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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les maires confrontés à l'apprentissage de l'intercommunalité : l'exemple de l'agglomération toulousaine / The mayors confronted with the inter-municipal apprenticeships : the example of the Toulouse city région

Loubet, Lilian 05 October 2011 (has links)
Le développement de l’intercommunalité donne lieu à des recompositions territoriales et gouvernementales majeures. Les élus se confrontent alors à l’exercice complexe de la coopération et à la définition d’un projet territorial. Il s’agira d’étudier la coopération intercommunale au regard des apprentissages (techniques, politiques et territoriaux) opérés par les maires. Ce propos est illustré par l’étude de l’agglomération toulousaine qui, fragmentée en trois communautés d’agglomérations ou urbaine, donne à voir des territoires plus ou moins avancés dans le mouvement d’intégration communautaire. A cette occasion, plus de 80 maires, ainsi que des responsables techniques, ont été interrogés. / The development of the inter-municipal cooperation gives rise to some major territorial and governmental reorganization. The elected in charge are then confronted to the complex exercise of the inter-municipal cooperation and the definition of a territorial project. It will be a question of studying the inter-municipal cooperation towards the technical, political and territorial apprenticeships operated by the mayors. That is illustrated by the study of the Toulouse city région, which is splited in three communities of town : it shows more or less advanced territories in the movement of community integration. Some technical managers and more than eighty mayors were asked about that.

Performance Characteristics of Scintigraphic Colon Transit Measurement in Health and Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Relationship to Bowel Functions

Deiteren, A., Camilleri, M., Bharucha, A. E., Burton, D., McKinzie, S., Rao, A. S., Zinsmeister, A. R. 01 April 2010 (has links)
Background The inter- and intra-subject variations of scintigraphy, which are used to identify colonic transit disturbances in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), are unclear. The relationship between colonic transit and bowel functions is incompletely understood. To assess inter- and intra-subject variations of scintigraphic colonic transit measurements in 86 IBS patients and 17 healthy subjects and to quantify the relationship between colonic transit and bowel symptoms in 147 IBS patients and 46 healthy subjects. Methods Data from participants with multiple colonic transit measurements were analysed. Primary end points were colonic filling at 6 h (CF6h) and geometric center (GC) at 24 and 48 h for colonic transit. Bowel functions were assessed by daily stool diaries. Key Results Inter- and intra-subject variations were greater for small intestinal than colonic transit. Overall, inter- and intra-subject variations were relatively narrow for colonic transit (both GC24h and GC48h, with lower COV at 48 h); there was little intra-subject variation in health and IBS-constipation over a period of ≤3 weeks and over 2.0 years (median, range 0.1, 11.0 years). Significant intra-individual differences in GC24h were observed only in IBS-D patients. Colonic transit was significantly associated with stool form (accounting for 19-27% of the variance), frequency (19%), and ease of stool passage (12%). Conclusions & Inferences Despite inter-subject variation in scintigraphic colonic transit results, the intra-subject measurements are reproducible over time in healthy volunteers and patients with IBS; significant changes in colonic transit at 24 h were observed only in IBS-D. Colonic transit is associated with stool form, frequency and ease of passage.

'n Ondersoek na die behoeffes van studentverpleegkundiges met betrekking tot die ontwikkeling van basiese studievaardighede.

Fischer, Marie January 1997 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Die grondgedagte vir hierdie studie spruit voort uit die verantwoordelikheid van die verpleegdosente om die vermoëns van studentverpleegkundiges tot selfgerigte studie te ontwikkel. Selfgerigte studie vereis onder andere, die vermoë om inligting te kan vind, te verwerk, en toe te pas in die praktyk. Hierdie vaardighede is essensiële voorvereistes vir onafhanklike professionele praktisering. Die ontwikkeling van die genoemde vaardighede impliseer 'n multi-dimensionele benadering wat die student in totaliteit aanspreek. Voorts vereis dit nougesette betrokkenheid van die student by sy/ haar studies. Laasgenoemde veronderstel, onder andere, egter dat studente oor sekere essensiële vaardighede, in verband met leer en studie, beskik. Uit die literatuur blyk dit duidelik dat sekondêre onderwys, oor die algemeen, studente nie voldoende voorberei vir tersiêre onderwys nie. Deur middel van hierdie studie wou die navorser dus antwoorde probeer vind op die vraag of studenteverpleegkundiges behoeftes ervaar aan leiding met betrekking tot spesifiek geïdentifiseer studievaardighede, die leiding wat verskaf word en of daar leemtes bestaan in die leiding wat studente reeds ontvang. Nadat die studieterrein afgebaken is, is verskillende terme en begrippe, grondliggend tot die studie, omskryf en in perspektief gestel. Hoofstuk twee is gewyaan 'n bespreking van die konsepte leer, -probleme en studie binne die perspektief van hierdie studie, asook verbandhoudend relevante begrippe. Aandag is in die daaropvolgende twee hoofstukke geskenk aan, onderskeidelik, spesifieke stud ievaardighede verbandhoudend tot die versameling van inligting en studievaardighede verbandhoudend tot die benutting van inligting.

Semantiese verdeling as vertaalstrategie

Ross, Suzanne Lucille Anne January 1993 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / In die vertaalproses vind dikwels transformasies plaas wat soos volg omskryf word: die brontaalteks (BT), d.w.s. die teks waaruit vertaal word, word as't ware afgebreek tot semantiese elemente wat kleiner is as 'n bepaalde woord; dié elemente. word deur die vertaler weer op so 'n wyse saamgevoeg tot 'n doeltaalteks (OT), d.i. die teks waarin vertaal word, wat op die woordvlak nie meer met die BT-teks korrespondeer nie, maar wat in sy geheel tog min of meer dieselfde betekenis het (Langeveld: 96). Indien 'n vertaler nie van hierdie soort transformasies gebruik wil maak nie, loop hy gevaar om 'n vertaling te lewer waarin 'n mens nog grotendeels die oorspronklike teks lees. Die ander gevaar is voor die hand liggend: hy kan met dié soort semantiese verdeling 'n teks lewer wat afwyk van die boodskap van die BT-teks. Die doel van so 'n ondersoek sal dan wees om die voortreflikhede en die nadele van semantiese verdeling vas te stel.

Exploring a Disaster Management Network in the Caribbean: Structure, Member Relations, Member Roles, and Leadership Styles

Cooper, Tracy Lee 04 January 2011 (has links)
This study examined the dynamics of an inter-organizational national disaster management organization (NDO) in the Caribbean. It sought to provide a better understanding of network structure, functions, and member relations, which provided a foundation for understanding member roles and leadership styles. This dissertation's primary research question was: How do members participate in the national disaster management network in the Caribbean? In personal interviews, network members identified the NDO as a semi-open network system, incorporating both hierarchical and collaborative characteristics. This analysis argued the network constitutes a dynamic system that shifts its governance structure to adapt to circumstances confronted during the disaster management cycle. This study also found network structure affects member positions and those views reciprocally affect how the NDO is organized. One participant clearly claimed a central network position and served as "network broker," while several other members formed two high density groups within the NDO. Network members played a range of formal and informal roles in the collaboration, including coach and coordinator. The central NDO member played several primary roles: fundraiser, change agent, manager, and informer. This analysis also suggested leadership styles shaped the network's hybrid governance structure: some members employed a directive or delegative style, while others relied upon a participatory approach. This mix of styles underscored the importance of shared leadership in a disaster context. The Saint Lucia government has endeavored to engage citizens in disaster management planning through an extensive NDO committee structure. This study yielded insights into that decentralized decision-making structure and process. The NDO, as a public policy network, has served as a "new governance" form of government action. At the national level, non-governmental organizations have used the structure to work to frame disaster management issues, while citizens active at the grassroots levels have participated in the nation's disaster preparedness and response planning processes. This new governance mechanism may be deemed participatory but not yet representative democracy. Overall, however, Saint Lucia's networked and engaged approach to disaster response and mitigation has encouraged deeper mutual awareness of shared challenges among government units, participating third sector organizations, for-profit entities, and the nation's citizens. / Ph. D.

Un Estudio de la Reforma Administrativa del Gobierno de El Salvador

Ventura, Carlos Manuel Romero 01 January 1971 (has links) (PDF)
Un informe presentado al Profesorado de The Graduate School University of the Pacific Como Requisito Parcial para el Grado de Master of Arts in Inter-American Studies

Lifetimes of Excited States of Nuclei in the Mass Range 28<A<56 by Delayed Coincidence

Boulter, James Frederick 05 1900 (has links)
<p> A study of the inter-multiplet Ml transition probability for states populated by the (n,γ) reaction in a number of odd-odd nuclei has been performed. Using a high resolution delayed coincidence system and specially developed calibration and data analysis techniques, lifetime measurements have been made for low energy transitions in 28Al, 32P, 40K, 46Sc, 52v and 56Mn. A theoretical model which uses the static magnetic dipole moments of the corresponding odd-A nuclei as the base states has been investigated and was shown able to produce a very satisfactory agreement with the experimental inter-multiplet B(Ml) values.</p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Evolution of Inter-Regional Migration Patterns in Canada; 1951-1986

Newbold, Bruce 08 April 1988 (has links)
Abstract Not Provided. / Thesis / Candidate in Philosophy

Inter-Urban Variations in Attitudes Toward Community Mental Health and Correctional Facilites

Varrasso, Sandra 04 1900 (has links)
<p> This research paper allows a comparison of attitudes towards two types of residential group homes in three cities. The main objective of the study is to examine variation in attitudes among the three cities, Toronto~ Ottawa and London. The second objective is to determine whether attitudes differ by type of facility, the mental health facility which serves psychiatric patients and the correctional facility which serves criminal offenders. Information for the study was obtained from a questionnaire conducted by the Canadian Training Institute (CTI) in 1983. Respondents were asked to indicate their attitudes towards the mental health and correctional facility in terms of their impacts on the neighbourhood and their desirability at different distances to home. Sample characteristics of the three cities were evaluated to test the effects of demographic variables on attitudes. The results show that attitudes vary by city with the London sample expressing the most supportive attitude and the Ottawa sample, the least supportive. The level of opposition to the correctional facility is much greater for all facility impacts, distance locations and for each of the three city samples, Toronto, Ottawa and London. </p> / Thesis / Bachelor of Arts (BA)

On the Intellectual Structure and Influence of Tourism Social Science Research

Sharma, A., Nunkoo, R., Rana, Nripendra P., Dwivedi, Y.K. 08 January 2021 (has links)
Yes / The full-text of this article will be released for public view at the end of the publisher embargo, 24 months after first publication.

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