Spelling suggestions: "subject:"forminformation asymmetric."" "subject:"informationation asymmetric.""
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Risker i årsredovisningar och halvårsrapporter : En jämförelse mellan 90 företag noterade på NASDAQ OMX Stockholm / Risks in annual reports and interim reports : A comparison of 90 companies listed on NASDAQ OMX StockholmCarlshagen, Ida January 2014 (has links)
Risk kan beskrivas som ”sannolikheten att drabbas av skada eller förlust” eller som ”sannolikheten att en händelse ska inträffa”. Begreppet risk saknar emellertid en allmänt accepterad definition. Företagen nämner vilka risker de har i sina årsredovisningar och halvårsrapporter. Problemet är att det finns stora skillnader mellan vilken inställning företagen har till hur utförligt de ska rapportera om sina risker. Det kan finnas både fördelar och nackdelar med att informera om risker. Den finansiella rapporten är ett sätt för intressenterna att få tillgång till värdefull information om företaget för att de sedan ska kunna fatta välgrundade beslut. Genom ett globalt intresse för de finansiella rapporterna har behovet av ett gemensamt regelverk ökat. Från och med 2005 ska alla börsnoterade företag i EU tillämpa IFRS i sin koncernredovisning för att det ska bli lättare för intressenterna att kunna jämföra olika alternativ. Det här innebär bland annat att företagen måste tillämpa de regler som finns i IAS 34 och IFRS 7 om risker och riskhantering.Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur företag som är börsnoterade på NASDAQ OMX Stockholm informerar om risker och riskhantering i årsredovisningar i jämförelse med halvårsrapporter. Dessutom syftar studien till att ta reda på om det finns något samband mellan hur företagen lämnar riskupplysningar och företagens storlek, branschtillhörighet och skuldsättningsgrad. Studien baseras på 90 årsredovisningar och 90 halvårsrapporter från 2012. Urvalet bestod från början av 203 företag listade på NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. Studien omfattar inte finansiella företag samt företag med brutet räkenskapsår.Studien visar att företagen informerar om betydligt fler strategiska, operativa och finansiella risker i årsredovisningarna än i halvårsrapporterna. Det kan bero på att IAS 34 ställer låga krav på hur mycket risker företagen måste upplysa om i halvårsrapporterna. Även riskhanteringen är lägre i halvårsrapporter än i årsredovisningar. Skillnaderna kan förklaras genom att företagen prioriterar relevans framför tillförlitlighet i halvårsrapporterna. Dessutom kan det grunda sig i att företagen anser att nyttan inte överstiger kostnaden att ge ut informationen till intressenterna. För övrigt kan det bero på att riskupplysningarna i halvårsrapporterna helt enkelt speglar intressenternas efterfrågan av information. Det skulle kunna betyda att intressenterna enbart använder halvårsrapporter för att få aktuell information och därmed nöjer sig med att gå tillbaka till årsredovisningarna för att få mer informationen om företagets risker.Studien visar att det finns ett positivt samband mellan företagets storlek och antalet riskupplysningar för 17 av 31 risker i årsredovisningarna och för 14 av 31 risker i halvårsrapporterna. När företagens branschtillhörighet utreddes som förklaring till varför företag informerar olika mycket om risker kunde undersökningen visa att det finns skillnader mellan företagens riskrapportering i olika branscher. Det varierade hur stora dessa skillnader var. Studien kunde inte visa att företagens skuldsättningsgrad skulle ha någon betydelse för hur företag informerar om risker i årsredovisningar och halvårsrapporter. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet
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Qualidade da informação contábil na perspectiva da ciência da informação / Quality of Accounting Information from the perspective of Information ScienceNelma Terezinha Zubek Valente 27 March 2014 (has links)
A pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as características qualitativas da informação contábil na perspectiva da Ciência da Informação. As Demonstrações Contábeis são elaboradas e divulgadas de acordo com critérios e padrões estabelecidos por órgãos normativos e reguladores, com base na \"Estrutura Conceitual para Elaboração e Divulgação de Relatório Contábil-Financeiro\" e caracterizam-se como documentos, na Ciência da Informação, com dupla função: a) legal, comprobatória de atividades desenvolvidas pela instituição produtora e b) informativa, de interesse para potenciais usuários que atuam no mercado de capitais. Partiu-se do pressuposto que tais publicações por serem elaboradas pelos produtores, que são simultaneamente interessados na sua divulgação e no futuro uso para tomada de decisão pelos potenciais usuários, analistas de mercado, a quem cabe recomendar ou não investimentos em ações da própria empresa, embutem evidente conflito de interesse e conferem ao produtor o poder de controlar o estoque de informações, o acesso e a disponibilização de dados, sem a preocupação com as necessidades reais do potencial usuário em seus múltiplos contextos de uso. A pesquisa, predominantemente qualitativa e de natureza exploratória, incluiu um estudo de necessidades de informação de usuários, no qual foram entrevistados analistas de mercado de capitais representantes de 43 subsetores das empresas listadas na BM&F Bovespa. Os resultados confirmam que a assimetria de informação decorrente da relação conflituosa entre o interesse da instituição provedora de informação e a necessidade de informação relevante para a tomada de decisão por parte dos potenciais interessados coloca em cheque as possibilidades de adoção das recomendações da própria norma. Apontam também os atributos necessários para que essas informações possam, de fato, contribuir, para melhoria das decisões. Recomenda-se que tais resultados possam ser utilizados pelos órgãos normatizadores a fim de avaliarem se o problema da não adoção dos princípios de qualidade previstos na Estrutura Conceitual se devem a não compreensão dos conceitos presentes na estrutura conceitual da área, por parte das empresas, e propor programas de esclarecimento e capacitação dos que elaboram as demonstrações contábeis; ou, caso seja um problema baseado na intenção de omitir ou dificultar a compreensão da realidade da empresa, criar mecanismos mais rígidos de controle e avaliação da adoção dos princípios na elaboração e divulgação das demonstrações contábeis. / This research aimed to investigate qualitative characteristics of accounting information from the perspective of Information Science. The Financial Statements are produced and disclosed in accordance with criteria and regulations established by standard-setting and regulatory boards (IASB, CPC, CFC, CVM), based on the \"The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting\", and are characterized, in Information Science, as documents with dual function: a) legal, and evidential of the activities developed by the producing institution, and b) informative, interesting to potential users who operate in the capital market. The initial assumption was that such publications embed evident conflict of interest because of being created by the producers, who are simultaneously interested in their disclosure and in their future use by potential users, securities analysts, who are responsible for recommending - or not - the investment in stocks of the enterprise, since they render the producer the power to control not only the storage of information, but also the access and disclosure of data, without the concern with the real needs of the potential users in their multiple contexts of use. The research, predominantly qualitative and exploratory in nature, includes a study of user information needs, in which securities analysts representing 43 subsectors of enterprises listed in BM&FBovespa were interviewed. Results confirm that the information asymmetry arising from the conflicting relation between the interest of the institution provider of information and the need for relevant information for decision-making by potential users puts in check the possibilities of adoption of the recommendations of the standard. Results also show the necessary attributes in order to make this information really helpful to decision making improvement. The recommendation is that such results may be used by regulatory boards so that they evaluate if the problem of not adopting the quality principles presumed in the Conceptual Framework are due to the non-understanding, by the companies, of concepts present in the conceptual framework of the area, and propose clarification and training programs for those who create the financial statements; or in case the problem is the intention to omit or make it difficult to understand the real situation of the enterprise, stricter mechanisms of control and evaluation of the adoption of principles in the elaboration and disclosure of financial statements should be created.
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O retorno para o acionista da companhia adquirente em transações de M&A: uma análise à luz do meio de pagamentoRusso, Camila Moraes 14 February 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-14 / The results produced by M&A transactions are object of recurrent study by the available
literature on the subject since de seventies which points the mode of payment as playing an
crucial role on value-creation, value-conservation or value-destruction in the perspective of
the bidder s company shareholders at the post-announcement context. Specially concentrated
in the U.S. market, empirical research hitherto produced generally concludes that stockfinanced
transactions are potentially value-destructive or, at best, produce returns significantly
close to zero while cash-financed transactions are, in general, value-creative. This study
intents to analyze the topic of the mode of payment in M&A transactions and identify if stockfinanced
takeovers can produce positive abnormal returns or at least not destroy value for the
shareholders of the acquiring companies. Using a sample of 1604 M&A transactions
performed in 40 target countries between 2000 and 2012, the present study confirms that
takeovers paid in stocks of the bidder company are neutral (therefore don t destroy neither
create value) on the case of been celebrated out of USA, UK and Canada those markets that
emerged on the global M&A scenario since the end of the nineties. / Os resultados produzidos por transações de M&A são objeto de recorrente estudo na literatura
produzida sobre o assunto desde a década de 1970 a qual aponta o meio de pagamento como
exercendo um papel preponderante na geração, conservação ou destruição de valor para os
acionistas das empresas adquirentes no contexto pós-anúncio da transação. Especialmente
concentrada no mercado norte americano, a pesquisa empírica até aqui desenvolvida em geral
conclui que as transações pagas em ações são potencialmente destruidoras de valor ou,
quando muito, produzem retornos significativamente próximos de zero ao passo que
transações pagas em dinheiro são, salvo exceções, geradoras de valor. O presente estudo
propõe-se a analisar o tema do meio de pagamento em transações de M&A e identificar se
transações pagas em ações podem produzir retornos anormais positivos ou ao menos não
destruir valor para os acionistas das empresas adquirentes. Sob uma amostra de 1604
transações celebradas em 40 países alvo entre 2000 e 2012, o presente estudo confirma que
transações pagas em ações são neutras (portanto não destroem nem geram valor) no caso de
serem celebradas em países alvo fora do eixo Estados Unidos, Reino Unido e Canadá
justamente aqueles mercados que emergiram no cenário mundial de M&A a partir do final da
década de 1990.
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Sistemas de certificação florestal no setor de papel e celulose : influências no desempenho exportadorFischer, Bruno Brandão January 2008 (has links)
A crescente preocupação mundial com o manejo dos recursos florestais tem exercido grande pressão nos ambientes extrativistas e industriais ligados à base produtiva silvícola. Em vista da dificuldade de se estabelecer quais empresas e produtores adotam padrões produtivos ambientalmente sustentáveis, o uso das certificações tem ganhado notoriedade, funcionando como mecanismo de sinalização de comportamento mercadologicamente valorizado. Este cenário representa empiricamente teorizações da Economia da Informação em um ambiente agroindustrial específico, apresentando ferramentas de emissão de sinais como potenciais redutores da assimetria de informação presente na estrutura econômica de comércio. Contudo, permanecem questionamentos sobre como este uso de certificações e conseqüente melhoria da disponibilidade informacional podem impactar sobre as firmas adotantes desta estratégia. Relacionando esta situação com elementos da Economia Industrial (abordagem Estrutura-Conduta-Desempenho) e caracterizando a sinalização como um elemento de Conduta, esta pesquisa se propõe a verificar empiricamente potenciais impactos desta estratégia de atuação no Desempenho resultante. Como objeto específico de estudo, elegeu-se, dentro da indústria silvícola brasileira, o setor de papel e celulose, dada a sua relevância econômica para o agronegócio brasileiro. O método de análise de desenvolve através de modelos econométricos que buscam estabelecer e mensurar relações de influência entre a evolução de adoção de certificações de manejo florestal sustentável no desempenho exportador agregado do setor para o período 1995- 2008 (dados mensais), visto que a prática de comércio internacional potencializa a disponibilidade assimétrica de informações. Os resultados encontrados são parcialmente conclusivos em direção à sustentação da hipótese de que o uso de certificações tem influências positivas sobre o desempenho de comércio exterior da indústria brasileira de papel e celulose. / World’s increasing concern regarding forest resources management has pressured the producers and industries connected to forestry activities. In face of the difficulty to differentiate agents’ productive patterns of behavior towards forests, the use of sustainable forest management certifications is becoming increasingly relevant, working as a supposedly market valued signaling device. This scenario represents empirically in a specific agroindustrial environment the theories developed in Information Economics, presenting signal emission tools as potential reducers of commercial information asymmetry. However, questions regarding how the use of these certifications and the consequent improvement of information availability impact on firms which adopt this strategy remain. Relating this situation with the elements of Industrial Economics (more specifically the Structure-Conduct-Performance approach) and defining the signaling behavior as a Conduct pattern, this research proposes an analysis of the possible impacts of this strategy in the resulting Performance. As object of study, the Brazilian Pulp & Paper (P&P) industry is chosen, given its economic importance for the country’s forest and agribusiness sectors. The methodology to develop this verification is based on econometric regression models, aiming to establish and measures influences between the sustainable forest management certifications implementation evolution in the aggregated exporting performance of the Brazilian P&P industry for the period 1995-2008 (monthly data), since the international trade is expected to rise the levels of information asymmetry and hence the value of signals. Results allow partial acceptance of the hypothesis that the use of certifications has positive influences on Brazilian P&P industry’s international trade performance.
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Assimetria de informação e a política de dividendos: um estudo no mercado brasileiroNeves, José Roberto 16 February 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-02-16 / The dividend policy is essential for companies as it is related to investing and financing decisions. In addition, companies pay significant amounts as dividends. Moreover, despite the development of various theories and the accomplishment of numerous empirical results, there is no consensus on what is achieved. Stimulated by these factors, this paper seeks to study the relationship between dividend policy of firms and information asymmetries in the Brazilian capital market, or in other words, empirically verify the adherence of signaling theory in the Brazilian market. Furthermore, it sought to validate the classical determinants of dividend policy (size, growth potential, profitability and risk). To conduct this study, it was used four different measures to evaluate the dividend policy of firms, related to the decisions on to pay dividends or not, how much to pay, to initiate the payment and to increase the amount paid. We used two statistical methods: panel data with fixed effect and regression with LOGIT model for binary variable. The sample of companies has involved those which are listed on the BOVESPA and the data used encompassed the period from 2000 to 2009. The results show that profitability is the most important dividend determinant, indicating that more profitable firms pay more dividends. The "market-to-book" ratio proved to be a significant factor in determining the amount of dividend paid and is related more to profitability than the company's growth potential, since this indicator can take on the dual meanings. The risk is significant and negatively related to companies' decision to pay dividends or not. On the other hand, the results do not support the signaling theory of dividends. / A política de dividendos é fundamental para as empresas, pois ela relaciona-se com as suas decisões de investimento e de financiamento. Além disso, as empresas pagam valores expressivos a título de dividendos. No entanto, apesar da elaboração de diversas teorias e da realização de inúmeros resultados empíricos, ainda não há consenso nos resultados alcançados. Estimulada por estes fatores, esta dissertação buscou estudar a relação entre a política de dividendos das empresas e a assimetria de informação no mercado de capitais brasileiro, ou, em outras palavras, verificar empiricamente a aderência da teoria de sinalização no mercado brasileiro. Adicionalmente, buscou-se validar os determinantes clássicos da política de dividendos (tamanho, potencial de crescimento, rentabilidade e risco). Para a realização desse estudo, foram utilizadas quatro diferentes medidas para avaliar a política de dividendos das empresas, relacionadas com as decisões de pagar ou não dividendos, de quanto pagar, de iniciar ou não o pagamento e de aumentar o valor pago. Foram utilizados dois métodos estatísticos: painel de dados com efeito fixo e regressão com o modelo LOGIT para variável binária. A amostra de empresas envolveu as listadas na BOVESPA e os dados considerados englobaram o período de 2000 a 2009. Os resultados mostram que a rentabilidade das empresas é o determinante mais relevante, apontando que empresas mais rentáveis pagam mais dividendos. A relação market-to-book mostrou-se um determinante significativo na determinação do montante de dividentos pagos, estando relacionado mais à rentabilidade da empresa do que ao potencial de crescimento, uma vez que esta relação pode assumir este duplo significado. O risco é relevante, e negativamente relacionado, para a decisão das empresas de pagar ou não dividendos. Por outro lado, não foi encontrado suporte para a teoria de sinalização de dividendos.
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Share Retention, Underwriter Reputation, and Initial Public Offering UnderpricingReid-Grant, Marcia Yvonne 01 January 2018 (has links)
Initial public offering (IPO) underpricing is a costly practice that decreases the IPO proceeds accruing to the issuing firms and can derail a firm's growth objectives. The purpose of this correlational study was to determine the relationship between share retention, underwriter reputation, and IPO underpricing among a population of IPOs issued in Jamaica. The efficient market hypothesis served as the theoretical framework for this study. Archived data for 52 IPOs issued in Jamaica from 1986 to 2018 were collected and Spearman's correlation matrix and heteroscedasticity-consistent standard errors regression analysis were applied. The outcomes of this study indicated no significant relationship between share retention and IPO underpricing, α = .1 and α = .05, r = .059, p = .35; however, there was partial acceptance of the alternative hypothesis that underwriter reputation is related to IPO underpricing at α = .1, r = .234, p = .055, but not α = .05. Additionally, underpricing was higher for IPOs supported by the high reputation underwriters, and share retention was a slightly better predictor of IPO underpricing for this group of IPOs, R2 = .02, p = .31 versus R2 = .01, p = .75. Finally, the overall model indicated that the independent variables did not jointly explain IPO underpricing, F(2, 45) = .78, p = .455, R2 = .032. The results of this study might contribute to social change because successful IPOs can increase employment opportunities as well as improve income distribution and socioeconomic indicators for the communities served by IPO firms.
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Corporate Governance and the Shareholder: Asymmetry, Confidence, and Decision-MakingBuchanan, John 01 January 2017 (has links)
In the decade following the ten-plus percent stockmarket collapse of 2000, regulators enacted a myriad of regulations in response to increasing angst experienced by U.S. capital market retail investors. Systemic asymmetric disclosures have fractured investor confidence prompting many commentators to characterize the relationship between Wall Street and the investment community on main street as dire. Though copious works exist on the phenomenon of corporate behaviors, especially matters of shareholder welfare, weak boards, pervious governance mechanisms, and managerial excess, current literature has revealed a dearth in corporate governance praxis specific to the question and effects of asymmetric disseminations and its principal impact on the retail/noninstitutional accredited investor's (NIAI) confidence and decision-making propensities. This phenomenological study is purposed to bridging the gap between the effects of governance disclosure and the confidence and decision-making inclinations of NIAIs. Conceptual frameworks of Akerlof's information theory and Verstegen Ryan and Buchholtz's trust/risk decision making model undergirded the study. A nonrandom purposive sampling method was used to select 21 NIAI informants. Analysis of interview data revealed epistemological patterns/themes confirming the deleterious effects of asymmetrical disseminations on participants' investment decision-making and trust behaviors. Findings may help academicians, investors, policy makers, and practitioners better comprehend the phenomenon and possibly contribute to operating efficiencies in the capital markets. Proaction and greater assertiveness in the investor/activist community may provide an impetus for continued regulatory reforms, improved transparency, and a revitalization of public trust as positive social change outcomes.
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Three essays on ownership concentration in New ZealandJiang, Haiyan January 2009 (has links)
There are two competing theoretical debates about the impact of ownership concentration on organisational outcomes, namely efficient-monitoring hypothesis and conflict-of-interest (strategic-alignment) hypothesis. New Zealand has a distinctively concentrated ownership structure. This raises an important research question: Does concentrated ownership in New Zealand perform an efficient monitoring or opportunistic function? This question remains unanswered due to the very limited research on ownership structure in New Zealand. This research considers three specific where studying the function of ownership concentration is likely to be insightful. Three contexts are: CEO compensation scheme, corporate voluntary disclosures and investor perception of ownership structure in the stock market. This research further contributes to the existing literature by decomposing ownership into four mutually exclusive groups, namely financial institution-, government-, management- and other company-controlled ownership structures. The different impacts of ownership concentration under each type of controlling ownership structure are investigated. The findings of Essay One reveal that concentrated ownership is a significant contributor to the poor CEO compensation pay-for-performance relationship in New Zealand listed companies. However, reduced ownership concentration promotes the alignment between CEO compensation and firm performance. These results imply that large shareholders in New Zealand do not play a monitoring role in curbing managerial power; rather it exacerbates the poor relationship between CEO compensation and firm performance. In Essay Two, regression results show that companies characterised by financial institution-controlled ownership structure tend to make significantly fewer (more) disclosures at high (low) concentration levels. In contrast, firm observations in the high concentration group with government- and management-controlled ownership structures have considerably higher voluntary disclosure scores compared with their low concentration counterparts. With respect to the linearity assumption, the relationship between ownership concentration and voluntary disclosure practices unveil a non-linear pattern, indicating that the efficiency of large shareholders’ monitoring varies with the level of intensity of ownership concentration. The results of Essay Three demonstrate that ownership concentration in general is positively associated with information asymmetry observed around annual report release date. This is supportive of investor-adverse selection towards ownership concentration, and such an adverse selection problem is strongly associated with financial institutional and managerial shareholdings. Also, ownership concentration decreases stock liquidity, so no result is found in line with the ownership concentration liquidity hypothesis. When voluntary disclosure is taken into account, regression results suggest that disclosure significantly attenuates information asymmetry risk related to ownership concentration. This effect is particularly pronounced for firms with management-controlled ownership structure. Findings highlight the importance of corporate disclosures under concentrated ownership structure in eliminating information asymmetry and enhancing market efficiency in New Zealand.
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在不同程度資訊不對稱及管理會計設計下,獎酬激勵對工作滿足影響效力之研究 / The Effects of Compensation Scheme on Job Satisfaction: In Consideration of Information Asymmetry and Management Accounting System林淑婉, Lin, Shwu Woan Unknown Date (has links)
三變數與工作滿足的交互作用未獲致與國外文獻(Gul & Chia(1994))相同之結論,其原因可能為國內特殊環境所致,應可再就此一主題做更進一步的探討。
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資訊不對稱、病人搜尋、與醫師診療行為 / Patient Search and Physician Service under Information Asymmetry陳國樑, Joe Chen Unknown Date (has links)
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