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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Verkligt värde i förvaltningsfastigheter : En studie om den orealiserade värdeförändringen vid värdering till verkligt värde. / Fair value in Investment Properties : A study about the unrealized change in value in fair value accounting

Lergård, Andreas, Möller, Sanne January 2016 (has links)
Introduktion: Tidigare studier som utförts visar vilken betydelse värdering till verkligt värde fått för redovisningen. Det har däremot inte jämförts hur värdeförändringen skiljer sig åt mellan noterade och onoterade bolag, samt om eventuella skillnader beror på om externvärdering tillämpas. Vidare är avsikten att undersöka huruvida bolag redovisar större orealiserade uppvärderingar eller nedvärderingar vid värdering till verkligt värde. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur storleken på de orealiserade värdeförändringarna vid värdering till verkligt värde varierar beroende på upp- eller nedvärdering. Vidare är syftet att studera hur de orealiserade värdeförändringarna påverkas beroende på om bolaget är noterat eller inte, samt om bolaget tillämpar externvärdering. Metod: Studien bygger på en deduktiv ansats, där hypoteser byggts upp ifrån befintlig teori. Genom en tvärsnittsanalys för tre jämförande år har kvantitativ data samlats in för att se vad som kan påverka den orealiserade värdeförändringen vid värdering till verklig värde. Detta har kompletterats med uppföljningsintervjuer för att få en bättre förståelse för hur värderingen påverkas av bland annat externvärdering. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att uppvärderingarna vid värdering till verkligt värde var större än nedvärderingarna och att den orealiserade värdeförändringen blev större vid förekomsten av externvärdering. Om bolaget är noterat eller inte hade i studien ingen betydelse för tillgångsvärderingen. / Introduction: Previous studies have shown the impact of fair value. However, there is a lack of comparison in the academic field, between listed and unlisted companies, and how external appraisers affect the fair value. Further, we will also investigate if the appreciations differ in size from the depreciations. Aim: The aim of the study is to examine how the size of the unrealized change in value in fair value accounting differ between appreciations and depreciations, listed and unlisted companies, and if it is affected by external appraisers. Method: The study was conducted through a deductive approach, where the hypotheses derive from existing theories. With a cross-sectional method, three years have been compared using quantitative data, to see what influences the unrealized change in value. To get a better understanding of our results a number of interviews were conducted. Conclusion: The results show that the size of the appreciations was bigger than the depreciations, and the involvement of external appraisers had a positive effect on the unrealized change in value. If the companies were listed or not did not have any impact on the result of our study.

Analyse comportementale du risque de crédit : cas du Crédit Immobilier Général / Behavioural analysis of credit risk : case of Crédit Immobilier Général

Loulid, Hanane 06 December 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l'évaluation du risque de crédit par une approche comportementale dans un contexte d'information asymétrique et de rationalité limitée. Nous cherchons à travers cette analyse, à concilier les « experts métiers » et les statisticiens, en intégrant le comportement humain dans la conception des outils quantitatifs d'évaluation du risque de crédit, en vue d'optimisation de la gestion de ce risque.L'évaluation du risque de crédit est basée sur des modèles et techniques statistiques de plus en plus avancées. Nous citons à titre d'exemple les modèles du Crédit Metrics et JP Morgan, le modèle KMV et le modèle Crédit Portfolio de Mekinsey ou encore les modèles de scoring introduits pour évaluer la qualité du risque des emprunteurs. Plusieurs travaux soulignent l'intérêt de ces modèles quantitatifs. En effet, Scot FRAME et al, ont montré que le recours aux modèles de scoring contribue effectivement à réduire le coût d'information dans les grandes banques américaines. Les résultats de ces modèles dépendent de la réalisation des facteurs de risque spécifiques à chaque emprunteur et de facteurs de risque systémique. Cependant, la crise financière actuelle a mis en lumière la défaillance de ces modèles, aussi bien les modèles théoriques de notation que les modèles opérationnels utilisés par les praticiens, dans l'évaluation du risque de crédit. Toutes ces constructions n'ont pas su intégrer parfaitement l'ensemble de l'information et traiter la complexité d'interactions entre les variables déterminant le risque car elles sont basées sur des techniques purement statistiques qui ne savent représenter que des relations linéaires entre le risque de défaut et les variables qui en sont à l'origine sans prendre en compte le comportement du gestionnaire du risque crédit, dans l'optimisation de sa gestion. Etant données les limites de l'approche quantitative, nous avons convergé vers une approche comportementale qui concilie les techniques statistiques et le comportement humain basée sur la prise en compte et la validation collective des règles de décision émergeant des discussions et confrontations. Cette approche comportementale qui prend en compte la rationalité des décideurs à travers un modèle expert nous permettra d'une part de construire un cadre d'analyse normatif permettant d'identifier et d'évaluer le risque de crédit et d'autre part intégrer ces règles dans les systèmes de décisions opérationnels.Notre recherche a un intérêt multiple. Elle apporte un éclairage théorique sur l'optimisation de la décision des banques, dans un contexte d'incertitude, à travers un modèle portant à la fois sur le caractère quantitatif des modèles d'évaluation du risque de crédit et le comportement humain. L'évaluation du risque de crédit à travers notre approche permettra également de déterminer le montant de capital économique nécessaire à la couverture du risque de crédit. Ainsi, elle permettra aux banques de mettre en place une allocation optimale des fonds propres et une tarification adéquate des crédits basée sur une évaluation précise du risque de crédit. Ce qui porte un grand intérêt aux banques et aux clients aussi. / This thesis focuses on the assessment of credit risk with a behavioral approach in a context of asymmetric information and bounded rationality. We seek through this analysis, to reconcile the "business experts" and statisticians, incorporating human behavior into the design of tools for quantitative assessment of credit risk in order to optimize the management of this risk.The assessment of credit risk is based on models and statistical techniques more advanced. We cite as examples of models JP Morgan Credit Metrics, model and KMV's Portfolio Credit Model Mekinsey or scoring models introduced to assess the quality of the risk of borrowers. Several studies underline the importance of these quantitative models. Indeed, Scot FRAME and AL showed that the use of scoring models is effective in reducing the cost of information in large U.S. banks. The results of these models depend on the realization of the risk factors specific to each borrower and systemic risk factors. However, the current financial crisis has highlighted the failure of these models, both theoretical models that rating business models used by practitioners in assessing credit risk. All these constructions have not been able to integrate fully all the information and treat the complexity of interactions between variables determining the risk because they are based on purely statisti cal techniques who can represent the linear relationships between risk default and the variables that are at the origin without taking into account the behavior of credit risk manager, in optimizing its management.Given the limitations of the quantitative approach, we have converged on a behavioural approach that combines statistical techniques and human behaviour based on consideration and validation of collective decision rules emerging from the discussions and confrontations. This behavioural approach that takes into account the rationality of decision makers through an expert model we will firstly build a normative framework for analysis to identify and assess credit risk and also integrate these rules systems in operational decisions.Our research has a substantial multiple. It sheds light on the theoretical optimization of the decision of the banks in a context of uncertainty through a model bearing both on the quantitative assessment models of credit risk and human behavior. The assessment of credit risk through our approach will also determine the amount of capital necessary to cover credit risk. Thus, it will allow banks to establish an optimal allocation of capital and adequate pricing of loans based on an accurate assessment of credit risk. This brings great interest to banks and customers too.

Börsintroduktioners påverkan på konkurrenter : en eventstudie som kartlägger börsintroduktioners påverkan på sina konkurrenter

Svenson, Niklas, Wilsson, Niklas January 2016 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to analyze whether initial public offerings had an impact on rival firms. Theory: The efficient market hypothesis model, Information asymmetry and the signal theory. Method: A quantitative approach in the methodology has been undertaken where an event study was constructed in order to measure cumulative average abnormal return. The empirical data used in the study consists of 243 rival firms that had an initial public offering occurring in their industry. Two hypotheses have been tested using the simple t-test. Results: A compilation of the abnormal return of rival firms was made which showed no clear patterns of an impact taking place. When testing the two hypotheses both were rejected which showed that no significant impact took place. Analysis: According to previous research and theories an impact on the rival firms should have shown but the different sample might be the reason of our results being different. Conclusion: Due to the two hypotheses being rejected the event study finds no significant evidence of an abnormal return occurring in connection to the initial public offering of a rival firm. / Syfte: Studiens syfte var att kartlägga om börsintroduktioner hade någon påverkan på konkurrerande företag. Teori: Den effektiva marknadshypotesen, Signalteori och asymmetrisk information. Metod: Studien använde en kvantitativ typ som övergripande forskningsdesign. En deduktiv ansats användes där teorier låg som grund till skapandet av hypoteser. Tillvägagångssättet var med en eventstudie som lämpar sig bra för stora mängder data. Studien använde aktiekurser från 243 konkurrerande företag. Resultat: En sammanställning gjordes av konkurrerande företags abnormala avkastning vilket inte visade något tydligt mönster för att påverkan finns. Vid test av hypoteser förkastades både hypoteserna vilket gav resultatet att ingen påverkan fanns. Analys: Enligt tidigare forskning och teorier borde en påverkan kunna utläsas. Skillnaden på urval kan vara en anledning att tidigare studier fått andra resultat. Slutsats: Den kumulativa genomsnittliga abnormala avkastningen gjorde rörelser vid de olika mätdagarna något mönster går inte att urskilja och den insamlade data som användes visade inget signifikant resultat vid hypotestest.

Finansiella rapporter som instrument för att förbereda investerare på en redovisningsförändring : Upplysningar om IFRS 16 bland företag på Stockholm Large Cap

Ashkani, Vahid, Lundqvist, Joel January 2019 (has links)
Nuvarande Financial Accounting Standard Board (FASB) och International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) har gemensamt utvecklat en ny leasingstandard. Syftet är att skapa konvergens på en internationell nivå samt förbättra finansiella rapporter som ska underlätta användarnas ekonomiska beslut. Tidigare studier visar att den nya leasingstandarden medför effekter på företagens redovisningen och finansiella nyckeltal. Emellertid finns lite kunskap om hur företagen på Large Cap förbereder sina investerare på en ny leasingstandard. Följaktligen är syftet med studien att beskriva hur svenska Large Cap företag väljer att förbereda sina investerare med upplysningar om IFRS 16 i sina finansiella rapporter. Vidare syftar studien till att förklara hur graden av förberedelse påverkas av leasingintensitet, antal bevakande analytiker och vilken implementeringsmetod företagen väljer vid införandet IFRS 16. För att satisfiera syftet användes agentteorin och teorin om frivilliga upplysningar för att analysera och förklara företagens val att lämna förberedande upplysningar. Upplysningarna kvantifierades genom att upplysningarna i företagens fjärde kvartalsrapport och årsredovisning 2018 kodades med en diskret variabel. Resultatet visar att företagen på Large Cap förbereder sina investerare med mer omfattande upplysningar i årsredovisningen jämfört med kvartalsrapporten. Företagen bedömer att kvalitativa upplysningar är av mer väsentligt värde för investerare än kvantitativa upplysningar eftersom de kan skapa bättre förståelse för leasingstandardens innebörd hos investerare. Vidare visar studien att varken leasingintensitet, antal bevakande analytiker eller val av implementeringsmetod påverkar företagens förberedande upplysningar. Den rimligaste tolkningen är att leasingintensiva företag inte bedömer att effekterna av leasingstandarden är av mer väsentligt värde för investerare än icke-leasingintensiva företag. En förklaring till att det inte föreligger ett samband mellan antal analytiker och företagens förberedande upplysningar kan förklaras av att företagen inte upplever att upplysningar om leasingstandarden leder till fördelar. Istället kan upplysningarna resultera i negativa marknadsreaktioner. Resultatet visar även att en övervägande andel av företagen på Large Cap föredrar den förenklade metoden till förmån för den retroaktiva metoden vid implementering av leasingstandarden. Författarna kan emellertid inte dra säkra slutsatser om företagen som använder den retroaktiva metoden förbereder sina investerare med mer omfattande upplysningar än företagen som använder den förenklade metoden. / The Financial Accounting Standard Board (FASB) and International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) have jointly developed a new accounting standard for leases. The main objective is to harmonize accounting across international borders with a common new lease standard and to ameliorate financial reporting for users of financial reports. Furthermore, researchers have discovered that the new lease standard has a significant impact on firms accounting and key financial ratios. Meanwhile, there is barley any studies in the field which examines how Swedish Large Cap firms chooses to prepare their investors with substantial disclosures on the new lease standard. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to describe how Swedish Large Cap firms chooses to prepare their investors with substantial disclosures on the new lease standard in their financial reports. Authors of this study also seek to explain how firms lease intensity, number of analyst followers and their choice of transition approach have an impact on firm’s preparatory disclosures. To satisfy the purpose, the authors of this study choose to deploy agency theory and voluntary disclosure theory in order to analyse and explain how firms choose to prepare their investors with IFRS 16 disclosures. Firms disclosures in their interim report for the fourth quarter 2018 and annual report 2018 were quantified with a discrete variable. Furthermore, it appears that Swedish firms on Large Cap prepare their investors with more extensively disclosures in their annual reports compared to their interim reports. Firms assesses that qualitative disclosures are of more material value to investors than quantitative disclosures. One explanatory factor may be that qualitative disclosures provide investors with better understanding of the new lease standard. Moreover, the study fails to explain the relationship between firms lease intensity, number of analyst followers, and firm’s choice of transition approach with the firm’s preparatory disclosures. One interpretation is that firms with high lease intensity do not assess the impact of the new lease standard to be of more material value for investors decisions than firms with low lease intensity. Since the study fails to explain the relationship between number of analyst followers and firm’s preparatory disclosures, a reasonable interpretation is that firms do not benefit from disclosing information about the new lease standard since the information might result in negative market reactions. Meanwhile, this study also provides evidence that a significant proportion of firms on Large Cap chooses the modified retrospective approach in favour of the full retrospective approach to adopt IFRS 16. Although, there is not enough strong evidence to support the hypothesis that Swedish firms which adopt the full retrospective approach prepare their investors with more extensively disclosures than firms which adopt the modified retrospective approach.

Underprissättning av IPOs : En kvantitativ jämförelse mellan svenska börslistor

Söderberg, Fredric, Svensson, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
Att göra en rättvis prissättning av aktier vid en börsintroduktion kan vara svårt och det är i företagens, emissionsinstitutens och investerarnas intresse att detta sker. Rådande informationsasymmetri leder ofta till att aktier underprissätts för att locka investerare att delta vid en börsintroduktion. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka skillnader i aktiekursens utveckling den första handelsdagen på de officiella och de inofficiella börslistorna för att se om varierande krav på informationsutgivning och marknadsvärde har en påverkande faktor. De officiella börslistorna som undersöks är Nasdaq Small, Mid och Large Cap, medan de inofficiella börslistorna är First North och Spotlight. Undersökningens resultat visar att företagens marknadsvärde inte har en betydande påverkan på aktiekursutvecklingen den första handelsdagen då samtliga börslistor på Nasdaq hade en liknande utveckling samt andel underprissatta aktier. Detta trots att kravet på marknadsvärde för att noteras på dessa börslistor skiljer sig markant. De olika börslistornas krav gällande informationsutgivning har visat sig ha en betydande påverkan på aktiekursutvecklingen. Resultatet visar även att inofficiella börslistor har en större spridning av aktiekursutvecklingar där det förekom mycket höga under- och överprissättningar. Detta innebär att investerare som deltar vid en börsintroduktion på First North och Spotlight tar högre risk samt har möjlighet till högre avkastning. / Pricing shares for an upcoming IPO can be difficult and it is in the companies’, theInvestment Bank’s and investor’s interest that the shares are fairly priced. The current information asymmetry often results in companies underpricing their shares to attract investors to participate in an upcoming IPO. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the difference in share performance on the first trading day between different stock lists on the Swedish IPO market. This is done in order to see if the different listing requirements, such as information publishing and market capitalization, are important factors for the underpricing of shares. The different stock lists that have been analyzed are Small, Mid and Large Capfrom Nasdaq OMX Stockholm which are all official stock lists, as well as the Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTF) First North and Spotlight. The result of this study shows that market capitalization doesn’t affect the pricing of shares for upcoming IPOs. This because there was minor differences between the different official stock lists Small, Mid and Large Cap, eventhough the required market capitalization to get listed are very different. The different requirements regarding information publishing however, have shown leads to more inaccurately priced shares. The result shows that MTFs’ such as First North and Spotlight experience a wider range of pricing where the average under- and overpricing är very high.This means a higher risk for the investor, but also the potential for higher returns.

Qualidade da informação contábil na perspectiva da ciência da informação / Quality of Accounting Information from the perspective of Information Science

Valente, Nelma Terezinha Zubek 27 March 2014 (has links)
A pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as características qualitativas da informação contábil na perspectiva da Ciência da Informação. As Demonstrações Contábeis são elaboradas e divulgadas de acordo com critérios e padrões estabelecidos por órgãos normativos e reguladores, com base na \"Estrutura Conceitual para Elaboração e Divulgação de Relatório Contábil-Financeiro\" e caracterizam-se como documentos, na Ciência da Informação, com dupla função: a) legal, comprobatória de atividades desenvolvidas pela instituição produtora e b) informativa, de interesse para potenciais usuários que atuam no mercado de capitais. Partiu-se do pressuposto que tais publicações por serem elaboradas pelos produtores, que são simultaneamente interessados na sua divulgação e no futuro uso para tomada de decisão pelos potenciais usuários, analistas de mercado, a quem cabe recomendar ou não investimentos em ações da própria empresa, embutem evidente conflito de interesse e conferem ao produtor o poder de controlar o estoque de informações, o acesso e a disponibilização de dados, sem a preocupação com as necessidades reais do potencial usuário em seus múltiplos contextos de uso. A pesquisa, predominantemente qualitativa e de natureza exploratória, incluiu um estudo de necessidades de informação de usuários, no qual foram entrevistados analistas de mercado de capitais representantes de 43 subsetores das empresas listadas na BM&F Bovespa. Os resultados confirmam que a assimetria de informação decorrente da relação conflituosa entre o interesse da instituição provedora de informação e a necessidade de informação relevante para a tomada de decisão por parte dos potenciais interessados coloca em cheque as possibilidades de adoção das recomendações da própria norma. Apontam também os atributos necessários para que essas informações possam, de fato, contribuir, para melhoria das decisões. Recomenda-se que tais resultados possam ser utilizados pelos órgãos normatizadores a fim de avaliarem se o problema da não adoção dos princípios de qualidade previstos na Estrutura Conceitual se devem a não compreensão dos conceitos presentes na estrutura conceitual da área, por parte das empresas, e propor programas de esclarecimento e capacitação dos que elaboram as demonstrações contábeis; ou, caso seja um problema baseado na intenção de omitir ou dificultar a compreensão da realidade da empresa, criar mecanismos mais rígidos de controle e avaliação da adoção dos princípios na elaboração e divulgação das demonstrações contábeis. / This research aimed to investigate qualitative characteristics of accounting information from the perspective of Information Science. The Financial Statements are produced and disclosed in accordance with criteria and regulations established by standard-setting and regulatory boards (IASB, CPC, CFC, CVM), based on the \"The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting\", and are characterized, in Information Science, as documents with dual function: a) legal, and evidential of the activities developed by the producing institution, and b) informative, interesting to potential users who operate in the capital market. The initial assumption was that such publications embed evident conflict of interest because of being created by the producers, who are simultaneously interested in their disclosure and in their future use by potential users, securities analysts, who are responsible for recommending - or not - the investment in stocks of the enterprise, since they render the producer the power to control not only the storage of information, but also the access and disclosure of data, without the concern with the real needs of the potential users in their multiple contexts of use. The research, predominantly qualitative and exploratory in nature, includes a study of user information needs, in which securities analysts representing 43 subsectors of enterprises listed in BM&FBovespa were interviewed. Results confirm that the information asymmetry arising from the conflicting relation between the interest of the institution provider of information and the need for relevant information for decision-making by potential users puts in check the possibilities of adoption of the recommendations of the standard. Results also show the necessary attributes in order to make this information really helpful to decision making improvement. The recommendation is that such results may be used by regulatory boards so that they evaluate if the problem of not adopting the quality principles presumed in the Conceptual Framework are due to the non-understanding, by the companies, of concepts present in the conceptual framework of the area, and propose clarification and training programs for those who create the financial statements; or in case the problem is the intention to omit or make it difficult to understand the real situation of the enterprise, stricter mechanisms of control and evaluation of the adoption of principles in the elaboration and disclosure of financial statements should be created.

En Ex-Ante Analys av IFRS 16 / An Ex-Ante Analysis of IFRS 16

Jonsson, Linnéa, Svensson, Clara January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den 1 januari 2019 infördes IFRS 16, som är en ny standard för hur börsnoterade företag ska redovisa leasingavtal. Tidigare har företag som följer IFRS haft möjlighet att redovisa leasingavtal finansiellt eller operationellt. Fram tills nu har det varit vanligt att företag redovisar leasingavtal operationellt, inte minst inom industribranschen där leasing av maskiner och fastigheter är vanligt. I och med IFRS 16 ska alla leasingavtal istället redovisas som en nyttjanderätt i balansräkningen. Målet med IFRS 16 är att redovisningen av leasingavtal korrekt ska återspegla företagets faktiska finansiella ställning och ge en rättvisande bild av verksamheten. Det finns dock de som är kritiska till den nya standarden som menar att den är onödig och endast kommer medföra ytterligare jobb för företagen. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om IFRS 16 kommer uppfylla sin funktion, och således minska informationsasymmetrin mellan företag och investerare, eller endast är ett ”onödigt ont”. Metod: Studien har genomförts med en kvantitativ ansats för att kunna generalisera effekterna inom industribranschen. För att uppfylla studiens syfte har vi med en kapitaliseringsmetod för operationell leasing undersökt hur 30 börsnoterade industriföretags finansiella rapporter och nyckeltal kan komma att påverkas av reglerna i IFRS 16. Vi har även, med hjälp av en regressionsanalys som testade sambandet mellan redovisning av operationell leasing och ett företags marknadsvärde, undersökt hur IFRS 16 kan komma att påverka investerares värdering av företag. Slutsats: De slutsatser vi kan dra är att företagens balansnyckeltal är de som kommer påverkas mest av IFRS 16, oavsett företagens storlek. Lönsamhetsnyckeltal och likviditetsnyckeltal påverkas endast signifikant för medelstora och stora börsnoterade industriföretag. Studien visar även att IFRS 16 inte kommer minska informationsasymmetrin mellan företag och investerare, då informationen kring operationell leasing redan finns tillgänglig i noterna. IFRS 16 kommer dock uppfylla sin funktion för mindre sofistikerade investerare samt minska de resurser investerare behöver lägga på att justera de finansiella rapporterna. Vi kan därmed dra slutsatsen att IFRS 16 inte är ett ”onödigt ont”. / Background: The new standard for lease accounting, IFRS 16, was introduced January 1st, 2019. Until this date, companies that comply with IFRS have had the choice to report leasing agreements as financial or operating leases. Before IFRS 16, the majority of lease agreements have been reported as operating leases, not least in the industrial sector where machines and properties are frequently used. In accordance with IFRS 16, all leasing agreements will instead be reported as a right-of-use asset in the balance sheet. The objective of IFRS 16 is that the accounting of leases should accurately reflect the company's actual financial position and give a true and fair view of the business. However, there are critics of the new standard, who consider it an “unnecessary evil”. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether IFRS 16 will fulfill its objectives and reduce information asymmetry between companies and investors, or if it is only an "unnecessary evil". Methods: In order to generalize the effects of IFRS 16 in the industrial sector, this paper was conducted with a quantitative approach. To fulfill the purpose of the paper, we used a capitalization method for operating leases, to examine how the financial statements and ratios of 30 listed companies may be affected by IFRS 16. A regression analysis was conducted to test the correlation between operating lease accounting and a company's market value in order to observe how IFRS 16 may affect investors' business valuation. Conclusion: In conclusion, the financial ratios most effected by IFRS 16, are the balance ratios, regardless of the size of the companies. Performance ratios and liquidity ratios are only significantly affected for medium-sized and large listed industrial companies. The study also shows that IFRS 16 will not reduce information asymmetry between companies and investors, as the information on operating leases is already disclosed in the notes. However, IFRS 16 will fulfill its function for less sophisticated investors and reduce the costs of adjusting the financial statements for investors. We can therefore conclude that IFRS 16 is not an "unnecessary evil".

O dever de informar e sua aplicação ao contrato de seguro / Duty to inform and its application to insurance contracts

Souza, Thelma de Mesquita Garcia e 17 May 2012 (has links)
Este estudo trata da informação que permeia os contratos e de sua aplicação ao contrato de seguro, da perspectiva do Direito e da Economia, ciências sociais que se complementam, porque aplicadas à mesma realidade, que será mais fielmente retratada se analisada sob ângulos diferentes, mas correlatos. Perquirindo a função da informação no contrato, constata que, se concernente a elemento essencial deste, a ele adere, passando a integrá-lo, o que determina sua importância nesse contexto e indica o regime jurídico que lhe deve ser aplicado. A investigação da distribuição da informação entre os contratantes e dos efeitos eventualmente nocivos da assimetria informacional, como o incentivo ao oportunismo, o aumento dos custos de transação e a obtenção de ganhos indevidos do contrato, induz à discussão dos critérios orientadores da disciplina jurídica da informação no âmbito contratual. A despeito da utilidade dos padrões para disciplinar condutas não alcançadas pelas regras, este estudo aponta que a boa-fé, em razão de suas idiossincrasias, não é padrão eficiente para reger a informação nos contratos, devendo ficar relegada à função residual. A aplicação do dever de informar com o objetivo de impor às partes transparência e veracidade conferiria mais objetividade e operacionalidade ao regime da informação nos contratos. Mas, a despeito da questionável eficiência da boa-fé como indutora da troca de informações entre as partes, foi o padrão de conduta escolhido pelo sistema jurídico para balizar a interação dos contratantes. Devido às peculiaridades do contrato de seguro, e à nocividade dos efeitos da assimetria informacional neste contexto, exige-se dos contratantes a máxima boa-fé. Se a regra é a máxima transparência e a absoluta veracidade, deverá ser restritiva a interpretação de eventuais exceções. Como a informação se prende ao cerne da operação econômica subjacente, afetando o cálculo do risco e a fixação do prêmio, e consequentemente, a mutualidade, diz respeito à função e à finalidade do instituto. Por isso, a interpretação condescendente de eventuais omissões ou distorções de informação relevante afrontaria o princípio da máxima boa-fé, que não pode ser mitigado, sob pena de comprometer o equilíbrio do contrato e afetar sua finalidade sócio-econômica. O estudo demonstrou a inadequação do tratamento da informação em relação ao substrato econômico do contrato de seguro, especialmente no que concerne à exigência de comprovação da má-fé nas omissões e distorções da verdade pelo segurado. Criticou também a aplicação dogmática da presunção da boa-fé, que reverte ao segurador o ônus da prova da má-fé do segurado, anulando o efeito sancionador da imposição do dever de informar. / The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the importance of information in contract law, the disclosure duties and its application to insurance contracts, from legal and economic perspectives. Since Law and Economics are social sciences applied to the same environment and are mutually complementary, this bifocal approach leads to a more accurate portrait of reality seen from different but correlated points of view. The analysis of the role of information reveals that if it concerns the contract essential element, it becomes part of it and determines the legal rules that should be applied to it. The inquiry of information distribution patterns shows that it can eventually bring about detrimental effects which induce the discussion of the criteria underlying the legal regime of information in contract law. Asymmetric information can be harmful if it encourages opportunism, increases transaction costs and grants one party undue gains from the contract. In spite of the usefulness of standards to regulate conducts not reached by rules, this study shows that good faith, due to its idiosyncrasies, is not an efficient standard to govern information in contracts. Thus, it should be assigned a residual function. The application of the duty to inform with the purpose of imposing full disclosure and accuracy to the parties ensures more objectivity to the information regime in contracts. However, good faith was the standard chosen by the legal system to rule the parties interaction, despite its recognized inefficiency to induce information exchange among agents. Due to the particular features of the insurance contract, and to the harmful effects of informational asymmetry in this context, law imposes the parties a higher standard of good faith. If the legal standard is the utmost good faith, eventual exceptions to this pattern should be restrictively interpreted. Since information is connected with the economic mechanism of the insurance contract because it affects risk and premium evaluation, it is strictly related to the function and purpose of the contract. Therefore, condescending interpretation of nondisclosure, misrepresentation and fraud would violate the principle of utmost good faith. Its mitigation will affect the contract balance and its economic and social purposes. This dissertation demonstrates the inadequacy of the information legal regime, especially regarding the requirement of proving bad faith related to nondisclosure, misrepresentation or fraud. It also criticizes the dogmatic application of the presumption of good faith that lays upon the insurer the burden of proving bad faith of the insureds conduct, nullifying the sanctioning effect of the imposition of the duty to inform.

Análise da governança de tecnologia da informação para reduzir problemas de agência: estudo em assimetria da informação

Coser, Tiago 17 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-02-18T14:53:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tiago Coser_.pdf: 1143518 bytes, checksum: 1ab49a0e3a1cd5b419cae7912e0ad87c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-18T14:53:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tiago Coser_.pdf: 1143518 bytes, checksum: 1ab49a0e3a1cd5b419cae7912e0ad87c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-17 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos / A problemática resultante da separação entre propriedade e controle do capital é direcionada, nesta pesquisa, para o nível operacional e considera o fundamento assimetria da informação. Este estudo analisou como a Governança de Tecnologia da Informação (GTI) pode contribuir para reduzir problemas de agência. A relação de agência foi delimitada entre diretores (principal) e gerentes (agente) das áreas Administrativa e Comercial. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvida por meio de um estudo de caso único em uma indústria sediada no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os principais resultados indicam que os problemas de agência não se limitam a informações e ações ocultas no ambiente pesquisado, mas, também, se devem a fragilidades nos recursos e fluxos de informações que suportam os processos de delegação e monitoramento de atividades entre diretores e gerentes. As principais contribuições da GTI para reduzir o problema de agência associam-se, prioritariamente, ao alinhamento entre a TI e os objetivos do negócio, nos processos de planejamento, construção, entrega e monitoramento de serviços de TI. Estas visando a padronizar processos de negócio e a reduzir a dependência humana nas etapas dos mesmos. / The resulting separation issues of ownership and control of capital is directed in this research to the operational level and considers the foundation asymmetry of information. This study examined how the Information Technology (IT) Governance can help reduce agency problems. The agency relationship was established between directors (principal) and managers (agent) of the Administrative and Commercial areas. It is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach, developed through a unique case study in an industry based in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The main results indicate that agency problems are not limited to information and hidden actions the researched environment, but also are due to weaknesses in resources and information flows supporting the delegation process and monitoring activities among directors and managers. The main contributions of the IT governance to reduce the agency problem are associated primarily to the alignment between IT and business objectives in the planning, construction, delivery and monitoring of IT services. It seeks to standardize business processes and reduce human dependence on the steps of the same.

A informação contábil e a teoria de agência: um estudo da assimetria informacional em companhias abertas, listadas no novo mercado da Bovespa

Pires, Rodolpho Gonçalves 06 October 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T18:40:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodolpho Goncalves Pires.pdf: 456343 bytes, checksum: 5caa6bfab9f6b417613ef846cf270fbe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-10-06 / This study analyzes the agent s perception of Accounting as a mechanism for reducing information asymmetry between the Principal and itself. The agents considered in this study were the administrators of all thirty-six domestic public companies listed on the special market segment with additional requirements related to corporate governance of the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange in Brazil, called Novo Mercado da BOVESPA , as of October 2006. In view of the widespread and growing concerns around corporate governance and the relevance of accounting information, this study s empirical research is based on two assumptions that (i) there are information asymmetry-related problems between agent and principal, and (ii) accounting information, considering its major objective, acts as an information asymmetry reduction mechanism between principal and agent. The primary objective of this study was to analyze the relation between Agency Theory and Accounting, on matters related to information asymmetry between agent and principal, as part of the agency conflicts. The secondary objectives were to (i) question this relation on domestic companies listed on the special market segment with additional corporate governance requirements of the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange in Brazil, (ii) analyze the role of accounting information in the agency relations of those companies, (iii) verify the evaluation made by the agents in relation to the importance of Accounting to the information asymmetry reduction, (iv) relate Accounting and Agency Theory in domestic public companies listed in this market segment, and (v) contribute to the development of the positive approach in accounting research in Brazil. A questionnaire was applied as means of data collection for the realization of the empirical research. The instrument was sent to each one of the thirty-six responsible for the investors relations department of these companies. It represents the total number of companies listed in this special market segment up to October 2006. At the end of the researching phase, according to the working chronogram, a 53% responses rate was achieved. Analysis of the compiled data suggests that there is an alignment with the aforementioned assumptions. The majority of respondents perceive the existence of information asymmetry problems between principal and agent. Similarly, the majority of participants evaluated Accounting as a mechanism that enables the reduction of information asymmetry problems between agent and principal / Este trabalho analisa como é avaliada a Contabilidade, como mecanismo de redução de assimetria de informações entre principal e agente, pelos administradores das empresas nacionais de capital aberto, listadas no segmento diferenciado em relação a práticas adicionais de governança corporativa, denominado Novo Mercado da BOVESPA. Considerando um ambiente de ampla e crescente preocupação com a governança das firmas, e a relevância da informação contábil nesse ambiente, este estudo parte de algumas premissas que serviram de base para a realização da pesquisa empírica. Tais suposições são: a) existem problemas de assimetria de informação entre principal e agente; b) a Contabilidade, considerando seu objeto e objetivo conforme definido em sua Teoria, funciona como redutora da assimetria informacional entre acionistas e gestores. Este estudo objetiva, principalmente, a análise das relações entre a Contabilidade e a teoria de agência, em suas questões relativas à assimetria informacional entre principal e agente, como parte dos conflitos de agência em companhias abertas brasileiras, listadas no Novo Mercado da BOVESPA. Em específico, o trabalho busca averiguar as relações entre a Contabilidade e a assimetria de informações, analisar o papel da Contabilidade nas relações de agência, verificar a avaliação dos administradores com relação à importância da Contabilidade para a redução da assimetria informacional entre principal e agente, relacionar a Contabilidade com a teoria de agência no ambiente brasileiro e contribuir com os avanços da abordagem positiva na pesquisa em Contabilidade no Brasil. Para a realização da pesquisa empírica, foi utilizado o questionário como meio para a coleta de dados. O instrumento foi enviado para cada um dos responsáveis pelos departamentos de Relações com Investidores de cada uma das empresas listadas no novo mercado da Bovespa, somando um total de trinta e seis, representando a totalidade das companhias elencadas nesse segmento de mercado até outubro de 2006. Ao término da fase de pesquisa de campo, de acordo com o cronograma de trabalho, foram obtidas 53% de respostas. A análise da compilação das respostas obtidas permite observar um alinhamento com as suposições de trabalho, pois a maioria dos respondentes percebe que existem problemas de assimetria de informação entre principal e agente. Similarmente, a maioria dos participantes da pesquisa empírica avalia a Contabilidade como um mecanismo que possibilita a redução dos problemas relacionados à assimetria informacional entre principal e agente

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