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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


夏立言, Xia, Li-Yan Unknown Date (has links)
本文之目的,在探討國際法的海洋污染問題,為求深入,將把重點置於由「船舶」 引起的「油料」污染。 第一章為海洋污染之定義,種類及原因,並將仔細研究海洋污染之原因及防止方法 。第二至四章則在討論現行防止海洋油料污染之國際法規則,分別為:習慣國際法 與海洋污染,國際防止油污公約,現行制度之優劣得失。第五章則針對現行制度缺 失,討論過去數年來各國家及學者所提出之改善意見,第六章則以聯合國第三次海 洋公會議中之「非正式綜合談判草約」(ICNT)是否能截各種意見之長補現行制度之 短做論文結論。 由於海洋污染亦為一高度科技性問題,文中將以法律問題為重,技術方面亦不可避 免涉及,但非本文重點,亦非作者能力所及。


包宗和, Bao, Zong-Huo Unknown Date (has links)
首章述本文撰寫的動機,與預備探討的一些問題。第二章就尼克森所用的外交手腕、 中共的現實考慮以及雙方互動的過程,來說明僵局如何突破的。第三章從尼克森個性 與作風探討,影響尼氏決策的因素背景,中共在尼克森全盤和平構想中的角色,來深 入分析尼氏重訂對華政策的緣由與內涵。第四章以客觀批判的眼光,來看尼克森對華 政策的客觀問題。這些問題,有的是自始存在,並不因尼氏推行新政策而得以解決的 ;有的是尼氏政策所引發出來,而至今猶無法克服的。第五章簡要回答首章所提問題 ,並對尼克森對華政策功過得失,作一總評。


申佩璜, Shen, Pei-Huang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共一冊,約七萬兩千字,共分六章十六節。 第一章探討我國對待外人傳統思想,並回顧比較唐代外人在華法律地位及鴉片戰爭前 外人在華法律地位,研究其中之變化。最後研究領事裁判權時代外人法律地位,採究 不制外人權益對我國之禍害。 第二章探討外國人之定義及國籍問題,以研究外人權益之準據因素。 第三章探討外國人在我國權益之濧律淵源--條約及國內法令,並研討國際法要求我 國對待外僑之標準。 第四章探討外僑在我國出入境及居留之限制,我國對外僑之刑事管轄權,以僑在我國 之財產權、工作權、營業權、訴訟權等權利,以及在公法私法上之義務。 第五章探討我國對外僑投資之獎勵與保護,並特別研析徵收問題。 第六章結論將總結分析我國政策及法令對待外人之一般情形,並提出數點建議。


李文政, Li, Wen-Zheng Unknown Date (has links)
第一章:係以討論核子時代,蘇聯如何利用海權,以實現戰略嚇阻,有限戰爭,商業 擴張,以及國家威望四項國家利益目標為重點。 第二章:就蘇聯對印度洋政治、經濟、軍事與文化環境之理解,試圖探討蘇聯在印度 洋積極從事海權擴張的動機。 第三章:以討論蘇聯在印度洋海權擴張的特徵為主題,並刀別就蘇聯在印度洋區域的 「友好國家之爭取」、「戰略基地之建立」、「司期艦隊之駐泊」、「海洋貿易之開 拓」、「遠洋漁業之投資」五個子題,加以探討。 第四章,探討印度洋在蘇聯戰略思想中的地位,闡述蘇聯在印度洋的「圍堵中共」與 「海上阻絕」的戰略思想,並論及蘇、印友好合作條約之簽訂及影響。 第五章:專論蘇聯對美國在印度洋建立第西哥力加西亞島基地的反應與抨擊。 第六章:析論「印度洋和和平區域」運動在第三世界、聯合國、與美、蘇強權間的發 起與推動,以圖瞭解該和平區運動成功的機率。 第七章:結論,係就前述各章節的假設、推斷與討論作重點剖析,並大膽蠡測蘇聯印 度洋海權擴張的未來可能發展,以及提出西方國家所應採取的對策。


顧竹山, Gu, Zhu-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
外交是內政的延長,一國的政治與社會結構往往影響一國的外交政策。南非自一九四 八年國民黨執政以來,力行種族隔離政策。在國際上處於孤立地立。南非的外交政策 可以說是是設法為其內政上的種族隔離政策作辯護,以對抗世界各地的壓力,尤其是 亞非國家。南非社會結構及國內政策與外交政策有極密切的關聯,是其他國家所不能 相比的。 本論文共有六章廿一節,在研究方法上,採取敘述與分析並重之原則。以時間作段落 ,從敘述中明瞭問題之縱切面,從分析中窺探問題之橫切面。 第一章說明南非外交政策的政治與社會背景,對種族隔離政策,南非戰略地位與經濟 資源,以及影響外交政策的因素作一般敘述。第二章是國民黨執政以後,確立了反共 與親西方政策,而其種族隔離政策在聯合國內開漿受型到譴責。第三章分析南非在國 際上日益孤立之際以及非殖民化過程中,南非以擴軍與發展經濟來渡過難關。第四章 就伏斯特總理執政後,在外交上採取主動推行向外看政策,期獲黑人非洲國家友誼, 以突破外交困境。第五章分析當代西方國家及蘇俄對南非之政策以及聯合國的武器禁 運措施對南非之影響。第六章結論,描述擬議中的南非新憲法草案,以及展望種族隔 離政策及其外交政策之目標。

Evolução das relações comerciais Brasil - Estados Unidos de 1945 a 1995: no contexto da política externa dos \"interesses nacionais\" / The Brazil\'s and United States of America commercial relationship evolution between 1945 a 1995: under the external policy and the \"national interests \"

Beçak, Peggy 20 December 2007 (has links)
Esta tese trata das relações comerciais entre o Brasil e os Estados Unidos, através da perspectiva da história econômica, num recorte temporal de cinqüenta anos, que vão desde o pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial até meados dos anos noventa, período no qual se desenvolveram importantes transformações produtivas, nas relações comerciais, bem como no relacionamento político-diplomático bilateral. Também remontam a este período, a formação do marco institucional de representação dos interesses sociais e produtivos, tanto nas economias nacionais, quanto no âmbito internacional. Nosso objetivo foi traçar a evolução deste relacionamento bilateral, a partir do tema da política comercial, inserida no contexto dos interesses nacionais - expressos pelos setores produtivos domésticos -, e pela política externa, que limitam ou potencializam a evolução da política comercial e que ao mesmo tempo também são influenciados por ela. Para validar nossos argumentos, utilizamos a cronologia como fio condutor, entrelaçando as posições diplomáticas das relações internacionais, com os acontecimentos econômicos, comerciais e institucionais de representação. / This thesis is regarding Brazil\'s and United States of America commercial relationship under the economic history perspective, within a period of fifty years, since the post Second World War until mid nineties. In that period several important productive transformations occurred, at the commercial relationship, as well as at the bilateral political -diplomatic matters. It is also from that period the institutional representational mark of the social and productive interests, at the national and international economies. Our objective is to set an evolutionary track of those bilateral relationships, from the commercial point of view, inserted at the national interests context- expressed throughout the domestic productive sectors- and by the external policy which put a limit or give more strength to the commercial policy evolution, at the same time as they are influenced by it. In order to validate our arguments, we used the chronology as a conductor track, interlacing the diplomatic international relationship with the economic events, commercial and institutional of representation.

L’Exposition universelle de Shanghai (2010) : histoire, enjeux géopolitiques et impact urbain d’un événement emblématique de la stratégie de “softpower” de la Chine / Expo 2010 Shanghai : the history, geopolitics and the urban impact of a symbolic event of China’s "soft power" strategy

Shang, Hui 10 July 2018 (has links)
Cette monographie consacrée à l’Exposition universelle de Shanghai (2010) voudrait être une contribution à l’histoire générale des Expositions universelles. Elle propose une approche plurifocale qui se déploie sur une temporalité à la fois longue et contemporaine.Il s’agit, dans un premier temps, de tenter de retracer l’histoire de la présence de la Chine dans les Expositions universelles (de 1851 à 2018) tout en mettant en lumière la motivation historique de l’organisation de l’Expo 2010 Shanghai.Dans un deuxième temps, l’attention se polarise sur l’organisation, le déroulement et l’appropriation de l’Exposition universelle de 2010 (Shanghai), un méga-événement qui se situe dans un temps très court (184 jours). Le rôle de cet événement dans la construction de l’image d’une ville « mondiale » et « harmonieuse », vitrine de la modernité chinoise est mis en avant.Dans un troisième temps est abordée la question de l’évaluation (matérielle et immatérielle) de l’événement sous un double aspect : les représentations que l’Expo 2010 a suscitées (en Chine et hors de Chine) et les conséquences sur le développement urbain et culturel de Shanghai.Une note finale s’attachera à questionner les enjeux de la création du World Expo Museum et du rôle que la Chine entend jouer de manière durable dans la valorisation des Expositions internationales, métaphore permanente de sa stratégie de « soft power ». / This monograph dedicated to the Expo 2010 Shanghai and it contributes to the general history of World Expos. It discusses the history of China’s participations in the World Expos and the contemporary effects of Expo 2010 Shanghai from multiple aspects.Firstly, it aims to trace the history of China's presence in the World Expos (from 1851 to 2018) by attempting to reproduce the of the country image of China that wanted to be shown to the world, but also to measure the impact of Chinese domestic politics on this international presence. Relative Chinese documents, including unpublished ones have been mobilized for this purpose.Secondly, the focus is on the Expo 2010 Shanghai, which was held within a very short time (184 days) as a mega-event. By reconstructing the root cause of the decision that led to this event, it is a question of identifying the role of this event that played on three scales: local, national and international. Expo 2010 Shanghai is part of a policy of geopolitical affirmation of China (like the Olympic Games) which wanted to show its ability to organize an event as a developing country for the events that usually held by western countries. The preparation, organization, and the influence of this event are the subject of a special study to understand the role of this event in the construction of a "world city" and a "Harmonious City" for Shanghai, in the practice of "soft power" strategy for China.Thirdly, the question of the evaluation (material and nonmaterial) of the event are considered from two points of view: Expo 2010 representations raised domestic and overseas; the influence generated by the left elements (pavilion, site, and materials) of this event on China, Shanghai city, as well as on World Expos.The final note seeks the future influence of the construction of the World Expo Museum and the experience of holding international expositions, which could be a permanent engine of China’s “soft power” strategy.

Evolução das relações comerciais Brasil - Estados Unidos de 1945 a 1995: no contexto da política externa dos \"interesses nacionais\" / The Brazil\'s and United States of America commercial relationship evolution between 1945 a 1995: under the external policy and the \"national interests \"

Peggy Beçak 20 December 2007 (has links)
Esta tese trata das relações comerciais entre o Brasil e os Estados Unidos, através da perspectiva da história econômica, num recorte temporal de cinqüenta anos, que vão desde o pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial até meados dos anos noventa, período no qual se desenvolveram importantes transformações produtivas, nas relações comerciais, bem como no relacionamento político-diplomático bilateral. Também remontam a este período, a formação do marco institucional de representação dos interesses sociais e produtivos, tanto nas economias nacionais, quanto no âmbito internacional. Nosso objetivo foi traçar a evolução deste relacionamento bilateral, a partir do tema da política comercial, inserida no contexto dos interesses nacionais - expressos pelos setores produtivos domésticos -, e pela política externa, que limitam ou potencializam a evolução da política comercial e que ao mesmo tempo também são influenciados por ela. Para validar nossos argumentos, utilizamos a cronologia como fio condutor, entrelaçando as posições diplomáticas das relações internacionais, com os acontecimentos econômicos, comerciais e institucionais de representação. / This thesis is regarding Brazil\'s and United States of America commercial relationship under the economic history perspective, within a period of fifty years, since the post Second World War until mid nineties. In that period several important productive transformations occurred, at the commercial relationship, as well as at the bilateral political -diplomatic matters. It is also from that period the institutional representational mark of the social and productive interests, at the national and international economies. Our objective is to set an evolutionary track of those bilateral relationships, from the commercial point of view, inserted at the national interests context- expressed throughout the domestic productive sectors- and by the external policy which put a limit or give more strength to the commercial policy evolution, at the same time as they are influenced by it. In order to validate our arguments, we used the chronology as a conductor track, interlacing the diplomatic international relationship with the economic events, commercial and institutional of representation.

一九八二年海洋法公約深海海床開採制度之研究 / A Study on UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 Deep-Sea Mining System

金秀明, Jin, Xiu Ming Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


商景明, Shang, Ying-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
第一章為緒論;計分撰寫本文之動機與目的,醫師與醫師所得之定義及本文研究的範 圍及內容三節。 第二章為我國及世各國醫師所得的課稅規定;計分我國、美國、英國、日本及其他國 家醫師所得的課稅規定五節。 第三章為我國醫師所得的課稅現況;第一節為我國醫師所得的申報現況,第二節為我 國醫師所得稅的稅數現況。 第四章為我國醫師所得的課稅問題;計分課稅範圍,設帳與記帳,醫師收入的計算與 查核,醫師成本、費用的計算與查核及醫師所得就源扣繳及暫繳申報問題五節。 第五章為所得間接證明方法之運用;計分所得間接證法之意義、規定與必要性,淨值 法、銀行存款法,4淨值法,銀行存款法需要嚴謹的制度及其他所得間接證明方法 五節。 第六章為醫師所得課稅之商榷;計分醫師所得稅的轉嫁,醫師所得稅與醫療服務供給 ,醫師所得稅與經濟效率,醫師所得稅與財政收入及醫師所得稅與社會公平五節。 第七章為其他有關問題的改進建議;計分醫藥合業問題,密醫問題及醫師收入課徵營 業稅問題三節。 第八章為結論與建議。

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