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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


黃耀輝, Huang, Yue-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
關於逃稅行為之理論分析,傳統模型均只就納稅義務人「賭博」模式處理。本文則加 以修正擴充,兼顧財政當局資源配置及稅務員貪污行為等因素,試以征納雙方之行為 ,構成一逃稅供需模型,並做比較靜態分析。然後,再以社會損失最小觀點,探討最 適逃稅量。 依據該模型,引用我國逃稅估計相關資料,對稅務行政、逃稅結構以及稅負差異,做 實證研究。最後就實證發現,提出個人看法,以為結論。


廖坤榮, Liao, Kun-Rong Unknown Date (has links)
第一章:導論,以美蘇中共三角關係為基本架構,說明對南亞權力互動的影響。 第二章:南亞內在權力衝突的根源,以歷史分析敘述自英國在印度次大陸殖民統治時 期迄印巴獨立之後衝突根源所在。克什米爾問題的爭執成為印巴衝突敵對的焦點,也 由由於歷史因素種下衝突之因,使得外在勢力趁機介入為衝突之果。 第三章:國際權力在南亞之戰略競爭與其政策,美蘇中共分別介入南亞,使南亞成為 三角關係的制衡與反制衡的權力運用籌碼。 第四章:印巴孟對外政策選擇與其政治前途,主要乃分析印度不結盟政策與其在國際 行為的關係,巴基斯坦尋求盟友以便對抗印度,及孟加拉以獲得外國援助多寡為其外 交政策取向。 第五章:現階段國際權力與南亞穩定,主要說明美蘇中共在印度洋競爭情形,加上蘇 俄入侵阿富汗以來對南亞地區權力關係的衝擊及印度與巴基斯坦分別與美蘇中共關係 的微妙變化。 第六章:結論,並評估印度未來在亞洲及不結盟國家中的角色將日愈重要且可能使美 蘇中共不得不重視印度的角色,南亞穩定主要端賴印巴敵對能否消除,爭執能否解決 。


吳當傑, Wu, Dang-Jie Unknown Date (has links)
財政為庶政之母,都市財政困難將使一切建設停頓,一九七五年美國紐約市發生財政 危機以來,對世界各國大都市產生極深遠的影響;我國台灣地區五大都市(台北市, 高雄市、台中市、台南市、基隆市)都市化程度極高,都市財政亦隱藏著無比的壓力 ,本文即在探討該五大都市財政收支結構之現況與檢討其缺失,並分析其自身財源籌 款努力程度,圖藉此以支應支出日益膨脹的壓力。結果顯示基隆市財政不健全外,各 都市籌款努力均不足,今後解決財政之道,唯有求諸自身財源。 首章為緒論;第二章為都市化與都市財政問題;第三章為都市公共財之內容與供需理 論;第四、五章為五大都市財政收支結構之分析檢討;第六章為五大都市籌款努力之 分析;第七章為結語與建議。


李定遠, Li, Ding-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
第一章:緒論,旨在說明戰後國際關係的特質和亞寸地區權力平衡形態的中心特徵, 以及艾國所扮演的角色和它對安全利益看法的改變。 第二章:旨在評估影響美國亞太地區基本戰略考慮的重要因素,著重於導致七○年代 東亞戰略均勢變化的幾項重大發展,中共與蘇聯的衝突,蘇聯海權的擴張;美國戰各 前提的修正及政策的調整所引起的同盟的難題;和區域資源開發問題所孕育的可能衝 突。 第三章:旨在檢討美國全球戰略之下的東亞四強體系,以及美國各種不同的戰略選擇 的利弊所在,以及戰略改變所面臨的現實環境的限制。 第四章:結論,指出過去美國在東亞扮演著主動而積極的角色,它擔當著確保共同防 衛,經濟復興和政治穩定的主要責任。隨著戰後國際秩序的崩潰和美國相對力量的下 降興意志的消沉,使美國的政策趨於消極。由於缺少實力作後盾,美國難以對其潛在 敵人提出可信的嚇阻,亦無法對其盟邦提供有效的防衛。在這種情況下,任何美國政 策的可行性將大為減低。

一九七八年巴拿馬運河新約之研究 / 郭芳煜撰

郭芳煜, Guo, Fang-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
自從一九○三年美、巴兩國締結了巴拿馬運河條約之後,七十餘年來,這條長達五十 一英里的國際性水道就一直是兩國不睦的主要來源。巴拿馬人民視美國在運河區的地 位為「帝國主義」的象徵;而美國人民則不願將經營了四分之三個世紀的運河拱手攘 人。雙方的爭執到了一九七八年才有了轉機。該年九月,美巴兩國元首在華府簽署了 巴拿馬運新河新約,結束了長久以來的運河衝突。本論文先從歷史上對運河問題作扼 要回顧,繼而對運河新的萌芽、背景、簽署、內容、批准及影響分別陳述,最後除了 探討若干爭論已久的問題外,還就個人心得提出數項結論。全篇一冊十章,除導論及 最後兩章外,另分十八節,約六萬餘字。


陳文煙, Chen, Wen-Yan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從季章吉的戰略思想來探討其外交政策。戰略是研究如何運用權力達到既定目 標。就季辛吉而言,他的外交政策的目標就是建立穩定的國際秩序。兩者如何配合呢 ?他認為:核子時代由於武器殺傷他認為戰略只是企圖影響敵人的企圖。一方面藉由 戰略嚇阻來防止侵略,一方面應建立一個合法的國際秩序,使當代軍事兩極所造成的 不均現象經由合理外交途徑的安排,成為各國所接受的權力結構。所以,他與蘇聯進 行限武談判,目的在藉由外交途徑尋求戰略穩定。他也加強與盟國的伙伴關係,期世 界主要強國皆能接受重新安排的國際秩序。總之,終其任職,季辛吉的努力即在溝通 戰略與外交的關係。


林啟銘, Lin, Qi-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共一冊,約九萬字,分導論、本論、及結論三分,本論分三部分,本論分為五 章十七章。 道訥簡述西歐統合之問題之概況。 本論第一章:探討國際統合之意義、發展過程、及目前統合之理論策略。 第二章:說明西歐統合前歐洲共同市場成立之因素、目標與策略、及實質進展。 第三章:討論七○年代西歐統合的內外因素、目標與策略、及實質進展。 第四章:述述七○年代西歐統合之發展,包括經濟與貨幣同盟之建立、共同體機關之 加強、及其他目標的發展情形。 第五章:則就西歐統合狀況加以評估,包括原訂目標達成之程度與目前仍存在的困難 ,將來的狀況(政治形式、新形象),西歐統合中政治與經濟的關係、及國際統合理 論及實際之評價。最後,將本論作一簡單總結。

L’occupation italienne face à l’occupation allemande. Analyse et enjeux de l’autre occupation en France métropolitaine 1938-1943 / The Italian Occupation in front of the German Occupation. Analysis and Stakes of the Other Occupation in France 1938-1943

Grillere-Lacroix, Diane 19 November 2012 (has links)
De 1938 à 1940, l’existence d’un programme de revendications territoriales de l’Italie fasciste sur la France et le renforcement de l’Axe Rome-Berlin rendent impossible une entente réelle franco-italienne et conduisent au contraire à l’entrée en guerre de l’Italie contre la France le 10 juin 1940. Malgré une bataille des Alpes peu couronnée de succès mais grâce à la signature d’une convention d’armistice, l’Italie de Mussolini peut occuper de facto une partie du territoire métropolitain français. Quoique limitée dans sa superficie du 25 juin 1940 au 11 novembre 1942, l’occupation italienne se développe avec ses propres caractéristiques et s’inscrit dans une configuration géopolitique nouvelle. L’occupation incarne ainsi la revendication fasciste d’une place privilégiée au sein du nouvel ordre européen mais aussi la réalisation possible des ambitions territoriales énoncées depuis 1938, les deux au détriment de la France. L’extension de l’ « occupation », du 11 novembre 1942 au 8 septembre 1943, semble accentuer dans un premier temps cette emprise italienne sur la France et son territoire, mais la politique souveraine de l’occupant italien est éphémère puisque deux mois à peine après la chute du gouvernement fasciste, le 25 juillet 1943, l’Italie signe l’armistice avec les Alliés mettant fin à la domination italienne sur la France / From 1938 to 1940, the existence of a territorial claims program by Fascist Italy on France and the reinforcement of the Rome-Berlin Axis make a real agreement between Italy and France impossible and lead on the contrary to the Italian declaration of war against France on June 10th 1940. In spite of a battle in the Alps quite unsuccessful but thanks to the conclusion of an armistice convention, Mussolini’s Italy can occupy de facto a part of French metropolitan territory. Although a limited area is occupied from June 25th 1940 to 11th November 1942, the Italian occupation is developing with its own characteristics in a new geopolitical configuration. Thus the occupation illustrates the Fascist claim of a privileged position into the New European Order but also the possible realization of territorial ambitions stated for 1938, both to the detriment to France. The extension of the “occupation” from November 11th 1942 to September 8th 1943, seems to increase firstly the Italian “control” on France and its southeastern territory, but the sovereign policy of the occupying power don’t last since hardly two months after the fall of Fascist government, on July 25th 1943, Italy signs an armistice with the Allies which puts an end to the Italian domination on France

La politique culturelle française du Brésil de 1945 à 1970 : institutions, acteurs, moyens et enjeux / French cultural policy in Brazil from 1945 to 1970 : actors, institutions, strategies and issues

Pereira, Marcio Rodrigues 04 June 2014 (has links)
C’est dans le contexte de l’accentuation des disputes entre les empires européens, qu'afin de préserver son empire et d’augmenter son pouvoir politique et économique dans le monde, la France inaugure sa politique culturelle internationale durant l’ultime quart du XIXe siècle. Toutefois, c’est surtout à partir de la dernière année de la Seconde Guerre mondiale que nous constatons une politique culturelle internationale plus pragmatique et une constante augmentation du budget, utilisé par le ministère des Affaires étrangères, pour le rayonnement de la culture française dans le monde. Au Brésil, entre 1945 et les années 1970, cet effort se traduit par la mise en place, par la diplomatie français sur place et au Quai d’Orsay, de stratégies visant à étendre la présence culturelle française sur tout le territoire national (avant la guerre les éléments culturels français sont, de façon disproportionnée, concentrés dans l’axe Rio de Janeiro - São Paulo) et à tous les groupes sociaux (avant 1945 la culture française ne touche pratiquement que l’élite brésilienne). / In the context of heightened disputes among European empires, France launches its international cultural policy during the last quarter of the 19th century to preserve its empire and increase its political and economic power in the world. However, it is from the last year of World War II that the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs uses a more pragmatic policy for international cultural affairs, which includes an increasing budget, to influence French culture in the world. At the Quai d’Orsay, and in Brazil, the French diplomatic effort between 1945 and the 1970s results in established strategies to extend the French cultural presence throughout the national territory and all social groups of Brazil. Before the war, French cultural elements are disproportionately concentrated in the axis Rio de Janeiro–São Paulo; before 1945, French culture influences mostly the Brazilian elite.

A política externa da primeira República e os Estados Unidos : a atuação de Joaquim Nabuco em Washington (1905-1910) /

Pereira, Paulo José dos Reis. January 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Clodoaldo Bueno / O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Relações Internacionais é instituído em parceria com a Unesp/Unicamp/PUC-SP, em projeto subsidiado pela CAPES, intitulado "Programa San Tiago Dantas". / Resumo: Rio Branco, com a criação da embaixada brasileira em Washington em 1905, deu um novo fôlego para o movimento de aproximação com os Estados Unidos que já se verificava na política externa desde o advento da República. Objetivamos, nesse contexto, entender as concepções políticas e a influência que o primeiro ocupante do cargo de embaixador, Joaquim Nabuco, teve na condução desse relacionamento para nos esclarecer melhor sua forma e características. Por meio de um trabalho de análise histórica, tendo como base, essencialmente, documentação primária, mas também os poucos trabalhos dedicados ao objeto de estudo, evidencia-se que Nabuco tentou imprimir em alguns eventos significativos da época um tom drástico para a política de aproximação com os Estados Unidos pelo embate de idéias e posições com Rio Branco, que o conteve em parte. Estimulado pelo receio do imperialismo Europeu e deslumbrado com o substantivo crescimento do poder mundial dos Estados Unidos, Nabuco, apoiando-se no monroísmo como garantia de proteção para o território brasileiro, considerando este o interesse nacional mais imediato, formulou idéias sobre um sistema americano que deveria ser liderado pelos Estados Unidos, apreciados como uma civilização modelo e irradiadores de paz, que o levou a aceitar as pretensões desse país no continente, especialmente nas referentes ao pan-americanismo, retórica política utilizada para intensificar o comércio com os países sul-americanos e apaziguar as tensões provocadas pelas ações de polícia do corolário Roosevelt na América Central. / Abstract: Rio Branco, with the creation of the brazilian embassy in Washington in 1905, gave a new breath for the movement of approach with the United States that already was verified in the foreing policy since the advent of the Republic. We objectify, in this context, understand the politic conceptions and the influence that the first occupant of the position of ambassador, Joaquim Nabuco, had in the conduction of this relationship to better clarifying us its form and characteristics. By means of a work of historical analysis, having as base, essentially, primary documentation, but also the few dedicated works to the study object, is proven that Nabuco tried to print in some significant events of the time a drastic tone for the politics of approach with the United States for the shock of ideas and positions with Rio Branco, that contained it in part. Stimulated for the distrust of the European imperialism and enthusiastic with the substantive growth of the world-wide power of the United States, Nabuco, supporting in the monroism as a pledge of protection for the brazilian territory, considering this the more immediate national interest, he formulated ideas on an american system that would have to be led by the United States, appreciate as a civilization model and irradiators of peace, that took him to accept the pretensions of this country in the continent, especially in the referring ones to the pan-americanism, politic rhetoric used to intensify the commerce with the south-american countries and to calm the tensions provoked for the actions of police of the Roosevelt corollary in Central America. / Mestre

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