Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cnc"" "subject:"nnc""
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La mobilité des abonnés au service d'autopartage de Québec (Communauto) et leurs émissions de gaz à effet de serreAlexandre, Louis 17 April 2018 (has links)
L’autopartage est un concept qui s’est développé en Europe au début des années 90. Ce service s'adresse à une clientèle (particuliers ou entreprises) qui utilise sporadiquement la voiture ou qui, par choix ou en raison de contraintes, ne possède pas de voiture. La voiture est "partagée" entre plusieurs abonnés qui peuvent l'utiliser suite à une réservation à l'heure ou à la journée. L’autopartage, est un phénomène émergent et en forte croissance, tant en Europe qu’en Amérique du Nord. En 2006, l’autopartage était disponible dans 600 villes de par le monde, avec près de 348 000 adhérents se partageant l’usage de 11 700 voitures. En 1994, Auto-Com inaugurait à Québec le premier service pérenne d'autopartage en Amérique du Nord. Devenue par la suite Communauto, cette société est maintenant bien implantée dans quatre régions urbaines du Québec (Montréal et sa banlieue rapprochée, Québec-Lévis, Gatineau et Sherbrooke), avec plus de 20 000 abonnés en 2010, dont 3 000 à Québec et une croissance annuelle d’environ 20% ces dernières années. Ce service disponible à ses débuts dans les centres-villes s’étend maintenant aux banlieues de première et de deuxième couronne. Ce phénomène mérite donc d’être étudié en regard de son impact sur la mobilité. Les choix de mobilité des usagers de l’autopartage sont-ils semblables à ceux des autres automobilistes? Les abonnés utilisent-ils plutôt cette forme d’accès à l’automobile en complément des transports collectifs et actifs? Les utilisateurs de l’autopartage doivent réserver une voiture, se déplacer pour y accéder et payer en fonction de son utilisation (coûts fixes compris). En comparaison, une voiture possédée est toujours disponible et seuls les coûts variables d’utilisation sont apparents (essence et stationnement). Les contraintes de temps, de distance et de coût associés à l'autopartage devraient ainsi se traduire par une plus grande utilisation des modes de transport complémentaires (marche, vélo, transport en commun et taxi). On peut donc anticiper que les abonnés à l'autopartage consomment moins d'énergie et émettent moins de GES (gaz à effet de serre) lors de leurs déplacements que les propriétaires d'automobiles. Par contre, certains abonnés au service d'autopartage n'avaient pas de voiture avant leur abonnement; leur mobilité pourrait être plus grande qu'auparavant ou par rapport à des personnes non motorisées habitant le même secteur. Pour vérifier si le bilan des émissions de GES des abonnés est supérieur ou inférieur à celui de la population en général, une enquête a été réalisée d’avril à juin 2009 auprès d’un échantillon d’abonnés de Communauto à Québec, afin de recueillir l’ensemble de leurs déplacements durant une semaine. Afin de minimiser les coûts d’une telle enquête hebdomadaire, une approche innovatrice a été utilisée en développant une enquête Web dans le cadre d’un projet du RCE GEOIDE et de financements du CRSH et du FQRSC. Les répondants devaient identifier leurs lieux d’activités sur une carte (application utilisant les fonctionnalités de Google Maps). Par la suite, les lieux localisés par le répondant étaient disponibles pour remplir un carnet de déplacements par l’intermédiaire de menus déroulants. Le défi pour élaborer cette enquête fut grand, car il n’existe que peu d’exemples de ce type. L’enquête devait aussi retenir l’adhésion des participants durant une semaine. Au final, 57 abonnés de Communauto de Québec ont complété l’enquête WEB sur la mobilité et les résultats ont été comparés à ceux d’un groupe témoin (122 répondants) déjà enquêté avec des méthodes classiques (questionnaires et entrevues) en 2002 et 2003 à Québec (projet PROCESSUS financé par le CRSH et GEOIDE). La comparaison des deux méthodes d’enquête montre l’excellent potentiel d’une approche par l’intermédiaire d’internet. L’expérience fut riche en enseignements et résultats qui intéresseront sûrement toute personne désirant développer une enquête WEB sur la mobilité. Ainsi, des différences significatives ont été mesurées dans l’utilisation des outils de localisation selon le genre et le niveau de scolarité. En termes de mobilité, les résultats de l’étude sont probants. Les parts modales des abonnés de Communauto sont très similaires à celles des ménages non motorisés du groupe témoin et le bilan des émissions de GES est significativement moindre que celui de la population témoin pour tous les secteurs de la région de Québec (centre-ville, anciennes banlieues et nouvelles banlieues). Des différences sont aussi perceptibles en fonction du degré de motorisation et de la localisation du lieu de résidence, donc de la structure urbaine. / Car sharing is a concept developed in Europe during the 1990’s. This type of service is used by people and enterprises using car sporadically or that do not own a car, by choice or due to constraints. Car use is share among subscribers who must make a reservation to use it on an hourly or daily basis. This phenomenon is emerging and rapidly growing in Europe and North America. In 2006, car sharing was implemented in 600 cities around the World, meaning more than 348 000 subscribers sharing usage of 11 700 cars. In 1994, Auto-Com was launching in Quebec City, the first still existing car sharing service in North America. This company, now called Communauto, is now well implemented in four urban regions in the Province of Québec (Montréal and its inner ring of neighbourhoods, Québec-Lévis, Gatineau and Sherbrooke), having more than 20 000 subscribers in 2010, among which 3 000 are living in Québec City. The yearly growth rate was close to 20 % during the last few years. At the beginning, this service was mostly available downtown, but it is now well implemented in the first and second ring suburbs. The impact of this phenomenon on mobility deserves research. Is the mobility behaviour of car sharing users similar to that of other car drivers? Conversely, are the subscribers using this type of access to car as a complement to public and active transportation modes? Car sharing users must make a reservation, walk or move to access the vehicle and should pay in consideration of usage (fixed costs included). In comparison, an owned car is always available and only variable costs are immediately perceived (gas and parking). In theory, time constraints, distance and costs of using a shared car, should advantage other transportation modes (walking, biking, public transportation and taxi). Therefore, we anticipate that car sharing users are consuming less energy and generate less greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions than car owners, for their travelling needs. However, some car sharing subscribers did not have car access prior to their membership; their overall mobility could have increased or be higher than that on non-motorised people living in the same neighbourhood. The main purpose of this research aim at testing if the GHG emission balance of car sharing users is higher or lower than in the general population. A survey was realised between April and June of 2009 in order to collect all trips made by a sample of Communauto’s subscribers for an entire week. In order to minimize costs of such a weekly survey, a novel approach based on the Web was developed, thanks to a NCE GEOIDE Network initiative, receiving complementary funding from SSHRC and FQRSC. Respondents were asked to locate their activity places on an electronic map using a custom application based on Google Maps. Afterwards, places geo-referenced by respondents were used to fill seven daily trip logbooks using drop down menus. This survey was highly challenging because there are very few existing trip surveys using the Web. Moreover, the survey had to retain interest of respondent during an entire week. Finally, 57 Communauto’s subscribers living in Québec City filled an entire week logbook using the Web interface. Results of these car sharing users were compared to those of a control group (122 respondents) previously surveyed using pen-and-paper methods, in 2002 and 2003, also in Québec City (PROCESSUS Network funded by SSHRC and GEOIDE). When making comparison of both methods, one can understand the excellent potential of the Web-based survey. The experiment was very informative and the results are of great interest for those who want to develop a Web survey on mobility. Significant differences were observed for the selection of location tools between genders and among education levels. Findings are convincing with strong differences in mobility behaviours between car sharing users and others. Modal shares of car sharing users are very similar to those of non-motorized people in the control group and the average GHG emissions balance of car sharing subscribers is significantly lower than that of the control group for all considered neighbourhoods in Quebec City (downtown, older suburbs, new suburbs). Differences can also be established based on motorization, residential location and the nature of urban fabric.
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De la popularité à l'obscurité : les rouages de la montée et du déclin de Federal Union, Inc. aux États-Unis, 1939-1945Loignon, Sacha 24 April 2018 (has links)
Ce mémoire examine les fondements de la montée ainsi que du déclin de l'organisation non gouvernementale Federal Union, Inc. aux États-Unis entre 1939 et 1945. Ce regroupement, mis sur pied par Clarence K. Streit dans l'optique de faire la promotion de son projet internationaliste décrit dans son livre intitulé Union Now: A Proposal for a Federal Union of the Democracies of the North Atlantic, connut durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale un élan de popularité remarquable qui l'amena à l'avant-scène des débats sur la gestion des relations interétatiques, avant de s'essouffler rapidement, malgré l'intérêt qu'il suscita au cours de ses premières années d'existence. Dans les faits, ce phénomène, s'avéra étroitement lié au contexte historique, à l'idéologie défendue par le mouvement, de même qu'à l'organisation et à la gestion des activités de Federal Union, Inc. Ainsi, par l'étude d'un cas particulier, ce mémoire ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre sur l'internationalisme américain durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un champ d'études négligé par les chercheurs. Avec pour principal objectif d'offrir une réflexion articulée sur le fédéralisme mondial, une idéologie toujours très peu étudiée à ce jour par les historiens, cette étude mettra en lumière les rouages expliquant les hauts et les bas de cette ligne de pensée politique à l'époque. Ce faisant, le lecteur sera amené à repenser le mouvement internationaliste américain, traditionnellement perçu comme triomphant au cours de la guerre de 1939 à 1945. Il permettra de surcroît de réfléchir aux facteurs favorisant la transformation de la pensée politique au sein d'une société, tels que l'opinion publique et le rôle des organisations non gouvernementales ainsi que des groupes d'intérêt.
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專利訴訟發動與應訴策略之研究—以義隆電子控告禾瑞亞為例 / A Study on Patent Litigation Launching and Responding Strategies – A Case Study on the ELAN vs. EETI林曉玟, Lin, Hsiao Wen Unknown Date (has links)
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紀實娛樂頻道節目全球在地化歷程探析—以Discovery在台灣的發展為例 / The Analysis of Glocalization Process on Nonfiction Entertainment Television Program: take Discovery Channel in Taiwan for example鄭淑文, Cheng,Shuwen Unknown Date (has links)
90年代各國政府對媒體的解除管制(deregulation)、傳播媒體集團間合作策略日興、逐漸形成媒體集團,加上新媒介技術的發展(光纖和衛星技術的發展),為跨國媒體的市場版圖拓展提供了有利條件,在市場機能的運作的背景下,全球的電信業自由化影響台灣電訊傳播民營化,因應全球化、自由化的浪潮,以及市場開放趨勢,全球主要知名頻道紛紛佔據台灣市場,例如CNN、HBO、DISCOVERY頻道、國家地理頻道、ESPN、STAR TV、Disney等。跨國媒體集團在台灣除了經營大眾娛樂的頻道之外,另一類受到觀眾喜愛的「特定類型頻道」為「紀實娛樂」(nonfiction entertainment)頻道。
承上,本研究設定跨國媒體集團為討論範圍,欲探討跨國媒體集團—面對變化所因應的策略,以Discovery傳播集團為探討個案,希望歸納出其「全球在地化」經營策略, 探討Discovery頻道在台灣之在地化策略實踐成效。 / This research is for the purpose of discussing Nonfiction Entertainment channel –Discovery, its management achievements, the history of localization of programming, the characteristic of arrangement of program telecast, and how the channel cooperate with locally produce productation teams.
This research adopts the globalize vision, to analyze and inspect the characteristic of the 12 years on the foreign own channel –Discovery.
This study shows that the Discovery channel’s Taiwan's management achievements are related to the channel’s strategy on global localization. The strategy not only affects the channel’s penetration rate and steady growth of advertisement income, this strategy also affect in programming and business practice. The whole says,
Discovery’s localization is under the pattern development of "global management, international vision, and local viewpoint.”
Its program characteristic is mostly base on traveling program taking from the headquarters supply. Program of subjects about Americas region and Asian region are equal. There are three types of Taiwanese subject programs; they are provided by cooperate, joint venture or outside production. Joint venture productions are growing rapidly, almost match the number of cooperate provide programs.
The research also discovered that, the Discovery channel’s evolution of localize program productions are achieved gradually. In the produces system, manufacture management, the program quality, the narrative way, and the image style must conform to its program formula. Although the local responses are intense, it also has its gain after adjustment.
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Integrated silicon technology and hardware design techniques for ultra-wideband and next generation wireless systemsHuo, Yiming 18 May 2017 (has links)
The last two decades have witnessed the CMOS processes and design techniques develop and prosper with unprecedented speed. They have been widely employed in contemporary integrated circuit (IC) commercial products resulting in highly added value. Tremendous e orts have been devoted to extend and optimize the CMOS process and its application for future wireless communication systems. Meanwhile, the last twenty years have also seen the fast booming of the wireless communication technology typically characterized by the mobile communication technology, WLAN technology, WPAN technology, etc.
Nowadays, the spectral resource is getting increasingly scarce, particularly over the frequency from 0.7 to 6 GHz, whether the employed frequency band is licensed or not. To combat this dilemma, the ultra wideband (UWB) technology emerges to
provide a promising solution for short-range wireless communication while using an unlicensed wide band in an overlay manner. Another trend of obtaining more spectrum is moving upwards to higher frequency bands. The WiFi-Alliance has already developed a certi cation program of the 60-GHz band. On the other side, millimeterwave (mmWave) frequency bands such as 28-GHz, 38-GHz, and 71-GHz are likely to be licensed for next generation wireless communication networks. This new trend poses both a challenge and opportunity for the mmWave integrated circuits design.
This thesis combines the state-of-the-art IC and hardware technologies and design
techniques to implement and propose UWB and 5G prototyping systems. First of
all, by giving a thorough analysis of a transmitted reference pulse cluster (TRPC)
scheme and mathematical modeling, a TRPC-UWB transceiver structure is proposed
and its features and speci cations are derived. Following that, the detailed design,
fabrication and veri cation of the TRPC-UWB transmitter front end and wideband
voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs) in CMOS process is presented. The TRPCUWB
transmitter demonstrates a state-of-the-art energy e ciency of 38.4 pJ/pulse.
Secondly, a novel system architecture named distributed phased array based MIMO
(DPA-MIMO) is proposed as a solution to overcome design challenges for the future
5G cellular user equipment (UE) design. In addition, a prototyping design of on-chip
mmWave antenna with radiation e ciency enhancement is presented for the IEEE
802.11ad application.
Furthermore, two wideband K-band VCO prototypes based on two di erent topologies
are designed and fabricated in a standard CMOS process. They both show good
performance at center frequencies of 22.3 and 26.1 GHz. Finally, two CMOS mmWave
VCO prototypes working at the potential future 5G frequency bands are presented
with measurement results. / Graduate / 2018-04-30 / amenghym@gmail.com
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Protection or Equality? : A Feminist Analysis of Protective Labor Legislation in UAW v. Johnson Controls, Inc.Lowery, Christina 12 1900 (has links)
This study provides a feminist analysis of protective labor legislation in the Supreme Court case of UAW v. Johnson Controls, Inc. History of protection rhetoric and precedented cases leading up to UAW are provided. Using a feminist analysis, this study argues that the victory for women's labor rights in UAW is short lived, and the cycle of protection rhetoric continues with new pro-business agendas replacing traditional justifications for "protecting" women in the work place. The implications of this and other findings are discussed.
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Je etický kodex cestou k etickému chovaniu? / Is code of conduct the way for ethical behaviour?Mintál, Martin January 2010 (has links)
The main task of my master's thesis is to identify the function of the code of conduct in multinational corporations, it's real gain in the proces of solving various situations and the measure of it's implementation into the supply chain. Through the comparison of two codes of conduct of multinational corporations is shown the measure of involvement and efficiency of standards stated in these codes applicable in real business environment. Theoretical part is an introduction needed to gain an overall knowledge about this theme. Main part is dedicated to code of conduct, it's content, categories and meaning in business. Also the business ethics is involved and the demand for implementation it's principals into business practices of multinational corporations. Practical part uses the knowledge gained from my bachelor's thesis about influence of globalisation on multinational corporation Nike, Inc, which are extended by up-to-date information. The choice of european corporation IKEA has the contribution to comparison and evaluation of codes of conduct of two different companies in wide range of aspects. The main effort is according to the collected information and their further analysis to evaluate the purpose and efficiency of code of conduct in everyday use of companies.
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RSSF para detec??o de inc?ndios florestais em tempo realCorreia, Thiago de Almeida 15 December 2017 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2017-12-15 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas ? PUC Campinas / This document presents a planning and communication strategy in wireless sensor networks for the real-time detection of forest fires. Wireless sensor networks, even being a low-cost technology, can be used for risk applications such as in the forest fire prevention and detection, effectively compared to other technologies more expensive. They can also be used in the monitoring of information that could contribute to diagnose the cause of a particular forest fire. The communication strategy was implemented in a wireless sensor network installed in a eucalyptus forest. In addition to the communication strategy, this
project carried out a physical planning of the area, to locate the best points of installation of the sensor nodes. In both tests were used radio modules operating at 915 MHz. The geographic localization of each radio module was planned based on the intensity of the signal received by each module and considering its position within a mesh topology. The effectiveness of the communication strategy was measured through the PER and the average delay. The robustness of the strategy in case of radio module failure were also investigated and evaluated. / No presente trabalho ? apresentada uma estrat?gia comunica??o em redes de sensores sem fio para a detec??o em tempo real de inc?ndios florestais. Redes de sensores sem fios mesmo sendo uma tecnologia de baixo custo, podem ser utilizadas para aplica??es de risco como na preven??o e detec??o de inc?ndios florestais, de forma eficaz comparada com outras tecnologias mais caras. Elas tamb?m podem ser utilizadas na coleta de informa??es contribuindo em diagnosticar a causa de um determinado inc?ndio florestal. A estrat?gia de comunica??o foi implementada em uma rede de sensores sem fio instalada dentro de uma floresta de eucalipto. Al?m da estrat?gia de comunica??o este projeto realizou um planejamento f?sico da ?rea, para localizar os melhores pontos de instala??o dos n?s sensores. Para ambos os testes foram utilizados m?dulos de r?dio operando em 915 MHz. O posicionamento geogr?fico de cada m?dulo de r?dio foi planejado baseando-se na intensidade do sinal recebido por cada m?dulo e considerando o seu posicionamento dentro de uma topologia em malha. A efic?cia da estrat?gia de comunica??o foi mensurada atrav?s dos par?metros:
taxa de perda de pacotes, atraso m?dio da coleta e processamento dos pacotes. A robustez da estrat?gia perante falhas do m?dulo de r?dio, tamb?m foi investigada e avaliada.
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Jesu återkomst den 21 maj 2011 : En undersökning om Harold Campings kristna domedagsrörelseIggström, Marita January 2011 (has links)
I denna uppsats har jag undersökt hur Harold Campings domedagsrörelses, ”Campingitismens” och därmed radiostantionsnätverk Family Stations Inc.s, religiösa föreställningsvärld ser ut som de sprider världen över. Undersökningen går igenom frågorna: (1) vem är mannen bakom profetian om den 21 maj 2011?, (2) vilka är Harold Campings centrala läror och vad grundar de sig på?, (3) på vad grundar sig hans profetia om Jesu återkomst den 21 maj 2011?, (4) vad är hans föreställning om frälsning och hur kan man realisera detta mål?, (5) hur skiljer sig ”Campingitismens” frälsningsläror från Heaven’s Gates eller finns det några likheter mellan dem? (6) vad är det som lockar folk till ”Campingi-tismen”? 89-årige amerikanen, Harold Camping verkställande chef och grundare av USAs nittonde största radiostationsnätverk Family Stations Inc., kallad Family Radio tolkar Bibeln samt profeterar om domedagen på sitt allegorisk sätt genom sina radiosändningar, internet, satellit TV och sina 30-tal böcker och häften runt om i världen. Hans mening tycks vara att evangelisera var och en här på jorden. Utan att ha någon teologisk utbildning verkar han ändå kunna sin Bibel från pärm till pärm. Campings centrala läror hänger strikt ihop med Bibeln, den är den enda ultimata sanningen som ska lydas ordagrant. Hans förhållande till religion, till ett kristet liv och Bibeln har kalvinistiska influenser och fundamentalistiska drag enligt min uppfattning. Läran om den dubbla predestinationen anser jag också som uppenbart inom hans läror. Just nu fokuserar han på sin profetia, dess hållbarhet och vad Jesu återkomst har för konsekvenser för troende och icke-troende. Enligt Camping grundar hans profetia sig på noggranna bibelstudier och hans ”bevismaterial” innebär en mäktig mängd av numerologi, matematik och allegoriseringar. Campings förhållningssätt till frälsning kan beskrivs bäst som redan nämnt läran om den dubbla predestinationen – frälsning är alltid oförtjänt, man kan inte påverka den på något vis och den är bestämd redan i förväg av Gud likaväl dem vars öde det är att bli annihilerade för gott medan t.ex. Heavens Gates medlemmar ansträngde sig hårt att uppnå den nästa evolutionära nivån och slutligen deras himmelrike T.E.L.A.H, för att bli en asexual silverfärgad varelse i kosmos. ”Campingitismens” ökade popularitet kan bero på samtida omständigheter som präglas av politiska och ekonomiska problem, naturkatastrofer, kris, storolyckor osv. som i sin tur lyfter upp det andliga hos människor. Dessutom är folk runt i världen i olika grad besvikna på samhällets institutioner och ”Campingitismen” kan utgöra ett slags protest mot det moderna och därmed mot olika institutioner och myndigheter.
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Analysis, Implementation and Enhancement of Vendor dependent and independent Layer-2 Network Topology Discovery / Analyse, Implementierung und Verbesserung von Hersteller abhängigem und unabhängigem Layer-2 Netzwerk Topologie ErkennungBarthel, Alexander 26 May 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This work shows and implements possibilities of OSI Layer-2 Network Topology Discovery based on information from Cisco Discovery Protocol, Spanning Tree Protocol and Switches' Filtering Databases. / Diese Arbeit zeigt und implementiert Möglichkeiten zur OSI Layer-2 Netzwerk Topologie Erkennung basierend auf Informationen des Cisco Discovery Protocol, Spanning Tree Protocol und Switch Filter Datenbanken.
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