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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ecology Of Non-Breeding And Breeding Crested Caracaras (Caracara cheriway) In Florida

Dwyer, James F. 14 June 2010 (has links)
Like many species, Florida's population of Northern Crested Caracaras (Caracara cheriway, hereafter "caracara") is likely declining due to loss of breeding habitat. Consequently, management-oriented restrictions on landscape modification are applied where breeding occurs, but management rarely is extended beyond breeding areas. Focusing management on breeding areas can be effective if all caracaras occupy breeding areas, all breeding areas are detected, and no intermittent breeding occurs. Management may not operate as intended if any of these criteria are unmet. To explore this possibility, I investigated the movement, habitat, survival, and social biology of non-breeding caracaras. I also investigated long-term occupancy of breeding habitat, and factors contributing to detection of breeding. Non-breeding caracaras occupy areas much larger than individual breeding territories, particularly during breeding seasons. Pastures occupied by cattle were the most used habitat, but non-breeding caracaras also occupied habitats atypical of breeding areas. Specifically, citrus groves were occupied extensively, and row crops were used particularly during breeding seasons. Non-breeding caracaras also shared communal roosts, sometimes with hundreds of conspecifics, and roosts were occupied year-round. Survival of non-breeding caracaras was lowest during breeding seasons. Adult non-breeding caracaras persisted in groups for multiple years without establishing breeding territories. This implies that breeding habitat is limited and saturated. Given the proportion of adults in groups, adults also were the first to find carrion more often than expected. Apparently, young caracaras benefit from grouping by following adults. I found caracaras at all sampled breeding areas where nests were originally documented during the 1990s, and found nests at 83% of territories where nests likely existed. I also found that observer experience, visit start time, and weather affected the probability that a nest would be detected. Thus, not all caracaras occupy breeding areas, and not all breeding attempts are likely to be detected. Long-term occupancy of breeding areas should render annual verification of nesting unnecessary as a trigger for maintaining management actions. Rather management should persist even without confirmation of annual breeding. Caracara management also may be optimized through supporting the non-breeding population by maintaining a matrix of cattle pasture and citrus groves, particularly around roosts. / Ph. D.

Contribution à l'amélioration de la lutte contre le paludisme en République Démocratique du Congo, RDC / Contribution to the improvement of malaria control in Democratic Republic of Congo, RDC

Losimba Likwela, Joris 16 February 2012 (has links)
Deuxième pays le plus endémique pour le paludisme au monde, la république démocratique du Congo (RDC) a adopté officiellement l’initiative Faire Reculer le Paludisme en 2001 et depuis, aligne sa politique de lutte contre le paludisme sur les directives de l’OMS dont les orientations les plus récentes consistent en 3 stratégies :[1] assurer aux malades un accès rapide à un traitement efficace et abordable, [2] assurer aux personnes exposées au risque, notamment les jeunes enfants et les femmes enceintes, l’association la plus adaptée de mesures de protection au niveau personnel et communautaire et [3] donner l’accès, aux femmes enceintes exposées au risque, à des traitements préventifs.<p>Afin de contribuer à l’amélioration de la lutte antipaludique en RDC, le travail a été réalisé en 3 parties :une portant sur la pertinence du traitement préventif intermittent à la Sulfadoxine-Pyriméthamine (TPI-SP) chez la femme enceinte en contexte d’augmentation de la résistance du parasite, une 2e sur les facteurs déterminants l’adhésion des prestataires de soins, des vendeurs des médicaments et des patients à association Artesunate-Amodiaquine (AS-AQ) et une 3e décrivant le paludisme sévère chez l’enfant.<p>La 1ère partie du travail portant sur le TPI-SP a été réalisée en 2 temps. La première approche a consisté en une analyse rétrospective des poids de naissance des nouveau-nés en fonction de la prise du TPI-SP par les mères dans 3 maternités en 2007 où les niveaux de résistance à la SP étaient différents. La deuxième approche, comparait l’effet du traitement préventif intermittent à la Sulfadoxine-Pyriméthamine en 1998/1999 et en 2007 à la prophylaxie à base de chloroquine en 1998/1999 à l’Est de la RDC dans un milieu où la résistance à la Sulfadoxine-Pyriméthamine avait accru considérablement.<p>Dans les régions où la résistance du parasite était de faible (Mikalayi: 1,6% d’échec thérapeutique chez l’enfant) à modéré (Kisangani: 21,7% d’échec thérapeutique chez l’enfant), le TPI-SP réduit le risque de faible poids à la naissance, à Kisangani (OR ajusté :0,15; IC95%, 0,05-0.46) et à Mikalayi (OR ajusté :0,12; IC95%, 0,01-0,89). Dans ces 2 sites, le poids de naissance moyen des Nouveau-nés était plus élevé pour les mères ayant reçu 2 doses par rapport à celui des Nouveau-nés des mères en ayant reçu une seule ou aucune (P<0.001). A Rutshuru où la résistance était élevée (60,6% d’échec thérapeutique chez l’enfant), l’effet du TPI-SP semble moindre: en 2007 - en comparaison dose-dépendante (2 doses Vs 0-1 dose) du poids à la naissance des nouveau-nés en 2007 pour les mères sous TPI-SP – on observait un effet bénéfique chez les primigestes et non chez les multigestes et une légère régression du gain pondéral [(53,9g ( P=0,027) pour les nouveau-nés des mères sous SP en 2007 Vs 70,2g (P=0,003) pour ceux des mères sous SP en 1998/1999 par rapport à ceux des mères sous chloroquine en 1998/1999. Néanmoins, le TPI-SP reste efficace en 2007 comme en 1998-1999 par rapport à la prophylaxie à base de chloroquine en 1998/1999 (poids moyen supérieur et réduction du risque de PPN pour les 2 groupes sous SP). <p>La 2e partie, traitait des déterminants de l’adhésion des prestataires et des patients au nouveau médicament recommandé par la politique nationale pour la prise en charge des cas de paludisme simple ( AS-AQ ) en 2 enquêtes transversales :une étude préliminaire qui a été réalisée dans les CS fonctionnels de Kisangani en avril 2008 et une étude étendue à 3 des 10 districts sanitaires de la province Orientale de mars à juin 2009. Ces 2 enquêtes ont ensuite servi à une analyse systémique des facteurs d’adhésion des prestataires de soins à l’AS-AQ basée sur le modèle de diagnostic de Green et Kreuter et les étapes de changement de comportement de PROCHASKA pour la planification des interventions de promotion.<p>Le recours à l’AS-AQ pour le traitement du paludisme simple progresse (41% et 69% des prescriptions dans les services sanitaires respectivement 3 et 4 ans après le changement de politique national de lutte antipaludique), mais reste inférieur à la cible d’au moins 80% visée par la politique nationale. Malgré la croyance en l’efficacité du nouveau traitement, son utilisation effective rencontre comme principaux obstacles, selon l’avis des prestataires de soins, des vendeurs de médicaments et des patients, sa faible disponibilité, son coût élevé, la présence sur le marché d’antipaludiques retirés du protocole national de traitement et de l’AS-AQ de mauvaise qualité à un coût moindre et la crainte des effets indésirables. Tandis que les facteurs incitatifs à son utilisation sont, l’efficacité thérapeutique perçue de l’AS-AQ, la présence du médicament dans les formations sanitaires, la recommandation de son utilisation par les directives du Ministère de la Santé (notamment sous forme de guides techniques), la formation et la supervision des prestataires, l’intention de prescrire l’AS-AQ aux patients ou d’en prendre soi-même, une plus longue durée de consultation, le fait de fournir des explications aux patients, de travailler dans le milieu rural.<p>La dernière partie du travail consistait en une étude prospective menée du 1er janvier 2010 au 28 février 2011 décrivant le diagnostic et la prise en charge du paludisme grave chez les enfants admis dans 2 HGR de Kisangani.<p>Le paludisme constitue un des principaux motifs d’hospitalisation des enfants en RDC (37,0% à Kisangani) dont l’évaluation est souvent incomplète (53,6% avec goutte épaisse négative ou sans, insuffisamment explorés et traités comme paludisme grave) et le traitement parfois inadéquat (outre les affections non palustres probables non traitées, il y avait notamment surutilisation des produits sanguins exposant les enfants aux risques infectieux transfusionnels). Ainsi, les limites du plateau technique des HGR et l’organisation du circuit des malades semblent entraîner une sous-estimation, entre autre, des complications métaboliques du paludisme grave et des autres infections graves du jeune enfant et par conséquent des écarts au protocole de prise en charge préjudiciables aux patients.<p>Ces résultats mettent en lumière la nécessité :<p>•d’inscrire parmi les priorités du Programme National de Lutte contre le Paludisme, des recherches pour évaluer une option alternative au traitement préventif intermittent avec 2 doses de SP (traitement préventif intermittent avec d’autres antipaludiques) et à l’est du pays le recours préférentiel à la moustiquaire imprégnée à longue durée, en particulier chez la multigeste. <p>•de retenir, pour la promotion de l’utilisation de l’AS-AQ pour le traitement du paludisme simple, comme priorités :<p> o mettre à profit les opportunités actuelles de financement dans le domaine de la lutte antipaludique pour améliorer la disponibilité de l’AS-AQ à un coût accessible et à améliorer l’approvisionnement aussi bien des formations sanitaires publiques et privées que des officines pharmaceutiques ;<p> o assainir le secteur pharmaceutique de manière à endiguer la circulation d’antipaludique de mauvaise qualité à bas prix qui alimente les habitudes d’automédication courante dans les ménages ;<p> o élaborer des programmes de promotion de l’utilisation de l’AS-AQ, en élargissant la cible des interventions autant aux prestataires de soins du secteur privé qu’aux vendeurs de médicaments ;<p> o Adapter les programmes de promotion de l’AS-AQ au stade de changement de comportement auquel se trouve les acteurs après analyse des déterminants de leurs comportements notamment, les facteurs prédisposant (aussi bien les connaissances que les croyances et les intentions des prescripteurs), les facteurs potentialisant (notamment la disponibilité de l’AS-AQ de bonne qualité, son accessibilité financière aux patients) et les facteurs renforçant (supervision, contrats de performance).<p>•de renforcer le plateau technique des HGR et y améliorer le circuit des patients pour leur permettre de jouer pleinement leur rôle dans la prise en charge des formes graves du paludisme. /<p><p>Second most endemic country for malaria in the world, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has officially adopted the Roll Back Malaria (RBM) in 2001, since then aligns its malaria control policy on WHO guidelines which last orientations are based on three major strategies [1] prompt access to effective treatment and affordable for the patients [2] association of the most appropriate measures to protect the persons at risk both at individual and community level, including young children and pregnant women, [3] and access to preventive treatments to pregnant women at risk.<p>In order to contribute in improving malaria control in DRC, the study was carried out in three parts: the first one on the relevance of IPT with SP in pregnant women in the context of increased parasite resistance, the second one on the determinants of adherence of healthcare providers, drugs sellers and patients to AS-AQ, the last one describing severe malaria in children.<p>The first part of the study on IPTp-SP was performed in 2 stages. We had firstly carried out a retrospective analysis of birth weight comparing newborns whom mothers had received 2 SP doses to those whom mothers had received one or none, in three maternity hospitals in 2007 where levels of SP resistance were different. Then we evaluated the effect of IPTp-SP in 1998/1999 and 2007 compared to prophylaxis with chloroquine in 1998/1999 in eastern DRC in a region where resistance to SP was significantly increased. <p>In areas where parasite resistance was low (Mikalayi: 1.6% of therapeutic failure in children) our moderate (Kisangani: 21.7% of therapeutic failure in children), the IPTp-SP reduced the risk of LBW in Kisangani (OR adjusted 0.15, 95% CI, 0.04-0.58) and Mikalayi (adjusted OR, 0.12, 95% CI, 0.01-0.89). In both sites, the average birth weight was higher for mothers having received two rather than one or no SP doses (P<0.001). While in Rutshuru, where resistance was high (60.6% treatment failure), the effect of IPT-SP seems lower. In 2007, IPTp-SP had an effect only in primigravidae (dose-response comparison: 2 doses vs. 0-1dose). It was also observed in a slight decrease in body weight gain [(53.9 g (P = 0.027) for mothers having received SP in 2007 vs. 70.2 g (P = 0.003) for those mothers who had received SP in 1998/1999 compared to mothers who had received chloroquine in 1998/1999.<p>In the second part of the thesis, two cross-sectional surveys were carried out to identify determinants of the adherence of healthcare providers, drugs sellers and patients to the new drug recommended by the national policy for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria (AS-AQ). A preliminary survey was conducted in functional health centre in Kisangani in April 2008 and a second survey extended to three out of 10 health districts in the Eastern Province from March to June 2009. <p>The use of AS-AQ for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria progresses (from 41% to 69% prescriptions in health services between 2008 and 2009, 3 and 4 years respectively after the malaria control policy change), but still below the target of at least 80% pursued by national policy. Despite the perceived efficacy of AS-AQ by both healthcare providers and drugs vendors, its use was limited due to its low availability, high cost, mistrust on the quality of the available product, availability of inexpensive antimalarial drugs withdrew from national politicy and the fear for adverse effects. While the incentives for its use were, the therapeutic efficacy, availability, directives of the ministries of health (technical guidelines), training and supervision of healthcare providers, the intention to prescribe AS-AQ to patients or to use oneself, lengthy consultations, providing explanations to patients, working in rural areas.<p>The last part of the thesis was a prospective study conducted from January 2010 to February 2011 that included all children admitted for severe malaria with at least one of the criteria for severe malaria according to WHO.<p>Malaria is one of the main reasons for hospitalization of children in the DRC (37.0% in Kisangani) whose evaluation is often uncompleted (53.6% no or negative blood smear that are insufficiently explored and treated as severe malaria) and sometimes inadequately treated (in addition to non-malarial severe diseases treated as severe malaria, there was overuse of blood products conducting probably to exposition of children to risks of infection through transfusion). Thus, poor technical support and inadequate organization of the patient circuit seem to lead to underestimation, among others, of metabolic complications of severe malaria and in the non-recognition of other serious infections early childhood, problems that are detrimental to the patients, even when effective drugs are available.<p>These results highlight the need: <p>•to include among the priorities of the National Malaria Control Program, research to evaluate an alternative option to 2 doses IPTp-SP (IPT using other antimalarial drugs) and in the east of the country preferential use of MILD, especially in multigravidae. <p>•for the use of AS-AQ for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria primarily promote:<p> o the use of current funding opportunities in the field of malaria control to improve the availability of the AS-AQ at an affordable cost and to improve the supply of both public and private health facilities as well as pharmacies;<p> o to clean up the pharmaceutical sector in order to stem the flow of poor quality cheapest antimalarial drugs that feeds the habits of self-medication common in households;<p> o to develop communication programs, training and supervision of healthcare providers to promote the use of AS-AQ, expanding the target of interventions to both healthcare providers in the private sector and drugs sellers;<p> o To adapt AS-AQ promoting programs to the stage of behavior change after analysis of determinants of actors behavior, in particular, the predisposing factors (knowledge as well as beliefs and intentions of the prescriber), the potentializing factors (including the availability of the good quality AS-AQ, affordability to patients) and reinforcing factors (supervision, performance contracts).<p>•to strengthen the technical support of general hospitals and to improve the organization of the patient circuit in order to enable them to play their full role in the management of severe malaria.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences de la santé publique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Facteurs de risque de mortalité des enfants à l’initiation de la thérapie de remplacement rénal aux soins intensifs

Morissette, Geneviève 08 1900 (has links)
Introduction : La mortalité associée à l’insuffisance rénale aiguë (acute kidney injury ‘’AKI’’) aux soins intensifs pédiatriques (SIP) dépasse les 50%. Des études antérieures sur la thérapie de remplacement rénal (TRR) ont fait ressortir plusieurs facteurs de risque de mortalité dont le syndrome de défaillance multiviscérale (SDMV) et la surcharge liquidienne ≥ 10 à 20% avant l’initiation de la TRR. L’objectif de cette étude était d’identifier les principaux facteurs de risque de mortalité à 28 jours après l’initiation de la TRR chez les patients atteints d’AKI aux SIP. Méthode : Il s’agit d’une étude de cohorte rétrospective aux SIP d’un centre tertiaire. Tous les enfants ayant reçus de la TRR continue ou de l’hémodialyse intermittente pour AKI, entre janvier 1998 et décembre 2014, ont été inclus. Les facteurs de risque de mortalité ont été préalablement identifiés par quatre intensivistes et deux néphrologues pédiatres et analysés à l’aide d’une régression logistique multivariée. Résultats : Quatre-vingt-dix patients ont été inclus. L’âge médian était de 9 [2-14] ans. La principale indication d’initiation de la TRR était la surcharge liquidienne (64,2%). La durée médiane d’hospitalisation aux SIP était de 18,5 [8,0-31,0] jours. Quarante patients (44,4%) sont décédés dans les 28 jours suivant l’initiation de la TRR et quarante-cinq (50,0%) avant la sortie des SIP. Le score de PELOD ≥ 20 (OR 4,66 ; 95%CI 1,68-12,92) et la surcharge liquidienne ≥ 15% (OR 9,31; 95%CI 2,16-40,11) à l’initiation de la TRR étaient associés de façon indépendante à la mortalité. Conclusion : Cette étude a permis de faire ressortir deux facteurs de risque de mortalité à 28 jours à l’initiation de la TRR : la surcharge liquidienne et la sévérité du SDMV mesurée par le score de PELOD. / Introduction: Mortality rate associated with acute kidney injury (AKI) in pediatric intensive care units (PICU) exceeds 50%. Prior studies on renal replacement therapy (RRT) have highlighted different mortality risk factors including the presence of a multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and fluid overload ≥ 10 to 20% before starting RRT. The aim of this study was to identify most important risk factors of 28-day mortality in patients with AKI at RRT initiation in PICU. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study in a tertiary care pediatric center. All critically ill children who underwent acute continuous RRT or intermittent hemodialysis for AKI between January 1998 and December 2014 were included. A case report form was developed and specific risk factors were identified by a panel of four pediatric intensivists and two nephrologists. Risk factors analysis was made using logistic regression in SPSS and SAS software. Results: Ninety patients were included. The median age was 9 [2-14] years. The most common indication for RRT initiation was fluid overload (FO) (64.2%). The median PICU length of stay was 18.5 [8.0-31.0] days. Forty of the 90 patients (44.4%) died within 28 days after RRT initiation and forty-five (50.0%) died before PICU discharge. In a multivariate logistic regression analysis, a PELOD score ≥ 20 (OR 4.66; 95%CI 1.68-12.92) and percentage of FO ≥ 15% (OR 9.31; 95%CI 2.16-40.11) at RRT initiation were independently associated with mortality. Conclusion: This study suggests that fluid overload and severity of MODS measured by PELOD score are two risk factors of 28-day mortality in PICU patients on RRT.

The Acute Metabolic Response of Intermittent Hypoxic Resistance Exercise : A Cross-Over RCT

Falgin Hultgren, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
Aim The aim for this present study was to investigate the acute metabolic response from intermittent resistance exercise during hypoxia, with the following research questions: (1) Are blood levels of lactate and glucose different between hypoxia and normoxia? (2) Does hypoxia induce higher lactate accumulation and pH reduction in the human skeletal muscle? (3) Is there a relationship between plasma-, blood- and muscle lactate? Method Eight healthy males (30 ± 2 years) performed 6 sets of unilateral leg extension on each leg (75% of 1RM) with randomized normoxic (20,9% inspired 𝑂2) and normobaric hypoxic (12% inspired 𝑂2) conditions. A total of 5 muscle biopsies was extracted from m. Vastus Lateralis (pre-, post exercise, 90-, 180min and 24h post exercise) during both normoxia and hypoxia trials, separated by one week for all participants. Blood samples were repeatedly taken with 20 min intervals. Heart Rate (HR) and saturation (𝑆𝑝𝑂2) were measured by a pulsoximeter during resistance exercise. Results No significant main effect was observed for blood lactate and glucose levels as well as the muscle lactate accumulation and pH between normoxia and hypoxia. However, pH in muscle showed a trend between the conditions post exercise where hypoxia reached lower levels in total (P=0.08). Significant correlations were observed for blood- and plasma lactate, where hypoxia showed a stronger relationship than normoxia (r=0.98 compared to r=0.87). Equal findings for the correlation of muscle- and plasma lactate showed an even greater coefficient value for hypoxia compared to normoxia (r=0.860 compared to r=0.59). Conclusion Summarized data indicated that no significant difference between hypoxia and normoxia was evident. Nonetheless, tendencies illustrate that hypoxia may alter the metabolic response slightly. However, further research is needed to draw a conclusion between the conditions. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka kroppens akuta metabola svar från intermittent styrketräning under hypoxi, med följande frågeställningar: (1) Skiljer sig nivåerna av laktat och glukos i blodet mellan hypoxi och normoxi? (2) Skapar hypoxi större laktatansamling och pH reduktion i människoskelettmuskeln? (3) Finns det en relation mellan plasma-, blod- och muskellaktat? Metod Åtta friska män (30 ± 2 år) deltog där deltagarna utförde 6 set unilateral benextension för varje ben (75% 1RM). Intermittent styrketräning randomiserades med hypoxi som utfördes med 12% syrgas och normoxi som bibehöll normal syrgasnivå (20,9% syrgas). Under två testdagar togs 5 muskelbiopsier från m. Vastus Lateralis (före-, efter träning, 90-, 180min och 24h efter träning) på vartannat ben per testdag. Hjärtfrekvensen och 𝑆𝑝𝑂2 mättes via pulsoximeter under träningen. Resultat Ingen signifikant huvudeffekt påvisades mellan hypoxi och normoxi för blodlaktat samt glukos, såväl som laktatackumulationen och pH värdet i muskeln. Muskel pH visade en trend där hypoxi efter styrketräning nådde lägre totalnivå än normoxi (P=0,08). Vidare observerades hypoxi att ha starka relationer mellan blod- och plasmalaktat jämfört med normoxi (r=0,98 vs. r=0,87). Större skillnad framgick för korrelationen mellan muskel- och plasmalaktat där hypoxi-försöket utgav starkare koefficient jämfört med normoxi (r=0,86 vs. r=0,59). Konklusion Sammanfattad data visar att hypoxi inte skapar större metabolisk respons vid intermittent styrketräning. Trots detta framkom tendenser som illustrerar att hypoxi kan påverka den metabola stressen under styrketräning. Däremot krävs vidare forskning för att kunna säkerställa effekten av hypoxi på kroppens metabola svar. / Ingår i Marcus Mobergs projekt: ”Resistance exercise under hypoxia and the acute molecular effects in human skeletal muscle

Estresse oxidativo em porfiria hepática experimental disparada por succinilacetona - um inibidor da ácido 5-aminolevulínico desidratase / Oxidative stress in experimental hepatic porphyria triggered by succinylacetone - an inhibitor of 5-aminoluvulinic acid dehydratase

Cardoso, Vanessa Eid da Silva 28 January 2010 (has links)
Para otimizar um modelo experimental para o estudo do desbalanço redox em porfirias relacionadas ao acúmulo de ácido 5-aminolevulínico-(ALA), via inibição da ALA desidratase-(ALA-D), ratos foram tratados com o éster metílico de succinilacetona-(SAME), um catabólito da tirosina que inibe fortemente a ALA-O, mimetízando o estado metabólico observado nos portadores de portirias e tirosinemias. Estabeleceram-se modelos de tratamento agudo por 36 e 18 h. No primeiro, os animais receberam 3 injeções de SAME (10, 40 ou 80 mg/kg, grupos Ali-IV). No segundo, os animais receberam 3 injeções de 40 mg/kg de SAME, ALA ou éster metílico de ALA (grupos BII-IV), ALA:SAME (30: 10 mg/kg, grupo BV), ou 10 mg/kg SAME (grupo BVI). Paralelamente, avaliou-se se os sintomas neurológicos característicos das portirias decorriam de danos oxidativos mitocondriais. Para isso, aplicou-se uma tecnologia óptica para medidas da difusão da depressão cortical que determinou a oxigenação e o estado redox do cit c em mitocôndrias do córtex cerebral de ratos submetidos ao tratamento crônico com ALA (40 mg/kg), SAME (10 e 40 mg/kg) e ALA:SAME (30: 1O mg/kg), a cada 48 h, durante 30 dias. Tratamento agudo/36 h: Os níveis de ALA no plasma, fígado, cérebro e urina e o clearance renal do ALA aumentaram nos grupos tratados. A atividade de ALA-D e a coproporfirina urinária reduziram. A marcação para proteínas carboniladas, ferro e ferritina aumentou no fígado e cérebro dos grupos tratados, especialmente no All. Os níveis de malondialdeído hepático aumentaram no grupo AIV. A razão GSH/GSH+GSSG e a atividade de GPx cerebrais aumentaram nos grupos AIV e AIII, respectivamente. Consistentemente com estes dados indicando um desbalanço oxidativo induzido pelo SAME, alterações mitocondriais e citosólicas ultraestruturais foram reveladas, especialmente no fígado. Tratamento agudo/18 h: Os níveis de ALA plasmáticos aumentaram nos grupos tratados, exceto em BIV. O grupo BII mostrou aumento dos níveis hepáticos de ALA. Interessantemente, a inibição da atividade de ALA-D não foi evidenciada. O conteúdo de ferro plasmático aumentou no grupo BII. Para os grupos tratados com 10 e 40 mg SAME/kg, a atividade de SOD hepática reduziu ~50% com a extensão do tratamento de 18 para 36 h, sugerindo que este último é mais efetivo em promover danos oxidativos induzidos pelo ALA. Tratamento crônico/30 dias: Embora nenhuma alteração tenha sido evidenciada no estado redox dos animais tratados, o tratamento com ALA reduziu o fluxo sanguíneo cerebral (CBF) e o consumo de oxigênio-(CMRO2), sugerindo uma vasoconstrição mediada pelo ALA, efeito este confirmado por ensaios de reatividade vascular conduzidos em anéis de aorta de ratos incubados com ALA. O tratamento com ALA:SAME restaurou os níveis de CBF e CMRO2. Interessantemente, a disponibilidade do radical superóxido-(O2&#8226;-) estava reduzida nos anéis de aorta incubados com ALA. Juntos, estes dados: a)validam o modelo de tratamento agudo/36 h para o estudo bioquímico e dos possíveis efeitos fisiológicos induzidos pelo ALA, e b)sugerem que as alterações mediadas pelo ALA exógeno levam à vasoconstrição. / To optimize an experimental model for studying redox imbalance in porphyrias related to 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) accumulation through the inhibition of ALA dehydratase (ALA-D), rats were treated with methyl ester of succinylacetone (SAME), a tyrosine catabolite that strongly inhibits ALA-D, what mimics the metabolic state observed in patients suffering from porphyrías and tyrosinemias. Models of acute treatment were established during 36 and 18 h. In the first model, animals received 3 injections of SAME (10, 40 or 80 mg/kg, groups Ali-IV). In the second model, animals received 3 injections of 40 mg/kg SAME, ALA or methyl ester of ALA (groups BII-IV), ALA:SAME (30:10 mg/kg, group BV), or 10 mg/kg SAME (group BVI). Concomitantly, we evaluated if the neurologic symptoms characteristics of porphyrias were a consequence of the oxidative mitochondrial impairment. For this, an optical technology for the measurement of cortical spreading depression was applied. This techonology determined the cerebral oxygenation and the redox state of cit c in mitochondria of the cerebral cortex of rats submitted to a chronic treatment with ALA (40 mg/kg), SAME (10 and 40 mg/kg) and ALASAME (30:10 mg/kg), alternate days, during 30 days. Acute treatment/36 h: ALA levels in plasma, liver and urine and clearance of renal ALA increased in treated groups. ALA-D activities and urinary coproporphyrin were found to be decreased. Liver and brain proteins carbonyl, iron and ferritin were higher in the liver of treated groups, especially in All. Liver malondialdehyde levels were higher in group AIV. Cerebral GSH/GSH+GSSG ratio and GPx activities increased in groups AIV and AIII, respectively. Consistently with these data indicating SAME-induced oxidative imbalance, mitochondrial and cytosolic ultrastructural changes were revealed, especially in the liver. Acute treatment/18 h: Plasma ALA levels increased in all treated groups but BIV. Group BII showed increased hepatic ALA levels. Interestingly, inhibition in ALA-D activities was not evidenced. Plasma iron content increased in group BII. For the groups treated with 10 and 40 mg SAME/kg, liver SOD activities reduced ~50% by extending the treatment from 18 to 36 h, suggesting that the latter is more effective in ALA-induced oxidative damage. Chronic treatment /30 days: Despite no changes in the redox state of treated animals were observed, the treatment with ALA reduced the cerebral blood flow (CBF) and the consumption of oxygen (CMRO2), suggesting a vasoconstriction mediated by ALA. This effetc was confirmed by vascular reactivity assay performed in aortic rings of rats incubated with ALA. The treatment with ALA:SAME recovered the CBF and CMRO2 levels. Interestingly, the availability of superoxide radical (O2&#8226;-) was reduced in the aortic rings incubated with ALA. Altogether, these data a) validate the model of acute treatment/36 h for studying biochemical and possibly physiological effects induced by ALA, and b)suggest that the changes mediated by exogenous ALA lead to vasoconstriction.

A Stochastic Analysis of Flows on Rillitto Creek

Baran, N. E., Kisiel, C. C., Duckstein, L. 23 April 1971 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1971 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 22-23, 1971, Tempe, Arizona / In order to construct a simulation model for ephemeral streamflow and to examine in depth the problem of the worth of data for that model, measurements of the ephemeral streamflow of Rillitto creek, Tucson, were analyzed for the period 1933-1965. The simulation model was based on several hypotheses: (1) flow durations and their succeeding dry periods (time when no flow is present) are independent; (2) the distribution of the lengths of the dry periods and flows is stationary over a certain period of the year (summer); (3) stationary probability distributions for flow durations and for dry period lengths can be derived. A related problem was how to derive a simulation model for the total amount of flow (in acre-ft) within 1 flow period. Three variables were considered: flow duration (minutes), peak intensity of flow (cu ft/sec) and antecedent dry period-minutes (ADP). Because the assumption of variance constancy does not hold, a multiplicative regression model was used. Using an analysis of variance, which is described in detail, the worth of the 3 kinds of data were examined in relation to total flow. It was concluded that there are at least 5 times during the year when the flow intervals differ significantly, and the ADP is not important in determining flow volume because of the poison flow arrival rate in summer. Events occur at random and are not clustered as in summer, indicating that channel moisture does not differ much between flow events.

EXPLORING MARKET FORCES FOR TRANSMISSION EXPANSION AND GRID STORAGE INTEGRATION : A technical-economic thesis about variation moderators for intermittent renewable power generation in the developed country of Sweden and the developing country of China

Eriksson, Pernilla, Sundell, Martin January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Auswirkungen religiösen Fastens auf anthropometrische Parameter, Blutfettwerte und Hämodynamik normalgewichtiger gesunder Probanden

Liebscher, Daniela 26 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ärzte sind in einer multikulturellen Gesellschaft gefordert, gesundheitsrelevante kulturelle Besonderheiten wie das religiös motivierte Fasten zu berücksichtigen, welches in unterschiedlicher Ausprägung in vielen Religionen eine zentrale Rolle einnimmt. Im Judentum gibt es vierundzwanzigstündige Fastenzeiten mit strikter Nahrungs- und Flüssigkeitskarenz. Im Christentum gibt es Fasten, welche eine veränderte Zusammensetzung der Nahrung während der Fastentage vorsehen, wie das Fasten der griechisch-orthodoxen Kirche oder das Daniel Fasten, während bei römisch-katholischen oder protestantischen Fastenexerzitien oft Heilfasten mit Nahrungskarenz praktiziert werden. Im muslimischen Mondmonat Ramadan wird tagsüber sowohl auf Nahrung als auch auf Trinken verzichtet. Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit war, die bisher erforschten Auswirkungen der verschiedenen Fastenarten auf anthropometrische Parameter, Blutfettwerte und Hämodynamik bei normalgewichtigen, gesunden Fastenden zu untersuchen. Die Literaturrecherche wurde vorwiegend in pubmed und für das Heilfasten zusätzlich in zwei Spezialbibliotheken durchgeführt. Bei der Auswertung erfolgte zur Verbesserung der Vergleichbarkeit der Ergebnisse eine Einteilung der Studien in Gruppen nach definierten Qualitätskriterien. Zur Beurteilung der Ergebnisse wurde einzeln auf die untersuchten Themenkomplexe eingegangen. Anthropometrische Parameter: Während beim Jom Kippur nur eine leichte Abnahme des Körpergewichts aufgrund von Verschiebungen im Flüssigkeitshaushalt vorkamen, konnten bei einwöchigem Heilfasten und beim Daniel Fasten keine signifikanten Ergebnisse dokumentiert werden. Beim griechisch-orthodoxen und Ramadan-Fasten zeigte sich eine Abnahmetendenz für Gewicht und Body-mass-Index (BMI), welche sich mit der Länge des Fastens zu verstärken scheint. Für keine der Fastenarten konnte bisher ein Rebound- Effekt nachgewiesen werden. Blutfette: Im Fettstoffwechsel beobachtete Veränderungen während des Jom Kippur sind aufgrund der Kürze des Fastens lediglich als passager zu bewerten. Die zum griechisch-orthodoxen und Daniel Fasten vorliegenden Studien konnten bisher die Reduktion des Gesamt- und LDL-Cholesterols belegen, während beim Heilfasten die kurzfristigen Effekte widersprüchlich erscheinen und wenig Langzeitergebnisse vorhanden sind. Beim Ramadan-Fasten war die Variabilität der Ergebnisse groß, wobei sich jedoch fast durchgehend eine Erhöhung der Werte für HDL und HDL-Cholesterol zeigte. Hämodynamik: Zusammenfassend kann man bei der dürftigen Studienlage für alle Fastenarten entweder keine Veränderung oder eine Tendenz zur Verbesserung der Blutdruckwerte sehen. Der Vergleich des menschlichen Fastens mit Grundlagenstudien zur Kalorienrestriktion oder zum intermittierenden Fasten bei Tieren, welche deutlich gesundheitsfördernde Ergebnisse zeigen, scheint nicht uneingeschränkt zulässig. Aufgrund der Studienlage kann derzeit nicht beantwortet werden, ob diese positiven Effekte auch durch regelmäßiges religiöses Fasten im menschlichen Körper erzielt werden können. Die meisten Studien zum religiösen Fasten sind Beobachtungsstudien, deren verschiedene Umgebungsbedingungen den Vergleich der Ergebnisse, insbesondere beim Ramadan-Fasten, erschweren. Bis auf wenige Ausnahmen kommen die Studien aus Ländern, in denen das jeweilige Fasten traditionell praktiziert wird. Die Arbeit zeigt den Facettenreichtum der vorhandenen religiösen Fastenpraktiken und ihre Relevanz für die heutige medizinische Praxis. Lücken in der Studienlage und qualitative Mängel der bestehenden Daten konnten aufgezeigt werden. Es bleibt zu hoffen, dass die Anzahl der qualitativ hochwertigen Studien zu allen verbreiteten Arten des Fastens weiterhin wächst und dass derzeit noch nicht medizinisch untersuchte Fasten zukünftig ebenso in die Forschung einbezogen werden. / In a multicultural society doctors are required to consider health-related cultural features such as religious fasting, which, to varying degrees, play a central role in many religions. In Judaism fasting is a strict twenty-four hour abstention from food and fluids. In Christianity there are fasts that involve a change in the variety of foods eaten, as is the case in the Greek Orthodox Church or in the Daniel Fast, while in Roman-Catholic or Protestant fasting retreats a juice fast is often observed. In the Islamic lunar month of Ramadan food and fluid intake is restricted to the night hours only. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the findings of existing research into the impact of different kinds of religious fasting on anthropometric parameters, blood lipids and haemodynamics of healthy people. The literature research has been carried out mainly through pubmed and for the juice fast two additional, specialised libraries were consulted. For the evaluation and a better comparability of the results the studies were classified into groups, defined by specific qualitative criteria. For the purpose of evaluating the results, they were analysed in groups according to the main criteria of the study. Anthropometric parameters: while during Jom Kippur only a slight reduction of body weight due to shifts in the body\\\'s fluid balance could be observed, in a one-week juice fast and in a Daniel Fast there were no significant changes. In the Greek Orthodox and Ramadan fasts a tendency to reduction of body weight and body mass index (BMI) were observed, which seemed to intensify according to the length of the fast. In none of these fasts a rebound effect was found. Blood lipids: the changes observed in lipid metabolism during Jom Kippur should be regarded as transient due to the shortness of the fast. The studies of Greek Orthodox and Daniel fasting have shown a reduction of total and LDL cholesterol, while those examining juice fasting reveal the short term effects as contradictory, with there being only few long term results available. The results pertaining to Ramadan fasting showed a high variability, though a rise in HDL and HDL cholesterol has been quite consistently reported. Haemodynamics: in summary it can be stated, considering the very sparse number of studies in this area, that in all of the above mentioned forms of religious fasting there was either no change or a slight tendency towards a reduction of blood pressure. The comparison of human fasting to experimental studies in caloric restriction or intermittent fasting in animals, which have clearly shown health enhancing effects, does not seem unconditionally valid. Based on the current state of science no definitive answer can be given on whether regular religious fasting can generate these positive results in humans. Most studies in the field of religious fasting are observational studies with differing environmental conditions, a fact that hampers the comparison of the results, especially for the Ramadan fast. Except for few exemptions the studies all originate in countries where the respective fast is traditionally held. This study revealed the great variety within the existing religious fasting practices and their relevance for today’s medical practice. Gaps in the current state of evidence and research as well as qualitative shortcomings in the existing data where revealed. It is to be hoped that the rise in high-quality studies of all common religious fasts will continue and that fasts, not medically studied to date, will in future also become the subject of research.

Estresse oxidativo em porfiria hepática experimental disparada por succinilacetona - um inibidor da ácido 5-aminolevulínico desidratase / Oxidative stress in experimental hepatic porphyria triggered by succinylacetone - an inhibitor of 5-aminoluvulinic acid dehydratase

Vanessa Eid da Silva Cardoso 28 January 2010 (has links)
Para otimizar um modelo experimental para o estudo do desbalanço redox em porfirias relacionadas ao acúmulo de ácido 5-aminolevulínico-(ALA), via inibição da ALA desidratase-(ALA-D), ratos foram tratados com o éster metílico de succinilacetona-(SAME), um catabólito da tirosina que inibe fortemente a ALA-O, mimetízando o estado metabólico observado nos portadores de portirias e tirosinemias. Estabeleceram-se modelos de tratamento agudo por 36 e 18 h. No primeiro, os animais receberam 3 injeções de SAME (10, 40 ou 80 mg/kg, grupos Ali-IV). No segundo, os animais receberam 3 injeções de 40 mg/kg de SAME, ALA ou éster metílico de ALA (grupos BII-IV), ALA:SAME (30: 10 mg/kg, grupo BV), ou 10 mg/kg SAME (grupo BVI). Paralelamente, avaliou-se se os sintomas neurológicos característicos das portirias decorriam de danos oxidativos mitocondriais. Para isso, aplicou-se uma tecnologia óptica para medidas da difusão da depressão cortical que determinou a oxigenação e o estado redox do cit c em mitocôndrias do córtex cerebral de ratos submetidos ao tratamento crônico com ALA (40 mg/kg), SAME (10 e 40 mg/kg) e ALA:SAME (30: 1O mg/kg), a cada 48 h, durante 30 dias. Tratamento agudo/36 h: Os níveis de ALA no plasma, fígado, cérebro e urina e o clearance renal do ALA aumentaram nos grupos tratados. A atividade de ALA-D e a coproporfirina urinária reduziram. A marcação para proteínas carboniladas, ferro e ferritina aumentou no fígado e cérebro dos grupos tratados, especialmente no All. Os níveis de malondialdeído hepático aumentaram no grupo AIV. A razão GSH/GSH+GSSG e a atividade de GPx cerebrais aumentaram nos grupos AIV e AIII, respectivamente. Consistentemente com estes dados indicando um desbalanço oxidativo induzido pelo SAME, alterações mitocondriais e citosólicas ultraestruturais foram reveladas, especialmente no fígado. Tratamento agudo/18 h: Os níveis de ALA plasmáticos aumentaram nos grupos tratados, exceto em BIV. O grupo BII mostrou aumento dos níveis hepáticos de ALA. Interessantemente, a inibição da atividade de ALA-D não foi evidenciada. O conteúdo de ferro plasmático aumentou no grupo BII. Para os grupos tratados com 10 e 40 mg SAME/kg, a atividade de SOD hepática reduziu ~50% com a extensão do tratamento de 18 para 36 h, sugerindo que este último é mais efetivo em promover danos oxidativos induzidos pelo ALA. Tratamento crônico/30 dias: Embora nenhuma alteração tenha sido evidenciada no estado redox dos animais tratados, o tratamento com ALA reduziu o fluxo sanguíneo cerebral (CBF) e o consumo de oxigênio-(CMRO2), sugerindo uma vasoconstrição mediada pelo ALA, efeito este confirmado por ensaios de reatividade vascular conduzidos em anéis de aorta de ratos incubados com ALA. O tratamento com ALA:SAME restaurou os níveis de CBF e CMRO2. Interessantemente, a disponibilidade do radical superóxido-(O2&#8226;-) estava reduzida nos anéis de aorta incubados com ALA. Juntos, estes dados: a)validam o modelo de tratamento agudo/36 h para o estudo bioquímico e dos possíveis efeitos fisiológicos induzidos pelo ALA, e b)sugerem que as alterações mediadas pelo ALA exógeno levam à vasoconstrição. / To optimize an experimental model for studying redox imbalance in porphyrias related to 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) accumulation through the inhibition of ALA dehydratase (ALA-D), rats were treated with methyl ester of succinylacetone (SAME), a tyrosine catabolite that strongly inhibits ALA-D, what mimics the metabolic state observed in patients suffering from porphyrías and tyrosinemias. Models of acute treatment were established during 36 and 18 h. In the first model, animals received 3 injections of SAME (10, 40 or 80 mg/kg, groups Ali-IV). In the second model, animals received 3 injections of 40 mg/kg SAME, ALA or methyl ester of ALA (groups BII-IV), ALA:SAME (30:10 mg/kg, group BV), or 10 mg/kg SAME (group BVI). Concomitantly, we evaluated if the neurologic symptoms characteristics of porphyrias were a consequence of the oxidative mitochondrial impairment. For this, an optical technology for the measurement of cortical spreading depression was applied. This techonology determined the cerebral oxygenation and the redox state of cit c in mitochondria of the cerebral cortex of rats submitted to a chronic treatment with ALA (40 mg/kg), SAME (10 and 40 mg/kg) and ALASAME (30:10 mg/kg), alternate days, during 30 days. Acute treatment/36 h: ALA levels in plasma, liver and urine and clearance of renal ALA increased in treated groups. ALA-D activities and urinary coproporphyrin were found to be decreased. Liver and brain proteins carbonyl, iron and ferritin were higher in the liver of treated groups, especially in All. Liver malondialdehyde levels were higher in group AIV. Cerebral GSH/GSH+GSSG ratio and GPx activities increased in groups AIV and AIII, respectively. Consistently with these data indicating SAME-induced oxidative imbalance, mitochondrial and cytosolic ultrastructural changes were revealed, especially in the liver. Acute treatment/18 h: Plasma ALA levels increased in all treated groups but BIV. Group BII showed increased hepatic ALA levels. Interestingly, inhibition in ALA-D activities was not evidenced. Plasma iron content increased in group BII. For the groups treated with 10 and 40 mg SAME/kg, liver SOD activities reduced ~50% by extending the treatment from 18 to 36 h, suggesting that the latter is more effective in ALA-induced oxidative damage. Chronic treatment /30 days: Despite no changes in the redox state of treated animals were observed, the treatment with ALA reduced the cerebral blood flow (CBF) and the consumption of oxygen (CMRO2), suggesting a vasoconstriction mediated by ALA. This effetc was confirmed by vascular reactivity assay performed in aortic rings of rats incubated with ALA. The treatment with ALA:SAME recovered the CBF and CMRO2 levels. Interestingly, the availability of superoxide radical (O2&#8226;-) was reduced in the aortic rings incubated with ALA. Altogether, these data a) validate the model of acute treatment/36 h for studying biochemical and possibly physiological effects induced by ALA, and b)suggest that the changes mediated by exogenous ALA lead to vasoconstriction.

Alternativní zdroje energie a jejich integrace do konceptu Smart Grids / Alternative Energy Sources and Their Integration into the Concept of Smart Grids

Kopička, Marek January 2012 (has links)
This work deals mainly with electrical energy. In the first part is focused on alternative energy sources, and describes structure of consumption and production of electricity over the past few years, during which is focuses on renewable energy sources. In this context, assesses the conditions for alternative energy sources in the Czech Republic from the perspective of the legislative, as well as current status and potential of alternative energy sources and tries to predict the development of these issues. The next section describes the Smart Grids as a means to achieve these goals. There are presented the basic features of this system, its goals and challenges, a description of the integration of Smart Grids with other sources of electricity and the benefits of using Smart Grids both from the perspective of user and from the perspective of system. Other parts are focused on distributed control systems in the energy sector, its development and principle. The last part is devoted to consideration of the role of alternative energy sources and distributed generation in Smart Grids.

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