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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fyra lärares tankar och syn kring arbetet med integration, mångfald och värdegrund på en mångkulturell skola

Solav, Jino January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative research study is to examine if and how the teachers from a multicultural International School work with intercultural pedagogy. The school in question isprofiled and consists of both Swedish- and English classes. The study examines if and how the teachers related to the great variety of cultures and created opportunities for integration between the students and handling with values at school. It is important to be aware as a teacher to be able to take an active part in working towards a school that gives possibilities for different cultures to meet. If this is neglected, it may increase the risk of problems and cultural clashes between the students. The questions in issue used for this study are: How do the teachers work with the great variety of cultures in the school? Does an active cultural meeting take place between the different cultures and ethnicities in the different classes in order to make a social/democratic/equal place of meeting that the school should represent? How do they work with the central values at Narsby International School? The method used for this study was partly structured interviews that consist of an interview guide as a base in order to be able to get near the reason for this study and the questions at issue. Two teachers from the Swedish classes and two teachers from the English classes participated in the interviews. The goal was to bring out their thoughts around integration and the values at the school. The results showed that the teachers had different approaches concerning what to procure for their students. They had different views on the idea of integration and how to use it the school environment and how to handle the diversity in school based on cultural. Another interesting result was that the school according to three of the teachers had encountered problems and groupings between the students and also the staffing because of the profile. The society usually believes that the segregation only can be found among immigrant- and Swedish groups with different cultures. This study shows how segregation and groupings can also appear between two different groups of immigrant backgrounds on a multicultural school, which is often neglected.

Problembaserad lärdomsbaserad skolutveckling i praktiken : En studie av lärarnas förståelse av PBS

Bergh, Anette January 2008 (has links)
Undersökningen som redovisas i den här uppsatsen har haft som syfte att undersöka om det finns någon koppling mellan lärares inställning och förståelse av PBS och den betydelse de upplever att PBS har haft för deras arbete. Sex lärare har deltagit i undersökningen och för att synliggöra deras förståelse av PBS har föreställningskarta med intervju använts som metod. De olika föreställningskartorna har sedan funnits som underlag för att beskriva lärarnas förståelse av PBS. De mönster likheter och skillnader som fanns mellan föreställningskartorna har sedan lett fram till resultatet. Resultatet visade att lärarna hade olika förståelse av PBS och att de hade gjort olika lärdomar. En slutsats är att förståelsen inte har något samband med inställningen till PBS. Det finns en koppling att de som har förstått  PBS som en lärprocess i vardagsarbetet har gjort lärdomar som de anser att de har kunnat omsätta i praktiken. / The survey that is presented in this essay has had as aim to examine about there be some link average teachers' attitude and understanding of PBS and that importance they experience that PBS has had for their work. Six teachers have participated in the survey and in order to make visible their understanding of PBS has attitude map with interview been used as method. The the different attitude maps has afterwards been as bases in order to describe the teachers' understanding of PBS. Those standards resemblances and differences that were the average attitude maps have since lett until the result. The result showed that the teachers had various understanding of PBS and that they had done various lessons. A conclusion is that the understanding does not have any connection with the attitude to PBS. There is a link that they that has understood PBS as a faith process in the everyday existence work has done lessons that they consider that they have can have a turnover of in practice. / PBS - problembaserad lärdomsbaserad skolutveckling

Post-apartheid teacher education reform in Namibia : the struggle between common sense and good sense

Dahlström, Lars January 2002 (has links)
This thesis is about teacher education reform. It is a narrative of attempted change in the area of teacher education in post-apartheid Namibia. The inquiry is based on critical and participatory perspectives. The analytical tools include concepts like hegemony and counter-hegemony, common sense and good sense. The historical and contextual analyses attend to the broad global layers of influence on a newly born African nation state, the prevailing common sense of financial and technical assistance agencies, and the modern school as it has landed in Namibia and elsewhere in Africa. It gives an overview of the historical deposits into the common sense about schooling and education in Namibia, including visions and practices of the liberation movement before independence. The teacher education reform is also placed within the international context of preferential views on teacher education. The struggle over the preferential right of interpretation is described and analysed on three major levels: the policy level of an imperative reform framework, the level of the contested programme imprints, and on institutional level where attempts were made to create reform agency. The teacher education reform was part of the post-apartheid policy that signalled an egalitarian society for all. The analyses give at hand that the reform was neither a defeat nor a victory. The combined effects of historical and parallel engravings affected the reform process and created a transposed reform out of the intellectual war of position over the preferential right of interpretation. The transposed reform had traits of both the hegemonic imprints and the counter-hegemonic reform policy and operated within a constraining and ahistorical political context. A future revival of the reform policy includes a critical literacy of pedagogy and a pedagogy of hope. / digitalisering@umu

Fördomar och lärdomar : En kvalitativ studie av tre lärares interkulturella kompetensutveckling genom mötet med en annan kultur / Prejudice and lessons : A qualitative study of three teachers' intercultural competence through the encounter with another culture

Julinder, Tove, Tholander, Frida January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka hur tre lärare kan utveckla sin interkulturella kompetens genom en studieresa till Etiopien. Vi har studerat vilka kulturella fenomen som lärarna uppfattat i landet, hur den interkulturella kompetensutvecklingen har påverkats av de möten lärarna varit delaktiga i under studieresan samt vilken betydelse studieresan kan få för lärarnas fortsatta arbete med interkulturell pedagogik i skolan.   Studien har en kvalitativ ansats där deltagarnas egna perspektiv är utgångspunkten för undersökningen. Vår strävan är att få en kontextuell förståelse för hur studieresa som läroprocess kan bidra till en interkulturell kompetensutveckling hos lärare, där vi har valt att använda semistrukturerade intervjuer, fältforskning samt för- och eftermätning i enkätform som kvalitativa metoder. I enkäter och intervjuer har vi utgått från öppna frågor för att få detaljerade och självständiga svar. Fältforskningen har vidare fungerat som metod för analysarbete av kulturella och sociala mönster. I studiens resultatdel redovisas lärarnas tankar om kulturella begrepp och fenomen samt upplevelser av resan till en ny kultur, vilka sätts i relation till tidigare forskning och styrdokument i diskussionen. Resultatet påvisar en utvecklad interkulturell kompetens hos samtliga lärare i studien samt att studieresa som läroprocess fungerar som en bra början till en interkulturell kompetensutveckling.

Flagga för unga : om hur ett designpedagogiskt projekt kan ge unga medborgare möjlighet att göra sin röst hörd

Berggren, Lina January 2011 (has links)
FN:s Barnkonvention paragraf 12 säger att barn har rätt att forma egna åsikter  och att fritt uttrycka dessar. Detta blir extra viktigt då barn inte är myndiga och därför saknar formell möjlighet till inflytande. Men hur ofta lyssnar politiker och andra vuxna till vad barn tänker och tycker? Genom mitt designpedagogiska projekt ville jag därför ta reda på: hur och på vilka sätt kan ett designpedagogiskt projekt ge unga medborgare möjlighet att göra sin röst hörd? Projektet avser att barn och ungas röster ges möjlighet att höras, framförallt med hantverk som metod men även genom samtal och text. Deltagarna kreerade stora flaggor fyllda med idéer om vad de önskade fanns för dem i sin stad. Flaggorna har sedan under hösten 2010 i en veckas tid fladdrat i flaggstängerna i anslutning till stadens stadshus. Ett häfte med deltagarnas samlade idéer lämnades över till kommunstyrelsens ordförande (S). Med dess hantverksestetik blev flaggorna ett udda inslag i stadsmiljön vilket förhoppningsvis stärkte möjligheten att höras. I projektet synliggjordes deltagarnas röster till exempel genom de kreerade flaggorna där fotspår i snön intill flaggstängerna visar att de lockat till sig betrakare. Deltagarna kunde, enligt mig, göra sin röst hörd inför varandra under arbetstillfällena. Likväl även genom det häfte med förslag i text och bild som räcktes över. Den kritiska frågan är dock hur de blev, eller snarare om de blev bekräftade. En förhoppning är dock att projektet bidragit till att deltagarna fått en positiv erfarenhet om att deras röster har betydelse. I uppsatsen diskuteras även deltagarnas önskningar utifrån perspektiven att vara hörd, ålder och konsumtion. Det framkom genom samtalen att flera av deltagarna inte tyckte att politikerna lyssnade på dem men att till exempel rösträtt för barn skulle vara ett sätt att ändra på detta. I de textila bilderna var detta perspektiv inte lika synligt. Ålder har betydelse och ämnet skapade ofta debatt och återfanns både i textilierna och i samtalen. Konsumtion var ett tydligt återkommande tema som gav avtryck både i samtal och i de textila bilderna. Fler klädaffärer för barn och sänkt pris på Happy meal var exempel deltagarna tog upp. Under utställningen kommer mitt designpedagogiska projekt att gestaltas genom en affisch, ett häfte och en videosekvens. Affischen illustrerar viktiga delar i projektet. Videosekvensen visar de fyra flaggorna när de vajar i vinden. Till videoverket återfinns det häfte som räcktes över till politikerna. Genom att kombinera affischen, häftet och videosekvensen lyfter jag fram både innehåll och tillvägagångssätt och låter dessa samverka. / BI

Inkludering av elever i en skola för alla : Utifrån funktionsnedsättningarna ADHD och Aspergers syndrom

Andersson, Ellinor, Månsson, Lizette January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The formalization and realization level in Namibian schools : An investigation of two countryside schools

Herdin, Fanny, Nilsson, Helena January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to find out if there is a gap between the formalization level and the realization level in the Namibian school system. Moreover, our aim is to figure out how we, as visiting teaching students, interpret the relationship between steering documents and the teaching in the classroom. In turn, the aim was used to formulate three different research questions: What can we experience while observing in the class room/at school? What do the interviewed teachers express concerning our asked questions? What are the main differences between the two latest steering documents? The reason why we decided to do a study about the school system in Namibia is because it is a young country, it was proclaimed independent in 1990. Therefore we think it is interesting to study how the school system and its political steering documents have developed over the years. Our theoretical framework includes the concept of curriculum, reconceptualism and cultural issues. Our focal point has been on the following three perspectives, democracy, gender and learner centred education. The method we used in this study is triangulation, in this case analyzing political steering documents, interviewing teachers and other people connected to the school and finally class room observations. The attitudes to the three above mentioned perspectives vary amongst the interviewed personnel This study as come to the conclusion that there is a gap between the formalization level and realization level.

Modersmålsundervisningens existens och förutsättningar : Om samarbetet mellan SO-lärare och modersmålslärare på en skola i södra Stockholm

Huss, Cecilia January 2009 (has links)
This paper aims to examine the mother tongue subject and it´s existence and condition in a school located in the south of Stockholm. I have performed interviews with four teachers about their opinions and attitudes regarding the mother tongue subject in the school were they work. Two of the teachers are teachers in social studies and two of them are teachers in the mother tongue subject. My aim is also to examine whether an interest exists among the teachers to collaborate in between the subjects and what possibilities and conditions such collaboration would have in effect. I have applied a qualitative method based on personal interviews with semi-structured questions as my data acquisition method. I have also performed document studies to strengthen and support the qualitative interviews. The result, based on the interviews, shows that there was no existing collaboration between the teachers at the time of the interviews. All of the teachers said that they are willing to collaborate and that they believe that such collaboration would be profitable

Improving school functioning – the inschool and out of school blend – the Sri Lankan effort

Perera, Wilfred January 2011 (has links)
Sri Lanka’s past, present and future efforts to improve the provision of education are in focus. Decentralization of education is reviewed. Since 1960s when decentralization in education management was initiated schools have been subjected to multiple control by the such layers of management as the provincial ministry, provincial department, zonal office and the division. To reduce role ambiguity clarity in division of roles and functions is needed as well as collaboration among the different layers.  Historical and recent reasons that hinder decentralisation and school autonomy are reviewed. Structural and cultural changes that facilitate the democratisation of school management are proposed. The newest trend in educational decentralisation in the country the Programme on School Improvement (PSI) is a kind of school based management. In PSI, schools are given a degree of autonomy in the areas of planning, teaching-learning process, co-curricular activities, staff development and the maintenance and development of the school plant. PSI enables schools to forge links with local communities through the establishment of a School Development Committees to improve resource mobilization and public accountability, thus creating better learning cultures in schools. The role and functions of the zonal education office are examined. The role of the zone is proposed to provide strategic guidance to the schools and effectively monitor overall performance. The zones have to work with schools and not on schools. The role and the main challenges of the school leaders in the proposed decentralized set-up are also examined and the need for more collaborative partnerships within the school is emphasized. The research further examines the factors that contribute to the institutionalisation of the new organizational innovation and as to how the capacity building institutes can help in transforming the roles of the zonal staff and school leaders.

The uniqueness of knowledge management in small companies : Managing knowledge as an employer strategy for lifelong learning

Villalba, Ernesto January 2006 (has links)
<p>The present study explores the relationship between the ‘knowledge-enabling environment’ and the demand for training using a sample of 18 small private companies providing educational and consultancy services in Sweden. In this way, the dissertation is an exploration of the ways Swedish knowledge-intensive companies manage their knowledge. The 18 companies have participated in a European program for developing employee competence, financed by the European Social Fund. As part of this European-financed program companies have evaluated their business activity and determined their training needs in order to remain competitive. The 18 companies, thus, provide a rare opportunity to explore aspects of the demand for training in small enterprises. </p><p>Knowledge is understood here as both the structure and the content of mental schemas. It is embodied in individuals; it differs from information and data; and it can be tacit or explicit. When looking at organizational processes for managing knowledge, it is important to consider formal organized activities for learning, but also informal learning activities, which constitute the main source for tacit knowledge as well as the conditions in place for knowledge creation, what is here called the ‘knowledge-enabling environment’. It is argued that through knowledge management, companies are indeed implementing strategies for the promotion of lifelong learning.</p><p>Each company in the sample is rather unique in their ‘knowledge-enabling environment’. The exploration of the demand for training shows that the selected companies invest only less than half their perceived training needs. In both sectors the working-environment characteristics that according to the theories reviewed, should promote learning, do not necessarily foster a higher demand for learning, with the exception of information technology. Finally, Also interesting is that employees demand more training if their engagement in informal learning is low.</p>

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