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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Educação física escolar : interesse dos estudantes com a mudança de ambiente em uma disciplina eletiva /

Massambani, Patrícia January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Milton Vieira do Prado Junior / Resumo: RESUMO Os objetivos do presente estudo foram elaborar uma proposta com modificações no ambiente de desenvolvimento das aulas de Educação Física Escolar, inserida na disciplina Eletiva e na parte diversificada do Programa de Ensino Integral, envolvendo duas áreas de conhecimento; ampliar as situações didáticas planejadas a partir do interesse dos alunos, em uma escola pública estadual, e analisar as modificações ocorridas, em especial, no interesse e na adesão dos mesmos nas atividades propostas fora do ambiente escolar. Foram utilizados ambientes disponíveis no município, que oportunizaram habilidades físicas, cognitivas, sociais e psicológicas. A presente pesquisa teve caráter qualitativo, exploratório e descritivo. Participaram alunos do 6.º e 7.º anos do Ensino Fundamental. A partir da descrição das aulas e do questionário aplicado aos alunos, os resultados foram observados, organizados e analisados de forma qualitativa. Através dessa pesquisa, introduzi a mudança de ambiente, a diversificação das atividades interdisciplinares, socialização e organização a partir do interesse dos alunos e metodologias diferenciadas, fatores que geraram a participação e o envolvimento dos alunos; favoreceram a aquisição de habilidades e competências específicas para a continuidade dos estudos; envolveram professores de outras áreas, além de proporcionarem uma aprendizagem significativa e prazerosa para os alunos. / Abstract: ABSTRACT The objectives of this study were to develop a proposal with changes in the development environment of School Physical Education classes, inserted in the Elective discipline and in the diversified part of the Comprehensive Education Program, involving two areas of knowledge; expand the didactic situations planned from the students' interest, in a state public school, and analyze the changes that occurred, especially in their interest and adherence in the proposed activities outside the school environment. Environments available in the municipality were used, which provided physical, cognitive, social and psychological skills. The present research was qualitative, exploratory and descriptive. 6th and 7th year elementary school students participated. From the description of the classes and the questionnaire applied to the students, the results were observed, organized and analyzed in a qualitative way. Through this research, I introduced a change of environment, the diversification of interdisciplinary activities, socialization, organization based on the interest of students and different methodologies, factors that generated the participation and involvement of students; favored the acquisition of specific skills and competences for the continuity of studies; involved teachers from other areas, in addition to providing meaningful and enjoyable learning for students. / Mestre

Att integrera matematik och språk : en kvalitativ textanalys av Lgr11

Sjöberg, Emma January 2011 (has links)
A new curriculum, Lgr11, was introduced in Sweden during the Autumn Semester 2011. My aim in this paper is to investigate whether an integrated and interdisciplinary approach is possible within this new Swedish curriculum. Firstly, I will describe the approach to integration and interdisciplinary work used in the new Swedish curriculum. Secondly, I will analyze whether the curriculum allows for an integrated and interdisciplinary work. The method used in this paper is a qualitative textual analysis and analyzing the new curriculum´s approach to integration and interdisciplinary education has been the focus. The analysis has been based on the explicit and implicit basics of integration and interdisciplinary work in the curriculum. I assume theories of subject integration and curricula to come up with my results in the paper. To conclude, the results of my analysis of the curriculum show that an integrated and interdisciplinary approach is not only possible, but it is also each school Principal's responsibility as well as part of each teacher`s objective. The Principal's responsibility is to ensure that the integration and interdisciplinary approach is undertaken in school. The curriculum is clear that teachers should let their students work interdisciplinary as well as vary their methods of teaching. The results show that even language as a subject is important to have in the curriculum. The results also show that all school subjects play an important role in the overall language development of students.


Jogėlaitė, Renata 27 August 2009 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė ankstyvosios intervencijos sampratos, raidos, probleminių klausimų analizė Lietuvoje bei lyginimas su kitomis Europos šalimis. Iškelta hipotezė, kad ankstyvosios pagalbos prieinamumas miesto ir kaimo vaikams bei jų šeimoms yra nevienodas. Rajonuose, kur nėra ankstyvosios pagalbos tarnybų, ankstyvojo amžiaus vaikų ir jų šeimų specialieji poreikiai yra tenkinami tik iš dalies arba visai netenkinami. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti ankstyvojo amžiaus vaikų specialiųjų poreikių tenkinimą pagalbos prieinamumo aspektu miesto ir kaimo vietovėse. Empirinėje dalyje taikyti šie metodai: dokumentų, antrinių duomenų (Europos Specialiojo ugdymo plėtros agentūros ataskaita) bei kitų šaltinių turinio analizė, anketinė apklausa, specialistų anketinės apklausos analizė, interviu, deskriptyvinė pusiau standartizuotu bei standartizuotu klausimynu gautų duomenų analizė. Duomenys apdoroti MS Office Excel 2007, SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 11.0) programine įranga. Statistinėms tendencijoms ir ryšiams nustatyti taikyti deskriptyvinės analizės metodai (dažniai, vidurkiai, procentai). Anketinės apklausos metu dalyvavo 100 Lietuvos specialistų, teikiančių ankstyvąją pagalbą specialiųjų poreikių turintiems vaikams ir jų šeimoms. Interviu žodžiu bei raštu dalyvavo 12 respondentų (N=6 iš Lietuvos, N=4 iš Airijos, N=2 iš Anglijos). Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Lietuvoje ankstyvosios pagalbos sistema vaikui ir šeimai sparčiai tobulėja, tačiau dar yra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / There has been performed in this work the theoretical analysis of the conception, development and the problematical questions of the early intervention in Lithuania as well as the comparison with other European countries. A hypothesis is raised, stating that the accessibility of early support for children and their families in towns and villages is unequal. The special needs of the early age children and their families in the regions, where there are no Early intervention services, are being met only partly or not at all. The aim of the research is to estimate from the aspect of support accessibility, how the special needs of the early age children in towns and villages are being met. There have been used in the empirical part the following methods: the analysis of the documents, secondary material (the report of the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education) and other sources, questionnaire survey, the analysis of the survey of specialists, interview, descriptive analysis of the material acquired using semi-standardized and standardized questionnaire. The statistical data has been analysed using MS Office Excel 2007 and SPSS software. In order to estimate the statistical tendencies and connections there have been used the methods of descriptive analysis (rates, averages, percents). One hundred specialists, providing early support for the children with special needs and for their families, participated in the questionnaire survey. 12 respondents (6 from... [to full text]

Vill man så kan man : En intervjustudie om ämnesintegrering med Idrott och hälsa

Larsson Samuelsson, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
Läroplanens innehåll har genom tiderna förändrats. Enligt dagens läroplaner (Lgr 11 och Lgy 11) ska lärare och rektorer jobba på ett sådant sätt så eleverna har möjligheter att uppnå undervisningsmål genom ämnesöverskridande arbeten. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka om idrottslärare arbetar ämnesintegrerat mellan Idrott och hälsa och andra ämnen, och då mer specifikt med naturvetenskapliga ämnen. Syftet har även varit att se hur man bedriver denna typ av undervisning samt varför eller varför man inte bedriver sådan undervisning. Det som framkommit är att man arbetar ämnesintegrerat i mindre utsträckning i form av temaarbeten och det är främst med lärare inom naturvetenskapliga ämnen, genom friluftslivet och hälsodelen. Lärarna jobbar ämnesintegrerat dels för att minska på arbetsstoffet men också för att de tror att det förstärker idrott och hälsa som ämne. Vissa av lärarna beskriver hur man når fler elever och hur det ter sig mer lättförståeligt för eleverna. Ämnesintegreringen definieras i litteraturen på ett något djupare plan än lärarna beskriver, vilket gör att det kan problematiseras i diskussionen kring sökandet efter och/eller fördjupningen av kunskapen. Tiden är det största problemet/hindret för att jobba ämnesintegrerat enligt lärarna, men i diskussionen väcks frågan om det kanske är positiv inställning och fantasi som saknas. / The content in the curriculum has changed over time. According to today’s curricula (Lgr 11 and Lgy 11) teachers and principals should work in way so student have an opportunity to achieve learning goals through interdisciplinary work. The purpose of this study was to investigate if physical educators are working subject integrated with PE and other subjects, more specific with science subjects. The aim has also been to see how they work with it and why or why not they work that way. In the results you can see that the teachers work subject integrated with teachers in science, in shorter thematic works. The teachers work subject integrated because they want to reduce their own workload and they think that it enhances the PE as a subject. Some teachers describe how they can reach out to more students and how it’s more understandable for the students. Subject integration is described in the literature on a deeper level, which can be problemized in the discussion of deepen their knowledge. Time is the biggest problem/obstacle of working subject integrated according to the teachers, but the question is if they lack of positive attitude and imagination?

Förderung von Kompetenzen in mono- und interdisziplinären Teams bei der rechnerunterstützten Entwicklung ergonomie- und designorientierter Produkte

Nass, Susanne, Weber, Christoph, Röbig, Sinja, Stocker, André, Krebber, Sönke, Mathias, Johannes 06 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Interdisziplinäre Arbeiten gewinnen längst nicht nur in der Hochschullandschaft an Aufmerksamkeit. Selbst dort, wo viele verschiedene Disziplinen auf dichtem Raum nebeneinander existieren, wurde dieses Potential in der Vergangenheit noch allzu selten genutzt. Mittlerweile wird von der Wissenschaftspolitik interdisziplinäre Forschung zunehmend gefordert und ist zudem mit hohen Erwartungen verknüpft (siehe z.B. Hollaender 2003). Daher werden vielerorts nun Kooperationen nicht nur an Rändern der klassischen Disziplinen sondern auch zwischen völlig themenfremden Disziplinen gebildet, wobei der Ruf nach Interdisziplinarität aus Gesellschaft und Politik an die Wissenschaft herangetragen wird (Jungert 2010). Auch in der industriellen Produktentwicklung gewinnt die interdisziplinäre Arbeit getrieben durch kürzere Entwicklungszyklen und komplexere Produkte sowie Funktionsintegration stetig an Bedeutung. Teams in der Produktentwicklung sind meist interdisziplinär und interfunktional zusammengesetzt (Ehrlenspiel 2003, Prasad 1996). Absolventen wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen erwartet daher im späteren Arbeitskontext trotz weiterhin meist fachspezifischer Ausbildung immer häufiger interdisziplinäre Team- und Projektarbeit. [... aus dem Text]

The Anthropological Work in the Field of University Extension Policies / La labor antropológica en el campo de las políticas de extensión universitaria

Vázquez, Jimena 25 September 2017 (has links)
Este artículo busca reflexionar sobre la labor antropológica en el campo de las políticas de educación superior, específicamente en el área de extensión universitaria, a partir de mi desempeño profesional en una universidad pública nacional de Argentina. Resumiré brevemente aspectos centrales de uno de los programas donde participo y el marco institucional del que formo parte. La selección del caso radica en su potencialidad para pensar la praxis antropológica, dado que condensa varias cuestiones que hacen a mi labor cotidiana y que atraviesan las diversas etapas o instancias en las que son producidas las políticas «extensionistas»: diseño/diagnóstico, planificación, ejecución y evaluación. Me interesa analizar la intervención del antropólogo o antropóloga en un área (la extensión universitaria) que emergió como el nexo entre la universidad y la comunidad, con el fin de contribuir a la transformación social desde una perspectiva que, sin embargo, hace (¿o hacía?) hincapié en la transferencia de conocimientos. Revisaré el concepto de extensión y las nuevas nociones que van ganando terreno. Como ejes para pensar la antropología aplicada, abordaré la distancia crítica y el involucramiento empático; la «aplicabilidad» de conceptos y metodologías etnográficas o la antropología como praxis, y finalmente, el trabajo interdisciplinario. / This article seeks to reflect on anthropological work in the field of higher education policy, specifically in the area of University Extension. This proposal tackles this issue from my own professional performance at a national public university in Argentina. I briefly summarize key aspects of one of the programs where I participated, as well as its corresponding institutional framework. The relevance of the case lies in its potential to reflect on anthropological praxis, and it encompasses several issues related to my daily work. Anthropological praxis crosscuts the various stages or levels which compose «extension» policies, namely design, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation. My purpose is to analyze the anthropologist’s intervention in this area —university extension—, that represents the «nexus» between the university and the community », in order to contribute to social transformation. However, this perspective emphasizes (or probably emphasized?) knowledge transfer. I examine the notion of extension and the new concepts that are gaining ground. To think applied anthropology, I consider the following topics: the critical distance and the empathic involvement; the «applicability» of concepts and ethnographic methodologies, anthropology as a praxis; and, finally, interdisciplinary work.

Förderung von Kompetenzen in mono- und interdisziplinären Teams bei der rechnerunterstützten Entwicklung ergonomie- und designorientierter Produkte

Nass, Susanne, Weber, Christoph, Röbig, Sinja, Stocker, André, Krebber, Sönke, Mathias, Johannes January 2012 (has links)
Interdisziplinäre Arbeiten gewinnen längst nicht nur in der Hochschullandschaft an Aufmerksamkeit. Selbst dort, wo viele verschiedene Disziplinen auf dichtem Raum nebeneinander existieren, wurde dieses Potential in der Vergangenheit noch allzu selten genutzt. Mittlerweile wird von der Wissenschaftspolitik interdisziplinäre Forschung zunehmend gefordert und ist zudem mit hohen Erwartungen verknüpft (siehe z.B. Hollaender 2003). Daher werden vielerorts nun Kooperationen nicht nur an Rändern der klassischen Disziplinen sondern auch zwischen völlig themenfremden Disziplinen gebildet, wobei der Ruf nach Interdisziplinarität aus Gesellschaft und Politik an die Wissenschaft herangetragen wird (Jungert 2010). Auch in der industriellen Produktentwicklung gewinnt die interdisziplinäre Arbeit getrieben durch kürzere Entwicklungszyklen und komplexere Produkte sowie Funktionsintegration stetig an Bedeutung. Teams in der Produktentwicklung sind meist interdisziplinär und interfunktional zusammengesetzt (Ehrlenspiel 2003, Prasad 1996). Absolventen wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen erwartet daher im späteren Arbeitskontext trotz weiterhin meist fachspezifischer Ausbildung immer häufiger interdisziplinäre Team- und Projektarbeit. [... aus dem Text]

Samarbete över gränserna

Norling, Sanna January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med mitt arbete är att undersöka på vilket sätt det är möjligt att arbeta över de gamla gränserna mellan teoretiska och praktiska ämnen. Jag har valt att inrikta mig på Historia och Hem- och konsumentkunskap. Frågeställningarna som ligger som grund för arbetet är: På vilka sätt är ett samarbete mellan historia och hemkunskap möjligt? Finns det stöd i kursplaner och läroböcker för ett sådant samarbete? Är det viktigt att samarbeta över gränserna på detta sätt? Om det är viktigt, varför i så fall? Har hem- och konsumentkunskap i sig ett historiskt perspektiv? För att uppnå mitt syfte har jag använt mig av intervjuer, skriftliga källor och analyser av kursplaner och läromedel. Mina teoretiska ramar handlar om ämnesövergripande arbetssätt och historiskt perspektiv. Sammanfattningsvis pekar resultaten av mina undersökningar på att verkligheten i skolorna och styrdokumenten går isär. Det finns många argument för varför ett samarbete är viktigt men för att kunna uppnå ett ämnesövergripande arbetssätt som fungerar smidigt och är regelbundet återkommande måste skolan stå för de rätta förutsättningarna. / The purpose of this essay is to examine in which way it is possible to work between practical and theoretical courses. I have chosen to concentrate on history and home economics. The questions at issue are: In which way is a cooperation between history and home economics possible? Can you find support for this kind of cooperation in teaching aids and the syllabus? Is a cooperation like this important? If it is important -why? Does home economics have a historical perspective? I have used interviews, different kinds of analysis and various literatures to achieve my goals. My theoretical frames are about interdisciplinary work methods and historical perspectives. All together the results of my research points toward the fact that the reality in school and the syllabus doesn’t match up. There are plenty of arguments indicating that collaboration is important, but to achieve an interdisciplinary work method that works smoothly and that is frequently used the school has to stand for the right conditions.

Interdisciplinary work through the medium of English - an investigation among teachers and pupils at a compulsory school concerning integration of English into an interdisciplinary setting

Hellstrand, Rickard January 2007 (has links)
Content and language integrated learning is an approach to learning a language while studying subject matter, as well as the other way round. The intention with this dissertation has been to gather insights into teachers‘ perceptions regarding this approach and pupils’ perceived views regarding working with subject matter through the medium of English. Previous research within this area of study has shown that using this approach to learn content and language is increasing in Sweden primarily at upper secondary schools. This dissertation can be seen as twofold: firstly, a project was conducted in an 8th grade at a compulsory school in the southern part of Sweden that implement interdisciplinary work on a daily basis; secondly, data was gathered from questionnaires and interviews with both teachers and pupils who participated in the project. The results show that this approach is time-consuming and very challenging for pupils in general; it is particularly difficult for weaker pupils in English. Also, it may lead to shortcomings in the Swedish language, with terminology in particular. However, both teachers and pupils think that learning English while studying subject matter is effective, since pupils have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the English language more than otherwise. Working with subject matter in English is very different from doing it in Swedish and there are aspects that must be taken into consideration when planning, designing and implementing this approach at compulsory school level.

"Shaking Shakespeare": A case study of a cross-curricular project in year 9 which integrated content and English

Henderson, Petra January 2008 (has links)
An increasing number of schools across Europe offer education which integrates the teaching of content with that of language, sometimes known as CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), or the Swedish equivalent SPRINT (språk- och innehållsintegrerad inlärning och undervisning). In Sweden this type of learning often goes under the name of cross-curricular or interdisciplinary work. This dissertation is a case study of one such project that integrated content and English and that took place in year 9 at a secondary school in southern Sweden. The purpose of the investigation was to find out what the teachers' and pupils' perceptions were of the use and role of English in this particular cross-curricular project. Applying case study methodology, data was collected using triangulation through observations, a focus group interview with the teachers and a pupil questionnaire. The results show that all the involved teachers and a majority of the pupils were positive towards the integration of content and language, but not on a permanent basis. The teachers felt that the project gave the pupils the opportunity to work with the language and develop communication skills. The pupils said that they had learned more speaking skills compared to being taught English as a separate subject, closely followed by writing and reading skills. However, some felt that they had not learned any grammar, which showed a view of English as a skills subject. The study shows that project-based cross-curricular work could be a successful way to integrate content and language, provided projects are well-planned and clearly structured.

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