Spelling suggestions: "subject:"interdiscursive"" "subject:"interdiscoursive""
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Des rhétoriques coloniales à celles du développement : archéologie discursive d'une dominanceDufour, Françoise 23 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Ma thèse interroge les modalités discursives du « changement dans la continuité », qui fait la spécificité des relations franco-africaines. J'analyse la recomposition des rhétoriques coloniales en rhétoriques du développement à travers les phénomènes de reformulation des formes linguistiques, qui, à la fois, rendent compte de cette « relation de dominance particulière » et participent à la construire. <br /><br />À partir des observatoires préalables que sont les discours des chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales, l'analyse des archives de mémoire lexicographiques et encyclopédiques résulte en un état des savoirs sur les notions de colonisation, de progrès civilisateur et de développement.<br /><br />Le cheminement au sein des différentes théories du discours, puis de la catégorisation linguistique permet de poser des hypothèses de configurations discursives et de leur transformation au fil des événements historiques. Hypothèses qui sont soumises à l'épreuve d'un corpus d'étude composé d'un ensemble d'une centaine de textes du \siecle{XVIII}~siècle à nos jours : textes du progrès des Lumières, de l'économie, de l'anthropologie et textes sur la colonisation et le développement de l'Afrique autour du Mali.<br /><br />L'analyse de l'organisation énonciative d'états de discours successifs permet de repérer, au fil des répétitions et des transformations, quelques marqueurs d'\emph{interdiscours} qui, soudant les textes dans l'épaisseur du discours, contribuent à construire des objets et des pratiques propres à la formation discursive. <br /><br /><br />Elle permet de dégager quelques processus de production/reproduction discursive d'un «type» normatif et dominant de citoyen occidental face à une altérité double, à la fois incluse dans la catégorie (dans une relation de symétrie) et extérieure à elle (stéréotypie et relation de complémentarité). Les différents marqueurs, qui composent les notions, les types et les altérités permettent in fine d'approcher le fonctionnement discursif de l'idéologie qui structure la relation de dominance.
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Le temps du "devoir de mémoire" des années 1970 à nos jours / The time of "devoir de mémoire", from 1970's to todayLedoux, Sébastien 10 November 2014 (has links)
La thèse est consacrée à l’histoire de l’expression « devoir de mémoire », des années 1970 à nos jours. Ce néologisme s’élabore dans le contexte de nouveaux usages du mot « mémoire », sans lien avec la mémoire de la Shoah, avant de devenir une formulaire du discours social au début des années 1990, à l’occasion du débat sur la reconnaissance officielle du rôle de Vichy dans la persécution et l’extermination des Juifs. Le rôle des médias, des acteurs politiques, ainsi que des militants de la mémoire est analysé pour comprendre la place et les sens de ce référent social qui formalisé un nouveau rapport au passé des contemporains. Pour mener ce travail, les sources audiovisuelles, celles de la presse écrite, du secrétariat d’État aux Anciens combattants, et des associations ont été exploitées, complétées par de nombreux entretiens. / The thesis is devoted to the history of the French expression « devoir de mémoire » (« duty of remembrance ») of the 1970’s to today. This neologism is elaborated in the context of new uses of the word “memory”, unrelated memory of the Holocaust, before becoming a formula of social discourse in the early 1990s, during the debate on the official recognition Vichy’s role in the persecution and extermination of Jews. The role of the media, politicians, and activists memory is analysed to understand the place and meaning of the term who formalized a new relationship with the past. To conduct these work audiovisual sources, those in the press, the Secretary of State for Veterans, and associations have been exploited, supplemented by many interviews.
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Gêneros do discurso e memória: o dialogismo intergenérico no discurso publicitário / Genres of discourse and memory: intergeneric dialogism in advertising discourseChaves, Aline Saddi 31 May 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objeto de estudo peças publicitárias parcial ou totalmente textualizadas e enunciadas sob a forma e/ou função prototípicas de gêneros discursivos alheios à publicidade, como telegrama, cartão de votos, artigos jornalísticos, capas de revista/jornal, entre outros. A partir da observação empírica desse tipo de publicidade, intimamente relacionado às tendências pós-modernas e à multiplicação dos suportes na era da internet, levanta-se a hipótese de que, para além da visada lúdica ou da tentativa de camuflar a finalidade pragmática inerente a essa prática, o empréstimo de regimes genéricos não coincidentes está relacionado ao fraco regime de genericidade do discurso publicitário e, por extensão, ao status desse discurso na sociedade. Com efeito, ainda que institucionalizada enquanto prática profissional, a publicidade revela uma instabilidade constitutiva no tocante a seus dispositivos de fala, o que se explica pela necessidade de (se) (re)(i)novar constantemente para seduzir e captar o público consumidor. Mas, para além dessa função reconhecida e legitimadora, a publicidade ocupa, na cultura de massa, uma função antropológica, constituindo um verdadeiro elo entre o homem, a cultura e o passado. Nas publicidades analisadas, esse diálogo se dá entre práticas discursivas detentoras de uma história e uma memória, que refletem determinadas posturas ideológicas/discursivas. Eis a razão pela qual esta pesquisa assume uma postura científica reflexiva, que entende a produção do conhecimento, aqui, da noção de gênero, como um processo inacabado. A necessidade de contextualização científica exige, desse modo, um retorno à problemática dos gêneros, tal como ela foi tratada na antiguidade grega (retórica e poética aristotélicas), na teoria literária e na filosofia da linguagem. No primeiro capítulo, o status quaestionis fornece pistas fundamentais para compreender a arqueologia da noção, em particular, a relação do gênero às identidades enunciativas, aos lugares de enunciação, às tendências de uma época, o que permite postular a permeabilidade da fala a seus exteriores constitutivos. Tendo em vista que, nas ciências da linguagem, o problema do gênero permanece frequentemente circunscrito a questões de ordem tipológica, textual e didática, um aprofundamento dos debates permite postular uma concepção dialógica e interdiscursiva dos gêneros. No segundo capítulo, investigamos, assim, o problema do gênero pela ótica de duas teorias sociais da linguagem: a perspectiva dialógica do círculo de Bakhtin e a análise do discurso francesa. Essa longa discussão teórica culmina na análise de cinqüenta e oito publicidades francesas e brasileiras, veiculadas entre 2005 e 2009. O terceiro capítulo é dedicado a descrever as três modalidades de inserção de gêneros no iconotexto publicitário (citação direta, hibridação e imitação) e o funcionamento enunciativo complexo dessas operações. O quarto capítulo explica, de modo mais consequente, a construção do sentido no dialogismo intergenérico mediante dois procedimentos: a construção de um ethos próprio do gênero convocado, consolidado em outras esferas, e a inscrição de uma memória interdiscursiva histórica, implicitamente marcada na língua e na imagem. As análises desses textos plurissemióticos revelam, mais do que a evolução dos dispositivos técnicos da publicidade, a tensão entre a evolução dos costumes e o inevitável retorno ao já-dito. / The objective of this work is to analyze advertisements that are partially or totally textinserted and enunciated in the form and/or function prototypical of discursive genres that do not belong to the ad area, such as telegrams, wish cards, newspaper articles, newspaper/magazine covers, among others. Beyond the playful view or the attempt to disguise the pragmatic finality inherent to advertising discourse, this kind of advertisement manifests the post-modern trends and the multiplication of supports in the internet era. The empirical observation of these texts leads to the hypothesis that the loan of non-coincident genre systems is related to the poor \"genreness\" of this discourse and, by extension, to its status in society. In fact, even institutionalized as a professional practice, advertising reveals a constitutive instability as far as its language devices are concerned, which can be explained by the need to constantly (re)(in)novate in order to seduce and catch the consumer. However, beyond its legitimating and recognized function, advertisement plays, in mass culture, an anthropological role, constituting a true link between man, culture and past. In the analyzed advertisements, this dialogue takes place between discursive practices with history and memory of their own, reflecting certain ideological/discursive postures. That is why this study assumes a reflexive and scientific posture, that conceives the production of knowledge of the notion of genre as an unfinished process. The need for scientific contextualization demands, thus, a return to genre issue, as it was dealt with in ancient Greece (Aristotelian rhetoric and poetics), in the theory of literature and in the philosophy of language. In Chapter 1, the status quaestionis provides fundamental clues to understand the archeology of the notion, especially the relation between genre and enunciation identities, places of enunciation and time trends. Taking this reflection into account, our aim is to postulate the permeability of discourse to its constitutive exteriors. Considering that, in language sciences, the genre discussion frequently remains circumscribed to typological, textual and didactical issues, in-depth debates allow us to postulate a dialogic and interdiscursive conception of the genres. Thus, Chapter 2 investigates the genre discussion in the view of two social theories of language: the dialogical perspective of Bakhtin´s circle and the French discourse analysis. This long theoretical discussion culminates in the analysis of 58 French and Brazilian advertisements conveyed between 2005 and 2009. Chapter 3 describes the three modalities of genre insertion in the advertising icon-text (direct citation, hybridization and imitation) and the complex enunciation functioning of these operations. Chapter 4 explains, in a more consequent way, the meaning construction in intergeneric dialogism through two procedures: the construction of an ethos characteristic of the enunciated genre, consolidated in other spheres, and the inscription of a historical interdiscursive memory implicitly marked in language and image. The analysis of these multisemiotic texts reveals, more than the evolution of advertisement technical devices, the tension between the evolution of costumes and the unavoidable return to the already-said.
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Palavra-escudo, palavra-espada: pejoratividade e interdiscursividade dos neologismos na política nacional da primeira década do século XXI / Shield-word, sword-word: depreciation and interdiscursivity of neologisms in national politics, in the beginning of this century XXIShirley Lima da Silva Braz 30 March 2012 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo analisar neologismos no contexto da política nacional coletados na imprensa, no início do século XXI. Busca-se compreender como estão se refletindo as mudanças sociais e políticas em nossa língua e em que medida a língua reflete essas mudanças. O dispositivo teórico são os princípios contidos na Análise do Discurso, com suporte, essencialmente, em estudiosos como Patrick Charaudeau, Dominique Maingueneau e Michel Pêcheux, e nos conceitos articulados no campo da Linguística Cognitiva no que diz respeito à mobilização das relações de sentidos. Investiga-se a presença ou não de traços de pejoratividade e ironia nesses novos termos, bem como os aspectos intertextuais e interdiscursivos envolvidos nesse jogo de criação verbal, o que conduz às noções de palavra-chave, palavra-testemunha, palavra-escudo e palavra-espada, levando-se em conta que os termos representam e incorporam as marcas da sociedade e dos processos políticos vivenciados. Traz-se, ao final, uma análise do corpus coletado, um total de 215 verbetes / This thesis aims to analyze neologisms collected in national politics in the press, in the beginning of this century. We seek to understand how they are reflecting the social and political changes in our language and what extent the language reflects these changes. The theoretical approach are the principles contained in Discourse Analysis, supported mainly in scholars such as Patrick Charaudeau, Dominique Maingueneau and Michel Pêcheux, and in the concepts articulated in the field of Cognitive Linguistics, as regards to the mobilization of relationships meanings. It investigates the presence of traces of depreciation and irony in these new therms, as well as intertextual and interdiscursive aspects involved in this game of verbal creation, which leads to the notions of keyword, witness-word, shield-word and sword-word, taking into account that the terms represent and embody the brand of society and political processes experienced. We bring, at the end, an analysis of the collected corpus, a total of 215 entries
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Palavra-escudo, palavra-espada: pejoratividade e interdiscursividade dos neologismos na política nacional da primeira década do século XXI / Shield-word, sword-word: depreciation and interdiscursivity of neologisms in national politics, in the beginning of this century XXIShirley Lima da Silva Braz 30 March 2012 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo analisar neologismos no contexto da política nacional coletados na imprensa, no início do século XXI. Busca-se compreender como estão se refletindo as mudanças sociais e políticas em nossa língua e em que medida a língua reflete essas mudanças. O dispositivo teórico são os princípios contidos na Análise do Discurso, com suporte, essencialmente, em estudiosos como Patrick Charaudeau, Dominique Maingueneau e Michel Pêcheux, e nos conceitos articulados no campo da Linguística Cognitiva no que diz respeito à mobilização das relações de sentidos. Investiga-se a presença ou não de traços de pejoratividade e ironia nesses novos termos, bem como os aspectos intertextuais e interdiscursivos envolvidos nesse jogo de criação verbal, o que conduz às noções de palavra-chave, palavra-testemunha, palavra-escudo e palavra-espada, levando-se em conta que os termos representam e incorporam as marcas da sociedade e dos processos políticos vivenciados. Traz-se, ao final, uma análise do corpus coletado, um total de 215 verbetes / This thesis aims to analyze neologisms collected in national politics in the press, in the beginning of this century. We seek to understand how they are reflecting the social and political changes in our language and what extent the language reflects these changes. The theoretical approach are the principles contained in Discourse Analysis, supported mainly in scholars such as Patrick Charaudeau, Dominique Maingueneau and Michel Pêcheux, and in the concepts articulated in the field of Cognitive Linguistics, as regards to the mobilization of relationships meanings. It investigates the presence of traces of depreciation and irony in these new therms, as well as intertextual and interdiscursive aspects involved in this game of verbal creation, which leads to the notions of keyword, witness-word, shield-word and sword-word, taking into account that the terms represent and embody the brand of society and political processes experienced. We bring, at the end, an analysis of the collected corpus, a total of 215 entries
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Gêneros do discurso e memória: o dialogismo intergenérico no discurso publicitário / Genres of discourse and memory: intergeneric dialogism in advertising discourseAline Saddi Chaves 31 May 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objeto de estudo peças publicitárias parcial ou totalmente textualizadas e enunciadas sob a forma e/ou função prototípicas de gêneros discursivos alheios à publicidade, como telegrama, cartão de votos, artigos jornalísticos, capas de revista/jornal, entre outros. A partir da observação empírica desse tipo de publicidade, intimamente relacionado às tendências pós-modernas e à multiplicação dos suportes na era da internet, levanta-se a hipótese de que, para além da visada lúdica ou da tentativa de camuflar a finalidade pragmática inerente a essa prática, o empréstimo de regimes genéricos não coincidentes está relacionado ao fraco regime de genericidade do discurso publicitário e, por extensão, ao status desse discurso na sociedade. Com efeito, ainda que institucionalizada enquanto prática profissional, a publicidade revela uma instabilidade constitutiva no tocante a seus dispositivos de fala, o que se explica pela necessidade de (se) (re)(i)novar constantemente para seduzir e captar o público consumidor. Mas, para além dessa função reconhecida e legitimadora, a publicidade ocupa, na cultura de massa, uma função antropológica, constituindo um verdadeiro elo entre o homem, a cultura e o passado. Nas publicidades analisadas, esse diálogo se dá entre práticas discursivas detentoras de uma história e uma memória, que refletem determinadas posturas ideológicas/discursivas. Eis a razão pela qual esta pesquisa assume uma postura científica reflexiva, que entende a produção do conhecimento, aqui, da noção de gênero, como um processo inacabado. A necessidade de contextualização científica exige, desse modo, um retorno à problemática dos gêneros, tal como ela foi tratada na antiguidade grega (retórica e poética aristotélicas), na teoria literária e na filosofia da linguagem. No primeiro capítulo, o status quaestionis fornece pistas fundamentais para compreender a arqueologia da noção, em particular, a relação do gênero às identidades enunciativas, aos lugares de enunciação, às tendências de uma época, o que permite postular a permeabilidade da fala a seus exteriores constitutivos. Tendo em vista que, nas ciências da linguagem, o problema do gênero permanece frequentemente circunscrito a questões de ordem tipológica, textual e didática, um aprofundamento dos debates permite postular uma concepção dialógica e interdiscursiva dos gêneros. No segundo capítulo, investigamos, assim, o problema do gênero pela ótica de duas teorias sociais da linguagem: a perspectiva dialógica do círculo de Bakhtin e a análise do discurso francesa. Essa longa discussão teórica culmina na análise de cinqüenta e oito publicidades francesas e brasileiras, veiculadas entre 2005 e 2009. O terceiro capítulo é dedicado a descrever as três modalidades de inserção de gêneros no iconotexto publicitário (citação direta, hibridação e imitação) e o funcionamento enunciativo complexo dessas operações. O quarto capítulo explica, de modo mais consequente, a construção do sentido no dialogismo intergenérico mediante dois procedimentos: a construção de um ethos próprio do gênero convocado, consolidado em outras esferas, e a inscrição de uma memória interdiscursiva histórica, implicitamente marcada na língua e na imagem. As análises desses textos plurissemióticos revelam, mais do que a evolução dos dispositivos técnicos da publicidade, a tensão entre a evolução dos costumes e o inevitável retorno ao já-dito. / The objective of this work is to analyze advertisements that are partially or totally textinserted and enunciated in the form and/or function prototypical of discursive genres that do not belong to the ad area, such as telegrams, wish cards, newspaper articles, newspaper/magazine covers, among others. Beyond the playful view or the attempt to disguise the pragmatic finality inherent to advertising discourse, this kind of advertisement manifests the post-modern trends and the multiplication of supports in the internet era. The empirical observation of these texts leads to the hypothesis that the loan of non-coincident genre systems is related to the poor \"genreness\" of this discourse and, by extension, to its status in society. In fact, even institutionalized as a professional practice, advertising reveals a constitutive instability as far as its language devices are concerned, which can be explained by the need to constantly (re)(in)novate in order to seduce and catch the consumer. However, beyond its legitimating and recognized function, advertisement plays, in mass culture, an anthropological role, constituting a true link between man, culture and past. In the analyzed advertisements, this dialogue takes place between discursive practices with history and memory of their own, reflecting certain ideological/discursive postures. That is why this study assumes a reflexive and scientific posture, that conceives the production of knowledge of the notion of genre as an unfinished process. The need for scientific contextualization demands, thus, a return to genre issue, as it was dealt with in ancient Greece (Aristotelian rhetoric and poetics), in the theory of literature and in the philosophy of language. In Chapter 1, the status quaestionis provides fundamental clues to understand the archeology of the notion, especially the relation between genre and enunciation identities, places of enunciation and time trends. Taking this reflection into account, our aim is to postulate the permeability of discourse to its constitutive exteriors. Considering that, in language sciences, the genre discussion frequently remains circumscribed to typological, textual and didactical issues, in-depth debates allow us to postulate a dialogic and interdiscursive conception of the genres. Thus, Chapter 2 investigates the genre discussion in the view of two social theories of language: the dialogical perspective of Bakhtin´s circle and the French discourse analysis. This long theoretical discussion culminates in the analysis of 58 French and Brazilian advertisements conveyed between 2005 and 2009. Chapter 3 describes the three modalities of genre insertion in the advertising icon-text (direct citation, hybridization and imitation) and the complex enunciation functioning of these operations. Chapter 4 explains, in a more consequent way, the meaning construction in intergeneric dialogism through two procedures: the construction of an ethos characteristic of the enunciated genre, consolidated in other spheres, and the inscription of a historical interdiscursive memory implicitly marked in language and image. The analysis of these multisemiotic texts reveals, more than the evolution of advertisement technical devices, the tension between the evolution of costumes and the unavoidable return to the already-said.
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Discours sociaux et aliénation dans deux romans de Gary VictorLambert, Marie-Andrée 05 1900 (has links)
L’aliénation est une problématique clé de la littérature haïtienne. Ce thème, abordé à de nombreuses reprises, est renouvelé dans les œuvres de l’écrivain Gary Victor, plus particulièrement dans les romans À l’angle des rues parallèles et Je sais quand Dieu vient se promener dans mon jardin. Ce mémoire a pour but d’étudier l’aliénation due à l’assimilation des différents discours qui circulent dans la société. Victor ne fait pas que montrer l’aliénation collective et individuelle ainsi que les différents mécanismes qui provoquent cette «folie». Il campe ses récits dans un univers chaotique où les modalités interdiscursives de la représentation des lieux et des milieux viennent renforcer cette impression d’aliénation quasi généralisée, et les personnages les plus fous apparaissent finalement comme étant les plus lucides. Des notions empruntées à la sociocritique nous ont servi de cadre théorique pour cette recherche.
Le mémoire est composé de cinq chapitres. Les quatre premiers procèdent à l’analyse des discours qui sont présentés comme les sources de l’aliénation des personnages. Le chapitre un est consacré aux discours qui découlent de la société de consommation, qui ne s’appliquent plus uniquement aux objets, mais bien à la gestion des relations interpersonnelles. Le second chapitre se penche sur la question des croyances religieuses, que ce soient les croyances traditionnelles indigènes ou la religion catholique, et montre comment elles peuvent être potentiellement dangereuses pour ceux et celles qui sont trop crédules et comment elles peuvent devenir une arme pour les personnes malintentionnées. Le troisième chapitre étudie la façon dont les discours politiques et historiques sont devenus des lieux de référence pernicieux pour la société haïtienne et la manière dont les personnes au pouvoir les utilisent afin de manipuler le peuple. Le quatrième chapitre aborde les effets pervers des différents discours des savoirs en sciences humaines, plus particulièrement ceux de la philosophie et de la psychanalyse. Il montre les conséquences désastreuses qu’ils peuvent entraîner lorsqu’ils sont transformés en principes immuables.
Le dernier chapitre analyse quelques modalités de cette représentation inédite de l’aliénation. Des lieux hostiles, des personnages violents ainsi que l’utilisation de références littéraires et cinématographiques marquant l’imaginaire social font partie des techniques employées par Victor. Ce chapitre fait ressortir également les différentes figures qui traduisent la résistance à cet univers démentiel.
Notre lecture des romans de Victor conduit à une réflexion sur la définition du roman populaire, en lien avec la modernité telle que définie par Alexis Nouss. D’après ce qui se dégage de l’œuvre de Gary Victor, ce genre, objet de nombreuses critiques et défini comme servant uniquement au simple divertissement des lecteurs, peut aussi aider à prévenir les dérives des sociétés en perte de repères. / Alienation, a major problem in Haitian literature, has been widely addressed by writers and scholars alike. Examples of this can be found and have been renewed in Haitian writer Gary Victor’s works, À l’angle des rues parallèles and Je sais quand Dieu vient se promener dans mon jardin. The aim of this research is to look at alienation brought on by the assimilation of discourses circulating within society. Victor’s works not only exhibit both collective and individual alienation and reveal the various mechanisms that provoke this « mania». He sets his narratives in a chaotic universe where the interdiscursive modalites of representation − namely of places and environments − come to reinforce the somewhat generalized impression of alienation. Consequently, it is the most deranged of Victor’s characters that are seemingly the most lucid. Borrowed notions of sociocriticism have aided in the development of the theoretical framework of this research.
This work is divided into five chapters. The first four chapters analyze the discourses presented as the character’s source of alienation. Chapter one focuses on the impact of these discourses with regard to the consumer society which no longer solely consists of the production, distribution and consumption of goods, but also management and interpersonal relations. Chapter two looks at religious beliefs including traditional indigenous beliefs and Catholicism. This chapter illustrates how such religious beliefs can be a potential danger-namely for the more credulous of people-and explains how they can even become a weapon for those with ill-intentions. Chapter three explores the political and historical discourses within Haitian society. It looks at how such discourses have become pernicious references to the Haitian society and how they are used by politicians to manipulate their own people. Chapter four focuses on the perverse effects of the different discourses in social sciences, mainly philosophy and psychoanalysis, and shows the disastrous consequences that these discourses can bring when they are transformed into immovable principles.
The last chapter analyzes some of the modalities of this unique representation of alienation. Hostile settings, violent characters as well as the use of literary and cinematographic references which mark the social imaginary are some of the techniques utilized by Victor. This chapter highlights different characters, each of whom reveal a resistance to this demonic universe.
Studying the works of Victor gives way to reflection and encourages us to ponder the meaning of popular novel linked with modernity as defined by Alexis Nouss. Through Victor’s work, one can begin to appreciate that this genre though frequently perceived as mere entertainment, can lend hand in the remedying of a society that is losing it’s bearings.
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Discours sociaux et aliénation dans deux romans de Gary VictorLambert, Marie-Andrée 05 1900 (has links)
L’aliénation est une problématique clé de la littérature haïtienne. Ce thème, abordé à de nombreuses reprises, est renouvelé dans les œuvres de l’écrivain Gary Victor, plus particulièrement dans les romans À l’angle des rues parallèles et Je sais quand Dieu vient se promener dans mon jardin. Ce mémoire a pour but d’étudier l’aliénation due à l’assimilation des différents discours qui circulent dans la société. Victor ne fait pas que montrer l’aliénation collective et individuelle ainsi que les différents mécanismes qui provoquent cette «folie». Il campe ses récits dans un univers chaotique où les modalités interdiscursives de la représentation des lieux et des milieux viennent renforcer cette impression d’aliénation quasi généralisée, et les personnages les plus fous apparaissent finalement comme étant les plus lucides. Des notions empruntées à la sociocritique nous ont servi de cadre théorique pour cette recherche.
Le mémoire est composé de cinq chapitres. Les quatre premiers procèdent à l’analyse des discours qui sont présentés comme les sources de l’aliénation des personnages. Le chapitre un est consacré aux discours qui découlent de la société de consommation, qui ne s’appliquent plus uniquement aux objets, mais bien à la gestion des relations interpersonnelles. Le second chapitre se penche sur la question des croyances religieuses, que ce soient les croyances traditionnelles indigènes ou la religion catholique, et montre comment elles peuvent être potentiellement dangereuses pour ceux et celles qui sont trop crédules et comment elles peuvent devenir une arme pour les personnes malintentionnées. Le troisième chapitre étudie la façon dont les discours politiques et historiques sont devenus des lieux de référence pernicieux pour la société haïtienne et la manière dont les personnes au pouvoir les utilisent afin de manipuler le peuple. Le quatrième chapitre aborde les effets pervers des différents discours des savoirs en sciences humaines, plus particulièrement ceux de la philosophie et de la psychanalyse. Il montre les conséquences désastreuses qu’ils peuvent entraîner lorsqu’ils sont transformés en principes immuables.
Le dernier chapitre analyse quelques modalités de cette représentation inédite de l’aliénation. Des lieux hostiles, des personnages violents ainsi que l’utilisation de références littéraires et cinématographiques marquant l’imaginaire social font partie des techniques employées par Victor. Ce chapitre fait ressortir également les différentes figures qui traduisent la résistance à cet univers démentiel.
Notre lecture des romans de Victor conduit à une réflexion sur la définition du roman populaire, en lien avec la modernité telle que définie par Alexis Nouss. D’après ce qui se dégage de l’œuvre de Gary Victor, ce genre, objet de nombreuses critiques et défini comme servant uniquement au simple divertissement des lecteurs, peut aussi aider à prévenir les dérives des sociétés en perte de repères. / Alienation, a major problem in Haitian literature, has been widely addressed by writers and scholars alike. Examples of this can be found and have been renewed in Haitian writer Gary Victor’s works, À l’angle des rues parallèles and Je sais quand Dieu vient se promener dans mon jardin. The aim of this research is to look at alienation brought on by the assimilation of discourses circulating within society. Victor’s works not only exhibit both collective and individual alienation and reveal the various mechanisms that provoke this « mania». He sets his narratives in a chaotic universe where the interdiscursive modalites of representation − namely of places and environments − come to reinforce the somewhat generalized impression of alienation. Consequently, it is the most deranged of Victor’s characters that are seemingly the most lucid. Borrowed notions of sociocriticism have aided in the development of the theoretical framework of this research.
This work is divided into five chapters. The first four chapters analyze the discourses presented as the character’s source of alienation. Chapter one focuses on the impact of these discourses with regard to the consumer society which no longer solely consists of the production, distribution and consumption of goods, but also management and interpersonal relations. Chapter two looks at religious beliefs including traditional indigenous beliefs and Catholicism. This chapter illustrates how such religious beliefs can be a potential danger-namely for the more credulous of people-and explains how they can even become a weapon for those with ill-intentions. Chapter three explores the political and historical discourses within Haitian society. It looks at how such discourses have become pernicious references to the Haitian society and how they are used by politicians to manipulate their own people. Chapter four focuses on the perverse effects of the different discourses in social sciences, mainly philosophy and psychoanalysis, and shows the disastrous consequences that these discourses can bring when they are transformed into immovable principles.
The last chapter analyzes some of the modalities of this unique representation of alienation. Hostile settings, violent characters as well as the use of literary and cinematographic references which mark the social imaginary are some of the techniques utilized by Victor. This chapter highlights different characters, each of whom reveal a resistance to this demonic universe.
Studying the works of Victor gives way to reflection and encourages us to ponder the meaning of popular novel linked with modernity as defined by Alexis Nouss. Through Victor’s work, one can begin to appreciate that this genre though frequently perceived as mere entertainment, can lend hand in the remedying of a society that is losing it’s bearings.
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Organizational Crisis Communication Translated in the Networked SocietyMcIntosh, Heather 15 May 2018 (has links)
Between approximately September 1, 2012 and February 1, 2014, the popular Canadian fashion retailer Lululemon Athletica Inc. faced an organizational crisis due to quality management problems. Beginning with manufacturing complications, the quality issues expressed themselves through various crisis symptoms (e.g., financial issues, legal issues, and senior leadership turmoil). The organization enacted crisis communication strategies to mitigate reputational risk and to inform the public and its stakeholders about the crisis. The news media also reported on the crisis extensively, which contributed to the public and stakeholders’ perceptions of the company and crisis. This dissertation draws on theories of narrative, translation, communication and media, and crisis communication to develop a theoretical foundation to guide the goals of this study. It is based on theories that conceptualize textual journalism as a process of both intralingual and interdiscursive translation that results in new narratives for the purpose of news media content creation. A qualitative content analysis informed by principles of critical discourse analysis is conducted to examine the narration of the crisis as depicted in the company’s textual communication about the crisis (e.g., press releases, annual reports), and the depiction of the crisis as narrated in textual media reports about the organization’s crisis. The two information streams are first analyzed individually to extract the main themes and sub-themes presented. Based on these analyses, a comparison of the two different information streams and their respective crisis narratives is conducted. The project investigates the ways in which the media translated information about the crisis to create their own narratives of the crisis. The findings of this dissertation show the process through which translation occurs, namely the linguistic and discursive variance between these two information streams. An analysis of the patterns in the linguistic and discursive variance between these two information streams indicates how the different social contexts in which each information stream is embedded may have impacted how the translation/journalism process occurs.
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Kontaktszenen. Narrative gestörter WissenskommunikationKoch, Lars, Nitzke, Solvejg 06 June 2024 (has links)
Das Verhältnis von Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft ist prekärer denn je. Je mehr Menschen durch breit verfügbare Bildungsangebote Zugang zu den Hochschulen erhalten, desto weiter scheint sich das Wissen, das an Universitäten im Bereich der Forschung produziert wird, den Zugriffen von ›Gesellschaft‹ zu entziehen. Dabei sollten doch gerade die großen Bildungsreformen gegen Ende des 19. und in der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts größere Schnittmengen zwischen Akademie und Gesellschaft erzeugen. ›Teilhabe‹ als Schlagwort gegenwärtiger Politik scheint aber genau das Gegenteil erreicht zu haben, nämlich eine Spaltung zwischen hochspezialisierter Forschung und Entwicklung einerseits und skeptisch bis renitent agierender Öffentlichkeit andererseits. Die (wissenschafts-)politische Reaktion ist deutlich: gefordert wird eine Popularisierungoffensive mit einem Mehr an Kommunikation, einem Mehr an Anschaulichkeit, einem Mehr an Personality¹. ... [Aus: einleitende Worte]
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