Spelling suggestions: "subject:"informing."" "subject:"unforming.""
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Profesinio informavimo ir konsultavimo organizavimas bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose / Occupational informing and consulting in basic schoolRamelienė, Edita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Profesinio orientavimo paslaugos yra svarbiausias mokymo ir užimtumo politikos elementas nacionaliniu, regioniniu ir vietos lygmenimis. Profesija ir jos pasirinkimas sudaro galimybes asmenybės saviraiškai ir karjerai, todėl tinkamai organizuotas profesinis konsultavimas ir informavimas bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje sudaro prielaidas tolimesniam moksleivio gyvenimo kelio pasirinkimui.
Tyrimo objektas: profesinis informavimas ir konsultavimas pagrindinėje mokykloje.
Tyrimo tikslas: išanalizuoti profesinio informavimo ir konsultavimo pagrindinėje mokykloje ypatumus.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Apžvelgti teisinius dokumentus reglamentuojančius profesinį informavimą ir konsultavimą.
2. Aptarti pagrindinės bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos mokinių profesinio informavimo ir konsultavimo organizavimo specifiškumą.
3. Ištirti pagrindinės bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos mokinių profesinio informavimo ir konsultavimo organizavimą.
Darbo metodai: dokumentų analizė, mokslinės literatūros analizė, anketinės apklausos metodas, anketinės apklausos duomenų statistinė analizė.
Teorinėje darbo dalyje aptartas teisinių dokumentų reglamentuojančių mokinių profesinio informavimo ir konsultavimo organizavimą pagrindinėje bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje, pritaikomumas, atskleisti teoriniai mokinių profesinio informavimo ir konsultavimo organizavimo pagrindinėje bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje, aspektai; išryškintos pagrindinės sąvokos;
Empyrinėje darbo dalyje pateikti Utenos miesto pagrindinių mokyklų mokinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The service of occupational orientation is the most important element of teaching and employment politics in both regional and local levels. Profession and the choice of it give the opportunities for the career and self-expression of personality, that’s why the proper organizing of occupational consulting and informing in the comprehensive school makes the assumptions for the further choice of student’s race.
The subject of research: occupational informing and consulting in basic school.
The aim of research: to analyze the features of occupational informing and consulting in basic school.
The goals of research:
1. To review legal documents which regulate occupational informing and consulting.
2. To discuss the specificity of occupational informing and consulting organization in basic school.
3. To explore the organization of occupational informing and consulting among the students of basic school.
The methods of the paper: the analysis of documents and nonfiction, the method of questionnaire and the analysis of questionnaire’s data.
The theoretical part of this paper discus the application of legal documents which regulate the organization of occupational informing and consulting in basic schools. It also reveals the aspects of theoretical organization of students occupational informing and consulting in basic schools and it highlights the basic concepts.
The empirical part of the paper supplies the questionnaire data of the students and the teachers of Utena basic... [to full text]
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Age Effects and Information Shocks: A Study of the Impact of Education Policy on Student OutcomesSmith, Justin 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis studies the impacts of school entry policy and information revelation on student outcomes using a sample of students from the province of British Columbia (BC), Canada. The questions examined by the first two
essays arise from a policy used by many industrialized countries, whereby
students born within a 1-year time span all begin school at the same time.
This policy creates large differences in age among students in the same class,
which are thought to affect their academic performance along a number of
dimensions. In the first essay, I contribute to the literature by establishing the
persistence in test score differentials among students in the same class who differ in age. I show that in grade 4 older students outperform younger students by a large margin in numeracy, reading and writing, an effect that persists to a lesser magnitude until grade 10. The persistence is strongest for the writing skill, and it is also much stronger for girls than for boys. The strength of the test score differential in grade 10 suggests that the effects of age could have more lasting effects on cognitive and labour market outcomes.
In the second essay, I take a closer look at how age affects outcomes, by
disentangling the entry age effect from the test age effect. Nearly all studies
in this literature interpret age-related differences in student outcomes as the result of entry age, but because students who enter later are also older at every
stage in compulsory schooling, the entry age effect has not been separated
from the test age effect. Using a set of students entering school at the time
of BC's dual entry experiment, I show that test age is largely responsible
for age-related differences in the probability of repeating grade 3, and entry
age is largely responsible for age-related differences in grade 10 numeracy and reading scores. I show further that having an extra year of schooling reduces the likelihood that a student repeats grade 3, but has a negligible impact on grade 10 test scores. Both the entry age and test age effects are stronger for boys than they are for girls. The final essay examines whether school choices change when parents are exposed to a new source of information on school quality. I model the effect of new information on choices using a simple expected utility framework and show that parents will use the new information to make different choices if they do not perceive it to be too noisy and if they have poor prior information on school quality. Furthermore, they make increasing use of the new information as more observations become available, since it becomes a more accurate predictor of true quality. Using the sudden release of BC's new standardized testing regime, I then study whether there is empirical support for the model. I show that the likelihood of switching out of a school increases when a school performs worse on the test, and that enrollment into kindergarten responds positively to increases in test scores. The response becomes stronger when more test score observations are available. Finally, I show variance in the response among parents living in less-educated neighbourhoods and among those who do not speak English at home, suggesting that prior information does play a role in the information use. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Odos ir veneros ligų poliklinikos teikiamų paslaugų kokybės įvertinimas pacientų požiūriu / Assessment of health care services quality provided by clinics of skin and venereal diseases: the patients' perspectiveBuinauskaitė, Evelina 20 June 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Ištirti pacientų nuomonę apie paslaugų kokybės aspektus antrinio lygio ambulatorines paslaugas teikiančioje įstaigoje.
Tyrimo uždaviniai: Nustatyti pacientų požiūrį į sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų prieinamumą, saugą, dalyvavimą bei informuotumą paslaugų teikime; palyginti jų pasitenkinimą suteiktomis paslaugomis pagal socialines demografines charakteristikas, sveikatos būklės vertinimą.
Tyrimo metodika. 2008 metų sausio-kovo mėnesiais atlikta anoniminė pacientų apklausa antrinio lygio paslaugas teikiančioje įstaigoje – 2 KKL Odos ir veneros ligų poliklinikoje. Atliekant tyrimą, buvo išdalintos 394 anketos, atsako dažnis 85,53%. Anketinių duomenų analizei naudoti duomenų kaupimo (Excel 2003) ir analizės programos paketas SPSS 12.0.
Rezultatai. Dažniausiai respondentai nurodė, kad pas gydytoją buvo užregistruoti, kai buvo laisvų talonų, o prie gydytojo kabineto jų praleisto laiko bei gydytojo konsultacijos trukmė 10–15 minučių. 63,5% respondentų teigė, kad gydytojas jiems visada skiria pakankamai laiko. Gydytojais pasitiki 77,7%, slaugytojais 75,9%, sveikatos priežiūros sistema 45,7% respondentų. 73% respondentų teigia nežinantys, kas yra pacientų sauga.Didelis personalo darbo intensyvumas įvardintas kaip dažniausia nepageidaujamų įvykių priežastis. Gydytojas vizito metu su pacientais tariasi dėl tyrimų ir dėl gydymo atitinkamai 75% ir 73,3% atvejų, tačiau tik pusė respondentų mano, jog jų dalyvavimas priimant sprendimus dėl sveikatos būklės tyrimų, gydymo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. To investigate patients‘ opinion about the aspects of services quality at the institution providing second level ambulatory services.
Objectives. To determine patients‘ opinion about health care services accessibility, safety, their privity and involvement in decision making; to compare their satisfaction with the provided health care services according to social and demographic characteristics and health status evaluation.
Methods. During January-March of the year 2008 anonymous questionnaire survey of the patients was carried out at the institution providing second level ambulatory services – Outpatient department of Skin and Venereal Diseases at the 2nd Kaunas Clinical Hospital. 394 questionnaires were handed out, the response rate 85.53%. MS Office Excel and SPSS 12.0 software packages were used for the statistical data analysis.
Results. Respondents indicated that they were registered for the doctors‘ appointment at the fixed time, the waiting time at the physician room and the duration of the physician consultation was 10-15 minutes. 63.5% of respondents stated that the physician always spared enough time for them. 77.7% of respondents trusted doctors, 75.9% of them trusted nurses and only 45.7% trusted health care system. 73% of respondents stated they did not know what patients‘ safety was. High intensity of the staff work was stated to be the most common reason of undesirable events. During the visit, the physicians consulted the patients about... [to full text]
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Gröna lögner i produktinformation : Designförslag för att öka konsumenters kunskap om greebwashing med agentiva tjänsterÖhrfelt, Clara January 2024 (has links)
Agentiva tjänster används i allt fler sammanhang på grund av sin förmåga att anpassa sitt beteende efter användarens behov. Idag finns ett utbrett intresse för att anta mer miljövänliga konsumtionsbeteenden. Något som försvårar detta är förekomsten av greenwashing-praktiker i produktinformation. På grund av svårigheter med att uppmärksamma detta riskerar konsumenter att vilseledas. Genom att anta en kvalitativ designorienterad forskningsansats avser studien undersöka hur agentiva tjänster kan designas för att skapa de förutsättningar som konsumenter behöver för att undvika att vilseledas av greenwashing i produktinformation. Utifrån existerande litteratur togs fyra designförslag fram. Designförslagen utvärderades och reviderades därefter. Studien resulterade i fyra designförslag för hur agentiva tjänster kan designas för att uppmärksamma och informera konsumenter om greenwashing-praktiker. Resultatet avser bidra med kunskap om hur egenskaper hos agenter kan användas för att överkomma de utmaningar som tidigare forskning beskriver gällande att nå fram med information till konsumenten. Denna kunskap kan även ligga till grund för design av tjänster för att öka konsumenters medvetenhet gällande greenwashing. / Agentive services are utilized in a variety of contexts due to their ability to adapt their behavior according to the needs of the user. There is a widespread interest in adopting more environmentally sustainable consumption behaviors among consumers today. Greenwashing is a recurring problem that discourages consumers from actively making sustainable purchase choices. Greenwashing is difficult to detect, which puts consumers at risk of being mislead by false green claims. Through a qualitative design research study, this study aims to examine how agentive services can be designed to create the necessary conditions for consumers to avoid being mislead by greenwashing practices in product information. Based on existing litterature, four design suggestions were formulated. The design suggestions were evaluated and then revised. The study resulted in four design suggestions for how agentive services can be designed to inform and make consumers aware of greenwashing practices. The result aims to contribute to further knowledge about how the properties of agents can be used to overcome the challenges previous litterature describes in regard to informing consumers. This knowledge could also support future design of services intended to increase consumer awareness of greenwashing practices.
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Kan tillit till överordnad och stärkande ledarskap få anställda att göra sin röst hörd om problem och förbättringsförslag inom organisationen? / Can trust in leader and empowering leadership influence employee voice regarding problems and feedback within the organisation?Hallén, David January 2019 (has links)
I studien har det försökt undersökas ifall tillit till överordnad och stärkande ledarskap kunde få anställda till att våga yttra sig om problem och komma med konstruktiva förbättringsförslag i svenskt telekomföretag. Studiens utgångspunkt har varit en kinesisk studie som demonstrerat detta fenomen i kinesisk kontext vilket skapade intresset att se ifall deras resultat kunde generaliseras till svensk kontext. Denna studie försökte replikera deras metod för att undersöka samma fenomen. I studien deltog 56 anställda som jobbade mot kunderna. 50 stycken besvarade enkäter var fullständiga och gick att använda till analysen. Med hjälp av korrelationsberäkningar och regressionsanalyser har det kunnat demonstreras att Tillit till överordnad och tre aspekter av stärkande ledarskapen (Deltagande i beslutsfattande, Coaching, Informera) separat hade ett samband med Anställdas yttrande. De tre stärkande ledarskapen utgjorde inte en mediator för Tillit till överordnad och Anställdas yttrande. Endast Informera kunde förutsäga Anställdas yttrande, dock med något osäkert resultat. Resultatet innebär i praktiken att ledare bör upprätthålla eller skapa tilliten till dem och utöva stärkande ledarskap mot sina anställda för att få dem att fortsätta våga yttra sig om problem och förbättringsförslag. Framtida studier kan fokusera på att bland annat undersöka utan extremvärden i analysen och kontrollera för kontrollvariabler. Då studien är en korrelationsstudie så har ej riktning eller kausalitet kunna uppmätas. Med experiment kan sådant undersökas mer noggrant. / This contemporary study explores the phenomenon of trust to leaders and empowering leadership in relation to employee voice in a Swedish telecommunication company. By employee voice, it refers to the extent an employee talks about problems/concerns and give feedback/improvements addressed towards the company. Previous study conducted in China has demonstrated that there is a correlation between trust, leadership and employee voice. This study tried to replicate their method and examine the same phenomena. 56 “front-line” employees participated in a survey, but only 50 responses were completed. The result showed significant separate correlation between the independent variables Trust in leaders and three aspects of empowering leadership (Participative decision-making, Coaching, Informing) and the dependent variable Employee voice, after calculating for correlations and carrying through regression analysis. The three aspects of empowering leadership did not mediate the effect of trust to leaders towards employee voice as predicted by previous studies. Only Informing by itself could predict employee voice, but the result could implicate some uncertainty. The implications of these results indicate that leaders should facilitate trust in them and practice empowering leadership to invoke employee voice. Future studies can continue this study by exclude outliers in the calculation and controlling for control variables. Because this is a cross-sectional study, causality could not be determined which could be improved by experimental design in future studies.
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Znalosti obyvatelstva vybraného regionu o následcích havárie na jaderné elektrárně v Černobylu / Knowledge of population in a selected region about the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident consequencesPRAŽÁK, Marek January 2016 (has links)
The Chernobyl nuclear disaster of April 26, 1986 is the worst nuclear accident in the history of mankind. An experiment conducted in the 4th reactor resulted in its explosion and a huge amount of radionuclides escaped into the environment in the course of the subsequent fire. The greater part of Europe was contaminated by radioactive fallout, including the former Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. From a health point of view, the most harmful radioactive substances causing radioactive contamination were caesium 137Cs and iodine 131I. The then government did not provide objective and true information to the citizens and the media depicted the disaster as an insignificant incident. I set the following goals of my thesis: a) to develop an overview of immediate and especially long-term consequences of the accident; b) to analyse the knowledge of the population of the South Bohemian Region of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster depending on the age of respondents. For fulfilling the set goals, I set myself the following hypotheses: H1) the theoretical division of the population's knowledge will be normal; H2) the knowledge of persons over 45 years of age will statistically be significantly higher than that of younger people. I handled the given theme using available specialized literature, Internet sources and publications published by relevant institutions. In the introductory part I describe the construction of the power plant, basic technical parameters of the reactor used and the course and causes of the actual accident. The next section is focused on the consequences of the accident in individual time periods immediately, after 10 years and after 20 years. I devote myself both to influences on human lives and health and to environmental, social, economic and psychological consequences. Furthermore,I describe the situation in former Czechoslovakia and the way of informing the population by the then government. The last section of the theoretical part is dedicated to the present situation in the Chernobyl region and at the power plant itself. While compiling the research part of the thesis, I gathered data among the inhabitants of the South Bohemian Region through questionnaire investigation. I addressed a total of 280 respondents, of which 140 were under 45 years of age and 140 were over 45 years of age. The questionnaire contained 15 questions concerning basic, not professional knowledge in this area. For the purposes of my questionnaire investigation, I divided the South Bohemian Region into districts. The selection of individual towns within the framework of the questionnaire investigation was carried out at random, by drawing lots. 280 questionnaires were completed in all, of which 140 questionnaires were completed by respondents under 45 and 140 questionnaires were completed by respondents over 45. By drawing lots, I selected 100 questionnaires out of these completed questionnaires, each age group being included. The test of the set hypotheses and statistical evaluation are carried out using descriptive and mathematical statistics. I carried out statistical evaluation by testing normality, using X2-good agreement test. I mutually compared the knowledge of the groups monitored by testing using a two-sample t-test, based on the estimate of empirical parameters from each group. Based on statistical investigation I came to the conclusion that the division of the population's theoretical knowledge was normal, which confirms the first hypothesis. The results of the investigation also unambiguously confirmed the fact that the knowledge of the population over 45 years of age was statistically significantly higher than the knowledge of the younger group of respondents. As far as total evaluation is concerned, the average value of correct answers in case of the older group of respondents reached 71%, while the younger group showed just 44% of correct answers, which confirms the second se hypothesis.
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Výskyt reprodukcí cizí a vlastní řeči v běžné komunikaci a mluvenostní prostředky v nich užívané / Presence of reproductions of foreign and own speech in usual communication and used characteristic features of spokennessPLECHINGEROVÁ, Jitka January 2014 (has links)
This thesis aims to map the occurrence of reproduction of own and other people's language in everyday communication and focus on characteristic features of spokenness. After the first part, which will study this issue in theoretical level, proceed to the analysis. Everything will be completed by pondering on the research results and their implications. The material from which the work is based, consists monologues and dialogues of 65 people of different ages, gender and social inclusion. By these criteria the material is also categorized and analyzed in the context of reproduction and of characteristic features of spokenness in all layers of simple communicative style. All the material isn't older than two years and using by a recording equipment is maintained in spoken and subsequently also in written form.
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The language of non-commercial advertising: A pragmatic approachRath Foley, Anna January 2020 (has links)
The current study has explored the language of 30 non-commercial advertisements, both quantitatively and qualitatively, within the framework of pragmatics. The main incentive was to conduct an investigation into how the advertiser working with such a philanthropic genre employs attention-seeking, informing and persuading functions when she communicates with her audience. Orbiting around key notions of Relevance Theory (1986; 1995; 2012) and Tanaka’s pragmatic approach to advertising (2005), the study attempted to determine whether non-commercial advertising differs from its commercial counterpart in terms of informing and persuading intentions, and to examine the extent to which non-commercial advertising relies on internal and external contexts in its explicit and implicit language. The findings show that non-commercial advertising utilises attention-seeking, informing and persuading functions in a variable fashion since they can be incorporated into complex arrangements in which they sometimes overlap or collaborate. This fuse appears to enable the advertiser to achieve her intended meaning at the same time as she can make efficient use of space and time. The study also found that there are non-commercial advertisements that completely lack persuasion. By excluding explicit and implicit imperative speech acts, conjunctive adjuncts and pronouns that involve the audience, such advertisements appear to be solely objective and informative. In turn, these findings suggest that the informing function in non-commercial advertising is not always subordinated to the persuading function, which contrasts with the informing-persuading hierarchy in commercial advertising. Finally, since the creator of non-commercial advertising frequently exposes her audience to weak relevance, she requires them to locate and solve explicatures and implicatures with help from both internal and external contexts, which strengthens Tanaka’s (2005) claim that advertisers treat their audience as potentially creative and resourceful once attention has been attracted and sustained.
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Architectural Support For Improving Computer SecurityKong, Jingfei 01 January 2010 (has links)
Computer security and privacy are becoming extremely important nowadays. The task of protecting computer systems from malicious attacks and potential subsequent catastrophic losses is, however, challenged by the ever increasing complexity and size of modern hardware and software design. We propose several methods to improve computer security and privacy from architectural point of view. They provide strong protection as well as performance efficiency. In our first approach, we propose a new dynamic information flow method to protect systems from popular software attacks such as buffer overflow and format string attacks. In our second approach, we propose to deploy encryption schemes to protect the privacy of an emerging non-volatile main memory technology - phase change memory (PCM). The negative impact of the encryption schemes on PCM lifetime is evaluated and new methods including a new encryption counter scheme and an efficient error correct code (ECC) management are proposed to improve PCM lifetime. In our third approach, we deconstruct two previously proposed secure cache designs against software data-cache-based side channel attacks and demonstrate their weaknesses. We propose three hardware-software integrated approaches as secure protections against those data cache attacks. Also we propose to apply them to protect instruction caches from similar threats. Furthermore, we propose a simple change to the update policy of Branch Target Buffer (BTB) to defend against BTB attacks. Our experiments show that our proposed schemes are both security effective and performance efficient.
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Проектирование системы информирования клиентов : магистерская диссертация / Design of a system for informing customersКашин, А. А., Kashin, A. A. January 2023 (has links)
Целью работы является моделирование существующего процесса информирования клиентов, оптимизация этого процесса, сравнительный анализ существующих систем информирования, проектирование архитектуры собственной системы. В ходе выполнения работы был проведен сравнительный анализ брокеров сообщений, выявлены достоинства и недостатки каждого из них. Для подключения к существующей корпоративной платформе был разработан план внедрения и выполнена миграция данных в целевую систему с помощью разработанной программы-синхронизатора. / The purpose of the work is to simulate the existing process of informing customers, to conduct a comparative analysis of existing informing systems, and to design the architecture of the same type system. In the course of the work, a comparative analysis of message broker programs was carried out and the advantages and disadvantages of each were identified. In order to connect to the existing corporate platform, an implementation plan was developed and data migration to the target system was performed with the help of the developed synchronization program.
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