Spelling suggestions: "subject:"indirect"" "subject:"undirect""
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The effect of laser induced thermal ablation on liver tumoursNikfarjam, Mehrdad Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Laser thermal ablation (LTA) is an in situ ablative technique that induces heat destruction of liver tumours. Despite increasing clinical use of LTA, reports of long-term outcomes and limitation of treatment in specific cohorts of patients with liver tumours are lacking. In addition, the mechanisms of action of therapy have not been fully elucidated. This study highlights the long-term clinical results and limitations of LTA in the treatment of a cohort of patients with unresectable colorectal liver metastases and examines the mechanisms of action of thermal ablative injury in a murine model.
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Apport des analyses chimiques multi technique à la compréhension du comportement des éléments traces dans les filières sidérurgiques anciennes. Application aux études de provenance et à la distinction des procédés. Le cas du Pays de Bray normand.Desaulty, Anne-Marie 24 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Afin de déterminer la provenance et le procédé d'élaboration (procédé direct, indirect) d'objet en fer archéologiques, cette étude a cherché à préciser le comportement des éléments traces dans les filières sidérurgiques anciennes. Pour caractériser ce comportement il est nécessaire d'étudier les déchets et produits issus de l'ensemble des deux filières. Rappelons qu'à l'issue de ces procédés anciens, l'objet a la particularité de contenir une partie de scorie, le déchet de la réduction (procédé direct) ou de l'affinage (procédé indirect) sous forme d'inclusion. La taille de ces inclusions et d'une manière générale l'hétérogénéité des échantillons archéologiques ont nécessité pour déterminer leur composition en éléments majeurs et traces d'employer une approche multi échelle (analyses macroscopique, microscopique) requérant l'utilisation d'un grand nombre de techniques d'analyse (EDS, ICP-MS, INAA, LA-ICP-MS). Le corpus étudié est composé d'échantillons provenant de sites archéologiques du Pays de Bray et de réductions expérimentales effectuées à partir de minerai brayon. Celui-ci a également été complété par des spécimens provenant d'autres régions et des données de la base Palsid ont également été utilisées. L'étude de ces échantillons a montré que les scories et donc les inclusions des objets issues de la réduction directe contiennent la plupart des éléments traces présents initialement dans le minerai, alors que les inclusions et scories indirectes sont issues de l'affinage d'une fonte considérablement épurée. Ce sont donc les ordres de grandeur des teneurs de ces éléments (La, Ce, Sm, U...) dans les inclusions des objets, qui permettent de distinguer les deux procédés. Une méthodologie afin de caractériser la signature chimique d'une région géologique a également été établie. La « signature métal » permet de pister le minerai utilisé dans le métal de l'objet (Co/Ni, As/Sb). La «signature déchet » valable uniquement pour des échantillons issus du procédé direct permet de relier les scories, et les inclusions de l'objet fini aux minerais employés (teneurs absolues en éléments majeurs et traces, Si/Al, K/Ca, Mg/Al, K/Al, Sm/Th, Th/U, La/Yb, Y/Yb, Hf/Nb, Eu/Sm, Cs/Rb, Th/Sc). Les « signatures déchet et métal » du Pays de Bray ont été comparées à celles d'autres régions afin de tester leur pouvoir de discrimination. Il apparaît que l'utilisation de ces signatures permet de nettement séparer des échantillons d'origines différentes. Il est ainsi possible d'appliquer cette méthodologie à une problématique historique précise : la détermination des échanges commerciaux entre Rouen et le Pays de Bray au Moyen Âge. Dans ce but des fers de construction des églises rouennaises ont été étudiés. Les « signatures déchets » de ces objets sont très variables d'un échantillon à l'autre et différentes de celle du Pays de Bray. Ces résultats permettent de réfuter l'hypothèse d'une arrivée massive de fer brayon à Rouen au Moyen Âge et plaident pour un approvisionnement des chantiers de la ville fortement lié aux opportunités économiques et politiques, expliquant ainsi la très grande diversité des signatures.
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Problematiska faktorer för krishantering vid olika ledarskapsnivåer i verkliga krissituationer / Problematic Factors for Crisis Management in Various Leadership Levels in Real Crisis SituationsMarkbåge, Sebastian January 2006 (has links)
<p>Denna kvalitativa studie undersöker ledarskapsfaktorer hos räddningschefer och kommunalråd i svenska kommuner som varit med om betydelsefulla krissituationer. Intervjudata ifrån två tidigare studier användes. Räddningschefer representerade det direkta ledarskapet medan kommunalråden representerade det indirekta ledarskapet. Analysen genomfördes huvudsakligen enligt Grounded Theory. Två dimensioner identifierades. Den kronologiska dimensionen bestod av faktorer före, under och efter själva krishändelsen. Organisations-dimensionen bestod av faktorer inom den intervjuades egen organisation, utanför den egna organisationen och mellan organisationer. Den senare dimensionen kunde förklaras av att båda ledargrupperna klassificerats som exekutivt ledarskap. Överlag ansåg båda yrkesgrupperna att informationsflöde och samverkan var problematiska faktorer. Yrkesgrupperna var inte matchade på viktiga variabler vilket försvårade analys av skillnaden mellan det indirekta och direkta ledarskapet.</p> / <p>This qualitative thesis studies leadership factors in rescue commanders and mayors in Swedish municipalities that have been affected by important crisis situations. Interview data from two earlier studies was used. Rescue commanders represented the direct leadership while the mayors represented the indirect leadership. The analysis was mainly carried out according to Grounded Theory. Two dimensions was identified. The chronological dimension contained factors before, during and after the crisis event. The organisation dimension contained factors within the interviewee’s own organisation, outside the own organisation and between organisations. The later dimension could be explained by attributing the qualities of executive leadership to both of the groups. Both groups did find information flow and cooperation to be problematic factors overall. The groups weren’t matched on important variables which made analysis of differences in the direct and indirect leadership difficult.</p>
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On the Use of <sup>76</sup>Br-labelled Monoclonal Antibodies for PET : Preclinical Evaluation of Halogenated Antibodies for Diagnosis and Treatment of CancerHöglund, Johanna January 2002 (has links)
<p>Radioactive substances are used <i>in vivo</i> to localize and characterize malignant tumours, generally by scintigraphic methods. In this context positron emission tomography (PET) in combination with radiolabelled monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) may provide a sensitive and specific method for detection of cancer. Individual dose calculations, based on such PET measurements, may be carried out to predict the possible use of mAbs labelled with therapeutic nuclides. The positron emitter <sup>76</sup>Br, with a half-life of 16 h, is a well-suited candidate for radiolabelling and PET imaging. One drawback of radiobromine is that bromide, the ultimate catabolite after degradation of brominated mAb, is only tardily excreted from the body and is evenly distributed throughout the extracellular space, thereby increasing the background radioactivity. The aim of this work was to produce <sup>76</sup>Br-mAb preparations with high accumulation and retention in tumour tissue together with a quick clearance of <sup>76</sup>Br-labelled catabolites. Furthermore, the possibility to use brominated or iodinated mAbs in combination with PET to predict <sup>211</sup>At-mAb dosimetry was evaluated.</p><p>Monoclonal Abs directed against colorectal cancer were labelled with <sup>76</sup>Br using the direct Chloramine-T-method or indirectly by labelling the precursor molecule N-succinimidyl para-(tri-methylstannyl) benzoate with <sup>76</sup>Br, which was subsequently conjugated to the mAbs. Monoclonal Ab A33 labelled with <sup>76</sup>Br using the two labelling protocols was characterized in vitro and in vivo in a rat tumour xenograft model. The mAb A33 was also labelled with <sup>125</sup>I for comparison. In addition, mAb A33 was labelled with <sup>211</sup>At, <sup>125</sup>I and <sup>76</sup>Br using the indirect labelling protocol and the mAb pharmacokinetics was studied in normal rats in order to estimate if data from brominated or iodinated mAb could be used for dosimetry of <sup>211</sup>At in healthy organs and tissue.</p><p>In conclusion, both direct and indirect labelling resulted in high yields and mAbs with preserved immunoreactivity. <i>In vivo</i> characterization of <sup>76</sup>Br-brominated mAb A33 showed that the indirect labelling method makes <sup>76</sup>Br-brominated mAb A33 a promising candidate for tumour imaging with PET due to the faster excretion of radiolabelled catabolites compared with direct bromination. Finally, mAb A33 labelled with <sup>76</sup>Br and <sup>124/125</sup>I can be used to predict the <sup>211</sup>At dose of astatinated mAb A33 in most organs given that a correction factor is applied for organs with varying uptake.</p>
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Tempo och manöverkrig : svenska doktriner och tillämpning / Tempo and maneuver warfare : Swedish doctrines and applicationvon Horn, Wilhelm January 2009 (has links)
<p>Manövertänkandet har vuxit fram som ett resultat av ny tekniks tillämpning i gammal krigföring. Framförallt Tyskland och England har utvecklat det vi idag kallar manöverkrigföring. Kopplat till den utvecklingen uppkom nya teorier om framgångsfaktorer i striden. Idén om den indirekta metoden var banbrytande och fick stort genomslag för dagens syn på krigföring. Inom manöverkriget fick även en ny ledningsmetod utrymme att växa sig stark, uppdragstaktiken är nu vida spridd runt om i världens försvarsmakter.</p><p>Svenska försvarsmaktens grundläggande koncept för insatser med alla svenska förband är manövertänkandet. Detta manövertänkande har sina grunder i de tyska och engelska teorierna från mellankrigstiden. Dess ledningsmetod är uppdragstaktiken och genomsyrar hela den svenska militära strukturen. </p><p>Uppsatsen undersöker och diskuterar tempots betydelse för manöverkrigföringen, dels som fysisk rörelse men även som en beslutscykel. Jag har kommit fram till följande resultat; initiativet är nyckeln till framgång, initiativ vinns genom ett offensivt agerande med uppdragstaktiken som grund.</p> / <p>Maneuver warfare has gradually developed as a result of new technology being used in old ways to wage war. Especially Germany and England have developed what we today call maneuver warfare. As a natural result in the development of how to wage war, new ideas of how success would be achieved also came forth. The idea of an indirect approach was revolutionary and gained a strong foothold in how we today perceive war making. In maneuver warfare a new philosophy of leadership has also been given wide recognition, today mission tactics is spread throughout the world.</p><p>The Swedish armed forces basic concept of operations is maneuver thinking. This has its roots in the German and English doctrines developed during the time between the first and second world wars. Its leadership philosophy is mission tactics and can bee seen and identified throughout the Swedish armed forces structure.</p><p>This essay researches and discusses the meaning of the term tempo in maneuver warfare, both as physical movement and as a decisive cycle. I have come to these conclusions; initiative is key to success, initiative is won thru acting offensively with mission tactics as a base.</p>
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Manöverkrigföringens indirekta och direkta metod : en studie i fördelningen av dessa vid flyginsatser under Operation Desert StormDeretic, Goran January 2009 (has links)
<p>En av huvuddelarna i manöverkrigföringen, som Försvarsmakten nyttjar, är indirekt och direkt metod. Men då Sverige inte har varit i krig på väldigt länge så beslöt jag att skriva denna uppsats i syfte att skapa ett underlag för en ökad förståelse för nyttjandet av indirekt och direkt metod vid manöverkrigföring. För att göra detta så försökte jag svara på följande fråga:</p><ul><li>Hur ser fördelningen mellan indirekt och direkt metod ut vid flyginsatser i krig under 1990-talet?</li></ul><p>För att få ett svar på frågan så gjorde jag en fallstudie på Operation Desert Storm där jag först analyserade vilken metod de allierade styrkorna använde mot de olika anfallsmålen. Efter detta gjorde jag en undersökning i hur många anfall och uppdrag som genomfördes mot varje mål. Resultaten visade bland annat att även om de flesta målen var kritiska sårbarheter, där indirekt metod nyttjades, så gjordes de flesta anfallen med direkt metod.</p> / <p>A fundamental part of the manoeuvre warfare, which the Swedish Armed Forces use, is indirect and direct approach. But since Sweden has not been in a war for a long time I decided to write this essay with the purpose to create a basis of further understanding of how to use indirect and direct approach during manoeuvre warfare. To do this I have tried to answer the following question:</p><ul><li>How are the indirect and direct approach divided in air raids in wars during the 1990s?</li></ul><p>To answer this question I made a case study on Operation Desert Storm, where I first analysed which approach the allied forces used on the different targets. After that I made a research on how many attacks and missions they made on each target. The results showed among others that even though most of the targets were critical vulnerabilities, on which the indirect approach was used, the most part of the attacks were made using the direct approach.</p>
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On the Use of 76Br-labelled Monoclonal Antibodies for PET : Preclinical Evaluation of Halogenated Antibodies for Diagnosis and Treatment of CancerHöglund, Johanna January 2002 (has links)
Radioactive substances are used in vivo to localize and characterize malignant tumours, generally by scintigraphic methods. In this context positron emission tomography (PET) in combination with radiolabelled monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) may provide a sensitive and specific method for detection of cancer. Individual dose calculations, based on such PET measurements, may be carried out to predict the possible use of mAbs labelled with therapeutic nuclides. The positron emitter 76Br, with a half-life of 16 h, is a well-suited candidate for radiolabelling and PET imaging. One drawback of radiobromine is that bromide, the ultimate catabolite after degradation of brominated mAb, is only tardily excreted from the body and is evenly distributed throughout the extracellular space, thereby increasing the background radioactivity. The aim of this work was to produce 76Br-mAb preparations with high accumulation and retention in tumour tissue together with a quick clearance of 76Br-labelled catabolites. Furthermore, the possibility to use brominated or iodinated mAbs in combination with PET to predict 211At-mAb dosimetry was evaluated. Monoclonal Abs directed against colorectal cancer were labelled with 76Br using the direct Chloramine-T-method or indirectly by labelling the precursor molecule N-succinimidyl para-(tri-methylstannyl) benzoate with 76Br, which was subsequently conjugated to the mAbs. Monoclonal Ab A33 labelled with 76Br using the two labelling protocols was characterized in vitro and in vivo in a rat tumour xenograft model. The mAb A33 was also labelled with 125I for comparison. In addition, mAb A33 was labelled with 211At, 125I and 76Br using the indirect labelling protocol and the mAb pharmacokinetics was studied in normal rats in order to estimate if data from brominated or iodinated mAb could be used for dosimetry of 211At in healthy organs and tissue. In conclusion, both direct and indirect labelling resulted in high yields and mAbs with preserved immunoreactivity. In vivo characterization of 76Br-brominated mAb A33 showed that the indirect labelling method makes 76Br-brominated mAb A33 a promising candidate for tumour imaging with PET due to the faster excretion of radiolabelled catabolites compared with direct bromination. Finally, mAb A33 labelled with 76Br and 124/125I can be used to predict the 211At dose of astatinated mAb A33 in most organs given that a correction factor is applied for organs with varying uptake.
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Saisir l'insaisissable : les formes et les traductions du discours indirect libre dans des romans suédois et françaisJansson, Kristina January 2006 (has links)
Abstract Jansson, Kristina, 2006. Saisir l’insaisissable. Les formes et les traductions du discours indirect libre dans des romans suédois et français. Acta Wexionensia nr 86/2006. ISSN: XXXX-XXXX, ISBN: 91-7636-499-2. Written in French. The purpose of this study is to explore the possible forms and translations of free indirect discourse (discours indirect libre) in some French and Swedish novels written between 1880 and 1920. For the study, two corpora containing free indirect discourse (FID) were established: one with Swedish FID from some 40 novels written by August Strindberg, Selma Lagerlöf, Hjalmar Bergman and Hjalmar Söderberg and one with FID from one novel each by Émile Zola and Guy de Maupassant, and two by Anatole France. These two corpora were compared in order to examine the influence of grammar, translational norms and individual translators on the final result. Another purpose was to compare the forms of FID in French and Swedish since they differ somewhat. The biggest difference seems to be that Swedish has a greater aptitude for mixing elements from several levels of narration. The study itself is divided in two parts. The first one explores the individual characteristics that create FID, their forms and their translation. There seems to be no syntactical difference in the treatment of personal pronouns, the alterations seem to be the result of a change made by the translators. The treatment of verb tenses and adverbials differs somewhat. One of the characteristics of FID is that it combines deictic adverbials focalised through the characters with verb tenses focalised through the narrator. French adverbials, above all deictic time adverbials, are restricted in that they cannot occur juxtaposed to all verb tenses, whereas Swedish is free to do so to a higher extent, a difference that influences the translation. Verb tenses are also a problem in that the French language has two, passé simple and imparfait, the former rare in FID, where Swedish only has preteritum. Other characteristics of FID, such as repetitions, hesitations, the use of proper names etc. cause fewer problems in translation. The second part of the analysis handles the destiny of all of FID in translation. 91% of the French FID remain in the Swedish translations, whereas 82% remain in the French translations, numbers that show that there is a difference between the languages. This final part also analyses the reasons behind the transformation of FID into other forms of speech rendering in translation, including the translator’s influence over transformations that can be compared to that of the narrator over speech rendering.
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Tempo och manöverkrig : svenska doktriner och tillämpning / Tempo and maneuver warfare : Swedish doctrines and applicationvon Horn, Wilhelm January 2009 (has links)
Manövertänkandet har vuxit fram som ett resultat av ny tekniks tillämpning i gammal krigföring. Framförallt Tyskland och England har utvecklat det vi idag kallar manöverkrigföring. Kopplat till den utvecklingen uppkom nya teorier om framgångsfaktorer i striden. Idén om den indirekta metoden var banbrytande och fick stort genomslag för dagens syn på krigföring. Inom manöverkriget fick även en ny ledningsmetod utrymme att växa sig stark, uppdragstaktiken är nu vida spridd runt om i världens försvarsmakter. Svenska försvarsmaktens grundläggande koncept för insatser med alla svenska förband är manövertänkandet. Detta manövertänkande har sina grunder i de tyska och engelska teorierna från mellankrigstiden. Dess ledningsmetod är uppdragstaktiken och genomsyrar hela den svenska militära strukturen. Uppsatsen undersöker och diskuterar tempots betydelse för manöverkrigföringen, dels som fysisk rörelse men även som en beslutscykel. Jag har kommit fram till följande resultat; initiativet är nyckeln till framgång, initiativ vinns genom ett offensivt agerande med uppdragstaktiken som grund. / Maneuver warfare has gradually developed as a result of new technology being used in old ways to wage war. Especially Germany and England have developed what we today call maneuver warfare. As a natural result in the development of how to wage war, new ideas of how success would be achieved also came forth. The idea of an indirect approach was revolutionary and gained a strong foothold in how we today perceive war making. In maneuver warfare a new philosophy of leadership has also been given wide recognition, today mission tactics is spread throughout the world. The Swedish armed forces basic concept of operations is maneuver thinking. This has its roots in the German and English doctrines developed during the time between the first and second world wars. Its leadership philosophy is mission tactics and can bee seen and identified throughout the Swedish armed forces structure. This essay researches and discusses the meaning of the term tempo in maneuver warfare, both as physical movement and as a decisive cycle. I have come to these conclusions; initiative is key to success, initiative is won thru acting offensively with mission tactics as a base.
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Manöverkrigföringens indirekta och direkta metod : en studie i fördelningen av dessa vid flyginsatser under Operation Desert StormDeretic, Goran January 2009 (has links)
En av huvuddelarna i manöverkrigföringen, som Försvarsmakten nyttjar, är indirekt och direkt metod. Men då Sverige inte har varit i krig på väldigt länge så beslöt jag att skriva denna uppsats i syfte att skapa ett underlag för en ökad förståelse för nyttjandet av indirekt och direkt metod vid manöverkrigföring. För att göra detta så försökte jag svara på följande fråga: Hur ser fördelningen mellan indirekt och direkt metod ut vid flyginsatser i krig under 1990-talet? För att få ett svar på frågan så gjorde jag en fallstudie på Operation Desert Storm där jag först analyserade vilken metod de allierade styrkorna använde mot de olika anfallsmålen. Efter detta gjorde jag en undersökning i hur många anfall och uppdrag som genomfördes mot varje mål. Resultaten visade bland annat att även om de flesta målen var kritiska sårbarheter, där indirekt metod nyttjades, så gjordes de flesta anfallen med direkt metod. / A fundamental part of the manoeuvre warfare, which the Swedish Armed Forces use, is indirect and direct approach. But since Sweden has not been in a war for a long time I decided to write this essay with the purpose to create a basis of further understanding of how to use indirect and direct approach during manoeuvre warfare. To do this I have tried to answer the following question: How are the indirect and direct approach divided in air raids in wars during the 1990s? To answer this question I made a case study on Operation Desert Storm, where I first analysed which approach the allied forces used on the different targets. After that I made a research on how many attacks and missions they made on each target. The results showed among others that even though most of the targets were critical vulnerabilities, on which the indirect approach was used, the most part of the attacks were made using the direct approach.
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