Spelling suggestions: "subject:"jetprinting"" "subject:"inkjetprinted""
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Impression de silicium par procédé jet d’encre : des nanoparticules aux couches minces fonctionnelles pour applications photovoltaïques / Inkjet-printed silicon : from nanoparticles to functional thin-films for photovoltaic applicationsDrahi, Etienne 21 March 2013 (has links)
Cette étude prend place dans le cadre du projet ANR Inxilicium visant à la réalisation de cellules solaires en couches minces de silicium par jet d’encre. Les nanoparticules de silicium sont des matériaux à fort potentiel pour la levée de verrous technologiques grâce à leurs propriétés spécifiques. Des encres de nanoparticules de Si issues de diverses méthodes de synthèse ont été imprimées par jet d’encre sur différents substrats : quartz, électrodes métalliques (aluminium, molybdène) et transparente conductrice (ZnO:Al). L’optimisation du procédé d’impression, de l’interaction encre/substrat (via la modulation de l’énergie de surface des substrats) et de l’étape de séchage a permis l’obtention de couches minces homogènes et continues (plusieurs centaines de nm à quelques µm d’épaisseur)A posteriori, une étape de recuit est nécessaire pour recouvrer des propriétés fonctionnelles. L’utilisation de nanoparticules à la physico-chimie de surface contrôlée fait décroître les températures de frittage de 1100 °C à environ 600 °C. En complément, des recuits sélectifs (micro-ondes et photonique) ont été évalués pour leur application sur des substrats flexibles et bas coûts.Les propriétés optiques et les interfaces électrode/silicium ont été examinées afin d’intégrer ces couches dans des dispositifs (cellule solaire…). La formation de transitions métallurgiques Al-Si et Mo-Si a été étudiées par DRX-in situ. L’ensemble de ces travaux a permis la réalisation d’une jonction PN montrant un comportement photovoltaïque à fort champ grâce aussi à la mise au point d’une méthode innovante de collage ouvrant la voie à une réduction du bilan thermique des procédés de fabrication. / This study takes place in the frame of the Inxilicium project from the National Research Agency, which targets the fabrication of silicon thin film solar cells by inkjet-printing. Thanks to their specific properties, silicon nanoparticles are materials with strong potential for technological breakthroughs. Silicon nanoparticle-based inks made by different synthesis routes have been inkjet-printed on different substrates: quartz, metallic electrodes (aluminum, molybdenum) and transparent electrodes (ZnO:Al). Homogeneous and continuous thin films (from several hundreds of nm to some µm thick) have been obtained through optimization of the printing process, the ink/substrate interaction (via substrates surface energy tuning) and the drying step.A posteriori, an annealing step is mandatory for recovering of functional properties. By using nanoparticles with tailored surface physical chemistry, the sintering temperature decreases from 1100 °C to 600 °C. In order to allow the use of this material on flexible and low cost substrates, selective sintering (microwave and photonics) have been also evaluated.Thin film optical properties and electrode/silicon interfaces have been investigated with the purpose to integrate those layers into devices (solar cells…). Metallurgical evolution of Al-Si and Mo-Si physical interfaces has been studied by in situ XRD.This work allowed the fabrication of a PN junction with a photovoltaic behaviour under strong polarization voltage thanks to the development of an innovative thermal pasting process, which opens the way to the reduction of process thermal budget.
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Versatile High Performance Photomechanical Actuators Based on Two-dimensional NanomaterialsRahneshin, Vahid 13 July 2018 (has links)
The ability to convert photons into mechanical motion is of significant importance for many energy conversion and reconfigurable technologies. Establishing an optical-mechanical interface has been attempted since 1881; nevertheless, only few materials exist that can convert photons of different wavelengths into mechanical motion that is large enough for practical import. Recently, various nanomaterials including nanoparticles, nanowires, carbon nanotubes, and graphene have been used as photo-thermal agents in different polymer systems and triggered using near infrared (NIR) light for photo-thermal actuation. In general, most photomechanical actuators based on sp bonded carbon namely nanotube and graphene are triggered mainly using near infra-red light and they do not exhibit wavelength selectivity. Layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) provide intriguing opportunities to develop low cost, light and wavelength tunable stimuli responsive systems that are not possible with their conventional macroscopic counterparts. Compared to graphene, which is just a layer of carbon atoms and has no bandgap, TMDs are stacks of triple layers with transition metal layer between two chalcogen layers and they also possess an intrinsic bandgap. While the atoms within the layers are chemically bonded using covalent bonds, the triple layers can be mechanically/chemically exfoliated due to weak van der Waals bonding between the layers. Due to the large optical absorption in these materials, they are already being exploited for photocatalytic, photoluminescence, photo-transistors, and solar cell applications. The large breaking strength together with large band gap and strong light- matter interaction in these materials have resulted in plethora of investigation on electronic, optical and magnetic properties of such layered ultra-thin semiconductors. This dissertation will go in depth in the synthesis, characterization, development, and application of two- dimensional (2D) nanomaterials, with an emphasis on TMDs and molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), when used as photo-thermal agents in photoactuation technologies. It will present a new class of photo-thermal actuators based on TMDs and hyperelastic elastomers with large opto-mechanical energy conversion, and investigate the layer-dependent optoelectronics and light-matter interaction in these nanomaterials and nanocomposites. Different attributes of semiconductive nanoparticles will be studied through different applications, and the possibility of globally/locally engineering the bandgap of such nanomaterials, along with its consequent effect on optomechanical properties of photo thermal actuators will be investigated. Using liquid phase exfoliation in deionized water, inks based on 2D- materials will be developed, and inkjet printing of 2D materials will be utilized as an efficient method for fast fabrication of functional devices based on nanomaterials, such as paper-graphene-based photo actuators. The scalability, simplicity, biocompatibility, and fast fabrication characteristics of the inkjet printing of 2D materials along with its applicability to a variety of substrates such as plastics and papers can potentially be implemented to fabricate high-performance devices with countless applications in soft robotics, wearable technologies, flexible electronics and optoelectronics, bio- sensing, photovoltaics, artificial skins/muscles, transparent displays and photo-detectors.
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Fabricação e caracterização de transistores orgânicos por impressão de jato de tinta / Fabrication and characterization of organic transistors by inkjet printingStefanelo, Josiani Cristina 02 July 2014 (has links)
A tecnologia dos semicondutores inorgânicos tem dominado a indústria eletrônica por muitos anos. No entanto, com a descoberta dos polímeros condutores um esforço considerável tem sido dedicado ao estudo e às aplicações tecnológicas desses materiais em dispositivos eletrônicos, dando início a um novo ramo da eletrônica: a Eletrônica Orgânica (EO). Uma das grandes vantagens da EO reside nos métodos de processamento. Os materiais orgânicos são facilmente processados em solução, portanto permite o uso de diversas técnicas de deposição, como por exemplo, as técnicas de impressão. Dentre as técnicas de impressão, a jato de tinta é a que mostra ser mais adequada à impressão de circuitos. Ela permite depositar volumes de soluções (ou suspensões) da ordem de picolitros em cada gota mantendo padrões bem definidos. Além disso, elimina o uso de máscaras, ocasionando diminuição nos custos e desperdício de material e, por ser um método de deposição tipo não-contato, minimiza possíveis contaminações. Esta tese dedicou-se, dentro desse contexto, ao domínio da técnica de jato de tinta para a confecção de transistores de efeito de campo orgânico (OFETs) tipo p e tipo n, e com aplicação em um inversor lógico unipolar. Os OFETs impressos usaram a arquitetura top gate/bottom contact (TG/BC. Os filmes semicondutores foram formados por várias linhas impressas sobre a região dos eletrodos fonte e dreno. Para os OFETs tipo p foi utilizado o semicondutor Poli(3-hexiltiofeno) régio-regular (rr-P3HT). Foram fabricados OFETs tipo p com a impressão de linhas utilizando os quatro diferentes padrões de deposição da impressora Autodrop. OFETs tipo p com mobilidade em torno de 3x10-3 cm2/V.s e razões Ion/Ioff da ordem de 103 foram obtidos utilizando um padrão de deposição paralelo e outro perpendicular a fonte e dreno. Para os OFETs tipo n o semicondutor usado foi o Poli{[N,N\'-bis(2-octildodecil)-naftaleno-1,4,5,8-bis(dicarboximida)-2,6-diil]-alt-5,5\'-(2,2\'-bitiofeno)]} (P(NDI2OD-T2)). Dentre os OFETs tipo n impressos os melhores apresentaram mobilidades em torno de 10-2 cm2/V.s e razões Ion/Ioff de aproximadamente 5x102. Ambos os OFETs impressos foram aplicados em inversores lógicos digitais unipolares com ganhos maiores que 1. / The technology of inorganic semiconductors has dominated the industry of electronics for many years. However, since the discovery of conductive polymers considerable effort has been devoted to studies and technological applications of these materials in electronic devices, starting a new branch of electronics: Organic Electronics (OE). One of the great advantages of OE lies in the processing methods. The organic materials are easily handled in solution, thus allows the use of various deposition techniques, as for example the printing techniques. Among the techniques of printing, inkjet is showing to be more suitable for printing circuits. It allows you to deposit solutions (or suspensions) volumes on the order of picoliters in each drop, performing well-defined patterns. Furthermore, it eliminates the use of masks, resulting in reduced costs and material waste. This thesis is dedicated to the field of inkjet technique, specifically for the fabrication of organic field-effect transistors (OFETs), p-type and n-type, and application in a unipolar logic inverter. Printed OFETs used architecture top gate/bottom contact (TG/BC). The semiconductor films were formed by several printed lines on the region of the source and drain electrodes. For p-type OFETs we used poly (3-hexylthiophene ) regio-regular (rr-P3HT) as semiconducting material. The p-type OFETs were fabricated using the four different patterns of deposition of the printer Autodrop. These OFETs showed mobility around 3x10-3 cm2/V.s and Ion/Ioff ratio of the order of 103 for the deposition pattern parallel and perpendicular to source and drain. For the n-type OFETs the semiconductor used was Poly{[N,N\'-bis(2-octyldodecyl)-naphthalene-1,4,5,8-bis(dicarboximide)-2,6-diyl]-alt-5,5\'-(2,2\'-bithiophene)]} (P(NDI2OD-T2)). Among the printed n-type OFETs the best showed mobility around of 10-2 cm2/V.s and Ion/Ioff ratio of the order of 5x102. Both printed OFETs were applied in unipolar digital logic inverters, with gains greater than 1.
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Development of electrostrictive P(VDF-TrFE-CTFE) terpolymer for inkjet printed electromechanical devices / Développement d'un terpolymère électrostrictif P(VDF-TrFE-CTFE) pour des dispositifs électromécaniques imprimés par jet d'encreLiu, Qing 29 November 2016 (has links)
Les polymères ferroélectriques et plus récemment les matériaux électrostrictifs ont attiré l’attention de la communauté scientifique en raison de leur capacité de conversion d’une excitation électrique en une réponse mécanique et vice versa. La synergie entre les propriétés électro actives de ces polymères et leurs propriétés physico-chimiques intrinsèques (souplesse, légèreté, grande résistance mécanique, facilité de mise en œuvre etc.) en font des candidats de choix pour des applications de types capteurs et actionneurs souples. Cette thèse vise à déterminer de façon systématique le comportement électromécanique des terpolymères P (fluorure de vinylidène-trifluoréthylène-chlorotrifluoroéthylène) [P (VDF-TrFE-CTFE)] par des techniques de cristallisation et de technologies additives et entend étendre ces terpolymères à l'application des dispositifs de type capteur de force électromécanique. L'influence du traitement thermique sur la réponse électromécanique et la microstructure des terpolymères a d'abord été étudiée. Il a été mis en évidence que la déformation électrostrictive transversale S31 pour chaque terpolymère traité thermiquement suit une loi quadratique avec le champ électrique. Par ailleurs il a été démontré que la déflexion d’un actionneur unimorphe est maximisée pour une fraction de phase cristalline de 39,3%. La dynamique moléculaire des terpolymères cristallisés a également été étudiée par spectroscopie diélectrique à large bande. Une dynamique segmentaire contrainte a été observée dans le terpolymère contenant la fraction cristalline la plus élevée pour laquelle une distribution étroite du temps de relaxation a été mise en évidence. En outre, il a été démontré que l’ajout d’agent plastifiant permet d’augmenter de manière significative la réponse électromécanique des terpolymères fluorés, ouvrant la voie vers de nouveaux matériaux électrostrictifs hautes performances fonctionnant sous faible champ électrique. De plus, la réponse diélectrique et électromécanique accrue du terpolymère dopé a été étudiée par microscope à force atomique et spectroscopie diélectrique dynamique. Ces analyses ont permis de lier l’augmentation de la réponse électromécanique de ces mélanges à un effet de polarisation interfaciale intensifié lors de l’augmentation de mobilité moléculaire de la phase amorphe rigide de ces terpolymères fluorés. Enfin, des dispositifs électromécaniques basés sur le polymère ferroélectrique P (VDF-TrFE) et le terpolymère électrostrictif P (VDF-TrFE-CTFE) ont été élaborés. Un procédé de fabrication additive utilisant la technologie d'impression jet d'encre a permis de concevoir et valider la faisabilité de réalisation de capteurs de force dynamique. Il a alors été démontré que les propriétés pseudo-piézoélectriques du terpolymère électrostrictif sont équivalentes à celles du copolymère ferroélectrique pour un faible champ électrique de biais de 7,5 V /μ / Electromechanical coupling effect has been paid the increasing attention due to ability to realize conversion between electric excitation and mechanical response and vice versa. Thanks to their flexibility, light weight, relatively low mechanical strength, ease of processability into large-area films, and ability to be molded into desirable geometric dimensions, polymers materials which possess an electromechanical coupling effect have been emerging recently. This thesis aims to systematically determine the electromechanical behavior of the P(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene-chlorotrifluoroethylene) [P(VDF-TrFE-CTFE)] terpolymers via crystallization and additive technology approaches and intend to extend such terpolymers to the electromechanical force sensor devices application. The influence of the thermal processing on the electromechanical response and microstructure of the terpolymers were firstly investigated. Cantilever unimorph bending measurement found the tip displacement δ and transverse strain S_31 for each thermally treated terpolymer followed a quadratic correlation with the electric field. δ was maximized at a 39.3% crystal content, instead of S_31 peaking at lowest crystal content, showing an exponential decay against the crystal fraction increasing. The dynamics of crystallized terpolymers were additionally studied via broadband dielectric spectroscopy. Constrained segmental dynamics was observed in the terpolymer containing the highest crystal fraction for which a narrow relaxation time distribution was found. Moreover, the enhanced dielectric and electromechanical response of DEHP doped terpolymer were interpreted via morphology microstructure and molecular mobility analysis. Interfacial polarization shifted to the high frequency by one decade because of dopant DEHP. Finally, electromechanical devices based on ferroelectric P(VDF-TrFE) and electrostrictive P(VDF-TrFE-CTFE) towards the dynamic force sensor implementation were designed and fabricated via inkjet printing technology. The bias electric field for terpolymer sensor was much lower than the poling electric field for a copolymer sensor. And the piezoelectric properties equivalent to the corresponding copolymer sensor can be obtained for a bias as low as 7.5 V/μ
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Tailoring superconductor and SOFC structures for power applicationsMitchell-Williams, Thomas Benjamin January 2017 (has links)
High temperature superconductors (HTS) and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) both offer the possibility for dramatic improvements in efficiency in power applications such as generation, transmission and use of electrical energy. However, production costs and energy losses prohibit widespread adoption of these technologies. This thesis investigates low-cost methods to tailor the structures of HTS wires and SOFCs to reduce these energy losses. Section I focusses on methods to produce filamentary HTS coated conductors that show reduced AC losses. This includes spark-discharge striation to pattern existing HTS tapes and inkjet printing of different filamentary architectures. The printed structures are directly deposited filaments and ‘inverse’ printed tracks where an initially deposited barrier material separates superconducting regions. Furthermore, the concept and first stages of a more complex ‘Rutherford’ cable architecture are presented. Additionally, Section I investigates how waste material produced during the manufacture of an alternative low-AC loss cable design, the Roebel cable, can be used to make trapped field magnets that produce a uniform magnetic field profile over a large area. This trapped field magnet work is extended to study self-supporting soldered stacks of HTS tape that demonstrate unprecedented magnetic field uniformity. Section II looks at how nanostructuring porous SOFC electrodes via solution infiltration of precursors can improve long-term stability and low temperature performance. Inkjet printing is utilised as a scalable, low-cost technique to infiltrate lab-scale and commercial samples. Anode infiltration via inkjet printing is demonstrated and methods to increase nanoparticle loading beyond ~1 wt% are presented. Symmetric cells with infiltrated cathodes are shown to have improved performance and stability during high temperature aging. Additionally, the sequence of solution infiltration is found to be important for samples dual-infiltrated with two different nanoparticle precursors.
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Amélioration des performances des cellules solaires organique par l'ingénierie de bandes aux interfaces électrodes semi - conducteurs / Improvement of the performance of organic solar cells by band engineering at semiconductor electrode interfacesObscur, Jean-Charles 21 June 2017 (has links)
Le contexte actuel de forte croissance des besoins en énergie dans le monde nécessite une diversification de sa production, notamment vers des sources renouvelables tout en limitant autant qu’il est possible l’émission de gaz à effet de serre. Parmi les énergies renouvelables une des plus prometteuses et abondantes est l’énergie solaire et il apparaît évident que l’énergie solaire, thermique ou photovoltaïque, représente un enjeu crucial pour diminuer la consommation d’énergie fossile. Actuellement 90 % des générateurs solaires sont élaborés en silicium cristallin, ce qui pose un problème d’approvisionnement en matière première, les producteurs de silicium n’ayant pas su anticiper la forte expansion de la filière solaire. Des concepts innovants présentent une forte potentialité en termes de coût de production et d’application, notamment les filières organiques et hybrides (organique/oxyde métallique). En Europe, la France est très active dans ce domaine de recherche, en particulier en ce qui concerne l’utilisation de nouveaux matériaux nanostructurés organiques ou de structures hybrides. C'est pourquoi Disasolar, une start-up française spécialisée dans le photovoltaïque souple, souhaite développer cette activité en élaborant des modules solaires souples par impression jet d'encre. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont d'étudier des nouveaux matériaux d'interface imprimables et d'évaluer l'effet de la dimension des nanoparticules sur la topologie et les performances des dispositifs. Et dans un deuxième temps l'étude portera sur l'impression des matériaux d'interface et la stabilité des cellules solaires organiques. / The current context of strong growth in energy demands in the world requires diversification of its production, in particular towards renewable sources while limiting as far as possible the emission of greenhouse gases. Among the most promising and abundant renewable energies is solar energy and it is evident that solar, thermal or photovoltaic energy represents a crucial issue to reduce the consumption of fossil energy. Currently 90% of the solar generators are made of crystalline silicon, which poses a problem of supply of raw material, as silicon producers did not know how to anticipate the strong expansion of the solar sector. Innovative concepts present a high potential in terms of cost of production and application, in particular organic and hybrid (organic / metal oxide) dies. In Europe, France is very active in this area of research, particularly with regard to the use of new organic nanostructured materials or hybrid structures. This is why Disasolar, a French start-up specializing in flexible photovoltaics, wants to develop this activity by developing flexible solar modules by inkjet printing. The objectives of this thesis are to study new printable interface materials and to evaluate the effect of nanoparticle size on the topology and performance of devices. And secondly, the study will focus on the printing of interface materials and the stability of organic solar cells.
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Stabilisierung von Mikrosieben durch DruckverfahrenWolf, Franziska 27 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Eine spezielle Art poröser Membranen sind die sogenannten Mikrosiebe. Ihre Dicke ist geringer als der Durchmesser der Poren und sie besitzen eine einheitliche Porengröße und eine dichte Porenpackung. Sie zeichnen sich somit durch eine hohe Trennschärfe aus und eignen sich daher und aufgrund ihres geringen Filtrationswiderstandes besonders für den Einsatz als Filtrationsmedien. Ein Prinzip, um Mikrosiebe herzustellen, ist die Partikel-assistierte Benetzung. Bei dieser Methode wird ein polymerisierbares organisches Öl zusammen mit Kieselgelpartikeln auf einer Wasseroberfläche gespreitet. Nach dem Auspolymerisieren des Öls und dem anschließenden Entfernen der Partikel erhält man die gewünschten Mikrosiebe, welche an den Stellen, an denen sich zuvor die Kieselgelpartikel befanden, Poren besitzen. Die Porengröße der Siebe ist dabei über die Größe der verwendeten Partikel in weiten Grenzen (ca. zwischen 20 nm und 1000 nm) einstellbar und die Größe und Form des Mikrosiebes wird lediglich durch die Flächengröße und -form der zur Herstellung verwendeten Wasseroberfläche vorgegeben. Jedoch ist die mechanische Stabilität der Mikrosiebe für die gewünschte Anwendung als Filtrationsmedium oftmals nicht zufriedenstellend. Daher ist eine Stabilisierung erforderlich.
Eine Möglichkeit, diese Stabilisierung zu erreichen, ist das Aufbringen einer externen makroporösen Stützstruktur. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird die Möglichkeit vorgestellt mittels der Drucktechnik des sog. Inkjet-Druckens eine potentielle Stützstruktur auf ein solches Mikrosieb zu applizieren und dieses somit zu stabilisieren.
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Vertical integration of inkjet-printed RF circuits and systems (VIPRE) for wireless sensing and inter/intra-chip communication applicationsCook, Benjamin Stassen 22 May 2014 (has links)
Inkjet-printing is a technology which has for the last decade been exploited to fabricate flexible RF components such as antennas and planar circuit elements. However, the limitations of feature size and single layer fabrication prevented the demonstration of compact, and high efficiency RF components operating above 10 GHz into the mm-Wave regime which is critical to silicon integration and fully-printed modules. To overcome these limitations, a novel vertically-integrated fully inkjet-printed process has been developed and characterized up to the mm-Wave regime which incorporates up to five highly conductive metal layers, variable thickness dielectric layers ranging from 200 nm to 200 um, and low resistance through-layer via interconnects. This vertically-integrated inkjet printed electronics process, tagged VIPRE, is a first of its kind, and is utilized to demonstrate fully additive RF capacitors, inductors, antennas, and RF sensors operating up to 40 GHz. In this work, the first-ever fully inkjet printed multi-layer RF devices operating up to 40 GHz with high-performance are demonstrated, along with a demonstration of the processing techniques which have enabled the printing of multi-layer RF structures with multiple metal layers, and dielectric layers which are orders of magnitude thicker than previoulsy demonstrated inkjet-printed structures. The results of this work show the new possibilities in utilizing inkjet printing for the post-processing of high-efficiency RF inductors, capacitors, and antennas and antenna arrays on top of silicon to reduce chip area requirements, and for the production of entirely printed wireless modules.
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A smart wireless integrated module (SWIM) on organic substrates using inkjet printing technologyPalacios, Sebastian R. 22 May 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates inkjet printing of fully-integrated modules fabricated on organic substrates as a system-level solution for ultra-low-cost and eco-friendly mass production of wireless sensor modules. Prototypes are designed and implemented in both traditional FR-4 substrate and organic substrate. The prototype on organic substrate is referred to as a Smart Wireless Integrated Module (SWIM). Parallels are drawn between FR-4 manufacturing and inkjet printing technology, and recommendations are discussed to enable the potential of inkjet printing technology. Finally, this thesis presents novel applications of SWIM technology in the area of wearable and implantable electronics. Chapter 1 serves as an introduction to inkjet printing technology on organic substrates, wireless sensor networks (WSNs), and the requirements for low-power consumption, low-cost, and eco-friendly technology. Chapter 2 discusses the design of SWIM and its implementation using traditional manufacturing techniques on FR-4 substrate. Chapter 3 presents a benchmark prototype of SWIM on paper substrate. Challenges in the manufacturing process are addressed, and solutions are proposed which suggest future areas of research in inkjet printing technology. Chapter 4 presents novel applications of SWIM technology in the areas of implantable and wearable electronics. Chapter 5 concludes the thesis by discussing the importance of this work in creating a bridge between current inkjet printing technology and its future.
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Metal Films for Printed Electronics : Ink-substrate Interactions and SinteringÖhlund, Thomas January 2014 (has links)
A new manufacturing paradigm may lower the cost and environmental impact of existing products, as well as enable completely new products. Large scale, roll-to-roll manufacturing of flexible electronics and other functionality has great potential. However, a commercial breakthrough depends on a lower consumption of materials and energy compared with competing alternatives, and that sufficiently high performance and reliability of the products can be maintained. The substrate constitutes a large part of the product, and therefore its cost and environmental sustainability are important. Electrically conducting thin films are required in many functional devices and applications. In demanding applications, metal films offer the highest conductivity. In this thesis, paper substrates of various type and construction were characterized, and the characteristics were related to the performance of inkjet-printed metal patterns. Fast absorption of the ink carrier was beneficial for well-defined pattern geometry, as well as high conductivity. Surface roughness with topography variations of sufficiently large amplitude and frequency, was detrimental to the pattern definition and conductivity. Porosity was another important factor, where the characteristic pore size was much more important than the total pore volume. Apparent surface energy was important for non-absorbing substrates, but of limited importance for coatings with a high absorption rate. Applying thin polymer–based coatings on flexible non-porous films to provide a mechanism for ink solvent removal, improved the pattern definition significantly. Inkjet-printing of a ZnO-dispersion on uncoated paper provided a thin spot-coating, allowing conductivity of silver nanoparticle films. Conductive nanoparticle films could not form directly on the uncoated paper. The resulting performance of printed metal patterns was highly dependent on a well adapted sintering methodology. Several sintering methods were examined in this thesis, including conventional oven sintering, electrical sintering, microwave sintering, chemical sintering and intense pulsed light sintering. Specially designed coated papers with modified chemical and physical properties, were utilized for chemical low-temperature sintering of silver nanoparticle inks. For intense pulsed light sintering and material conversion of patterns, custom equipment was designed and built. Using the equipment, inkjet-printed copper oxide patterns were processed into highly conducting copper patterns. Custom-designed papers with mesoporous coatings and porous precoatings improved the reliablility and performance of the reduction and sintering process. The thesis aims to clarify how ink-substrate interactions and sintering methodology affect the performance and reliability of inkjet-printed nanoparticle patterns on flexible substrates. This improves the selection, adaptation, design and manufacturing of suitable substrates for inkjet-printed high conductivity patterns, such as circuit boards or RFID antennas.
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