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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Shareholder activism: performing for publicity or actual policy change? : The influence of social and environmental shareholder activism on CSR performance.

Zantinge, Robert January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Key factors for success in SMEs for developing market shares in Sweden

Allmén Sjöberg, Anton, Nordström, Jakob January 2019 (has links)
Competitive advantage has been an important aspect of strategy ever since Porter introduced the term in 1985. Today, small and medium enterprises (SME) make up a large part of the world´s economy. SMEs often operate in fast changing markets where innovation and growth are essential for success. To be able to survive they must ensure their competitiveness towards both SMEs and also larger competitors. Since many SMEs face limitations in their resources it is necessary for them to know how to use them efficiently. All this puts pressure on many SMEs to ensure their success and they need knowledge about how to create a competitive advantage while still managing their business limitations. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to create a better understanding for what existing resources SMEs can use to gain a competitive advantage on the market. To create a deeper understanding of what resources that Swedish SMEs can use to gain a competitive advantage a qualitative research approach was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with three different Swedish SMEs. The gathered data was then analyzed with a thematic approach to easier compare it with previous literature. The findings of this analysis showed that factors such as knowledge, relations, niche strategy and internationalization were considered important for SMEs to gain a competitive advantage. / Att inneha en konkurrensfördel har varit en viktig aspekt av företagsstrategi enda sedan Porter introducerade termen 1985. I dag utgör små och medelstora företag (SME) en stor del av världens ekonomi. Små och medelstora företag verkar ofta på snabbväxande marknader där innovation och tillväxt är avgörande för framgång. För att kunna överleva måste de säkerställa sin konkurrenskraft gentemot både SMEs och större konkurrenter. Eftersom många små och medelstora företag står inför begränsningar med sina resurser är det nödvändigt för dem att veta hur man använder dem effektivt. Allt detta sätter press på många små och medelstora företag för att säkerställa deras framgång och därför behöver de kunskap om hur man skapar konkurrensfördelar medan de fortfarande är medvetna om sina begränsningar. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är därför att skapa en bättre förståelse för vilka befintliga resurser som små och medelstora företag kan använda för att skapa en konkurrensfördel på marknaden. För att skapa en djupare förståelse för vilka resurser som små och medelstora svenska företag kan använda för att skapa en konkurrensfördel användes en kvalitativ forskningsansats. Halvstrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med tre olika små och medelstora svenska företag. Den insamlade datan analyserades sedan med en tematisk metod för att lättare jämföra den med tidigare litteratur. Resultaten av denna analys visade att faktorer som kunskap, relationer, nischstrategi och internationalisering ansågs vara viktiga för små och medelstora företag för att skapa en konkurrensfördel.

Factores que influyeron en las exportaciones de uva fresca de las Pymes en la Región Ica: Periodo 2013-2017 / Factors that influenced fresh grape exports of Smes in the Ica Region: Period 2013-2017 / Factors that influenced fresh grape exports of Smes in the Ica Region: Period 2013-2017

Aquino Quispe, Umbelina Isabel, Quijandría Cabrera, Gabriela Sheyla 17 April 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene el propósito de analizar los factores que influyen en las exportaciones de uva fresca de las Pymes en la Región Ica, como una alternativa que permita ayudar a las Pymes no exportadoras a buscar estos factores tanto internos como externos y que tienen variables que se relacionan y pueden ser fundamentales al momento de la internacionalización de una Pyme y así incrementar los volúmenes de exportación. La importancia de esta investigación radica en contribuir a que las Pymes puedan aumentar sus exportaciones e ingresos anuales, además, se tiene como finalidad de poder demostrar que existe potencial en los cuatro factores expuestos y que se desarrollan para tener un mayor alcance de cómo influyen en la exportación de las Pymes. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se realizó una encuesta con escala de Likert a una muestra de 50 Pymes exportadoras ubicadas en la Región Ica con la finalidad de tener mayor conocimiento y poder analizar los resultados mediante el método cuantitativo del coeficiente de Spearman. / This research is intended to analyze the factors influencing the exports of fresh grapes from SMEs (Small and Medium Business) in the Ica Region, as an alternative to help non-exporting SMEs to look for these internal and external factors and that have variables that are related and can be fundamental at the moment of the internationalization of a SME and thus increase the volumes of the export. The main aspects of this research lies in helping SMEs increase their exports and annual income. In addition, it objectives to demonstrate that there is potential in the four factors that are available to have a greater scope. The export of SMEs. The importance of this research lies in helping SMEs increase their exports and annual income, in addition, it aims to demonstrate that there is potential in the four factors that are available to have a greater scope in the export of SMEs. For the development of the research, a survey with a Likert scale was conducted to a sample of 50 exporting SMEs located in the Ica Region in order to have a greater knowledge and to analyze the results by means of the quantitative Spearman coefficient. / Tesis

El factoring internacional y sus determinantes en las PYMES agroexportadoras del Perú en el período 2010-2017 / The international factoring and their determinants in the agroexporting SMES of Perú in the period 2010-2017

Collantes Arirama, Nicolás Leonardo, Granados Dueñas, Jerry Marcelo 06 June 2019 (has links)
La presente tesis realiza el análisis y evaluación de los determinantes del Factoring Internacional aplicado al sector Agropecuario y cómo contribuye en el financiamiento a corto plazo en el proceso de internacionalización de las Pymes Agroexportadoras del Perú. En el primer capítulo se describirá el marco teórico de los temas básicos que abarca esta investigación científica. En el segundo capítulo se plantea la problemática, se establece la hipótesis general y las hipótesis específicas de la presente tesis, así como el objetivo principal, y los objetivos específicos. En el tercer capítulo se desarrollará la metodología de trabajo, la cual explicará cómo será el alcance y diseño de la investigación, la operacionalización de las variables respecto a la población y tamaño de la muestra, los instrumentos metodológicos para el recojo de la investigación, que constará de una primera etapa cualitativa y una segunda etapa cuantitativa. Seguidamente en el cuarto capítulo se desarrollará la aplicación principal mediante la herramienta cualitativa enfocada en las entrevistas a profundidad. Finalmente, para el quinto capítulo se analizarán los resultados cuantitativos, los cuales se interpretarán mediante un modelo de regresión lineal simple utilizando los programas econométricos de SPSS y Eviews a través de diferentes pruebas. / This thesis carries out the analysis and evaluation of the determinants of International Factoring applied to the agricultural sector and how it contributes to short-term financing in the process of internationalization of Agro-exporting SMEs in Metropolitan Lima. In the first chapter, the theoretical framework of the basic topics covered by this scientific research will be described. In the second chapter the problem is posed, the general hypothesis and the specific hypotheses of the present thesis are established, as well as the main objective and the specific objectives. In the third chapter, the work methodology will be developed, which will include the scope and design of the research, the operalization of the variables with respect to the population and size of the sample, the methodological instruments for the collection of the research. Which will consist of a qualitative first stage and a second quantitative stage. Then, in the fourth chapter, the main application will be developed through the qualitative tool focused on in-depth interviews. Finally, for the fifth chapter, the quantitative results will be analyzed, which will be interpreted through a simple linear regression model in the statistical programs of SPSS and Eviews through different tests. / Tesis

Factores que influyen en el desarrollo exportador de las PYMES del sector textil y confecciones en Lima Metropolitana

Dongo Huanca, Marytriny, Pequeño Arteaga, Jose Manuel 04 March 2019 (has links)
El objetivo de la presente tesis es identificar los factores que influyen positivamente en el desarrollo exportador de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES) del sector textil y confecciones en Lima. Esto con el fin de conocer las diferencias entre las PYMES exportadoras y las que no exportan. El estudio del sector se delimita en las subpartidas 6109100031 (t-shirt de algodón para hombre o mujer) y 6109100039 (los demás "t-shirts" de algodón, para hombres o mujeres) ya que el sector es muy amplio y diverso. La investigación tiene un enfoque cuantitativo con una muestra de 35 PYMES exportadoras y 48 PYMES no exportadoras en la cual se aplica un estudio concluyente y descriptivo para responder el objetivo planteado. Además, tiene un enfoque no experimental por el estudio de la situación actual del sector y un estudio transversal en el cual se aplica una encuesta a la muestra detallada. La investigación se basa en la información incluida en el Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) en su reporte para Perú en 2016-2017. Dicho estudio menciona que las PYMES se internacionalizan dentro de los primeros cinco años de creación. No obstante, solo el 1.5% de estas empresas tienen clientes potenciales en el extranjero. Asimismo, los resultados de la encuesta aplicada en el presente estudio y GEM Perú 2016-2017 comprueban que variables como las características del empresario, factores internos de la empresa y características del sector influyen positivamente en el desarrollo exportador de las PYMES en Lima Metropolitana. / The purpose of this thesis is to identify the factors that positively influence the export development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the textile and garment sector in Lima. This is to know the differences between exporting SMEs and those that do not export. The study of the sector is limited to subheadings 6109100031 (cotton shirt for men or women) and 6109100039 (the other cotton "shirts" for men and women) since the sector is very broad and diverse. The research has a quantitative approach with a sample of 35 exporting SMEs and 48 non-exporting SMEs in which a conclusive and descriptive study is applied to meet the set of objectives. In addition, it has a non-experimental approach when studying the current situation of the sector and a cross-sectional study in which a survey is applied to the detailed sample. The study is based on the information included in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) in its report for Peru in 2016-2017. This study mentions that SMEs are internationalized within the first five years of creation; however, only 1.5% of these companies have potential clients abroad. Likewise, the results of the survey applied in the present study and GEM Peru 2016-2017 verify that variables such as the characteristics of the entrepreneur, the internal factors of the company and the characteristics of the sector have a positive influence on the export development of SMEs in Metropolitan Lima / Tesis


[pt] O presente trabalho teve por objetivo discutir as características do sistema produtivo de cafés especiais da região serrana do estado do Espírito Santo, a adoção do modelo da exportação como estratégia de negócio das empresas incumbentes e a dinâmica da difusão de conhecimento intra-cluster. Para tanto, os principais conceitos teóricos de clusters industriais, de difusão e adoção de inovações intra-rede e internacionalização de empresas que compõem um mesmo arranjo produtivo são apresentados no capítulo dois. A pesquisa caracterizou-se como exploratório-descritiva. Tratou-se, também, de uma pesquisa qualitativa, ao valer-se de um estudo de caso. Dados primários e secundários foram utilizados para a realização da pesquisa, e para a obtenção de dados primários, realizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas. Das informações coletadas, foi possível identificar características que classificariam o sistema produtivo estudado segundo alguns modelos apresentados no segundo capítulo. Foram consignadas recomendações de novas ações estratégicas que poderiam ter um impacto positivo sobre o desempenho das empresas incumbentes. Finalmente, sugestões para trabalhos futuros foram apresentadas. / [en] This paper aimed to discuss the characteristics of the specialty coffee cluster from the mountainous region of the state of Espírito Santo, the adoption of the model of exporting as business strategy and the dynamics of knowledge dissemination intra-cluster. Accordingly, the main theoretical concepts of industrial clusters, diffusion and adoption of innovations within cluster and internationalization of firms of a same industry are presented in chapter two. This research was characterized as exploratory and descriptive. Also, it was a qualitative research, as the analysis of a case study was performed. Primary and secondary data were used for the research, and to obtain primary data, semistructured interviews were conducted. With the information collected, it was possible to identify characteristics that classify the production system studied according to some models presented. Recommendations were assigned as new strategic actions which could have a positive impact on performance of incumbent firms.Finally, suggestions for future work were presented.

Internationalization of Family Firms : The effect of family-specific resourceson internationalization decisions

Vithanage, Radeeka, Oyuntugs, Solongo January 2019 (has links)
Background: Sweden is known for encouraging entrepreneurship where 99.9% of the business organizations are SMEs. Including Sweden, several other countries in the world provide significant importance to family firms, as their contribution is noteworthy to the global economy. Due to numerous reasons such as globalization and growth aspects, FSMEs are forced to gain competitive advantage through international diversification. Internationalization of FSMEs can be influenced by unique characteristics of family firms.Purpose: Internationalization is a process where the decision of internationalization can be affected by several factors including resources. Among unique characteristics of family firms, FSMEs also possess family-specific resources that may influence these decisions. Hence the purpose of this study is to gain an in-depth understanding on which and how family-specific resources influence internationalization decisions.Method: With the use of a single case study method, we gained valuable insight of a Swedish candy manufacturing family firm which engaged in internationalization successfully. The data was collected through in-depth interviews, observations, company website, published press interviews, press articles and other databases.Conclusion: Internationalization can be a daunting decision for family firms where availability of resources play a major role. The key family-specific resources that influenced the decision of internationalization of the family firm studied in this thesis were bridging social capital, human capital and governance capital. The remaining capitals may have contributed to the internationalization process. Other than the family-specific resources, factors such as generational change and ability to gain substantial financial support in further influenced their internationalization decisions. These findings likewise confirm the existence of heterogeneity of family firms which makes them unique.

The Internationalization Process of Fashion ECCs : A qualitative study investigating the use of exploitative and explorative dynamic capabilities when internationalizing a fashion ECC

Lundberg, Anna, Nguyen, Windy, Lavadores Esparza, Claudia January 2019 (has links)
Background The growth of global e-commerce along with technology and information adoption has driven the international expansions of retail firms. Even though e-commerce companies (ECCs) are changing the way businesses operate and generally have fewer physical barriers to new markets, they still face numerous challenges while internationalizing. Dynamic capabilities are found to have an impact on the internationalization process of ECCs, where exploitative and explorative dynamic capabilities will be the focus of this study. This topic is particularly relevant for the fashion industry since the industry has the characteristics of being highly dynamic, global and complex. Therefore, this paper will focus on the internationalization process of ECCs in the fashion industry. Purpose Due to limited research regarding the internationalization process of ECCs, the purpose of this study is to seek a deeper understanding concerning the internationalization process of fashion ECCs. In particular, in what way exploitative and explorative dynamic capabilities affect the internationalization process of fashion ECCs and how they use these capabilities. Method This is a qualitative study with an abductive research approach. Furthermore, the empirical data was collected from semi-structured in-depth interviews with six international fashion ECCs. Conclusion One main conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that all the ECCs use both exploitative and explorative dynamic capabilities in their internationalization, and hence, ambidexterity is achieved. Moreover, language, logistics and payment method are three major factors used in both activities and could be an explanation for how fashion ECCs use their exploitative and explorative dynamic capabilities when internationalizing.

Interesses organizados na cena internacional: o lobby do etanol / Organized interests at the international level: the ethanol´s lobbying

Consentino, Leandro 10 November 2011 (has links)
O objetivo central da dissertação é o de estudar a atuação e a mobilização dos interesses organizados nacionais no cenário internacional, um tema ainda incipiente de estudos na ciência política brasileira. Para tanto, analisaremos o processo de internacionalização conduzido pela maior associação representativa do setor sucroalcooleiro: a União da Indústria da Cana de Açúcar (UNICA). Desde 2006, a UNICA vem empreendendo um importante processo de atuação no exterior com a abertura de escritórios especializados em Washington (2007) e Bruxelas (2008), além da celebração de um convênio com a agência governamental Apex-Brasil (também em 2008). Nesse sentido, acreditamos que estas iniciativas estão ligadas a uma presença crescente da agroindústria canavieira do Brasil no mundo, a qual tem demandado cada vez mais ações de representação e defesa de interesses no plano internacional. Neste estudo adotaremos uma perspectiva teórica ancorada na literatura acerca da análise dos grupos de interesse, principalmente em suas abordagens de foreign lobbying, que compreendem os mecanismos de penetração nos mercados-alvo e de atuação desses grupos nas instituições políticas destes respectivos estados, encarregadas da regulação desta atividade. Ademais, faremos uso, de maneira subsidiária, da literatura que discute os fundamentos e desdobramentos atuais do mercado de etanol de cana no Brasil e no mundo. Esta análise possibilitará um mapeamento das atividades da organização, permitindo a aferição de um conhecimento mais acurado para nossa pesquisa acerca de tal objeto. Para tanto, o trabalho será conduzido essencialmente por meio do exame de marcos regulatórios do setor no Brasil e nos principais mercados de etanol, notícias, artigos acadêmicos e não-acadêmicos, documentos internos da UNICA acerca do processo e declarações dos principais atores do processo. / The objective of the thesis is to study the performance and mobilization of national organized interests on the international arena, a still incipient theme in Brazilian political science studies. Thus, we will analyze the internalization process conducted by the largest representative association of the sugarcane sector: UNICA Union of Sugarcane Industry. Since 2006, UNICA has been undertaking a great process of performance abroad with the opening of specialized offices in Washington (2007) and Brussels (2008) in addition to the signature of an agreement with Apex-Brasil (also in 2008). We therefore believe that these initiatives are linked to an increased presence of agribusiness Brazils sugarcane in the world, which has increasingly demanded representation and advocacy actions toward the international level. In this study, we will adopt a theoretical perspective grounded in the literature about interest groups analysis, specifically in foreign lobbying approach which seeks to understand the mechanisms of penetration in target markets and the performance of those groups in these states political institutions, engaged on this activities regulation. Furthermore, we will utilize, on a subsidiary way, the literature that discusses the sugarcane ethanol fundaments and current market developments in Brazil and all over the world. This analysis will allow mapping the organization activities in the last years, leading us to a more accurate knowledge about our object research. For this intent, the work will be conducted primarily by through the examination of: i) regulatory frameworks governing the sugarcane sector in Brazil and in the main markets, ii) news, iii) academic articles and books, iv) non-academic literature, v) UNICA documents and organization officers declarations.

Os efeitos da expansão internacional sobre o desempenho de empresas multinacionais (EMNs) de economias em desenvolvimento: Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul (BRICS) / The effects of international expansion on the performance of multinational companies (MNCs) from developing economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS)

Andrade, Álisson Maxwell Ferreira de 20 April 2012 (has links)
A relação entre o Grau de Internacionalização (GI) e o desempenho das empresas multinacionais (EMNs) tem sido amplamente estudada na literatura de negócios internacionais. Entretanto, a maior parte dos estudos é realizada com empresas dos países desenvolvidos. De modo a contribuir com o desenvolvimento da teoria de internacionalização-desempenho, o presente estudo analisou essa relação no universo das EMNs de economias em desenvolvimento: Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul (BRICS). O principal objetivo do trabalho foi analisar se a estratégia de expansão internacional dessas EMNs está sendo traduzida em forma de eficiência e eficácia na gestão do negócio da empresa. O modelo hipotético do trabalho considera duas variáveis moderadoras da relação internacionalizaçãodesempenho: (1) Folga Organizacional (FO); e (2) Intensidade de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (IP&D). A amostra do estudo corresponde a 219 EMNs dos países integrantes dos BRICS, sendo que as informações levantadas referem-se a um período de 9 anos (2002-2010), totalizando 834 pares de observações para cada variável presente no modelo. Os dados foram obtidos junto a duas fontes: (1) Compustat Data; e (2) Thomson One. Após análises de regressão múltipla, utilizando o método dos Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários (MQO), verificou-se uma relação não linear quadrática em forma de \"U\" entre o grau de internacionalização e o desempenho das EMNs dos países integrantes dos BRICS. Adicionalmente, os resultados mostram um positivo e significante efeito moderador da FO sobre a relação internacionalização-desempenho, entretanto, o mesmo não se verificou para a IP&D. Duas importantes implicações deste estudo para os gestores de negócios internacionais nas regiões dos BRICS é que: (1) os benefícios da expansão internacional não surgem de uma hora pra outra, mas exigem paciência para serem alcançados; (2) os gestores devem enxergar a FO como uma ferramenta estratégica de atuação no contexto internacional. Com base nos resultados encontrados, implicações e indicações para futuras pesquisas são fornecidas. / The relationship between the degree of internationalization and performance of multinational companies (MNCs) has been widely studied in the literature of international business. However, most studies are conducted with companies from developed countries. In order to contribute to the development of the theory of internationalization-performance, this study examined this relationship in the universe of MNCs in developing economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS). The main objective of this study was to analyze the strategy of international expansion of these MNCs is being translated in the form of efficiency and effectiveness in managing the company\'s business. The hypothetical model of the work considers two moderating variables of internationalization-performance relationship: (1) Organizational Slack (OS); and (2) Research and Development Intensity (R&DI). Sample corresponds 219 MNCs from BRICS countries, and collected data refers to 2002-2010 period, totaling 834 pairs of observations for each variable in the model. Data were obtained from two sources: (1) Compustat Data; and (2) Thomson One. Multiple regression analysis, using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method, showed a U-Shaped curvilinear relationship between the degree of internationalization and performance in MNCs from BRICS countries. Additionally, results show a positive and significant moderating effect of FO on internationalization-performance relationship, however, the same was not true for R&DI. Two important implications of this study for managers of international business in the regions of the BRICS is that: (1) the benefits from international expansion require patience to achieve; and (2) managers must see FO as strategic tool for performance in an international context. Based on the findings, implications and directions for future research are provided.

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