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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os interditos possessórios e aplicabilidade da antecipação dos efeitos da tutela em tais ações

Pinto, José André Machado Barbosa 01 July 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:18:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_jose_andre.pdf: 1229177 bytes, checksum: 51d1308fc9292bef15436ae981b31938 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-07-01 / When the thought of a State of Law arises, there is an absolute certainty that public order, social peace and the respect of a State s sovereignty are basic public interests protected by the Judiciary. The possession of land is a factual situation and a component of social stability, being, thus, the protection of the right of possession is a means of social pacification. If the possessor changes, that alteration cannot result in social disorder. It is imposed that the passage of possession form one subject to another be done without any risk to social harmony. When the dispute over the possession of land occurs, it must de dealt with by the due process of law, exactly as disciplined by the brazilian legislation. It is well known that the law flourishes within the evolution of social facts in society, and that justice should be swift and effective, or risk being characterized as manifest injustice, as Rui Barbosa (1849-1923) once said in his speech Oração aos Moços . In the mist of that absolute truth, the present dissertation aims to study the procedural remedies for protecting the rights of the possessor of land, and the applicability of the article 273 of the brazilian procedural code in those types of actions, both in cases involving posse nova (possession up to one year of duration) and posse velha (possession over one year of duration). The implementation of that institute results in more swiftness and effectiveness. To better illustrate that thought, it should be remembered the biblical passage in Matthew, chapter 22, verses 20 and 21, in which Jesus, after being questioned about the validity of the paying of taxes, affirms that what belong to Cesar should be given to Cesar, showing that justice is giving each person that which belongs to them, but also in a swift and effective manner, so as to avoid the manifest injustice that was referred to by Rui Barbosa / Quando se pensa em Estado de Direito , tem-se a certeza inequívoca de que a ordem pública, a paz social, o respeito à soberania do Estado, são interesses públicos básicos, de cuja tutela cuida precipuamente o poder judiciário. A posse é uma situação de fato e uma componente de estabilidade social, sendo, por conseguinte a proteção da posse um pacificador social. Se a posse muda de titular, tal mudança não pode resultar em desequilíbrio social, em perturbação de ordem. Impõe-se que a passagem da posse de um para outro titular se dê sem qualquer risco à harmonia social. Quando a disputa pela posse se acende urge que cesse através do due process of law, e nos exatos termos da legislação pátria. É sabido de todos, que o direito floresce na medida da evolução dos fatos sociais em uma determinada sociedade, igualmente é sabido que a justiça há de ser célere e efetiva, sob pena de restar caracterizada uma injustiça qualificada e manifesta, tal qual anunciava Rui Barbosa(1849-1923) em sua Oração aos Moços, ao afirmar que A justiça atrasada não é justiça, senão injustiça qualificada e manifesta. Diante de tal certeza irrefutável, é que, neste trabalho, que aborda os remédios processuais possessórios, é feito também um estudo sobre a aplicabilidade do artigo 273 do Código de Rito Cível, tanto para a hipótese de esbulhos ou turbações novas, como para aquelas ocorridas há mais de ano e dia; A implementação da aplicabilidade de tal dispositivo em situações de posse velha , implica não somente numa maior celeridade processual, mas também na efetividade do direito. À guisa de ilustração, há de ser lembrada a passagem bíblica esculpida em Mateus, capítulo 22, versículos 20 e 21, na qual Jesus referindo-se aos fariseus e herodianos, após ser questionado sobre a validade do pagamento de tributos, afirmou que deveria ser dado a César, aquilo que efetivamente fosse de César ( Dai, pois, a César o que é de César e a Deus, o que é de Deus ), para se verificar que a justiça é dar a cada um o que é seu, contudo, tal ato há de ser célere, efetivo, sob pena de nos vermos diante de uma injustiça qualificada e manifesta , tal qual aquela antes referida por Rui Barbosa

A alienação parental e a violação aos direitos da personalidade / Parental alienation and violation of individual rights.

Schaefer, Amanda Polastro 08 May 2014 (has links)
A família pressupõe um reduto de felicidade. Quando se dá a ruptura do afeto, é comum a ocorrência da alienação parental. Esse é um fenômeno que sempre aconteceu, mas recentemente passou a ser objeto de estudo dos doutrinadores, operadores do direito e das pessoas vítimas de tal prática. A alienação parental se verifica quando um dos genitores, em meio a uma disputa, usa os filhos para atingir, desqualificar e/ou se vingar do outro genitor. A prática de atos alienadores surge mais comumente com o fim do relacionamento do casal (pais). Vários juristas, psicólogos e assistentes sociais estão se adaptando ao reconhecimento e identificação desse comportamento que, se efetivamente concretizado, recebe o nome de síndrome da alienação parental. Os profissionais envolvidos com o tema buscam formas de evitar que o filho seja novamente vitimado pelo fim do relacionamento dos pais. Além de estudar a figura novel da alienação parental, buscou-se compreender as previsões contidas na Lei de Alienação Parental de n.º 12.318, sancionada em 26 de agosto de 2010, mostrar que a prática da alienação fere a dignidade da pessoa humana, viola sobremaneira os direitos da personalidade dos filhos e do genitor alienado, em especial, o direito à convivência familiar. Buscou-se também identificar as medidas que podem ser aplicadas para evitar e reprimir alienação parental, especialmente as relacionadas ao planejamento familiar, ao exercício da paternidade responsável, ao uso da guarda compartilhada e ao acompanhamento terapêutico. Por fim buscou-se avaliar as possibilidades de responsabilização do alienador, por meio de tutela inibitória ou ressarcitória. Estudos a respeito do tema começaram nos Estados Unidos, em seguida, na Europa, recentemente no Brasil, todos feitos inicialmente com base nos artigos e escritos de Richard Gardner e Françoise Podevyn. A produção doutrinária e jurisprudencial no Brasil sobre o tema ainda é tímida, sendo também objetivo deste estudo aprofundar a temática e produzir material doutrinário a respeito do assunto. / Family presupposes a stronghold of happiness. When affection ends, parental alienation typically ensues; this is a situation that has always occurred, albeit only recently has it become a matter studied by jurists, law practitioners and victims of such practice. Parental alienation occurs when a parent, amid some dispute, uses his or her children to hit, disqualify and/or take vengeance on the other. Alienating actions are most commonly exercised upon the end of the relationship (parents). Several jurists, psychologists and social workers have adapted to recognizing and identifying this behavior which, if effectively put into practice, is referred to as parental alienation syndrome. Professionals dedicated to studying this issue look for ways to prevent the child from being victimized again by the end of his/her parents failed relationship. In addition to examining the new legal issue of parental alienation, one has sought to understand the provisions set forth by Brazilian Parental Alienation Act No. 12318, sanctioned on August 26th 2010, by demonstrating that alienation violates personal dignity, strongly infringes not only the childrens but also the alienated parents individual rights, not to mention the right to family life. One has also attempted to determine the actions that allow for avoiding and restraining parental alienation, particularly those connected with family planning, joint custody and therapeutic monitoring. Finally, one assessed the likelihood of holding the alienating parent liable, by means of inhibiting or compensatory remedies. Studies on this subject matter started developing in the United States, then in Europe, and only recently in Brazil, and all of them were based on the articles and papers drafted by Richard Gardner and Françoise Podevyn. In Brazil, scholarly writing and case law on this subject has yet to become prolific, wherefor this present study also aims at producing academic material on the matter as well as deepening the analysis thereof.

Tutelas de urgência e processo arbitral / Provisional measures and arbitral proceeding

Carreteiro, Mateus Aimoré 05 June 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado possui o objetivo de identificar as particularidades relacionadas à utilização das tutelas de urgência nos casos em que as partes convencionam submeter seus litígios atuais ou futuros à jurisdição arbitral (i.e., tutelas de urgência arbitrais) e explorar o seu tratamento sob a perspectiva do direito brasileiro. As tutelas de urgência arbitrais adquirem cada vez maior importância para o desenvolvimento da arbitragem e para que o processo arbitral seja efetivo, alcançando o resultado desejado pelo direito material. Esta dissertação, depois de breves considerações iniciais, analisou as principais características e tipos de tutelas de urgência arbitrais (capítulos 2 e 3). Em seguida, passou em revista as bases teóricas para a compreensão da competência dos árbitros com relação às tutelas de urgência (capítulos 4 e 5), com estudo específico do cenário do direito brasileiro (capítulo 6). Esta dissertação reviu em detalhas as questões polêmicas da fase pré-arbitral (tanto perante as cortes estatais quanto perante árbitros de emergência), assim como as questões pertinentes sobre o momento em que o árbitro precisa analisar o assunto na fase arbitral (capítulos 7, 8 e 9). Por fim, analisou a hipótese na qual os juízes são chamados a auxiliar na efetivação de tutelas de urgência proferidas por árbitros em arbitragens nacionais e estrangeiras (capítulo 10). / The arbitral provisional measures have an increasing importance for the development of arbitration and for the effectiveness of the arbitration process, reaching the result aimed by the substantive law. This dissertation, after brief preliminary considerations, analyzed the main characteristics and types of arbitral provisional measures (Sections 2 and 3). Afterwards, it has reviewed the theoretical basis for understanding of arbitrators competence with regard to provisional measures (Sections 4 and 5), specifically in relation to the Brazilian law (Section 6). This dissertation has performed a detailed review of the controversial issues in the pre-arbitral phase (regarding state courts and emergency arbitrators), and has also reviewed issues related to the moment in which the arbitrator needs to analyze such controversial subject during the arbitral phase (Sections 7,8,9). Finally, this paper analized the hypothesis in which judges are called to assist on the enforcement of provisional measures issued by arbitrators in domestic and international international arbitrations (Section 10).

Zulässigkeit und Voraussetzungen einer einstweiligen Verfügung auf negative Feststellung im Lauterkeitsrecht / Admissibility and conditions of an interim injunction for a negative declaratory decision in the field of Unfair Competition Law

Greiner, Uli 12 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die Dissertation befasst sich mit der juristischen Problematik, ob ein Rechtsbehelf anzuerkennen ist, der es Anspruchsgegnern ermöglicht, in lauterkeitsrechtlichen Unterlassungsstreitigkeiten Verfahren des einstweiligen Rechtsschutzes zu initiieren. Ein solcher Rechtsbehelf ist für Anspruchsgegner bislang nicht anerkannt. Dies stellt sich als sehr problematisch dar, da Eilverfahren im Lauterkeitsrecht eine sehr hohe Bedeutung zukommt und Anspruchsgegner in diesen Verfahren signifikant benachteiligt werden. Dieser Umstand begründet auch eine erhebliche Gefahr von Fehlentscheidungen zu Lasten der Anspruchsgegner. Im Wettbewerb kann diesen Fehlentscheidungen große Bedeutung zukommen, weil durch sie beispielsweise der Vertrieb neuer innovativer Produkte untersagt werden kann. Die Arbeit kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass ein entsprechender Rechtsbehelf anzuerkennen ist, da er dem Anspruchsgegner eine Möglichkeit verschafft, sich wirksam vor schädigenden Fehlentscheidungen zu schützen und damit der Verwirklichung der verfassungsrechtlichen Vorgaben prozessualer Waffengleichheit und effektiven Rechtschutzes dient. / The dissertation deals with the juristic problem whether a legal remedy is to be recognized which enables opponents to initiate procedures of interim legal protection in disputes regarding injunctive relief in the field of unfair competition law. Such a legal remedy is not recognized for opponents up to now. This appears to be very problematic, as preliminary proceedings are of high importance in the field of unfair competition law and opponents are being significantly disadvantaged in these procedures. This fact also founds a considerable danger of wrong decisions at the expense of the opponents. In competition these wrong decisions may be of great importance as, for example, the distribution of new and innovative products can be prohibited by them. The work comes to the conclusion that a corresponding legal remedy is to be recognized, because it provides the opponent with an effective option to protect itself from damaging wrong decisions and it serves the realization of the constitutional requirements of procedural equality of opportunity and effective legal protection.

Tutelas de urgência e processo arbitral / Provisional measures and arbitral proceeding

Mateus Aimoré Carreteiro 05 June 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado possui o objetivo de identificar as particularidades relacionadas à utilização das tutelas de urgência nos casos em que as partes convencionam submeter seus litígios atuais ou futuros à jurisdição arbitral (i.e., tutelas de urgência arbitrais) e explorar o seu tratamento sob a perspectiva do direito brasileiro. As tutelas de urgência arbitrais adquirem cada vez maior importância para o desenvolvimento da arbitragem e para que o processo arbitral seja efetivo, alcançando o resultado desejado pelo direito material. Esta dissertação, depois de breves considerações iniciais, analisou as principais características e tipos de tutelas de urgência arbitrais (capítulos 2 e 3). Em seguida, passou em revista as bases teóricas para a compreensão da competência dos árbitros com relação às tutelas de urgência (capítulos 4 e 5), com estudo específico do cenário do direito brasileiro (capítulo 6). Esta dissertação reviu em detalhas as questões polêmicas da fase pré-arbitral (tanto perante as cortes estatais quanto perante árbitros de emergência), assim como as questões pertinentes sobre o momento em que o árbitro precisa analisar o assunto na fase arbitral (capítulos 7, 8 e 9). Por fim, analisou a hipótese na qual os juízes são chamados a auxiliar na efetivação de tutelas de urgência proferidas por árbitros em arbitragens nacionais e estrangeiras (capítulo 10). / The arbitral provisional measures have an increasing importance for the development of arbitration and for the effectiveness of the arbitration process, reaching the result aimed by the substantive law. This dissertation, after brief preliminary considerations, analyzed the main characteristics and types of arbitral provisional measures (Sections 2 and 3). Afterwards, it has reviewed the theoretical basis for understanding of arbitrators competence with regard to provisional measures (Sections 4 and 5), specifically in relation to the Brazilian law (Section 6). This dissertation has performed a detailed review of the controversial issues in the pre-arbitral phase (regarding state courts and emergency arbitrators), and has also reviewed issues related to the moment in which the arbitrator needs to analyze such controversial subject during the arbitral phase (Sections 7,8,9). Finally, this paper analized the hypothesis in which judges are called to assist on the enforcement of provisional measures issued by arbitrators in domestic and international international arbitrations (Section 10).

A Comparative Study of Injunctive Relief and Specific Performance in the Arbitral Forum

Zojaji, Dustin January 2023 (has links)
This thesis concerns the issue of injunctive relief and specific performance in arbitration. The availability of such relief varies significantly between different jurisdictions and the issue is further complicated when parties opt out of litigation in favor of arbitration, not the least in terms of enforcement. In light of this, the thesis aims to determine the consequences for parties opting for arbitration instead of litigation with regard to the availability and enforceability of specific performance and injunctive relief. This overall research question has been answered under the laws of Sweden and the United States of America. First, this thesis has concluded that there are considerable differences between the jurisdictions in the availability of specific performance and injunctive relief in litigation. In Sweden, remedies are issues of substantive law and for many kinds of contracts, the primary remedy for breach. Consequently, courts do not differentiate claims for specific performance or injunctive relief, and routinely grant such claims in no different way than granting monetary relief. Conversely, in the United States, remedies are viewed as procedural issues, not substantive. There, specific performance and injunctive relief are discretionary matters of equity and not rights at law. Hence, the availability of specific performance and injunctive relief is limited as compared to damages. Further, this thesis has concluded that the categorization of reliefs and remedies as substantive and procedural, respectively, is mirrored also in arbitration. While in Sweden, the choice of arbitration as proper contract forum does not affect the availability of the reliefs now in question, it does so in the United States. There, courts have held that the division of remedies into legal and equitable is not applicable in arbitration. Thus, parties have the freedom to by contract control which reliefs an arbitrator may grant. In absence of such agreements, courts have presumed arbitrators to have been given a broad grant of authority, allowing otherwise unavailable reliefs.Third, this thesis has concluded that, inter alia, because of the inherent contempt powers of courts in the United States, the means of enforcing arbitral awards providing specific performance and injunctive relief are more extensive in the United States than in Sweden, where comparable powers do not exist. Further, parties may by means of contract, grant arbitrators the authority to supervise such reliefs and enforce previously granted specific performance and injunctions by contractual fines and sanctions. Again, in absence of explicit contract language such authority is presumed in the United States, but not in Sweden. Overall, the choice of arbitration has consequences in both jurisdictions. In the United States, mostly for the availability of the reliefs in question and in Sweden, mostly for the enforcement.

Předběžné opatření v civilním procesu / Preliminary injuctions in civil procedings

Hrnčiřík, Vít January 2017 (has links)
The topic of preliminary injunctions (injunctive relief) in civil proceedings has not been monographically processed and published in the Czech Republic for more than one hundred years. That is in spite of the practical relevance and topical debates pertaining to the topic. A whole array of problematic questions connected to preliminary injunctions is controversial and also legal opinions in Czech commentary literature considerably diverge in respect to particular issues. The thesis offers a systematic approach to preliminary injunctions and proceedings governed by the Czech Civil Proceedings Code and the Statute on Special Court Proceedings ("OSŘ" and "ZŘS"). Attention is paid to historic developments and comparable jurisdictions (especially Germany and Austria), which are used as a reference in cases where Czech sources are insufficient. The aim of the work is to pose and answer fundamental questions of the "law of preliminary injunctions". The work deals with function, typology, relation to the proceedings based on merits, interlocutory character, limits, means, effects, particularities (such as demonstration, justification), requirements for granting and possibilities of enforcement of preliminary measures, further with relation to relative legal creatures (i.e. preliminary enforceability) and...

Zulässigkeit und Voraussetzungen einer einstweiligen Verfügung auf negative Feststellung im Lauterkeitsrecht

Greiner, Uli 15 July 2014 (has links)
Die Dissertation befasst sich mit der juristischen Problematik, ob ein Rechtsbehelf anzuerkennen ist, der es Anspruchsgegnern ermöglicht, in lauterkeitsrechtlichen Unterlassungsstreitigkeiten Verfahren des einstweiligen Rechtsschutzes zu initiieren. Ein solcher Rechtsbehelf ist für Anspruchsgegner bislang nicht anerkannt. Dies stellt sich als sehr problematisch dar, da Eilverfahren im Lauterkeitsrecht eine sehr hohe Bedeutung zukommt und Anspruchsgegner in diesen Verfahren signifikant benachteiligt werden. Dieser Umstand begründet auch eine erhebliche Gefahr von Fehlentscheidungen zu Lasten der Anspruchsgegner. Im Wettbewerb kann diesen Fehlentscheidungen große Bedeutung zukommen, weil durch sie beispielsweise der Vertrieb neuer innovativer Produkte untersagt werden kann. Die Arbeit kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass ein entsprechender Rechtsbehelf anzuerkennen ist, da er dem Anspruchsgegner eine Möglichkeit verschafft, sich wirksam vor schädigenden Fehlentscheidungen zu schützen und damit der Verwirklichung der verfassungsrechtlichen Vorgaben prozessualer Waffengleichheit und effektiven Rechtschutzes dient. / The dissertation deals with the juristic problem whether a legal remedy is to be recognized which enables opponents to initiate procedures of interim legal protection in disputes regarding injunctive relief in the field of unfair competition law. Such a legal remedy is not recognized for opponents up to now. This appears to be very problematic, as preliminary proceedings are of high importance in the field of unfair competition law and opponents are being significantly disadvantaged in these procedures. This fact also founds a considerable danger of wrong decisions at the expense of the opponents. In competition these wrong decisions may be of great importance as, for example, the distribution of new and innovative products can be prohibited by them. The work comes to the conclusion that a corresponding legal remedy is to be recognized, because it provides the opponent with an effective option to protect itself from damaging wrong decisions and it serves the realization of the constitutional requirements of procedural equality of opportunity and effective legal protection.

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