly positive. It was concluded that this process could be proposed as a means to enhance self-reflection amongst students. Recommendations from the workshops included scaling up the process to include greater numbers of students and reaching an agreement with LNU to hold periodic self-portraiture workshops throughout the academic year, to enhance students’ self-reflection, insight and art skills. The author concluded that by holding workshops to paint self-portraits, along with exercises in self-reflection and insight, she had created a safe space for reflection. In future, students could be provided with guidance and support to use art as a platform for improving Self-reflection and insight, and at the same time enhance their art skills and potentially improve their well-being.

Marketing Transformation : A qualitative study on how companies should cope with an empowered customer in the digital era

Freudenthal, Max, Olsson, Tedh January 2019 (has links)
With the change in behaviour from the customers’ side, due to the increased use of digital environments, marketers have seen a value in customer related data. In order to fully benefit from the data, many marketing efforts have been brought back in to the own organisation. This study aims to further explain how the marketing department have been affected by the changing in-house trend and give practical suggestions on how to cope with the challenges. Previous research in the area has been reviewed and a summary has been conducted. The data collection consisted of semi-structured interviews with marketers from various industries. Respondents with insightful information in the modern marketing department was interviewed and the findings later analysed. The analysis was conducted with support of categories established from the findings in the literature review. The study resulted in a confirmation of the in-house trend in modern marketing departments and the challenges facing them. The findings of the study have contributed to previous literature by confirming and adding insights in a field where most research is made by trade organisations. An independent academic study in the field could be seen as an important addition to the existing literature in the area. For marketers in the area, a greater understanding of the problem will help make the marketing efforts more effective. Key findings include the importance in understanding the customer and what is required in order to make best use of the in-house marketing department.

Konsumentinsikt på ölmarknaden : En kvalitativ studie om köpbeslut och uppfattning av autenticitet bland konsumenter av hantverksöl / Customer insight in the craft beer market : A qualitative study focusing on choice of brand and perception of authenticity amongst craft beer consumers

Rönnholm, Marcus, Lindström, Jesper January 2019 (has links)
Under de senaste årtiondet har mikrobryggerier runt om i världen tagit allt större marknadsandelar från nationella och internationella bryggerier. Trots en växande marknad är marknadsklimatet däremot långt ifrån idealiskt för många småbryggare. Lönsamheten är låg och marknaden präglas av hårdare konkurrens. Att upprätthålla konkurrenskraft är därmed allt viktigare för mikrobryggeriernas överlevnad. För att skapa konkurrenskraft är det fördelaktigt att ha god förståelse för konsumenten. Då tidigare forskning pekar på att strävan efter autenticitet är en betydande del av konsumtionen finns det två kritiska frågor när det kommer till konsumentinsikt inom marknaden. Varför väljer konsumenter ett specifikt varumärke inom hantverksöl? Vilka egenskaper är mest inflytelserika för att en konsument ska uppfatta ett varumärke inom hantverksöl som autentiskt? En kvalitativ studie genomfördes för att få svar på dessa frågor. Utifrån studiens analys och resultat är sociokulturella och transformativa motiv framträdande i konsumtionen. Valet av varumärke påverkas starkt av sociala influenser, kvalitet och exogena faktorer som smak och identitet. Lokal anknytning till varumärket är en framträdande variabel i köpbeslutet. Faktorer som påverkar intrycket av autenticitet är en blandning av egenskaper som kvalitet, värderingar, historia. Respondenterna grundar sin bedömning både på känsla och objektiv information. Det emotionella intrycket tenderar däremot att ha en större effekt på studiens deltagare. Avslutningsvis framgår det att trovärdighet är en avgörande aspekt för att ett varumärke inom hantverksöl ska kunna upprätthålla ett autentiskt intryck. / During the last decade microbreweries have been steadily gaining market share from the large national and international beer breweries. However, despite a growing market the current state is not ideal for most brands seeking to expand their operation. For instance, the market is characterized by fragmentation and there is a widespread agreement that consumers are enchanted by novelty. Still, little is know about the craft beer consumer. As previous research conclude that consumption of craft products is closely associated with the search for authenticity two critical questions emerge in terms customer insight. Why do consumers choose a specific craft beer brand? What influences a consumer to ascribe authenticity to a craft beer brand? A qualitative study was conducted to address these questions. Based on the analysis of the results the consumption is catalysed by an interworking process of taste, socio-cultural and psycho-transformative needs. The choice of brand is strongly influenced by quality, social stimuli and exogenous variables such as taste and self-congruity. A sense of local identity tends to evoke strong self-congruity effects. Variables underpinning authenticity includes a mixture of properties such as quality, values, brand heritage. While respondents draw on both indexical and icon cues to base judgements, iconic cues tends to generate strong effects in first encounter with brands. Finally, credibility in all forms is shown to be crucial in order to sustain an authentic impression as a Swedish craft beer brand.

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