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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Management stratégique des brevets et Open Innovation : Le cas du Licensing / Patent Strategic management and Open Innovation : The case of Licensing

Azzam, Jamal Eddine 04 December 2015 (has links)
Si l’Open Innovation a fait l’objet de nombreux travaux soulignant la pertinence de ce modèle pour la recherche et la pratique, nous disposons d’une compréhension limitée de ce que signifie l’ouverture, des différentes formes qu’elle peut prendre et des processus de sa mise en œuvre, en particulier les processus inside-out et couplé.La présente recherche doctorale, située à l’intersection des recherches sur le management stratégique des brevets et celles sur le modèle de l’Open Innovation, est dédiée à l’étude des pratiques de licensing, considéré comme le principal mécanisme d’ouverture. Elle est menée sous la forme d’une thèse sur travaux consacrés aux logiques stratégiques et aux capacités organisationnelles du licensing dans les deux processus inside-out et couplé. Ces travaux mobilisent différentes perspectives théoriques (capacités organisationnelles, coopétition, écosystème) et s’appuient sur un design qualitatif pour répondre individuellement à des questions spécifiques dérivées d’une problématique générale. L’analyse transversale et la mise en perspective des résultats de ces travaux permettent de combler les limites des travaux existants et d’enrichir la littérature sur le modèle de l’Open Innovation. Plus précisément, les résultats permettent de: a) clarifier la notion d’ouverture, b) dépasser la conception dyadique et collaborative de l’Open Innovation, b) mettre en évidence de nouvelles logiques stratégiques du licensing dans les processus inside-out et couplé et c) de comprendre les modes d’interactions et dynamiques sous-jacentes aux capacités d’absorption et de désorption, ainsi que l’origine de cette dernière. / While much research defend the relevance of the Open Innovation model for both research and practice, we know surprisingly little about the meaning of openness, the various forms it can take and its implementation processes, in particular the two processes known as ‘inside-out’ and ‘coupled’. This dissertation aims to fill these gaps through four essays. It binds researches on patent strategic management with those on the Open Innovation Model and analyzes the practices of licensing viewed as the main mechanism of openness. The essays address the strategic motivations and organizational capacities of licensing in the inside-out and coupled processes. They draw on various theoretical perspectives (ecosystem, coopetition, organizational capacities) and use a qualitative design to individually tackle specific issues derived from the general problematic. The transversal analysis of the results of these essays fills the gaps of existing works and contributes to the literature on Open Innovation model. More precisely, the results clarify the meaning of openness; overtake the dyadic and collaborative view of open innovation; highlight new strategic logics of licensing in the inside-out and coupled processes; and improve the understanding of desorptive capacity by disentangling its microfoundations and origin as well as its articulation with absorptive capacity.

Upplevelsen av att leva med hälsoångest- en analys av narrativ / The experience of living with health anxiety- an analysis of narratives

Olsson-Kenttä, Lenita, Aine, Matilda January 2017 (has links)
Att leva med hälsoångest är komplext då det ofta inte föreligger någon kroppslig sjukdom utan den som lever med hälsoångest har en ständig rädsla för att ha eller få en allvarlig sjukdom. Detta är något som är oerhört påfrestande för individen och påverkar sjukvården genom frekventa vårdtillfällen. Syftet med denna studie var att studera personers upplevelser av att leva med hälsoångest. En litteraturstudie på narrativ tillämpades där sex stycken bloggar analyserades. Resultatet utgjordes av tre huvudkategorier och sex subkategorier. De huvudkategorier som framkom var; Att rädslan är ständigt närvarande och påtaglig; Att försöka hitta sätt att klara av hälsoångesten och hålla sig flytande i vardagen; Att andras bemötande och förhållningssätt får betydelse för måendet. Kunskapen av denna studie ämnar till att öka förståelsen för hur det är att leva med hälsoångest och därmed på ett bättre sätt kunna bemöta samt hjälpa personer som lider utav detta. / Living with health anxiety is complex because usually physical illness is not present. Instead it is a constant fear of having or going to have a severe disease. This is something that is extremely strenuous for the individual and is also strenuous for the healthcare system because the person with health anxiety often seeks medical attention. The aim of this study was to examine the experiences of people living with health anxiety. A literature study of narratives was applied, and six blogs were analyzed. The analysis resulted in three main categories and six sub-categories. The three main categories that emerged were:  That fear is constantly present and palpable; Trying to find ways to cope with the healthanxiety and keep themselves floating in the daily life; That others’ responses and approaches to the suffering individuals has a great impact on their wellbeing.This study aspires to increase the understanding of living with health anxiety and thus to be better able to respond to and help people who suffer from this.

The Technology-to-Performance Chain: How Lead Management Systems Drive Inside Sales Performance

Ohiomah, Alhassan Abdullahi January 2015 (has links)
Understanding how technology usage influences performance in the inside sales industry has become an important issue for practitioners. Yet, there is a dearth of literature in this area. Inside sales are sales that are performed remotely using the phone or Internet technologies. Leads (i.e., potential customers) are the life-blood of any inside sales setting, and their effective management is crucial for business success. Lead management systems are information technology (IT) tools designed to automate and support effective lead management. This study developed a conceptual model based on the Technology-Task-Fit (TTF) theory, capturing the impact of lead management systems on inside sales performance through the following mediating mechanisms: task characteristics (call productivity and effort on lead follow-up), selling behaviour (adaptive selling) and salesperson characteristics (salesperson’s competency). To validate this model, we conducted an empirical study with 108 responses collected from sales managers and decision makers. Using PLS-SEM for the analysis, our findings show that the use of lead management systems affects inside sales performance via improving salespeople’s adaptive selling, effort on lead follow-up and competency. The findings of this study contributes to the inside sales literature, and also educate practitioners of the key enablers of inside sales performance and technology usage approaches to the inside sales process.

Insider dealing and market manipulation / Insider dealing and market manipulation

Crha, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
The issue of capital market protection, especially from manipulation with financial instruments' prices and abuse of inside information, forms the content of this diploma thesis. After the legal introduction of market manipulation in EU directives and regulations, which gives manipulation relevant context, there follows the analysis of particular forms of manipulation, which can be used to influence prices of investment instruments. Then, analysis of impact of investment recommendation to selected stock prices (i.e. NWR, ERSTE and Telefónica O2), which are traded on Czech stock market RM-System, is performed. Final chapter of the thesis handles the analysis of some market manipulation and insider trading cases from the past, together with the discussion of impacts of stricter regulation of financial markets to their efficient functioning.

Augmented Reality and an Inside-Object-View Concept : A Usability Evaluation

Lindqvist, David January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents a usability evaluation of a non conventional way to visualize virtual objects in Augmented Reality (AR). The virtual objects consists of a window that can be placed on a real surface and then opened to view a virtual room containing some virtual objects. This concept was applied to a smartphone application created and designed to evaluate the usability of the concept. The usability was evaluated with user testing methods designed to gather information about the interaction and the perception of handheld Augmented Reality (HAR) applications. The usefulness of the concept was also evaluated by designing the application to be intended for entertainment and then evaluating the users interest for such an application. Design guidelines and design patterns created for HAR applications was followed when designing the application. The results of this project has shown that the concept is easy to both comprehend and interact with. This applies to users with previous smartphone experience but not much experience with AR. The results has also shown that smartphone users find an interest in using an application of this type. An application designed for entertainment and with the described concept. The purpose of evaluating this concept has been to verify its usefulness to promote its use in AR applications. This would create a variety in the visualization of virtual objects in AR. It would also open up for new opportunities in the use of AR.

Možnosti aplikace principů projektového řízení v českém občanském sektoru / Options of application project management principles in the Czech civil sector

Čapková, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
Dissertation discusses the manners and principles of fundraising for non-profit organizations that are funded only from national and European resources. The purpose of this dissertation is to highlight existing principles of project management in organizations that systematically receive free financial and non-financial resources. The theoretical part describes the basic terminology for NGOs, ways of fundraising and communication inside and outside the organization. Also are named various concepts, principles, and project management life cycle. The last theoretical part is devoted to methods of project management that facilitate and improve the efficiency. Theoretical explanation of the issue creates a basis for research whose aim is the analysis of project management principles used in obtaining free resources in NGOs. Research is carried out in organizations that receive assets from other than just government and European resources. Dissertation provides a detailed description of fundraising in NGOs, foundations and theoretical comparison of the information gathered. A separate section is devoted to the project discovered principles that contribute to the success of polled organizations in obtaining available resources. The work is intended for non-profit organizations that have little or no experience of acquiring free assets for other than state or European sources. Publications can also be used as an inspiration and source of information for students of related disciplines and other interested parties.

Att varna eller inte varna : En granskning av regleringen beträffande vinstvarningar på aktiemarknaden / To alert or not to alert : A review of the regulation regarding profit warnings in the stock market

Nygren, Elin January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Fysisk aktivitet i förskolans inomhusmiljö : Villkor som främjar eller begränsar barns möjligheter till fysisk aktivitet i förskolans inomhusmiljö / Physical activity in the indoor enviroment in preschool : Conditions that promote or limit children´s opportunities for physical activity in the indoor enviroment in preschool

Erserum, Julia, Pettersson, Miriam January 2021 (has links)
Studien synliggör några förskollärares förhållningssätt till fysisk aktivitet i inomhusmiljön samt villkor i inomhusmiljön som möjliggör eller begränsar barns fysiska aktivitet. Tidigare forskning visar att förskolans miljö begränsar den fysiska aktiviteten och att förskollärares förhållningssätt är en bidragande faktor till att barn är fysiskt aktiva. Studien kan bidra till fördjupad förståelse som kan inspirera till fortsatt arbete i förskolan med fysisk aktivitet i inomhusmiljön.   För att samla in resultat till studien gjordes semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem förskollärare. Förskollärarnas svar kategoriseras upp för att belysa gemensamma uppfattningar om förskollärares förhållningssätt och villkor som främjar eller begränsar fysisk aktivitet i inomhusmiljön. Resultatet visar att förskollärares kunskap om fysisk aktivitet är viktig för att främja barns möjligheter. Vidare visar resultatet att en gemensam grundsyn i arbetslaget och en tydlig kommunikation är villkor som också bidrar till ökade möjligheter för barns fysiska aktivitet i inomhusmiljön. Ljudnivå, stora barngrupper och liten yta i inomhusmiljön är villkor som förskollärarna upplever begränsar möjligheten att erbjuda fysisk aktivitet. Studien visar att förskollärare erbjuder barn få tillfällen i veckan med planerad fysisk aktivitet i inomhusmiljön men att den spontana fysiska aktiviteten sker dagligen i de flesta fall.

Inertia among Early Stage Employees towards New Technology in an International Sales Organization

Baldeon Eizaguirre, Maria Claudia, Haavisto, Mirjami January 2020 (has links)
According to previous studies, inertia towards new technology is broadly researched in established companies, specifically among senior employees. However, the existing literature leaves a research gap for inertia experienced among young employees, specifically in an organization that operates in the information technology industry. This study aims to investigate inertia among early stage employees towards new technology. The main purpose of this study is to answer the research question: How to overcome inertia of multinational early stage employees towards the new technology in their daily workflow in an international sales organization? To answer the research question, a qualitative research approach was chosen, and a single case study was conducted. The empirical data was gathered through semi-structured interviews. The scope of research is limited to the sales development representatives of Company A, who are based in EMEA. After the data collection, the analysis was carried out with a thematic coding approach. The findings showed that the managers are having tremendous responsibility when it comes to the adoption process of a new digital tool, and some of them are not showing interest towards the new technology. Hence, the lack of communication was concluded as the main cause of inertia among young employees. The authors created a framework for fighting against inertia (FAI). The use of FAI framework results in supporting the management team to overcome resistance towards new technology.

Hållbara offentliga upphandlingar - individens avgörande roll / Sustainable public procurement - the decisive role of the individual

Linse, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
Offentliga upphandlingar utgör idag cirka 14% av Europas totala BNP och på både nationell och internationell nivå lyfts de som ett föredöme och viktig åtgärd för att ändra våra ohållbara produktions- och konsumtionsmönster. Detta då de kan fungera som ett effektivt verktyg för att uppnå samhälleliga hållbarhetsmål. Denna studie undersökte hur offentliga tjänstemän ser på sin roll att implementera hållbarhet i offentliga upphandlingar i form av innovation, cirkularitet och skarpare miljökrav. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med tjänstemän som alla var aktiva inom upphandling påvisades faktorer vilka tillsammans ligger till grund för individens möjlighet att implementera hållbarhet i upphandlingsprocessen och ställa relevanta miljökrav. Resultatet visade att individen spelar en nyckelroll för hållbara upphandlingar och att kunskap, engagemang och individdrivna initiativ är en förutsättning för förändring. Dessa faktorer på individnivå behöver även understödjas av externa faktorer såsom organisatoriskt stöd, tillgängliga resurser och möjliggörande regler genom samordning och standardisering för genomförandet av hållbara upphandlingar. / Today public procurements accounts for about 14% of Europe ́s total GDP and at both the national and international level they are highlighted as a role model and important measure to change our unsustainable production and consumption patterns. This because they can function as an effective tool for achieving societal sustainability goals. This study examined how public officials view their role in implementing sustainability in public procurement through innovation, circularity, and stricter environmental requirements. Through qualitative interviews with officials who were all active in procurement factors were identified which together form the basis for the individual ́s ability to implement sustainability in the process and set relevant environmental requirements. The results showed that the individual plays a key role in sustainable procurement and that knowledge, commitment and individual-driven initiatives are a prerequisite for change. Factors at the individual level also need to be supported by external factors such as organizational support, available resources and enabling rules through coordination and standardization for the implementation of sustainable procurement.

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