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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nouvelles technologies : sources d’une nouvelle variété discursive ? / New technologies : source of a new discourse variation ?

Balaci, Diana 13 December 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est d’exploiter les modifications que les divers supports numériques peuvent entraîner dans les constructions discursives dans plusieurs langues (nous comprenons ici le Roumain et le Français). Cette démarche prend appui donc sur les caractéristiques technologiques du support et encadre notre collecte selon la source : blog, forum de discussion, SMS, Facebook.La question est donc de savoir si ce(s) nouveau(x) mode(s) de communication change(nt) les règles (traditionnelles) de la communication (orale, écrite, du point de vue de la construction du discours).Pour évaluer si ces discours utilisant les nouvelles technologies sont différents des discours antérieurs, il faut pouvoir les comparer aux descriptions dont on dispose déjà, en l’occurrence (étant donné l’éventail choisi pour le corpus roumain comme pour le corpus français) ceux qui portent sur les dialogues et les conversations. Nous réaliserons cela à travers une analyse statistique de la fréquence des traits phénoménologiques rencontrés qui apportera des réponses complémentaires quant à la stabilité de ce nouveau registre discursif. Cela permettra d’encadrer la linéarité profonde de ce type de construction discursive et sa variation.Il s’ensuit une étude comparative des situations intra -culturelles (le contexte culturel inhérent qui peut sensiblement modifier le cadre conversationnel). Nous penchons pour une description des comportements interactionnels à l’intérieur de deux cultures afin de mieux les comparer. Aussi le déroulement prototypique de l’interaction dans une situation donnée autant que ses déclinaisons spécifiques selon une situation/ cadre/ locuteur particulier sont-ils pris en compte. / This study aims to analyze the modifications that various digital supports can produce throughout several languages (we take into account Romanian and French). In doing that, it is influenced by the support’s technological features and therefor separates our corpus source accordingly: blog, chat, SMS, Facebook. The purpose is therefor finding if this (or those) new way (s) of communication change the traditional rules of exchange (spoken or written).In order to evaluate the differences between the digital discourse and the previous types, one has to compare the collected data to the prior types: dialogue and conversation. Statistical frequency analysis will complete our perspective as for this new discourse genre’s stability. This will allow shaping its general lines as well as its inner variation.The next step is a comparative study of various intercultural situations (the cultural context that can modify the speaking frame). We turn therefor towards a description of the interactive behavior within the two cultures. We shall take into account the interaction’s prototypical course in a given situation as well as its specificity according to the situation/ frame/ specific speaker. / Scopul acestei lucrari este de a exploata modificarile pe care diversele platforme numerice le pot antrena in constructiile discursive de-alungul mai multor limbi (facem aici referire la Romana si Franceza). Acest demers se sprijina deci pe caracteristicile tehnologice ale suportului si incadreaza corpusul nostru in functie de sursa : blog, forum, SMS, Facebook. Problematica generala trateaza deci daca acest(e ) nou/-i mod (uri) de comunicare schimba regulile traditionale ale comunicarii (orale, scrise, din punct de vedere al constructiei discursului).Pentru a evalua daca aceste tipuri de discurs folosind noile tehnologii sunt diferite de discursurile anterioare, trebuie sa le comparam cu descrierile de care dispunem déjà, mai preciscele care se refera la dialoguri si conversatii (data fiind paleta de colecte aleasa atat pentru corpusul romanesc cat si pentru cel francez). Ne propunem sa realizam aceasta via o anlaiza statistica a frecventelor trasaturilor fenomenologice intalnite care vor aduce informatii complementare in ceea ce priveste stabilitatea acestui nou registru discursif.Vom putea astfel sa incadram atat linearitatea profunda a acestui tip de constructie discursiva cat si variatia sa inerenta.Pasul urmator este trasarea studiului comparativ a situatiilor culturale (contextul cultural inerent putand sa modifice in mod sensibi lcadrul conversational). Ne vom apleca astfel asupra unei descrieri a comportementelor interactive in interiorul celor doua culturi pentru a obtine o comparatie exhaustiva. Astfel derularea prototipica a interactiunii intr-o situatie data cat si declinarile sale specifice in functie de situatie/ cadru/ locutor specific, sunt elemente cheie in cadrul studiului nostru.


FRANCILAIDE DE QUEIROZ RONSI 01 August 2016 (has links)
[pt] O reconhecimento da realidade religiosa, ricamente plural em que nos encontramos, nos convida a buscar formas para que seja possibilitado o convívio harmonioso em nossa sociedade. Para o Cristianismo, em especial, lhe é proporcionado a busca por uma intensa experiência nas mais profundas raízes de sua origem religiosa e a compreensão do significado dessa pluralidade religiosa no projeto salvífico de Deus e sua relação com o mistério de Jesus Cristo. Por isso, acreditamos que, para o diálogo fecundo e acolhedor com as demais religiões, é de extrema importância a contribuição de um caminho espiritual enraizado na experiência de união com Deus, como possibilidade para que não se viva uma religiosidade muito epidérmica, recuperando a dimensão da experiência íntima do mistério de Deus e da experiência da unidade com ela. As experiências vividas por Thomas Merton e Raimon Panikkar, radicadas no cristianismo, de profunda intimidade com Deus, nos apresentam um caminho para um diálogo inter-religioso realizado a partir de uma madura experiência religiosa. A experiência de Thomas Merton é profundamente inseparável do amor a Deus e à humanidade, em um seguimento aos ensinamentos de Jesus Cristo na dedicação ao seu ministério de sacerdote, monge e eremita, ricamente fortalecida pelo amor aos humanos. Em Raimon Panikkar, encontramos uma pessoa marcada por quatro identidades religiosas, sem que lhe fosse negada sua primeira origem, o cristianismo, caracterizada por uma profunda experiência de encontro com Deus. Para Raimon Panikkar este é o kairós do milênio que recém se abriu para todas as religiões e continuar com pequenas reformas não tem sentido. É necessária uma grande transformação, porém profunda, uma metanóia! Segundo Thomas Merton e Raimon Panikkar o diálogo entre as experiências religiosas não se resume a uma conversão vazia, mas que os interlocutores tenham de fato, penetrado com a máxima seriedade em sua própria tradição, assumindo a dimensão espiritual como o nível mais fecundo para a abertura e compreensão no diálogo inter-religioso. A partir destas experiências, sugerimos que o diálogo inter-religioso ultrapasse as fronteiras que separam as religiões em uma sincera e fecunda acolhida das mais diversas tradições, a partir de uma madura experiência religiosa. Através das contribuições de Juan Martin Velasco e de Andrés Torres Queiruga, confirma-se a importância que têm a dimensão espiritual e a experiência interior que possuem todas as religiões diante da autêntica necessidade do diálogo inter-religioso. Em todas as religiões existe a experiência mística unicamente graças ao convite de Deus, que deseja tornar-se conhecido e, acolhendo esta Presença, o ser humano tem a possibilidade de atingir sua autêntica realização. Sem fazer oposição à singularidade cristã na interpretação positiva das outras religiões e do pluralismo religioso, acreditamos que a maturidade da experiência religiosa do cristão contribui para aproximá-lo da realidade de ser imagem de Deus, que se dá na experiência mais profunda do ser religioso a partir de uma íntima relação com Deus. / [en] The recognition of religious reality, richly plural, invites us to seek ways to make possible the harmonious coexistence in our society. For Christianity, in particular, it is provided to search for an intense experience in the deepest roots of their religious background and understanding of the significance of religious plurality in the salvific plan of God and their relationship with the mystery of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we believe that for the fruitful and friendly dialogue with other religions, it is extremely important the contribution of a spiritual path rooted in the bonding experience with God, as a possibility for not living a very epidermic religiosity, recovering the dimension of an intimate experience of God s mystery and the unit experience with it. The experiences of Thomas Merton and Raimon Panikkar, rooted in Christianity, of deeper intimacy with God, show us the way to interreligious dialogue held from a mature religious experience. Thomas Merton s experience is deeply inseparable from the love for God and humanity, followed up to Jesus Christ s teachings in the dedication to his ministry as a priest, monk and hermit, richly strengthened by the love for human. In Raimon Panikkar, we find a person marked by four religious identities, without deny his first origin, Christianity, characterized by a deep experience of encountering God. For Raimon Panikkar this is the kairós of the millennium that has just opened to all religions and continue with small reforms is meaningless. It is required a great transformation, but a deep one, a metanoia! According to Thomas Merton and Raimon Panikkar the dialogue between religious experiences is not limited to an empty conversion, but the interlocutors have indeed penetrated with the utmost seriousness in your own tradition, assuming the spiritual dimension as the most fruitful level for an opening and understanding in the interreligious dialogue. Based on these experiences, we suggest that interreligious dialogue beyond the boundaries that separate religions in a sincere and fruitful reception of the most diverse traditions, from a mature religious experience. Through the contributions of Juan Martin Velasco and Andres Torres Queiruga, confirms the importance of the spiritual dimension and the inner experience that all religions have for the authentic necessity interreligious dialogue. In all religions there is a mystical experience exclusively thanks to God s call, who wants to become known and, by welcoming the Presence, the human being is able to reach an authentic realization. Without making opposition to Christian uniqueness in positive interpretation of other religions and religious pluralism, we believe that the maturity of the religious experience of the Christian contributes to alignment with the reality of being in God s image, which gives the deepest experience of being religious from an intimate relationship with God.

Do diálogo inter-religioso à construção da espiritualidade: uma análise de procedimentos pedagógicos em aulas de ensino religioso

Valmir Pontes do Nascimento 25 August 2014 (has links)
Objetiva-se, neste trabalho, refletir sobre a alteridade e o diálogo inter-religioso presentes na interação como fundamentos de procedimentos pedagógicos em aulas de Ensino Religioso (ER), em interface com políticas públicas relacionadas a este componente curricular e em interlocução com diferentes autores sobre dialogicidade em educação. A pedagogia dialógica é examinada em conexão com a dinâmica das expressões religiosas, sobretudo brasileiras, e buscando entender como educadores/as podem tirar proveito pedagógico dessas manifestações de espiritualidade no espaço escolar, em Ensino Religioso (ER). Os enfoques conceituais verificados na pesquisa bibliográfica são feitos de modo integrado e em conexão com resultados de uma pesquisa de campo realizada numa escola da rede privada da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre RS. No primeiro capítulo, mostram-se os resultados da pesquisa empírica, que verifica uma metodologia de ensino baseada na alteridade e na interação e suas implicações na construção da espiritualidade do/a discente. No segundo capítulo, reflete-se sobre religião e pós-modernidade, buscando entender o que significa ser religioso neste contexto social. Verifica-se como acontecem as expressões religiosas brasileiras e como o capital simbólico religioso tem sido oferecido no contexto pós-moderno. Observa-se o cenário religioso plural, identifica-se a diversidade e a mobilidade religiosas e examina-se o diálogo inter-religioso em suas perspectivas e possibilidades, sobretudo no Brasil. No terceiro capítulo, discorre-se sobre o Ensino Religioso frente ao contexto multifacetado e complexo atual, observando a realidade escolar plural. Buscam-se conceitos de interação, alteridade e espiritualidade, apresentando-se perspectivas de uma pedagogia dialógica. O ER é verificado em seu processo histórico, no Brasil, e analisado em termos epistêmico-pedagógicos, sendo a pedagogia dialógica examinada em suas possibilidades de aplicação neste componente curricular, em sua atual configuração. / The goal of this paper is to reflect about the otherness and inter-religious dialog which are present in interactions as foundations for pedagogical procedures in Religious Education classes (ER), in interfaces with public policies related to this curricular component and in interlocutions with different authors about dialogism in education. Dialogic pedagogy is examined in connection with the dynamic of religious expressions, specifically the Brazilian ones, and seeking to understand how educators can gain pedagogical benefits from these manifestations of spirituality in the school space, in Religious Education (ER). The conceptual foci verified in the bibliographic research are made in an integrated way and in connection with the results of a field research carried out in a school of the private network of the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre RS. In the first chapter the results of the empirical research are presented, which verify a methodology of teaching based on otherness and on interaction and its implications on the construction of the spirituality of the student. In the second chapter the reflection is on religion and post-modernity, seeking to understand what being religious means in this social context. The plural religious scenario is observed, religious diversity and mobility are identified and the inter-religious dialog in its perspectives and possibilities, specifically in Brazil, is examined. In the third chapter, the discourse is about Religious Education in the face of this multifaceted and complex current context, observing the plural school reality. Concepts of interaction, otherness and spirituality are sought, presenting perspectives of a dialogic pedagogy. ER is studied in its historic process, in Brazil, and analyzed in pedagogical-epistemological terms, thus examining dialogic pedagogy in its possibilities of application in this curricular component, in its current configuration.

A Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos e sua influência no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro

Noronha, Bernardo Minghelli Schmitt January 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho procura analisar a relação entre a Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos (CIDH), suas decisões em relação ao Brasil e como elas podem influenciar o ordenamento jurídico interno. Para isso, pretende analisar a história da Comissão e como ela acabou por possuir uma dualidade de competências, em razão dos tratados internacionais que a orientam, especialmente a Declaração Americana de Direitos e Deveres do Homem (DADH), a Carta da Organização dos Estados Americanos (OEA) e a Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos (CADH). Embora não seja o tema central do trabalho, também será mencionada a atuação da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos (CteIDH) no procedimento da Convenção. Com intuito de compreender a influência das decisões da Comissão no ordenamento brasileiro, que é o objetivo central do presente estudo, o trabalho busca estudar e analisar alguns casos práticos, tanto do período em que a Comissão atuou como órgão reconhecido da Carta da OEA, como da época em que atuou como órgão do sistema da Convenção, posteriormente à ratificação do Brasil. / The present work analyzes the relation between the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (ICHR), its decisions regarding Brazil and how they could influence the internal legal system. In order to do so, it analyzes the history of the Commission and how it became an organ with a dual competence in the Inter- American System of Human Rights (ISHR), due to the international treaties that guide it, specially the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Men, the OAS Chart and the American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR). Although it is not the central issue of the research, the work also mentions the role of the Inter-American Court on Human Rights (ICtHR) in the ACHR’s procedure. In order to comprehend the influence of the Commission’s decisions in the internal legal system, which is the central objective of the present study, it will study and analyze some practical cases, from the period when the Commission were solely the OAS Chart human rights organ, as well as from the time when it was an Convention organ, after Brazil’s ratification of the Convention.

Combined experimental and computational investigation into inter-subject variability in cardiac electrophysiology

Britton, Oliver Jonathan January 2015 (has links)
The underlying causes of variability in the electrical activity of hearts from individuals of the same species are not well understood. Understanding this variability is important to enable prediction of the response of individual hearts to diseases and therapies. Current experimental and computational methods for investigating the behaviour of the heart do not incorporate biological variation between individuals. In experimental studies, experimental results are averaged together to control errors and determine the average behaviour of the studied organism. In computational studies, averaged experimental data is usually used to develop models, and these models therefore represent a 'typical' organism, with all information on variability within the species having been lost. In this thesis we develop a methodology for modelling variability between individuals of the same species in cardiac cellular electrophysiology, motivated by the inability of traditional computational modelling approaches to capture experimental variability. A first study is conducted using traditional modelling approaches to investigate potentially pro-arrhythmic abnormalities in rabbit Purkinje fibres. A comparison with experimental recordings highlights their wide variability and the inability of existing computer modelling approaches to capture it. This leads to the development of a novel methodology that integrates the variability observed in experimental data with computational modelling and simulation, by building experimentally-calibrated populations of computational models, that collectively span the variability seen in experimental data. We apply this methodology to construct a population of rabbit Purkinje cell models. We show that our population of models can quantitatively predict the range of responses, not just the average response, to application of the potassium channel blocking drug dofetilide. This demonstrates an important potential application of our methodology, for predicting pro-arrhythmic drug effects in safety pharmacology. We then analyse a data set of experimental recordings from human ventricular tissue preparations, and use this data to develop a population of human ventricular cell models. We apply this population to study how variability between individuals alters the susceptibility of cardiac cells to developing drug-induced repolarisation abnormalities. These abnormalities can increase the chance of fatal arrhythmias, but the mechanisms that determine individual susceptibility are not well-understood.

La géographie (dés)organisante : savoirs, pouvoirs, normes : analyse interprétative du dispositif de gestion de la santé en région Centre-Val de Loire / The (dis-)organizing geography : knowledges, powers, norms : an interpretative analysis of the dispositif of management of health sector in Centre-Val de Loire

Giordano, Florent 05 December 2017 (has links)
La question principale de cette thèse peut être formulée ainsi : Comment les discours, normes et pratiques spatiales peuvent, dans le cadre d’une relation inter-organisationnelle, produire un bon comportement spatial des agents dans une relation de délégation ? Ancré en management stratégique, notre cadre théorique mobilise des approches issues de la géographie et le concept foucaldien de dispositif. La méthodologie de recherche déployée repose sur une étude de cas unique portant sur la gestion de la santé en région Centre-Val-de-Loire. L’analyse du matériau empirique fait ressortir la création d’une chaîne d’auto-régulation inter-organisationnelle permettant de propager ce dispositif reposant sur trois types d’espace, absolu, relatif et relationnel en donnant l’illusion à chacun des maillons qu’il est responsable de ses actions. Nous mettons aussi en évidence le caractère autonome du dispositif qui produit à la fois des marges de manœuvres pour les acteurs et des résultats parfois contre-productifs vis-à-vis de la politique initialement portée par le mandant. / The main question of this thesis can be formulated as follows: How can discourses, norms and spatial practices, in the context of inter-organisational relations, produce good spatial conduct of agents in a relation of delegation? Rooted in strategic management, our theoretical framework mobilise approaches from the domain of geography and the Foucauldian notion of dispositif. The methodology we used is based on a unique case study: the health system in the region of Centre-Valde- Loire. The analysis of the empirical material shows the creation of an inter-organisational self-regulation chain, enabling the dissemination of this dispositif based on three types of space (absolute, relative and relational) by giving the illusion to each one of these links that he is responsible for his actions. We also highlight the independent nature of the dispositif that can create room for manoeuvre for actors as well as results that are sometimes counter-productive with regard to the original policies of the mandator.

O(a) professor(a) de ensino religioso e os(as) alunos(as) de 4 e 5 série do ensino fundamental : as relações de troca de saberes e de confiança no espaço educativo da sala de aula

Gianice Stabile Fortes 12 December 2008 (has links)
O tema abordado nesta dissertação refere-se às relações de confiança, troca e afetividade estabelecidas no espaço educativo da sala de aula entre o(a) professor(a) de Ensino Religioso e os(as) alunos(as) de 4 e 5 série do Ensino Fundamental, de uma instituição confessional metodista, em Porto Alegre, e todos os aspectos a ele relacionados para que tenhamos um trabalho de qualidade, bem como para um crescimento consciente e reflexivo de todos(as) os(as) envolvidos(as) neste processo. Sendo assim, para que estes aspectos sejam abordados, a dissertação de Mestrado está distribuída em três capítulos, sendo o primeiro capítulo voltado para o Ensino Religioso enquanto fenômeno religioso e toda a documentação pertinente ao seu trabalho, o segundo capítulo voltado para as questões referentes à criança e ao(à) adolescente que se encontram na faixa etária de 4 e 5 série do Ensino Fundamental, relacionando os aspectos biopsicossociais, cognitivos e religiosos, e o terceiro capítulo sobre a formação docente e a apresentação dos resultados da pesquisa de campo. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa participante, onde foram realizadas três observações com uma turma de 4 série do turno da manhã, três observações com uma 4 série do turno da tarde, três observações com uma 5 série do turno da manhã e três observações com uma 5 série do turno da tarde. Cabe destacar que as professoras trabalham em turnos distintos. Após as observações foram elaborados dois questionários, um destinado às professoras, com questões semi-dirigidas, que tiveram a oportunidade de discuti-lo com a pesquisadora, e outro destinado aos(às) alunos(as), com questões objetivas. Os(As) alunos(as) responderam ao questionário, após autorização dos(as) responsáveis através de um Termo de Consentimento. Os resultados da pesquisa foram analisados pela pesquisadora e representados através de gráficos. / This paper aims at analyzing the exchange of loyalty, affection and confidence between the Religion Education teacher and 4th and 5th graders (Elementary School) in the classroom of a Methodist school in Porto Alegre as all the aspects related to such interaction, having as a goal conscious and reflective growth of all those taking part in the process. Thus, in order to cover these aspects, this paper is organized in three chapters. The first one is about the teaching of Religion as a religious phenomenon and all the documents which refer to it. The second chapter draws on issues related to children and adolescents who are in the 4th and 5th grades connecting biopsychosocial, cognitive and religious aspects. The third chapter studies teachers educational background and presents the results of the research. The methodology applied is the participative research. Three observations were made in a 4th grade morning group and three in an afternoon group, three observations were made in a 5th grade morning group and another three in an afternoon group. It is important to mention that the teachers work in different shifts. After the observations period, two questionnaires with semi-open questions were prepared and addressed to the teachers who were able to discuss the questions with the researcher. Another questionnaire with objective questions was prepared and addressed to the students who could only answer it under parents consent. Results were analyzed by the researcher and represented through the use of graphics.

Educar para a paz: comportamentos pró-sociais

Manuel Alfonso Díaz Muñoz 06 July 2011 (has links)
O tema central da tese é a educação para a paz na escola. É abordado a partir da bibliografia disponível e da investigação realizada durante o ano letivo de 2009 com 151 adolescentes de quatro escolas da rede pública e particular da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. A pergunta fundamental e motivadora da tese é: é possível educar para a paz na escola? Com o foco nesta questão central e a partir da hipótese inicial de que na medida em que educarmos comportamentos pró-sociais na escola, inibiremos os comportamentos violentos, foi realizada a pesquisa de campo com o objetivo geral de investigar os fatores que, numa proposta de educação para a paz, favorecem o desenvolvimento de comportamentos pró-sociais nos adolescentes e evitam comportamentos violentos no contexto escolar. Foram objetivos específicos da investigação realizada os seguintes: entender a educação para a paz como um compromisso fundamentado na experiência religiosa expressada nas diferentes tradições e como elemento central numa proposta de diálogo inter-religioso; estudar a adolescência como etapa privilegiada de intervenção psicopedagógica; analisar os efeitos da aplicação de um programa de intervenção psicopedagógica de educação para a paz na escola. A pesquisa combina métodos qualitativos e quantitativos ao usar o modelo experimental-estatístico, com um delineamento experimental multigrupo de medidas repetidas pré-teste/pós-teste, junto com o observacional-descritivo, privilegiando a observação participante. O primeiro capítulo é dedicado à fundamentação teológica da tese desde uma perspectiva pluralista e libertadora que privilegia o diálogo inter-religioso. O segundo capítulo é dedicado à fundamentação psicopedagógica da pesquisa e reflete sobre o binômio educação integral para a paz / comportamento pró-social. O terceiro capítulo descreve o percurso e a opção metodológica adotada na investigação. Finalmente o quarto analisa os dados coletados tomando como referência básica as quatro variáveis trabalhadas no programa de intervenção implementado com os adolescentes sujeitos da investigação e relacionadas todas elas com comportamentos pró-sociais: autoestima, expressão/compreensão de sentimentos, relações de cooperação e resolução de conflitos. A pesquisa constatou a efetiva diminuição dos comportamentos violentos dos adolescentes na sala de aula, especialmente nas escolas da rede pública participantes, junto com sinais de avanços na manifestação de comportamentos pró-sociais, mostrando que é possível e viável educar para a paz nas escolas através de programas de intervenção psicopedagógica específicos e de fácil implementação. / The central theme of theses is education for the peace at school. This theme is discussed based on the bibliography available and on investigation. The investigation was carried through the school year of 2009 with 151 adolescentes from four public schools in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. The fundamental and motivating question of the thesis is: Is it possible to educate for peace at school?With the focus on this central issue and from the initial hypothesis that the extent to educate pro-social behavior at school, inhibit violent behavior. A field research was conducted with the aim to investigate the factors that, in a proposal of education for the peace, favors the development of pro-social behaviors in the adolescents and prevents violent behavior at school. Our research was motivated by the following points: understanding education for the peace as a religious experience based on the commitment expressed in the different traditions and as a central element in a proposal for inter-religious dialogue and to study the adolescent stage as prime psychopedagogical intervention, analyze the implementation of a psychopedagogical intervention program of education for the peace at school. The research combines qualitative and quantitative methods to use the experimental-statistical model, with a multigroup experimental design with repeated measures pre-test/post-test, along with observational and descriptive, focusing on participant observation. The first chapter is related to the theological foundation of the research from a pluralistic and liberating perspective that focuses interreligious dialogue. The second chapter refers to the psychopedagogical fundamentals of the research and reflects on the dual integral education for peace / pro-social behavior. The third chapter describes the course and the methodological approach used to carry out this research. The fourth chapter is based on the analysis and comments of collected data. For that purpose reference was made to the four parameters worked in the program of intervention implemented with adolescent subjects of the investigation and all of them related to prosocial behaviors: self-esteem, expression / comprehension of feelings, cooperation relations and conflict resolution.The research showed the effective reduction of violent behaviors of adolescents in the classroom, especially in public schools participating, along with signs of progress in the demonstration of prosocial behaviors, showing that it is possible and feasible to educate for the peace at schools through psychopedagogical intervention programs which are easily implemented.

Le processus de construction d'un outil de contrôle de gestion inter-organisationnel : le cas de l'expérimentation d'un outil de pilotage de la performance dans le secteur médico-social / The construction process of an inter-organizational management control system : the case of the experiment of a performance management system in the social-medical sector

Lemaire, Célia 25 November 2013 (has links)
L’objectif de la thèse est d’analyser le processus de construction d’un outil de contrôle de gestion inter-organisationnel mobilisant de multiples organisations publiques et privées, en prenant le cas de l’expérimentation du « Tableau de bord de pilotage de la performance », nommé ainsi par l’institution portant le projet (ANAP). La grille de lecture de l’anthropologie symétrique permet de proposer des résultats autour de trois thématiques : la trajectoire de l’outil, le rôle des acteurs et actants dans le processus de construction et les stratégies des acteurs. L’ensemble des résultats amène à proposer des pistes d’amélioration du processus. Parmi celles-ci, il est proposé de sélectionner les controverses les plus décisives et de les traiter avec transparence afin d’éviter la démobilisation des acteurs, de favoriser les rôles non prévus mais souhaitables et d’adapter les modalités de participation aux acteurs en fonction des stratégies qu’ils déploient. / The aim of the thesis is to analyze an inter-organizational management control system construction, mobilizing multiple public and private organizations in the process. Our research is based on a field research involving PhD in experimental project of the first common tool for all social-medical sector: a management control system called "performance management Dashboard" by the institution which support the project (ANAP). Symmetrical anthropology reading grid, a part of the theory of translation, can provide results on three themes: the management control trajectory, the role of actors and actants in the construction process and actors’ strategies. All these results lead us to suggest ways of improving the process. Among these recommendations, it is offered to select the most critical controversies and deal with transparency to avoid actors’ demobilization, promote unanticipated but desirable roles and adapt the modalities of participation for actors based on strategies they deploy.

Dynamique structurale et fonctionnelle du domaine C-terminal de la protéine PB2 du virus de la grippe A / Structural and functional dynamics of the C-terminal domain of the Influenza A protein PB2

Delaforge, Elise 04 December 2015 (has links)
La capacité du virus de la grippe aviaire à traverser la barrière des espèces et à devenir fortement pathogène chez les mammifères est un problème majeur de santé publique. Chez les oiseaux, la réplication a lieu dans l'intestin, à 4C, tandis que chez les humains elle a lieu dans l'appareil respiratoire, plus froid, à 33C. Il a été montré que l'adaptation à la température du virus de la grippe a lieu par de nombreuses mutations de la polymérase virale, notamment dans le domaine 627-NLS situé en C-terminal de la protéine PB2. Ce domaine est impliqué dans l'adaptation à l'hôte et interagit avec la protéine de l'hôte, importine alpha, étant donc indispensable pour l'entrée de la polymérase virale dans le noyau de la cellule [Tarendeau et al., 2008]. Les structures cristallographiques du 627-NLS et du complexe importine alpha/NLS existent. Cependant, lors de la superposition de ces structures via leur domaine NLS commun, un important choc stérique entre le domaine 627 et l'importine alpha devient évident. Ceci indique qu'une autre conformation du 627-NLS est requise pour l'interaction avec l'importine alpha [Boivin and Hart, 2011]. Dans cette étude, nous avons examiné les bases moléculaires de l'adaptation inter-espèces du virus à travers l'étude de la structure et de la dynamique du 627-NLS aviaire et humain. Nous avons identifié deux conformations du 627-NLS en échange lent (10-100 s-1), correspondant apparemment à une conformation ouverte et une conformation fermée des deux domaines. Nous proposons que la conformation ouverte du 627-NLS est la seule conformation compatible avec l'interaction avec l'importine alpha, et que l'équilibre entre conformation ouverte et fermée pourrait jouer le rôle de thermostat moléculaire, contrôlant l'efficacité de la réplication virale chez différents hôtes. La cinétique et la dynamique de ce comportement conformationnel important ainsi que de l'interaction entre le 627-NLS et l'importine alpha ont été caractérisées par résonance magnétique nucléaire (déplacements chimique, augmentation paramagnétique de la relaxation, relaxation de spin, transfert de saturation par l'échange chimique), combinée à la diffusion des rayons X et des neutrons aux petits angles ainsi qu'au transfert d'énergie par résonance de type Förster. Aussi, nous avons déterminé les affinités d'une série de mutants évolutifs du 627-NLS pour l'importine alpha et du 627-NLS aviaire ou humain pour différents isoformes de l'importine alpha, montrant que les affinités observées sont cohérentes avec les préférences d'interactions vues in vivo. / The ability of avian influenza viruses to cross the species barrier and become dangerously pathogenic to mammalian hosts represents a major threat for human health. In birds the viral replication is carried out in the intestine at 40°C, while in humans it occurs in the cooler respiratory tract at 33°C. It has been shown that temperature adaption of the influenza virus occurs through numerous mutations in the viral polymerase, in particular in the C-terminal domain 627-NLS of the PB2 protein. This domain has already been shown to participate in host adaptation and is involved in importin alpha binding and therefore is required for entry of the viral polymerase into the nucleus [Tarendeau et al., 2008]. Crystallographic structures are available for 627-NLS and the complex importin alpha/NLS, however, a steric clash between importin alpha and the 627 domain becomes apparent when superimposing the NLS domain of the two structures, indicating that another conformation of 627-NLS is required for binding to importin alpha [Boivin and Hart, 2011]. Here we investigate the molecular basis of inter-species adaptation by studying the structure and dynamics of human and avian 627-NLS. We have identified two conformations of 627-NLS in slow exchange (10-100 s-1), corresponding to an apparently open and closed conformation of the two domains. We show that the equilibrium between closed and open conformations is strongly temperature dependent. We propose that the open conformation of 627-NLS is the only conformation compatible with binding to importin alpha and that the equilibrium between closed and open conformations may play a role as a molecular thermostat, controlling the efficiency of viral replication in the different species. The kinetics and domain dynamics of this important conformational behaviour and of the interaction between 627-NLS and importin alpha have been characterized using nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shifts, paramagnetic relaxation enhancement, spin relaxation and chemical exchange saturation transfer, in combination with X-ray and neutron small angle scattering and Förster resonance energy transfer. Also, we have determined the affinities of various evolutionnary mutants of 627-NLS to importin alpha and of avian and human 627-NLS to different isoforms of importin alpha, showing that the observed affinities are coherent with the preferred interactions seen in vivo.

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